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Warriors of the Shards

The Warrior's Temple


a part of Warriors of the Shards, by Sorence.

The place where your journey begins and where it will take you

Sorence holds sovereignty over The Warrior's Temple, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

333 readers have been here.


There are 5 locations within the Temple:

The Center plaza: Image

Not much to it. It is a stone room about 50 meters wide. There is an arch that leads to the head room to the north, and three other stone doorways that lead to a bathroom, weapons room, and trainning ground.

The Restroom: Do you really want an image?

It is both girls and boys, so wait your turn if you want. It is a more modern look though (like an airplane bathroom)

The Weapons room: Image

It is a white wall that is covered with weapons as far as the eye can see. It seems never ending. There are also weapons leaning against the wall and on a large redwood table that wouldn't belong on a wall. Clothes are placed on the table too.

The Head Room: Image

It is a large stone room with many murals of warriors from the past along the walls. This is where Sorence, Sara, Emile, and Hal are located. There will be several stone teleporters that will arise from the ground when you need to go places.
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The Warrior's Temple

The place where your journey begins and where it will take you


The Warrior's Temple is a part of Warriors of the Shards.

14 Characters Here

Michael Greco [0] "Loyalty goes to those who actually use their power."
Drake Ross [0] "Shocking, I know..."
Jonathan Darkholme [0] what...I've got some kinda power and I have to do what you say like a good little puppy dog? great...
Sarah Ravenheart [0] Just try it buddy...I dare you...
Claire Sawyer [0] "Sticks and stones will break your bones."
Ming-húa [0] Logic...Science...Destruction..Fa- Oh look, a crimson butterfly.
Daniel "Danny" Dumara [0] Silly bad guy, I'm not your friends are!
Looney Ludachris [0] Oooooh, look at it! It's so small and cute and fluffy! I wanna hold it, and pet it, and hug itANDTHENSTABITVIOLENTLY and cuddle it and play with it and take it home with me!
Zoe Tarani [0] "Smile, it's the end of the world!"
Alec Williams [0] Wee.

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"I'll guess when we get there, okay? I'll meet you there." Watching Zoe gather up a few supplies, some of which she really didn't need, he realized he probably could of been clearer. She had already gone through so it was too late to specify what he meant so Michael turned his attention back towards the items on the supply table. He already had his longcoat so he didn't really need any more clothing, the burns on his shirt weren't bad enough to warrant changing before going to ruin his clothes some more. He decided he would take an extra cloak, just in case and packed it along with a bedroll, a canteen, a flashlight, and an assortment of food into a gray bag that he hung from his left shoulder. He turned towards the portal and approached it slowly. "I guess I'll find out what the Sage's Castle is now." He took the final step and found himself placing that step on a ragged patch of earth.

The others who had already gone through were in the same general area and he could see a castle that was some ways away. The land was empty and dead, always a good sign of fortune. Since there were supposed to be more people coming they would have to wait so when he spotted Zoe, Michael walked over, watching her hands shake less than they did moments ago. He sat next to her and watched, not knowing how much concentration it actually took to maintain it. He wondered what would actually be inside this Sage's Castle and if it would be as difficult as Sorence seemed to imply. They would find out soon enough and they didn't really have a choice at this point, or at any point so far.

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"I think we should work together, the people in this castle are aggressive they will probably attack on sight and we will become corpses if we charge the castle walls so any idea's?"

Drake almost laughed when he heard the words, but reigned in the laughter as Alec stepped through the portal and mumbled a 'hi'. He nodded in return and waited as the rest stepped through and began to all migrate around each other. He noticed the others had a bit more than he did from the supply table. That didn't really bother him, he knew how to get the things he needed anywhere he was. He addressed Laisins's statement once Michael stepped through and joined them. "No offense, but I'm not too fond of covering your ass if we do get in a fight. And we can't just march up to the city in a group, it will identify us too easy and make us targets for the guards."

He took a few steps ahead of them all toward the castle off in the distance. He turned back realizing he never had actually introduced himself. "I'm Drake." He looked past Laisin to the others. "I'm going on ahead, it'll be easier for me to get in if I'm by myself for now. But I'll be somewhere around the taverns tonight to find out as much as I can. You can find me there once you get inside." He turned away from them and pulled out one of the apples as he walked toward the castle.

