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a part of Unyielding, by Knight.EXE.

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Knight.EXE holds sovereignty over Vobrala, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Continent of both wonder and mystery.
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Vobrala is a part of Unyielding.

1 Places in Vobrala:

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Marvina Joyce Loveridge [144] "It's not the future I'm scared of. It's repeating the past that makes me anxious."
Nevas [144] "Why take the road, when you could just sit in a tree an' watch the world go by?"

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As, they walked kept stealing glances at Nevas to make sure he was alright. When he collapsed she rushed to his side to help him up. "Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it. All that matters is that you're okay," she said as she helped him up MJ placed her arm around his waist and had his arm draped over her shoulder to help support him. They started heading away from their original destination until they found a place to rest. "Are you feeling any better now?" MJ asked with worry still in her voice. "We can move further from that place if we need to." Marvina looked at Nevas with concerned eyes.


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"N-no, here's fine..." the Druid shook his head, his breath was only slightly less labored than before. Laying on the ground Nevas took deep breath after deep breath, "Ya...remem-remember wh-when I said th-that ma con-connect-connection with nature h-had draw backs?" he asked as he panted to try and regain his lost breath, " be one..." the trees in the Emerald Sea were old, and that meant they've been through a lot. That experience must have turned into power somewhere down the line.

It was clear to see that the Druid was being strongly affected by the great forest. Marvina still worried for her friend, even though she hadn't known him long, but it just felt wrong to see him in such a state. The strong, easy going, and helpful Druid reduced to a panting, pitiful, helpless young man was just wrong in her eyes. It was Nevas who constantly kept getting them food to eat, he was the one who protected her from both the rain and when she slept, and she didn't even know how to help him now. As she was thinking of how to help her companion, the smell of lavender filled her nose.


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MJ could smelled lavender in the air. She stopped and looked all around for a the lilac colored cloud that was her spirit guide, but couldn't spot it. Is that you? Are you here? Please tell me what to do? Marvina called out to her spirit guide. Help, Marvina heard it like a whisper being blown through the wind. I know, but how? MJ replied annoyed at the vague answer. Just like the boat, she heard loudly in her mind. It was stern, but not mean. Marvina immediately felt bad for being annoyed with the spirit guide who was had helped her so much in the past and was helping her again now. MJ placed her hand on Nevas' shoulder catching him by surprise and closed her eyes. She imagined the white light entering in through his crown chakra and spreading throughout his other chakras. Marvina made a point to put special emphasis on his root chakra, which was located at the base of the spine, because it is the chakra that is related to our connection with nature, and she knew that it was his connection that was putting him in this state. MJ realized that this time, much of the power had been her own rather than from the spirit guide. She realized then when she began to grow a bit tired, which hadn't happened last time. Marvina opened her eyes and looked at Nevas. "Did that help at all?" She asked unsure about it since much of the power had come from her.


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When Nevas felt a hand placed on his shoulder he jumped a bit, but then he felt energy flow through him just like on the boat. He felt the pressure remove itself as his breathing became easier, "Aye. I feel...much better. Just need to...catch ma breath." he said, his voice sounded better already. Marvina felt both joy and relief fill her, just like in the cave she had helped her nature in-tuned friend. After two hours Nevas caught his breath, but seeing as the sun was already setting the two decided to just make camp. Eating some of the nuts that the mage took earlier for dinner, the two made they're way to bed and fell asleep.

Nevas was on the ground as there wasn't a tree nearby, and after pretending to fall asleep, the Druid watch his companion like a hawk, his emerald eyes had a glow to them as his antlers were still out. Around midnight is when MJ started to thrash, but Nevas was ready. The young man quickly went to her side and laid down next to her, pulling her into a comforting embrace, "Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay~. Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay~. Lay down your head and I'll sing ya a lullaby~, back to duh years of loo-li lai-lay." the Druid sang softly into the gypsy's ear and, just as last time, as the song progressed the less she thrashed around. Nevas planed to get up after he finished the song, but also like last time, she wrapped her arms around him. Looks like he had a story to make up in the morning, and with that he fell asleep.


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MJ woke up with her head on Nevas' chest. Her arms wrapped around him, and his around her. Marvina lifted her head slightly and looked around. They were still where they fallen asleep. MJ was awake, but didn't want to get up yet. She felt as though she could stay in his arms forever. She lay there for a while listening to birds singing their morning songs. Wait, a thought brought her back to reality, How did this happen? I know we didn't fall asleep this way. Not that she minded waking up in the Druid's arms, but she was curious to how it happened. Perhaps he did it in his sleep again like last time. Or maybe I did in my sleep. But I didn't think we were lying close enough for that to have happened. She lay there thinking about the situation. She knew she had no recollection of how they had ended up snuggled together and she didn't know if Nevas knew either, but she figured she could ask him later when he woke up. As she lay there she tried to think of a way she could bring the question up later, casually, without sounding awkward.


