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Derek Escuyos

"Even if they don't want me, they still need me."

0 · 1,983 views · located in California

a character in “Another Year at the Buckley School”, as played by chanelindistress




Full Name
Derek Nicholas Escuyos

Prefers if people calls him by his first name.

Date of Birth
November 10, 1998


Star Sign

"My parents moved to America when I was two after saving enough money up for the move and securing my mom's job as a nurse, so I still call the Philippines my first home."

100% Filipino

Sexual Orientation || Sexual History || Relationship History || Relationship Status
"It's not really a secret anymore, but I am dating Rhapsody and I plan to for as long as she'll have me. And I'm not even gonna lie, unless she has a really good explanation that includes her not feeling the way that she does for me anymore, I'm not letting my girl go without a fight. All the other girls I hooked up with before were...nice. They weren't bad hook-ups, but there's a completely different experience between sleeping with people because that's what you're told you're supposed to do and being with someone you genuinely care about and love. Call me a little bitch or a wimp, but at least I'm comfortable with my girl under my arm and feeling high on life while the rest of you suckers are trying to warm your cold ass beds with girls you know you'd never feel a thing for."
Heterosexual || Very Much Active || Mostly Flings || In a relationship




"It never fails that even though she's definitely a certified and very bright nurse, my mom is determined to believe that I can't possibly weigh as much as I do. I eat a lot, but in her eyes and the eyes of my grandmother, it never really goes anywhere. I just call those blessed genes."
152 lbs

Body Type
A mix of both mesomorph and ectomorph

Body Shape
Broad-Shouldered || Even though he can sometimes look lean and lanky, there's definitely nothing skinny about Derek. He has quite the muscular build; he's just not particularly capable of bulking up the way that he wants to.

Shape of Face

Eye Color

Skin Tone
An even tan || Olive complexion

His black hair is naturally silky-soft and kept short, though over the summer - and much to the chagrin of his girlfriend and mother - Derek shaved his hair close to his head. It's growing back a lot quicker than anticipated, but it's definitely been an interesting look for him.

Distinguishing Mark(s)
Unless you count the plethora of fingernail imprints or even hickeys as distinguishing marks despite the fact that they fade away at some point, then the most distinguishing marks on Derek's body are the tattoos he technically was never supposed to have. The dragon acompanied by the words "Live" and "Love" on his abdomen had been a dare by his brother that Derek foolishly couldn't ignore and the roman numerals on his left bicep was the "apology" to his mother considering they're her birth year. The tattoo on his left arm occurred over the summer and only because he honestly found it pretty cool. He even has a feather tattooed on his right hand. He covers them all up during basketball season.

Fashion Sense
Derek is the stereotypical boy. He likes a simple and relaxed style. There are some things he isn't pressed about and fashion brands are only one of many. As long as Gio has clean threads on his skin with the occasional addition of watches , sunglasses, or snapbacks, he's good.

Overall Attractiveness
The one time that anyone can honestly say that Derek looks in any way smug or over-confident about his looks is when his girlfriend is giving him a rather hungry and definitely appreciative gaze. Honestly, if your girl's looking at you like that, you've gotta be some kind of attractive right? And with his angular jaw, narrow hazel eyes, deeply tanned skin and dark hair, not to mention impressive physique, to say that Derek isn't attractive at all is to admit that you're either a hater or you're blind because there's no way he's not. He's been called a ten, but he likes to give himself a nice eight.


Special Skills
Cooking, Bilingual {Speaks Filipino & English}, Drawing, Basketball, Baseball

While there is definitely something to be said about Derek's physical aptitude because the boy's definitely talented and has what it takes to make it professional, his greatest strength is his patience. Derek isn't what you would call an impulsive individual. Though how quickly he'll high-tail it to home base would have you believing otherwise or how swiftly he's managed to get the ball from the opposing team, Derek is a firm believer in slow and steady wins the race. The fact that he didn't rush immediately into a relationship with his current girlfriend and worked at her pace is a testament to his patience. It means that he'll take the time to think certain things through instead of rushing in like he wants to, unlike his brother. His other and most prominent strength is his sense of self. After being outcast for a bit before becoming a Drifter, Derek really came into himself and he's made it so that it is impossible to shape his opinion or actions without it being himself who is in control of said actions. Before, he allowed himself to conform to the way of the Jocks until he realized that he wanted better for himself. And now, can't nobody tell him a thing.

