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You're The Lucky Ones: REMAKE



a part of You're The Lucky Ones: REMAKE, by youloveme?.


youloveme? holds sovereignty over Hollywood, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Hollywood is a part of You're The Lucky Ones: REMAKE.

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Elisa'Marie Babineaux [4] The Red-Haired Siren
Michael Han [2] Newest and hottest director in Hollywood.

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Character Portrait: Elisa'Marie Babineaux
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Elisa'Marie sat in her Brentwood Mansion in silence as she stared at the keys of the Transparent Crystal Music Company Grand Piano that sat in a room facing a beautiful view of her backyard pool area. She was in the middle of writing a new song, one that read like an entry from her diary, and she constantly found herself stopping to reflect on the real life situations that inspired the lyrics of the song.
However after stopping to stare at the keys this last time Elisa'Marie would eventually stand up and walk towards the window.

"Hey Elisa, had enough of writing already?" a familiar voice said, causing Elisa'Marie to turn around in time to catch her manager Hailey Quinn walking towards her. She'd meet the woman about halfway and give her a hug before beckoning Hailey to follow her outside to sit by the pool.
"It's not so much the writing that I've had enough of, but the memories tied to it - if that makes sense. I probably shouldn't write a song that'll be so hard to play live."
"Au contraire! Those are the best songs to write AND perform.
Both women would kick their sandals off and go back and forth on the topic of Elisa'Marie's latest song before Hailey switched the subject to a possible new project.
"Well it's funny we're talking about writing songs, because I have a new project for you that I think you're going to love."
"Oh you always say I'm going to love something you come up with, especially if you can make a nice cut out of it"
The two traded lighthearted jabs at one another for a few moments before Hailey filled Elisa'Marie in on a new up and coming film by Director Michael Han - the same man behind the movie that featured the single "Young and Beautiful" which launched her into stardom.
"Sounds pretty interesting, but what does it have to do with me?"
"Well I'm glad you ask. How would you like to not only write a couple songs for the soundtrack - one being the lead single - but co-produce the entire soundtrack with Luke Martin??"
"Are you serious?" was all Elisa'Marie could manage to get out before Hailey went over the rough details of the film - which had already been in production - and began laying out general ideas for the direction of the album. However she'd cut her friend off at the second mention of Michael Han's name.
"Wait wait, Michael Han, that's the guy who Max literally almost drove his head through a wall over - right? I know his brother Luke is a lot more mild manner but even he can't put up with some director trying to micromanage his album, and if I'm going to co-produce this thing I know I'm going to want us to have full creative control. Can Han handle that?"

Hailey would attempt to ease Elisa'Marie's fears over Michael Han and insist that the three could work together great - pointing out the success on Young and Beautiful in a bid to push Elisa'Marie towards agreeing to jump on the project.
"Yeah, I have a great success story to tell from that track, but did you miss the part about Max wanting to drive his head into a wall over Han's insistence on trying to control OUR track?"
Elisa'Marie would stand up from her chair and stretch a bit before leaning against the wall beside Hailey.
"I won't lie, this sounds like an amazing opportunity and something to get my mind off this nonsense with my mother, and if I'm honest with myself I'd love to work on a feature film soundtrack again. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience last time, but the creative control part is a must. I wanna be able to work with Mr.Han, but I don't want to constantly bump heads with the guy, he has to let us do our own thing in correlation with his film."
"Oh I'm so glad to hear you're game! No worries about Michael, he'll give you full creative control, I'm positive!"
It was obvious Hailey threw in that last bit about Michael giving them creative control to reassure Elisa'Marie, but the red-head wasn't really buying it.
"Yeah, I'm glad you're positive...but have you actually worked with him before?"

Luckily for Hailey her phone would ring before she had to come up with another stretch of the truth in regards to Han.
The short chunky blonde would converse with the person on the other end of the line for only a few minutes before ending the call and bouncing up from her chair.
"Guess who that was! Luke! He's at the movie studio right now talking to some of the creative geniuses behind the scene, he wants you to come join him!"

Elisa'Marie would hem and haw for a bit about going before finally agreeing to go get dressed and meet up with Luke.


