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Tyler Benoit

The Gay Guy with a Short History

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by mord

Description ... b8zfro.jpg

^ His picture

Name: Tyler Mercy Benoit
Aliases: Ty, Ben, Benji, Merc
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Archangelic Avian
Sexuality: Homosexual


Tyler stands at five feet nine inches tall, with a weight that seems to be healthy for a man of his age, and of his height. The man has healthy, lightly tanned skin that speaks of days in the sun, and skin that isn’t good at tanning despite how long one has been in its radiant glow. His body is a nice one compared to many other men’s, and he sports a muscular, yet lithe physique, accompanied by abs that happen to be a pack of six.

Tyler’s hair is often kept short, instead of long and draping down his back like some others have it, and it is a happy shade of platinum blonde that oozes hottness (I had to). His green eyes merge well with the shade of his skin, and his black hair, and seem to attract the attention of those looking for a prospective human mate, or slave. Even his scent is human, but there’s just something a little different about it, and it attracts many different kinds of supernaturals due to its addictive qualities.

His wardrobe is made up of high-end clothing fit only for one that happens to be a descendant of the pseudodeity Ceres, or one of immense wealth. He, like his mother, has a flare for casual-formal clothing, and formal clothing, and Tyler seems to appreciate fine coats, alongside awesome glasses or sunglasses that accentuate his features. Tyler often wears formal-casual wear t just about everywhere as well, with nice jeans combined with an excellent button-up shirt, or maybe a simple T-shirt, and fine leather shoes or fine leather sneakers. His favorite accessory is a trench coat, and the man’s expensive watches are proudly placed upon the hand opposite to which he writes with, something that enables him to show off the finest of the finest simply by checking the time.


Tyler is a rather quirky individual with a confidence that could fling him from one side of the Atlantic to an ocean on another planet, even if it isn’t true pride. When he talks, when he walks, and in all of his actions, he lets a peculiar type of confidence be released from them. Tyler is unafraid to be himself, even in the face of mortals, or in the face of supernaturals, and it’s lead to a fairly successful kind of life, even when he’s been met with adversity from individuals (meaning he isn’t often met with adversity in anything else).<br/>

Tyler’s confidence is a kind of ambition, interweaved with other personality traits that leave him sure of what he’s saying at almost all times. While others are left, at least, a little unsure, or they don’t have the ambition to reach for something higher, Tyler’s confidence allows him to rebel against Ceres, a very powerful being who just so happens to be his own mother. Tyler’s confidence, while usually a gift, can be as much of a curse as you think it would be by causing issues far and wide, should someone not like his aura.

Tyler is a happy person at his core, in fact, he’s a human person at his core, and there’s absolutely nothing that will change that fact. He has a love for life that he shares with his mother, even if they disagree on a few things here and there, and Tyler is willing to live that life to the fullest by taking advantage of the modern world.

The nineteen year old isn’t interested in being kind or unkind to people based on race or species, and the only species he really dislikes just so happens to be vampires, which are the most despicable of all. He is actually curious about the world, its cultures, and its species, and how the supernatural, and the natural, came into being. His philosophy is firm in that he believes that the supernatural are as natural as human life, but they were made in a different way, or there are secrets regarding them that have yet to be uncovered.

As the son of Ceres, Tyler has been conditioned to be a momma’s boy, but he has a tendency to be slightly more rebellious than the average child of the pseudodeity. He has an immense love for his mother, but he can’t help but to state his opinions, do things she disagrees with, and, overall, just be a major pain in her rear end. While he’d never expose her for what she is, he still likes to play rebel, and hopes that playing rebel is something that will enable him to, perhaps, gain something more than his mother’s annoyance.

Tyler is a playful soul who enjoys fun, excitement, love, humanity, the supernatural, and everyone and everything on and off of this Earth for what it is. He loves music, to read, to write in his journal, and simply to breathe air even if it has been left a bit toxic by the human race; Tyler is someone who seems to be destined to just want to roam, to want to thrive, and love, and love, and dream. Tyler is your average person with a flare and confidence unlike anyone you’ve ever seen, an impeccable taste in clothing and colors, and curiosity deemed insatiable.

