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The Iron Serpent Army

The Iron Serpent Army


Join Hellbound Company of the Iron Serpent Army of Astermis, a fictional nation on the brink of war with two major powers in a Fantasy/Steampunk universe.

2,081 readers have visited The Iron Serpent Army since Jacker created it.


Important Note: As a few people seem to have asked this, the roleplay won't be taking place anywhere but here :).

Basically, this universe is part fantasy (and slightly medieval in some areas of Rallas, more on Rallas later), part steampunk, part Psuedo-Science of the early 20th century, part 18-19th century, and part the imagination of late 19th and early 20th century writers and filmmakers such as HG Wells, and part crazy-ass shit I've created on my own. I posted a similar thing to this a few days ago but due to a lack of interest in chatroom roleplay I've decided to go for a more contemporary style.

Members of the Iron Serpent army use a variety of weapons include guns, crossbows, bows, ext. Some use magic in conjunction with these weapons or on its own as well. Their technology is a bit behind Railous, one of the nations they are bound to fight. Guns in this universe aren't too powerful so some can get away with wearing heavy army so they can use their swords in battle. Basically, at the start of the roleplay Astermis is on the brink of war with two major powers and Hellbound company has been moved to the Southwest of Astermis. The 200 strong unit has begun intensive training in preparation for the inevitable war.

The Great Sphere

In the beginning, there was nothing. Then, a small speck of matter appeared out of nowhere to give birth to the first universe, a realm of chaotic and spontaneously spawning energies. These energies existed in multiple dimensions. Eventually, these energies budded off from the main universe to spawn more universe, independent of the first and each other except in some areas of high gravity where space would 'fold' into the first. These universes aren't further or closer to each other in any way human words can describe. It's best to picture these universes as sheets of paper wrapped around a ball, the ball being the realm of chaotic energy.

All of these universes held the same physical laws of each other, but differed in both their expansion rates and rate of time. In some universes time would move quicker than others. As the universes expanded they would push themselves further to the surface of the 'paper ball.', thus becoming 'further' away from the realm of chaotic energy. Expansion rate and time are not proportional. This is important because the further away from the home universe other universes are, the less energy from the chaotic realm will leak into them; energy that can be harnessed by certain elements. When universes expand, all matter inside of it decays and eventually the universe dies and evaporates into nothing.

Since the chaotic realm only spawns a new universe every once in terms of our time, there are usually only a certain number of universes in existence within the sphere at any time. Advanced beings in older universes with an understanding of the sphere usually guestimate the number of universes at any given time to be only ten habitable with about only a hundred solar systems per galaxy capable of supporting life. Furthermore, the amount of energy in the chaotic energy universe is slowly decaying and the amount of universes in existence at a time will eventually decrease; eventually no more universes will spawn at all. This time may be somewhat close.

Planet Rallas

Planet Rallas

Planet Rallas exists in one of the outer arms of a vast spiral galaxy. It is the third planet from the sun in a system of nine planets and happens to be one of the only two planets in the system capable of supporting life. Planet Rallas' universe is relatively 'small' compared to others when it comes to how far its expanded but it is older in time than many. Time is quicker there than in our own universe, though it seems to go along regularly within it.

The planet itself is around 6.8 billion years old. However, intelligent life only began to show up more recently. Intelligence is not limited to one species, as there are multiple races living on the planet who either evolved or came from... elsewhere. Most of these species are capable of using magic, the Vila, Silvari and Lunari Elves (Not sure if Dark Espadon is cool with me stealing what I believe is their lore but if they have any objections I'll gladly take it down) being the most likely to use it (though they are only a few examples of the many races on Rallas). Magical energies are said to come from multiple sources, though the truth about how magic truly works is unknown.

As for Geography, Rallas is about the size of Earth. It has one super-continent and small scattered islands surrounding it. Because of the size of the sea super-hurricanes occasionally kick up, massive storms with Category 6 wind speeds, thus sea travel is relatively risky. The climate is fairly close to Earth's, with an average temperature of 75F. It has hot deserts, lush forests, and tundra.

