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The Will to Survive

A small town in the midwest called Highgate


a part of The Will to Survive, by pinkamenapoison.


pinkamenapoison holds sovereignty over A small town in the midwest called Highgate, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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A small town in the midwest called Highgate is a part of The Will to Survive.

16 Characters Here

Darcy Morgan [227] Zombies? Piece of cake! I've survived worse brain dead people in El Lay.
Marcus "Freelancer" [189] Freelancer to Mother Eagle...the problem is taken care more loose ends.
Natalie Williams [143] "Um, that was... messy. With all the... brains. And whatever [i]that[/i] is."
Leon Joseph Silver [139] The only need is to survive
Lilith R. Avery [123] I'll keep myself alive, whatever it takes.
Jin Bou [122] I wanted society to fall apart. This is not what I had in mind.
Leo Diaz [89] This Is Messed Up...
Layla Camdon [80] Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception
James Hill [62] What ever they are, they're not going to stop. Not till we are all dead.
Matthew Plains [55] Everyone dies. It's just the way God had us made.

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7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Natalie Williams Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer" Character Portrait: Jin Bou Character Portrait: Lilith R. Avery Character Portrait: Leon Joseph Silver Character Portrait: Layla Camdon
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Leon sat on his bike, Marcus had gone to sleep and Darcy went to the bathroom by the looks of it., Lilith was talking to a girl that wasn't apart of their group, he still didn't know some of their names. Leon sighed as he lifted his head to put his glasses on, it was pretty bright today and he could tell if any zombies were coming from a while away. They weren't to close but still had to be cautious, they had been there a while, he thought looking at his watch.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Natalie Williams Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer" Character Portrait: Jin Bou Character Portrait: Lilith R. Avery Character Portrait: Leon Joseph Silver
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Marcus got out and was about to tell everyone to saddle up when he noticed something was amiss. They were one person short, who was it? He looked over each person carefully then it hit him, Darcy was gone. He walked over to Leon, the last person he saw Darcy with, and called to him "Hey you, Leon. Where did Darcy go?"

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan
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Darcy, splashed cold water on her face. It had no effect on her heated skin. If she was going to leave by herself, she had to do it now. Now when nobody was watching and pay attention to her. While Marcus was asleep. But how was she going to get back to the town center? It wasn't far but to walk the distance with Zombies lurking at every corner was a completely different story.

"But I have my gun." She said to her unclear reflection.

And the knife in my boot.

She knew how to use both well enough . . . and she'd just have to take her chances. Closing her eyes, she inhaled deeply. It was now or never.

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Character Portrait: Leon Joseph Silver
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Leon looked up at Marcus and pointed to the gas station.

"Probably the bathroom. I suppose we are leaving when you find her?"

He sat on his bike ready to go, Finally.

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Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer" Character Portrait: Leon Joseph Silver
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"Yeah, make sure you're ready." Freelancer said as he ran up to the gas station and move towards the women's bathroom.

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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Darcy just opened the door and was ready to walk out and walk away from them all when she almost ran straight into . . . she looked up . . .Marcus.


She hoped he didn't notice her belongings on her person.

Argh! She was so angry. Why was he always there when she opened a door?! She didn't want to look at or talk to him. It made her feel, and feelings were one thing she didn't want to deal with right now.

The only way she could keep a distance between them was to act like the false Darcy that everybody saw everyday. Cold and hostile.

"Why are you always there when I open a door? Can't you read? It says women's bathroom. You might want to take five steps to the left buddy." She said coldly without looking at him. It was too hard otherwise, she wouldn't be able to do it.

Why did he have this effect on her?

She seriously had to find another way out of here by herself. It was for the best.

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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"We need to talk." Freelancer said as he pushed Darcy into the bathroom gently as the door closed he began to speak "Who is this person you're trying to find?" he asked. He looked at her things in her arms and hands, she was going to leave. He couldn't let her...even if she did get to where she was going there was no way she could make it out of the city before it was green lighted...and then obliterated.

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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He'd pushed her into the bathroom and not too gently either, although she was sure it was gentle for him. Darcy scowled.

"We need to talk." He stated flatly "Who is this person you're trying to find?"

She wasn't going to waste anymore time, she had to get going.

"We don't need to talk about anything." Darcy said as she tried to pushed past him but he pushed her right back. "You don't need to worry about it, now move." Darcy told him.

Not liking being in such a confined space with him; threatening to lose the resolve at every passing second.

Her cold gaze on his as she folded her arms across her chest. When he didn't budge she forewarned "Let me go or I swear, I'll scream."