Equipment, Resources, & Other Information:

Avians: Avians are a species of winged humanoids that feature wide differences in power between individuals, including individuals that are of the same rank as one another. They were created by the world’s deities in direct opposition to the creation of Angels. Many, though, are free from deities nowadays, and there are those that prefer to live in a variety of different realms that may or may not be the private pocket universes (they are usually cities) of the Gods, depending on their choice.

The Avians normally only live to be around 300 years old, or slightly younger, maybe slightly older, with their power growing as they themselves grow as an individual. They are capable of manipulating the age that they appear at as long as they have reached that age, in comparison to humans. However, there are cases of where Avians have lived to be much older than their cousins through various methods, and it has left Avians being one of the only species capable of ascending to the status of a “pseudodeity”. As a pseudodeity, it isn’t uncommon to find one who is stronger than an actual deity, though it is rare to find a pseudodeity in the first place.

At younger ages, however, they are often relatively weak compared to the elder Avians.

This race has enhanced capabilities compared to other humanoid races, with their physical attributes allowing them to lift supernatural amounts of weight approaching multiple tons as even children, run at supernatural speeds approaching over 120 miles per hour once they reach 18, with the amount raising faster, their reflexes being heightened to the point that they can react to bullets being fired from a gun, and being unable to be killed through normal, mortal methods. They can, however, be harmed by immense forces in the mortal world, just not killed, and are vulnerable to avian weapons and technology, a Deity’s weapons, an angel’s blade, and other things such as this, as well as higher beings.

Each individual also has different weaknesses, on top of these root weaknesses. It is also possible to banish Avians back to their home realm, unless they are currently on their home realm.

Avians are also capable of having enhanced magical capabilities compared to humans, and are often able to harness Pagan magic, human magic, as well as Avian magicks, with the type of magicks that they have becoming more varying as they acquire more types. They are adept in magic at young ages (at around 15, they are fairly capable compared to humans that are the same age and have been practicing magic since they could read, and won’t be masterful or anything, but they’ll have some skill), and are able to perform incantations without speaking, while they also have psionic abilities that grow with age. Things such as telepathy, kinetic energy manipulation instead of telekinesis, and other such abilities are common in the species, with it being very, very common for most individuals to have a unique ability that, while usually minor, can be exceptional in rare cases.

Avians often find themselves with one of the Bound Codices of any number of factions, societies, or realms. A Bound Codex is a mystical book of knowledge with powerful abilities. One of these abilities is to hold infinite pages, be navigated through mere thought, only be read by owners or members of certain factions/subraces/whatever, replicate itself, and basically be indestructible. Replications, though much weaker than the primary Bound Codex that it was copied from, and not very indestructible, can be found in the hand of many Avians, and they hold them close as personal objects. The Bound Codices are all connected to the primary Bound Codex, as a massive library network, where information is shared, except from private journal sections.

Additionally, the Avians can develop mutations in their abilities that cause them to either lose, gain, or absorb abilities into their mutation so that they may only have access to enhanced physical attributes in certain situations. It varies from Avian to Avian, though, and can have its effects drastically changed depending on the individual and their environments, or the effects could have been different from the start. With mutations in their abilities, it is also possible for the Avians to have physical mutations, which means that it is possible to have a genetic birth defect, but Avian medicine is capable of causing physical birth defects that would be unattractive and much too human to be eradicated after or even during pregnancy.

In flight the race is extremely speedy, being able to fly as fast as the fastest bird in existence, and being able to fly higher than the highest flying bird on the little planet known as Earth. The different ranks of Avians have different amounts of wings, but a species known as the “Mortal Angels” with ranks running parallel to angels to mock the race is likely to have Seraphim having a whopping 6 wings. All Avians, except for the watered down Nephilim, have wings that allow them to more easily traverse the world with near endless stamina.

Avian technology and materials are advanced, powerful, and capable of being used against the species, with many of the higher ranking or Ascended Avians finding themselves in control of a special item capable of killing higher beings. These items, like the Archangelic Avians, or the Ascended Avians, are rare, but their power can’t be denied, and with each Avian weapon like this being unique you could end up with a scepter of light in the hands of an Archangelic Avian, or a scythe of destruction, death, and perpetual energy.