Magic and Technology

Unfortunately, learning how to use advanced magic can take a lifetime, and even basic magic can take years for some, though many are more adapt at it than others. Though magic is still common and practical, many have found technology to be as if not more useful than it as it can be used by most more easily. Some cultures have such a love for technology and are so scientifically/religious oriented magic is often shunned. In some nations magic users are even actively hunted. The most common people to use a mix of technology and magic are the Humans and Solari Elves. Those most likely to use technology solely are the Orcs, Wendigo, and Rallans (a naturally stronger species of humans with glowing blue eyes)

The level of technology ranges from that of the 1100-1910, some fields overtaking others. Steam powered logging machines, tanks, trains, and zeppelins are all common in more technologically oriented nations. However, magic is often used in conjunction with technology. Fire Mages can be found on trains burning coal to power it for instance. Most weaponry is still in the early 1700's. Guns (on the level of muskets and fairly innacurate) and cannons are generally used by advanced armies but crossbows, swords, and even bows are still found en masse mixed in the ranks of advanced armies and used as primary weapons in less advanced armies. The reason for these weapons not being inadequate is that armor capable of providing full-body protection from arrows is fairly rare and expensive. Most infantry regiments who use firearms wear leather armor capable of being penetrated in several places. These do not provide any protection for the head. The most advanced nations are up to the 1900s in weapon technology. A prototype machine gun has been developed by the leading Rallan nation, Cimmeria.

Dragna, the most advanced city on the planet. Built mostly by Rallans.


The roleplay will primarily take place in Astermis, a nation ruled by a collective of individuals representing thirty-six individual provinces. However, rumors often spring out about there being a sole ruler pulling the strings. Though generally these individuals stay and govern within their home province, every month and on emergency sessions they travel to the capital city to pass/veto federal laws. Each province may set its own laws and rules, though none may go outside of the bounds of the constitution or federal law book. As mentioned earlier, the nation is communist.

Everyone works towards the good of the state, and therefore themselves by doing whatever it is they can do best. Before turning 16, most in the nation choose what it is they are the most practical at before entering their line of work. Those who prove adapt at passing tests to continue on to more advanced lines of work are sent to specialized schools for it. Those who have 'harder' jobs are provided comforts designed to neutralize the stress, though generally everyone lives the same. To compensate for having little reward for hard work, the society is very honor-driven. Doctors, Generals, Blacksmiths, and others are given a high amount of respect. A high amount of respect trickles onto the family, who are respected as well. This honor can last for generations. There is a small unit of currency added as a 'bonus' for working longer hours than necessary in order to buy small comforts such as extra beery, ext. However, all jobs give the same amount of currency when one works overtime.

Though this style of government is not new at all, it is still one of the most heavily contested. Rebellions spring up at timely rate and are quelled by the state's fairly powerful military consisting mainly of infantry units armed with an assortment of firearms, swords, bows, and arrows. The nation does have a few Zeppelins and War Machines bought from an ally, however.

Magic use Astermis is permitted, however many citizens are openly hostile towards anyone using it. Those against it cite a variety reason, including religious ones as well as even scientific reasons; new studies into using most types of magic have "revealed previously undiscovered health risks including increases the chances of developing Rapid Cell Multiosis (cancer)." Of course, many people are just jelly of those stylin on their non-magical asses, yo. Even-so, many tolerate it or even embrace it. It's estimated around 6.2% of all Astermians can use magic.

As for demographics, the nation is mostly human though there are a variety of other races in it from all over the world, be them permanent or otherwise.

