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"Give them an inch and they'll take your smile."

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a character in “The Human Puzzle”, as played by pieluver





{ AGE }




{ Healing }
Lydia has light healing abilities that are primarily time based. She can accelerate the healing process, but her reserves are limited and it takes her about twenty-four hours to regenerate her powers. For full body healing, not focusing on a specific wound, she can speed the healing process by about three days, a bit less depending on the severity and number of wounds. Typically, this power is enough to close most lacerations, and can also reduce swelling and bruising, and leaves and short sensation of good health and happiness around the recipient, due to her ability to balance the body's chemistry, though her power in this area pales greatly in comparison to her brother's power. If she focuses on a single wound, like a broken bone or a deeper wound, she can heal the victim up to one month, but her actions prevent the body from trying to heal the wound on its own, so for serious wounds or broken bones, she requires several sessions to heal the person, or there is a high chance the bone will not set right, or the wound will never heal fully.

Her power level is denoted by her eyes, which at top power are a light violet colour, and as she uses up her power for the day they first lose their red hues, then the cornflower slowly fades into cerulean, then royal blue, then cobalt, then a navy, then grey, then fully black and glassy. She can use her power on more than one recipient, as long as she doesn't fully use her reserve. Things like temporarily balancing body chemistry only take a small amount of power, and cuts and bruises take a bit more, deeper wounds and multiple wounds drain a little more than half her power, and healing internal injuries or broken bones takes her full reserve.

While her power is very limited, she has found that she is more effective on repeat customers, and the calmer she is while exerting her power, the better the results are. She has to have skin to skin contact with the recipient for successful healing, and typically has more success when using her hands and when the site she touches is closer to the site of the wound or in the head or facial region.

{ Weaknesses }
For one thing, Lydia's power is quite limited, and she has only been able to increase her ability a slight amount through practice, so she knows that there is little chance for significant improvement. Also, once her power is completely drained, she becomes more listless and empty, as if a part of her life force has been drained, and the sensation is quite unpleasant for her. She also has to consciously use her power on her own wounds, or they will not heal. Also, once she's drained her power completely, she cannot use it again until she is fully recharged, or it causes her extreme fatigue, nausea, and dizziness, as well as more than halving the effectiveness of her power.

{ Containment }
There has been little reason to prevent Lydia from using her powers, she has no ability to harm anyone, and typically helps anyone who comes to her for healing without hesitation, from her brother to the guards and scientists that she encounters. There are two simple ways to prevent her from using her power to either heal herself, or her brother, other than just asking her not to, because while she would willingly not heal herself to avoid punishment, it would be more difficult for her to restrain herself from healing her brother. The first would be to completely cover her skin so she cannot make contact between herself and the recipient, but that could not prevent her from healing herself. The other is to purposefully cause her or another harm so she drains her power, before she can use it elsewhere.


Lydia has always been soft and delicate, relying on her brother to look out for her. She is kind and timid, always willing to give a word of encouragement and do everything in her power to help others, even at the point of sacrificing herself. She relies on her brother to keep her grounded and remind her that she needs to take care of herself too. She used to be a happy, innocent girl, carefree and at peace with the world, sure that good would always prevail, and while she was on the shy side, she knew her brother was there for her, and would pick her up if she stumbled, and she could do the same for him.

The more things change in Lydia's mind, the more they stay the same. Living in the facility has warped her mind, and her methods of coping are hurting her more than anything else. She has pinned her existence on her brother, only staying alive because he told her that he needed her, and she'd do anything for him, do anything he told her to do. If she lost him, she'd die, because what other purpose is there in her miserable life.

The innocence that once filled her heart is gone too. While still seemingly sweet and childlike, Lydia has become more like a machine, coldly rational, willing to do anything, manipulate anyone, to protect herself and more importantly, keep her and her brother together. While originally she helped the workers in the facility out of the goodness of her heart, when she was still foolish and young, unaware of the full implications of her stay in the facility, she quickly saw that she could make allies, accrue favors, and use her delicate appearance to keep things turned in her favor. But it meant that she couldn't fight at all, which was okay with her, as long as her brother said it was okay.

At this point, she's okay with the fact that she's barely hanging on to life, that having to use her power to frequently so the scientists can study it is causing massive weight loss and has taken a chunk of her personality with it, leaving her mostly empty, her eyes perpetually dull. The only thing that makes her happy anymore is her brother's attempts to cheer her up. She knows that he is hurting and is hiding it from her, and she does her best to keep his spirits up with her power when she can, but she's lost interest in most everything else, though she's good at putting up the facade when she needs to.

Despite all this, in the core of her being, though her spirit has been broken time and time again, she is still a kind, sweet girl, incapable of holding grudges, and willing to help those who are hurting, and though her motives are more twisted than they once were, she still feels some measure of happiness from healing others, because it validates her existence. But she is very close to only viewing herself as a number, an asset, a power, not an individual, worthless except in what she can offer others. Her brother's reassurance used to help her, but lately she's started to lose whats left of her confidence to the void.

{ Passions }
Rezia is the most important thing in her life. He's almost always been there, a steady constant. Even though they've both become more broken as life went on, He's still the reason she continues living. She doesn't know what she'd do without him.

Fantastical, far away worlds, living in someone else's mind, seeing the world from another perspective, Lydia loves reading books, listening to other people tell stories, and telling her own stories.

Lydia likes to make up songs, sing little tunes, the lyrics from Rezia's favorite songs, and sing accompaniment to his violin.

While using her power drains her, there is something cathartic about fixing someone else's wounds. It makes her feel useful, needed, important.

