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Virtual Madness-RPG style

Virtual Madness-RPG style


This game is so real, it might just end in your death.

814 readers have visited Virtual Madness-RPG style since AshFisher created it.


This is based on a comic I draw in a world parellel to Earth, similar in many ways yet different.
*Please read rules before making profile!*

Five years ago, a genius made a game in his house. He quickly found five people to 'test' this game out. Everything seemed to go fine...until the players were sucked into the game; quite literally. Despite all his tries, he could not get the players out of the game, and decided to trash the project. Now, his son has found the files, and has decided to sell the game publicly; after making a few tweaks of his own.
The problem is, he doesn't know that players get sucked into the game. Plus, because of his tinkering, new glitches have risen. One of which is that some of the players have found themselves in the role of a 'pre-made' character(ones that were supposed to be NPC's). You are unfortunate enough to have bought this game! Can you find a way out? Or will you share the same fate as the original five?

Neko: A part cat, part human creature. The most common race in The Game. Very strong in magic. Can live up to 5,000 years
Human: The second most common race. Can live up to 300 years
Elf: Keep mostly to themselves, one of the more magical races. Can live up to 5,000 years
Demon: The third most common race, powers depends on the type. Can live up to 5,000 years
Orc: One of the least common races, some can grow to the size of a giant. Usually dull witted, and slow. Can live up to 500 years
Troll: Can be even more dull witted than Orcs. Are strong fighters, their royalty can shape shift. Can live up to 1,000 years
Vampire: Weak in the sunlight, one of the more magical races. Immortal-can only be killed by certain spells/weapons
Kitsune: Part fox, part human creature. Very strong in magic, though they usually have only one type. Can live up to 3,000 years
Fairy: Have a human form, and a normal form(they would look like Navi/Tinkerbell in this form). When in Human form, they hide their wings and their magic is often weaker, depending on the type of fairy. Immortal-can only be killed by certain spells/ weapons
Centaur: Part human, part horse, great hunters. Usually keep to themselves; and live in woods or forests. Can live up to 5,000 years
Werewolf/Wolf Shifter: Werewolves have no control over when they change, are often better fighters when in wolf form; look completely human when not transformed. / Wolf Shifters do have a choice on when they change into their wolf form. They have the ears, tail, and feet of a wolf when in human form. Werewolves are immortal once changed-can only be killed by certain spells/ weapons. / Wolf Shifters can live up to 3,000 years

Technology: Is far more advanced than our technology, despite this there are no cars or motorized transportation of any sort. There are also no phones, or electricity; there is indoor plumbing.
Weaponry: Ranges from old school swords to technologically advanced laser guns.

Even though there might not be cars. There are other ways to travel, such as the air boat; which is powered by both magic and technology. Other than that most people have enough magic can fly; those who don't walk.

Kingdoms/ Rulers:
Kingdom of Neko's/ Liz: Both humans and neko's are under one ruler. The castle is the largest, and resides in the 'center' of The Game. symbol
Kingdom of Trolls/ Shay: Both Trolls and Orcs are under one ruler. The castle is the second largest, and resides near the Kitsune Village symbol
Shortie-Ruler of Demons: A dragon demon who wants to gain control of the Kingdom of Neko's. There is no set kingdom for the demons, since they don't live in one spot for long periods of time.
Elvin Kingdom/Anlyia: Both fairy's and elves are under one ruler. The castle is actually a big tree, in the center of the largest forest. symbol
Michele-Ruler of Centaurs: Is actually a human that the centaur's saved. Over time she gained their trust, and became their ruler.
Darnell-Ruler of the Werewolves/Wolf Shifters: One of the first five; started a small village for wolf shifters then started taking in werewolves.
Renee-Ruler of Kitsunes: A ice based Kitsune, she resides in her village with the other Kitsunes.
Derek-Ruler of Vampires: One of the first five, used to be human; was turned into the first vampire by a glitch.

Character Profiles SHOULD include:
Sexual Preference:
Title: ( it is somethingsome one might gain throughout The Game, such as 'Hero of the Wolf Shifters' etc)
Class: (Ninja, rogue, mage, fighter, warrior etc)
Description: (You may just use pictures.)
History: (Give a summery of the life you had before entering The Game.)