After slipping into her matching Madballs Skull sweater and skirt, fashioned by Jeremy Scott, Elisa'Marie would throw a few items into an over-sized leather bag and slip into a pair of black Adidas heels before heading back downstairs to meet Hailey.

The ride through the community was always pleasant, seeing as how it was gated. It was once the car neared said gate that Elisa would slip on a pair of large round glasses and sigh at the sight of the paparazzi.
They weren't there for her so to say, more like they were there hoping to harass any of the numerous celebrities that lived in the community, however as soon as someone suggested it was her she could hear them screaming questions about her mother - which caused her to turn the radio up until the gate was fully opened and they were able to pass through it.

The drive to the movie studio wasn't that long, but the process to actually get in felt longer.
Finally, after clearing several security check points, the two women were lead back to a giant conference room with a glass wall that peered out into a movie set blow them. They were both instantly welcomed by Luke and told to sit down.

"Nice to see you again hun, it's been a while!" Elisa'Marie said to Luke as she pulled her hair out of the high ponytail it was in and let her locks flow freely down her back.
"It's good to see you too Elisa. Despite what Hailey said I'm guessing you're somewhat apprehensive about taking on the job - right? Well just tell me what I have to say to get you to jump on board, and I'll say it!"

Hailey would pull out her phone and fall into her own world as Luke introduced Elisa to some of the people behind the scenes on the movie who worked for Han and began to fill her in on some of his plans.
She was convinced within a few minutes, but she let Luke drone on - paying close attention to everything he laid out.


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Michael Han


Sixteen hours, four minutes, and 29 seconds. That’s how long they’ve been on set now. Michael knows this because he made one of his PA’s – production assistants – set a timer. Everybody was at their utmost limit, and it could be seen from their dreary eyes and bobbing heads, as boom operators, producers, gaffers, and even film extras tried to keep from falling asleep.

Michael didn’t care though. What he cared about was getting this one fucking shot done right; and damn it to hell if someone fucks it up by —

— “Boom in shot!” yelled Michael, frustratingly, at the 42 year old boom operator, who just now woke up with a start.

“Let’s reset. From the top. Remember, none of us go home until we’re done with this.” Everyone let loose a collective groan, but didn’t complain more than that. They all went back to their original positions and waited for their cue.

If you hadn’t noticed yet, Michael Han was the film’s director. He was the newest thing to hit Hollywood by storm, and with a few blockbuster hits on his belt now, it didn’t seem like he was a one hit wonder. Everybody was running to get a piece of the action that was Michael Han. After all, everything he touched turned to gold, or, in the case of the actors, academy awards.

Yes, Michael was good. Fucking good, by the estimates of his success. He was considered the best director under 40, and even then, some considered him the best director ever.

The praise was nice to Michael, but unnecessary. He could be a bum on the street with a camera phone, and he’d still be making films. Or at least that’s what he thought. Making films was his life, and he spent every waking day and night perfecting his craft. If you took that away from him, Michael wouldn’t be sure what he’d have left. Probably a sad, boring, miserable life.

“Action!” The cameras whirred on, as the steadicam operator followed a beautiful young Hispanic actress, with a feigned worried look on her face.

“W-what are you doing?”

“Don’t you know!? This is all for you. This has always been for you!” A white male co-star stood in front of the girl, fake blood dripping off his glistening rock hard abs.

“I never asked you to!”

“You never needed to!”

Michael was intently watching their every movement, the sway of the camera frame, the slight reflection of light on their faces, even the flowing pieces of paper in the background. Everything needed to be perfect.

The two actors continued the scene flawlessly. It was an amazing performance, even by Michael’s standards. He had no complaints this time around, and when they came to the end of the scene, everybody stood up and clapped.

“Alright. That’s a cut guys. Go home! Get some sleep. I’ll be seeing you bright and early tomorrow morning, in
” he looked at his watch, “
 4 hours.”

It’s been a long day, and even Michael was relieved to go home. He grabbed his satchel, that held everything from his ipad to his wallet and cell phone, and began to head home when he heard a cough.

Brian DeMarco, Michael’s co-executive producer walked up to him, all smiles and smarm. What a loathsome little prick, Michael thought. If there was one thing Michael hated more than incompetent people, it would be the fakers. And Hollywood was full of them. Everyone had their own agendas and no one gave a rats ass about each other, at least not until they needed something from you.