The Current Situation

Current Date: September --, 2453 AGF (After the Great Fire)

Astermis is currently feeling a bit of social turmoil as liberal reforms are currently being questioned within the government such as the child labor laws which outlawed the practice twenty or so years ago. These laws are due to a sudden and unprovoked air and land blockade set up by the nations Talclair and Railous, Silvari/Lunari and Rallos nations respectively. These blockades have prevented a flow of critical goods from Astermis' allied nations. The Railans seem to be content with holding their lines, but the Silvari/Dark Elven nations have already begun pushing into Astermis territory and border conflicts have sprout up everywhere. Astermis is doing all it can to prevent a war. However, the public is in the dark over what exactly the Railans and Talclair want as the demands of the two nations have not been released to them.

Because war may be imminent, measures are already being taken to prepare Astermis' defense. Army recruitment and training have increased and towns in all provinces have begun to busy themselves arming and training their militia as well as constructing defensive fortifications. Meanwhile, rumors abound about strange vehicles roaming through the countryside accompanied by unknown soldiers.

Map of Rallas (WIP) :). It will grow and look better as I learn more about photoshop and more lore is created.

You can read and create Lore on our forums located here. No worries if you don't want to register, you can still read it if you want. However, if you want to guarantee your nation will be on the official map if you create one you will need it to be on the forums.

Toggle Rules


1. No metagaming.
2. No godmodding.
3. Fight fairly.
4. Roleplay logically.
5. Take it seriously, but no so seriously you're not having fun :).
6. Creating lore is fine, but if it doesn't fit the world I may ask you to change it. To make sure your lore is fine post on our forums in the suggestion section.

Character Rules and Guidelines

Image: (Optional)
Theme Song: (Optional)
Current Location:
Alignment: (Optional)
Attributes: (Reflexes, strength, ext.)
Magic Known: (Can learn more over time)
Items Carried: (Keep it simple)

As a general rule of thumb, I'm fine with most characters as long as they don't adhere to a few certain principles.

Characters I do not like:

1. Characters that are way too powerful. I really hate when a cool roleplay is going on and some wannabe badass comes up and starts fixing all the problems with his sword/superpowers. No. Characters that make other character inadaquet are not allowed. Watch yourself if your making a magic char for these tend to be the ones who break this rule. However, characters carrying around THE SUPER COOL GUN (a powerful item) can tend to break the rule as well.

2. Characters who are good at everything. I do not want to see a master fighter/logger/negotiator/leader in town at any time unless it's some sort of event character. You can be a master at one thing (though that's discourages cus it could lead to breaking rule #1), but not all things. That's silly and makes.. oh my god full circle... other characters look inadequate, aka, not have a purpose. (Rule #1)


I want to say right off the bat that if I see everyone having characters that's not going to make me happy. Only roleplay a magical char if you completely understand the meaning of balance. Using magic needs to have drawbacks. A magical attack, for instance, should take longer to summon and harder to control than firing a gun. It should also take a lot out of someone to use magic. They should have to eat more, sleep more. They should be tired out after even using it one time and not able to use it for a few minutes. Magic should also take concentration to use, and if that concentration is disrupted by very potent emotions or say... a knife wound, than magic shouldn't work any longer.


Anyway, now that I'm done ranting..., if you need help creating a character.

1. Look through the lore page for inspiritation.
2. Read the intro.
3. Don't do any of the shit above.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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#, as written by Jacker
It was funny, really. Out of all the commands they could have given her, commands that could have taken advantage of her considerable combat prowess and tactical abilities, they give her a company filled with greenhorns just waiting to have their wings clipped on the battlefield. Fools, that's what the brass was filled with; damned racist fools. They probably passed up the command to the company she so admired; Easy Company, to some General's idiot human or worse, Silvari son. Instead of that glorious command, she was stuck with Hellbound company, a very fitting name considering they would all be bound for that place if her troops didn't start shaping up.

They were a mess. A quarter of them were late to morning inspection and nobody could seem to stand still in rank. These weren't soldiers, they were fucking civilians... well.. most of them. They probably were all spooked by the big bad blockade and wanted to make a difference. Apparently, high command was spooked by the blockade as well, for these soldiers seemed to have only spent a month in training. Normally, training would take three months. She guessed this was to get them to the front lines more quickly. Now, here they all were at her command post and makeshift army camp in Southwestern Astermis without what they all needed. Because of this, those wanting to make a difference would probably only end up making a numerical difference in the casualty statistics. This left it up to her to whip them into shape before battle would begin. Luckily, she had just the training ground she would need to speed things along..

