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"I come bearing a message..."

0 · 240 views · located in Grey London

a character in “The London Grey”, as played by Hypnosis


"He was sent to us a beacon - a ward against the pervading darkness - that we may find safety and strength in his presence."


Full Name
"I was once Sebastian Roly, but many of us are not who we once were. Isn't that right?"

Spoken Name
"You may call me Sebastian, if you wish; the others often call me Father, but you are not one of them, now are you?

"A fallen angel is still an angel; a fallen priest would still be referred to as 'Father', then, correct?

"I would think you had sense enough to tell, but I could be mistaken." Sebastian is, quite obviously, a man.

Roly is thirty-one years old.

Sebastian has sandy blond hair atop a sharp, angular face, which he often wears roughed and disheveled. He compliments his hairstyle with a short, pointed goatee of the same color, and both match his dull blue eyes. Standing at six feet tall, and weighing an impressive one-hundred seventy pounds (or seventy-seven kilograms), the man is imposing, if not quite massive. Much of this is muscle, built both through personal training during the daylight hours and his masquerading after dark. Roly also possesses paler skin than one would expect; he, and the other members of the Grey Dawn, rarely venture outside during the day. He often wears simple robes of a dark color when mingling amongst the other cultists, and, in fact, even when he is not among them; he views this garb as representation of who he is and what he stands for.

If, perchance, he were to leave the chapel, Sebastian wears unassuming clothing, usually a dark suit, black on black.

Hidden within the two semi-belts along the sides of his costume are several (usually four to six) daggers with crucifix hilts - a testament to his past life. In conjunction with the blades, hidden within the rings on his wrists are small smoke pellets, which dispense into his hands when needed, and are used both for dramatic effect and as a disorientation tool in combat.

On his rare excursions into the city during the day, he carries a small switchblade in his pocket as protection from the unfriendly.

Apostle's costume is designed with religion and fanaticism in mind. Due to the difficult state of the country, and the cults status as a minor contender for control, material for a dazzling costume are near-impossible to come by. As such, Apostle's costume is less ornate than others. Instead, it relies on layers for maximum protection.

Sebastian wears a thin shirt underneath a leather jerkin, to which the long leather skirt is sewn to. There is a slit in the center of the back of the skirt, as well as in the front, which allows for ease of movement when running or fighting; though it may look impractical, it works effectively. Next, he wears a variation of the Grey Dawn's dark robes to cover his torso and the jerkin, over which the remaining accessories - the belts, the draping cowl, the rounded shoulder and collarbone portion, and the jeweled piece in the center - are worn. To complete the attire, he wears the rings about his wrists.

In the end, he's quite dark and sinister-looking, which works to intimidate those opposing him.



I'm a beginner when choosing alignments of this nature, but I'd say Sebastian reads as a Lawful Neutral type, though he could potentially be Lawful Evil.

Faith: Sebastian truly enjoys people who, like him, have a hope for humanity. Those who believe in God and/or things will get better, he looks upon more favorably than others.
The Grey Dawn: The men and women of the cult have become a pseudo-family, and he feels at home with them, even if the feeling isn't mutual. He knows he inspires awe in the followers, and that is enough for him.
The Prophet: While it cannot be said Sebastian truly likes the Prophet - not after seeing his ruthlessness - he does hold the man in great esteem, having revitalized Roly's faith, and given him direction.
Directness: Nothing sets him on edge more than being purposely vague or cryptic.

Opposition of the Grey Dawn: He firmly believes in what the organization stands for, and, as such, has strong contempt for those that would put an end to their work.
The various gangs and the Phantom's Crest: Not only are they opposition, they're trying to impose their dark ideals on the people. (Hypocritical, yes, but one never sees himself as a villain.)
Profanity: Silly as it may be, Sebastian still maintains some smaller virtues, and he doesn't enjoy the use of profanity in conversation.
Killing: It has certainly become a necessary evil, but that doesn't mean Sebastian has to enjoy it.

The death of the Prophet: Without a strong leader, the Grey Dawn and Sebastian Roly would fall apart at the seams; he exhibits signs of codependency towards the figure.
Death: More than anything, Sebastian wants to live to see the culmination of the Prophet's work; an untimely death would certainly prevent this.

Sebastian is hopeful and optimistic for the future, and it's obvious whenever one discusses it with him, but that is the only time one can find excitement in the man. Otherwise, he's much darker - cynical, sarcastic, hard; he has no reason to love the world as it is, and he makes it known. Every action he takes is believed to be for the greater good, to further the goals of his affiliate organization and the country. Perhaps there was once a brighter, happy man within Sebastian Roly, but no longer.

That is not to say he is cold or cruel, however; in contrast to his common demeanor, Roly has a soft spot for children and the weak. He desperately wants to build a better place for future generations to appreciate, one that lives up to the ideals he once cherished.