The one bad thing that people can say about the Escuyos men is their pride. Just like his daddy, Derek is a very proud young man and it is not to say that he's particularly arrogant. In comparison to a lot of the guys he plays with, Derek is one of the few who is actually humble and doesn't throw his talents in anyone's face. He just doesn't like to admit his mistakes or when he's wrong. Derek knows he isn't a genius and isn't perfect, but it is something he has learned from both his grandfather and father. They were never people who stepped down easily and were quite stubborn, and it is a shared flaw between himself and his brother. Another issue is that, although it takes a lot to really grudge up his anger (though he'll go from zero to one-hundred real quick if someone messes with his girl or brother), once Derek's rage has been activated, he is nothing short of intense. His patience is forgotten and it's not to say that every person will be welcome to a punch in the face because he's just a secretly violent person, but there's no denying that Derek may or may not deliver one hell of a punch if pushed, and more if he's really mad. Only a handful of people can actually calm him down with just words.

Greatest Joys in Life
β€’ Friends and Family β€’ The Adrenaline That Comes With Playing Sports β€’ Being Able To Be Himself Without the Pressure of Having to Conform

Greatest Fears
β€’ Letting His Parents and Grandparents Down β€’ Not Becoming Financially Secure In His Future β€’ Getting His Father's Job β€’ Tornadoes

β€’ Getting Accepted At Georgetown University On An Athletic Scholarship {He Hasn't Told His Girlfriend That He Even Applied} β€’ Win Championships β€’ Get Enough Scholarships To Not Stress His Parents' Out

Life Philosophy
"All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them."
~ Magic Johnson


Good Personality Traits
Ambitious βœ” Generous βœ” Easy-Going βœ” Compassionate βœ” Genuine βœ” Amicable βœ” Honest βœ” Independent βœ” Adventurous βœ” Cool

Bad Personality Traits
Competitive βœ– Stubborn βœ– Sarcastic βœ– Confrontational βœ– Overprotective βœ– Vindictive βœ– Calculated βœ– Blunt βœ– Bad Temper βœ– Possessive

The one thing that most people still associate with Derek, considering he spent pretty much his entire Buckley career ensconced in jock territory is arrogance. After all, despite being labeled an outcast for half of a year, Derek hadn't seen his new status as a setback for himself. He had known sports would always be a part of his life; it was just meant to be. And like it or not, the other jocks could go on and on about how he was never one of them, but as Derek pointed out, they were still going to need him more than he needed the rest of them. Especially if they wanted to keep up their winning streak. Which, well, is pretty arrogant. However, that wouldn't be the first trait one would mention when discussing Derek Escuyos and in fact, he is far more humble than he is over-confident. He's definitely sure of himself and his capabilities to the point that he will hardly allow himself to let one's negative opinions about his talents infiltrate his self-imposed self-assurance. He knows what he's good and believes that he's been made solely for athletics. No one can tell him otherwise. And if him being knowledgeable of both his worth as a human being and as an athlete - not a jock, considering one is far more suited for social purposes than actual physical aptitude - gets him called arrogant, then so be it. He's perfectly capable of proving why his confidence is mandated. At the same time, his ability to believe in himself has not gone over Derek's head. It doesn't make him pig-headed enough to sneer down at others that aren't as good and definitely not make him want to pick on anyone just to make himself feel better. It was one of the main reasons, out of many, that Derek found himself unable to mourn the loss of jock status. There's only so long one can pretend to be okay with sitting back and watching someone be an ass to another individual just because they could.