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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"Let me go or I swear, I'll scream."

"Go ahead." He said as he blocked the door with his body, "But, it will just make things more complicated then they need to be. Just tell me Darcy." did he dare say the word? "Please." geez when was the last time he used that word ever? He stood firm, not budging as he looked right into Darcy's eyes.

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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Darcy fought with all the will power she possessed but when he pleaded with her and his deep brown eyes looked into her own cold grey one's she couldn't stand it. Arms folded across her chest, she looked away.

"His name's Josh, okay?" She said "And I'm not leaving without him."

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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"Who is he and where is he?" Freelancer asked with curiosity. Was it a boyfriend? Why was he worried about that? he shouldn't be he could their life styles ever come to be something more?

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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"Look," Darcy said exasperated and exhausted, she felt like falling to the floor crying and then sleeping for an eternity. "just take the others and get them safe, find who you're looking for, this James guy. I told you, you don't have to worry about it . . . Let's, let's just go our separate ways."

No, she wouldn't burden him with her problems; she decided that whilst she watched him sleep all tensed up and that was one decision she intended to keep to.

She couldn't keep doing this with him. It just hurt too much. Thus, to push the last knife in, she stared him straight in the eye; cold and emotionless and said "If this is about that kiss, then let me make it clear for you," Darcy stated unfeeling and calculatedly as she walked right up to him, two inches between them "it mean't nothing."

As the last syllables of the lie escaped her lips . . . Darcy felt sick to her stomach.

Who was the liar now?

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Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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"It meant nothing."
The words echoed in his mind. His chest hurt...he hadn't felt this kind of pain for so very long, not since he had to watch them send the letter to his family saying he was dead, and he would disappear forever from their lives. Freelancer just starred at her, he was such a fool for everything he had done. He should have known, he could not trust anybody. He turned around and opened the door without saying a word and just before he left he stopped and turned his head
"If that's what you want then leave." he could kill her, nobody would know...but he couldn't "Your usefulness ended a long time ago. I don't need you." Then with that he left her where she was. He hated himself for falling for her, he should have known she was a liar. Now he would leave her to her fate, either to become infected, or incinerated when the green light was lit. As he walked out the door he began signing under his breath.

"How lucky can one guy be...I kissed her and she kissed me." They needed to move and get James, then he could care less what happened to them. He would tell them about the Evac site, but he had a job to do. And that's all that mattered now.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer"
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"If that's what you want then leave . . . Your usefulness ended a long time ago. I don't need you."

Darcy had stood as still as she could unflinching, unblinking till he left and then she collapsed to her knees on the cold, hard unforgiving floor sobbing convulsively, bent over, face in her hands.

" . . . I don't need you." She had expected the words but they cut so sharp like broken glass, like the pieces of her heart.

Now Marcus didn't have the burden of her. He'd get out of Highgate she knew; live and have a chance at happiness. Which he would never have had had he helped her. Darcy knew it was at the expense of her own life but Joshua Morgan was more important then any of them could imagine. She knew for a fact her brother was still in town . . . he couldn't die, he was too crucial. She had to find him.

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Lilith stared at the walkie talkie before nodding at the other girl. She clipped it to her belt and turned to continue towards the truck, but Marcus wasn't in there anymore. She looked around and spotted him coming out of the bathroom. The girl’s bathroom, he must have been talking to Darcy, but the look on his face...That didn't bode well. She wasn't sure what'd been going on between them, and they'd been talking while she gathered food. Juggling said food slightly Lilith moved towards him as Marcus moved away from the bathroom.
"What's changed?" she asked. She wasn't stupid, she'd realised pretty soon that her continued travel with him was entirely circumstantial, and she could go back to surviving on her own if need be. She just needed to know what was happening. What was she going to do if Marcus sent her away? Back to her own survival, he was the one that wanted to find James for whatever reason. She'd argue over who got the car, but ultimately she knew this town like the back of her hand, if need be she could find another one.
She'd still rather stick with him though. Damn her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer" Character Portrait: Lilith R. Avery
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"Darcy is leaving on her own. Spread the word that anyone who is coming along with me that we are leaving right this second. You drive, bring me to James house." Marcus said without looking at her. He moved to the other side of the truck and got into the passenger seat and through his backpack on the floorboard. He put lay his head back again and looked to the horizon...the sun was coming up. That would make it easier to move around the city at least....

~Langley, Virgina. CIA HQ~
"Do you think he can do it." Deputy Director Carter asked.

