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1,862 readers have visited Undertow since Wispy created it.





Owners and Creators
The Toxic Cereus and Wispy

This is a private role-play between myself and Cereus. We have been encountered with the fact that no posts in our role-plays so we have decided to make one together. Possible roles may be available but you must be active as we don't want the same thing to happen to this role-play.

Creative Credit
This comes from the minds of the creators while we were talking about Cereus' gifs in her signature. (Which are super cute, check em' out.) Mostly the only thing it has in common with Lilo and Stitch is the setting. Also, credit to tumblr for all the pretty pictures.



Hawaii. The island state of the USA often visited for much needed vacations, making it a very popular tourist attraction but not many people visit the small town of Kalaupapa where four unique individuals live.

A group of four. Great surfers and practically were born in the water, were surfing one early morning when they all caught a wave and then got caught in the undertow, it dragging them down into a cavern below the seashore. As they tried to look for a way out, light shined on the water above and reflected on to them in an unnatural way.

When they finally got out, they found themselves different than before. They had a certain unnatural power, each corresponding to each element. Now it was top priority to keep Kalaupapa clear of tourists, to keep the children safe.

One summer, the lives of the children would all change when two males show up to spend some time relaxing in the summer sunshine on the beaches of Hawaii but why they chose Kalaupapa's beaches is a mystery. But the family knows that it's bad news if they find out the secret.



Annabelle Salvatore | Best Friend of Victoria Matteson | Falls for Aleksander Kidling | Wind Manipulation | Leda Muir | #9CB3D6 | Played by The Toxic Cereus

Victoria Matteson | Best friend of Annabelle Salvatore | Falls for Derik Collars | Earth Manipulation | Claire Holt | #6CBB3C | Played by Wispy

Aleksander Kidling | Best friend of Derik Collars | Falls for Annabelle Salvatore | Daren Kagasoff | #8A4117 | Played by Wispy

Derik Collars | Best friend of Aleksander Kidling | Falls for Victoria Matteson | Dylan O'Brien | #E56717 | Played by The Toxic Cereus

Jakob Matteson | Brother of Victoria Matteson | Water Manipulation | Alex Pettyfer | #000080 | NPC

Tyler Salvatore | Brother of Annabelle Salvatore | Fire Manipulation | Matt G | #E42217 | NPC

Leah Matteson | Sister of Victoria Matteson | Normal | N/A | #F88158 | NPC



Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wispy


{ 31 May, 2014 | 11:48 A.M. | On The Road | Day 1 | 676 words }

It had been the longest day that Aleksander had ever experienced in a very long time. It started at about noon on the last day of May. He had been packing for at least a week. He had 4 suitcases, mostly full of clothes but then he also had a recreational tote for all of his sport balls and other activities. He was scheduled to meet Derik at about 1:00 P.M. at the local cafe. He was still packing but he stopped when he heard his brother crying downstairs. He quickly went down the stairs, searching for his brother. He found him sitting in his crib. He smiled at the child then picked him up. "Shhh. Hush Mathias. It's okay. I'm here." He cooed to the child, hoping to quiet him.

After a minute or so of quieted crying, Mathias stopped and then started babbling like a baby normally would. This was the one thing that Alek would miss. He would miss his family so much. He then lifted Mathias to where he could put his lips to his belly. He kissed the soft baby's skin then headed into the kitchen where his mom was making lemonade. "I was heading in there but when I heard him quiet down I knew you were in there." She explained, pouring out two glasses of lemonade as Alek got a bottle out of the fridge for Mathias. He started feeding the child and then smiled at his mom. "You know... this is the first time I am thinking about not going on this trip. I just don't want him to forget me..."

His mother smiled then put her hand on his shoulder. "He won't. I'll make sure of it." She smiled then placed her forehead on her son's. "I love you and you should get going." She was right and he handed his brother over to his mom after he kissed his forehead. He then packed up his car and headed down to the cafe. He picked up Derik, along with a coffee and they were headed to the airport. It took a couple hours for them to get on the plane and by then all Aleksander wanted was silence. He put on his noise-cancelling headphones and played some nice classical music while he read his book. Of course he had his friend beside him but they had talked before the plane ride and would talk when they landed. They had an entire summer together.

The script on the page seemed to float off and transform into words in his mind. He got about half way through the book then closed it to take a little nap. When he was awoken by his friend he knew that the plane had landed. He yawned lightly then grabbed his carry-on. They had a person waiting to show them to their rented car. They took all their luggage out to the car and packed up ready to go. It was about 4 in the morning when they were on the road with two cups of coffee and a box of doughnuts.

