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The Summer Runaways

The Summer Runaways


Did you ever have that one place where you at home? Did you feel like you didn't have to be ashamed of yourself? For six teens, this is the place where all their cares go away. Welcome to Freedom,California.

3,875 readers have visited The Summer Runaways since .euphoria. created it.


Theme Song:
Numb by Linkin Park

First thought: You parents may have said they loved you but secertly they were a little ashamed of you. It may be because you're deaf, been in jail,gay, anything. You knew that they were ashamed so it made you either feel ashamed and hate yourself. You did you should have done or maybe it was something you didn't chose. You ran away to Freedom. Where you met a group of kids around your age who had the same problem in their life. You would stay there all summer and said you would never go back but of course you did. But, before you did you made a promise to always come back here til we all died. *Pinky Swear*. It has been five years since you have. One of you isn't ready to leave that city or their real family behind. All they want is one more summer before everyone moves on in their lives.

For many people they feel at home in their home but for these six teens it's as far away they can get from their house. Every single of these teenagers have some thing they're ashamed of. It might be a disablity,being in a gang,anything. They are always being judged by every single person who meets them. For the summer they made a pack to always go to this small town near the beach,The people here were homeless people,Gay,Lesbians,Transgender,they were all different. They all came here to get away from the judgemental world. To come here they had to lie to their parents when if they said no they would run-away for the summer and come back in August. Their old town they came from gave them the name "The Summer Ghost" because they left not a single trait of where they went. The last time they did that was a total of 5 years ago. One of them finds a picture of all of them a decides it's time to reunite the "Ghost" and live up their last summer before some go off to college and they all go down different paths, never to entertwin again.

You all get a letter. There is no return address all it sais is your old town of what you called "Landlocked". You all being the naive teenagers you are open the letter to see the picture that the newpaper always used around the summer time when you would go "missing".

The letter states:
Hello friend,
So nice to say hi to you again. So it toke me along time to type these and to find your address i mean damn some of you even moved out of the state. How have you been, (Insert name here)? Ok,it's not that big of a secert. So it's Alice, that picture I've sent you. Do you remember that? You and your friends would always runaway to that cute little town. What was the name? Oh right..Freedom,California. Ring a bell? Yea I knew it would. But from what I remember it has been a total for at least 5 years since we have gone back. We are all getting older some of us are 18,17, shit one of us is even 16. The reason I'm sending this is not because I wish to tease you but I remember your difference that you were ashamed of. Were you the one who was color-blinded,in a gang,or was it something else? I am here to invite you to return to that old little town. Just one more time. Before we all forget about each other completely, Hell who knows maybe it may refersh our friendships,relationships,who knows what that one summer will do? You do remeber how to do this right? Well if you don't this is what you do:

1.Leave your cell phone at home
2.Tell No one!
3.Take only the basic needs (Clothing,food,etc.)
4.You may bring you ipod as long as you turn off the tracker
5.You must find your own way of tranportion
6.Leave you room door locked
9.We are a family and we say together.

See you there, An old friend

Appearance:(Picture please. No anime)
What are you ashamed of: (Gang,Emo,Deaf,etc.)
Theme Song:

Guy 1: Roy Tefon played by NightBlaze
Guy 2:Johnathan Rhodes played by DarknessToDeath23
Guy 3:Vinny Belmont played by JimmyTheRat
Guy 4:Eliot Conley played by TheBouquineuse

Girl 1: Alice Love played by Bleeding Lover
Girl 2:Izzie Vieira played by The Painkiller
Girl 3:Christine (Turtle) Dale played by TakeItBack
Girl 4: Lucy Seiber played by TheOneAndOnly

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La Villa Pizzera

La Villa Pizzera by RolePlayGateway

This is where everyone comes to eat unless they want to eat

The "Ghosts" Beach

The "Ghosts" Beach by RolePlayGateway

This is where they used to come and swim,surf,and play

Free movie theater

Free movie theater by RolePlayGateway

Free movies over the summer to all people under the age of 20.