Lydia likes all kinds of little games and puzzles that require her to think through them. They are very logical and predictable, and she enjoys that. They're safe. Logic games and riddles are often a good way to calm her down, especially when separated from Rezia.

{ Dislikes }
Well, naturally, Lydia is adverse to pain. Though she's become more numb to it as the years passed, she still hates being stabbed and cut for the sake of experiments.

Being Separated from Rezia
While she is easily quieted, she often puts up a fuss when separated from her brother. If he's not in her line of sight she becomes very uneasy.

While not fully afraid of the dark, darkness still makes her uncomfortable, and she tends to cling to Rezia when she has to deal with dark environments.

Being a kind soul, Lydia wouldn't wish sadness on even her enemies. She hates to see her brother so sad.

Lydia dislikes things or people who don't make sense, don' act rationally, or don't have an innate sense of logic.

{ Weaknesses }
While kind to a fault, Lydia isn't much of a people person, and has a hard time understanding other people. She likes things that are rational, and has a hard time relating to people who she doesn't perceive as rational. Or anyone other than her brother, really. She's also very timid, and doesn't stand up for herself at all, relying on her brother instead. She lives entirely for her brother's sake, and has no real will to live or do anything beside.

{ Fears }
Losing Rezia
She knows she'd die if she lost Rezia, whether through death or him being taken from her.

Losing her Power
Lydia's personality now revolves around the fact that she has a power, and she fears that she'll be worthless, useless to her brother, without it.

Harming People
Lydia, while she would hurt someone if it came down to that, is terrified that it might become a reality, because in truth she doesn't know if she could live with that weighing on her shoulders.


Lydia is a willowy girl, long and slim, standing at about 5 feet 7 inches, though her once smooth figure now shows obvious signs of stress and malnutrition. She looks a bit like a hollowed out doll. She has large bambi eyes that make her look waifish and immaterial, taking up most of her once full face. She has a gentle, heart shaped face with a delicate chin and full lips that always seem to have teethmarks in them from her nervous habit. Her nose is small and looks straight, but if one touches it, they can feel where it's been broken several times and hastily knit back together.

Long blonde hair wreaths the girl's head, spiraling in soft, mussed curls down to the small of her back and shrouding her face in a corn-silk halo. She usually wears her hair like a curtain, dusting over her eyes and close over her shoulders so it can be used to hide her face at a moment's notice. Her hair also hides her collarbone and shoulders, where the bone protrudes from the thin layer of skin stretched over it, making her meduim-light skin an even paler colour. She had never been particularly curvy, but malnutrition has mostly returned her to a child's figure, her chest is small and her hips are narrow, but her waist is painfully thin. Her arms are also long and thin, and her hands are impossibly small, with dainty, thin rounded nails.

Her eyes are her greatest asset, and her greatest tool, it takes little effort on her part to look like a frightened doe, and her face has settled into that fearful/mournful expression so well that it has become her resting face. Other expressions take their manifestation on her face in small ways, her smiles are tiny, and so are the signals of true distress. Her brother is the only one who can truly read her face and know how she's feeling, and he's also the only one who can make her truly smile anymore.

Oftentimes she is dressed in white dresses or in natural earthy colours, or some combination of both, which adds to the innocent look she strives for and is born by it. Despite her frail body, she still moves with a light grace, pretending to be one of the princesses from her childhood. It helps her keep it all together.

{ Defining Features }
Despite her healing ability, Lydia doesn't have much to spare on keeping her body immaculate, so she usually heals herself until she's stopped bleeding, then leaves the scars, which don't heal on their own, and remain angry red tissue until she attends to them again, which is a rare occurrence. She has many lacerations on her body, from cuts on her forearms to sites of stab wounds and roughly administered needle scars on her upper arms and thighs. Her back is also in a similar state, and there is a certain fragility to her body from bones that were hastily and not completely mended. She has little cares about her appearance, and would much rather spend her healing power on her brother than on herself. Most of her wounds are from testing, not from punishment.

{ Weight }

{ Build }


{ Pair One }
Lydia fears the dark ones, but she respects that they did what they had to keep each other. She worries what will happen if they are put at odds, because while she would do whatever it took to keep her brother alive and safe, she knows she does not match them in strength by a long shot. But on the same coin, thinking of them makes her grateful for her power, that she cannot kill, that, while she is subjected to painful testing, she does not have to kill for her brother, because while she knows she would, she also knows it would tear her apart and in keeping him, she'd lose herself.

{ Pair Two }
Stupid. Lydia finds them stupid, and their lack of rational thought is unsettling and dangerous. They only bring more punishment to themselves, and for what? The testing happens regardless, she can't see why they wouldn't want to keep each other more than their dignity. But she fears them too, for their obviously unpredictable behavior, and she wants nothing to do with them.


{ Ability }
Lydia was born with her ability, though her birth was deliberate, part of a project to create more and stronger healers. She didn't start showing signs of her ability until she was about seven, however. Her ability is an amplified version of that of a mother she never knew.

{ Free Life }
Born into the facility, Lydia knows nothing of the outside world but what she's read in books, though even her reading has been carefully monitored by the scientists. She's never shown much interest in the outside world, assuming that it's really just the same as life inside the facility.

{ Facility Life }
Since she and her brother were young, many of the scientists treated them with kindness. Perhaps it was because they knew that her ability could never hurt anyone, or just because she and her brother were sweet, mild mannered children, a set of little blond cherubs running around the gardens and certain supervised portions of the facility. While Lydia never knew her parents, she assumed that the facility as a whole was her family, and Rezia, of course was her brother, and her only friend. So she grew very close to him.