Toggle Rules

Follow all normal RPG rules.
You don't have to fill out the title section of the character sheet
No you may not be one of the first five
No changing the main story without permission.
OOC must stay out of IC
No overpowered players, if you are magic based there is a limit to how strong/how much magic you can use
Contact the GM if you have any questions or need anything cleared up, or if something needs solving between you and another player
Have fun

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


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Liz landed near Ilijia, noticing his wound, there was nothing she could do for him herself. She had spent the rest of her magic when she had caused the earthquake. She went to her sister, and noticed a similar wound on her...from the werewolf? She picked up her sister, and looked to Ilijia "There is a healer in the village, we will find safe beds there as well." She then walked to the village, which she just noticed was Kitsune village, carrying her sister the whole time. She went into a hut that had all sorts of decorations on it, then set Mary on the bed there. She exited the hut to see is Ilijia was following or not, and whether he had gotten the male neko.


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#, as written by Byte
Ilijia nodded slowly at Liz's suggestion, and with a slight annoyed stare he had to carry someone while being injured, he lifted the male neko, swinging him over his working shoulder. A feint howling would stop Ilijia in his tracks, cautious for another attack, after all it would take some time for that beast to drop down. A sword through their middle was like a small paper cut to them. With a small sigh leaving his lips, Ilijia followed Liz, watching as she hurried into the small hut. Can't blame her... That would probably be her sister. As he arrived at the hut, Liz was keeping watch for them, and Ilijia slightly nodded. Walking into the hut and dropping the neko on one of the empty safe beds. As he examined his wound, Ilijia stepped outside. "That was something... Different, I never heard of werewolves having poisonous claws. Maybe this was someone else's work after all." He paused for a second, watching the fitting scene of dark clouds forming. "Well, what are you going to do after your sister is all patched up?" Ilijia turned his sight to Liz, dropping himself against the wall as the poison was sapping his energy.


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Liz looked to Ilijia a frown of concern still on her face. "I agree that poisonous claws are unusual for a werewolf to have....and they way it was traveling...." she shook her head and crossed her arms. She leaned against the doorway of the hut, looking down to the ground, her mood unusually downcast. "As for what I do when Mary gets better, I suppose I will have to go back to the castle." she sighed and looked over to her sister's sleeping body. "I don't want to, but she will make me....ah, Kim is going to be furious!" A saddened look crossed her features "Sometimes I wish that Mary could take the throne...then I could wander around freely without bothering everyone in such a way."


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#, as written by Byte
Ilijia sighed, the dark clouds taking away quite a bit of optimism and happiness. He cocked his head down, forming some kind of pep-talk in his head. Not his strongest trait, and he was stuck with his occasional advice that would probably leave a frown on Liz's frown, if that would be possible. Ilijia raised his head, his moss-green eyes once more glaring at the depressed Liz. "This might come from someone who has been able to do whatever he wants from the moment he was born, but..." Ilijia paused, double checking he wouldn't offend her with a small word or something like that. "But I think you aren't obliged to return to a place you don't think you belong. And hey, if you want to wander around the world it is your choice. Others will just have to deal with that... No offence to anyone that tries their best to protect you from danger." Ilijia moved his head opposite of Liz, not pleased with how that advice rolled out of his mouth. But what do I know about obligations and duties... It is easy for me to say I don't want something. But I suppose Liz hasn't got that choice at all... He raised his head once more, "You know, would it be a problem if you travelled around with someone else? If you want to travel together that is... Never mind, I think the poison is affecting my brain. Sorry for suggesting a pointless idea like that..." Ilijia made the occasional glare around him, watching carefully to make sure nothing hostile approached.


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Liz looked to him, surprise on her face "You would want to travel with me?" Only a few people had ever offered such a thing in the past. They were now very close friends of hers, even though she didn't get to see them as often as she would have liked to. "That would be a great thing indeed!!" a smile broke out on her face, she was never depressed for very long to begin with, and Ilijia's offer brightened her mood quicker. "Ah! Mary will want to come as well, it would be very selfish of me to leave her wounded like this. Plus she's supposed to play as my bodyguard whenever I leave the castle. I will just tell her that it is important business...which would be true, we have to find that werewolf, and make sure that it is dead."