"Don't you think it's a bit... inhumane?" Her good friend Lieutenant Sully asked, always persistent in his morality checks.

Linera merely rolled her eyes at this. "A team is only a strong as the weakest player. The weak need to be singled out and so do the strong. This exercise will help us do that."

"Yes... but someone could be injured or wor-"

"It's a risk I am willing to take." Linera interjected. "I want to see how they perform in a life or death situation. I also want to see how well they can think on their feet. They'll be alright... most of them."

Linera had decided that the woods to the East would make an excellent place for an all-day run. It was simple, they run to a certain spot on the far end of the forest and than run back. She told them that if they make the trek by midnight they would be rewarded. She also told them to run with their weapons in order to build up their leg strength. However, what she 'forgot' to mention is that these woods were under a curse brought upon long ago by an insane necromancer and that they were once a place where many suicides took place. Consequently, they were filled with the undead at night. Fast undead. She wondered how many would make it back alive.


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#, as written by Ureshic
Ureshic looked around the lands of eastern Astermis with a small frown, the time he spent here would be remember as would the few people that decided to talk to him. With a nod he turned around to walk off in the direction of a locomotive that was taking on his current division. His gaze slowly shifted to the ground and he finally smiled to himself smugly.

"Hey Ureshic!" called a voice from behind him.

Ureshic blinked, surprise illuminated his face for a split second as his head snapped up. He looked over his shoulder, his normal mask of indifference present once more, as he spotted someone running at him. "Oh. . . Hey there, Higura. You need something?"

Higura, a woman of average build, shook her head. Her golden hair swished smoothly with the motion, "No, but thank you for asking. I just wanted to see you off and wish you luck."

Ureshic bowed his head, allowing for a polite smile to spread across his face. "Right, well thanks for the wishes, Private Higura." Ureshic adjusted his rifle before looking back to the zeppelin, "Well, I better get going, can't have them leaving without me. Bye, Higura" He continued walking to the large metal monstrosity, boots crunching into the ground softly with each step.

"Bye Ure! Don't get dead, okay?" called Higura as he walked onto the steam powered train. Without turning around he waved a hand over his shoulder before the doors of the train slammed shut and the machinery roared into life. Looking around the cart, he nodded to his fellow soldiers or to those that made eye contact with him. He sighed quietly, his eyes taking in the everything as he looked over the space. "The back as usual?" he mumbled to himself before walking off toward the far end of the cart. He shrugged off his rifle, the clockwork gun sliding into his hand just so he could place it in the corner where it was inside of his reach. For a moment, Ureshic's focus slipped to the landscape that flew by. "Off to a new location, a new set of faces," he said to himself, "and set of superiors to get used to. South Astermis." He crossed his arms over his chest and slipped off into a light sleep as the train rocketed off towards the Blockade.


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#, as written by Jacker
Private Allen Reeves

Oh what a lovely day for a jog. Despite the fact that his mean commander, Linera Windsomething didn't seem to like him too much for being late in the morning's lineup, Allen Reeves wasn't about to let that get him down. As he ran along the length of the world his mind entered a world of his own, filled with fantasies galore. To him this simple run was something of an epic, for their training here may eventually give him the energy he needed to outrun an enemy soldier one day. Everything that anyone does is the piece of the bigger picture, right? So while he ran famous Rallan and Astermis' overtures played through his head to accompany the epicness of the one moment. It was wonderful.