They have absolutely nothing to do with actual angels, however, despite the similarities adopted because of their former archaic system. The Avians are NOT related to angels (I’ve had issues with people trying to make this so, even after I’ve explained to them via PM or via Cbox
 so, here it is officially). Remember, with the Avians it’s more about development, being smart, and using your abilities in a way to your advantage, instead of just brute force. Higher beings will be able to take you on, but you can, at the very least, survive and escape the encounter should you be smart about it.

Inheritance: Tyler inherited a significant amount of money from his mother, and also inherited the Benoit name. He lives as he wishes to, with a sizable, multinational investment portfolio protecting him from any kind of economic hardship. Even during society’s transformation with the rise of the supernatural his money stayed strong, and left him unafraid

The War Armor of Clade Benoit & The Sword of Clade Benoit:

^ This is it

The War Armor of Clade Benoit is a rarely dawned heirloom forged in mystic fire over ten thousand years ago by one of Tyler’s Avian ancestors, and its power is great in that it is very useful, and very durable. Usually only dawned when a battlefield situation is going to be met, the extremely advanced armor, updated and rebuilt over time, is capable of shrinking down into a wristlet. It has been enhanced with cybernetics, and features a HUD, an in-built artificial intelligence, cellular connectivity, and an extender for telepathic capabilities that allows a sufficiently large and complex network of minds to be build in such a way that even with 200 people it wouldn’t be overwhelming because of structuring. While not offering the telepathic enhancement when in wristlet form, the artificial intelligence, and its cellular connectivity are frequently used by Tyler. The War Armor of Clade Benoit also supports other powerful features, things that have kept it in near perfect shape for millennium despite all the battles it has gone through, and some of these trades it shares with the Sword of Clade Benoit.

The armor is unnaturally light for its size and the metal it is made out of, with the enchanted Avian-made alloy being able to repair itself outside of battle, and granting invulnerability against natural elements. For Tyler, it grants the capability to reflect mystical energy, and grants him the ability to rapidly learn anything from the Internet or by watching things because it is directly connected to his mind. The graft of the armor to Tyler keeps him from being able to remove even the wristlet because, if done, it would kill Tyler, leaving the armor only able to be removed when he has become deceased. In addition, it grants supernaturally enhanced attributes. He can move at speeds approaching Mach 8, fly into the upper atmosphere, and even space, where he can reach warp speeds safely, and he can also lift up to 65 tons. The Clade Benoit armor is a holy item, much like the Sword, and can be found repelling the undead, demons, and dark spirits. The final ability of the armor is that it covers an Avian’s wings in a white and gold metallic “casing” that, while not visible or able to be felt, lets the wings and individual feathers cut through items like they are butter.

The Sword of Clade Benoit, and item used much more often than the War Armor, has the same capabilities of being unnaturally light, being comprised of the same alloy, and being able to repair itself outside of battle. It is highly resistant to mystical energy, and is known to be able to kill higher beings, and permanently dispose of demons, mystical spirits, or “undying” races able to resurrect themselves. The blade may or may not be invulnerable depending on who you talk to, and is able to cut through nearly anything that you can think of because of the super sharp, mystical blade edges that it has. The blade is holy, and its most powerful ability is the capability to purify with a highly destructive white light able to destroy a radius that includes everything from a home to a massive complex, and potentially larger. It is an extremely dangerous weapon that has been classified by the Auyn Collective as a Class VIII (Class 8) threat due to the potential it has to destroy higher beings.

Other Attributes:

  • 360 degree sensors, connected to Tyler's brain
  • Psi-shielding

Armed Forces of Clade Benoit: The Armed Forces of Clade Benoit are a group of Avians subservient to the Archangelic Avian that Tyler just so happens to be. Though small, the group is highly trained, and ready to rally to Tyler’s aid should there be a battle with an organization or an army. However, they rarely combine forces, and often operate in small groups or as individuals, keeping contact through various methods, and coming together whenever a large threat poses itself. (This is mostly because all Archangelic Avians have armed forces, but I don’t want to have them around Tyler unless absolutely necessary. I probably won’t be using them in fights unless, say, Tyler has to battle other armed forces, or something. I might not use them even when he does, simply because other players will be there. So, yeah.)


