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Atlas Hensley

What'll it be for you today?

0 · 4,489 views · located in Papoa Lake

a character in “Veritas Isle”, as played by Rari


ImageName: Atlas Hensley

Age: 26 years old.

Race: Human.

Gender: Male

Sexual orientation: Atlas does not prefer one gender over the other.

Occupation: Owner and pastry chef/master barista of Cloud Top Cafe and Bakery.

Family: None on Veritas Island. Parents are long deceased. Has a sister named Marguerite who lives very far away.

Appearance: Atlas is a tall and slender man. He stands at 6ft 3 inches tall. Atlas has short, wavy, chocolate brown hair that just barely curls at the end, and always looks a tad bit messy. He has narrow and charming deep amber colored eyes and pale skin. His slender build leads others to believe that he isnt very strong, but he is actually quite toned due to lifting heavy trays full of baked goods. Atlas wears a long sleeved, white shirt underneath a collared red vest. He also wears a large gold and red amulet that was passed down to him by his father. He also wears a black apron when he is at work.

Personality: Atlas is an easygoing young man, he manages to stay calm and collected during times of stress. He does not dwell on the past, as he prefers to live in the moment. Atlas is very focused and swift when he is at work, as he takes his job very seriously. Besides baking, Atlas also loves to read, and can often bee seen wandering about town, his nose buried in a new book.

History: Atlas grew up far away from Veritas in a small farming town. He had a normal life as the son of two farmers, but always wanted bigger better things, though he never found a good enough reason to break away from the small town life he had grown tired of. Atlas worked on his families farm and at the local bakery where he gained a love for baking and candy making, until he was twenty three years old. His parents had died and his sister married and moved away, and so Atlas sold the farm and set out to find a new, exciting place to set up his own cafe. He found it on Veritas Isle. He opened up shop, and business has been booming ever since. Recently Atlas was able to employ a store manager, and now only works in-store every other day. Now he seeks to gain friendship and build a more solid life for himself to settle into, maybe find a partner and have a few little ones, should he be so lucky.

+ ۝ +

So begins...

Atlas Hensley's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin worked for a while and managed to come out with several different outfits for baby Poppy. "Poppy..." He said her name out loud and couldn't stop smiling. It was a beautiful name. He placed the outfits aside and went into living room to see that Atlas had fallen asleep. He couldn't help but smile at how handsome he was. Elwin took his book out of his hand, "Come on, babe, let's get you into bed okay?" He helped him up and lead his half asleep butt to the bed and helped him undress before leaving him in his undies and sliding him under the covers. Biscuit ran in at full speed before jumping on the bed. He rubbed under her chin before going around the house and checking that everything was locked. Once he was done he got into his pajamas. "Night Babe"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas woke up in the morning, extremely confused about how he got into the bedroom when the last thing he remembered was sitting in the chair. ANd he was undressed too which made even less sense. He looked over at the sleeping Elwin and gently brushed the hair out of his face before snuggling up with biscuit for a little while, not ready to get out of bed yet. "Good morning love" He said to the cat as he scratched behind her ear. "You're such a loud cat..." He whispered as her purrs seemed to echo around the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin was sleeping peacefully until the cat started purring. "Oh... now she is your love?" He yawned before stretching. "How rude..." He said and pulled Atlas to him and kissed him softly. "So glad I don't have to get up and I can sleep in this big bed with Biscuit." He smiled. "Mmm, you have fun being a big and successful baker." He smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas smirked and rolled over on top of Elwin, pinning him to the bed. "Oh ho ho. Or so you think. I dont have to go into work. Thats what happens when you have employees." He said gazing down at Elwin with eyes like amber. He traced a finger down Elwins chest as he sat in his lap. "But I mean...If yo really want me to go, I can always find something else to do." He said, his finger stopping at the waistline of Elwins pajama bottoms.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin blushed a bit and looked at him, "I could say stay, but you are going to end up leaving me anyway. I mean if you really loved me and loved to love on the one person you are so possessive over and want to love love love them then you would stay and love on the one person you love so why don't you just stay and love on me?" He smiled up at Atlas. Elwin tried really had not to laugh at the hot mess that came out of his mouth.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas stared down at Elwin. "I...What..." He huffed and started unbuttoning Elwins pajama shirt. "I have no idea what you just said but if I dont get some lovings now I might just tease you all day long as revenge..Do you want that Elwin? DO you? Random and sudden ear rubs all day when you least expect it. Allll day long. No breaks. Just ear rubbing." He said with the hint of a smirk on his face. "You still wanna talk nonsense now?" He asked, running his hands down Elwins sides.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin chuckled in victory, "Mmm no I do not. That sounds like a very bad day for me." He said softly. "So glad I didn't put pants on you." He smiled and gently pulled Atlas down to kiss him. One hand gently cupped his face while the other slid down to smack and grab his ass. "So firm.." He whispered.

