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When The Moon Rises || The Dolls Wake



a part of When The Moon Rises || The Dolls Wake, by xxMCxMIKEYxx.


xxMCxMIKEYxx holds sovereignty over Japan, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Japan is a part of When The Moon Rises || The Dolls Wake.

8 Characters Here

Kanaya [3] WIP
Lissandra Blanchett [3] (M.W.I.P)
Amaya Tsukino [3] {WIP} "I love my dolls, it's just I'm afraid of what'll happen to them if I.. Die."
Dominic Alucard [3] "Lust's passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes."
Donyo Hos [3] MWIP
Tamotsu [1] "Get out of my way!"

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8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lissandra Blanchett Character Portrait: Amaya Tsukino Character Portrait: Dominic Alucard Character Portrait: Tamotsu Character Portrait: Yukine Nagata Character Portrait: Kanaya Character Portrait: Pollux Kinji Character Portrait: Donyo Hos
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|| 10:35 PM ||

Amaya looked at herself in the mirror of her bathroom. She blew a piece of hair away from her face, hearing a soft drip from the tap she hadn't turned off all the way. Amaya diverted her attention from the mirror and placed her hands on her wheelchairs wheels and made her way to the sink, stretching her arms out to make sure the sink was turned off so she wouldn't have to deal with the sound of dripping all night while visiting her dolls. As she looked in the mirror, this time she noticed a scratch on her ankle. 'How'd that get there?'
She thought, bewildered at the small scratch on her right ankle. Was it her wheel chair? No, it couldn't be, her Father made sure every little nob and nail was turned away from her legs. Though she couldn't feel anything below her knee area, so it didn't really matter. Amaya sighed, and decided to leave the washroom after brushing her hair, and her teeth.

Amaya made her way to the door of the washroom that lead to the hallway that lead to her massive room. As she made her down the hallway she looked at the painted pictures of the generations of the Tsukinos. She wondered if she would ever be painted and put on this wall. She shook her head, "If it were to be anyone It'd be Big Brother.." She said quietly, hoping to not wake up her parents this time around. If it were her mother to catch her being up, she would be sent to her room, with a long lecture about staying up late, and how she needs her sleep. But her Father has caught her many times, and simply smiled it off, considering he was also up that late. Amaya smiled, and turned away from the photos.

She rolled away from the paintings, and got distracted once again. She looked out the window to see a light from Fathers workshop. 'Gosh he's up again?' She pondered on what he was making. 'Probably a watch, or another clock, those two sell for a lot of money.' She chuckled, making sure it was quiet, and looked over at the garden, where she usually spends most of her time in. She wished her dolls could see them, it would be a shame if she never got to show them the sakura trees in bloom.

She looked away, and finally decided to set her mind onto getting to her room, and looked away from the garden and her Fathers workshop. She put her hands on the wheels of her wheelchair, and started down the hallway, quietly so she wouldn't wake up her little brother, who was super grumpy when woken up. She finally made her way to her bedroom, opening the door, to see her dolls still in place. She shut the door and smiled. "You can wake up now~" She hummed quietly, and let out a deep breath, she went to go watch her dolls wake.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lissandra Blanchett Character Portrait: Amaya Tsukino Character Portrait: Dominic Alucard Character Portrait: Yukine Nagata Character Portrait: Kanaya Character Portrait: Pollux Kinji Character Portrait: Donyo Hos
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Kanaya turned her head silently to see Amaya and jumped up from her position beside the bookcase. "Amaya! Finally! It's so boring waiting all day long for you sometimes..." She ran up and hugged Amaya then stiffened remembering that she has to be quiet. She covered her mouth and stepped back from Amaya smiling guiltily and whispered. "Sorry. I forgot."

She smiled and shrugged and turned and studied Amaya's room, it was awesome. Her favourite spot was the table where she beat everyone at chess and other puzzles and games. She smirked at that and looked at where she sits the whole day. Holding up her small plate of chocolate chip cookies. Kanaya ends up eating those at night and Amaya's mother refills them, thinking Amaya eats them during the night for snacks. She noticed she was still holding it and placed it down beside her area before picking the best one and nibbling on it. She hopped to back to where Amaya was sitting in her wheelchair and pushed her over to where most of the dolls were most of the dolls were waking up now.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lissandra Blanchett Character Portrait: Amaya Tsukino Character Portrait: Dominic Alucard Character Portrait: Yukine Nagata Character Portrait: Kanaya Character Portrait: Pollux Kinji Character Portrait: Donyo Hos
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"Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust."

[ Music of the Night | David Cook ]

Dialogue Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #Bf0080
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #400040

Dominic, upon hearing Amaya's soft voice, stirred to life. Each fiber of him quietly and seamlessly snapping into life. His omnipresent smile carrying it's usual mischievous glint as he stood. He brushed off the dust from the night before, he couldn't allow his tux to become dirty, now could he? Glancing around, his intense golden eyes surveying the area of Amaya's room. It was how it always was, nothing had changed, well nothing except for the fact that Kanaya had devoured more of Miska's cookies. Dominic smiled a bit as he thought of the childishness that Kanaya possessed. My, to be young and ignorant.

Adjusting his tie Dominic strode over to Amaya's wheelchair with his signature grin, he got down on one knee before her, resting his arm on his thigh.
"Miss Amaya." Dominic gently took her hand and kissed it softly, his passionate eyes never leaving hers. Miska has ordered me to love and protect you, and that is what I shall do until I shatter into oblivion. . . Sweet Amaya. Dominic rose from his greeting of the young lady, his bright eyes then glanced over at Kanaya. His smile faded as he walked to be more in front of her.
"Kanaya, good to see that you never change." At this Dominic placed a gloved hand on her small head and tilted his head as he smiled. "Are you still hungry little Kanaya?" Dominic chuckled as he spotted cookie crumbs around the young ladies mouth.

His attention was then shifted over to the other dolls, Dominic knew all of them fairly well, maybe not their deepest darkest secrets, but he knew them well enough to call them friends. They were all still asleep it seemed. His brow crinkling slightly, Dominic turned sharply on his heel and went back to Amaya, standing at the helm of her wheelchair. His hands gripping the handles tightly, Dominic leaned down by Amaya's left ear.
"Perhaps you and I could go on an adventure, hm? Doesn't that sound positively wondrous?" Dominic softly laid his head on hers and closed his eyes momentarily. He enjoyed being in contact with Amaya, even only for a moment.