Tyler was born in Paris, France during the early years of Ceres’ latest life as Florence Rhine Benoit. He would live a relatively quiet life, until he moved to the Americas with his mother, and learned of his true nature as an Archangelic Avian. Tyler would become leader of a sect of Avians on planet Earth, and these avians that called the Realm of Earth their home would flock around him. At first he was confused, but he quickly got used to his power, and is now looking for a group to join to fine tune his skills. He doesn’t much care who he joins, as long as they’ll aid him in developing his powers further, though they do have to meet a few “requirements”, such as being fun, and actually interesting him. Being a hero kind of sounds nice, but standing up for mutant rights sounds nice to, and so does just about everything else
 but only time will tell what happens.


The Advanced Navitusynthesis Mutation

The Advanced Navitusynthetic Mutation is an enhanced variation of what is most often a mutation in the Avian genome granting the power to absorb and reproject energy. It often absorbs certain abilities, such as the inhuman strength or speed of the Avians, and leaves those with the ability only to regain these capabilities when they have absorbed enough energy. When it comes to Tyler, the ability began as a mutation in the womb due to constantly being exposed to his mother’s aura, and thus it quickly usurped many of his powers. These powers included Supernatural Intelligence, or variations of it, Supernatural Dexterity, Supernatural Durability, Supernatural Endurance, Supernatural Speed, and Supernatural Strength. This mutation extended to allow Tyler’s body to store energy, light, radiation, all at a cellular level in everything from flesh, to bones, to blood. By doing this, the cellular splitting slowed to the point that it was twice as slow as the average Avian’s, which, in theory, would lead to Tyler aging at half the rate of a normal Avian, and, with time, he would eventually begin aging even more slowly due to absorbing more energy over time.

Tyler’s ability seems to have found a perfect host in the body of an Avian in particularly exceptional shape, as his body has adapted perfectly to the many quirks. Most human bodies are only about 8% efficient machines, while most Avian bodies are 16% efficient, but Tyler’s body has become an enormous 96% efficient due to the changes that his body, and its components, have undergone. Each part and organ of his body is specialized to absorb as much energy as possible from food and other forms of nutrition, while his organs have evolved to sport storing exceptional amounts of energy inside of them, and if you performed an autopsy, you’d find a few new organs that don’t seem to belong.

His blood itself is capable of powerful a lightbulb in very small amounts, while the rest of his body can absorb most types of energy harmlessly. Flame and electricity to little to no harm to him because of his capacity to absorb kinetic energy and electromagnetism, while entire rooms can be darkened because his eyes are able to absorb large amounts of light. This has left his body hungry for more, and more, and more energy, and it has given it the requirement to absorb massive amounts of energy daily, and to take in significantly more calories.

While most effective at absorbing energy when in direct contact with it, Tyler can also absorb energy through other methods that allow him to make use of his organs. The energy is stored in his cells, and, while there are still other energy-related organs, a set of three separate organs that store energy and each have separate uses; the first one acts as a transducer, or something that can change one energy type to another; the second one acts as an hyperextender, or something that will extend energy into other objects or strengthen Tyler’s body; the third one acts as a containment device, or something that can store more dangerous types of energy harmlessly. Touch, still being most effective, absorbs the most amount of energy or radiation, and even if you can’t see it, it is still probably being absorbed, but you can also find Tyler absorbing energy by merely being in range of it, which is a rather useful feature. This is, however, limited to a range of about 10 to 65 meters, with the effectiveness depending on the amount, the intensity, the type (the type can also make it impossible to absorb it at a range with things such as kinetic energy), and how far away the radiation is.

Tyler’s blood can be injected into another person to act as an anti-radiation treatment. If turned into a gel form, can be made use of by acting as a kinetic absorption medium inside of armors. His blood can also grant him the capability to heal far quicker than normal if he decides to waste energy to do so, but this requires immense focus, and is more of an active, rarely used ability than a stronger, passive healing ability, and thus won’t work well when being injected into someone else, and has difficulty healing lethal wounds.

His capacity to absorb most types of energy and radiation leads to an exceptional amount of durability when it comes to just about anything. His skin can’t easily be pierced, and, in fact, it is very hard to do so unless you have supernatural capabilities that are particularly potent. It’s one of the many good things that come alongside the mutation of a gene that, once truly harnessed, can lead to either horrible disfigurations, or an awesome amount of power.