It was about 7:14 when they arrived in Kalaupapa, Hawaii where their hotel was. It was a small hotel, owned by a local family. As they pulled into the parking lot, Aleksander looked at the sign. "Hotel Matteson huh?" He sighed then parked as two males headed out to help the man with his luggage. One was a blonde fellow and was the one that greeted them while the other loaded the luggage cart. "Hello my name is Jakob Matteson. My family owns this hotel." He stated and extended his hand out to the tourist. Aleksander did the polite thing and shook it then the male showed them to their room. He pointed out that the 2nd floor was off limits because that was where Jakob and his family slept. Alek made a mental note and then thanked the male. It was a nice room. 2 large beds and a large TV along with an extended bathroom. "This is going to be a good summer."



{ 1 June, 2014 | 7:02 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 408 words }

It wasn't abnormal for Victoria to get up at odd times in the morning. She awoke at 7:02 and quickly dressed herself. She was wearing her normal green bikini with a swim shirt over top of it when she left the hotel with her surfboard. She caught a glimpse of the new residents but she wasn't one to talk to complete strangers unlike her brother. She was excited because her and Anna were going surfing this morning since it was the first day of summer and they didn't have school. She wanted to get there early and head out and catch a wave and set up the table and such. She stopped by the corner store and grabbed some food then headed towards the beach.

When she arrived, she set her board down and then set the food on top of it. She stomped the ground and a circular piece of earth rose to about 3 feet above ground, along with two stools that came about 2 feet above ground. She sighed and smiled then set out the table cloth she bought and stretched it across the makeshift table then set the food out. She sighed looking at her work then smiled. This was going to be a good day, whether new people had check in at the hotel or not. She grabbed her board and ran out towards the water and sat on her board while she clipped her ankle to the cord.

It was a beautiful day out on the beach and in the water. She just sat on her board for a while as the wind ran through her hair. She sat there for a while just thinking about how the summer was going to play out. She was going to make this a great summer along with her best friend Anna. She decided to move on a wave a few minutes later and then started paddling. She finally caught the wave and she started whooping as she rode it and smiled when the spray of water hit her. Catching a wave was a very special time and when you catch it just right you can ride the wave all the way up to shore. That's just what Victoria did. She rode it all the way up to shore and then just laid on her board while she waited for her friend to arrive. This is going to be a great day. She just knew it.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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{ 31 May, 2014 | 9:53 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 553 words }

Derek awoke bright and early. It was the big day he'd been waiting for since the school year had begun. He was already packed and ready to go - he made sure of it the night prior. He had 4 suitcases, along with 2 carry ons. In one of the carry ons were his video equipment, the other had various travel guides and such. His brother was gone at a birthday party, and his mother was already out at work when he left. He did however find a note on the fridge telling him to have a good time. He smiled at the yellow paper and stuck it into pocket as he walked down to the coffee shop for Alek to pick him up. He had waited about a half an hour till Alek pulled up in the coffee driveway. They greeted one another and both of them grabbed a coffee, Derik also grabbed a coconut pound cake for the road.

Going through airport security was always a pain when bringing electronics.The man gave him a strange look before letting them go ahead to wait to board the plane. There was little chatter between the two guys, as they did have to spend the entire summer together. Derik guessed by the end of the vacation they would want to kill one another. As they were waiting to board, Derik pulled out his vlogging camera, facing it towards himself.
"I'm here with Alek, and we're going to be boarding the plane to paradise any second now! I have my filming stuff with me, so you'll be able to see every step of the way, it looks like we're boarding now! Signing out - Derik!" he said, putting the camera back into his carry on. They had seats in the middle of the plane. Alek took the window seat, leaving Derik near the isle. The plane ride was uneventful other than the crying baby. Derik knew he had to buy a pair of those sound blocking headphones. He wasn't able to sleep on the ride, only able to play flappy bird on his phone - which made him want to throw his phone out of the airplane.