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Slowly waking up, Nevas let out a small groan of annoyance, "While I like an' respect duh sun, I could do without wakin' up to it bein' in ma face." his voice was tired, yesterday still drained him and he stayed up late to make sure his companion was going to be alright. That reminded him, she was still in his arms holding on to him. Picking his head up he saw her laying on his chest, "Oh mornin' lass, this goin' to be a regular thing?" he jokingly asked.

He wasn't going to tell what happened, and even if he did, how do you saw that you watched someone sleep and not have it sound creepy? Their most likely was a way, but the Druid didn't know it. Anyway, the two were up now and they needed to get ready for the day ahead. After getting up and going through their daily rituals, for the mage that was cracking his back and getting food, before deciding where to go next, as the Emerald Sea was no longer an option.


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Marvina turned slightly red at Nevas' question, this goin, to be a regular thing,but quickly recovered herself as she got up. MJ tried to think if a good way to bring her own question up, How did we end up laying together again? She thought, but couldn't think of a way to bring the question up. Should I even ask or should I let it be? MJ asked herself. Marvina began to ask her question, "So, um, how did-" but mid-sentence she changed her mind and asked another question instead to cover up for the unfinished one. "I-I mean, where are we off to next?"


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Nevas' eyes gained an amused shine to them, he knew what she was going to ask. The Druid wouldn't push for her to ask, so instead he focused on her other question, "I don't really know. Duh Emerald Sea is out, for obvious reasons." pulling out the map he laid it out for the two of them to see, before pointing to the northern most point, "Up here be duh Lunar Desert, though we would have to take duh long way around due to duh Sea." he then pointed to a small grey island with a red dot on it, "This be an active volcano, so that's right out. Though, if we want to, we can head south to duh capital, they may have a lot o' neat things to buy." scratching his head he looked to his gypsy companion, "I'm up for anythin' lass, so you get to call duh shots here."


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Marvina looked at the map and thought. She tended to be an indecisive person. Although the capitol sounded as though it could be fun, if it was as crowded as the city they were first at she wasn't sure if it was a good idea. On top of that she had only brought a little bit of money and she wanted to save it in case there was something she really needed or in case of emergency, so she figured shopping probably wasn't a good idea, although she did enjoy going to cities to people watch. She remembered she used to just find a place to sit and would watch people walk by. She would overhear town gossips, and new interesting stories. Her favorite thing was when an out of town visitor would come and would be wearing beautiful exotic clothes that she loved to look at, but knew that she could never pull off herself. "Uhm, we could take the long way around and go to the Lunar Dessert." She said pointing where Lunar Dessert was located on the map. "What is in Lunar Dessert?" Marvina asked unsure if there was anything. If it was anything like deserts she'd seen before, they'd probably have to stock up on food and water as it could be hard to find there. She remembered travelling through a desert once with the caravan and they would eat cactus, they had to be careful when taking removing the spikes so one wouldn't prick themself. They couldn't find much else besides that to eat. But, all deserts are different.


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"I've not a damn clue, but if duh name's anythin' to go off from, I'm gonna say duh desert has somethin' happen when duh moon be out." Nevas was only grasping at straws though. The mage had no idea what would be waiting for them when they got there, "Though, I heard from a cactus in a pot that Naga be at home in duh desert. With any luck we may find one to help us while we be there." he ignored the curious gaze that MJ sent him about the cactus. The two had more nuts for breakfast before heading out to there new destination.

It would take a few days, maybe four, to reach the Lunar Desert. Longer if Mother Nature opened up the sky again, then they would have to find cover some where. Around one o'clock the traveling duo stopped for lunch, mostly because Nevas was hit with the forest's presence once more. While it was nowhere near as bad as his last encounter, "Come on lass, I'm fine. Just a wee bit of pressure, I can keep going." Marvina was not going to take any chances, as last time he said he was fine he ended up almost passing out while struggling to breath. She didn't want to see him in that helpless state again, so the gypsy forced the break and wasn't going to take no for an answer.