A fun part of the Navitusynthetic Mutation is its gift to the user to re-release energy that has been absorbed. In a myriad of fashions, the energy absorbed can be placed back into the environment, effectively recycling it. Tyler can produce blasts, spheres, waves, and otherwise project what he has absorbed for offensive, defensive, or supportive purposes. While unable to exert more energy than he has, this capability is only truly limited by its user’s creativity and knowledge. From light, to flame, to accelerating or decelerating molecules to make things hotter/colder, Tyler is mostly limited on how much energy he has absorbed.

As an advanced ability, Tyler’s power has multiple specializations, some of which remain undiscovered or almost completely, if not fully, untapped (this is a knowledge-based ability. He requires actual learning to use it properly). Energy & Radiation Absorption, allowing absorption of all types of energy and radiation; Energy Projection & Redirection, allowing Tyler to reproduce his energy; Energy Storage, which is the storage of energy inside of specialized cells or organs; Hyperextension, which is the ability to place absorbed energy inside of other objects, or use it to enhance bodily functions by energizing his body (this is why his super strength and such were replaced. He now has to have energy to have supernatural physical enhancements); Energy Conversion, or changing one energy type into another; Energy Constructs, or the ability to form constructs mace of energy; Heliokinesis, or the ability to absorb and manipulate solar energy; A variety of other, self-explanatory specializations including Energy Detection, Energy Transferal, and more. However, as said before, some, if not many, of these remain undiscovered, or largely untapped.

Winged Flight:

Many different kinds of wings exist throughout the entirety of the Avian species, with their size, number, and color often denoting rank, age, or even a certain subspecies. Tyler, like other Avians, has the blessing of being able to fly through the skies of the world at rapid speeds. Not cursed to live without wings like his mother, or her mother, Tyler can fly free with a pair of pure white wings that feature a 12-foot wingspan.

Tyler is granted the ability to fly as fast as the fastest bird on the planet, and to fly as high as the highest flying bird ever to exist, which lets him reach the speeds of the peregrine falcon and to fly to a couple hundred meters over 6,000 meters up. His speed, and maximum operating ceiling, are not special among the Avians, and are about average, if not a little below average when you consider the fact that many nowadays have found ways to enhance their various attributes. It’s just one of many fun facts that have come along with being an Avian, and being an Avian also means that your wings can do more than just allowing you to fly.

An Avian’s wings are capable of being retracted, with absolutely no trace left of them ever existing. In fact, since Avians only smell like Avians when their wings are out, it has led to them having difficulties due t appearing to be human many different times, which means the weaker ones might end up as the mates or pets of vampires or werewolves, or any similar species. That’s about all there is to their wings, I suppose.

Avian Psionics:

One of the capabilities of an Avian from birth is their capacity to make use of potent psionic abilities, which, in the case of Tyler, are still in their developmental stages. Because of his mutation, many of Tyler’s avian abilities were absorbed, and a couple of the ones that were left that could have developed either didn’t develop at all, or didn’t develop until later into Tyler’s life. These abilities include telepathy, and empathy, but the one ability he’s had since young in the Avian cocktail of psionics is the perception of the supernatural, and the inhuman.

Tyler is able to detect the supernatural, and thus sense them for what they are, but he can’t use this ability to identify their species no matter how hard he tries. Rather than be left with blindness, risk, and always worrying if the person he’s talking to will try to drain him of his blood, or something equally horrible, Tyler is able to instinctively know whether someone is human or not, and to “pick up” the supernatural that often can’t be seen, or don’t have human forms, such as ghosts. Others are left with having to detect the supernatural by their actions, their reactions, and their own “gut” feeling, but Tyler gets something much, much more effective.

Tyler’s other two psionic abilities inherited by the distinction of being Avian blood, telepathy, and empathy,a re both rather weak compared to the abilities of other Avians. Most Avians are capable of manipulating the human mind instead of just reading the thoughts of others, while some are actually able to manipulate the emotions of an individual with just a mere sentence. Tyler isn’t allowed to have that kind of liberty with the minds of others something that he sees as a downfall, and thus leaving him wondering if he should find a way to accelerate the growth and increase the power of his abilities.