As they grew older and she started exhibiting her power, she became worried that Rezia wasn't doing it too. They were siblings! They did everything together! She didn't want to leave him behind! She started to really dislike the testing, but everyone always promised her that if she misbehaved then she wouldn't get t stay with Rezia, so she tried her best to always be good. But she couldn't help but notice how now she was always getting warm attention from the scientists, especially when she healed them, and Rezia seemed to be getting the cold shoulder.

However, when he finally showed his power, Lydia started to realize what it meant to have a power in the facility. Gone were the days of sunshine and frolicking outside with her brother and scientists occasionally slipping them candies or little toys. While they were still treated fairly favorably, the testing got worse. She was separated from Rezia and promised that she'd never see him again unless she cooperated. So, even though from that point on the experiments became more painful and invasive, she took them with little complaint, as long as Rezia was okay. And of course, the other occasional gifts that they'd received were nice as well, and most of the scientists treated them fairly kindly. What more could she ask for?



Keane - Somewhere Only We Know

So begins...

Lydia's Story


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Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion Character Portrait: Sam Pravus
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#, as written by Shané

And Damion gave up just as Sam had expected. What other choice did he have? He pushed Lydia away, and the girl just let her weight drag her onto the floor. She made some sort of half-hearted attempt to get to her feet before giving up.

"Fine. Do your worst Sam. I'm not afraid of you"

Sam nodded with a satisfied look at that, waving over the guards to pull another shirt over the guys head. They began to drag Damion past Sam into the elevator. When Damion was safely restrained, Sam pressed the button to send him down. Before the doors had finished closing and without turning around, he finally replied to Damion's earlier words.

"I'll do that for you Damion. You and Ember."

There was the typical metallic click as the elevator doors slid into place and Sam walked over to Lydia to pick her up, carefully scooping her up off the floor with little effort. She was no threat to him in her current state. And truly not much of one when she was well. As he stood waiting for the elevator to return he decided to fill her in on Rezia's current status.

"Your brother is doing well you know." His tone was casual, as though he was merely discussing the weather with the limp form in his arms. "He's much better at concealing his own emotions than Ember. I almost wonder if he has the capacity to go much further than her. Another hand at the facility with his abilities to read peoples true emotions could be quite an asset, don't you think? Perhaps when this is all over I might offer him a job of sorts. Obviously this is entirely reliant on his performance from here on out, but I have the suspicion he might be quite capable to be moulded into what I require. You wouldn't get in the way of that would you Lydia?"

His words had become smooth, but then tapered into a hard edge.

"You just remain as compliant as the past and you and Rezia might just survive this yet."


The corners of Rezia's mouth twitched slightly into a barely discernible smile.


Ember wasn't so sure about that. But she let his statement remain unchallenged.

She needed to get up. For a bit she ignored the thought. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Nevertheless the longer she left it, the more likely Sam would burst in and drag her up himself. Or worse she would end up still seated when Rezia did whatever strange mental link with Sam he was capable of. That decided it.

With a hiss at the sudden, deep protestation from her back she managed to crawl to her feet. Sharp pinpricks of light stabbed into her pounding head at the change of position. She forced her eyes shut, praying the dizzy aura would disappear before she passed out. For once her wish was granted and she was left conscious. Her head pounded from where Sam had struck her earlier, and she reached her hand up to her temple wincing as she felt the swelling and new bruising.

I'll kill him for it. she reminded herself darkly. But the anger had dissipated and now there was only a profound weariness.

The sound of pounding feet echoed from beyond the door. Ember's frame stiffened in preparation before the door was thrown open and Damion was dragged in by a number of guards. His hands had been forced behind his back but he appeared relatively unharmed. Without a second thought Ember stumbled towards him, her thin arms wrapping around his torso, her head buried in his chest.

Then blissful silence. For one silent minute she was left in peace. No guards made a move to touch her. Their job was to see Damion restrained, nothing more. She could feel his heart racing in his ribcage and there had never been any time when she had been more certain than anything in her life. I will try kill him..

"One way or another this will end today." She murmured quietly to him, keeping her eyes firmly shut and trying to hold onto the moment for as long as she could.

The door slammed open again and Sam entered still carrying Lydia. He walked over to Rezia, looking straight past him, standing Lydia partially upright next to him before letting her go forcing Rezia to either carry her weight or let her fall. Then he walked over to Ember and Damion.

He balled his hand into a fist, smiling ruthlessly at Damion before sending it straight into Embers exposed back. She let out a scream of pain and shock, crumpling at his touch and landing in a heap at Damion's feet. The guards tightened their grip on Damion's shoulders as she fell.

Sam wiped the fresh blood off his knuckles on Damion's shirt.

"Before you get too upset at my cruelty, I suggest you look at the handiwork of your witch."

Sam pointed at Whispers remains, the bloody knife hilt protruding from his still form. He then bent down to grab Ember's already bruised wrist to yank her to her feet, showing the girls bloodied hand to Damion.

"I think it is only fair that she pay for her error."

"I didn't-"

Sam ruthlessly cut her off, his hand clamping over her mouth.

"A life for a life Damion. I'm going to have her killed, and I'm letting you have the honours."

Sam smiled thinly while Ember froze, her eyes locking with Damion's in shock.

"I know you won't do it of your own volition, but I can and will be very persuasive. I'll start my methods on you, and if you continue to be stubborn, I'll switch to her. Once she starts begging you for death, perhaps you'll give it to her. In the end it doesn't matter how strong you both are, all I really have to do is to have your hand forced around her neck and wait for the poison to do its job."