Derik was yawning by the time they got off the plane. Grabbing his carry ons he shifted through the middle of the airplane awkwardly. He always enjoyed traveling places. The atmosphere and the smells were always totally different. As they were waiting for their baggage at the claim, he pulled his camera out once again.
"We landed safely, although I didn't get any sleep. Babies shouldn't be allowed on planes. Derik and Alex signing out!" he said to the camera, panning it between him and Alek. He was impressed at the nice rental car they had gotten. When they had gotten coffee and donuts, Derik chugged his coffee like no tomorrow, in hopes it would keep him awake to see the drive. Seeing the little bamboo hotel sign they drove into the parking lot.
"Hotel Matteson huh?" Alek had said. The males got out of the car to grab their bags. Derik smiled at the blonde man, shaking his hand after Alek.

As soon as they got into the room, Derik dashed towards the bed nearest to the window.
"This is mine loser!" he said before dozing off with his sandals on.

Outfit 1


{ 1 June, 2014 | 8:11 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 415 words }

Annabelle was awoken by her phone. The alarm was going off. She must have forgotten to turn it off.
"Fu-" she mumbled, nearly falling out of her loft bed. Checking the time on her phone she quickly snapped awake. She was suppose to be at the beach 15 minutes ago. Anna quickly got herself ready, struggling to find her colorful swimsuit in the drawer she had full of them. She slipped a dress over that she could quickly take off once she got to the beach, and slipped into her sandals. Quickly she applied her waterproof mascara and eyeliner, not bothering with all the other makeup products. Her father saw her rush out of her room and stopped her in the hall.
"Where are you going so early miss?" he asked with a questioning brow.
"I'm going to go do drugs and jump off a cliff somewhere, now move!" she said jokingly to her dad. He didn't budge.
"That isn't funny Anna, where are you going?" he asked once again making the girl sigh.
"Going to the beach to catch some waves with Victoria. Happy?" she said in an annoyed tone.
"Do you have your phone?" he asked. Man he was full of questions.
"Yes" she sighed, flashing him the Panic! At The Disco cover of her iPhone. He finally let her through, yelling at her to be careful. Annabelle went out the garage and grabbed her surfboard on the way. The first day of summer was not suppose to be this hectic.

Her stomach growled when she finally reached the beach. Victoria and her had found a spot somewhat away from the "common crowd". She saw her friend's sand formation and knew she must have already arrived. The next thing she saw was food, glorious food. Anna sprinted towards the food with her board in her hand, and grabbed a handful of the chips that were there.
"Yo, sorry I'm late" she called out to Victoria who was laying on her surfboard. With a small mischievous look she brought her hand forward slightly, making winds move Vicky and her board towards the water.
"First day of summer!" she yelled with excitement before running to the ocean and plopping onto her board. She slipped out of the dress and sandals while on her board, making them fly ashore with a strong gust of wind.
"We're the only ones here, that means I can make some awesome waves chicka!" she exclaimed, strapping her ankle to the cord before she began paddling out.

Outfit 1

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wispy


{ 1 June, 2014 | 8:33 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 542 words }

Alek sighed as Derik jumped onto his bed and then fell asleep. He made a mental note to give him his sound proof headphones on the way home. He smiled then grabbed his video camera. "Hello. Aleksander here. Derik's out cold because he couldn't get sleep on the plane. I'm gonna stay here in the room until he wakes up because I'm a nice friend." He explained to the video camera and then turned it off again. He pulled his computer out of one his suitcases. He spent a little bit of time watching some YouTube videos and listening to music. Then he got a little to eat out of their snack bag. There was everything in that bag. Chips, crackers, cookies, chestnuts and chocolate and everything in between. He had to hand it to Derik, when it came to packing snacks, he was the boss.

Once Alek had eaten some, he decided to read a little out of his new book, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It began like so. YOU don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter. That book was made by Mr. Mark Twain, and he told the truth, mainly. There was things which he stretched, but mainly he told the truth. That is nothing. I never seen anybody but lied one time or another, without it was Aunt Polly, or the widow, or maybe Mary. Aunt Pollyβ€”Tom's Aunt Polly, she isβ€”and Mary, and the Widow Douglas is all told about in that book, which is mostly a true book, with some stretchers, as I said before.

Now the way that the book winds up is this: Tom and me found the money that the robbers hid in the cave, and it made us rich. We got six thousand dollars apieceβ€”all gold. It was an awful sight of money when it was piled up. Well, Judge Thatcher he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece all the year roundβ€”more than a body could tell what to do with. The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn't stand it no longer I lit out. I got into my old rags and my sugar-hogshead again, and was free and satisfied. But Tom Sawyer he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers, and I might join if I would go back to the widow and be respectable. So I went back.