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Braiden's eyes opened slowly and looked around the room everything blurry. He tried sitting up but fell back down, his body still weak. "wuh-wuh-wuh-what happened to me?" he spoke to himself. He tried to look to his sides but could only look straight up. He then remembered the werewolf as his wound began to burn. He held his arm to his chest cringing in pain. "I wonder who that figure was I seen right before I passed out." he said quietly to himself not knowing who was in the room. He sighed deeply and tried to get up again only to see Liz and Ilijia. "H-h-hello." he said to them.


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Liz looked to the male neko, surprised that he could move or talk. Was the poison not very strong? She smiled at him, noticing that he still seemed to be in pain. "The figure you saw was most likely Mary." she pointed to her sister, who was in a bed across the hut from him. "I'm her twin sister Liz." Just then the healer came into her hut, and upon seeing three injured people in need of her help, shooed Liz out. The healer knew Liz very well, so she kept her hut door open, knowing the young queen would worry about her sister otherwise. She went to work on the male neko first since he was somewhat aware of his surroundings (and had been the first to be injured). Liz watched from a few feet away, tail swaying gently.


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#, as written by Byte
Illijia smiled, happy to see someone not depressed. "Sure thing. And... Yes, I suppose we should try and find that werewolf, or what's left of it. I did injure him pretty badly.", But I suppose that if someone was behind that beast's attacks, that person might have located it and patched it up. Ilijia's thoughts broke as the male neko had gotten himself up. And surprisingly quick, judging from the state of that wound. "Greetings," Was all Ilijia could bring up, his wound somehow interrupting with his word process. It still doesn't want to move. Guess I am more injured then I though I'd be... He touched his wound slightly, only to feel a small sting with every touch. Bandaged sure, but that only seemed to have stopped the bleeding... Ilijia just hoped it wouldn't stay numb permanently. As the healer walked in, she immediately went to help out the male neko. Ilijia got himself on his feet, watching as the healer was probably going to work her 'magic'.


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After being healed the doctor told him he needed to rest. Braiden sighed and went to leave but stopped for a brief second. "Tell your sister I'm sorry I caused her so much trouble." He spoke to Liz not realizing she was the queen. He then headed right outside of the town to pick up his scythe and went to his usual spot in the valley, but not without some caution in case the werewolf was still there.


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Liz watched him go as the healer went to Ilijia next. She was still worried about Mary yet.... It's not wise for him to be by himself like that. She walked to where he was, and sat beside him, studying his weapon with interest. "A rather heavy weapon for a neko to be using." she said, just wanting to start a conversation. She needed to know him better before asking him to join her small traveling group.


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#, as written by Byte
As Liz left to catch up with the leaving male neko, Ilijia shrugged slightly, he wasn't one to interfere with whatever someone had set their mind on. And if Liz wanted to go after the male neko, she had all right to do so. As the healer prepared herself to patch up Ilijia, she would see him making a stop motion. After all, another's injuries were more important then his own, yet it seemed the healer insisted and Ilijia sighed as he willingly stepped into the hut, unstrapping his weapon and throwing it on the ground next to him as he sat down on one of the empty beds. To safe the healer some time, he removed the bandages himself, only to reveal quite an ugly wound. Eye for an eye is what they say then, I guess... At least it is a symbol of my first failure to get out of a fight unscathed. As the healer returned attention to Illijia and examined the wound, the slayer glared at the other injured person, Liz's sister. "So you are supposed to be someone's body guard, eh? Well, you are doing a pretty bad job if I might say so myself."

He wasn't very proud at stating that, she wasn't even awake to hear him scold her for doing a bad job. Ilijia grunted for the pain the healer cause by just touching the wound. "Okay, you don't have to press my wound in order to tell me I shouldn't talk bad about a person." The healer turned her attention back to the wound as she cleaned it from the dust particles and anything else that prevented the wound from healing correctly. After that the poison needed to be nullified, and something told Illijia that it wasn't going to be pleasant. The salve would prove effective, a slight bit of feeling returned to Ilijia's arm as he could feel the healer bandaging his arm once more. With a small nod of thanks, Illijia stood up. Strapping his weapon back on his middle as he walked outside to keep a watchful eye for anything that might happen. "Part of me hopes that wicked beast is still breathing, I think he needs another sword through the middle for that permanent mark he gave me." Illijia dropped himself down against the wall, staring into empty space.