Ember had gone rigid. With all her fear safely dragged out of her by Rezia all that was left was roiling, deep anger. New fear was forming at Sam's sick words, but it was nothing compared to the rage he had invoked. She had no illusion, this plan of Sam's was intended to kill them both. She would die physically but Damion would be forced to endure a living death. Her fury turned her eyes a deep, red auburn.

Sam glanced down at her, anticipating the terror he always invoked. Instantly his face became a hard mask. This was not the Ember he had left. He released her before slapping her hard across the face to ensure she would not remain standing.

"Rezia." His voice was a deep growl of displeasure. "What have you done?"

He turned to stare the silver haired youth down.


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Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion Character Portrait: Sam Pravus
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Rezia looked up when the two guards dragged Damion to stand in this little basement area. He saw Sam enter then with his sister. Some of the fear he had taken from Ember roared to the surface and he trembled though he swallowed hard and tried to keep the fear at bay. No. He couldn't be afraid. He was. But he couldn't let it over take him, his fear or Ember's. He had a task to complete and fear was an immobilizer. He bit his tongue hard to focus on the pain instead of the rolling in his body. And Sam wasn't looking at him yet so he thought it safe to let his gaze rest on his sister's broken form.

Rezia reached out when Sam let go of Lydia and caught her in his arms. He pressed her fragile form into his chest and rested his head on top of hers. His grip tightened and he rubbed her arms trying to calm her in some way. He could feel the dark emotions that settled on her. Hold on, baby sister. Things will change. Hopefully for the better, he mused to himself and swallowed hard, the metallic taste of his blood burning his throat. Focus! Focus. Sam was moving. He couldn't keep his gaze down, least his miss his chance.

Vaguely, Rezia was aware that Sam was talking to Ember and Damion, that he had just proclaimed some sort of death sentence.
His hands tightened into fists as he held his sister. The two guards there made him nervous. He was going to be very vulnerable when his eyes locked with Sam. What if the guards got to him before Ember or Damion got to Sam, or himself for that matter, to stop the guards? What if he died and caused Lydia's death with his plan and Sam ended up just fine after all of this was done? He took a breath to quell the fear. He couldn't think about the what-ifs anymore. There was no time. Rezia brought his gaze back to Sam just as the man in question turned away from Damion and Ember and stalked towards him.

Rezia's breath hitched in his throat and he straightened, his eyes widening as the fear laced through him like a current of electricity, threatening to immobilize him or knock him to his knees. He never had Sam's full anger and attention on him before. But in Sam's anger, the man forgot the one rule when it came to dealing with Rezia; don't look into his eyes. The trap had been set and it was so... easy. Rezia's lips turned into a grin, a hint of triumph and maybe even a dark satisfaction flit across his features, taking the fear with it, as he locked Sam in his healing trance. I got you. Rezia mused as soon as he felt Sam's body freeze in his snare. Sam and Rezia both seemed to forget their bodies as their arms went limp. With Rezia in Sam's mind, his arms loosened and dropped to his sides, releasing Lydia from his supportive grip.

Surprise. And Anger. It hit like a freight train. Rezia's gasped as his power and body fell into the natural rhythm of pulling the negatives from the link. As always, he started with the surface emotions but even Sam's present emotions were overwhelming. Sam had so much anger and hatred towards him. Towards all of them. Rezia thought he'd drown in the flow. It was hard to breath under the weight of it. He wasn't sure he was going to be able to hold Sam for long. His eyes began to fade to silver more and more as the connection lasted. The emotions were crushing him, enveloping him, invading him, until all Rezia could feel was that same anger and hatred from every fiber of his being.

The physical taxation might not have been noticeable at first but now blood was trickling from Rezia's nose, his body shaking under the strain. Pain raked his body from every nerve ending but still he didn't look away; wasn't aware of what his body was feeling. It felt like eons but it was really only a matter of seconds. Hell, Ember and Damion might not have even noticed what was happening as the two stared at each other. When Rezia's eyes finally faded to white, all the rage and hatred was pulled away from the tormentor but Rezia wasn't done yet. Rezia had never used the full extent of his power and from the shock of all the emotions, Rezia's power latched onto Sam as it too sought equilibrium. Just as all the emotions had triggered the new skill with Delirium, so too did this onslaught trigger it. Rezia began to laugh in his new found exhilaration just as he had when he'd done it to Katherine. It started as a barely audible sound before it grew louder as Rezia began to slam some of that anger back into Sam's mind and drew the positives into himself. Rezia didn't do it gently. This time, he was in far more control of his power, aware of exactly what he was doing as he began to shred the bastard's sanity. Rezia own pent up anger and hatred for Sam mingled with the overflowing emotions Sam had supplied and Rezia wasn't going to stop, no matter the cost to his physical body. It was time for revenge.

You reap what you sow, Sam. I want you to feel it as I shred your mind. Do you like my new power? You will pay for everything you've put Lydia through. What you made me do to Katherine, what we all had to do for your sick amusement! Whose the obedient one now, begging for mercy? he growled in the man's mind.


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Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion Character Portrait: Sam Pravus
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Damion stood in the elevator awaiting what he assumed to be the end. He was uncomfortably aware of the guards behind him, his hands restrained, their weapons not far from reach. There was nothing he wanted more than to free himself, reduce Sam, and the guards, and everyone that contributed to this nightmare into an unrecognizable puddle on the floor. But one move and he was dead. Ember would be dead. So he turned his head towards the ceiling looking at nothing in particular. Waiting. Just waiting. It felt like an eternity.

When they finally arrived the guards forcibly brought the man out into the open. he could've killed them. Keeping his hands tied met nothing, not when his saliva and his blood was just as deadly as his flesh. But no nothing would work. Nothing ever worked.