"If he doesn't, this whole situation will be out of hand. There may be nothing the research team can do" The director replied

"Do we need to destroy the town? The political backlash could be catastrophic."

"Tom, the world is plagued by a parasite that is bringing the dead to life." He glared at his subordinate "I think destroying a town is the least of our concerns. But there is to much people could discover from the bodies of the infected there. We have no choice." He looked to a file of the plans to destroy Highgate "The Aries Fuel Bomb will get rid of any evidence."

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"O...kay," Lilith replied, turning back towards the gas station. She gave him a worried look over her shoulder but didn't argue with him. She quickly moved towards the door to the gas station.
"Hey, um, Marcus-the big guy government agent guy for anyone who missed his name-he said we're living now and anyone who wants to come should get in the truck. He's in a bad mood," she warned, not staying around to hear their answers she turned quickly and headed back to the truck. The other new guy was already on his bike so she assumed he knew they were about to leave.
"Jake, in you go," she commanded, allowing the dog to jump into the backseat as she put all the food into her duffel bag. It was definitely full now. That done she situated herself in the driver’s seat, watching Marcus through the window, "I'm not sure what's going on anymore, I think we missed something important. He's not happy at all. I hope Darcy's ok."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leo Diaz Character Portrait: James Hill
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Leo woke up only because he had rolled right off the sofa and fell to the floor, landing right on his left arm.
"Damn it!" He hissed, pushing himself up so he was sitting. Leo looked at his arm in confusion, "What the hell...?" For a second he had no idea where he was, this wasnt his room, or even anywhere in his house, and why was his arm wrapped in bandages? Then Leo remembered he was at James's house, the town was filled with zombies, and one of them had atacked him.
On top of all that, Leo wasnt even sure he could trust James yet, the guy appeared to be a pretty nice person, but how was Leo suppose to know if he wouldnt kill him the first chance he got?
"Right..." Leo muttered, pushing the thought to the back of his head as he stood up. It wouldnt really matter if James killed him or not, since they would both probably be dead soon, anyway.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Natalie Williams Character Portrait: Jin Bou
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After Natalie had said about getting some place higher and more secure Jin gave a quick glance at the gas station and looked up towards the ceiling and found a ladder leading up.

"Give me a sec to scout out things," He took a step back and then dashed towards the counter and leaped up onto it and with little time he jumped again grabbing the screwed in ladder and climbed up. "Is there any place in particular you are thinking might work?" he asked as he pushed up and opened the door to the roof.

Jin walked around taking a look at the town. He stayed low as he saw that there were still several of these creatures prowling the streets. Not to mention what could still be in the buildings themselves. There were too many buildings packed close together so the number of these creatures were unknown and would most likely stay that way until the last inconvenient second.

"You want to have a look?" He called down to Natalie. He caught the end of heated conversation as he moved to the side bulding. The robot and topless just entered the bathroom. He listened for awhile in silence, he didn't take any pleasure in their parting but he wasn't surprised by it either.

Jin looked down as the robot had left back towards the car.

"We'll help you, Topless," Jin said down to the girl who looked in pain wearing a top much too big for her. "We were going to look for some place more secure but we could help you and believe it or not I know that numbers will always help in a situation like this."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leo Diaz Character Portrait: James Hill
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The sun was peaking over horizon, it would not be long until it was fully morning. James lay awake in his bed, watching the sun silently break through the glass pane. James had enough sleep, he decided it was time for him to get up and start his day. What would he do today? The garden needed tending, the backside of the house could use a paint job, or maybe the porch could be sanded. No. It almost escaped James; the thought of what had happened yesterday. The infected human bodies, dead, but yet still roaming the streets, preying on the living. It was a nightmare, a real-dead-living-nightmare.

James rolled out of bed, and brushed his hands over his face, awakening his skin. Downstairs he went, making sure not to wake Leo, who may have been sleeping in the extra room. James started up some food, he cooked up some of the meat he had, he knew it would go bad soon and thus it was not a waste. He cracked open some eggs, mixed them together and scrambled them. While he was letting the food cook he went into his basement and opened up a old antique pirate decorated chest. Inside was a multitude of knives that James had collected over the years. He pulled one out. It had a green handle and the blade was sharp and clean silver.

Once James was done he moved back upstairs, finished up the food. By this time the sun was entering the town. James quickly looked outside as infected walked up and down the street. Luckily they wouldn't notice James' house. James took out two plates and placed food on each. Now James headed back to the second floor, this time he went and opened up the door to Leo's room. There the kid lay, awake or not awake James could not tell. He knocked on the wooden door a couple times till it got the kid's attention.