Brian DeMarco was the embodiment of this. He was the cockiest son of a bitch, this side of Kanye West, who would sleep with a one-legged transvestite, if it meant he could get something from you.

“Michael! I’m glad you’re still here.” said Brian, as he tried to go in for a hug. Michael put out his hand and stopped him there though. Not over my dead body, he thought. “What is it Brian?” replied Michael, unenthusiastically.

“Oh right. I forget, you’re not a hugger. I’ve got some good news for you! You’re going to like iiiittt,” said Brian, in a sing song tone.

“I’m trying to get home here, so if you could hurry it along

“We’ve got Elisa’Marie to co-produce our soundtrack with Luke! Isn’t that great?” He said, while trying to make it seem like it was the best thing in the world. Michael was less than thrilled.


“Elisa’Marie! The girl who did the soundtrack for your last movie. She became a huuuuuge hit because of you, man.”

While Michael was sure this was all true, the name didn’t ring a bell to him. To be honest, Michael didn’t concern himself very much with people he has no need to be concerned with.

“Yeah, don’t know her, but if that’s who Luke wants to work with, that’s fine,” said Michael. It was true. He didn’t care who Luke wanted to work with, hell he didn’t even care if it was Luke that was working on the soundtrack. As long as it was done accordingly, and by someone talented.

Thinking that was it, Michael moved to leave, but once again Brian stood in front of him, blocking his path.

“Greeaat! I’m glad to hear it! This is going to be huuuuuge for our movie, you don’t even know. I’m really really happy you decided to bring her on. I was a little worried you wouldn’t allow it, since she asked for full creative control.” Brian chuckled. Then Michael chuckled. Who knew Brian could crack a joke, thought Michael
 then it hit him, Brian wasn’t joking.

“No fucking way,” said Michael, emphatically. “This is my movie, this is my ship. I run it how I want it to be run. I am not going to let it go down because some prissy princess bitch wants to be ‘an artist’, you got me?” If he didn’t make his point before, Michael sure did now.

“I got you Mikey, but the thing is
 you’re not making this movie without her. The studios want her, I want her, the audiences want her. We’ll pull the plug on this whole thing if we have to. But you’re working with her or you’re not working at all,” said Brian, as matter of factly as he could.

Michael’s never been prone to violence, but this guy was one hell of a piece of work, and before he knew it, his fist came flying at Brian’s face. Unfortunately for Michael, Brian was a two time golden gloves boxing champion. He easily sidestepped Michael and threw a quick jab that landed squarely on his left eye.

“Aw fuckkk!” yelled Michael, as he crumpled to the floor in pain. “You mother fucker!”

“Sorry, Mikey. No hard feelings. This is just business afterall. All I ask is that you speak with her, before you make your decision. I’ll even have my assistant set up lunch for you two. How does Saturday at 1pm sound? Thai food? Or maybe Sushi
 Either way, I promise you’ll like her! She’s quite the beauty.”

Brian didn’t bother to stick around after their confrontation, he just walked out of the studio, all eyes on him, as if it were another day in the office.

“This is my movie! You can't do this!” screamed Michael, futilely to Brian’s back. He didn’t bother to respond, he just waved him off, and carried on.

Michael was furious now, but he wasn’t willing to risk the movie. This film was going to define his career for the next twenty years. He’ll have lunch with this Elisa’Marie, and then he’ll convince her to quit on her own accord. Or at least, that's what he thought.


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Character Portrait: Elisa'Marie Babineaux
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After half an hour of laying out his ideas Luke would take Elisa'Marie on a tour of the now-empty set to give her a better feel for the setting.

"Now what else do I have to do to get you on board? Roll out a red carpet and order a few pizzas? You like pizza right?"
Elisa'Marie would laugh at Luke's mention of Pizza, since it was a well known fact amongst the people who worked around her that the way to her soul wasn't Diamonds or Chocolate, but a large Pizza Pie!

"Well there's no need for a red carpet, but a few Pizzas would be lovely, then I can get back to you on this soundtrack gig."