Once his transition was over and he began to settle with becoming a Drifter, it was discovered that a lot of the things that people associated with Derek from before remained the same. He had never put on a show. Derek is extremely chilled and sure, is always up for fun and getting into a few shenanigans with his friends, especially his brother. He didn't get grounded for an entire month for stealing from a gas station they were never going to see again for nothing. Not to say that Derek needs to live life on the wrong side of danger to enjoy himself, though. He's perfectly fine with just hitting the movies or even staying home and hitting up Netflix. There's no doubt that he needs days where he isn't slacking off in terms of conditioning, but considering he practices every day, some TLC is kind of a generic make-up of who Derek is. He is a rather simple guy who cares deeply for his friends and family, to the point that yes, he can be overbearing. He's an older brother and has always been the son everyone looked to to help take care of things. And sure, you might say that it's an issue that he's probably ready to go from zero to one-hundred in a heart-beat over his family and friends, at least they're never able to say that he doesn't love them. Derek isn't a person who says what he doesn't mean, will be the first one to keep it real with you even if that happens to be in a blunt manner, and he's far more patient than most people that he knows, but that doesn't mean that he is without some flaws to his person.

One of the most patient teenage boys you'll ever meet he may be, but there's no mistaking when Derek's angry and him angry - and genuinely angry, at that - is hardly a sight anyone wants to see. It's probably a testament to how well he holds stuff in. Derek is far from emotionally constipated and he definitely isn't the type to hide how he feels, but there's no denying that he's a good guy. And that means that he gives way too many chances, disallowing himself to act too irrationally once someone upsets him. With a dramatic sibling already wreaking havoc at home, he's just figured that everything that happens really is infinitesimal, so much so that perhaps it would not be better to react with the emotions he's feeling then and there. Which means that, when too much builds up on him and someone really sets him off, Derek explodes. He doesn't mean to, but it happens. He's got his father's pride too and is impossibly stubborn when his mind is set on something. His rather honest nature disallows him to not run up on someone when he thinks there's a problem between them or that they're picking on someone for absolutely no reason. He's definitely not what you would call impulsive; Derek thinks things through too much to be so. But once he's made his up about how he wants to approach a person or situation, best believe that he will do so and without fear, regardless of who it is and what their so-called status is. He's more than likely want to get back at someone when he feels that he, and especially someone that he cares about, has been wronged, and he's probably not someone you want to try to tell about themselves especially when Derek wants to believe that he's not wrong, but Derek is still very much a good kid with a bright future and a stronger sense of self than he had had when he first began high school. It might have taken him getting socially outcast for it to really sink in, but they always say that it is darkest just before the dawn.


Short Term Goals
"So, I know that a lot of people think that I don't talk to a lot of the A-Listers that I originally was friends with, but I still sometimes hang out with Aaliyah after school. And back during spring of last school year, she got me started with getting my recommendation letters and everything together so that we wouldn't be doing it last minute like the majority of my classmates. That way, I was also finished with getting my college applications and test scores and all that done earlier in the semester. One of the most important things, according to her, was actually getting to enjoy senior year and also applying for scholarships. Unlike me, her mom can pay for her schooling and come on, it's Aaliyah. She has a five point zero grade point average. There's no way that she's not getting a full ride somewhere. And yeah, I want an athletics scholarship because that's what I'm good at, but I know that that doesn't always cover every single thing. So, I've been spending a lot of time finding scholarships that I'm qualified for just so that my parents don't have to worry too much. They both already plan to take out loans and I don't want that for them. I don't want to need that. So, with championships on the horizon and just the rest of my senior year to look forward to since I've worked hard enough through the years to confidently say that I'm graduating on time, I'm just trying to get as much financial assistance as I can to get through college."
β€’ Obtain As Many Scholarships As He Possibly Can To Cover College On His Own β€’ Enjoy His Senior Year β€’ Win Championships