Aleksander cringed as he finished the first page. He couldn't dare to read anymore for fear he would lose some intelligence along the way. So he just laid there, staring at the ceiling while waiting for his friend to awaken from his slumber. How long would it be? Minutes, hours? No one knew how long he would sleep except for him but Alek knew he wasn't going anywhere without his bro.



{ 1 June, 2014 | 8:26 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 313 words }

Victoria smiled as her friend played with her. She followed her friend out onto the wave that she had made and they rode it like no tomorrow. It was fun surfing, especially with Anna and her brother as they had the perfect powers to control the water and make the waves. But she guessed that was why Jakob didn't surf anymore. She shrugged the thought off then she rode into shore with Anna then unclipped her ankle from her board and then did the same to Anna so she could tackle her. They tussled in the water for a little. Rough housing like they normally did. When they were finished, they were both soaking wet and were starving.

Victoria took her wet shirt off, leaving her in her plain green bikini. She took a bite of the sandwich she had gotten for herself and pushed Annabelle's sandwich over to her. "So you'll never guess what I saw this morning." She started in between bites. "I saw a couple of tourist men driving into my family's hotel! Can you believe it? 6 years with no visitors and now they show up." She smiled and finished her sandwich taking a large swig of her water before turning to Annabelle. "So darling... why were you late?" She questioned as the other ate.

Truthfully, she didn't mind that she had been late but if something bad had happened and she never showed up, that's when Victoria would drop everything to go and find her. That's just what they did. What the bond between best friends were. Especially best friends who share a great secret that cannot be shared with anyone. It wasn't told to anyone but their family that day. I mean, in a small town, people would ostracize you if you were different because people are afraid of change. Afraid of anything that they don't understand.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:22 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 426 words }

Derik awoke some time later, his face feeling smushed from sleeping with his face in the pillow.
"Aw crap man, what time is it?" he asked before looking to the digital clock on the nightstand. He was relieved he didn't waste most of the day. It was still what he considered morning. He let out a loud yawn before looking around the room that he took no time examining beforehand. It was a nice motel room, nothing over the top, but it met their basic needs - and then some. Seeing his video camera on the table he raised a brow.
"Really? Me sleeping isn't interesting footage" he said, grabbing the black camcorder and putting it back in the black bag he normally carried it in. Derik stood up, feeling a bit more refreshed then he did awhile ago. He took a few cookies from the snack bag he had packed and stuffed them in his mouse. Looking over to his friend that had a book at his side, but was staring at the ceiling made him quesion Alek's sanity.
"What are you doing? Looking at the ceiling wasn't the reason we came to Hawaii, we came to make a movie! And see the awesome stuff and hot babes and such, you could've done something without me" he said as he looked around the room for his shoes, but realized they were still on.
"Lets go man. We can't waste one day we're here!" he said, grabbing his black camera bag along with his wallet as he walked out the door, Alek following after him. There was a beach coast nearby that looked worthy to investigate. He was more interested in the tropical foliage around the beach however. He was sure to get some cool looking lizard or something on video, maybe something that had never been discovered - he could get rich! He took out the camcorder and held it in his hands, the lens facing him and Alek.
"We're walking along the beach, it's rather romantic. I feel like confessing my undying love to Alek right about now. We're more interested in that those thick tropics over there" he said, switching the camera around to see what he was talking about.
"We're getting closer, here we go!" he said as he felt a small piece of dry wood snap under his shoe.

Outfit 1


{ 1 June, 2014 | 8:54 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 401 words }

As her friend followed her out she smiled at the reminder of how much she loved being out on the water, with her best friend. It was a shame Tyler wasn't there, but he was with his "boo". His girlfriend was nice however so Anna couldn't really complain although she wanted to. It was her job however to embarrass her brother at dinner, so more often then not, he didn't bring her over. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden splash of water in her face. She swallowed a small bit of salt water, making her cough slightly before going after Victoria.
"Butthead!" she laughed as they went at each other in the water, occasionally losing one another in a wave. When the two were tired and worn they rode a wave back to the coast line.