"Food's on the table." said James. He then lead Leo downstairs and to the table where their meal awaited them. It was a hearty meal of steak, eggs, and milk. James gestured Leo to sit down as he did.

"How'd you sleep?"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Natalie Williams Character Portrait: Marcus "Freelancer" Character Portrait: Jin Bou Character Portrait: Lilith R. Avery Character Portrait: Leon Joseph Silver Character Portrait: Layla Camdon
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Leon watched as Marcus walked away to the women's bathroom, that desperate, eh? But then he came storming out, Darcy not in sight. Not a good thing but I guess it means he was leaving as he saw Marcus growl at Lilith who spoke to the others and then merrily jumped back into the truck.

"Finally." Leon whispered to himself and started his engine.

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#, as written by Agent
<sorry, ignore this>

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Character Portrait: Leo Diaz Character Portrait: James Hill
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Leo had been half awake, half asleep, when James came and knocked on the door.
It took him awhile to notice it though, since apparently Leo's brain didnt feel like getting up even though he had been awake half an hour or so ago.
James had led Leo downstairs to where breakfast was at, and Leo's eyes widened when he saw what was on the table. James motioned for Leo to sit down, which he did, then almost immediately began to dish up his plate.

How'd you sleep? James asked as he sat down at the table as well.
"Fine, thanks," Leo replied, a bit distracted by the food infront of him, it wasnt a huge meal, but it was a good one.
Better than Leo's usual breakfast of cheap waffles or cereal.
"Um... how about you?" He asked, for some reason feeling it would be rude not to return the question.

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Character Portrait: Leo Diaz Character Portrait: James Hill
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The two men dug into their meals. From what James could tell Leo was enjoying it very much. James smiled. "That is good, I'm not sure how many people out there are actually able to get sleep now."

"Um... how about you?" asked Leo.

"Well, I have had better nights, but still got enough rest." James stopped talking to take a bite of his food and then proceeded with a sip of his milk and then wiping his lips on a napkin.

"We will go to your aunt's house soon, see...what has happened. Leo.." James paused again, looking at Leo. "There is a great possibility that she may be gone, if she is there I will leave you with her, but if not, then I will ask that you come along with me. Also there may be...whatcha call it..zombies while we are out." James then shuffled out of his chair and went to a drawer and pulled out something. It was the knife he had grabbed earlier.

"I want you to have this. It is a hunting knife. It can cut through animals that have much thicker skin and flesh than humans, it should give you no problem with zombies." James was now placing the knife besides Leo's plate.

"Me giving you this does not mean you can go chase after them and hunt them down, no. Use this only when you need to, if they come after you, if one is alone and you KNOW you can take it. With your weak arm it may be difficult to strike, so try not to get into tough spots. If you want, I can show you how to use it efficiently." James took a bite of his food.

"I learned that it is better to strike for the heart or brain. The heart would be easier, since the skull is tough and more difficult to reach...for someone your size."

James would now stop talking, he wanted to give the kid a chance to speak.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Darcy Morgan Character Portrait: Natalie Williams Character Portrait: Jin Bou
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#, as written by Agent
Natalie put her own radio on the waist of her jeans while she watched Jin leap onto the ladder and climb up to the roof. He made it look easy. After a moment he called down to her, "You want to have a look?"
She glanced at ladder. It was only rarely that she hated being short. Relunctantly Natalie left the crowbar on the counter before climbing up onto the surface next to it. She stood with her arms swinging by side before taking two running steps and throwing herself at the rungs. She caught onto the the ladder but her shins bumped the lower rung. Despite the brief pain she smiled and climbed up.
When she came through the door to roof Jin was looking over the edge as he talked to Darcy in the carpark. Natalie rolled her eyes before mentally scolded herself for being petty. She honestly wasn't bothered that much by girls like that, she did actually find their silly antics entertaining, so so there was no reason for her to be getting so ruffled now. She shook her head and turned away from the conversation, gazing at the surroundings. The sky was becoming lighter, the sun was still hugging the horizon but its rays were turning the morning sky red. "Red sky in the morning..." Natalie murmured.
She was feeling more awake now, her second wind, she could probaly go another 24 hours if she needed to. She clasped her hand in front of her and stretched upwards, then rested her hands behind her head.
"Marcus had been muttering about getting out of town, like an organised evac or something. We should probably find out where that's happening and pick somewhere close."