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Marvina forced Nevas to take a break to avoid anything like last time happening. "We should stop here." By should, she meant that they were stopping there. Marvina sat down next to Nevas. Marvina glanced at him checking to see that he was alright. MJ began to try to think of something to say to break the silence. "Have you ever heard the Story of the Fool Who learned to shiver?" Marvina asked recalling a story her father used to tell often. It was strange, but easy to remember. Marvina figured that a short story would work to pass the time.


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Raising an eyebrow the Druid was confused, "Duh Fool who learned to shiver? I have never heard of that one." he was curious about the story. The Druid listened with great intent as it was truly a fascinating story, up there with the legends he was taught as a sapling. After the gypsy finished her tale, the mage applauded her for the nice story, "That was a great story lass, but I'm afraid to say we need to get movin'. Duh more distance we cover duh better." he said as he got up. The two left feeling rested.


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Marvina and Nevas left and began to walk towards their new destination. Later, as they walked MJ began to have a strange feeling. She felt dread and fear with no clear reason why. She looked around her and nothing seemed to be amiss. Marvina moved closer to Nevas. The aura here seemed to be dark. The trouble about aura was that the energy could be affected by something that had happened way in the past, something happening in the present, or even something that hadn't yet happened. MJ didn't like it here. She wasn't sure if Nevas could or not. He had a close bond with nature. What she sensed was more of an energy thing, which could be affected by nature, but could also be affected by other things. Marvina felt the dread grow stranger. She grabbed Nevas' hand, "I don't like it here," she told him , "The aura is off. It's not right."


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"Aye, I can feel the plants. Their in pain, somethin' happened here." the Druid walked over to one of the tree's and placed a hand on it, "Tell me, what is it that ale's y-" Nevas couldn't continue as he quickly lost his breath. He could see it, Man, Elf, Dwarf, Druid, all kinds of races. Some the mage hasn't ever seen before, all fighting, blood staining the ground red with blood. The young man felt each shout resonate in his bones, the clashing of steel echoed in his ears, the heat and chill of spells as they where cast, while the lifeless eyes bore into his soul.

As quick as it came, Nevas dropped to his knees panting for breath, "Th-this was a battlefield..." he spoke as Marvina helped him to his feet, "These plants grew in blood, trapping the essence of the souls that fell. I-I... I saw..." MJ was worried, from the sound of it Nevas was somehow mentally transported to this ancient battle. The Druid quickly caught his breath before grabbing the gypsy's hand and started to quickly walk away, "We're leavin', it ain't in our best interest to stay. These plants have soaked up years of blood and pain, not even the strongest Willow Mother can heal this pain."


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Marvina followed quickly behind him with her hand in his. "Are you alright?" She asked as they got further out. She hadn't known what all he had seen, besides that it had to do with a battle, but she knew it had to have been godawful based on his reaction and what he had said. She kept a hold of his hand as they walked. Maybe if I had just ignored the feeling. If I hadn't of said anything perhaps he wouldn't have asked the tree. Then, he wouldn't have had to experience whatever horrid thing he had experienced, she thought, despite knowing that Nevas had a feeling about the area too. She knew that with how caring he was he likely might have done that anyways, but she still felt a tinge of guilt.


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"I...I will be." his voice was soft, he had just seen a war for the first time in his life. The Druid was shaken, yes his kind eat the dead. But they died of natural causes, not by a sword being thrust into their chest, or being burned alive! No, he couldn't start panicking now, that would worry MJ. She most likely blamed herself, 'Stupid lass...ya can't go blamin' ya self for every little thing. Okay now Nevas deep breaths, calm down.' the mage took more deep breaths, but he was still high strung.

It was a bit after nightfall that the duo made camp, Nevas couldn't look at the fire without memories of what he saw popping into his head. He could tell that Marvina was affected by how he acted, the Druid had to reassure his companion, "'s not ya fault. I was gonna do it anyway, so ya can't keep beatin' on ya self about things ya can't control." moving so he was next to her, the nature in-tuned mage pulled her into a tight hug, "Ya a kind soul, but don't be tryin' to take undue stress. I decided to ask the tree, you didn't force me to."

Pulling back slightly Nevas gave a soft grin before he started to sing, "Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay~. Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay~. Lay down your head and I'll sing ya a lullaby~, back to duh years of loo-li lai-lay. An' I'll sing ya to sleep an' I'll sing ya tomorrow~, bless ya with love for duh road that you go. May ya sail far to duh far fields of fortune, with diamonds an' pearls at your head an' your feet~. An' may ya need never to banish misfortune. May ya find kindness in all that you meet~." his voice was soft as he slightly rocked the gypsy side to side trying to calm her.