Damion was brought back as Ember ran towards him, grabbed him tight . She was there right in front of him, and for once in his life he wanted to pull her closer, hold her tighter, but his hands were bound, his skin fire, his blood death. But he didn't care. he let his head rest on Ember's shoulder, adn this. This was what thy could have in another life, a different world. One where he could touch her, hold her, and keep her safe. No words could escape his lips, so perfect was the moment.

"One way or another this will end today."

What did she mean? For a moment hope flashed within him. did Ember have a plan? Was she going to fight, or was she simply content to die here, together. Damion supposed with a smile that it didn't matter either way they would be together, and that would make him happy.

It was when Sam spoke the color had drained from his face. What had happened to Whispers? Sam couldn't have been telling th truth could he? With apprehension the man looked up and came face to face with what was left of the poor man. Carved up with a knife it had to be ember. Sam forced her to kill him. Damion promised himself that if by some miracle Sam got the justice he deserved and Damion was lucky enough to give him a painful exit it would be just as much for the redheads as it was for himself and the others.

But even that sight paled in comparison to what Sam said next. Sam struck her sending her reeling to the ground and fury filled his vision, he nearly lunged forward were i not for the stranglehold on his shoulders.

"A life for a life Damion. I'm going to have her killed, and I'm letting you have the honours."

Sam wanted him to...... kill Ember? No. No. He couldn't. He wouldn't. his pale skin grew whiter in color, all hope drained from his eyes. He struggled in the guards grip like a trapped animal desperate to be free. Desperate to put distance between himself and his only love. In seconds hundreds of nightmares clawed their way into the forefront of his mind. He had this dream before. It started with his Ember. His beautiful, shinning light, the only thing he knew to be unequivocally good in the world. She was there in his arms and their was silence, and smiling, and peace, and happiness, and all the things deep down he knew he couldn't have. Some nights he swore they were in a furnished apartment somewhere far far away, and he could even hear the distant barking of a small dog he knew just had to be theirs. And they were happy. But then just as the moment seemed it would last forever, their came forward a piercing, dream shattering shriek, and in his hands lay slowly dissolving his Ember. Flesh melting, sinew eaten away. Those were just nightmares but this was real. A shock wave ran thre him and before he realized he let out a scream, of pain, of fear, and of uncertainty.

He didn't do it. Not on purpose, but it happened. He oozed a vile, sickly green substance starting at his shoulders, eating everything away, flesh, binds nothing was spared. Behind him the guards screamed, and Rezia was locking eyes with Sam, he noticed vaguely, but such was the terror of harming Ember he barely even noticed anyone else in the room. Damion went crashing to the floor, shakily falling to his knees. "Ember. No no no no no! I can't hurt her I can't. Please! I'd rather die can't you just take me instead?" His eyes were closed, and turned towards the floor unaware of all that transpired around him.


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Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion Character Portrait: Sam Pravus
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Image Lydia listened, unmoving, to the sound of footsteps coming closer. As they grew too near, she turned her head, expecting to see a guard reaching for her. It wasn't. It was Sam. There wasn't enough time to react before he'd picked her up, fear burning a raw brand in her throat. She didn't want to fall, and didn't trust this man enough to not drop her, so she clung, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt as she trembled against his chest. She felt profoundly uncomfortable, but there was nothing she could do. There was no point in struggling. So she remained still, aside from the tremors, and listened to him talking casually to he. Her mouth turned into a pale, thin line. It wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth it to keep living if that would be their lives. She didn't want to be the carrot, the incentive. She didn't want to watch them turn him into a shadow of himself. But she had seen what had happened to those who dissented verbally. So she just murmured a faint, tremulous "okay."

Sam was...surprisingly gentle when he stood her up beside Rezia, and she gratefully fell against him. His arm was warm and familiar, and she pressed her face against his chest. He rested his chin against the top of her head, and she held him tighter, with both gladness at his presence and fear of what was to come. Though she was still in pain--her back, her palms, her knees, her face--she felt heartened. Whatever happened, Rezia was here. He was okay. She could protect him. She swallowed a faint sound of pain as his hands tightened on her back, pulling at the still raw cuts. She badly needed to rest. What little she had contracted of Damion's poison was still lingering in her body, chewing slowly.

When she heard Sam's voice, with significant displeasure, say Rezia's name, she too tensed, stiffened. But then Rezia stiffened further, and his hands slid off her. He'd...? Lydia pulled back, swaying a little on her feet, and looked up at her brother. Then at Sam. What? What? Somehow, she hadn't thought that possible. Sam had always seemed so invincible, so immutable. Her frantic eyes turned to Ember and Damion. Damion seemed to be melting. The guards behind him were literally melting. She blinked. Useless. They didn't know what was happening. She needed to do something. She needed to help Rezia. Already, already blood was dripping from his nose. This was taking a toll on him.

Like a toddler, her step unsteady and her body trembling, threatening to fold, she hurried for the corpse of Whispers lying crumpled by the wall. She didn't see the body, though. All she saw was the knife. Knives were powerful. She wanted that knife. To protect herself. To protect Rezia. So she approached the corpse, bent down carefully, and grabbed the handle sticking out of the dead man's chest. It was still slick and warm with his blood. Stark red against her too-pale, almost bluish skin. She wiped the handle off on the hem of her dress. That was when Rezia started to laugh, making her jump and twist around, fear vibrating from her body. He was...he was doing whatever it had been to Kathrine. He was doing it again, that twisted mirth scrawled across his features. Lydia straightened, but she just stood there, the knife limp in her hand, staring at Rezia, goosebumps raising in waves across her suddenly too-cold body. She swallowed hard. She did not move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion Character Portrait: Sam Pravus
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#, as written by Shané

Sam struck her across the face and Ember fell like a stone. Time warped and became elongated. For hours she was sure she was stuck in the vice like grip of pain; her face and back screaming at her to stay still. Without thought she obeyed their command her sight flickering in and out of focus. Then Damion's cries split her segmented reality in half. The real world rushed back at her and she was aware of two more voices screaming from behind her.
A strangled gasp tore from her throat as she forced herself up to see Damion prostrate on the ground begging, the two guards behind him becoming mangled, peeling flesh before her eyes.