Annabelle sat on the makeshift chair Victoria had made prior and took the sandwich that had been shifted over to her.
"So you'll never guess what I saw this morning." Victoria started. Anna raised her eyebrow at the girl.
"Did you see your parents having sex? Man that happened to me once. I almost went to a mental asylum" she joked. Anna's "educated" guess was rather far off.
"I saw a couple of tourist men driving into my family's hotel! Can you believe it? 6 years with no visitors and now they show up." her friend smiled.
"Damn. Were they hot tourist? Or wrinkly old people?" she asked, taking small bites of her sandwich till it was gone. Anna wished there desperately that they were hot tourist. Many of the guys here were old faces to the girl.
"So darling... why were you late?" Victoria questioned. Anna put up a finger as a way to tell her to wait. She cleared her mouth of the chips she had stuffed in and began speaking.
"It's the first day of summer, give me a break. I'm lucky...well not really...that my alarm went off to get me up anyway. Then I was stopped by my Dad" she explained, patting her stomach in indication she was full. The girl played with the opening of the chip bag before going to lay on her surfboard that had "somehow" washed up. Victoria's was alongside hers.
"It's a nice day. Good for the first day of summer huh? Got any good ideas for what we should do this year?" she asked, laying down on her stomach.

Outfit 1

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wispy


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:22 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 476 words }

Alek didn't look over when he heard his friend stirring. He just kept looking at the ceiling. "Aw crap man, what time is it?" Alek sighed and sat up. "Do I look like a clock to you, cause that's all you ask me sometimes." He pulled his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his eyes. He had somewhat fallen to sleep but not at the same time. Almost like a trance. He got up anyways. "Before we go out we should probably change into swim shorts. You know... Hawaii and beaches and all that jazz." He said as he threw Derik's shorts to him and put his own on. "Lets go man. We can't waste one day we're here!" Alek smiled and followed close behind his best friend as they walked out of the hotel.

Before they could get out of the hotel, a young child ran into him and fell to the ground. He knew what to do but he didn't know if he was allowed to. Well, screw permission. He knelt down and helped the small girl up, dusted off her dress and grabbed a piece of candy off the counter. "There you go little one. What's your name?" The little girl replied with Leah. Alek smiled then sat her on his knee. "Well Leah. I'm going to be here a while so maybe we can become good friends, now don't forget to try and watch were you are going." He explained then patted her head. He stood as the child ran off giggling. He smiled as she reminded him of Mathias. He noticed he was behind when following Derik. He ran to catch up, to see some deep tropics where Derik was standing.

He laughed at his comment about undying love and then followed in beside him. Luckily, Alek still had his boots on even though he changed his shorts. The tropics were very thick through this part of the island and it took them a lot of effort to get through the deep trees and plants. He got through with some effort and then he put his finger to Derik's mouth before he could speak. "Shh. Look." He whispered and pointed. From where they were standing they had the perfect view of two woman laying on their surfboards with their bikinis on. "You were talking about hot babes?" He questioned quietly.

He was right. They were babes. One was crowned with creamy blonde hair and clad in a green swimsuit. She had soft features but something told him that she wasn't the girl that her features displayed. Then there was the other. Hair of an unnatural white color and a striped swimsuit that looked like one of those swirly lollipops. She was beautiful, and there was no telling how many colors her hair had been and that made her even more special.



{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:15 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 274 words }

The sun was shining down on the waves, making them glitter like a thousand sapphires as they rolled up to shore beside the two girls. The breeze was cool and natural, so it wasn't made by Anna. Seashells scattered across their private shore. They wanted a place were they didn't have to worry about people seeing their powers so the four of them found this place after about a week of having their powers. It was absolutely perfect. Enough earth underneath the sand that Victoria could work with it then of course the wind and water. She remembered that many days after the incident, they had stayed in this little perfect cove that they had found for many days.

"It's a nice day. Good for the first day of summer huh? Got any good ideas for what we should do this year?" Anna asked as she switched positions. Claire looked at the sky, just relaxing for a little before responding. "Well, all I know is that next year, we get out of here and go see the world. Yeah, I know our parents would never let us but we could sneak out you know!" She pitched the idea flawlessly and after about a half an hour of sunbathing, Victoria rose from her position to see the two males watching them. How long had they been there? What particularly had they seen? She grabbed Annabelle's hand and pulled her up. "Come on. Into the water." She called softly enough for only Annabelle to hear. They both dove into the water and swam a little ways off shore but still close enough where they could see the men.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:25 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 451 words }