As the duo made their way back up to the meeting room Elisa'Marie would clue Luke in that she was game for the project, only if they had full control over the album.
"Yeah, about that, I tried to get a meeting with Michael Han and his producer the other day but never heard back. I figured I'd give them another day before tracking them down myself."

The two rounded the corner and began to approach the meeting room door, but before they'd reach it a young woman would nearly run into them.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I- Oh, Elisa'Marie! Just the person I was looking for, my name is Emily Bates - I'm Brian DeMarco's assistant."
The name Brian DeMarco meant nothing to Elisa'Marie, but Luke quickly filled her in on the fact that he was he was Micheal's co-executive producer.
"Yes, well I'm actually here to set up a meeting over Lunch between you guys with Mr. Han. Would Saturday at 1pm be alright with you both?"

"Um yeah, sure, that's fine with me, what about you Luke?"
"I might have to pull a rain-check, I have plans Saturday, but I'll let you know in the morning okay?"

The duo would part ways with Emily after a brief conversation about the Lunch meeting, and Luke would walk Elisa'Marie to her car out in the parking lot.
"What ya going to do for the rest of the day, it IS Friday."
She'd chuckle at Luke's tone before shrugging her shoulders.
"I'm not sure, maybe I'll start writing rough drafts?"


Elisa'Marie had every intention on racking her brain for song genres and writing down a rough draft of ideas for the soundtrack, however after several hours of being home she hadn't done any writing, and instead chose to order pizza and watch an Adventure Time marathon.

By 9pm Elisa'Marie was in her PJs browsing her instagram comments. Most were positive, but some were down right creepy and mean.
After getting her fill on the comments she'd take a picture of the TV then title it "It's Adventure Time!" before uploading the shot to her Instagram page, and within a couple more hours she'd be out like a light.


A loud buzzing on the living room table woke Elisa'Marie up from her sleep, and after pushing her way to an upright position on the couch she'd grab her phone and spot Luke's name - along with a current time of 10:45am.

"Shit, it's almost eleven!?" she'd complain, before picking up the phone.
Luke would inform her that he couldn't make the Lunch meeting with Han due to prior obligations with the family, but that he'd be all game for her to fill him in on things later that evening.

The lethargic red head slowly but surely made her way up stairs and into the shower, and after forty minutes or so she'd make her way back downstairs in a pair of lightly printed jean shorts and a white cropped maiden bodice.

It's was slightly over an hour before she was suppose to meet with Michael, so she'd use the time to call a few bandmates and brainstorm for a bit before grabbing her bag, slipping into white platform flip-flops, and heading out the front door and into the car that had come to pick her up - courtesy of Brian's Assistant Emily.

After arriving at the Steakhouse Elisa'Marie would quickly make her way from the car inside - dodging the small crowd of paparazzi.
As she was walked back to her table she'd spot a few familiar famous faces - explaining the camera whores outside, and after arriving at her table she'd sigh in relief at being the first to arrive.

"Can I get you something to drink?" a waitress would ask within seconds of her sitting down, and Elisa'Marie would gladly order a cold Heineken in the bottle.
Once it arrived she'd open it up, pull out her phone, and begin scanning her tumblr.


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Character Portrait: Michael Han Character Portrait: Elisa'Marie Babineaux
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Michael Han


Swarms of cameramen and paparazzi littered the pavement, like vultures waiting for the sickly drop of their next meal. That’s what they were to Michael – vultures; and dozens of them were lined up outside the steakhouse, salivating at the opportunity for the next big sleazy shot of everyone’s favorite celebrity. Why people cared enough to employ such deplorable people he would never understand, but what he did know, was that he despised every last one of them. They were the dregs of society. The only ones worst than the Hollywood elite, for they didn’t just buy into the superficial glitz and glam of the biz, they perpetuated it, took advantage of it, even manipulated and warped it.

But disgusting, morally bereft, opportunistic creatures that they were, they were a part of the Hollywood ecosystem that you couldn’t get rid of; so, all you could do was ignore them. And that’s exactly what Michael did.

Michael strolled into the restaurant wearing sweatshirt and jeans, clothing too casual for the restaurant, and a pair of sunglasses hiding the nasty shiner on his eye – courtesy of Brian DeMarco. He stood out like a sore thumb from the rest of the patrons, but he didn’t care about his appearances. Playing nice to a young upstart, who was acting too big for her britches, was a huge pain in the ass that he wanted to get over with as quickly as possible. He could be at home right now watching some How I Met Your Mother.