Laughter. A shudder ran through her body. A laughter she'd heard before. Slowly, simultaneously drawn and repelled she turned towards the sound. Rezia, his eyes draining of colour and blood seeping from his nose, stood frozen with the almost unearthly sound leaking out of his mouth. And Sam. Sam was stock still, eyes locked with Rezia's devoid of emotion, though his face still had the hard lines of a rage he had previously had directed at the silver haired youth. Ember was caught in the shock of the picture before her both disbelieving and yet begging that it might be true. A real picture and not just the delusion of a hope she had almost killed bought back to life.

The glint of metal caught her gaze and there was Lydia; the final person in this strange new reality Ember didn't feel part of. A knife was clutched in the girls bloody hand as she stood like a deer in headlights. There was no movement from any of them and the guards behind her had stopped screaming. Something was wrong, this had to be a trap, or some twisted hallucination. Ember was sure her mind had finally snapped under the strain. Nevertheless desperate need drew her up into a standing position. The pain. That was real. The shreds of her back screaming at her. That was reality. Yet she had to ignore it. Stumbling forward Ember wrenched the knife out of the manikin like figure's hands before picking up speed and twisting around to Sam.

Her heart leapt into her mouth. He's going to kill you. You might as well stab yourself and Damion if you're going to do something this foolish. But she had made her decision and mindlessly her momentum carried her forward, her arm swinging back before plunging forward, burying the knife deep into Sam's stomach. An empty howl ripped out of Sam's throat somehow echoing the depth of his supreme rage. Terrified Ember twisted the knife in deeper, thrusting it upward as the blood poured from the gaping wound. The sound cut off to a gurgle. A second later there was complete silence.

Rezia's temporary healing was completely spent. The horror and fear of the past years took over again and immediately Ember yanked out the knife, tumbling back her whole frame shaking, sure that she would be paid back for this tenfold. As soon as the knife was removed, Sam's shell shuddered and collapsed.

Ember backed herself into the corner of the room, holding the knife out in front of her as though for protection. The rims of her eyes were white and her whole body shook violently, the tip of the blade swinging wildly. She waited for Sam's frame to move, to pick itself off the floor and tear her apart.

It remained still.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion
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Rezia reveled in the feel of ripping apart Sam from his memories, his thoughts, his plans. He felt the fear and anger Sam was feeling, the panic. It only egged Rezia on. He was the one in control now and he liked it. Sam wouldn't be able to stop him, couldn't hurt him. Sam didn't have a whole lot of positive emotions for his power to feed on and the negative was ever present but there was just enough positive to keep him from exhausting himself. That meant he didn't have to break eye contact. He could keep the loop up for as long as he needed and he was having too much fun snapping the man that had been doing this to all of them for years.

But then there was an abrupt end. So locked in Sam's mind, Rezia felt it when the knife slid into Sam's abdomen. Rezia cried out in pain, his own hands rising to his abdomen as if he'd been the one stabbed and even choked when Ember thrust the dagger up. Rezia shut his eyes, shattering the connection as he dropped to his knees panting and gasping as if he'd been drowning. His mind and body were frantic, trying to make sense of the pain and the fact that he wasn't dead from the wound. One hand still pressed against his abdomen, his body shaking violently as the physical strain crashed down on him. Spots of blood dripped to the floor from his nose and he coughed, more blood dripping from his mouth. His head felt like someone was sawing it in half and using a jack hammer on the pieces and his body was alight with fire, all his nerve endings seizing in pain. If that wasn't enough Sam's anger and hatred were still flowing through him like his own. He'd known it was going to happen but even he hadn't realized just how much of it he'd absorb. Slowly at least, the immediate panic of death faded.

Rezia opened his eyes, a light silvery grey but there was no empathy in his gaze. It was cold and hard like the edge of a blade. Sam's frame didn't move, but Rezia did. He wiped the blood from his face but his nose was going to be bloody for a bit. He slowly got to his feet and his jaw clenched through the throbbing and his focus went to Damion who was simpering like a fool. "Shut the fuck up you whimpering little prick. What do you think you'll accomplish with your blubbering? The guards are already dead. Fuck," grumbled and gripped his head and swayed a moment. Rezia looked away from the others and stared at the floor and focused on breathing to try and calm himself. Just the sight of them disgusted him. He almost wanted to kill them off himself. It would be easy to. They were on the same side supposedly. It would be easy to take the knife from Ember and return the favor she gave him earlier and run the blade through her ribs. Focus! He had to keep reminding himself that the hatred he felt wasn't his own. He didn't really want them dead.

"So I am sure there are other guards outside of this room. Any plans on getting the fuck out of this place or do I have to come up with everything?" he bit out in his annoyance. He wondered how long this rage would boil his blood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion
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Image Lydia felt like a limp puppet, the knife loose in her hand the only thing holding her up. And then the knife was gone, leaving her bloody hand cold. Ember had taken it. Screams. She blinked. Sam was crumpled on the floor, twitching as the last of his life sighed out of his body. Dead? She smiled. This was a dream, wasn't it. This was impossible, wasn't it? Sam...dead? They'd all be killed. Maybe they were already dead? She stared at the blood on her hands. On her dress. Maybe they'd been dead for a long time. The smile on her chapped lips hurt. He was dead. She felt so...light. Even if it was all fake, at least it felt good.

