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War of the Exiled

The Outerlands


a part of War of the Exiled, by MasterWolfXeg.


MasterWolfXeg holds sovereignty over The Outerlands, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Outerlands is a part of War of the Exiled.

1 Places in The Outerlands:

11 Characters Here

Seeker [0] They'll never see what hit 'em
Siphion [0] "No one can ever know who you really are inside."
Ash [0]
Aura Sesenia [0] Aura's Theme:
Kane [0] As i walk.. The darkness follows..
Arc Genisis [0] "Theres always an end....Always"
Ciar Bradley [0] "Me? An exiled? Why, yes, yes I am."
Alice [0] No, no that didn't just spontaneously combust...
Meir Pre'Laniae [0] "Every problem has a gift for you in its hands."

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One of the guys going to help her.  
"thank you" she chimed as they came out.
"sorry what was your name again?" Alice cursed herself for not paying attention.  
"so what I need you to do, if you don't mind is stand over there" she pointed to a spot "now you have tell me if I make the fire to hot." she closed her eyes in concentration 
"distract me" she said softly, " try and break my focus" she concentrated deeply on a spot next to Her volunteer in the grass.  Alice tried to drown out what was happening around her. The spot of grass next to him exploded, she made the fire weak she didn't want to burn Siphon.  It felt so good to finally use her powers like this un restrained. She opened her eyes slowly.  Her eyes had changed instead of her usual blue the irises were black with a vivid red ring around them.  She clenched her fists 
" now try to attack me" she knew he wouldn't want to go at her, she was so small. "I can handle myself please do it". She wanted to see if she could keep up her trance like state and fight at the same time.  She was careful not to Hurt him with the fire.  She sent a string of fire balls up into the air knowing they would extinguish before they reached the ground. 
"I can handle myself" she repeated 


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#, as written by JoelCMJ
Siphion went cautiously to attack Alice, underestimating her powers. She hit him with her fire powers sending him back and off his feat. He felt embarrassed and in his anger his lightning exploded around him nearly revealing his other form but he controlled it.

He sent small bolts at her now coming fire attacks, she was fast. The grass around them completely ruined, just before he was about to attack with a bit more force they both heard a voice from inside.


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She dodged the last lightening bolt, glad that she could keep her concentration. Her concentration broke when she heard someone calling them into the corridor. She glanced over at Siphion and beckoned himto follow her, she glided inside quickly, to hear what Seeker had to say. A million thought ran through her hea. She listened intensely.


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#, as written by Dsar
Arc was just relaxing on the bed when he heard seeker yell out. Arc was bewildered at first because of the loud outburst.
Arc would simply stand up and grab his coat and put his hair back to were he would hide his eyes. After doing so he would aproach the door and open it and enter the hallway to see seeker and trey. Arc just stared at seeker.


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"Go on, we're not going to judge you, so feel free to say what you need to" he said, as everyone looked at Seek attentively, waiting for what he had to say or show them.


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#, as written by Maeve
When the others dispersed to their rooms, Meir had followed Alice, drifting into the room curiously. It was nice enough. She set her small pack on the bed, before bidding Alice short farewell. She opened the window silently and sat on the roof, staring at the cars racing down the road, pondering them curiously. She wasn't reminesing in her past. She wasn't big on re-living past pains. She simply looked over the rooftops to the distant rush of the ocean lapping on the shore. She smiled, sitting out there for almost a full hour. Without much thought, she raised her hand. Expanding her fingers slowly, water began to gather in the air above her palm until there was a huge ball of steaming water held in the air above her palm by a strong, invisible force. She watched as Alice and Siphion sparring in the lower yard. They were both quite powerful. She heard the voice calling everybody in. As the two down below left, she slid forward to the very edge of the roof, at ease with the height, and with as much energy as moving a finger would take, she sent the waterball spiraling down onto the scorched yard, and with a quick mix of words under her breath, realeased a spell that healed the grass, revived it, and left it looking lush and green. For a second, she stared at the flow of the grass, it reminding her of the ocean, of home. Then she adjusted the loose, feminine shirt she'd put on in place of that damn heavy cloak, and lithely climed within the window, shaking out her hair and appearing silently to see what announcement Seeker was about to make. He appeared nervous. She could sense an aura of water around him, especially his eyes. Close to crying, she presumed. And quick as a darting Reamora, her mind leaped to a conclusion- he was about to reveal something foreboding about his power. She leaned closer, midly interested, though she wasn't sure how much the Exiled here would react, if at all. They all, she included, were very accepting.