Prior to the events of the war, Sebastian was a devout Christian, and an aspiring priest. He was never very politically involved, adopting a separation of church and state mentality.

Mental Health
Sebastian Roly is moderately intelligent, though not boastfully so. His mental health is also quite stable, though he has a powerful codependent relationship with the Prophet that could easily upset said stability, should anything happen to the man.

The only significant relationship Sebastian has, at the moment, is his devotion to the Prophet. Other than that, he doesn't believe he has time for anything else interpersonal.

If Sebastian were the type to worry much about sexuality, he would say he was straight. He is attracted to women, though he is seldom indicative of it.

Mental Strengths
He's capable of assessing situations relatively quickly, and his knack for problem solving has saved his life numerous times. Perhaps his best trait is his ingenuity, his ability to effectively and successfully "wing it". Along with these skills, he has a strong religious foundation, and often uses the fear of the Lord's wrath as an intimidation technique.

Mental Weaknesses
Roly exhibits anti-social tendencies, from isolation to social awkwardness. In conjunction to this, he relies heavily on the Prophet for guidance and purpose; should something happen to the man, Sebastian would be shaken to his very foundation. This level of codependency is potentially his greatest weakness.



Physical Strengths
Sebastian Roly is in the best shape of his life, though that's not to say he's the embodiment of physical perfection. He is physically strong and imposing, and he possesses crude combat skills, honed only through personal practice and immersion, not any formal training.

Physical Weaknesses
His costume is bulky and heavier than the more privileged, making him an easier target for smaller, quicker opponents. Also, the cowl he wears as protection limits his peripheral vision, giving him a somewhat debilitating blind-spot.

Physical Health
The bulk of the Apostle costume has left Sebastian with recurring back pain, though this is the only true physical issue he has. Otherwise, he's in impressive shape, and often works out within the Grey Dawn's cathedral headquarters, doing standard push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, as well as jumping rope to maintain cardiovascular health.



A short time prior to the war, Sebastian determined he wanted to become a clergyman; strongly devout, the man studied Christian doctrine with zeal, filling himself with piety and faith for several years. However, with the outbreak of the second world war, his soul was crippled by the horrors he witnessed on television, and later on the home-front. Men were tortured and slaughtered in dizzying numbers, and those that weren't were left broken beyond repair. The fact sowed doubt within him, despite his best attempts to prevent it.

This was only exacerbated, as time passed, inevitably leaving the once-priest faithless, a weakened victim of the harsh and imposing world. Sebastian felt life's light draining from him, began seeing the darkness closing in on humanity; it was terrifying. This changed, however, with the revelation of the Prophet and his followers, whose sudden appearance in the media, preaching of light and salvation and deliverance from the shadow cast upon the world, intrigued and inspired Roly.

The Prophet served to reinvigorate the world-weary Sebastian, and rekindle hope for the future in the man. For that, he feels indebted to the Prophet and his organization, and, though it often defies what he once stood for and believed, he will do whatever necessary to further their cause.

The Grey Dawn has taken up residence within one of the many derelict church buildings of London, and, as such, Sebastian can be found residing there. The building is gothic-looking by design, though much of the stone is weathered and chipped. Inside, pews are overturned or destroyed, and much of the stained glass that once adorned the windows lies on the ground. The altar has been decorated with the symbol of the cult, and all signs of past religious worship have been cleared out.

Sebastian was born and raised British, though he is of Polish descent, as well, on his mother's side.

The Grey Dawn cult.

Sebastian Roly was born to a British father of political renown and a Polish mother, whom his father met while campaigning in Poland. His childhood was standard, though his father's place in Parliament allowed him certain freedoms and privileges not awarded to children of standard societal birth. Raised to a family with very little religious affiliation, it came as a shock when Sebastian took an interest in affairs of that nature. His father actually became outraged, which surprised the young Roly, who expected his family's full support. Once he was old enough to leave home, his father severed all ties to him, telling him to "pursue a different father".

Despite the emotional damage, Sebastian remained faithful, and, heeding his father's advice, determined he wanted to join the clergy; he immediately began his studies of religion and the word of God. Spiritual study fascinated him, and he pursued priesthood with zealousness. This changed, however, with the outbreak of the second world war.

All the death and despair left Roly wondering what God's intentions were, and why the means to achieve these goals must be so dark and devastating. Eventually, the doubt and questions became too much for the man, who abandoned his dream of priesthood and, for a time, his faith. It wasn't until the emergence of the Prophet and the Grey Dawn, and the message they hoped to convey, that he was once again inspired. He immediately sought them out, and has been helping them to further their goals ever since...

So begins...

Apostle's Story