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Turning Points Reformation School

Turning Points Reformation School


To them, the world is theirs. Why should they have to listen to anyone else?

1,071 readers have visited Turning Points Reformation School since Luce created it.


Located in the rural outskirts of Warrington, Cheshire is Turning Points Reformation School. For many, this is a last ditch effort to change the behaviors of their children. If they can't change here, these kids will undoubtably end up in prison, or even the psyche ward. This school is indeed a turning point in the lives of these students. The students arrive at Turning Points Reform with harsh, violent, and other antisocial behavior. To them, the world is theirs. Why should they have to listen to anyone else? After their stay here at Turning Points, they transform into responsible and caring young adults.


1. Uniforms are to be worn at all times during lessons, but not mandatory outside of school.
2. No boys in girl dorm or vice versa.
3. Off-Limits:
-Video Games
-Cell Phones
-Internet Accessing Devices

Girls-A blue plaid midthigh skirt, a white collared undershirt, and a blue sweater over the top. Knee high white socks with black dress shoes.
Boys-Black slacks, a white collared undershirt, a black tie, and a blue jacket. Black dress shoes.

Age: 13-19
Description: Please add an avatar
Rehab: Y or N and what for?
Psychological Issues?
Anything else we should know?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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Damian rushed off down the hall to where he left his bag, scooped it up and returned to his new room with it. He tossed the bag carelessly on the floor and took a seat on the open bed. He examined the inside of the room closely then walked back to the doorway, poking his head out into the hall to make sure no one was around. He closed the door and walked over to his bag, opening it and pulling out a pack of cigarettes, he had stashed an entire carton though he knew that wouldn't be enough for the year, but he'd try to make them last all the same. He popped one in his mouth and held one up to Frank. "Smoke?"

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#, as written by Akantha
Lilith smiled then shrugged. "Ah, I see then Zael. Well your better off than I am. I swear your more popular. Much cooler you know?" She smiled covering for him. Even though she wanted to know something and had put him in a tight situation, she wasn't going to ruin his life. What kind of girl would she be then? She watched willow stand and go over to her stand of, for lack of better word, hair things.

Lilith mentally and physically recoiled from the spray. "I..." She bit her lip and scrunched her face. "I don't know about that. You look gorgeous and awesome with that but my hair is well a mess. I think it looks fine." She tensed unable to conceal her fear of suffocation. Out of all the things in the world nothing scared her except the idea of suffocating on nothing. She'd seen those videos of people choking to death. It looked painful and very sickening. "I guess I'm more of a tomboy. I never really dressed up much." She gestured to her outfit and hair which gave her all the example she needed. Sure, the style looked good enough and Willow was probably right that she would look even better with it straightened but just the thought freaked her out.

Instead she turned to Angel deciding to talk to her for a bit. "Anyways. Angel don't worry too much about the big things. Focus on the little things and I'm sure the stay here will get better. Like how I have my own factory in my room. I'm focusing on that small thing to keep all the horrible big things out." She grinned feeling even more satisfied with this piece of advice. She truly hoped it would help the girl lead to a better day.

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#, as written by Luce
Willow hoped she hadn't offended Lilith in anyway, but from the face she was making, she felt that she did. "No, I mean, your hair is great, but.. I don't know.. Straightening it would give you a little more variety. You know?" She mentally slapped her forhead. The girl probably hates her now. "Yeah, Liliths right. Like, for me, I love just straightening my hair on a sunny day, did I mention straighteners are not allowed?, anyway I love to straighten it then just go lay down and stare at my ceiling or read a book. And play guitar! I lovelovelove my guitar." Her sentence was more of a string of disconnected thoughts rather than something rational. That's just how Willow's mind worked, she guessed.

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Zael sighed in relief when the attention was off of him. But now the girls were talking about their hair. He silently rolled his eyes. His style was simple: however it looks when you wake up. He would never understand girls and their obsession with their looks. Really, just show him a plain girl who didn't care what the hell they looked like as long as they were comfortable. To Zael, that was the perfect girl.
Not that he would ever date anyways. Too many issues there to think about.