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Seeker looked at the group, still thoughts of his brother twisting around inside his head. "I'm not... all that I appear to be. Like a couple of you," He looked at Trey and Siphion, "I can change forms. It's only happened once when... When my little brother died, three years ago. This thing inside of me... woke up, and then took over. Except... It is me. It's just like... the bad side, or something. It's like how the winds can just.... change, so suddenly." He paused for a moment, "It... No, I killed a group of humans, the power was insane, and then moved on to their small town. It was like a dozen tornadoes ripped through the place, all at once, and I couldn't make it stop... I swear, I would have if I could..." He dropped his eyes to the floor, then shook his head. "I don't deny resenting humans for all they've done, but that's not a good enough reason to just kill them all, in their homes like that." He lifted his gaze again, a stern look on his face, his jaw clenched, "The point of all this is... If I ever change again, if that part of me takes over... don't stick around to see it. Just leave. Go as far and as fast as you can. Don't look back. I don't know if it will ever take over again, or if it's waiting for an opportunity, or if it's like a time bomb inside me... I just can't be responsible for hurting anymore of my kind. So-" He choked on his words, did I really just say that? Can't hurt anymore of my kind? He quickly moved on, hoping no one had caught that part, "Sorry for dropping this heavy load on you all, but I thought you should know." And I never could find Mikey's body after the wind finally stopped. After I finally stopped...


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Alice felt for Seeker,  she knew what it felt like to loose her temper and people who she loved too get hurt or killed because of it.  Although she never had killed her own kind, she wondered about that.  She flashed behind him, Alice hoped she hadn't scared him.  Alice put her hand gently on his shoulder, 
" it's okay, it won't happen again" she tried to make him feel better.  " you'll stop yourself before it does" she tried to make her voice calming, she glanced out the window.  To see the once ruined grass, by her fire, was now lush and green.  His confession made reminisce back to her old fiancé.  She loved him so much, even though he was human, he accepted her just the way she was.  Alice didn't like to think of his name.  
'James' she mentally whispered
That brought her straight back to how he died.  

It was 1899, she was 19 nearly 20.  She was engaged to James, he had proposed earlier that month.  She wore the ring on her finger with pride, all of Alice's friends were jealous of her ring, and her fiancé.  She was totally smitten with her life, everything was perfect.  She had got her power under enough control. And he was helping her, he settled her temper and soothed her fiery nature. She pledged never to use her powers again, she wanted to be normal for him.  She adored him and hung off his every word, and he did the same.  
One day they were going for a walk in the park, everything was going fabulous until she just lost it, over someone who was looking at them funnily, maybe she thought they suspected what she was.  Even James couldn't calm her down like he usually could.  Her eyes went black and she could feel herself slipping away but she couldn't stop it.  Because she was too far gone.  Fire exploded from her. She didn't want to think about the last part of her memory, a silent tear ran down her cheek.  She would not let, what had happened in the past get the better of her. She snapped out of her memory, and focused back on what was happening in front of her.  She was excited to go on the mission, she wanted to do something get her mind off the past.  


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#, as written by Maeve
"We all need some rest," said Meir, seeing as near everyone had been stirred by Seeker's confession and were reliving past memories. Be appreciative of them, Meir thought. They are what made you strong, what made you hard. Those memories made you who you are...
"If we're going to be up at the crack of dawn," she added. Despite her announcements, her companions appeared eternally sad. Perhaps they were thinking of how their lives had turned out. Exiled, hated. Yet despite the odds, they'd all gathered here without much incident. They were safe. They had one another. And she refused to think back to the Captain and that human army. So she blinked, and the air became a bit warm. A comfy warmth, like that of a fire on a Winter day. She let the air hang heavy and relaxing with her mist over all of them. It would soothe their nerves. She intended to talk with Alice later in the night. The woman seemed conflicted.
Since when have I become so optimistic... pondered Meir, amused.


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"I'm sorry, Alice." Seeker said, seeing the tear running down her face, and then wrapping one of his arms around her. He brought his mouth close to her ear, then whispered, "I see I'm not alone at all... in remembering a messed up past. Neither are you. I'm sure a lot of us have things that torment us. Talk to me, if you ever want to." He started to feel better, immediately noticing a mist in the air, and how it was coming from Meir, he could feel it, like a limb of his body, the air was practically a part of him. But he knew she wouldn't be doing it for no good reason. Maybe it was what was making him feel better, on top of Alice's kind words. "I shouldn't have made this announcement so emotional, Alice," He whispered again, "We need to stay focused."

