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Emilia Austin

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a character in “Veritas Isle”, as played by Sambea



Emilia Hart Austin




Emilia is a petite girl standing at only four feet eleven inches and weighs ninety-four pounds. She had big blue eyes and cotton candy hair that falls to the middle of her back. Her skin is a light pale tan.

Emilia is a very shy girl who has a hard time talking to people. Despite that she is a really sweet girl. She loves to laugh and watch people. Emilia has a fascination with people who are outgoing and knows how to take charge. She once hoped that she could be like them, but she was always scared of messing up and bugging people. Side note, yelling causes her to cry.

Emilia was born and raised on the islands, though she was sent away when she was ten to a boarding school down in the kingdom. She is the only daughter to Samuel and Agatha Austin. When she was ten she was sent to the boarding school in hopes she could overcome her shyness. It was proven a failure, but she did get a great education so all wasn't lost. Now that she has returned she was sent to her uncle, who owns the bank on the island, is now working with him.

So begins...

Emilia Austin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Jonny blinked, "You fuckin twat... I should throw you." He sighed and Autumn karate chopped him with her foot. "Boy better back the fuck off my baby..." She said and Jonny rolled. "Ughh this is what death feels like." He said and sat up. "If you haven't felt the punch or kick of Autumn is a lucky person." He teared up and Jerry waved a dismissive hand. "How on earth were you ever a top?" He asked. Autumn about died and snuggled Levi. "Ugh keep you forever." She said softly. Emilia looked over at him and nodded. "Yeah... winter we can have a bonfire though! So there is that." She said softly and reached over and pulled his hand to her mouth and kissed it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi blinked and looked at Jerry. " I mean. It's kinda not hard with someone like me." He said and shrugged a little. He said and cuddled into into Autumn when she said she'd keep him forever. "Good. I'mma hold you to that then." He sighed. Blake nodded. "Mhm. Well that's if we can trust everyone here around a fire anyways." He said, joking about the last part. After she kissed his hand he gently rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I'll have to make sure your clumsy self doesn't trip and fall into it. Or slip on ice. Maybe I'll just carry you around so nothing happens.." he said, pretending to seriously think about doing that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn smiled, "I will... you stuck with my ass forever. Sorry, no returns. Get over it." She said and poked his cheeks and stuck her tongue out at him before looking at Jonny. Jonny nodded and ran into the house. She smirked before kissing Levi's nose. Emilia looked at him and blushed, "You... you don't have to... I mean... I can walk... like away from the fire if you are worried." She said softly... or just throw me in the lake if it isn't frozen." She giggled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi smirked. "Good. I didn't plan on making any returns." He said and then blinked when Jonny nodded and then ran into the house. "Where's he running off to so fast?" He asked. Blake shook his head. "I was just joking...but that's just what you need, burns and hypothermia at the same time. That sounds uh... Lovely..?" He said and then shook his head at her. " I'll just settle for keeping an eye on you and all tripping hazards."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn giggled, "Good..." She said before leaning in and whispering in his ear. "Taking the watermelon." She said softly before turning his head and making him watch Jonny come out with the watermelon. "WATERMELON IN MAH BELLY! All mines. Nom Nom." He said and sat next to Autumn and Levi. Emilia laughed softly before jumping when Jonny yelled. "Oh no... he got your watermelon, Babe." She said softly. Jerry was also one to jump and glared before sighing and laying back down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi blinked. "Poor Blake. That's his favorite." He said and then watched as he came out with the watermelon, yelling about it. Blake blinked and looked over and looked so distressed. "Not my watermelon, Nooo." He whispered dramatically and flopped back onto his back with a sigh. "Gotta get along with people who steal all the watermelon. Can't be a grumpy asshole. It's the worst..." He mumbled. Levi watched and then blinked. "He looks like he doesn't wanna live. We defeated him just by denying him the watermelon. Dear lord what is he..." He said, mainly to Autumn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn giggled before watching Blake. When he looked defeated she pinched Levi's ass and smirked before whispering, "Go save his watermelon and give it back to him." She said softly. Emilia patted his tummy softly, "If I could beat him up for you I would... but I had to try and do a backflip down the stairs. I am so sorry." She said softly,