The weakest of the two psionic abilities is the one that isn’t often directly connected to emotions that, like in all organic beings, can be found to be quite turbulent. That ability would be telepathy; telepathy, at its most basic, is the ability for one to communicate through thought, and when further developed, can be used to manipulate the mind itself. Tyler’s telepathy is rather basic in that it only allows him to communicate with an individual at a set range of around 100 meters to 250 meters, depending on how much concentration Tyler is willing to put into the connection, and with around 10 to 20 people, with concentration being an important factor again, and to read thoughts as long as an individual isn’t trained in psychic defense capabilities that are stronger than that of your average being without telepathy, and will often cause feedback.

Tyler’s telepathic defenses are capable of defending him from unwanted incursions, allowing him to become aware of whatever individual is poking around in his mind to the point he can pinpoint their location, as long as they are within his range, and being able to hide himself from telepathic sensors if he can concentrate long and hard enough (though this hiding ability is rather undeveloped, and won’t work well against stronger telepaths, with the concentration taking all of his focus, meaning it’s hard to use even if he’s moving). The feedback created when someone tries to enter his mind without permission can often be ignored by more powerful telepaths, but it is always mutual and may cause more harm to Tyler than the intruder if he doesn’t have enough juice, or if they are simply more powerful than him. Overall, his telepathic abilities are average when compared to other Avians.

The more powerful of the telepathy/empathy duo is, of course, Tyler’s empathy, which is connected to his own emotions, and allows him to feel the emotions of others, with the connection becoming stronger the closer he is to the individual, or individuals that he is sensing. His empathy has a range of 300 meters to 500 meters, depending on Tyler’s concentration, or on how powerful his emotions are at the moment, with him often being able to forge a more permanent connection to those that he is closest to. Tyler will often “turn off” his empathic abilities to avoid being overwhelmed in groups, something that can become a major issue.

All of these three abilities, especially the telepathy/empathy duo, has the potential to become much more powerful than they are at the moment, with both time and training. Only time will tell how powerful they are set to become, though.

Limitations & Weaknesses:

Special Items & Materials:

The divine weapons of major beings, such as the Olympians, can harm Tyler, and other powerful, mystical weapons can as well. While only certain items can kill Tyler (anything like Mjolnir, or anything else equally powerful, or even a little less powerful, can kill him), other items of sufficient power may be able to contain the Avian. One of the ways to contain him is to use iron blessed by the Avians, or to be able to be bound, controlled, or even rendered powerless, and potentially mortal by Avian items and technologies.

Physical Mortality/Notes:

If one were able to harm Tyler through whatever ingenious methods you’ve concocted (it’s not that hard, if you think about it. Just use something that involves no energy
 or, better yet, absorb all of his energy), he’d actually die, unlike some beings. Maybe just tie him up for a few days, and let him die. A few days is all it takes, really, he’d be just as mortal as any human. This is because his supernatural durability is focused around energy and radiation, and he doesn’t have the fully fledged, less specialized version that all other Avians do.

The Advanced Navitusynthesis Mutation:

The first downside that Tyler has to deal with when it comes to this ability is that it has removed some of Tyler’s other abilities that he would have inherited naturally in any other situation. Because of the mutation’s formation throughout his life, Tyler has been cursed to only be able to use abilities such as supernatural strength, supernatural speed, or supernatural durability, and similar physical powers, when he has access to energy reserves or is being affected by energy. Because he doesn’t have access to these naturally, it would be unwise for the nineteen year old to march brashly into a fight without thinking through whether or not his opponent would be using energy-based attacks, and thus he isn’t the kind to do so, but only from experience.

Even though he absorbs energy, he can still be affected by physics, which means that if someone attacks him with a ton of force he will still be thrown back, but it won’t harm him because his body absorbs that force. He dislikes this portion of his ability greatly, and hopes to evolve past it, but for now he is cursed to be affected by physics instead of absorbing energy in such a way that it doesn’t cause “feedback”.

Tyler is only capable of using this ability whenever he has absorbed energy of some form, and often has to make the effort to build up energy reserves in some way, or wait for a person to attack him before he engages in combat. This prevents him from attacking first most of the time, but he always has some reserves built up. At the 24 hour “reset” his body absorbs all of the energy he has absorbed for the day, and uses it to keep him healthy and continue to slow his cellular splitting, though it slows cellular splitting itself (I.E. not just slowing the cells, but enhancing the effectiveness of the ability) at a very slow pace. This twenty four hour reset means that Tyler won’t have access to his abilities until he is able to absorb energy again, which often leads to him punching walls in the morning to build up reserves.