And just like that, his mood had switched, his resolve hardened, his body tensed. "We have maybe only two and a half hours now, if we're lucky. I'm gonna go prepare," he stated, stepping away from Alice, his arm gently sliding away, and he went back into Room-D, grabbing his armor plating and cloak from the bathroom, and strapping it all on firmly. Lastly, he grabbed his sword, and sat on the more bare side of the room, it suited him better, on the bed, and began to disassemble and clean the two pistols he kept holstered on the small of his back.


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"Listen up, everyone...The past is behind us, and we can't change it...I know bad, dark things have happened before that may have made us blame ourselves for what we are...but we must take that energy and focus it on the present. Only then can we ensure that not only our race...but everyone is accepted, free to be in a world where they won't be" he stopped a bit, remembering the last birthday he had with his werewolf father and human mother, and how happy they were, and let a tear run down his face. "Free to love whoever they choose...we owe it to our those who have carry out our plans and make sure that freedom is ensured. "I also want to thank you all...In a sense, I feel like I've known all of you for so long...and I look forward to working with you all." He said, as he looked at everyone, and bowed. "Oh and Meir?" he said lowly, so only she could hear - "Thanks for being optimistic..and uhm...nice shirt..." he said, as he turned around, quickly hiding his blush and going to his room to prepare for the mission.


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#, as written by Smiley
(yay, found something to post about! :D)

Ciar wasn't doing anything in particular when Seeker called for everyone, so he floated over to see what the matter was. As everyone conversed, Ciar kept quiet, floating silently, processing each word that was spoken. He carefully observed each sentence, each phrase, each syllable. Emotions flooding the room, yet Ciar floated silently, straight-faced. Sadness, sympathy, happiness, anger, all of these emotions he knew, yet did not know. Ciar came into existance without sense of emotions, along with all other celestials, however few there are. "I am sure I would be feeling sympathy right now, had I emotions like the rest of you." Ciar said, with a straight face, just like it had been for every other moment in his life.

Suddenly, the topic changed. Ciar stayed in the room only long enough to say, "Seeker is most likely correct. We should be preparing." Ciar then floated out of the room and into his, then folded his legs in the lotus position while he floated, put his arms on his knees, and began to concentrate. This was how Ciar prepared for any mission, because it focused his powers, allowing him quicker and smoother control over his element.


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#, as written by Dsar
Arc would be in the hallway with the rest of the exiles when seeker told everyone about his past. Arc knew the emotion of seeker the instant he walk out of his room and saw him.Arc didnt know what to do didnt know what to say he had been around so many people before feeling all there emotions that he had become use to it over time, to arc seeker just seemed to be anohter person going through a bit of a hard time. Arc just stared lifeless at him feeling useless at this point arc felt nothing but that wasnt the end he felt everyones sympathy for seeker but he couldnt give anything for him. Arc had not really ever had much of a hard time till het "left" his brother.

After the topic changed Arc just walked over to his room and pulled out his blunted blade and started to clean it not even sharpening it.


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#, as written by Maeve
Meir was startled at Trey's comment then smiled and retreated to her and Alice's room. She pulled her long, dark hair into a braid and let the loose strands drift around her face, not bothering to pull them back. She put on the hateful cloak once again, and fingered her silver dagger, letting her fingernails gently trace the runes. She murmured under her breath, a gentle mist rinsed off the dirt and grime that had gathered upon the surface. She let the mist flow over her, cleansing her scales and skin and left her green eyes open so that it would give them a gleam, rather than the dull, human look they emanated on land. When she killed her enemies, the last thing they would see would be her eyes, glowing, inhuman, and that would be only a small payment for what they'd done...her calm optimism dissapatated into an itching anger. Irritated, she left her backpack on the bed, then stood and headed upstairs in search of food. She could survive in the ocean without food for many days, but land drained the strength from her like nothing else.


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#, as written by JoelCMJ
Siphion had been quiet to the rest of the group after Seekers announcement. They had all seemed to have people they had lost or been close to at one point or another. Siphion had always been so alone, even when he had played the saxophone all those years ago, maybe if the government had never laid experiments on him he would have lived out his life in a family and maybe even have grandchildren by now.

1938 had been such a long time ago but Seekers announcement had brought back the memory vividly like a bullet tearing through his skull. The other musicians jeering and teasing him, chasing him down the street “He's worse than the white boy trying to play jazz! He's the lizard boy trying to be white!” they had all laughed at him and he had to go undercover for many years. 'So much abuse!' he suddenly said out aloud. Panicking that someone had heard him.