{T-T-T-T-T-Time Skip!}

Elwin kissed Atlas once more before sliding out of bed, "You never seem to disappoint, babe." He said softly. "And you should be happy, because there would have been none of this this weekend." He winked and walked into the bathroom. He stayed in the shower for a bit longer than usual to let the hot water run over him. When he got out he wrapped a towel around his waist and went search for some clothes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas smirked and laid in bed for a little while with biscuit who had come back to fuss at him for kicking her out of the room. "Oh, I know. How dare I?" He said to the cat as she was curled up on his chest purring loudly. Eventually he slid out of bed before throwing on some pajama pants and going to the kitchen and making some coffee and starting the fire again before picking up more toys that seemed to move by themselves during the night. After that he got busy making some pancakes and bacon for breakfast.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin finally got dressed and went find Atlas, "Mmm get to have you and food for breakfast, best day ever. Ten out of ten." He said smiling and went up behind him and kissed his shoulder and neck before walking away and getting some orange juice, plus stealing a bacon. "Mmm you taste better." He said softly before frowning. "Last night I felt Roshia... she was heartbroken. I have never killed a man before, but I will if Rowan doesn't fucking stop. It feels worse than when Daryl left and that was bad. Atlas, babe... help me hide a body." He smiled innocently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas sighed and leaned into Elwin before he walked away and started talking about Rowan. "I mean, I know a place we could hide a body." He said as if it were completely normal and then served up Elwins breakfast. "I dont know what their deal is. But if I can get along with Ivie, they should be able to get along with each other." He said and then huffed. "Kids these daysss"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin blinked up at him, "I don't know if I find it scary or hot that you would know where we could hid the body. Maybe a bit of both. Kind of a turn on," He said looking down at his food. "I'd still tap that booty... a lot." He smiled and began eating. There was never a dull moment with his food... or body. "Mmm you would look good in black clothing... ugh with a black leather jacket... yeah I have to make it now so you can wear it just for me to take it off." Elwin hung his head, "God help me." He whispered before nibbling on a piece of bacon in defeat. When he came to his senses he looked over at Atlas, "You two work out because you two aren't married and don't have feelings for each other... I hope. Anyway, Roshia loves him... she just hates feeling like she doesn't know him and that something else. Last night was pretty killer. Like... hmm how can I explain it. What would break your heart the most? Then multiply that by two... maybe five."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas just stared at Elwin as he seemed to be having a moment. "YOU"RE gonna tap MY ass? We'll see about that Elwin. We will see. " Atlas said before he started eating. "I think you might actually need help. Imma send you to a counselor. You're much too raunchy today and it scares me." He said with a chuckle. He shrugged at the comment about Roshia and Rowan. "Theyre gonna have to work something out. They've got two kids so..." He said and then nibbled on some bacon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ivie Kirkson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin smiled, "If your booty is the counselor I would be happy to see it." He chuckled before sighing. "Yeah I know... this time I won't get in on it, though she would probably be happy if I didn't. But you know what I would like to get in on..." He looked over at Atlas and smirked. "Hue." He laughed softly before finishing up.

Ivie smiled at Ollie, "How was your quiet time?" He asked.

Ollie looked up, "A bit boring. I missed my little bug." She said holding him. "How did it go? Are you two official?" She asked.

