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For the King

a topic in Fantasy Roleplay, a part of the RPG forum.

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For the King

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby darkthought on Mon Jul 14, 2008 1:24 pm

Okay, well...I'm Darkthought. I've set up this RP on a couple of other sites with great success. The story line is an open, if a little generic, formula that allows for it to be retold a lot. The story has always ended up being really good with interesting characters. I hope to see the same here. This RP style might be a little unconventional, but I'm an unconventional guy. it goes. Going for Epic here, so if you don't think you can post up some high quality stuff on a consistent basis...well you get the idea.

P.S. More content and info on the world will be as people join, seeing as a lot of it will be player driven due to the open nature of the word i.e. making your own birthplace, race, ect. I will also be posting up a map once I feel enough people are interested.

Dark Studios presents...

(cue dramatic/epic fanfare)

For the King

Fantasy Role-Play

  • Notable Reference towards type of Role-play: Darkthought Style RP lol
  • Setting: The Kingdom of Galbadan
  • Write the next part (abiding by the Forum rules)
  • Be kind and courteous to other players
  • The word of the GM is final; do not dispute it.
  • If you do not like a character in the game, leave it in the game. Do not take it out on the player.
  • First post, make and introduce your character. All players must tell of there journey to the Capitol City and how they came by the invitation.
  • Continue off however you want from the last post
  • Starting position in the game: Variable
  • All questions should be directed to me
  • Communicate!
  • Length is no problem, short reply or long hand is fine, though please refrain from posts shorter than 100 characters.
  • All continuations must progress the story. No exceptions
  • READ ALL POSTS (or the last post well enough to keep the story flowing without having major holes in the plot)
  • No killing off any character unless the GM has instructed it. Those that leave are welcome to come back.
  • Enjoy. This is for fun, so take it serious but enjoy doing so.
  • Flaming, insults, or any other types of harshness that is deliberately trying to hurt someone else’s feelings will not be tolerated at all, nor anywhere on the Forums.
  • Turn off signatures when posting in the Role-Play.

Character Sheet
Notable Aliases:
Age: (Be reasonable)
Race: (Be reasonable)
Birthplace: (You can pretty much make something up)

  • Parents:
  • Siblings:
  • Wife:
  • Descendants:

Weapon of Choice (Max of two):
Weapon Description:
Notable Powers (Max of two):

The kingdom of Galbadan was once a glorious and prospering city-state. Travelers would tell tales of magnificent white walls and gleaming towers. Its golden gates stood as a symbol of freedom from poverty and hunger. In short, it was the shining star of the world. Then the Darkness came. One by one, Galbadan's outermost cities and towns began to fall silent. No shipments of food would come from them, no letters, no taxes. People began to fear that some powerful army from another land had started war. It became readily apparent that that was not the case at all. The King had sent his army out to the next town the unknown attackers were thought to be headed. Out of five thousand soldiers, five lived. Each had been driven completely insane by whatever they had encountered. They told incomprehensible stories of a Darkness that took men's souls. It couldn't be true. Yet, as more and more towns fell to this Darkness, Galbadan itself began to fragment. No food from the farm towns marked a dramatic increase in starvation. No taxes from those towns meant no money for upkeep. As more people who feared for their lives came to the capitol for protection, Galbadan's last resources were stretched thin. Now, disease and death run rampant in the areas outside the Inner City. Bodies rotting in the streets are commonplace. Guards have been posted at the gates to the Outer City and Inner City and have been ordered to permit no one to enter. Having fallen far from its once lofty perch, the people of Galbadan City became discontent. Rebel groups started organizing in the town, though most of these were immediately stifled by the king's guard. Knowing that times had grown desperate, the King commissioned the sending of several letters to the notable warriors and magicians of the day. The letters read as follows:

Dear Hero,
[INDENT][/INDENT]Hard times have befallen the land of Galbadan as you may well have heard. I, King Ramonis, implore, nay, beg you to come to the aid of my people. Legends tell of a sacred jewel that brings great power to any who hold it. However, I am far to old to be chasing after ancient relics. I would ask you, brave Hero, to acquire this item and bring it to me, that I might use it to combat this Darkness and restore Galbadan to its former glory. You will be supplied with the finest wares I can muster; Weapons crafted in the depths of the Emerald Forge, Armor smelted by the Dragon People, and the best Galbadanian steeds to carry you to your goal. After your mission is complete, you may keep these items and take of share of your weight in gold from my personal treasury. Make haste, Hero. In a fortnight, I will be expecting you. Show this invitation to the guard at the gate and you will be admitted to the Inner City where you will be escorted to my Feast Hall. Thank you for you consideration, Hero.
King Iver Ramonis of Galbadan

