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Vampire knight world

Vampire knight universe


a part of Vampire knight world, by Amori_Sasaki.


Amori_Sasaki holds sovereignty over Vampire knight universe, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The world of Vampire Knight
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Vampire knight universe is a part of Vampire knight world.

1 Places in Vampire knight universe:

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sasori Nishoku Character Portrait: Arisa Koneji Character Portrait: Rose Black
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(It's a bird! No a plane! NO! it's just me mis-posting once again!)

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaname Kuran Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu
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Haru snapped out of her rest as she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked at the culprit who interrupted her sleep.
It was a lean, tall, silver haired male. "All day class students should be at the dorms now"
She looked at him all spacey, she sighed. "Oh fine, but I really need to speak to Kaname-san, we still haven't had our little chat."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Kaname Kuran Character Portrait: Haru Minami Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu
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(edited pffft)

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki
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#, as written by Gladis
Muffled laughs could be heard from the room hidden far beneath the school, underground. There was no light to show the way, no window to give some light... all that could be heard was the sound of manic laughing. Someone was down there, even if that someone was all alone. The air of the dungeon was cool and damp, the smell of decay and rot lingering within the halls. It was evident that something, or someone, had died there... although that must have been long ago, considering it seemed like no one had entered the place for a very long time. Well, at least not until now.

Footsteps echoed through the dungeon hallway, a spooky light illuminating the walls as the young level B vampire went onwards, a candle in his hand. A few of his reddish brown locks had fallen into his face, obscuring one of his jade green eyes. They were narrowed and a spark of malice showed in them as he slowly shook his head, continuing to laugh softly, elegantly. His hat was as always present on his head, and an almost manic grin was plastered to his face. Kaito might seem pathetic to many, even most... but truth was he was far more messed up than anyone dared believe.

Another laugh rumbled from his throat and suddenly he smashed the candle against one of the stone walls, the light instantly being diminished. "Stop following me!" he snapped at the thin air, his voice echoing through the corridor. "STOP FOLLOWING ME!" he screamed, ramming his nails into his wrist and starting to tare his skin open, almost frantically. "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!" tears spilled from his eyes as blood spilled from his wrist, dripping onto the ground and staining it red. This, however, was not visible, as everything, even Kaito himself was shrouded in darkness.

The vampire slumped against the wall, for a moment stopping his self harming and sliding down along it, feeling mold loosen as his back rubbed it away from the wall. It gave a terrible smell and he crinkled up his nose in disgust, although he made no attempt to move. Now there was only a question of time until the would find him anyway- Kaito know that. He wasn't a total idiot, after all. Kaito wasn't running, but he needed the silence to calm down... and arrest would not give him that silence. No, if they arrested him they would probably come to the conclusion that he was insane (which isn't that far off the truth) and send him to some institute. There was no way Kaito wanted to let that happen. He didn't think he was insane, after all. Just... misunderstood, no? And it wasn't really like he only harmed himself because he was depressed or anything... being a masochist, Kaito actually enjoyed it with all his heart. He did not mind being hurt... but more than that he loved to harm others. It was nothing he could control, and despite hating that he loved it... well... he couldn't help but to love it.

"Pretty... isn't it, mother?" he whispered softly as he gazed down at his wrist, wiping his tears and smiling weakly at the blood. "Beautiful... so red... the pain... it is glorious, you know... I-I like the pain," he said gently, his waist barely more than a whisper as he shut his eyes again and leaned against the wall, "and blood... I love the blood..." he lifted his wrist to his mouth and for a moment it looked as though he was about to bite into it... but instead he simply started licking the wound, giggling to himself and shaking slightly in agony. "I love the pain..." he giggled, still remaining very quiet. "But why do they refuse to understand how wonderful the pain is?" he tilted his head and stared at the stone wall in confusion, a look of innocence crossing his features. "Hmm... what is it you're saying? I should teach them? No... I could not. Even I do not have the power to do that..." he trailed off and sighed softly, letting his hand drop into his lap.