The "Ghost's" House

The "Ghost's" House by RolePlayGateway


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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Turtle smirked at Eli's remark about taxis, looking over her shoulder as she pulled out, steering the wheel. "Do you think we all changed?" Turtle glanced at Eli. "I mean I didn't so much, but I think the others changed quite a bit. Maybe its just me." She shrugged. She tried to start a conversation, because she just hates the quiet.
((I had detention! Sorry! >.< Its not my fault my teachers a bitch!))

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They must've made one hell of a weird-ass entourage, cruisin' down the road blasting all kinds of noise without a single damn given for what anyone else thought of in, in all manner of vehicles from trucks to muscle cars to motorcycles. As the tight rubber of the Harley Davidson's tires tore across the asphalt road, Izzie felt the wind against her dark, rough skin, felt it all around her--a rushing embrace that could not be replaced. The roaring music that perpetually surrounded her only enhanced that and made it all the more freeing and releasing.

Up ahead, her eyes unobstructed by any bulky, constrictive helmet, Izzie caught sight of the old house. They were rapidly approaching the humble abode that rested on the coast beside the sea--Izzie could feel the air inflected with the feel and scent of salt, the aura of the ocean as they drew nearer. How long has it been since I swam? she couldn't help but wonder as she saw the dark cerulean surface of the sea. She could remember she'd actually learnt to swim for the first time when she'd been here five years ago, but upon reflection, she hadn't so much as dipped her feet into the sea, or a lake, or so much as a swimming pool, not since. She had no fear or dislike of water, or of the ocean--one of her lifelong dreams, after all, being to see the beaches her own country of Brazil was so famous for--but since then, it had never really struck her. Wonder if I can even still do it.

Her motorcycle came at last to a stop before the towering structure of the old building. She looked up at it--this place had been her home for one all-too-brief summer, long before the apartment she now struggled to maintain and afford through an honest living. Probably full of all kinds of mold and insects and pests and other nasty-ass merda, she thought to herself--after all, it was to be expected after five years that the house would probably have obtained residents. Well, she was familiar with that--being no stranger to old, subpar living quarters, Izzie could not bring herself to regard it as a particularly horrifying prospect, though without a doubt there'd have to be some kind of cleansing of the house if they were gonna be living there again, because Izzie sure as hell wasn't keen on finding out the hard way halfway through the night a massive fucking tarantula had laid claim to the room she used to sleep in.

Yeah, you only needed that to happen to you once before you started making sure.

Alice ran up, tossing her motorcycle helmet aside and sitting down on the steps. "It's so great to be home!" she howled up to the sky. "Freedom, we have arrived!" Izzie couldn't conceal a smile at her excitement. Well, everyone here's probably pretty excited, I'm guessin'. Not least of all her stony-faced self. Anticipation mounting within, Izzie silenced the Harley-Davidson and dismounted, stepping not towards the house but towards the shore it faced, watching the ocean--almost, she felt, just like she had five years ago. She hadn't changed at all since then, not even the way her rosewood eyes reflected the shimmering depths of the sea and sent waves of melancholy and discontent back to the azure surface.

[[One day without thirty posts will not kill the RP. :P]]

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Vinny smirked at the house as they approached. He hadn't slept in a bed he could call his for almost 3 years, even then it wasn't really his. All it was a just a mattress on the floor with one pillow, hardly a bed. As he pulled up Alice shouted, he just shook his head and got out of the car. Vinny walked up to house and searched for any recent entries. It wasn't because of thinking of it got broken into, it was a force of habit. He had broken into houses before and was sure not to leave any traces of him breaking in. When he was satisfied that it hadn't he walked towards the door he had walked through so many times before.

Vinny entered and just looked around, everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. He headed towards his old room and found that the door was still locked. He just smirked and felt around the floor for his old tools. He spent a good two minutes looking before he found what he was looking for, his old bobby pin. He had stolen it from his mom and used his door for practice to pick locks. His skills were rusty from not being used, but after a few moments he had picked the lock and turned the knob. When Vinny walked in he was greeted by his posters, his bed, and his CD collection. He walked towards his CDs and slid his fingers down the bindings. He listed off various artists: Eminem, Avenged Sevenfold, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Bowling for Soup. "It feels nice to be home." Vinny said walking into the living room.