His fellow soldiers seemed to grow tired two hours into the march. A few fell out of line and were told by the higher ranking officers accompanying them to buck it up or fall back to the camp. They knew better than to do the latter, for if they did they'd be forever labeled as pussies. That was a title nobody wanted to gain. Ryan noticed he was drawing near his threshold of how much he could take around 11PM, but chose to let himself drift into his own head again in order to ignore his aching leg muscles. Still, he found his own fantasy world to be inadequet for ignoring his aches, and chose to make conversation with something. With the brightest smile he could muster he turned his head to the man besides him and in a friendly tone said, "Hi, I'm Allen."


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"Greenskins without guts, a leader with no heart and little to no modern equipment among the ranks... This is bound to end in disaster." Mr. Lovegroove said to himself as he watched the new recruits force themselves around the grassy plains in light jog, already tired after only two hours of light march.

When he received the letter of instructions to act as overseer and strategist over a legion of recruits he had expected volunteers, mercs or at least few with experience on their hands, but no. Local levy with neither muscle, morale, not even basic training at their hands flooded the ranks instead. Pathetic.
It was quantity over quality here, and Lovegroove hated it, especially as he would probably suffer the most from it.

For the moment he was standing alone on high ground looking over the young ones. Lovegroove had been familiarising with the area when he saw the marching men in the distance. He had yet to meet his general, or, anyone else for that manner, so he might as well introdice himself to whomever leads this force at the time.

The marching men were now only a few houndred metres from where he stood on top of the hill.
In the front row he could see a young woman with a bow on her back. She wore enough buttons and medals to be a part of command, so the young spec-ops member approached her with heavy steps as they came up the hill.


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#, as written by Ureshic
Ureshic awoke with a start, the train was just pulling into his stop, Must remember to thank me psyche later, he thought to himself. He streched out his arms as far as they would go before he plucked his trusty clockwork rifle from it's corner. He looked around the cart again as he piled into the isle before it could flood with others trying to abandon the stopped train. As he got off the train, he blinked wildly, his eyes trying to focus in the bright light, "Well, this is pleasant." He grumbled under his breath, but rather than continue his complaining, he walked off in the direction of the other soldiers around him.

When he reached the section of the Iron Serpents, a loud man called, "Name and rank."
Ureshic blinked, he wasn't used to be put on the spot so much, "Corporal Ureshic Delatour, sir."
"Right, follow the rest in and get situated, you'll be called out when needed," grunted the graying man. Ureshic bowed his head and headed off to the bunks.


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#, as written by Jacker
Linera stood upon a lonely grassy hill overlooking her soldiers as they jogged along the open plains towards the woodlands. It was still the afternoon so she could still see them pretty well. She was so focused on them she didn't even notice when someone approached her from the side. She pivoted, finally noticing the figure when it was about ten feet away. She placed a hand on the rim of her bow while doing so, though she resisted the instinct to draw it.

She withdrew the hand when she noticed the figure seemed human enough, wearing a trench-coat and gas mask.


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As Lovegroove approached the woman he compared her in his head to the description his commissioner had given him of the general of the army. A woman, elvish, presumably Solari, young looking, blue hair.
"Yep, perfect match", he thought to himself as he did a typical Rallan salute.

"Colonel Linera Winkwaker, i presume?" He said as politely as he could. "I've been looking for you"


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#, as written by Jacker
Linera Windwalker cocked a long elven eyebrow upwards after studying the odd young man before him. She had not seen many using gas-masks before in the army, though perhaps he was simply getting used to it. The Rallans were enjoying new forms of warfare brought upon by their wicked alchemists. Rumors of a new type of weapon called mustard gas had been heard of far and wide.

"Yes, you've found her." She said somewhat nonchantly. "Who may you be?"


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Character Portrait: Colonel Linera Windwalker
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#, as written by Jacker


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"My name is Vladimir Lovegroove,from the Rallan Spec-ops." He said mechanically as he tapped a small insignia on his chest. "Third spec-ops regiment. Ralla" It said on the gold and silver medallion.

"They've asked me to oversee scouting operations and lead the light infantry regiments, I do hope you have been informed of this, General." He said in a more human manner as he reached into his inner pocket and picked out a signed contract.
It was a typical commissioning from the army base, signed by the provincial commander among others. What stood there was identical to what he had said just a minute ago.