His anger emotion flooding through him he had turned into the beast inside of him, sparks smiting around the bed he sat on. He had burned what had appeared to be a cloak that had been on his bed. He turned back into his human self before anyone could see and his mind was distracted on what do about the clothing he had just ruined.


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#, as written by Dsar
Being in the room at the same time as Siphion after seekers announcement he saw the anger sege go through him. Arc saw him change and burn his cloak. At the same time Arc knew what Siphion had felt in that momment. Arc wanted to get angery but he controled him self as he walked over to his cloak and picked it up. He looked franticly for the Anarky symbol that had been placed on it just to see it be in tact. A sigh of releif came over Arc that the one part was fine.

Arc looked over at Siphion."Alright?" Arc asked him with his eyes hideing the world. Arc didnt know if Siphion could keep himself or if he would change again all he knew was he did just have a serge of anger.Arc went straight to his point " If your feeling up to it can you ask Ciar if he can fix my cloak" He said as calmly as possible."Oh" Arc didnt want to forget "If he can fix the cloak please make sure he doesnt get rid of this" He pointed to the Anarky symbol on his cloak "Its very Centimental to me". Arc then went back to his blade and kept cleaning it.


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Trey returned to his room "that was a stupid comment..." he thought, but that could wait for now. It was almost time to strike the Laboratory, to begin putting the plan in motion. Soon the weapon that the humans wanted to use on them would be destroyed, and they cold rest - at least for a while until they chose their next move. He looked at everyone and smiled, as he sat on his bed and thought for a long time, meditating, almost in a trance-like state. " this what you meant by complimenting my friend's abilities?...Am I a good leader?...I wish you were here..." he thought, his eyes shut tightly, as he focused on the upcoming mission that was an hour away from commencing.


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#, as written by JoelCMJ
Siphion just said “Yeah.” absent-mindedly. He felt bad and he took the cape and went to find Ciar. He was certain that Arc had seen him change. When he finally found Ciar he was meditating and he was uncertain if he should disturb him.


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#, as written by Smiley
Ciar sensed Siphion entering the room, so he opened his eyes and looked at Siphion. He looked at the destroyed cape and the Anarky (Anarchy?) symbol, and quickly realized what Siphion was going to ask him to do. Ciar raised a hand towards Siphion and the cape leapt from Siphion's hands, and flew to Ciar's outstretched hand. He had it hover in front of him, and then it slowly began to reform.

After it was completely reformed, Ciar sent it floating back to Siphion, then said, "You are welcome." then closed his eyes and went back to meditating. Molecular reconstruction took a lot of energy and Ciar barely practiced that skill, so he would need to meditate so he didn't accidentally lose control over his power for a temporary time.


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Seeker saw Trey sitting on his own bed across the room, meditating, or something, then quietly reassembled his pistols, freshly greased and polished, six clips fully loaded. I could never calm myself enough to meditate. But the wind is never calm, it simply leaves one area for another. There is always wind. He holstered his pistols and strapped the extra clips to his back, underneath his cloak, then grabbed his sword and whetstone. He took one step towards the door, then vanished into thin air as a gentle breeze swept over him. A second later he was outside, twenty feet off the ground, falling and then landing nimbly on his feet, fluidly dropping all the way to the grass, sitting cross legged. He dragged the stone across the blade, ensuring that it was as sharp as possible before he had to use it.

He began to hum a gentle tune of a song he and his brother had made up, and a gentle breeze began to circle around him, carrying loose blades of grass and fallen leaves in the small, slow whirlwind. I think I'll stay out here 'til it's time to go. He looked up to the sky with a slight smile on his face.


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#, as written by Maeve
Meir entered the kitchen. She paused, for a second remembering this was not hers to raid. Then shrugging, she continued on anyway. She would repay Trey whatever he gifted to her. She always repaid her debts.
Gravitating towards the fridge she gently pulled open the door and stiffened as the frigid air enveloped her before pushing the hot air in the room to the ceiling. She grabbed a few snacks, as well as cans of food in the cupboards. She rustled it into the folds of her cloak before once again drifting past all the rooms. The remaining others were getting ready, cleaning armour, weapons, the like. She rubbed the hilt of her sheathed dagger absently before drifting outside, calm once again. She noticed the man sitting on the grass cross-legged, with silvery hair. She silently walked over, sitting herself on the ground. She hadn't concerned herself much with subtelty throughout her life; now wasn't the time to start. "That was a brave thing," she said, referring to Seeker's announcement. "But I think it caused more harm than good. People aren't concerned with what you've done- especially our kind. They're concerned about what you'll do. It's gotten everybody thinking more about themselves than this assignment. I forgive you, though." She smiled, not unkindly, remembering some forgotten joke before dismissing it, a glint in her eyes. It wasn't her place to judge, she refrained from the subject before saying one last thing:
"Now they might be so wrapped up in memories, they'll forget how to die."
Her mind switching thoughts like a wave that eventually returns to the ocean, she gestured to the houses. "We're outcasts, aren't we? Among all these...human people. Still, it's nice to be able to witness it without being scared..." she hesitated before closing her mouth and letting the relaxing wind, carrying the smell of the ocean brine, settle her mind into a more quiescent state.