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Parking is rusty old ford in his spot underneath the tree, he heard Alice shout "Freedom, we've arrived!" He felt a warming sensation in his chest. He really was home! He got out and shoved his keys into his pocket. He locked the doors and then headed towards the house. Izzie, Vinny, and Alice were already here. He walked up to the door and could smell the dust that had accumulated over the years that they have been absent. He hoped that his notebooks were still here.

Walking in he noticed Alice already getting out the memories. She was laughing a picture of her blonde self. He smiled and took the picture. He laughed and pointed at her and then smiled apologetically, obviously trying to get her to know, that he is just joking around. It sucks when you can't speak he thought. Then he noticed something out of the corner of his eyes, his notebooks! He grinned and picked them off. He flipped through them, and noticed old conversations he had with Ellie. Other's with Pierce about music. How he had told them about his problem with his vocal cords and how he can't talk. So many memories were coming back.

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He parked his car right infront of the house, and tunred off his music,"Ah, home sweet, home." He sighed in relief. Pierce could finally say this was his home, because where he stayed with his parents wasn't a sweet home. It was a hell home, and he didn't like that place at all, it just wasn't home to him anymore. He walked towards the doorway of the house and walked inside. Looking around, he loved this place, like a kitten that is how much he loved it.

Walking in the living room,"I just love this place." He remembered when the group would sit and talk and chat while Pierce played hhis guitar to bring some type of mood to the room. Oh, how colorful his hair was, it was blue, green, and black. Nothing changed but, the style of clothes he wore, and his hair color, which he dyed it many, many times, and finally chose a color that fits him best. He smiled as he remembered all the colors of the rainbow.

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β€œWell of course we’ve changed” Eli said as they exited the parking lot, β€œI mean, even you a bit.” He shrugged and smiled, remembering the home he was about to go back to. β€œI can’t say exactly how, but you have.” He looked down β€˜God knows the rest of us have.’ Looking out the window, he watched the trees fly by. They were almost to the house after only about five minutes. It was really surprising how close by everything was around here.

Back home he had to take two buses just to get to the doctors. If someone was losing an arm… they where screwed. Eliot looked towards Turtle and smiled again. It didn’t matter how much things had changed. This was still his home.

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"Ok ok. Yes I looked wierd with blonde hair. I get it. Now give it back." She saids as she smiles and gets the picture. She walks in frount of an old couch. "It smells like home." She saids flopping on the old dirty couch. She gets a horrible taste in her mouth. "Ew,yuck. ew ew ew ew." she saids trying to get the taste of old sea water out of her mouth and scrapes her tonage with her frount teeth,. She squents her nose and shakes hwer head. "No one laugh because that was not funny." She saids knowing some one if not no one would crack a smile and chuckle

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Turtle smiled back at Eli, her foot killing the gas. Turtle was actually surprised she didn't get arrested more often. A block away from the house, she slowed down. She may be crazy, but she does have some common sense. Taking her last turn, she pulled into the driveway of the old house. "Home sweet home." She said to herself, cutting the engine, hoping out, not really waiting for Eli-she was to excited.

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((Sorry I got my computer taken away.))
Alice walks in the girls old room and sees the bed farest away from the door and window because she used to sleep walk. It always ended with someone having to save her from the water saying she could have died.

She lays her small bag on the dirty matress before taking out the sheet she brought from home. She sits on the bed andc just lays there wondering what her parents are thinking about her running away again after she swore she wouldn't do it again. She bits her lip to help from letting out a single tear. She knows she shouldn't care but she worried about her younger brother who was awake when she left. Alice didn't know she was right at her five year old brother was there when she went out her window to send those letters.

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Roy looked around and then headed towards a back room. He opened the door to a single bed and a desk with notebooks all over it. He smiled. Posters hung up on the walls, posters of bands, and of wolves, and of mystical creatures. He was a weird kid, but he didn't really care. He looked at the bed, it was exactly the way he left it, dirty. He never made his bed. He didn't really care though. He inspected the bed to make sure that no bugs or wildlife had destroyed it. He quickly changed the bedding into something that he brought, something more clean.