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Not realizing Liz was there, he jumped as she spoke. "Well...I got conned into buying this when I first started...I was told that if I gave the person all of my equipment, I could have this one of a kind scythe and it would make up for having no equipment. That's the reason why I have to keep in the valley. Even though it's a new player training ground...if I go anywhere else...I will most likely die." he said looking down very nervous to be talking to someone. "But these markings on my blade. I think this is why I kept it." he said showing the Kanji on the blade. "We live the eternal life." he read quietly. "It's just a big mystery to me. I should probably sell it so I can finally get some good equipment." he stated putting his scythe's blade into the ground. "Oh, by the way, the name's Braiden." he said sticking his hand out to her. "I'm sorry I just walked off without introducing myself. 'Twas very selfish of me."


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Liz looked at him, confused "New player training ground? There is no such place in this world." she took his hand and shook it, giving him a smile that erased her confused look. "As for your weapon, it matters not what you use. As long as it 'fits' you." She let his hand go, looking out on the valley, it was a peaceful sort of place. She wondered why Braiden thought there was a new player trainer ground. Some NPC most likely told him may have been the way The Game was supposed to be set up. She looked to Braiden, hoping he wasn't to upset about this new news.


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Braiden looked down at her hand when she grabbed his and then looked to Liz smiling and he blushed a bit smiling back. "Well...I suppose I don't have much of a reason to stay here. Do you mind if I travel with you? I don't have many friends...and I want to apologize to your sister." he said grabbing his knees. "I'm not much of a fighter...but I can use my skills to heal others." he then looked at his scythe hoping for a positive answer.


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Liz gave him a bright smile, and stood. "I was actually going to ask you the same! I am traveling with Ilijia, we need to make sure that werewolf is dead. I am sure my sister will join as well, since she has to 'guard' me." She brushed herself off some, then faced Braiden better. "As for friends, I would be more than glad to be one."


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Braiden stood up as well and ripped his scythe from the ground and strapped it to his back. "Alright, shall we be heading back?" he said as he started walking to the village. He then looked back to Liz and began to think to himself She' friend? he then smiled and began walking forward again.


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Fingon had watched the battle with some interest, and it had made him chuckle when all but one of them fell victim to the poison from the claws of the werewolf. It had struck him as odd that the creature should possess such a power, but he put that to the back of his mind - far more interested in the people who had just engaged in battle and were now heard to the healer. He was glad he hadn't been noticed - telling them he wasn't going to heal them would have been awfully troublesome. He Rose from his rather comfortable seat on the ground and gave a short whistle - summoning a fearsome black wolf - before heading to the healer to check out the adventurers. On his way he passed a male and a female neko who seemed to be headed to the valley. Fingon was sure they were two of the people from earlier but shrugged this off and continued on his way.

"I saw you fighting the werewolf." He spoke quietly when he reached the healer, noting another male and female from before. "I decided to come and see how you were. It was enjoyable to watch." The wolf sat loyly by the Druid's side as he spoke, watching the Neko's with curious yellow eyes.


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Liz walked to the village, going straight to the healers hut. She was now working on Mary, who was still passed out. Liz looked to Ilijia, noticing a new face as she did so. A elf, with a rather large wolf at his side. "Oh...hello there..." she eyed the wolf a little suspiciously, then focused her attention back on Ilijia. "You feeling better now? Braiden says he wants to help find the werewolf." she gestured towards Braiden, so Ilijia would know who she was talking about. She was about to ask the healer about Mary when a figure pushed her aside, entering the tent, getting a glare from the healer.

The figure was a male silver kitsune, Liz gave a 'I might have known' look to the healer. The silver kitsune seemed upset "Is she all right, will she wake soon, what hurt her? I will personally kill the beast or person a thousand times over!" Liz had to stop herself from laughing "Rachief, Mary will be fine, get out of the healer's way or she will get mad at you again." The silver kitsune, who's name seemed to be Rachief, looked to Liz and nodded. He then stood beside her "I pushed you didn't I? Terribly sorry Queen Liz." Liz gave him her own glare, causing him to back away from her a step. "Right...don't call you that...sorry." he looked around at the others "Quite a gathering of others about you as always...these are new faces though."