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Marvina laid her head on Nevas' shoulder as he sang her a song that seemed so familiar, yet she couldn't recall a point in time that she had heard it. The song helped to calm her down, but also made her a bit sleepy. "I feel as though I've heard that song before," Marvina said before yawning, "I don't remember where though. It's like a memory from a dream." MJ tried to keep her eyes open, but she felt as though her lids were getting heavy.


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A chuckle escaped his throat as he lightly set the gypsy on the ground, "I'm sure it'll come to ya. Now off to sleep, it's been a hectic day." once she fell asleep, Nevas' smile dropped. He quickly put the fire out, the yells and clashes rang in his mind as it burned. Closing his eyes the Druid was transported back to the battle, everything was even clearer now. The mage saw how infected the wounds were, the sight of people freezing before shattering into chunks. It was more overwhelming than before, a slash caused blood to be flung in his general direction. Nevas wasn't actually there at that time, so the crimson liquid passed right through him, but he felt it's warmth as it passed through him.

Outside his mind the Druid was tossing and turning, drenched in a cold sweat as he tried to unconsciously drive the images that ravaged his mind away. His eyes snapped open before shooting up with a gasp, wide emerald eyes quickly searched the area around him as the young man hyperventilated. Where was he? Nevas' eyes landed on Marvina as memories came flooding back, that was a past event, there was no war. The PTSD stricken Druid quickly wrapped his arms around his companion, not really caring if he accidentally woke her up, as the mages body shook in fear. Tears fell down his face as the images invaded his head once more.


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Marvina woke up and was startled as she felt Nevas' arms around her. Then as she looked as him she rralized that he was crying. Whatever he saw earlier must have affected him more than I thought, she told herself. She put her arms around him as well. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay," she started to say in a soothing voice. "I'm here for you. Whatever you're experiencing, it's not real right now. You're here. You're with me. You're going to be okay." Marvina attempted to mimic what her mother would tell her after a night terror before they discovered the serum for it. She knew whatever he was experiencing was much worse, but she didn't know what else to do. MJ tried to keep it together for Nevas, but she was not very good at keeping her emotions in. She felt as though she wanted to cry for him. Marvina was the kind of person who cried whenever she saw somebody else crying, but she knew that crying wouldn't help Nevas. I wish I could take all his pain away. MJ stayed awake trying to comfort her Druid friend. Perhaps, the song he sang to me, could help soothe his mind, she thought. Marvina sat there and tried to remember the words. "Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay. Loo-li, loo-li, loo-li lai-lay," Marvina started, her voice a bit shakey as she tried to keep herself from tears as well as remember the words, "Lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby, back to the years of loo-li lai-lay. An' I'll sing you to sleep an' I'll sing you tomorrow."


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As she sang, the Druid slowly started to calm down. By the end his shaking stopped and all that was left of his tears were the streaks they made down his face. The sent of lavender filled her senses as her spirit guide appeared, "The Pillar has seen war, guide." Marvina was confused, The Pillar? Did her spirit guide mean Nevas? And what did it mean when it said guide? The gypsy wanted to asked these questions, but once again her guide left, with the fading sent of lavender. She shook her head, these were questions for later. With that thought in mind, she fell asleep.

Nevas was calm for the rest of the night. When morning came he stayed asleep, and Marvina was the first one up. Though when she tried to get up, the young Druid unconsciously let out a whimper and held onto her a bit tighter. The gypsy stopped, and after the mage calmed down again, she slowly crawled out, using her bag as a substitute. The sleeping mage didn't seem to mind or notice the difference, so Marvina took the time to gather some food. Luckly, there were a lot of nuts on the ground.


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Marvina gathered the nuts and then went back to where Nevas lay sleeping. MJ, still a bit shooken up over all that had happened decided that she needed to meditate. She wanted to calm her mind. It felt as though it was rushing all over in a web of tangles. She sat down and took a deep breath. Perhaps through the meditation, I can decipher the meaning of what the spirit guide said, she thought. MJ took another deep breath trying to clear her mind, which was understandably harder to do today than it normally would be. Then, Marvina envisioned a white light surrounding her, chasing out any bad energy. When MJ was done she opened her eyes and remembered what her spirit guide had said to her last night before she fell asleep, The Pillar has seen war, guide. Marvina pondered on the words. I am sure the pillar must be Nevas, she thought, But why is the spirit guide calling him that? And what in the world could it mean by guide. Is it saying it's guiding me or guiding Nevas? Or am I supposed to guide Nevas? Or is he guiding me? I simply cannot figure it out. MJ found herself groeing frustrated as the thought and thought over what guide could possibly mean.


