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The Solar Epidemic

The Solar Epidemic


Humanity as colonized the Solar System. But 22 years after solar peace is realized, an unknown enemy has attacked the Colonies. Can they be stopped?

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Gentlemen and ladies, Welcome to the Solar Epidemic RP! I hope you do enjoy it.

What is the goal of this RP?

A unknown enemy has wiped out vast amounts of human life on almost every colony in the system. They must be stopped. Mars, Venus, Earth, Ceres - These four are our staging point. Located in the inner system, All three planets (And the dwarf planet Ceres) have their own government. Feel free to yell if you wnat to learn more about them.
You may have a ship! Its actually recommended you either A): Have one, B): Are a crew in one, or C): Are plotting to get -on- one.

When I feel there are enough people, I will make the IC and describe our unknown enemy! I do hope you all ready.

It doesnt get any better then this. -Serly


The Colonies: (Earth is not here. Why? BECAUSE WE LIVE ON EARTH, DURRRR.)

Venus is one of the four solar terrestrial planets, meaning that, like the Earth, it is a rocky body. In size and mass, it is very similar to the Earth, and is often described as its 'sister', or Earth's twin. The diameter of Venus is only 650 km less than the Earth's, and its mass is 81.5% of the Earth's. However, conditions on the Venusian surface differ radically from those on Earth, due to its dense carbon dioxide atmosphere. The mass of the atmosphere of Venus is 96.5% carbon dioxide, with most of the remaining 3.5% composed of nitrogen.
About 80% of Venus's surface is covered by smooth volcanic plains, consisting of 70% plains with wrinkle ridges and 10% smooth or lobate plains. Two highland 'continents' make up the rest of its surface area, one lying in the planet's northern hemisphere and the other just south of the equator. The northern continent is called Ishtar Terra, after Ishtar, the Babylonian goddess of love, and is about the size of Australia. Maxwell Montes, the highest mountain on Venus, lies on Ishtar Terra. Its peak is 11 km above Venus's average surface elevation. The southern continent is called Aphrodite Terra, after the Greek goddess of love, and is the larger of the two highland regions at roughly the size of South America. A network of fractures and faults covers much of this area. There is one current 'stable' colony on the planet, resting on the peak of Ishtar Terra. Acting both as the capital and a orbital elevator, It is the main refueling station for the gigantic floating cities that populate much of the rest of the planet.
These colonies float to approximately fifty kilometres above the surface of the planet, where atmospheric pressures and temperatures are thought to be similar to those of Earth. One can even go outside without a mask for a grand total of seven minutes before they suffocate from lack of oxygen. Efforts to terraform Venus have been half-hearted and futile.

Total cities: 31 (20 of which are floating. Due to recent terraforming, the ground is now viable for human life. Ten cities are at the surface currently. Atmosphere still hostile.)
Capital: Ishtar Peak
Population: Roughly 10,000,000 people, Not counting tourists.
Government type: Kingdom. The Venitian King is a descendant of the British monarchs of old. They still hold a claim to much of the British Isles, but rarely, if ever, go back to them.
Military Strength: Weak.

The Moon (Lunar Base 1):
The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. The average centre-to-centre distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 kilometres (238,857 mi), about thirty times the diameter of the Earth. The common centre of mass of the system (the barycentre) is located at about 1,700 kilometres (1,100 mi)—a quarter the Earth's radius—beneath the surface of the Earth. The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days.
The Moon is in synchronous rotation, which means it rotates about its axis in about the same time it takes to orbit the Earth. This results in it nearly always keeping the same face turned towards the Earth. The Moon used to rotate at a faster rate, but early in its history, its rotation slowed and became locked in this orientation as a result of frictional effects associated with tidal deformations caused by the Earth.
There is actually two bases on the moon: Lunar 1, And Lunar 2. Lunar 2, however, has been out of operation since 2086, When an metorite slammed into it, killing all 30,000 military personel onbase.