"No... but I let that human taste pain and wrath... it felt good letting it all out for once. I couldn't help it... if it all gets bottled up all the time... well..." he trailed off and shook his head, still smiling strangely, "well... sometime it will have to explode, no? I am like a grenade..." he laughed again and then once more shut his eyes, "a grenade that should take a nap... goodnight, mother. Goodnight, Michelle..."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaname Kuran Character Portrait: Arisa Koneji Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu
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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arisa Koneji Character Portrait: Haru Minami Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu Character Portrait: Erin Leister
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#, as written by Gladis
Kaito groaned softly, grasped hold of the blade without paying any heed to how it cut into his finger and then pulled it out with force, letting out a soft hiss of pain. He placed his uninjured hand on the wall and used it to keep himself steady as he forced himself to stand up, swaying slightly on his legs. If he were to be totally honest to himself, he had to admit he was feeling pretty sick after that blow, and it sure had taken out its damage on him. His arm would most likely, if not treated, never be the same again. "Pretty damn sad..." he muttered, glancing up glumly when he heard the voice of another female. Why are there so many human females here? And why the hell are they so annoying?! Attention seeking idiots! All I wanted was a moment of peace and quiet... He trailed off in his thoughts and shook his head before starting to stalk away, clutching his arm.

"Damn it, why the hell won't everyone just shut up?" muttered Kaito darkly, narrowing his eyes and facing away from them. "You're giving me a headache and getting me into a foul mood..."

"I guess that's why I found you on the grass the next day, isn't it, Kaito? Why, Kaito, why?"

He froze in his steps, remaining turned away from them and keeping silent for a moment before speaking, calmly. "What? Is the truth too much to bare, little human," he smiled, a wide and crazed smile that glinted his fangs as he swirled around to face them. Before she had a chance to react he was in front of her, grasping hold of her shoulder and pushing her against the wall with his uninjured arm as he placed his other hand on her cheek. Leaning close to her neck, he murmured. "I am not just a murderer, I am a nature... as such is my nature, taking the life of humans, devouring their blood... means nothing to me..." he leaned down and grazed her neck with his fangs, chuckling softly as he held her in place.

Then he paused, still holding her in place but leaning back so he could look at the others, and tilting his head "Well... since you have the intension to kill me anyway, it wouldn't really matter for me if I killed these two humans as well, would it? Might as well have some before before I die, no?" he laughed and grasped hold of her chin, ignoring the pain it caused him as he turned his attention back to her. "Ah... but since you did save me... I guess I kind of am in debt to you. It would be wrong of me... just please stop acting like this is some kind of melodrama, it is quite annoying..." he trailed off and then glared at the other girl, "and you better shut up too. You are even worse, self obsessed bit*h! Honestly, who cares if you hurt your freakin' ankle? Just shut up and take the pain already."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arisa Koneji Character Portrait: Haru Minami Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu Character Portrait: Erin Leister
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Haru, sighed. They are all alike, they care about nobody but themselves, they all think they are so much better than humans, Vampires make me sick. Haru then turned her back to him.

Haru looked at her ankle, "besides I was doing a militay tactic." she whispered to herself.

Haru sighed. "besides you're the one talking so much." She whispered

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arisa Koneji Character Portrait: Haru Minami Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu Character Portrait: Erin Leister
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(sorry! Wrong place!)

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arisa Koneji Character Portrait: Haru Minami Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu Character Portrait: Erin Leister
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Haru glared at Erin, "What do you mean, he insulted me first. What am i supposed to say yes I a bi*** ?"

Haru looked down clenching her fists, "Don't let your feelings get in the way......or you'll end up hurt." She whispered as tears ran down her face. "No I won't leave either, I won't run like my father did."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haru Minami Character Portrait: Kaito Sakamaki Character Portrait: Zero Kiryu Character Portrait: Erin Leister
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#, as written by Gladis
Kaito blinked as the girl annoying,y me turned Michelle and themselves softly, lifting his bloodied hand and sadly caressing her cheek. "What would she do?" he whispered as he leaned closer to the girl. "My sweet 'sister' would be so disappointed in me... it would make her so sad. Every normal person would have hated me, hated me for the monster I am... but not Michelle. Michelle could never bring herself to hate me. That is what makes very thing so much worse.." Kaito sighed softly and trailed off, letting his hand drop to his said and shaking his head.

As the girl started to first talk with the other, annoying girl and then yelled for her to get out, Kaito sighed again and took a step back, letting Erin go. This melodrama bored him to death... not literally, of course. But he liked to express it that way... Somehow talking about death amused him. Perhaps because he really did wish to die... though he wasn't entirely sure that actually was the case. "Yes, it is..." he muttered to himself before cringing as Zero placed his hand on his shoulder. Kaito's expression went first dead, them blank, then confused.

When he turned around to look at Zero, not even as much as a hint of recognition showed on his features. Kati was indeed genuinely confused, almost as though he did not remember anything happen prior to this. Therefor, he did not struggle as he level D started dragging him towards he office. He simply went with him, cringing in pain now and then but remaining silent. His chest heaved with exhaustion, something caused by bit the situation and blood loss... even if he didn't understand it. "W-where... am I?" he finally asked, his voice barely more than a quiet rasp.