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Ignorance is Bliss [bathos & ImmortalSin]

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Ignorance is Bliss [bathos & ImmortalSin]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalSin on Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:40 pm


"Malcolm Eldridge was quite aware of the situation he was putting both himself, and his family in; but his pride and nobility continued to drive him further. Though what happened next would have been a shock, even to him. We have been unable to release any particular names, but we can announce that the Delacruz gang - a ruthless and cutthroat band of various criminals - were involved with the incident that night.

Mr and Mrs Eldridge were brutally murdered in their own home, the intruders easily managing to bypass the security measures the family had already set into place. By the time police arrived at the scene the criminals had fled, taking anything of value along with them.

One body was not accounted for though, that of their only daughter and child, Victoria Eldridge. She was 14 years of age when the attack occurred, and authorities believe that she may have somehow escaped the terror. She has not been spotted since that evening, but we are still hopeful that she is alive, and safe.

We wish to extend another public plea for information regarding her whereabouts. If you have seen anyone resembling this girl, please call..."

The small hand-held television was suddenly propped up beside the woman's head, she smiled, mimicking the image of the 14 year old almost perfectly before she tilted her head to the side, her blue eyes sparkling inquisitively as she regarded the bartender known as Maurice. "Have you seen this girl?" She teased in a serious monotone, mocking the voice of the news presenter they had just been listening too.

Maurice didn't find it as amusing, his bushy eyebrows knitted together in a frown, "Git goin', and behave yourself at the party."

The woman stood from her seat, tossing the device she'd been holding onto the bench, "You might want to keep watching, who knows what I'll get up to tonight." The news broadcast had finally ended, ushering in a pathetically predictable soapy that she knew the old bartender was fond of. Why anyone would waste their time with such drivel, she did not understand, but it kept him entertained in her absence.

"Oi, be careful with the t.v. would ya? Cost me an arm and a leg." Maurice chided, growing irritated by Victoria's carelessness when it came to technology. She simply waved a hand at him, turning on her heel, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips when she thought over his comment. It'd been her money, and it hadn't cost her an arm and a leg, more like an entire Delacruz member. The best trade she'd ever made.

The tavern was empty at this time of night, not that it was ever technically 'full'. It allowed them to converse freely, without having to worry about who could possibly overhear. As soon as she stepped out of the musty old place, reality kicked in.

Ever since the death of her father and mother, no single person had been courageous enough to stand up to the so called 'bullies' of the streets. The crime rate had risen to astounding heights, and the criminals themselves had sunk to horrible lows, prepared to do almost anything for a couple of bucks.

Though that wasn't always necessarily a bad thing.

Victoria felt out of place this evening, usually when she traversed the city it was in some sort of bulky cloak, or a hooded jacket. She had certainly changed in the past 10 years, but the solitary posters that sometimes littered the streets, portraying her as a 14 year old were somewhat unnerving. She couldn't afford to be recognized, not now, not ever. It would destroy her entire cause, everything she had been working towards since she'd become an orphan. That was why she'd spent quite some time playing with her appearance before this outing.

Her eye color was her usual, stand-out feature. The abysmal blue would ultimately be her downfall; so she'd organized a pair of contacts to lighten the shade. As for the rest of her face, she'd played with her make-up, highlighting certain features while disguising others. It hadn't turned out too bad actually, even Maurice took a few moments to realize it was indeed her. Then there was her figure. A slinky black cocktail dress and a nice pair of heels did the trick, she'd filled out considerably since her last public sighting...

Victoria was the perfect escort. A wonderful combination of elegance and inappropriateness. Enough to make a man's blood boil and his inside's curl. She just hoped that the Delacruz bastard she was meant to be accompanying actually showed. What had his name been? Brodie... Brooklyn... Bruce...

After turning another corner she arrived at her destination, sighing in relief when she saw the car parked and patiently waiting for her. She crossed the street, examining the car when she grew closer to it. Some type of new model Bentley, if she'd assumed correctly. It was classy, to say the least. Hopefully the owner resembled his beast.

The driver's door opened slowly, revealing a lanky middle-aged man. When he'd straightened out properly she cringed - he was much, much taller than her. "Good evening miss." He chimed pleasantly, opening the one of the back doors before looking to her expectantly. She mumbled a thanks and slid into the soft leather seat, quite aware of the man that sat across from her.

Conversation wasn't what she was being paid for, so she remained silent, her hands crossed in front of her. It took all of the self-control she had to refrain from snickering, her 'host' for this evening was utterly entranced. She'd recalled his face immediately, and he was now permanently registered in her mind. He had kicked down their door, over 10 years ago, and fired the first bullet. This man thought he'd gotten lucky tonight, but he was so, so wrong.

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Re: Ignorance is Bliss [bathos & ImmortalSin]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby bathos on Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:57 pm

A full length mirror rested against the wall at the end of the hallway, reflecting back to Damon an image of himself: a splash of darkness against cream walls and red velvet carpet. As per usual, he was dressed in black, but the outfit was a far cry away from his usual wardrobe. Replacing his black jeans were finely tailored pants of the same color. His shirt and jacket were the same color, the blazer sporting an athletic cut that hugged his shoulders, tapered at the waist, and fell a little shorter than traditional business suits. This accentuated the length of his legs, the breadth of his shoulders, and the uneven bulge of his gun, worn in a shoulder holster. All of these things--aside from the pistol, of course--were compliments of the Delacruz family, an unnecessary display of gratitude for a job well done.