Derik still had his camera out, getting brief footage of Alek with the little girl. He was happy his friend reminded him to put on swim trunks. It was rather warm out, and a dip in the ocean sounded nice. His shorts were rather stereotypical as he got them when they were at the airport. Orange with green palm trees and tropical embellishments - original. Derik struggled to get through the thick tropics. He did get footage of a red lizard however. It had tiny black spots, and he figured it was probably deadly. Derik lost his sandal for a split second under a fern. He almost screamed when he felt something on top of his foot. Shaking his foot and whatever was on there off, he retrieved his sandal and was determined to move forward.
"If I die in this mini oasis, tell my Mom and brother I love them" he said into the camera as it was still directed towards him and Alek who was catching up.
"Alek can have my camera if I die. He must live to tell my story" he said dramatically.
"I th-" Derik was cut off by a finger to his mouth. His eyes got wide and he moved his head back.
"Shh. Look." Alek whispered and pointed to two girls lying on their surfboards. It looked like a scene from something you would see on one of those paradise calenders.
"You were talking about hot babes?" Alek said quietly. He could tell by the look in his friends eye that he definitely liked what he saw.

He looked over the white haired girl briefly. She looked spunky and quirky. Something about her tattoos and her hair set him off. The other girl however was a different story. The girl had soft features and beautiful blonde hair. The green bikini she wore was a good contrast to her sleek skin. He caught eye contact with the blonde haired girl momentarily before the girls went in the water. He could barely see them, only able to recognize the white hair of the other girl.

At the worst possible moment he felt a familiar slimy feeling across his foot.
"" he mumbled, his eyes going wide. That was it, he couldn't spend one more second in that blasted jungle. He kicked whatever was on his foot in Alek's direction and ran out of the death trap. Awkwardly he stood on the beach, looking at the sand that was raised and the girls belongings on the table.

Outfit 1


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:21 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 312 words }

Anna relaxed on her warm surf board. She traced the letters with her fingers, smiling at how well her board had turned out. The soft occasional gust of wind felt nice on the hot day. The incident that happened years ago was now a thing of the past. As much as it made her feel more "different" than she already was - she enjoyed it. It was a shame the girls and their brothers had to keep their gifts a secret, but it was necessary. She didn't want to become some lab rat for scientist to poke and prod at. It was a truly perfect day. The first day of summer with her best friend. Surfing and sunbathing - it was the right way to begin the summer.
"Well, all I know is that next year, we get out of here and go see the world. Yeah, I know our parents would never let us but we could sneak out you know!" Victoria answered her earlier question after a few lazy moments. They both moved on their board, and laid lazily.
"This would be even better if we brought the radio. We keep forgetting" Anna sighed after who knows how long.

Victoria moved up wordlessly, her face looking rather stern. She was eyeing something over by the makeshift forest. Anna propped her head up to look in that direction as well. Guys? Were they the tourist she was talking about? Victoria grabbed her friends hand pulling her near the water.
"Come on. Into the water." Victoria whispered sternly. Anna knew not to disobey her friend, as this could be potentially dangerous. She went into the salty water with her friends, watching as one of the guys came out of the clearing and stood on the beach.
"Who the hell are they? No one has ever found this place" Anna mumbled in the water.

Outfit 1

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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#, as written by Wispy


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:36 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 311 words }

Aleksander gabbed the camera from Derik, running out to the sand where the girl's were. He filmed the table and the surfboards then the sea which they disappeared into. "Two mysterious girls. A table with food and two surfboards but they just disappear into the sea. What was that all about?" Alek asked, looking out into the sea while Derik stood behind him. He was bewildered. Who was that white haired mystery girl? He put the camera down and then they started looking at the food and the surfboards. "Do you think they drowned?" He questioned, picking up the bag of chips but then setting it down on the table again.

After a few moments of looking at the place that they had set up they grabbed the blonde girl's surfboard and started heading back. "Maybe we will get some clues from this surfboard." He spoke then put the surfboard under his arm. It wasn't hard to get back to the hotel but when they got there they were in for a surprise. As they walked in the the surfboard the small child from before showed up and looked at him. "What are you doing with sissy's surfboard?" She asked, pulling at Aleksander's pants.

Aleksander knelt down and set the surfboard on the ground. "We found it on the beach after two girls dove into the ocean. We don't know what happened to them." He explained then the blonde male from before came in. Alek thought his name was Jakob. He turned to Alek after picking his sister up. "What happened to my sister?" Alek didn't know how to explain this to the both of them. "Her and this other white haired girl just dove into the ocean. They never came up from the water." He explained, wondering what their reaction would be. Is it normal for girls to disappear into the ocean?



