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Lord Huginn

Master of the half truth and Ruler of the Shadow Court

0 · 191 views · located in Earth

a character in “The Wyld Hunt”, as played by Derek Smith


Image Huginn or Lord Huginn if you have a desire to be formal as both a former divine being and the father of the Dubh Sidhe is capable of shape shifting. Able to assume any guise he cares to with very little effort. One moment he could be taking wing as a raven, soaring before the storm like a messenger of war. The next he could be the tree under whose shade you seek shelter from the sun, for the Dubh Sidhe do not limit themselves to their true form. This however is the form Huginn was born. It is a form very few outside the Dubh Sidhe can claim to have seen, in it he moves with the careless grace of the raven.


Huginn is a man who traded what he was to save a people and a land he no longer quite cares for. The profanity of man is the reason this had to happen and it colours him to this day. However who he was is no longer who he is, that is a whole new person. The old persona cast aside like stray feathers, replaced by a man at one with the Shadows he rules alongside the race he fathered while still truly divine. And black is Huginn's personality, but not the black of the shadows he rules, that darkness is without colour for even black is a colour. Like the tricksters his people have become the Fey Lord is a master of subtly and acting, and coincidently the finest card shark amongst the fey. Never one to reveal his hand Huginn is a master of the smoke and mirrors. Blending in rather then standing out he lives for the moment, yet never lets his darker half get the better of him. It is this duality of personality that more then anything shows his old persona is not quite dead.

Advantages: Shape-shifting, Confusion, Half-Truths, Deception, and limited Mind Reading.
Disadvantages: Because of both his fey nature and former divinity Huginn is unable to lie, if someone is smart enough to ask the right questions they could find out a great deal. This does not mean he is under any obligation to spout out the exact truth though, there are many ways to tell the truth after all.


Eyes of Mystic Sight: With this ability Huginns eyes go a silver grey, very much unlike his normal shadow hue. In this mode of sight Huginn can see everything that is going on around him for nearly 5 miles. It takes no effort to maintain the mode but his normal vision is disabled and certain barriers can hamper or even block his sight, this is especially true of walls made of iron or even steel. And the focus needed to stay afloat of all the images pouring into his mind's eye is intense, rendering him unable to move or even act beyond breathing.

Wrath of Shadows: A potent spell Huginn is able to manifest the chaotic power he traded his divinity for. Composed of dark energy it is an attack lacking all subtly. Bolts of the uncontrolled power arc around him, destroying any physical matter they touch. Adding to it's uncontrolled nature is the fact each use of it seems to physically age him and tire him out to a great deal. He has not used this power since defeating his twin sister and the mother of his children in battle. Though it is a constant reminder of exactly what he sacrificed.

Reality's Law: Through this spell Huginn is able to dispel the illusion magic of other fey, after all you can't trick a Trickster.

Dark Gate: A spell whose only function is to create a gate back to the Shadow Court.

Murder: A spell that summons an ethereal flock of crows that circle and attack a target, they can also be used for scouting purposes.


Huginn was born the twin of Muninn, the son and daughter of Morrigan. Who their father was is a secret Morrigan never told them. And one does not argue with a Goddess, and so they grew up as it were in ignorance of their true heritage, . Being the children of divinity they held powers beyond the reckoning of the primitive humans of their youth.

Of course like any youthful adults they held their lusts and desires, fulfilling them with the wantonness of forest nymphs and even each other. And such was the birth of the of the Dubh Sidhe, fey with the blood of divinity running through their veins. Powerful they were, and with that power came pride. A sin that lead them a bloody chapter of their history. Huginn, the one who lived for the moment and yet with rationality clashed with his sister Muninn, the one who lived in the past. For immortal beings do not notice the passing of time, but the mortality of men does.

While Huginn and Muninn lived in the timeless ease of their heritage the race of men became more then cave dwelling hunters without even a spoken tongue. They began to activity profane the sacred sites of Faerie kind. Huginn able to see this far quicker then his sister got into the first argument with his sister. For Muninn living in the past as she did saw nothing to worry about. Huginn determined to do something appealed to their mother, only to find her gone along with many of the other gods and goddesses.

Muninn furious that Huginn had tired to go behind her back openly attacked Huginn. And a great battle was fought between the clans of Dubh Sidhe, an event that even mortal men still speak of as a myth. Huginn the far more rational of the pair won much support of their birthed race, but Muninn remembering the powers of old was a challenging opponent. And it was all decided on the sacred ground of Armagh, for Huginn knew to throw his people's lives against Muninn's powers would be to lead nothing but corpses afterwards.

Their battle carved the landscape anew, creating mountains and rivers were none had been before. The local population seeing the wrath of the twins locked in mortal combat feared the end of the world. For a single day and a single night they fought, always it was Muninn who had the upper hand. But Huginn determined to end this battle sacrificed his divinity to a power both darker and older then that of the divine realm, to Chaos he prayed. And it was answered, the trade was accepted. And in a single overwhelming attacking Muninn was destroyed, the mother of the Dubh Sidhe slain by her brother.

Putting things to order the Father of the Dubh Sidhe retreated into his own realm, the Shadow Court, taking with him the Dubh Sidhe. No longer a divine creature Huginn became little more then a powerful Dubh Sidhe. Now merely an immortal the son of Morrigan is taking in the sight of the decline with a enigmatic gaze. Most days he does not worry about it, for all things must end.

But there are customs not even Huginn can ignore and the Wild Hunt has drawn him out along with his people. For such are the rules, not even a son of Morrigan can ignore them. Besides it is a good way to keep one's mind off of certain things.

So begins...

Lord Huginn's Story