What was that job? Damon Chandler didn't talk, not even in the iron clad confines of his own mind.

He pushed a hand through his hair, a thick curtain of fine brown strands. It stayed behind his ear for all of half a second before falling foward again, tickling his chin and partially obscuring his face--a face darkened by his general inattentiveness to his stubble. Satisfied that he looked as good as he was going to look, he stepped to the side and his reflection disappeared from the mirror.

Music was the first thing that registered--a surprisingly tasteful blend of jazzy, melodic brass and electronic beats--followed directly by the smell of smoke and liquor and food. This wasn't his first Delacruz function and he doubted it would be his last, but it never failed to surprise him, however briefly, the level of excess the family could afford considering the sorry state of the economy. He nodded to the security guard standing just inside the door and moved on into the dimly lit conference hall. The hotel was a favored venue for the gang's social gatherings, probably due to the excellent food and the staff's readiness to turn a blind eye to their less savory of habits.

He cut a straight path to the bar, returning the occasional greeting or casual wave to the few who recognized his face, and settled upon a stool. More often than not, this was where he would stay for the duration of the party, sipping on a stiff drink, letting that drink turn into two and then three, smoking the odd cigarette, and waiting out the debauchery with something like strained tolerance. It wasn't that Damon didn't appreciate a strong beverage, a cigarette, a little piece of eye candy hanging off his arm with the promise of something more substantial at the end of the night. He enjoyed these things, but he felt like he was walking on new legs. The town was new to him and he couldn't afford to misstep even once when it came to the Delacruz boys, so he kept his head down and stayed out of trouble.

He raised his hand at the bartender and called, "Gin martini," swiveled in his stool and began what would undoubtedly be a long night of people watching.
Everyone needs to believe in something. I believe I'll have another beer.

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Re: Ignorance is Bliss [bathos & ImmortalSin]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalSin on Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:39 am

"I haven't seen you around before." Her host for this evening finally murmured, attempting to break the ice.

"I hear that a lot." She swiftly replied, her elbow resting on the car door while she stared lazily out of the window. Victoria was memorizing street names, along with the buildings in this area; getting lost later on was not a very appealing notion.

"So, are you new in town?"

"Not really." She was glad that her hand was partially covering the left side of her face. Seeing the twitch of her lips would have led him to certain suspicions, she was definitely in no need of those tonight.

The man seemed to have run out of cards to play, though he still hadn't tried to ask her about the weather, that was a surprise indeed. Anti-social was how most described her, those that actually knew her anyway. That wasn't the truth; in fact they were entirely wrong about her. Victoria could talk for hours if provoked. But eventually, small talk led to more personal matters, and when it came to those she either had to fabricate quite a large lie to cover her previous years of life, or leave altogether.

You grew tired of the facade in time, and began to regress into a much more reserved human being. Maurice was the only man she'd ever had a relationship with, and that was a family bond; but as far as romance went... well it had never really went for her.

After almost another ten minutes the car came to a halt outside of their destination. Victoria was led towards the entrance by her host; his arm wrapped casually around her shoulder, their footsteps completely in sync. The two suits smiled broadly at the couple before stepping aside; obviously no invite was needed, her host seemed quite established.

A familiar scent welled in her nostrils, that of cigarettes and alcohol – it reminded her of the tavern. Before she had even a chance to mingle amongst the guests she was steered straight over to the bar, almost stepping on several pairs of toes during the journey. “I’ve got some business to attend to upstairs, wait down here for me will you?” The stern look in his eyes suggested that she really had no choice in the matter, he wouldn't pay her if she hightailed it out of here.

Victoria’s gaze narrowed immediately at the word ‘business’, but maybe some time alone would grant her more opportunities. Both of her eyebrows lifted and she flashed him a dazzling smile, “Sure.”

A playful wink and then he was gone, disappearing up a stairwell beside the bar. Some part of her desperately wished to follow, but it was not wise. Instead she took a seat at one of the swiveling stools, turning her attention to the bartender who was eagerly awaiting her request. "Just a glass of the clear stuff."

He cocked an eyebrow at her, "Straight?"

Victoria reflected his previous action before blinking once, "Er, of course?" It was a glass of water, how could it not be straight?

The bartender returned a few moments later, beverage in hand, and placed it on the counter in front of her. Her throat was parched from the walk and the crisp air conditioning of both the car and this place - she was quick to gulp down a mouthful. The liquid burned on the way down and she spluttered, glaring at the man who'd given her the drink. "I meant water you moron!"

Her cheeks flushed a deep red and she pushed the glass away, mumbling under her breath, "Never mind." Several of the guests had overheard the entire thing, she didn't want to make a fuss. Besides, she was the one who looked like an utter idiot.

It was Maurice's fault. Even though he owned his own tavern, he'd never willingly allowed her to drink. Poison, he'd said; and it was addictive. She supposed he was right to keep her away from it in a way, she couldn't afford to drop her guard.

With a deep sigh she ran a hand through her hair, picking up on bits and pieces of the conversation taking place behind her. Apparently most of the Delacruz boys were upstairs, which came as no surprise to her. The disappearances of several of their members would no doubt be making them nervous. This bar was certainly not the most ideal place to spend her night, but her chances of gaining any interesting information seemed slim.

Hopefully her host would be at least a little tipsy when he descended the stairs - dealing with the intoxicated was almost always an amusing experience.

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