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#, as written by Byte
Ilijia looked up as a wolf ran towards the hut, carrying a figure as it did so. Not really hostile, yet not friendly either. "Watched you say? I suppose you aren't much of a fighter then. Let alone social, but whatever, it wasn't like I'd be needing help of a species that thinks low of my kind." Well the figure looked like an elf, and Ilijia knew well what they thought about humans. It wasn't long after the elf had arrived Liz and the male neko returned to the hut. "I'm fine, but to tell the truth, I think I have had far worse injuries then this." He paused a split second to glare at the male neko. All he gave was a small salutation with his hand, with the occasional 'Greetings.'. He nodded as Liz went to check on her sister, after all she was probably the one who was severely injured.

Great, quite a gathering has formed here. Can't a human rest in peace? A kitsune arrived this time, the fox-like creature bursted into the hut as if he was the most important person in the world. It didn't take long for Ilijia to hear a name fall in the group, Rachief. Gathering about her? It was Liz we dragged Ilijia in this in the- Okay, not really, he agreed on the fact that she could help him find that damned werewolf. So it was no forced companionship, at least not in Ilijia's eyes. "Heh, wishing death on something you don't know is foolish. Before you make any vows of revenge you should learn on who or what it is you are vowing it on, not that revenge is something you should wish for..."

Illijia had paused, giving a simple neutral stare at the Kitsune. "Also, I doubt it is yet lives. The wound I gave the beast was quite severe, almost deadly to be exact. It won't terrorize this world for much longer." Illijia rose up from the ground, stretching his back as he was done resting and ready to move onward, to wherever it was he would be going.


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Rachief practically pounced on Ilijia, holding his hands together in front of him and giving Ilijia a adoring look. "Oh? You slayed the foul beast that hurt my love?" He took Ilijia's hand and shook it rather roughly "I thank you! I thank you a thousand times!! I don't know what I would do with out my Mary!!" Suddenly Rachief let go of Ilijia's hand as a fist hit his head. "Who are you calling your love?" Racheif spun towards the voice, with arms outstretched "Mary! My love! You are awake!!" he went to hug her, but she stopped him by placing her hand on his forehead. "How could I sleep when I heard such an annoying voice in my ears?"

Liz simply sighed and looked to Ilijia with a 'I'm sorry for all this trouble' look.

Mary had been awake since Ilijia had said something about her being a bad body guard. She had simply kept her eyes closed, wanting to shut everything out. It wasn't until Rachief started talking-and by the sound of his voice, causing trouble again-that she decided to stop pretending. She had gotten up, and hit Rachief within moments, causing the healer to look at her with a startled expression.


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#, as written by Byte
Ilijia silently grunted in pain as the Kitsune was a little too close for comfort. "Watch out for my injury will ya? I just got it patched up." He paused, listening to the man thanking him for slaying the best that injured his so called 'beloved'. "I said it is most likely dead. I never confirmed it was, hence the reason why I am go- We are going to check on that." It didn't take long for Rachief to release Ilijia from his firm handshake, and if Mary would look at Ilijia direction she would've seen him nodding in thanks.

Illijia shrugged as Liz gave him an apologizing glare. "No harm done, it is something different from the occasional reactions I get, like. 'And who is going to clean up all that mess?' or 'Did you really think we would get rid of that body for you!?'" He somehow attempted to make those two lines sound comical without even thinking about it. He once more shrugged, leaning with his back against the hut.


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"This guy really doesn't get it does he?" he said under his breathe but still loud enough to hear. Braiden sat up against the wall and looked into the face of everyone. This is a weird group. he thought to himself "So what now?" is the only thing that he could think to say. His expression was very puzzling. "I don't suppose anyone has any ideas of what to do since we're still healing up." he then stood up straight waiting for a reply.


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Mary looked to this new neko, for a moment wondering who he was. Then she remembered, it was the one that the werewolf had been after...the one that Shortie had been controlling. She looked to Liz, and spoke through their mental link, showing Liz the charm she had seen on the werewolf. Liz frowned, not happy about this new information, if Shortie had gained control of the beast, it might take longer to die than normal.

Liz walked away from the hut a ways, looking to the woods. "We go after the werewolf of course, as was planned by our leader Ilijia." she crossed her arms, for a moment looking exactly like Mary. Then a smile spread across her face, making the similarity between the two vanish. "I don't know about you Braiden, but me and Mary have traveled with far worse wounds than what you have."