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#, as written by phooka
Zoe had noticed Michael come through the portal, but kept her eyes on the flames, by now, she had willed the fired to grow until her whole arm was lit. When the man who had introduce himself as Drake stood up and walked towards the castle, she lost her focus and looked up at him. The fire went out, and left behind a few blisters. She frowned at the blisters on her arm and hand, "it's because I lost focus." She muttered, touching one of them and wincing.
She sighed and looked at Michael, "I guess we should get going, sitting here won't do us any good." She stood up, and began walking over in the direction of the castle. The castle looked to be a little bit away, it gave her time to think. She had seen Athena set her whole body on fire, that had been cool, she looked like a comic book character or something, her hair flaming and her control! Her control amazed Zoe, how she could be so cool with being on fire. (No pun intended)
Zoe decided she'd work her hardest to be able to do that, it would really help her when she fought. As she walked, she used her halberd like a cane. The odd thing was that as she walked, the blue in the halberd began turning red, red like blood. Red like flames.

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#, as written by Thorait

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Lucy watched as the group left, eyebrow raised in humor. So, they were going a quest to different locations. This should be interesting. "Where are you going, Lucy?"

Lucy's thoughts broke at the small voice and glanced down to the child. Quickly she looked to her paper and sighed, seeing the two words scrawled in unmistakable penmanship. Great. Just great. "Looks like I'm with you, Danny," she said with a smile, flashing her paper toward the boy. Seeing that he had all his supplies, Lucy decided to gather hers. She paused, looking to the child again. Lucy knew her history well. Mayan Temples were no place for a child.

She breathed out deeply, stretching her back. Her eyes caught sight of the man on the ceiling, apparently he was from a mental institution or something. Surveying the room carefully, however, and the lack of people it contained now, it was obvious where he was going to be. My day keeps getting better, Lucy thought sarcastically to herself, First a brat now a loon. Even so, she just wanted to get this over with. She was curious as to the shard and the possibilities it held.

Looking to the blonde man, Lucy called out. "Come on now, won't you come down? I think we are going to the sample place." She felt the same was as before, that she should know something about him. Lucy sighed, not really caring what it was at the moment. A smile flashed across her face as she tried to convince the man to come down sooner rather than later. "Please? You can trust me."

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#, as written by Wake
"Please? You can trust me."

At those words Looney suddenly felt something. It was a deep, boundless feeling, like an endless abyss opened up deep inside him and was demanding to be filled. Somewhere in his being a powerful beast was ragging. It was dark and malevolent, lusting after its wretched prey. It was impatient. It was hungry! It would not be slaked until it feed upon the source of its desire to unleash such terrible wrath. And he could hear it roar with a vengeance.

Looney looked down at his growling stomach. He hadn't realized he was that hungry. He normally didn't start thinking up hunger poetry till 3'o'clock. Shrugging his solders he walked forward with filled pack on his back and little finger in his mouth again and dispelled the copy of him up in the rafters. He stood behind the lady in pink a the little boy with missus spider for a minute in silence.

"Who you talking too?" He asked, visibly confused. Even he'd find it weird to be talking to a mix of light in color. Leaning his head to the side again he blinked as the looked intently at the other two. "Aren't we suppose to go to funny cannibal place now?"

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#, as written by phooka

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#, as written by phooka

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Claire stared Alec down. "I'm sorry about not thinking you would take him down right away. As for our way in, I won't repeat that act again while you around. My body is my weapon and I use it in many ways, I apologize if I made you feel upset. I am used to do things on my own but enough of this we need to move on and get the shard."

Claire moved over to the guard Alec had pinned and studied him. She doubted he would know much about the shard and they had thier information on the FATE but one things was still bothering her. "Why is this Charlie hanging around your King and shackling up peaseants, seems like a waste of potential."
The guard spat at her in defiance at her. Claire gave him a smirk and then slammed her foot into his side. The guard lost his breath a took a minute to catch it, his eyes looked up at her and he snarled. "They say Charlie like's what the king's doing and is helping him out in exchange for the king's sword."
Claire gave him a confused look. "Why would he want the king's sword?"
The guard frowned at her. "Hell if I know but that's all I heard."
Claire nodded, bent down over the guard and knocked him out with her fist. She turned to Alec. "Let's go before more come."

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Danny looked to first Lucy. "No, I saw him up there too..." He scratched his head. Maybe he could summon too? Oh, well. He then turned to the man in the funny white clothing. "Why do you wear such funny clothing?" His head tilted to the side in seven-year-old innocence. "And what's a can...canni...cannibal?"

Before the man could answer, however, Lucy called out to them, stepping into the portal. "Hey, wait for me!" He quickly ran after her, tripping as entered upon a rock that he could not have seen. "Owie..." He got up, rubbing the dirt off his face. He looked toward the temple, feeling the same pull. "I think...I think the shard's THAT way!" With an almost comical effect, he pointed obnoxiously in the direction.

