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The Power of Lynxious

The Power of Lynxious


The once peaceful Kingdom of Lynxious has been split into three divisions based on each residents unique ability READ MORE~

1,274 readers have visited The Power of Lynxious since AutomailJunkie created it.


The Kingdom of Lynxious was greatly populated by all types of people and creatures. The Kingdom had Vampires, Wizards, Alchemists, Half Demons, Even demi-gods and many more creatures and people.

The King of Lynxious wanted everyone to live in harmony but when he died the town broke out in an uproar over power.
The Kingdom was left to a young Alchemist named Sayu Lynx who had no experience in running a Kingdom she sacrificed her position to son of Alixious who decided to split the Kingdom.

The worst division was in the land of snow, it was a harsh climate, Sayu was cast there he wanted to make sure she would die so she could never decide she wanted her spot as Queen. But she refused to let herself die maybe if she got enough powerful Alchemists or Creatures to help her she could overthrow the new Kingdom of Alixious and return it to a land of peace.

When the town was split many people lost their loves and their families. Sayu was in love with the new King of Alixious and he loved her once but now they would have to fight, his heart turned evil.


Sayu Lynx: TAKEN

King Alix: TAKEN

-King Alix Character Sheet-

Creature Type/ Special Human Ability: Example- Alchemist, Vampire, Slayer etc.


Alixious Kingdom (Those who are obedient to the King)

Land of Snow (Banished Creatures/People that are too powerful and wish to destroy the king)

Land of Passion (Those who have surrendered and decided to live a life of peace away from the King -Given up their Powers-)


Alchemist 1: RESERVED

Alchemist 2: TAKEN

Alchemist 3: OPEN

Alchemist 4: OPEN


Unlimited amount of creatures AVAILABLE.


Creature Type/ Special Human Ability:

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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Kairin noticed Sayu's fears and slightly stepped in front of her. "Whoever it is, we just have to face it," Kairin said. He felt his fangs slightly enlarge defensively. Kairin walked over to the door and opened it, staring at the mysterious girl in the door way. His eyes were glowing a dull ember as they usually were, and he tilted his head curiously. "That's a nice bird that you just had spy on us," he said, smirking.

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Character Portrait: Noho Conundrum
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Noho pouted but looked up at the man inquisitively.
"Why thank you," Said the girl and held out her hand for Hurogot to perch on,"He's always been an expert at it.
The girl suddenly was no longer interested in the man and, instead, stepped sideways so she could sneak a good look at the girl behind him.
"Sayu Lynx, I presume?" Noho said cheerfully, "Well do hurry up, don't you know it's rude to keep a lady waiting?"
Here she paused to smile absent-mindedly at both of them individually and then to stroke the raven's feathers affectionately. Then she seemed to switch again, her eyes narrowed and relaxed while her mouth stretched into a malicious grin.

"Besides, a demon can only enter a building when she's invited in."

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Sayu turned her head away from the girl in the doorway, ignoring her. Instead she leaned against the tree and focused on her alchemy. Quickly glancing at Kairin with a look that told him don't trust that girl.

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The tree shivered some more as it quickly jumped into the form of a human, her clothes were ripped to shreds only allowing her minimal coverage and her long messy hair flying everywhere. She ran over to the open door, her bones already beginning to creak again because of the cold. She crouched down by one of the lower corners of the door frame, her hands tightly gripping the the weak frame.

"Why should we let you in?" her voice was like leaves whispering in a small breeze. She turned her wild brown eyes to the other two, "And why should I share this place with any of you. I found it, its mine. Now get out!" she said all this in a rushed voice, wanting to close the door and block out the cold so she could re-heat her stiffening limbs. Whenever she got in cold weather she would grow stiff and barely be able to move, this was why she had never left the Snow division before, she simply couldn't.

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The demon banged a pale hand onto the door, despite being a small girl she had brute strength. She made it certain that no-one would dare close any door in her face.
"Tut, tut, tut." She said with mock lack of tolerance and shook her head with a half-smirk plastered on here face, "I am a patient girl but having to stretch so far..."
She giggled and then evaporated into black dust and feathers, the raven swooped into the open space.
The raven's destination was obvious as the demon seemed to have apparated into the room within a split second. It landed, as always, on her outstretched arm. The bird seemed to split into two blobs which stuck onto Noho's arms. The air shivered and the girl now had a pair of massive claws that contrasted with its petite wielder .

"I'm afraid the King sees you as a distraction, Queen Sayu," Said Noho, faking reverence when she said the title,"He has no time to go searching for love-lorn damsels."