Long Term Goals
"There are a lot of jocks who are jocks now, but aren't athletes. They're in the clique for the distinction, not necessarily the passion to continue after school. I've always had that passion. It's always been a dream of mine to either play basketball professionally or baseball. I've been being scouted, according to coach, since last sophomore year and I've worked my ass off too hard not to get accepted somewhere. And I know people think that all athletes just think about the girls, the cars, and the expensive lifestyle that rarely lasts, but I do have plans. For one, I've always wanted to have the kind of family life and marriage that my parents did. Yes, it's gonna be super awesome to own an Audi. In what world would it not be great? However, I also am not pressed for the fame. I'm not doing it for all of that. I just like sports and being active and that feeling you get when you're in the middle of one hell of a game. Yeah, winning is great, but it's when you're in the zone that I really want. And the people that I love to come home to. Too many athletes that I know of just don't really have someone special to come home to or waiting for them. I don't want that life. I don't wanna be a successful bachelor. I want family. I also have plans to get into architecture and designing. It's not something I talk to everyone about, mainly Leah and Rhaps, but it's definitely my other option."
β€’ Get Recruited Into Either The LA Clippers or Dodgers β€’ Allow His Dad To One Day Retire β€’ Have A Long-Lasting Marriage Like His Parents and Paternal Grandparents

"I think everyone who's not as ridiculously wealthy as other people want to be able to provide for the people that they love, especially their parents. Those people sacrifice the most for us and it's against our nature as their kids to not one day be successful enough that they no longer have to work. Which is my goal. I want my Dad to retire from being a truck driver, and my mom's not going to stop being a nurse for a long while because she loves it, but I at least want her to not have to be an AVON specialist on the side just to get extra money. I want them to be comfortable in their golden years while also being happy with whatever I'm doing."



Tagbilaran, Phillippines


Idol or Hero
Ash Ketchum


Become A Pokemon Master

The Buckley School

Socioeconomic Status
Middle Class

Childhood Residence(s)
Bool District, Tagbilaran City, Tagbilaran City, Phillippines
Current Household
Paternal Grandparents
Younger Brother


He Applied To Both Georgetown University and
University of Maryland Without Telling His Girlfriend

Summer Spent
Spending Time With His Girlfriend and Friends
Working At His Grandmother's Flower Shop
Conditioning for Sports
7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise With Family

Main Residence
7818 Comanche Avenue Winnetka, CA 91306

Modes of Transportation
2009 Jeep Wrangler


|| The Parents ||
|| Danilo Escuyos ~ Father ~ Tractor-Trailer Truck Driver for Walmart || Mahalia Escuyos (nee. Ricamora) ~ Mother ~ Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist & Part-Time AVON Representative ||
"Dad's not home often enough because he's always on the road. It's a good pay for what he does, don't get me wrong. But it's the main reason why I'm trying really hard to make it into professional sports so that I can eventually get him to quit. I don't know what he's going to do when he becomes idle, maybe take up another hobby or something, but it doesn't need to be that. It takes a lot out of him. My mom is honestly such a bad ass and a sass queen. Like, she's always got something smart to say. Most people think she's just a sweetheart and all that, and she is, but don't let the smile fool you. She's always thinking something that will either have you dying laughing or rolling your eyes, or even both. And she's super embarrassing, but I'm guessing that's where Luke gets his personality from."

|| The Grandparents ||
|| Benije Escuyos ~ Grandfather ~ Unemployed; Retired || Diwata Escuyos (nee. Mendoza) ~ Grandmother ~ Florist ||
"I kinda love both of my grandparents the same, but there's no mistaking that I'm much closer to my grandma. My granddad is just...well, he can definitely be trying. I love him to death but it's the truth. He misses the simpler life in the Philippines, which is understandable. Coming to America wasn't so much a choice as it was a necessity for him. Where his wife goes, he goes. But my grandma is my heart, or at least one half of it. Don't let my mom hear the first thing I said. She'll say I'm neglecting or something."

|| The Sibling ||
|| Lucas Escuyos ~ Brother ~ High School Sophomore (stayed back) ||
"Even though we mostly lead separate lives at school, I can honestly say that Luke and I are still really close, if not closer because he had come out to our family. Our grandparents didn't take it so well, which isn't a surprise. They're elderly and conservative, I don't know why Luke thought it was going to be otherwise. Regardless, I have and will fight for this guy. Even though he gets on my last nerve and yes, I think he does the absolute most and it's not always cute, I still love him. I still want the best for him. More than anything, though, I want him to fucking pass this year, thank you very much. I don't wanna sit through another dinner of my grandparents blaming everything on him being gay."