The spider atop of his head laughed, having no difficulty staying put in his soft hair. "I think she knows, young Danny."

Danny looked up again, trying to see his arachnid friend upon his head. "Oh." He then remembered what the man in the funny clothes had said. Pointing again, he asked Lucy. "Is that the funny canibible place?" He mispronounced the word "cannibal", though it was obvious of what he was quoting. "What'sa canibible?"

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Drake peered out through the wreckage of the roof of what looked like it must have been an old warehouse. The building itself was now crumbled and collapsed in, but provided excellent cover from the guards on the streets. From outside, it would seem suicide for anyone to actually go into the place. And Drake himself was incredibly careful where he placed his feet now after having plunged a foot through the decayed roof and having a solid beam plant itself right between his legs. He had spent quite a few minutes draped over that beam moaning in pain quietly to himself. But now, him being able to move again, and his pride more than slightly injured, he focused his attention back to the city where the guards continued to stab and hack at anyone they found. off in the distance, he had seen two figures duck into an alley, one of them had what looked like Zoe's halberd she carried. The other figure dragging her must have been Michael. But they were a bit far from where he was and would draw too much attention if he tried to get to them. His only other option were the two women he had seen bolting off when the alarms blared. One of them with tanned skin, he knew who those two were. While he hadn't kept track where they had gone, he had spotted a guard head into an alley some time ago, and never exited.

He had noticed two buildings pushed close to each other but not touching at the back side of the alley. He figured that was a back entrance, but was too small for a guard wearing full armor to fit through. Drake surveyed the route he had to take and carefully descended from the roof. Once on the ground, he wound his way through the maze-like route he had picked. It wasn't easy, but it kept him out of sight. As he neared the small passage, he heard the sound of water sprinkling on the ground around the last turn he had to make. He took a quick peek and saw a guard turned slightly away from himself and 'relieving' himself on the side of the building. Drake waited until the man buckled his pants again before delivering a full on soccer kick in between the armored legs. The guard collapsed instantly face-down in his own mess. Drake felt it a bit of an unnecessary and cheap way to take somebody out, but it made him feel a whole lot better about his earlier slip. He pressed on and made it to the small passage and inched his way to the back of the alley. He peered around the corner and spotted the guard dead on the ground with an open wound in his neck. "And here I've just been knocking them out..." He said into the darkness past the guard.

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Claire quickly followed behind Alec only a few moment behind the girl hiding in the shadows of the wall. She could feel her heart beat quick inside her chest and she felt paniced. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in focusing on her breathing. She wasn't really accustomed to this running and hiding. She was very fit and worked out everyday but somehow this was different and her body pushed itself more knowing that there was real danger her. She soon calmed down and reformed her stance ready to take down the first guard who came in.

Fortunately for her Alec wasn't kidding when she said she knew how to fight because the first guard who even wandered towards was done in by her. Claire was a little suprised but she quickly got over it. She was impressed with Alec but she dare not speak aloud in case there were more guards around. She looked down the rest of the alleyway and it appeared deserted but she didn't trust appearences so she quietly creeped down the alleyway making sure no one else was around.

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Danny thought about the statement that the man with funny clothes made. "Oh...okay." He looked up into the tree where the man climbed up. "But...what kind of special meat?" He was not so young as to know that 'meat' came from dead animals, but he was still blissfully ignorant of the process used in thereof. His voice portrayed this. As the man pointed out the rock buildings, he gave a small smile. "C'mon!" He urged, tugging at Lucy's wrist a little bit. "Let's go!" He started to run off ahead of the two, stopping a good distance away, excitement upon his face. "C'mon!"

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#, as written by Thorait
Laisin looked to the bandage it would work he has used a bit of his clothes to let it fit and it seemed to only be a flesh wound causing mostly pain so he went on to the castle. Once he had arrived at the gates he became invisible getting closer and closer to the gate and the pair of guards as he broke there necks easily after he had closed enough then there was the blast Laisin looked to the castle a nasty fire had to be starting up "Burning as a torch it's a sad thing." another guard ran to him ending up with a knife in his right eye that was retrieved right after but Laisin avoided other combat as he sneaked his way into the castle some sort of a revolt had appeared but it wasn't important these people were doomed weak from work or imprisonment and heavily outnumbered still only Drake that ran past him had Laisin's attention as he followed them men quickly saying right behind him in full sprint calmly "Well done Drake but still not enough you know that the king has his own elite's just as me and guess were he has to have them now? Around him of course you don't think you or your pathetic riot can take 25 heavily armed and skilled men do you? Then you count the fact that your riot is now probably being slaughtered still I would be happy to join your effort a idea is always better than nothing or poison my plan." Laisin stopped as he looked to the ceiling "I see, do your thing I will help in my own way." Laisin ran into a side way to do his own idea.