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Nevas started to come to, his eyes twiched a bit before opening. It took the Druids mind a few moments to remember where he was, and how he got there. Once the information was processed he slowly let go of the bag he was holding and sat up, looking around slowly the mage saw he was still where they camped last night. Going through his morning routine quick, the younng man leaned back and cracks where heard in the silent morning.

Those crack brought the gypsy out of her meditation, turning her head she greeted Nevas, "...Mornin' lass." he said after a bit of pause, that worried the young woman slightly. For as long as she has known him, the mage was always sure of what he said, and always greeted her in the mornings with out hesitation. What the spirit guide said was now starting to make sense, she had to guide Nevas back to his old self.


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Now she knew what she had to do, but she had to figure out how to do it. She tried to act normal as she thought of a way to do this. "I got some nuts if you want any," she said offering some to Nevas. As they ate their breakfast MJ thought about how to help Nevas. She remembered a woman who used to come to her ex-boyfriend for what was called a spiritual attunement. The woman struggled with a traumatic event a few years back and had flashbacks that hindered her ability to live life. She couldn't even go to the market place without having one of her flashbacks. After ger attunement, her flashbacks came less frequently and affected her less when they did happen, but it didn't rid her of them completely and she would occasionally still have flare-ups if she became too stressed. Marvina figured an attunement could help Nevas if he continued to have any flash backs or episodes, but she wasn't didn't think that it would bring him back to how his normal self. At least, not completely. There has to be something more I can do, MJ thought to herself as she continued to brainstorm. Marvina then looked up at Nevas, "How are you feeling?" She asked.


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"I'm fine..." the Druid replied with a false smile, he didn't want his companion to worry any more than she already did. Truthfully he was a wreck, every time he sees or thinks of the battle it gets more and more detailed than the last. Being a Druid Nevas rarely ever killed someone, usually it was animals, but the times he had to kill a person were borderline nonexistent. Knocked out sure, but never killed. The mage shook the thoughts from his head, dwelling on it would only make it worse, so he focused on getting his gear together for the road ahead.

As they traveled, the PTSD afflicted Druid jumped at sounds that he other wise would've brushed to the side. A bird flapping it's wings to leave it's perch, leaves rustling in the trees as the wind blew passed, the heat of the sun as it climbed higher into the sky started to feel like the fireballs that the mages cast. No, the Druid wasn't okay. But he wasn't going to admit it out loud, he didn't want Marvina to blame herself again.


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As they walked, Marvina noticed the druid was more jumpy than usual. He seemed to jump at almost nothing. She could tell he wasn't okay, but wasn't sure how to confront him. MJ grabbed his hand. "Hey," she said softly, "let's take a break here." I should probably try the attunement. Hopefully it will help. If it doesn't work, it was at least worth it to try. "Have you ever had an attunement before? It's not hard to do, I promise. It helps cleanse your chakras and aura. It'll help us for our journey," Marvina told him trying to explain why she thought he should do it, without letting on that she could tell he was still troubled from the visions of battle. "Just sit there," MJ told Nevas, "Envision a white light surrounding you and chasing out any of the dark things." As she told him to do this she began placing her hand over his chakras one at a time. She started with the crown chakra placing her hand at the top of his head. The function of the crown was understanding, but it was also wear a majority of energy enters before spreading to other areas. She then placed a hand on the middle of his forehead, the third eye chakra, whose function is spiritual sight and intuition. She saw the light enter and darker chunks came out floating away looking ashes that fly away from a fire. This happened at multiple of the chakras. She continued on to the throat, the heart, and the root chakras, doing the same thing as before. She focused on cleansing energy, asking it to flow through Nevas. Then, she was finished. "We're finished. Do you feel any better?" Marvina told Nevas. She hoped it would work and that the cleansing would last. If it didn't she knew one other way she could help him, but it was very dangerous, if she could even figure out how to do it. It wouldn't be dangerous for Nevas, but for herself.

When Marvina first started learning Reiki she had a book she studied from. One of the chapters was called transferring. The book highly discouraged the use of it, but still went on to explain what it was. Basically, you could transfer an ailment from one person to another. The only problem was that spirit guides refused to take part in this kind of this. So, you would have to call upon another spirit, and when you do that you can't tell if the spirit is benign or not. While at times the spirit can be good, most of the time it isn't. Even after the transferring is over, the spirit tends to follow you forever. MJ didn't want to do this, so she hoped that her attunement would be enough to help her Druid friend.