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Fingon shrugged at the human's words. "No, I don'y much care for fighting, nor helping those lower than I. For battle either, my friend here will fight," He pointed to the wolf beside him, who looked up as the action was made, his tongue hanging from his mouth. "of the orc that I aquired the alliance of on my journeys. I'm not one to communcate with them, however, I needed a beserker type to get me through the huge patches of monsters and guide me on my way. when I want to I;m quite a good warrior, but I prefer to heal." The elf paused for a moment. "I actually don't know where Gorbag is at the moment, but that oaf of an orc id sure to returmn soon enough when he smells the haunches of beef that are wrapped in my bag. Orcs are such easy creatures to tame." Fingon sighed, almost exasperated as he leaned against the doorway. From there, he merely observed the others as they entered and performed comic, melodramatic scenes - all of which the Druid found to be tiresome and irritating. He wasn't one for comedy.

Once the drama had mellowed a little, he began to pay more attention, especially at the mention of searching for the werewolf again. "I'm willing to assist you in your hunt for the creature. He seemed an interesting creature, and I'm sure that Harad, my wolf, and Gorbag, the orc will be equally eager. No doubt, my orc is on his way now and will be with us within the minute." As if the orc had been lurking around the corner, he appeared and trotted over to Kirith, who proceeded to rummage through his bag and produce a small haunch of beef, which he handed to the orc with a look of disgust written on his face. "There you are." Fingon looked away as the orc finished his snack and proceeed to shove a stubby finger up his nose. "He was the only thing around that could help me." The elf noted. "As for this group, I am willing to act as your healer."


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#, as written by Byte
Ilijia remained silent for most of the talking, observing every person present as he moved his back from the wall. His ear's twitched as Liz mentioned the word leader, with his name following after it. "Woah, hold that line." Illijia turned himself to face Liz, giving a frown at her remark. "I never said that I was to lead, neither did I ask for it. Don't get me wrong Liz, but you should point someone else out to be the leader. I'll just stick with the creature slaying and everything else that comes with that task." If it was something the slayer would never want to accept was an offer to lead a group. Even if everyone else in the group would be brainless, cocky or whatever would make a bad example for a leader, he still wouldn't accept it. He just wasn't the person to be leading a group of people to do whatever they were going to do.

"Anyway, now that everyone is all patched up, we should get going I suppose. But I have no idea on how to track this werewolf, and searching the woods will take far too long." Illijia turned to the elf, nodding at his offer. "I think we would do well having a healer in our midst, especially if someone were to get injured again."

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Liz / Mary Davidson
Character Portrait: Braiden Varin
Character Portrait: Fingon Telemnar
Character Portrait: Gorbag
Character Portrait: Shortie


Character Portrait: Shortie

Queen of Demons; she is also Liz's aunt.

Character Portrait: Gorbag

I got a lust for yer blood

Character Portrait: Fingon Telemnar
Fingon Telemnar

"Humans are such unsightly creatures"

Character Portrait: Braiden Varin
Braiden Varin

I find you very strange...or maybe I'm the strange one...pfffffft nah

Character Portrait: Liz / Mary Davidson
Liz / Mary Davidson

Queen of Neko's / Liz's twin sister.


Character Portrait: Fingon Telemnar
Fingon Telemnar

"Humans are such unsightly creatures"

Character Portrait: Shortie

Queen of Demons; she is also Liz's aunt.

Character Portrait: Gorbag

I got a lust for yer blood

Character Portrait: Braiden Varin
Braiden Varin

I find you very strange...or maybe I'm the strange one...pfffffft nah

Character Portrait: Liz / Mary Davidson
Liz / Mary Davidson

Queen of Neko's / Liz's twin sister.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Gorbag

I got a lust for yer blood

Character Portrait: Braiden Varin
Braiden Varin

I find you very strange...or maybe I'm the strange one...pfffffft nah

Character Portrait: Liz / Mary Davidson
Liz / Mary Davidson

Queen of Neko's / Liz's twin sister.

Character Portrait: Fingon Telemnar
Fingon Telemnar

"Humans are such unsightly creatures"

Character Portrait: Shortie

Queen of Demons; she is also Liz's aunt.

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