"It went really well... and yeah, I think we are. We are going to the wedding together, which I can't wait. I am actually excited to see him. I haven't been like this... since Atlas." She said softly. "Thinking of which, it seems like they both want you back home." She said. "And I don't want you to go, but I know Elwin wants to be there for you and the baby. Don't let him miss out on this, Ollie." She said softly.

"I feel like a third wheel... and stepping on toes." She said.

"Well you agreed to that when you got knocked up, babe." Ivie laughed softly. "And I think Atlas misses you a bit more than Elwin does."

Ollie rolled her eyes, "If you wanted me out, all you had to do was say so."

Ivie glared, "I want nothing more than to keep you here forever and raise Elwin's baby as my own. You will have the baby with the best hair and I am jealous. If I didn't have Blair I might of had Elwin give me a baby of his too." She smiled. "I just think it is best for you two to work this out and be together, for the baby's sake." She said.

"And then me leave again because I want someone for myself. I don't want to be single forever." Ollie frowned.

"We will get to that point later down the line. You can't stop living now because of something that will happen tomorrow. I love you being here, especially with Forrest, but Elwin is literally at your feet begging for you to come home." She frowned.

"Fine... but if this backfires I get to keep Forrest." She smiled. Ivie giggled and helped her pack. It was a couple hours after that Ollie knocked on the door.

Elwin went to get it when he tripped. "Uggghhh who the hell put this couch here?" He cried out before rolling over and getting up. When he answered the door he smiled. "You came home." He whispered.

"Yeah." She said smiling softly. Her bump was showing more now that she was five months. Elwin went to rub her belly and she let him.

"You have gotten so big... it's beautiful." He said softly. She patted his head gently. "Come on in. Your room is the same... thanks... for returning. It means a lot." He said softly.

"Well... I would regret not letting you be there. I feel bad knowing Atlas couldn't and I know you could. Taken that away from you would be cruel and you deserve this baby." She smiled. Elwin lead her to her room and left her to unpack.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas looked up from the baking he was doing in the kitchen when Elwin tripped over the couch. "Jesus, and he acts like I'm the clumsy one..." He muttered and went back to his work kneading dough when he saw Ollie walk back in and walk to her room. Atlas washed his hand and practically ran off to her room, ending up slipping on the wood floor and bumping into the wall. "Maybe I am the clumsy one. He knocked on Ollies door. "Welcome home Ollie!" He said before walking back to the kitchen and shaping a loaf of bread out of the dough and leaving it to rest for a minute.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sambea
Ollie and Elwin heard the loud thump before Atlas came in. She pressed her lips to keep from laughing, "Thank you!" She called out as he left. She placed every thing back in their spots before sitting on the bed and looking around. It was good to be back, somewhat. She missed Forrest already and she wouldn't be here Saturday. When she was ready she walked out slowly and went around the corner slowly and sat down slowly. "I can risk falling like you two. I would love to know how many times you two have fallen in the past two months." She smiled up at them.

Elwin was in the kitchen, staring at Atlas' butt when Ollie walked in, "Probably a lot... I am shocked I have legs left." He sighed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas looked over at Elwin. "Excuse you. This is not a peep show. My butt isnt there for you to ogle twenty four seven you know." He said in a sassy tone before putting the bread in the oven. "I fell down...Uhh like six times today I think and its not even the afternoon yet. I gotta stop wearing these damn fuzzy socks..But theyre so damn comfy..." He said with a sigh. "Its a good thing i'm not quite an old man yet. Otherwise i'd be in trouble." He said with a chuckle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Sambea
Elwin turned to watch him bend over and Ollie blinked, "Elwin, you are a lot more prevy now. What has gotten into you?" She asked. "And those socks do look comfy... kind of want a pair for Forrest. We have managed to keep him away from the outer doors by blocking them. He walked into Ivie getting undressed for a shower and he slapped her butt. She about died, now he only slaps mine..." She sighed. "Work in progress with him. I heard he did well today with Blair. The leash you made him worked wonders. Ivie says thank you. Blair and him got a long well... so now they are official. Pray they work out because she said if they don't she is coming after you for a baby of her own."