{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:25 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 254 words }

As the water encased them, Victoria squeezed Anna's hand to signal her to give them air. Soon, two bubbles of air found their way around their heads, connected so they could converse. "I don't know how they found this place but those are the people that checked into the hotel." She explained, looking up to see one male standing over the water and looking out into the water. She didn't know who they were or what they wanted but she wanted them to go away. This was supposed to be the best first day of summer ever.

She sighed when she saw them going away and soon the two girls came out of the water. Victoria looked at the beach and saw that her surfboard was gone. "Oh come on! What did they do with my surfboard?" She cried out, looking at the indention where her surfboard was supposed to be. She plopped down in the sand, taking a handful of it and turning it into a rock then threw it out into the sea. "Why'd they have to come today? This was supposed to be the best first day of summer. I'm sorry Anna." She stated then stood up and brushed herself off. "Well, we might as well go back to the hotel." She said then started packing up the food. Once she was done, she pushed the table and stools back into the ground. So the girl's started walking back to the hotel. Slowly because they weren't really excited to be back home.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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0.00 INK


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:43 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 458 words }

Derik was confused in the least. Where did those girls go? Did they drown? Why were they so scared to see them? Alek had taken the camera from him, which stunned him.
"Two mysterious girls. A table with food and two surfboards but they just disappear into the sea. What was that all about?" Alek said into the camera as he panned around the location.
"Maybe they're mermaids. That blonde one looked like a mermaid, the white haired girl was just plain ol' strange" Derik said, running a finger along the sand table. They must have built a lot of sand castles as kids to get craftsmanship like this. He kept looking back out to sea to see their heads pop up, but they never did. He wanted to see that blonde girl again especially.

They took a few more looks at the area, and secretly he wished the blonde girl would pop up again. Without any avail they grabbed one of the surfboards in hopes it could give them clues. Alek put the board under his arm. This was a strange start to their vacation. Two mysterious disappearing girls. They found their way back to the hotel with ease, as they walked through the door a cute blonde girl ran up to Alek.
"What are you doing with sissy's surfboard?" the little girl asked, pulling on Alek's pants. Alek was always was good with kids. Derik wasn't terrible, it was just a strange concept to him.
"We found it on the beach after two girls dove into the ocean. We don't know what happened to them." Alek said to the girl before a blonde haired guy came into the mix as well.
"What happened to my sister?" Jakob asked defensively. Leah went to stand beside what they believed was the girls brother.
"Her and this other white haired girl just dove into the ocean. They never came up from the water." Alek tried to explain. It sounded rather bad.
"Yeah, a blonde girl and a white haired girl saw us and dove under the water, never coming up. We brought this in hopes someone could identify them" Derik explained in more detail, looking around awkwardly. Jakob took the surfboard from the ground.
"My sister and Annabelle are amazing swimmers, don't worry, they're fine. They're just...shy" Jakob covered up. The boys could tell Jakob was much more relaxed now that he knew his sister was okay.
"They sure can hold their breath for awhile then" Derik said. Jakob nodded.
"They're good, not much more can be said" Jakob shrugged.

Outfit 1


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:31 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 312 words }

When the water was over their head, Victoria tapped Anna as indication to make water bubbles for them to breath in. She loved her powers for this. She was able to swim in the coral reefs without scuba gear this way - how many people are able to say that? The bubbles connected and Victoria looked rather pissed.
"I don't know how they found this place but those are the people that checked into the hotel." Victoria said. Anna couldn't help but smile.
"At least they aren't old and gross. But that is a good question. No one knows about this place. You'll need to make the foliage around here thicker" Anna sighed as they watched the two males leave. They swam to shore and the first thing Anna heard was Vicky's frantic cry.
"Oh come on! What did they do with my surfboard?" Victoria cried as she chucked a "homemade" rock into the ocean. Anna settled with floating a chip over her hand before biting it.
"No idea. Maybe they're sneaky surfboard buglers" Anna suggested, helping Victoria pack away the food.
"Why'd they have to come today? This was supposed to be the best first day of summer. I'm sorry Anna." Victoria groaned, apologizing at the end. Anna smiled widely.
"It still is the best day. If we need to we'll get you a new surfboard. Not your fault two teen guys like snatching boards" Anna said, hugging her friend lightly before putting her surfboard under her arm.
"Well, we might as well go back to the hotel." Victoria said. Anna agreed and they walked to the hotel together. On the way back Anna had slipped on the dress she had on earlier just to look decent. Going through the doors of the hotel lobby Anna some familiar faces, and objects.
"Oh hey Jakob. Hi Leah!" she greeted them, not seeing the two other guys from beach.