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Angel looked up at willows ceiling it was covered with various posters from different bands, none of which she recognized.  Angel knew willow was right, everyone here didn't have to be.  She choked a little when she said 4 years. By the time she got out she would be like 20. She sighed and put her hands in her head again. 
"4 years" she mumbled, maybe if she got close enough to one of the teachers... No she couldn't do that.  She sighed heavily, she was pretty sure that she had her first block in the psyche ward soon. She liked what lillith said about worring about the little things. 
 " I think I have my block in the psyche ward soon," she sighed but she felt a little happier "I swear if they try to make me take any pills, I will resort to violence" even though she said it jokingly, she was serious.  Noway was she going to take something from them.  She hoped Zael would speak, he seemed interesting and she wanted to hear more about him. Quickly Her eyes wandered to the single window where the rain was coming down hard. She didn't want to think about being here anymore, she thought about ex boyfriend.  He had died one year ago now, she still remembered his face clearly.  His last words rang clearly in her head
"it wasn't your fault" she buried a sob and snapped back to reality quickly. 
I don't need to think about this now, why even bring it up! She cursed her self, what are you?like a sadist or something you like being In pain? She questioned her sanity at moments like these, just like everyone else had previously.  
Willow and Lillith were tAlking about hair, she wasnt bothered today, she wasnt in the mood.
Angel cursed her bad luck quietly.  She felt like she needed to make conversation she didn't want her company to think she was unsocial
"so how long has everyone been here?" in this hell hole she added mentally

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Zael glanced over at Angel, snapped out of his thoughts that would have eventually led down a very dark path. "Three years, going on my fourth," he said. "This place has done nothing for me, so it's probably not gonna be my last year." He shrugged carelessly. "My uncle will probably throw me right back in here. Or tell the cops." He blinked thoughtfully. "At least in jail they don't make you take stupid pills for nothing." He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. His irritable and unsocial mood was returning for some reason.

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"at least you have an uncle" she mumbled " even if he is a evil one" she shrugged nonchalantly,
"I think I would prefer it more to be in jail, they want to put me on these pills for some stupid reason. And I am NOT. Taking, not unless they forcefully shove it down my throat" she crossed her arms. The rain stopped for a bit then returned harder again

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"Don't say that until you've actually met him," Zael muttered. "You have no idea." He glared out the window, edging more towards the corner he was already pressed into. "Then don't take the pills," he retorted. "Do what I did; flush 'em down the toilet, crush 'em up and let them blow away in the next windstorm. Or hide it in your lunch and dump it with the rest of the food you don't eat. There's tons of ways to get out of it - and believe me, I've done all of them." His voice came out harsher than he had intended it to.

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She didn't mean to Upset him, she was scared she had.
"will you help me?" she asked "learn the ropes" she put it like Willow had. She stared out the window quietly, she was happy that she had found some friends, at least if she knew people her time here wouldn't be so bad. She felt for Zael, he had been here 3 years already.
"stop sulking" she cursed herself out loud. She looked around hoping no one heard, crap how embarrassing.

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Zael inclined his head slightly. "Fine, if that's what you want," he said. He rubbed his shoulder absently, then looked up when Angel suddenly said something else. Zael raised an eyebrow. 'Talk to yourself often?"

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#, as written by KenXin
Frank shook his head in a negative response. He never tried smoking once before, never liked it.

Take like....10 and shove them in your mouth.

Shut...your face...

It's your face too.

"No thanks, not a fan. But if you're going to start smoking we should somehow build a window in here so we can air the room out. We don't want the headmaster and his lackeys to start intruding because they smell smoke."

Realizing that he was actually making decent conversation with somebody else close to his age, he figured he'd further the talk.

"So, what do you think of this place?"

I hope he's a psychopath, we need more friends like that.

One of you is enough for me...

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Damian glanced around the walls and cocked an eyebrow. "Make a window? I dare say I think you and I are going be very good friends by the end of this school year. Damian stuck his cigarette behind his ear and dropped the pack in his bag and crossed his arms. "Alright, how do you want to go about this? Got anything to bust through the wall with?"