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#, as written by Jacker


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#, as written by Jacker
The Colonel through the young man a confused glance. Obviously, he was very new to this sector.

She chuckled slightly, "Unfortunately, there's no general in this sector. I am of the rank of Colonel." She took the papers from the man and scanned over them tersley, "These papers appear to be authentic. Very well, welcome to Hellbound Company, soldier."


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Lovegroove was silent for a while, under the mask he had become slightly red, ashamed of his obvious misconception.

"Forgive my misentitling, colonel." He said after a few seconds of silence. "I'm pretty new in here, so please have patience with me."
He took the papers and put them back in his inner pocket.
"Well... Do you have any orders for me, colonel? Or am i free for the moment?"


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#, as written by Jacker
"Keep an eye on those in training. They are supposed to run for twenty-four hours today with only a fifteen minute break every two hours. Keep a mental note of those who give up and send them back to camp. They won't be having supper tonight."


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"Phah! I like the way you think colonel!"
He made a dismissive salute and set of towards the men which had almost vanished behind another hill.
"Pain is weakness leaving the body, and they have a lot of weakness..."

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Character Portrait: Marique Blackflower
0 sightings Marique Blackflower played by LuckyNumber24
"If you harm the thing you were born to protect, what is your purpose?"

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Colonel Linera Windwalker
Character Portrait: Corporal Ureshic Delatour
Character Portrait: Private Allen Reeves
Character Portrait: The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove


Character Portrait: The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove
The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove

"Hear the loud alarum bells, brazen bells!"

Character Portrait: Private Allen Reeves
Private Allen Reeves

"Ooooh, the sunset makes the battlefield seem so beautiful."

Character Portrait: Corporal Ureshic Delatour
Corporal Ureshic Delatour

"Deep breath in, hold, and squeeze the trigger."

Character Portrait: Colonel Linera Windwalker
Colonel Linera Windwalker

"They will learn quickly or die trying."


Character Portrait: Private Allen Reeves
Private Allen Reeves

"Ooooh, the sunset makes the battlefield seem so beautiful."

Character Portrait: Colonel Linera Windwalker
Colonel Linera Windwalker

"They will learn quickly or die trying."

Character Portrait: Corporal Ureshic Delatour
Corporal Ureshic Delatour

"Deep breath in, hold, and squeeze the trigger."

Character Portrait: The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove
The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove

"Hear the loud alarum bells, brazen bells!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Colonel Linera Windwalker
Colonel Linera Windwalker

"They will learn quickly or die trying."

Character Portrait: Corporal Ureshic Delatour
Corporal Ureshic Delatour

"Deep breath in, hold, and squeeze the trigger."

Character Portrait: The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove
The Ubiquotus Mr. Lovegoove

"Hear the loud alarum bells, brazen bells!"

Character Portrait: Private Allen Reeves
Private Allen Reeves

"Ooooh, the sunset makes the battlefield seem so beautiful."

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Re: [OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

Hi, the forums are just a repository of knowledge. Also, feel free to be as creative as you want with magic, I just don't want people who use it to overshadow those who don't.

Re: [OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

I'm interested in joining, but I was wondering about the site linked in the intro. Is the actual RP taking place there, or is it just a repository of info?

Anyways, I'll look into making a character once I've sifted through some of the extra lore. It feels sort of restrictive on the note of magic, but I think I can find a work-around.

Re: [OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

Hi, I'll add a character skeleton in in a tic :). Thanks everyone for your interest in this!

Re: [OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

Seems legit. I'm in.

EDIT: No set character skeleton? Or am I just missing it?

Re: [OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

I hate to be the might want to switch on requires approval. (Mainly because of the fact no-one can create something this good and be tortured with crap like characters D:)

Re: [OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

Sounds like a fun roleplay! You can bet I'll be joining!

[OOC] The Iron Serpent Army

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