He smiled and then laid on the bed. He looked up at the ceiling. There was a picture of this mother up there. It was small, but he could still see the smile on her face. No one else knew about his mother. They asked, but he had just said/wrote down, that he missed her and like to have her picture along. It was the truth, but it meant something totally different to him. He really missed his mother, and he could never see her again. He closed his eyes and that thought and then turned over in his bed. He sat up and suddenly sneezed because of the dust.

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La Villa Pizzera

La Villa Pizzera by RolePlayGateway

This is where everyone comes to eat unless they want to eat

The "Ghosts" Beach

The "Ghosts" Beach by RolePlayGateway

This is where they used to come and swim,surf,and play

Free movie theater

Free movie theater by RolePlayGateway

Free movies over the summer to all people under the age of 20.

The "Ghost's" House

The "Ghost's" House by RolePlayGateway


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Character Portrait: Roy Tefon
2 sightings Roy Tefon played by NightBlaze
I may not be able to speak, but I can tell you what I want.

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Character Portrait: Christine (Turtle) Dale
Character Portrait: Johnathan Rhodes


Character Portrait: Johnathan Rhodes
Johnathan Rhodes

"I'm proud of who I am. How about you?"

Character Portrait: Christine (Turtle) Dale
Christine (Turtle) Dale

"I'm weird, but I could care less. GO TURTLES!"


Character Portrait: Johnathan Rhodes
Johnathan Rhodes

"I'm proud of who I am. How about you?"

Character Portrait: Christine (Turtle) Dale
Christine (Turtle) Dale

"I'm weird, but I could care less. GO TURTLES!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Johnathan Rhodes
Johnathan Rhodes

"I'm proud of who I am. How about you?"

Character Portrait: Christine (Turtle) Dale
Christine (Turtle) Dale

"I'm weird, but I could care less. GO TURTLES!"

View All » Places

La Villa Pizzera

La Villa Pizzera by RolePlayGateway

This is where everyone comes to eat unless they want to eat

The "Ghosts" Beach

The "Ghosts" Beach by RolePlayGateway

This is where they used to come and swim,surf,and play

Free movie theater

Free movie theater by RolePlayGateway

Free movies over the summer to all people under the age of 20.

The "Ghost's" House

The "Ghost's" House by RolePlayGateway


The "Ghost's" House


Free movie theater

Free movies over the summer to all people under the age of 20.

The "Ghosts" Beach

This is where they used to come and swim,surf,and play

La Villa Pizzera

This is where everyone comes to eat unless they want to eat

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Most recent OOC posts in The Summer Runaways

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

I was just thinking that, though I passed it off. Doesn't really so any damage except bumping up the post count.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Meh, well it doesnt hurt anyone, and no one really answers here, so...

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

When did the IC become the OOC ._.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

That would be like calling Vinny a wanna be gangster. Except they'd be right.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

...did Turtle just call Izzie a goth ._.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Yay! This is going to rock! =D

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

You may now Post, my people. :P

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Okay so my Internet is being really freaking stupid for some reason. I have my girl finished, but I won't be able to submit her until I figure out this whole computer thing =|

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Geez, I was starting to think it would take me that 24 hours just to get that character up! But he's submitted! :D

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

As much as mine looks like a prim and proper young lady who partakes of the concertos of Vivaldi and Corelli :v

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Yeah, my character=looks like a total punk.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

TheBouquineuse & TheOneAndOnly. I'll give you 24 hours starting now. After that we can start posting, wait actually you can post about when you got the letter and what your character did. But nothing more til I give the O.K

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Come on people send me charries. I need one or two more guys and if I get two more guy I'll add another girl.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

OhMYGosh! I'm making a guy right now!

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Jimmy: Yeah, they are definitely not gonna be the best of friends, I can tell :v

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Ohmygoodness I love this idea! I'm going to get up a female here pretty soon I think C=

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Nothing except that our characters are gonna be at each others throats if he's accepted. He's gonna be a white rapper.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

Glad to see my character was accepted.

And sup Jimmy. That's two people in on this RP who are in other RPs of mine. :v

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

I'll join as a guy, and holy crap its Painkiller. Long time no see, lol.

Re: [OOC] The Summer Runaways

I'd like to reserve a female character, please.