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#, as written by KenXin
Frank pondered for a moment.

Use his head...

"Not necessarily." he said calmly. "Although, I was thinking about finding some tools and such in the maintenance ward. If I remember from the map I stole from that headmaster, it's in the basement of the educational center."

Frank thought back to when the headmaster shook his hand and turned to leave. The map he spoke of was peaking out of the old man's jacket pocket, and Frank just could not resist the temptation.

Chalk one up for me!



"You up for a little adventure?" Frank asked happily.

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Angel looked embarassed, but she didn't care there were probably propel in here who did alot worse than talk to themselves on occasion.
"mm, though not usually outloud" she bell like laugh chimed through the room. She looked around Willows room
"I'm starved any thing good to eat around here?" she waited for an answer patiently.

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#, as written by Luce
Willow walked over to her guitar, proped up on it's stand and reached into the hole. She withdrew four bags of fun sized M&M's and tossed one to each of the others, keeping the last for herself. "Chocolate? Good enough for you?" She shut off her straightener, and walked over to her door. She slid down the door and lay, legs stretched out, on the floor.

(Sorry guys- been so busy!)

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Zael opened his bag of M&M's and ate silently, taking an odd enjoyment in the crunching noise they made when he bit them. He slid down on the bed until he was in a comfortable lounging position, drawing his knees up at an angle. He briefly acknowledged that his father would not approve of him being in a room with so many other girls, even if there were no intentions behind it. He shrugged to himself. It's not like he cared what his father thought anyways. He looked over at Lilith, then at Angel, and finally at Willow. This was actually the first time he'd ever hung out with others... In his entire life, really.

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Damian cocked an eyebrow at Frank and tilted his head. "Alright, so long as you know the way." Damian said with a smirk. He reached into his bag to grab the pack of cigarettes again and stuffed them in his pocket. "C'mon let's go then." Damian exclaimed, running out the door ahead of him. His first day here and he had already made a friend and was going to be breaking some serious rules. He couldn't help but be excited. Damian stopped and cupped his hand around his chin, thinking. "So how big do you wanna make this window?"

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Angel caught the bag of M and Ms with difficulty. But quickly ripped them open.
"thank you," she exclaimed. Sue quietly ate her bag of m and ms waiting fir someone to make conversation. Angel looked up at the ceiling glad that Willow had found her.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Zael Ander
Character Portrait: Kade Assilim
Character Portrait: Lentai Cambio
Character Portrait: Violet Maundrell
Character Portrait: Frank
Character Portrait: Damian Creed


Character Portrait: Frank

I don't know about you, but he doesn't know that I talk to me when nobody is looking at us

Character Portrait: Violet Maundrell
Violet Maundrell

The sensitive goth girl...

Character Portrait: Lentai Cambio
Lentai Cambio

This is the one way I can atone for my mistakes...

Character Portrait: Kade Assilim
Kade Assilim

I will protect them...

Character Portrait: Zael Ander
Zael Ander

The devil's got nothing on me


Character Portrait: Frank

I don't know about you, but he doesn't know that I talk to me when nobody is looking at us

Character Portrait: Zael Ander
Zael Ander

The devil's got nothing on me

Character Portrait: Violet Maundrell
Violet Maundrell

The sensitive goth girl...

Character Portrait: Kade Assilim
Kade Assilim

I will protect them...

Character Portrait: Lentai Cambio
Lentai Cambio

This is the one way I can atone for my mistakes...

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Violet Maundrell
Violet Maundrell

The sensitive goth girl...

Character Portrait: Lentai Cambio
Lentai Cambio

This is the one way I can atone for my mistakes...

Character Portrait: Kade Assilim
Kade Assilim

I will protect them...

Character Portrait: Zael Ander
Zael Ander

The devil's got nothing on me

Character Portrait: Frank

I don't know about you, but he doesn't know that I talk to me when nobody is looking at us

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It wouldn't happen to be too late to join would it?

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