Elwin groaned and Ollie chuckled, "Also..." She laughed, "It seems Forrest had the whole playground following him. Then one girl who didn't want to sit around him went play and hurt her knee.. he kissed it all better and they played together for the rest of the day, with the other kids of course. Ivie said one of the little girls confessed to Forrest by giving him her toy. Of course Ivie made him give it back and he did so without fuss. Only two and a people person. In the wrong hands he could do evil... with us... well we can turn him into a fine young man." She hung her head. "At least he didn't slap any girl's butts. That is one thing I was worried about."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs
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#, as written by Rari
Atlas shook his head. "Well I'm glad Ivie found someone worth her lovins." He said as he checked the ovens temperature. "As for Forrest. I'm glad he's being a good boy. If he ever turns out like me, he's going to have a bunch of people around that will kick his little ass for it. Assuming we all fuck up and he does decide to be like that. Well, I mean, I was good at one time. But teenage boys arent great in general. I'm only good with specific people I guess. Like Elwin." He said and then smirked at Elwin. "Even though I turned him into a giant pervert." He said shaking his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Luther Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs Character Portrait: Garnet Daveiga Character Portrait: Asham Garr
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#, as written by Sambea
Luther, Garnet, and Asham got to the house and Rylie stepped out. “Aye boss, what brings you here?” He asked before looking down at Garnet and then up at Asham. “Uhm… are these clients?” He asked a bit confused.

Luther shook his head, “No, this is Garnet and Asham. We have a lot to discuss so let’s get inside the house, okay?” He said before ushering them all in. Once everyone was settled and sitting down Luther explained everything to Rylie.

“Wow, didn’t think James… well maybe. I know his temper. I am sorry, Boss… and Garnet.” He frowned.

“It’s fine.” Garnet said softly.

“Do you think there will be a house somewhere on the lake island she can stay at? Uh yeah, I think Elwin’s old place is empty now. He moved in with his boyfriend and Ollie, who is also five months pregnant by the way, on the other side of the lake. Closer to the bridge. We can go talk to him if you want. She will be safe there.” Rylie said.

“Ollie… is pregnant? For who?” He asked.

Rylie laughed awkwardly, “Elwin, Boss.”

“Elwin. They gay man? The one we kidnapped?” He asked.

“Yeah… that one.” He said.

“I didn’t think that would actually go through with it. I mean… he is gay.” Luther said.

“I know… so if you want we can go ask him now.” Rylie said.

Luther nodded and they headed over.

Ollie laughed, "I have never seen him so... forward like this. You know I am suppose to be like that right now with all the hormones, but... maybe Elwin took all of that away from me." She pouted. "No fair... I want to look at Atlas' butt the way you do." Elwin looked over at her. "You should see it without pants." He smiled devilishly.

Ollie about died, "Not yet!" They both laughed before hearing the knock. "I will get it." She got up and went open the door. She saw Rylie, Luther, and two others she didn't know. "Hey, Boss! I mean... Luther. What brings you all here?" She asked.

"I need a place for Garnet and Asham to stay. Do you know a house we can rent or buy?" He asked.

Ollie blinked, "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Elwin had walked up behind her and say Luther, "J-James?" He asked.

"No this is his twin... the nice one." Ollie said with a smile.

"Garnet was being abused... she also may be pregnant with James' kid. I just want her safe. Asham is her bodyguard." Asham nodded and Garnet looked embarrassed.

"Ameria's house... she is dead so she won't be using it. First come in, Atlas can you make tea please!" He called out and let them in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atlas Hensley Character Portrait: Elwin Keavaris Character Portrait: Luther Silverson Character Portrait: Ollie Jacobs Character Portrait: Garnet Daveiga Character Portrait: Asham Garr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rari
Atlas wondered who would be at the door. Its not like Ivie was going to be stopping by today. He heard Elwin yell at him to make tea, so he set a kettle of water on the stove to boil. Once it was done he walked out into the living room with is. "Elwin, what kind of tea did you-.....If thats who I think it is i'm going to hit him over the head with this damn kettle until he stops breathing." He said narrowing his eyes at the man that looked unnervingly similar to James.