She flexed her metallic figures and stared at Sayu sinisterly, "But by the state of you, its understandable how he sees such a petty human as worthless."
She giggled mischievously.

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Character Portrait: Noho Conundrum
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The demon banged a pale hand onto the door, despite being a small girl she had brute strength. She made it certain that no-one would dare close any door in her face.
"Tut, tut, tut." She said with mock lack of tolerance and shook her head with a half-smirk plastered on here face, "I am a patient girl but having to stretch so far..."
She giggled and then evaporated into black dust and feathers, the raven swooped into the open space.
The raven's destination was obvious as the demon seemed to have apparated into the room within a split second. It landed, as always, on her outstretched arm. The bird seemed to split into two blobs which stuck onto Noho's arms. The air shivered and the girl now had a pair of massive claws that contrasted with its petite wielder .

"I'm afraid the King sees you as a distraction, Queen Sayu," Said Noho, faking reverence when she said the title,"He has no time to go searching for love-lorn damsels."

She flexed her metallic fingers and stared at Sayu sinisterly, "But by the state of you, its understandable how he sees such a petty human as worthless."
She giggled mischievously.

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Sayu's expression didn't change she simply strolled to Kairin's side and yawned "Such a dramatic entrance, how cliche'" She brushed her hair behind her ear and bowed to the frail girl by the door "My apologies, I will leave your residence." She pulled on Kairin's wrist to get him to come along.

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Sayu's expression didn't change she simply strolled to Kairin's side and yawned "Such a dramatic entrance, how cliche'" She brushed her hair behind her ear and bowed to the frail girl by the door "My apologies, I will leave your residence." She pulled on Kairin's wrist to get him to come along.

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At the mention that the girl was a queen the wood nymph cocked her head. "But if you're a queen then why are you in the Snow division?" she asked her voice echoing in the small room. She gently stood up, her muscles weak and shaking making it difficult, but being who she was the nymph ignored it as she walked over to the girl.

She circled this "queen" character, her eyes skeptic and curious as if trying to see this young girl who looked to be injured and not at all dressed up in jewels and precious silks.

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Sayu smiled "I gave my position to my boyfriend, but when I learned his plans for the Kingdom I left him and so he was angry and he banished me to the Land of Snow." She clapped her hands changing the chemicals in the air, the space around them warmed up "It won't last long, but you looked cold." She smiled softly.

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Kairin ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "Well, this day has turned out quite interesting. First, I discover a queen. And, now I'm surrounded by demons. Marvelous," he said. Kairin leaned against a wall and closed his eyes for a moment. "So, miss with the bird, what exactly do you want?"

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The warmth surrounded the nymph and for the time being her muscles unfroze and she could move like she used. "Thanks," she murmured. She cocked her head to one side, "And why were you and Mister Judgmental over there walking outside? Normally people find a place to live and just stay there."

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Catherine started running toward them from the woods, grinning, but once she saw they were in conversation, stopped. She smirked and jumped behind the nearest thing she could find and listened to their voices.

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Sayu thought for a moment, she never knew anybody who would want to just stay inside. "I'm an adventurer." She laughed a bit "Also I'm headed back to the Kingdom." She cast a glare at Noho and looked back to the nymph "You could come too, I could heat the air for you.. It will take my power but it's worth it, everyone will be welcome in my Kingdom."

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Catherine thinks to herself at how she wished she was allowed to come. She stands up quietly and tries to sneak away without anyone seeing her, but steps on a branch snapping it. Catherine bites her lip and turns to the group of people talking to see if they noticed her.

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Kairin heard the gentle sound of a twig snapping and turned to the vision of Catherine sneaking away. "You realize you could come with us if you're lonely, right miss?" he said smiling slightly. Kairin brushed back his hair with his fingers and closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the odd situation around him.

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Aigavlov was taking a nap on top of a tree when suddenly the branches holding him snapped and he fell on the snow, "Oouch! My neck, my back." Aigavlov said standing up and cleaning the snow from his body, then stretched and rubbed his right eye, "That was a good nap, but I fell." Aigavlov said. Aigavlov began to walk still a bit sleepy seeing people at his left talking by a house, Aigavlov leaned on a tree and waited, trying to eavesdrop on them seeing as hes bored.

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Sayu had an extremely short attention span, leaving in mid conversation she ran out to the boy standing by the tree, It probably wasn't smart to address a stranger but Sayu was always very impulsive "Hi there, mister." She smiled and gave a wave, people naturally warmed up to her, she was extremely friendly, and any chance to get a new member for her journey.