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Seeker hummed his brother's song for a few seconds longer before answering Meir, "I know, I shouldn't have said anything. The others may be too clouded with their own memories now." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, wondering at that last remark, 'they'll forget how to die?'.

"Yes." He said a moment after thinking about what she had said. "We are." He followed her gaze to the nearby houses, nearby human houses. He and his brother used to camp out in people's yards and gaze in at the human children, so envious of them. But he didn't feel that way at all now, with his kind all around him. "Or maybe they're the outcasts, Meir." He hesitated a moment, looking at her, noticing how the sun gleamed off her scales, "We have something they could never possibly imagine, and I don't just mean our powers. We're surrounded by eachother, as few as we may be. They don't have anything like that, and soon, I think our small crew will prove that to them."

He noticed the intake of air through her nose and how her body seemed to relax. "I smell the ocean too." He said, and then the wind 'happened' to strengthen, coming directly from the ocean, bringing it's scent towards them even more. "This is the least I can do, after what you did for all of us inside." He smiled, referring to the calming mist that she had deployed earlier. "But that mist wasn't just water, was it? There was more to it than that."


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(ok so after 2 more posts, we start the mission and post in the Laboratory section, ok? :) )


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Alice was grateful for Siphons' kind words.  She saw the crowd disperse slowly, she was still mildly shaken by her vivid recollection.  Alice watched the various interactions, she saw Meir drift back into their room.  She followed her absentmindedly. Alice sat on her bed and pondered getting changed, she pulled her heavy handbag onto the bed, unzipping it quickly.  She pulled out a change of clothes, she didn't want to go on the mission in a dress.  She pulled out a pair of tight pants and a simple singlet. She hoped Meir didn't mind her getting changed in the room, she ran over to the door and quickly pulled it shut.  She turned to Meir.
"You don't mind do you?" she spoke quietly, she unzipped her dress quickly and was changed even faster. She felt more prepared in this outfit.  She ran a brush through her long hair, put on some lip gloss, popped her lips and went to go find someone to talk to, hoping Meir would come to talk as well.  

She sat on the couch quietly and sung a quiet tune, she crossed her legs and uncrossed them she was anxious to get started. She bounced happily in her seat, waiting for some company or waiting for the cue to leave. She smiled widely, she was actually with her own kind, who didn't throw you into a psyche ward or really care at all; if you accidentally set something
On fire or burn most of their from lawn. Out of the blue she laughed a bell like laugh, it rang through the house.


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#, as written by Maeve
[That'd be good; no more waiting around:]

Minutes Earlier!!
"I don't mind," said Meir, referring to Alice once again, noting how she appeared at ease. What was her element? Certainly not seemed as if that would be too average for her. Hmm... she pondered before finishing up her hair and heading to the kitchen.

Meir nodded at his words, agreeing silently, turning over his words in her head. They did have one another... the group had only known each other for a few hours, yet it felt like friends- already. Was this a kind of magic? She'd long forgotten what acceptance felt like, at least among another thinking being. Plucking a few strands of grass in between fingers, she held the stalk between two nails and began to pick at it.
"It was just small magic. Nothing that difficult, really. You might be able to do it with the right spells- but it would probably come in the term of a tornado, because I'm assuming a small wave of wind, nobody would feel. It's a...relaxation thing, sort of. But- I can do it whenever I'm trying to relax." She'd never struggled so hard for words before.
Without thinking much of it, she allowed the mist to settle over her again, then with a little hesitation, over him too. It was a little different. Outdoors, she was able to call the water particles from the air- actual ocean. The smell of salt accompanied it, and Meir perked up a bit, brushing her hair back from her face, before a pealing laugh rang through the house and yard and she smiled, first at the house and then at Seeker, watching as small flecks of light from the sun caught his eyes.