Rezia's harsh voice cut through her daze, leaving her blinking, no longer suspended in one place. The guards. Her mind buzzed. Her eyes fixed on Rezia, ignoring Damion's rejoicing. Oh, poor Rezia. He'd been through so much. They'd all been through a lot, but he'd probably taken more than anyone else. He didn't deserve that.

Damion was speaking, talking through the beginnings of a plan. He revealed that he was feeling weary. That wasn't good. They didn't have a chance if they didn't have the raw ability to destroy the things in their way. But this was only the barest idealization of a plan. Ifs and assumptions. They needed something concrete. So she did what she did best. She started talking.

"Rezia," she murmured, her legs unsteady under her as she walked towards him. "We need to arm ourselves. Guns are stronger than any of us, especially after...everything." She blinked slowly. Her eyes cut to Damion for a moment. " If we can...not melt some guards, maybe we can take their protective gear too. We'll probably need security clearance cards to get through some of the doors. If they don't go into lockdown before we can make any headway, that is." Her brain still felt soft and disoriented, but there was a problem to focus on, something logical, something sane, she could at least center on that. "We can't leave anyone who sees us alive to alert the rest of the compound, or we'll be squished like bugs."

Then she sighed softly, reaching out for Rezia's arm, needing to support herself. As long as she thought about these things from a logical standpoint, she wouldn't melt down. Everything would be fine. She tried to push calm, serene emotions towards Rezia. Everything would be okay. "First, we need to see if there is anything useful down here. When we move out, we should see if we can trap one of the guards alive and get directions out of him before we dispose of him." They did have two bonafide torturers in their midst. Speaking of which. Ember was hunched strangely. Sacrifices had to be made.

"You're injured," she told Ember blandly. "You need this more than I do." She held out her hand, moving away from Rezia a little, towards Ember. What little healing she'd regenerated needed to go towards their strength, their ability to fight. Ember, Not herself. It wouldn't do much, but it was better than nothing, right?

"I'm a liability," she said. " If it comes to it, I can serve as a distraction so you all can escape." In a game of chess, sometimes the pawns had to be sacrificed to protect the stronger pieces. The more of them that could escape, the better. It made sense.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Shané

Sam spoke. Ember was sure of it for a second. The hatred, the rage and power that came from Rezias mouth mimicked the past demons spirit. Her mouth went dry. If she thought she suffered when Sam had been in the natural state how much more would she and Damion pay now that his spirit knew how she had struck out at him.

Then the next sentence fell out of Rezias mouth. The underlying anger was still there, but this was Rezia speaking. His purpose escape. Ember felt her body shudder in a mixture of relief and release of pent up tension. Had she really done this? Or was this another all to vivid illusion that would melt away to reveal her much crueller reality? Either way, she might as well play along, even if only to prolong the eventual agony of waking up again.

Dimly she realised Damion was celebrating. With effort she dragged her gaze over to him, her previous terror being replaced by a blank expression. It was hard to find the energy to react. He waltzed over to her then procuring some dramatic speech of how he'd take on the entirety of Sam's legion of guards by himself and never let them hurt her again. Despite herself Ember found a wry smile creeping over her face. She knew he meant it. Every word. This had always been Damion, even when they'd shared the cell beside each other he'd come up with passionate monologues on how someday they might get out and how he'd manage it. But this was the first time she had even the slightest belief that any of it would stoke more than just distraction.

"I promise."

His eyes were ablaze this time with real hope.

"I believe you." The words came out as a murmur, but there was no doubt that she meant it.

Suddenly she realised Lydia had been talking, and it appeared it might be important. Something about getting what they needed from here and getting information. Oh, I'll manage that all right Ember thought dryly to herself. She started to get up to act on these new found plans, when the movement split open the wounds on her back again. She cried out before squeezing her eyes shut as the room swam and pinpricks of light cut out what was left of her vision.

"You're injured…" No kidding Lydia. "You need this more than I do."

Ember's eyes flew open as Lydia reached out to her, evidently intending to mend whatever she could of the tatters left on her back. The girl outlined herself as a liability. Perhaps. Ember couldn't deny the logic of that. However somehow the idea of leaving this one to get out seemed to awake the old Ember, even if only slightly. The hope that the lifeless Sam had bought and Damion's chivalrous promises no longer seemed to fit with the persona Ember had forced herself to correct. In some inexplicable way she felt sure that one more selfish acting causing another death would send her spiralling into the darkness that she had danced at the edge of for too many years. This time something told her she wouldn't be able to pull herself out of it if she allowed that to happen.

"We're all getting out." She hissed the words firmly through clenched teeth.

"I'll take as many knives as I can with me. I know I can do better aiming with them then a gun. Never held one of those machines."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Damion
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Rezia rolled his eyes at Damion's rejoicing and monologue towards Ember. He was wasting time. Besides, wasn't it a bit early to count their chickens? They still had a lot of hurdles to jump through. They didn't need heroics, just an actual plan to get out. Now that the biggest obstacle was gone, Rezia felt the desire to feel the air of freedom; feel the sun on his skin and know everything now rested on his decisions. Even if it meant dying, he would die free. He held onto that hope that now burned with new energy and tried to use it as a balm for the anger and hatred he felt beneath the surface.