“Excuse me sir, can I help you?” said the nervously cute hostess. She was clearly unsure whether Michael was a crazy bum who just wandered in from the street or someone so famous and important they need not care about societal constraints. Sometimes it was such a thin line between the two that you could never tell the difference in this absurd town.

“I’m looking for a girl. Reddish hair. Supposed to be mind-blowingly beautiful
” said Michael, ignoring the worried looks from the girl. “I’m sorry, but do you have an appointment?” Michael was already over it. He hands her Brian DeMarco’s business card. “Yeah. Dinner’s on him by the way. Just put it on his tab.”

Immediately recognizing the name on the card, the hostess turned full employee of the month, having finally figured out he was the latter of the two. “Of course, right this way sir.”

Michael followed the hostess through a bevy of socialites that he would never associate himself with in a million years, and then his eyes found the only thing that stood out more than him in this establishment – Elisa’Marie.

She was wearing some lightly printed jean shorts and a white cropped maiden bodice, that seemed to barely cover all her precious bits. Michael thought to himself, that there was no way she could be wearing any less clothing and not be naked. She was clearly everything he already knew she was. Sure she was pretty, and possibly mediocrely talented too, but obviously an attention whore who succeeded by flaunting her good looks and receiving handouts from those foolish enough to fall for her tricks.

Michael told the hostess he could find the table himself and walked over to where Elisa’Marie was. She was on her smartphone doing something he didn’t immediately recognize. A rude, prudish, brat to boot, thought Michael.

“Elisa’Marie, I presume?” asked Michael, taking the seat in front of her.

“So you’re the one who wants to ruin my movie.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michael Han Character Portrait: Elisa'Marie Babineaux
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Tumblr grew old quick so after a short while Elisa'Marie began to fiddle around with the game Flappy Bird, determined to get her crappy score of 6 up to at least 10.
"I hate this damn bird." she spat after a few minutes of failing to get a score higher than 4 or 5, and before she could start yet another round she'd spot Michael Han approaching and stand to greet him. She'd quickly sit however when instead of shaking hands he decided to just sit down in front of her - clearly annoyed.
"So, you're the one who wants to ruin my movie."

His statement completely caught her off-guard, but Elisa'Marie's expression of shock quickly morphed into a sly smile.
"Well you wish to get straight to the point don't you?."
Crossing her legs underneath the table Elisa'Marie would sit back and don quite the dramatic voice - while maintaining a rather serious facial expression.
"It is me, Elisa'Marie, here to ruin your movie for the masses because ruining you, yes you Mr.Han, is far more important to my life than my career, good name, and reputation."
She'd pause for a moment to lean back in towards the table until her face was only a foot or so away from Michael's. "Because all I've done, since hearing about this opportunity, is salivate at the myriad of ways I could make your life an utter hell."

Elisa'Marie kept eye contact with Michael and would maintain her dead serious facial expression for only a few seconds before breaking out into laughter as she again sat back in her chair.
"You can't be serious, can you? Ruin your movie? Why would I want to do that, I have zero ill will towards you. But even if I did, why would I want to ruin your movie when ruining your movie would subsequently ruin MY Soundtrack. And here I thought women were suppose to be the dramatic ones."

The waitress suddenly came back over to their table and asked if the duo needed more to drink, and if they were ready to order their lunch.
"Well I don't know about princess here but I'm ready to order. I'll take a couple bacon cheeseburgers, with extra bacon and cheese, and then a plate of cheese fries. And another Heineken would be lovely. Here's my card by the way.
When Elisa'Marie went to hand the hostess her card the woman would explain that Mr. Han had put the entire Lunch on tab.
"No no that's quite alright, please, take my card....I can pay for my own meal."
The woman looked a bit confused before turning towards Han.

Once the woman left their table Elisa'Marie would lean in on the table and rest her chin in her hand - with a slightly amused grin on her face.
"So let me guess, you don't like the idea of me and Luke having full creative control? I'm curious as to why though, and please be specific and don't hold back."