Total Cities: 1
Capital: None (Homeplanet Alliance colony)
Population: 50,000 military personel.
Military Strength: Strong.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the Solar System. The planet is named after Mars, the Roman god of war. It is also referred to as the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance, due to iron oxide[7] prevalent on its surface. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth. Unlike the Earth, Mars is now a geologically inactive planet with no known tectonic activity. It is the site of Olympus Mons, the highest known mountain in the Solar System, and of Valles Marineris, the largest canyon. The smooth Borealis basin in the northern hemisphere may be a giant impact feature covering 40% of the planet.[8][9] Mars’ rotational period and seasonal cycles are likewise similar to those of Earth.
Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly shaped. These may be captured asteroids, similar to 5261 Eureka, a Martian Trojan asteroid. Mars can easily be seen from Earth with the naked eye. Its apparent magnitude reaches −2.91, a brightness surpassed only by Venus, the Moon, and the Sun, although most of the time Jupiter will appear brighter to the naked eye than Mars. Mars has an average opposition distance of 78 million km but can come as close as 55.7 million km during a close approach, such as occurred in 2003.
It has been terraformed extensivly, and is famed for its wide, open plains and vast sea. The Martian Government is famed for listening to its people. After the Martian Civil War of 2078, Mars has let its' military force fall into disrepair; That doesnt mean this sleeping giant should be taken lightly.

Total Cities: 139
Capital: Sinus Meridiani
Population: 9,000,000,000 roughly, Or about half of the Homeplanet Alliance's combined population.
Government type: Senate. Each town has its own elected representitive. These representitives then elect a leader from themselves, Who then judges laws submited by the citizens to be shown before the Senate.
Military strength: Moderate.

Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt, which lies between Mars and Jupiter. The Kuiper belt is known to contain larger objects, including Pluto, 50000 Quaoar, and 90482 Orcus, while more distant Eris, in the scattered disc, is the largest of all these bodies.
The surface composition of Ceres is broadly similar to that of C-type asteroids. However, some differences do exist. The ubiquitous features in the IR spectra of Ceres are that of hydrated materials, which indicates the presence of significant amounts of water in the interior of this body. Other possible surface constituents include iron-rich clays (cronstedtite) and carbonate minerals (dolomite and siderite), which are common minerals in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. The spectral features of carbonates and clay are usually absent in the spectra of other C-type asteroids.
It is also the smallest, And newest, Colony of Earth. Part of the settlements when Mars won the war in 2078 was to release Ceres and allow it to hold its own form of government. Since that time, It has flourished in a new age of freedom.

Total cities: 1
Capital: Ceres
Population: 2,000,000 people.
Government type: Diplomacy. A president is voted in by the people. Similar to the one set up in the United States.
Military Strength: Almost non-existant. Roughly 30 people total remain in the single military base (Landfall) on the surface of the asteroid.

Jupiter and Saturn:

Jupiter and Saturn are the two largest planets in our solar system. With a combined total of around 90 moons between the two of them, There is great potential for settlement. Sadly, The only ones brave enough to pass the Asteroid field and into the gravitational pull of the Giants are miners.
Active Platforms: Unknown. Somewhere between 20,000 and 1,000,000.
Population: Anywhere from 200,000 to 8,000,000.
Government type:


Brief Recent History of the Solar System:

After the Second Cold War, between America and China, the world saw a momentary peace as the British Royal Family announced that it was leaving to colonize Venus after the successful building of the Space Elevators. Many hardships were faced by these brave souls, But being stubborn and british, They pulled through. In the end, Venus became the first independent planet.. And the first outside threat.
Fearing that the Venitians might attack, Almost all the countries of the world agreed to form one global government. Those that refused, Mainly the Americans, left the planet to colonize Mars. In 2047, The First Martian War was fought, and Mars was taken over by then-fledgling-government, The Homeplanet Alliance.
Around the same time, the Lunar Bases were built. Intended and used to train new pilots for the extremly demanding three-dimensional space fighting, The two colonies on the moon pumped out roughly a hundred thousand new qualified pilots each year.
In 2065, the Second Martian War began, with the Martian rebelling against the HPA from hidden bases bellow the surface of Mars. Many on Earth got fed up with the war, Mainly the Swiss, Canadian, and Polish. Fearing the corruption of the government and the return of Communism, Huddling in secret during the five-year war, They eventually escaped the planet by hijacking a Battleship parked for repairs at the Berlin Space Elevator. Due to the rather hectic state of affairs at Earth at the time, They managed to escape to the Asteroid Belt, where they made the first 'colony' on an asteroid, Landfall. It really was the remains of the old battleship, but it suited them well enough.
The Second Martian War ended in 2070, with the Martians again being defeated. They were allowed a new form of government, however, a elected representitive chosen to lead the entire planet and give it a single vote in the HWA. Angered by this and the lose of the war again, The Maritians formed a secret underground government known as the Cornell States of Mars.
Earth, Its attentions no longer focused upon the rebels, Turned all its (Rather significant) forces to tracking down the escapees. Apparently they stole something of value upon the old ship, not that the HWA would say anything. Upon finding them, They decided from some reason to allow the Ceresian to continue colonizing the planet, So long as 90% of all wealth earned was returned to Earth.
Venus, in the meantime, managed to fix its main problem: How to fix the Venitian atmosphere. Massive solar panels were constructed, Harnessing all the energy normally getting trapped in the atmosphere by extreme greenhouse effects, and at the same time cooling the planet. In a period of fifteen years, the surface tempature and pressure would be at aggreeable levels.

Eight years passed in relative peace. Earth's government was slowly taken over by the old Chinese, who corrupted the government by stealing money to fund secret projects beneath the sea, Hidden from view. Mars built up a secret fleet itself, Using the Ceresians as a stepping stone to aquire materials in return of promises of freedom. Finnaly, In 2078, the Martians rose up against the HWA a third time. The sudden surprise attack decimated the local HWA government, and soon Mars warned Earth to surrender, Or face the power of a rain of Asteroids. Facing complete defeat in the eye, Earth complied and release Mars and Ceres from its grip.
There was much rejoicing in the Martian and Ceresian populations, And Venus soon arrived with an aid force to help the Ceresians terraform Ceres into something more comfortable.

And now, Ceres is a hollowed-out mining port, Gaining a huge amount of wealth each year. Mars, Peaceful and green, turns its attention away from Earth and back towards more peaceful issues. Venus, Its surface tempature now being perfect for humanity, and with vast stores of solar energy, has begun to write up plans to colonize Mercury. Earth, meanwhile, has been silent. The occasional ship is seen passing through the asteroid belt towards Jupiter and Saturn, But many suspect that the HWA is simply trying to take over the gas platforms located on those planets.

All seems peaceful.. But is it?


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(First IC post, Venitian News Broadcast (VNB) using Microwave communication. Each one is roughly five minutes apart, exactly. Microwaves travel at the speed of light.) ):

<- Begining Transmission. ->

Solar News!

Unprovoked attack upon Ceres!

An unknown enemy attacked Ceres this morning, February 23, 2108.

The military base of Landfall, located on the surface of the colony, was nearly destroyed. Only fifteen were killed.


Solar News!

Unprovoked attack upon Mars!

An unknown enemy, Possibly the same who attacked Ceres, has attacked Mars this morning, February 23, 2108.

The military fleet of Mars was nearly destroyed fighting this enemy, And a total of fifty cities were destroyed. Estimates at 2,000,000,000 dead or injured.


Solar News!

Unprovoked attack upon Venus!

Another enemy has attacked Venus today, Shortly after Earth went silent. It is February 23, 2108.

We will remain on air as long as we can. It seems fifteen of the floating cities were destroyed already, And it looks li--

<-Transmission ends.->


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