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Kairin sighed and exited the strange building. He breathed in the cool air and noticed Sayu speaking to the mysterious man next to a tree. He decided to not intrude and began walking aimlessly about in the snow. He suddenly felt the inkling for blood again, and called out to Sayu,"I'll be gone for a little." He didn't want to make the fact he was a vampire obvious to everyone else in fear of scaring them off.

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Catherine watched Kairin walk off, and walked over to Sayu and the boy. "Sayu mind if i come with y'all?" She said, looking the new boy up and down and smirking slightly to herself.

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Sayu smiled brightly at Catherine "Of course not, please do join us." she loved surrounding herself with people. She looked over to where Kairin had walked off, she knew he would be right back, but she still felt uneasy when people left, like they would never come back.

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Kairin found another rabbit and fed on it, completely draining the animal. He wished he could slightly drain the creature and then let it escape alive and well, but rabbits just didn't have enough blood. Kairin wiped his blood stained lips and retracted his fangs. He started back towards the group he had left and approached the two girls and boy. "I'm sorry about suddenly leaving.. But if I don't give into my cravings, I could become...," Kairin hesitated,"dangerous." It seemed like a dark memory suddenly clouded Kairin's eyes and he furrowed his eyebrows.

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The warmth around the nymph fleeted as the "Queen Sayu" walked over to some stranger. Her bones began to stiffen again, leaving her close to defenseless with this demon girl.

"I'll be gone for a little," the man Sayu was with. Curious as to what he was going to do, and mostly wanting to get away from the creepy demon lady, she followed him as best she could. Her limbs moved stiffly and eventually she just gave up on traveling by the human way, so she leaned into a tree that was nearby letting herself get absorbed into it. Then traveling by the roots, she came to a tree that lay in front of his path where she pulled out of the tree. She just stood silently watching him, not saying a word and not really caring if he would just walk right past her.

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Aigavlov waved back at the girl and smiled, "Uhm, Hi there." Aigavlov said and let out a yawn, "What are you people doing in these parts?" he said and stretched again letting out a few cracks, and waited for and answer.

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"We're going to kingdom," Kairin replied. Kairin slightly smiled, flashing his sharp fangs. "What exactly are you doing around these parts, may I ask?" Kairin asked. He gently kicked his feet into the snow.

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Character Portrait: Noho Conundrum
6 sightings Noho Conundrum played by Lukipyon
"Master only wants his kingdom to be..." Noho giggled, "Flawless."

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sayu Lynx
Character Portrait: Kairin Amor
Character Portrait: Aigavlov
Character Portrait: King Alix
Character Portrait: Fatal Daemon
Character Portrait: Valeria Trullo


Character Portrait: Valeria Trullo
Valeria Trullo

"Bad kitty!" her brother said. Valeria stared at him drolly. "Yes, Brother. I'm a werecat. I got that already. Like...since BIRTH."

Character Portrait: Fatal Daemon
Fatal Daemon

A friendly and shy demon. Unwilling to get in to fights, but more then willing to protect friends and loved ones.

Character Portrait: King Alix
King Alix

I'll never let Sayu win.

Character Portrait: Aigavlov

You know people call me lazy, and I think it might be true.

Character Portrait: Sayu Lynx
Sayu Lynx

Animal Alchemist


Character Portrait: Sayu Lynx
Sayu Lynx

Animal Alchemist

Character Portrait: Valeria Trullo
Valeria Trullo

"Bad kitty!" her brother said. Valeria stared at him drolly. "Yes, Brother. I'm a werecat. I got that already. Like...since BIRTH."

Character Portrait: Aigavlov

You know people call me lazy, and I think it might be true.

Character Portrait: Fatal Daemon
Fatal Daemon

A friendly and shy demon. Unwilling to get in to fights, but more then willing to protect friends and loved ones.

Character Portrait: King Alix
King Alix

I'll never let Sayu win.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aigavlov

You know people call me lazy, and I think it might be true.

Character Portrait: Sayu Lynx
Sayu Lynx

Animal Alchemist

Character Portrait: King Alix
King Alix

I'll never let Sayu win.

Character Portrait: Fatal Daemon
Fatal Daemon

A friendly and shy demon. Unwilling to get in to fights, but more then willing to protect friends and loved ones.

Character Portrait: Valeria Trullo
Valeria Trullo

"Bad kitty!" her brother said. Valeria stared at him drolly. "Yes, Brother. I'm a werecat. I got that already. Like...since BIRTH."

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What are an Alchemist's powers by the way?

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Could I reserve an alchemist?

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