This is a knowledge-based ability, and Tyler still needs to experiment with it since he isn’t the kind to recklessly engage in battles. While he isn’t useless, and the ability isn’t “new” to him in any way, he will still need to train so that he can use his ability to its full potential. Training isn’t the only thing, though, because experience, and knowledge of energy and the sciences is also extremely useful with this.

Tyler’s ability isn’t based around manipulation, and the only forms of manipulation that he has been able to achieve are Ergokinetic Constructs, while the second form of manipulation he has, Heliokinesis, is the only true energy manipulation capability he possesses. He can’t actually manipulate energy, and is left with projecting or creating constructs, except when it comes to solar energy. Mystic energy is harder to absorb, and is very much capable of causing more harm to Tyler because of the fact that only about 50% of the damage that would be done to him is negated. Tyler’s capabilities seem to be limited by this point, by creativity, and by knowledge, as well as how much energy has been absorbed, because manipulation isn’t really in the cards for Tyler.

Winged Flight:

Tyler’s wings are physical, and, while durable, can be removed just like the wings of a bird, or damaged to the point that supernatural methods are required to repair them. There are no replacements for lost wings. In Avians, wings don’t grow back. You’re stuck with the pair you got when you were born, and there’s nothing you can do to change that fact. Once lost, Tyler’s wings will be gone forever, but thankfully they have the same energy absorption capabilities as the rest of Tyler’s body.

Tyler can only fly at a speed of about 230 miles per hour, requires optimal space to lift off, and to even spread his wings, really, and can only reach around 6,400 meters as a maximum height. The upside is that he can retract his wings.

Avian Psionics:

Tyler’s psionics currently have no offensive purposes, and are purely supportive or defense abilities with a set range and set amount of people able to be connected to at any one time. 100 to 250 meters, depending on concentration, is the maximum for telepathy. 300 to 500 meters, depending on concentration, is the maximum for empathy unless he has a strong emotional connection to the individual. For the perception of the supernatural, he has to have a visual of the individual, meaning it doesn’t work outside of line of site. Tyler can only communicate with 10 to 20 people at a time with his telepathy, and often has to turn off his empathic abilities, or tone them down to certain individuals (which doesn’t work unless he knows an individual to focus on), because he would become overwhelmed. When concentrating on longer ranges and more people, Tyler may not be able to focus on the outside world, and could undergo headaches and even nosebleeds. More powerful telepaths could bypass his defenses, while empaths can feel his emotions freely. However, he still has a sufficient defense against psionic abilities, but lives in fear of encountering exceptionally powerful entities.

So begins...

Tyler Benoit's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cinder Character Portrait: Abbie Character Portrait: Kaide Character Portrait: Munkwon Character Portrait: Isolde Crystallos Character Portrait: Sieana Tra'thor
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Peter glances up. He takes a deep breath, savoring the fresh air, before it passes.
He glances around, barely taking in his surroundings as he does an unsteady circle, trying look at all around him.
He was just present in the moment, wasn't he? What was going on? Why didn't anything happen? What did just happen?
His mind races, trying to gather thoughts.
It's... It's like every time something happens, I wake up, but between then...
The thought is lost as he glances down to his hands, aware they are now shaking, and sees that he's holding his pistol in his gloved fingers. He hastily holsters the gun, unsteadily handling the straps on the holster as he does so. He's gasping for breath, and feels suddenly ill.
He falls to his knees, breathing shakily and quickly before falling onto his side and lying there.
I'm just... tired...
His vision dims as he slips into an unsteady sleep, the breeze gracing his face as it picks up again, allowing a ghost of a smile to cross his face before he blinks into the abyss.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cinder Character Portrait: Abbie Character Portrait: Munkwon Character Portrait: Isolde Crystallos Character Portrait: Sieana Tra'thor Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett
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Bloop-5 whirred and shifted quickly into the shadows of a higher limb, to continue observing those below. One of the beings, maybe people - Bloop didn't get a true inspection, held a blue vial.

A cool breeze swept through - the other fell to their knees. Something seemed amiss in these parts. Was it the air? Bloop didn't have feelings or thought upon initial programming, but if the little mechanical thing did it would think that it must be something in the air.