Outfit 1

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Wispy


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:36 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 207 words }

Aleksander rubbed the back of his neck as Derik took a better approach to it than he did. He'd have to work on his speaking skills a little bit more but it was really rare when Derik did best him. It was mostly because he was very stressed. Then he heard a female voice and then saw a familiar flash of cream blonde hair. He stood there just a little frozen then the slam of a door awoke him from his trance. He then face palmed. "I feel so stupid now. She probably thought we stole her board..." He went over to the couch and fell face fist onto it. "I am such a stupid person." He seemed to just lay there, dawning on how stupid he was. He just laid there as people stared dispersing out of the room.

The small child that was Victoria's sister came over and sat the small teddy bear that she normally carried around then kissed his forehead. She smiled then skipped back out to Jakob who was taking her to the park. Aleksander just laid there, unknowing that there was still one presence in the room. The air was thick with awkwardness, especially since one didn't even know the other was there.



{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:25 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 212 words }

The rage steamed off of Victoria almost as if she had dried herself because of her anger. If she was a cartoon steam would definitely be coming out of her ears. She stormed past the entrance and went up to her rooming, slamming the door behind her. She took a vase off the desk then threw it against the wall. A few curse words were thrown but it was understandable. Once, she had a boyfriend who loved to surf as well and together they decorated his board which happens to be the same board that Victoria uses. What happened to him? He left, for good. Never to come back. He passed a line that Victoria never can in her waking moments. She was the one who got his board, along with the money from his savings. He loved her truly and she loved him back but all because God couldn't wait to have him as an angel, he was taken. Ripped from her arms and she desperately prayed to the man to bring him back even though efforts were futile. Soon, Victoria found herself sitting with her back against the wall, holding her head as she cried softly. She felt guilty because she had lost the one thing that he had given her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson Character Portrait: Annabelle Salvatore Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling Character Portrait: Derik Collars
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0.00 INK


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:38 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 201 words }

The loud slamming of a door, he guessed it was the blonde girls doing, echoed throughout the motel lobby.
"I feel so stupid now. She probably thought we stole her board..." Alek sighed before falling into the tan motel couch, face first.
"I am such a stupid person." he heard his friend mumble. Derik shrugged.
"Well we can be stupid together" he said as he took a seat, looking over to the white haired girl who was grabbing Victoria's board from Jakob, setting her own behind the front desk. Pulling out his video camera, he pointed it at Alek.
"He's already being smooth on the first day of vacation" he said, then flipping it to himself.
"This'll be an interesting vacation" he put the camera away back into the black bag and looked around awkwardly. The white haired girl seemed to be oblivious to their presence. The little girl, Leah, was cute. It seemed she was trying to comfort Alek before skipping away to her brother. He couldn't seem to get the image of that blonde girl out of his, making him sigh.
"When you see that chick again you should either run, or say sorry...really fast" Derik sighed, leaning more into the couch.

Outfit 1


{ 1 June, 2014 | 9:31 A.M. | Kalaupapa, Hawaii | Day 1 | 194 words }

Victoria stormed past Anna, making the white hair girl raise a brow. She understood why Victoria was so mad, but she was really blowing off steam it seemed. She winced at the slamming of what she knew was Victoria's door. Jakob waved to her slightly.
"Take this up to Vicks before she breaks something? I'm bringing Leah to the park" he said to Annabelle, and the girl quickly nodded, putting Victoria's board under her arm as well. Surfboards weren't terribly light, so she sat hers behind the front desk in hopes the same thing wouldn't happen to hers. Walking past the two guys she gave them a quick look before going to knock on her friend's door.
"Vicky, good news!" she exclaimed, opening the door. The shattered vase was on the floor, and her friend was sobbing against the wall. She put the surfboard onto Victoria's bed, then proceeded to crouch down beside her.
"It's okay, the surfboard is right here. No need to cry anymore" Anna said, taking a tissue and wiping up the tears that were flowing down her friends face.

Outfit 1

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling
Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson


Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson
Victoria Matteson

"Where is my surfboard?"

Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling
Aleksander Kidling

"Hawaii, here we come."


Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling
Aleksander Kidling

"Hawaii, here we come."

Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson
Victoria Matteson

"Where is my surfboard?"

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Character Portrait: Victoria Matteson
Victoria Matteson

"Where is my surfboard?"

Character Portrait: Aleksander Kidling
Aleksander Kidling

"Hawaii, here we come."

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