King Ramonis also had fliers posted up in local taverns and bars. This was as much to give the people of his city hope as to find those willing to risk their lives for the sake of the kingdom. The flier promised a reward and featured the King's handwritten signature.

People to Know
King Iver Ramonis—King Ramonis is an elderly man who has taken sick of late and is often bed ridden. He is wise and kind and has an air about him that makes people feel at ease, no matter their social rank. His hair is long and white as is his beard, a shiny golden crown resting atop his head. His eyes are a brilliant auburn that sparkle like burnished bronze. Before the coming of the Darkness, he was well loved by his people.

Lord Bel-Burund
—A regal man in his forties and one of the few surviving Lords. When the Darkness began consuming towns, he was among the first to order his people to fall back to Galbadan City. He is a callous man who is very contemptuous of those who are not of noble blood. When Vel-Banard went insane, Ber-Burund was appointed to take his place as the head of the Galbadan military.

Lord Vel-Banard-- A once valiant and courageous man. Vel-Banard was the one who led the five thousand soldiers to combat the Darkness when it first appeared and one out of five that survived. Vel-Banard is said to have gone insane from whatever it was the Darkness did to him and what he witnessed happen to his men. He is now kept on the Castle Grounds under constant watch by a retinue of soldiers.

Kolg Lishd-- Leader of one of Galbadan City's many rebel factions, he is the most outspoken against the king. He makes outrageous claims that King Ramonis is willingly leading the people of Galbadan to doom.

Lelil Kovus
—Leader of one of Galbadan City's many rebel factions, she was once a Court Magician. When the Darkness appeared, she vanished, only to return with a contingent of rebels under her control. She strongly advocates the use of violence to overthrow Ramonis.

Places to Know

Galbadan City—The once magnificent capitol of Galbadan that has fallen far from its place as the apex of the world. Numerous refugees have set up camps outside the Outer Gate.

Outer City—The area between the Inner Gate and Outer Gate. This is where most of Galbadan City's population live, if you could call it living. Disease and death run rampant through this part of the city. It is not uncommon to see rotting corpses on the streets or people killing each other for food. A dangerous area and home to the rebel groups.

Inner City
—The area in the center of the city that holds the manors of the noble and wealthy, as well as Galbadan Castle. In stark contrast to things beyond the Inner Gate, the Inner City is peaceful.


The Emerald City
—The great castle-city belonging to the Dragon People that was destroyed, along with its people, almost eighty years ago during the War of Nations. Known for its remarkable architecture, it was once the greatest city in all the land. It has become nothing but a hollow shell of what it once was. It lies to the North at the foot of the mountains called Dragon's Teeth. It has since become overrun with monsters and brigands of all sorts and is no longer a safe place.

Bolozet--The largest city within the borders of Daragkhar that still stands. The Bolozet are a proud people who had served the Dragon People for many generations before the kingdom's downfall. Despite being a proud people, the city itself has a defeated air about it.

The Southern Deserts
-- The shining jewel of the Southern Deserts, Mulesk is the largest city in the south. In place of the kings and nobles of the northern lands, the harsh Southern Deserts are ruled from the city of Mulesk by rich and powerful Merchant-Lords. Mulesk is a thriving oasis in the middle of a barren landscape. The streets are filled with merchants doing what they can to sell their goods. In these deserts, the spear is the weapon of a warrior and swords are looked upon as uncivilized.

-- The second largest city in of the Southern Deserts region. It is famed as a place of magic and bizarre technology. It is from Kadish that the land's most powerful mages have come.

Mt. Zuriat Fortress-- One of the most ancient places in the land and home to the fabled Mountain People, giants of men who are well versed in the art of war. Mt. Zuriat Fortress is both a giant city and a massive fortress carved out of the stone of the mountain it is named for.

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