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi blinked when his ass was pinched. "Hey hey hey. Not in public Missy." He said and poked her nose before getting up, stealing the watermelon from Jonny and then walked over and gave it to Emilia. "I'll let you decide if he dies from watermelon deficiency or not. " He said and walked back to Autumn. Blake looked at Emilia. " I'm just glad that you're alright now." He said and then blinked when Levi came over, looking back at Emilia when he left. "You wouldn't let me die from watermelon deficiency would you?" He asked, giving her the most innocent look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn smiled, "Aww, but I love your ass the most in public." She sighed an watched him go off. Emilia blinked, "Uhm... thanks?" She said to Levi before looking over at Blake and smiled. "Well let's see. For each good thing you do I will give you a slice. Like this one..." She held up one. "If you go to Levi and tell him that you, you will get it. The next one you have to give him and hug and then the next you have to give him a compliment." She smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi plopped down and laid his head in Autumn's lap and closed his eyes. Blake looked at Emilia like she was evil. "....So mean.." he said and got up and wandered over to Levi and crouched down and poked his cheek. "Thanks for saving the watermelon. You're not the worst ever." He said and patted his head before walking over to Emilia. "I couldn't hug him. He looks to comfy. I gave head pats. Hand over the watermelon." He said. Levi opened his eyes when his cheek was poked and then just stared until Blake walked away and then looked at Autumn like he was so confused about what happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn, Jonny, and Jerry watched a miracle happen before their eyes. Emilia giggled and gave him his reward, "Now was that so bad? I am pretty sure Autumn is dying over that cuteness." She giggled. Autumn was about dying. "Ugh that was so cute. Go you. He gave you head pats, pokes, and a compliment. Such brotherly love." She smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blake sat down with him watermelon. He didn't answer if it was so bad, just munched and looked off in a different direction rather stubbornly. "Dunno what there is to die over..." He mumbled. Levi laid there and just stared for a moment again. "that.. actually happened. For some watermelon? What the hell is Blake? Why watermelon..." He said and then shook his head a little and turned more towards Autumn, his face facing her tummy now. "That was weird.." He said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Emilia and Autumn smirked at each other. Autumn ran her fingers through his purple hair and smiled down at him. Her feelings for him were pretty strong, he was such a sweet boy. Tiny, yes, but she wouldn't change that for anything. "Hey... you have no idea what I would do for some bomb ass ice cream." She giggled. Emilia poked Blake, "You are so cute when you act so stubborn." She said softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi looked up at Autumn and blinked. "I'll get it." He said and then got up, put his shirt and sandals on and then ran off. He ran to the ice cream shop and got a couple of tubs and then started running back. Blake looked over at Emilia and then poked her back. "You're so cute all the time." He said. A little later Levi ran back in carrying three tubs of ice cream. "I got the ice cream!" He said and grinned at Autumn with the biggest, cheesiest grin possible.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn blinked and was going to stop him but he was so fast. "Damn tiny man. Running so fast." She sighed and laid back. Emilia blushed a bit, "Well you are handsome all of the time." She said softly and smiled. When Levi got back both girls and both J's looked up. Autumn sat up and laughed, "Oh good gosh, you did go and get them and you were even in your little ducky shorts. Ugh... I am gonna marry you one day, Levi. Bet your ass on it." She smiled and got up before going over and kissing him softly. "I am glad I found your cute ass in that fucking store, Levi." She whispered. Emilia swayed in the pool, happy about ice cream and the cute couple.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Blake stuck his tongue out at Emilia and then went on to relaxing and munching away at his watermelon. Levi blinked. "Of course I was in my ducky shorts. I didn't bring other pants.." He said and then laughed a little. "Okay. I'll hold you to that then." He said and then kissed her back. "I'm glad you found me in that store." He said and then blinked. "So who wants ice cream?" He asked and Blake got up. "You want some Ems?" He asked and when she answered he walked off to get bowls and ice cream scoops ready so that people could get some ice cream.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn smiled and when nodded, "You can just give me a tub... everyone is going to see my fatass today. Ugh eat the whole thing." She smiled and Emilia looked at Blake like he was her hero. "Yes, please. If they are all different I will take a scoop of each." She smiled. Jonny got up, "You want something?" He asked Jerry and he nodded. "Two scoops with Blake on top." He said and Jonny side before walking in. Autumn walked over to Emilia and helped her out of the pool and over to where she was. "You are so cute... I wonder if Blake and Levi would be okay of I stole you for my own?" She asked. Emilia and Jerry laughed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi nodded and then walked off. Blake got Emilias ice cream and then brought it back out just as Levi carried his and Autumn's ice cream out too. Both overheard what Autumn said and then both proceeded to give her the exact same playful glare, making it apparent that they were indeed brothers. "You have your own tiny person Autumn. Lay off of mine." Blake said, joking mostly as he handed Emilia her ice cream. Levi shook his head and handed Autumn her tub of ice cream before plopping down next to her and munching on his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Sambea
Autumn looked up at both guys and smiled, mostly because they were making the same face. "Gosh damn... I need to start a collection. Be stuck with tall people like Jonny." She sighed and smiled, taking her bowl softly from his hands. Emilia did the same and thanked him. Jonny came out and gave Jerry his and when he sat up he saw the leaf and sighed. "I hate you, Jonny." He said and Jonny smirked. "I know, baby." He joked. "Where is your boyfriend?" He asked and Jerry sighed. "He doesn't like Blake just yet. I am working on him." He said and Autumn looked at Blake. "Well he is Em's cousin and he loves Levi. If we shove both of their cute asses at him how can he say no? Muwahaha take over the damn world with small people." She smiled. Emilia looked at Levi, "We can't let her near the dwarfs." She smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Autumn Birgison Character Portrait: Levi Barnes Character Portrait: Emilia Austin Character Portrait: Blake Barnes Character Portrait: Jonny Ashburry Character Portrait: Jerry Lirkson
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#, as written by Fauna
Levi shook his head and then blinked. "Loves me? We didn't even meet until Ems was in the damn hospital. He barely even knows me." He said and then blinked at Emilia. "Oh Lord no. We have to protect them from her..." He joked. Levi wasnt too sure about this apparent brother of his. He still didn't know anything about his dad, and theyd made no efforts to contact him. They had only met because they both knew Emilia and just happened to be at the hospital at the same time. Blake decided hed just keep quiet for the moment, not really having anything to say about all of that.