He used his sleeve to staunch the blood from his nose and occasionally from his mouth as he listened to his sister's words. His hands tightened when she once again belittled her own life in the favor of helping Ember. Didn't she understand that all of this shit he did was for her? How could he justify anything if she would ask to be left behind? She wasn't a liability. She was everything. If she died or was left behind, those open doors of freedom would mean nothing. They were a team. Twins. They weren't supposed to be separate. How could he even think of a life without his sister? Of anyone here, she deserved freedom. She gave and gave and gave to people. She was selfless and good and pure. Even when the pressure had gotten too much, she held true to herself where he had fallen into the darkness. She was the last bit of good in his life. Did she really not see it? He didn't have anyone else, nor did he hope to ever have something like what Ember and Damion had. He was too broken for that and eye contact was almost always a one way ticket to taking away emotions from others. He would not risk a relationship.

Even as Ember told Lidia she was not a liability, Rezia tugged his sister back and away from her. He was not going to lose his sister and he knew her well enough that he knew she'd try and find a way to heal Ember anyway. He wasn't going to let it happen. When he was sure his sister wasn't going to topple over, he walked back to Sam's still body and started to search his person. He pulled out an ID card and a white badge he assumed would be the door key. He waved them in the air so the others could see them as he continued to search for anything useful. Sam didn't have much on him beside the badges. He stood up then, hands stained with blood and wiped them on his dark clothing so he'd attract less attention.

"I am sure Sam's key card will have more access than security guards. If we can find a map of the area outside of the facility, that will be useful too. I am sure none of us have been outside and I would hate to run into a canyon or something" he grumbled. Then he went back to his sister's side and placed a hand on her arm both as a support for her and to control her motions. He wasn't sure if it was him or 'Sam' that made him do it. He just didn't want her to fall behind or get any selfless ideas of running down a corridor or something to draw people away from the main group. "Let's get out of here." he announced then as he headed for the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lydia Character Portrait: Ember Character Portrait: Rezia Character Portrait: Whispers Character Portrait: Sarah Winters Character Portrait: Damion
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Haas33


Sarah felt her control slipping as soon as everyone began to leave. She was given a firm order to wait with Delirium in case there were any tricks being played between Delirium and Rezia and that she actually wasn't dead. Sam likely thought Delirium was now a puppet when in reality the girl was dead in her arms. She was about to tell the guard as much when a small voice in her head just told her to stay silent and wait.

So Sarah did. She sat alone with this dead girl. A girl she didn't know but also felt like she did. And that was where Sam had made his mistake.

Being alone "guarding" the dead body of Katherine made everything come back in waves. That fog and that mask that had been built up brick by brick over the years was tumbling. Seeing the destruction and the pure unnecessary violence that had surmounted in Katherine’s death blasted through her shield of not knowing. Who she was, where she was, and that she had not been in control for a very long time. Her mind had been broken so thoroughly since the years Stephen had thought her dead that she had never shown any signs of remembering her life, and the idea that all these processes were wrong. Hatred cut through her, strong fierce, like a wildfire. She had not felt such an emotion for a while. It was all for Sam, for the people who had done this to her. Who had made her look at her brother without recognition the first time she saw him again.

The fog was lifting, so Sarah left Katherine where she was, closing her eyes, and walked to the elevator. She went to press the button but a headache began to form, her vision going foggy. Was it the chip he had implanted? Did Sam already recognize her defiance and was trying to prevent her from helping the others? Maybe he'd always put perimeter checks on her chip in case she ever broke the fog. She tried again simply lifting her hand to the button, but her arm was too weak. She vomited promptly on the floor.

Sarah sat down, nearly passing out, and pulled herself back from the elevator doors. Almost instantly all her strength came back and the pain in her head subsided. She was about to wait there defeated when she felt such raw anger and pain strike her mentally. Sarah recoiled, partially confused. No one was near enough to her to be pressing their emotions on her. Usually she had to be at least in the same room to actively feel someone else's thoughts without searching for them herself. Otherwise she has to specifically look into people's minds, and even that doesn't have a far reach.

Sarah reached out blindly with her mind and found a tether to Stephen reaching out to her. She pulled on it and instantly she was in his mind in his thoughts. Even so far below her, she could connect with at least him, her brother. He was angry, and in so much pain. Resilient, rebellious. And... dying. Her brother was dying.

Sarah jumped up and launched herself at the elevator button, instantly the waves of nausea weakness and pain brought her to a blinding stop. She could barely even see. She was paralyzed, shaking and in pain almost near collapse. The button a fingertip out of reach. Again she felt pain from Stephen radiate into her. His last few heartbeats. He was dying, he was planning on dying. Sarah cried out, fighting the insufferable chip in her head, the pain could not stop her. She moved her frozen muscles, her body rejecting every inch she moved her arm.

As she finally, finally had her finger on the button, Stephen's thoughts went dead. Silent. He was gone, and she was too late.

Sarah exploded. Her entire fist slammed into the button, her body lurching forward. The chip had given up, shorted out, no longer able to keep up with her resilience. The elevator door opened with a mocking ding!

Sarah entered, Sarah descended. She was going from room to room, each of Sam’s usual places of torture and deceit, taking much longer than she would have liked. She didn’t care now, Stephen was dead. She was just coming to save all who were left, caught in Sam’s game. She schooled her face into emotionless disinterest each time she passed a guard. She had security clearance to be down here, even had a key to get around that had been tucked into one of her boots alongside one of her knives. Just merely Sam’s pet, being called to her master. She finally after much searching felt the minds of the group she was looking for huddled together behind another closed door. She readied herself, pulling out one of said knives.

She swung open the door, revealing a dead Sam on the floor and four people standing ready to leave.

Sarah dropped to her knees, the knife clattering on the floor, and wept.