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Claire decided to leave Alec. She needed to get to the castle now if she was going to make a difference in anything. The noise of the soldiers had quieted so she took a quick glance outside and when she no one was around she bolted from her hiding place in the house. She sped down the street through alleys and wherever she could heading towards the castle. She stayed out of sight of the guards and finally reached the front gate. To her suprise it was in flames and some civilians were fighting the soldiers with makeshift weapons. She dashed passed unnoticed by either side wrapping her cloak around her to protect her from the fire. As she ran inside she caught of glimpse of Drake and Laisin. She hurried to catch up to the too but Laisin seperated from Drake so she followed Drake alone. She quickly caught up to him and matched his pace. "Do you have a plan or are we going to wing it?"

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#, as written by Corvan
((this will be a long post so bare with me. Just getting everything caught up :D ))

Vincent awoke keeping himself quiet finding himself tied to a chair. The last thing he remembered was practicing with his knifes when something or someone hit him from behind. How someone managed to sneak up on him was a gift in its self. Shaking his head some Vincent listened to the others and too the two people in the center of them. "and they call me insane.." Vincent said to himself. Soon he found himself untied and freed but staring a cart full of various colored orbs. Out of his own control Vincent was drawn to a particular one. It breathed shadow, the darkest night could not match it ever. Picking it up slowly Vincent closed his eyes in reflex as images flashed before his eyes, most to fast to see clearly, then he saw it. himself..

A older version of himself in a place that only could be heard in legends. Tall and clouded in shadow but standing out in the shadows like a sun in a clear sky, and a scythe in his hands. Snapping out of his dream haze, Pocketed the orb for later study and moved off without looking or speaking to the others. heading for the Armory Vincent found his throwing knifes easily but they were next to a weapon he just seen and wondered if it was even real. putting the knifes in their proper place Vincent then grabbed the Scythe and held it in his hands, it somehow fit him and felt natural to hold it.

He then headed for the training room staying away from the others and started to swing the weapon around, smiling despite himself and how good it felt. By the time the call came to go into the head room, Vincent was coated in a fine layer of sweat. Having figured out how to make the blade go straight and then into the sheath inside the staff of the weapon, Vincent kept to the back of the crowd and keeping to himself, listening to the others talk and watching them closely. All of this was new to Vincent and he really didn't want to go out to this castle they talked about, but he went anyways.

Having avoided the archers with the others and seeing civilians fighting soldiers, Vincent kept moving, and spotted the woman Claire moving to catch up with the man called drake and followed them instead of the one who went off on their own. Still holding onto his scythe Vincent caught up to Claire and Drake. "I am Vincent.."He pulled out the sphere and showed it to them quickly to show he was one of them and pocketed it once more Keeping both of his hands on his weapon now following Drake.

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#, as written by Wake
"We should keep going. I would rather this be finished before dark..."

Without another word Looney suddenly bolted forward. He grabbed Lucy mid stride and flung her over his shoulder. He grabbed Danny and held him underhand while still keeping pace. Anything either might have said to him would have gone in one ear and out the other as he made his mad dash through the jungle. He carried the both of his companions for several minutes until the first few blocks of stone from the Mayan buildings came into view.

They reached the gate and Looney finally set the other two down. "Okay! Here we are! I got us here before Dark Lucy!" He said, panting excitedly as he spoke Despite how exhausted he was Looney still stood up right with an energetic smile on his face.

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#, as written by Corvan
Vincent listened closely to what Drake said and nodded, this Charlie was dangerous and even more so with metal but Vincent had practiced with his power as best he could and found that he would get stronger in the dark and could form blades of shadows on his forearm, which would be helpful against a man who could control metal. The sounds of approaching feet broke his train of thought. Turning towards the sounds which he guessed were coming right at them, "We can discuss that later..We have company" a quick jab with the butt of his scythe caused the blade to spring out like a traditional scythe would look like, and gripping the polished cut wood staff in his hands firmly, he moved off to the side and out of view, almost melting into the shadows in the corner. the only part that showed he was their was the blade of his scythe. He was waiting for them to come closer, and if they could guess what Vincent was suggesting was simply a ambush.

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#, as written by Corvan
(moved to proper place)