Lifer? Newcomer?
"The main reason we had even stayed in California was because I got accepted into Buckley on Athletics. Once Luke got accepted, even if my parents wanted to move, they couldn't."


Are You Happy?
"If you don't know, I was outcased this time last year from the Jocks. Being at Buckley for as long as I have, you kinda want to fit in. Once you get that first taste of all that being an A-Lister has to offer and the connections you can make, it's hard to not want more. And as a middle class kid, I can't lie and say that it hadn't been appealing to me. Not the being a jock part because I was always gonna be an athlete, whether or not those fuckers wanted me on the team with them or not. But I could see myself, not necessarily losing myself, but not fully being me. I don't like when jocks shove kids into lockers or trashcans, or bully people for no reason other than to make themselves feel good. I never did any of those things, but I stood by for the longest while because I liked fitting in. I was never rich like them or pretentious, but I was impressive enough to get in with the right people. And then sophomore year happened and I started to get close with Rhaps. I won't say that she's the main reason I ended up being kicked out and clique-less until almost the end of junior year, but she was a factor. They didn't like me getting close to anyone who wasn't a Lister and I eventually told them about themselves. Aaliyah still thinks that shit is hilarious. She said that she was more than willing to override and just make me one of her Royals. Even without being wealthy, to be shielded socially by the queen of everything was an honor not many of them can say that they have. But I just was done with the Listers. Eventually, I made my way into the Drifters and I'm perfectly fine with that. Hell, I feel lighter."

Would you change? To What?
Not At All

Clubs? Sport Teams?
Point Guard for Basketball Team, Pitcher for Baseball Team, and member on the Varsity Club

What are you looking forward to the most?
Graduation Day


So begins...

Derek Escuyos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaliyah Shanks Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Luke Escuyos
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Friday, December 9, 2016 | 4:45 PM

_____ T H EXD R A M A T I CXO N E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: The Escuyos Family Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #DEB887
Thought Color ✧ #8E6837

_____ T H EXA T H L E T E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: The Escuyos Family Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
Thought Color ✧ #3f0000

"What's the point of even having a phone if you ain't even gonna answer it?" Luke demanded the second Derek jogged through the front door, accepting the towel he had purposefully left on the coffee table from his brother. Wiping it over his sweaty chest, Derek took in his brother's attire for the evening. Luke must, as always, be already ready for tonight's impromptu party. It was impromptu in the sense that this hadn't been planned for days to come like most parties the A-Listers threw and it didn't include some random ass theme that forced people to either spend the money they didn't have, or scrounge up stuff together from what they did. It was a regular high school party for high school kids that didn't require too much on anyone's part, a welcoming surprise considering the last two weeks of getting together last-minute projects and cramming for finals. And of course, no matter if it was the usual kind of party they dealt with or not, Luke just had to show off.

"Sorry, didn't realize I was inconveniencing anyone since my girlfriend, you know, the one I actually need to answer to knows that I was going for a run before picking her up," was Derek's response as he removed his hat. It had been his defense against having the sun's ways in his eyes and his hair - despite still being shorter than what he was used to - was wet with sweat underneath. In the process of running the towel over his damp hair, Derek missed the exaggerated eye roll of annoyance from the Wannabe. "Well, you did inconvenience me and I feel as though the best way you can make it up to me is by getting me an Uber in the next two point five seconds or you're cancelled." Derek chuckled, throwing his towel in Lucas' face just to hear the sound of disgust. "Last I checked, you had your own money," Derek reminded him and began to walk away. The party wasn't happening for the next hour and some change, so he figured that he could hop in to take a quick shower and then drive over to Rhapsody to get her to come out. "Yeah, but Gramps wanted to bitch and moan about mom saying something about my web data use and how it made the bill go up, so I had to give her some money or whatever, so are you gonna give it to me or what?" Derek had to pause at his bedroom door then, shooting both an impressed and surprised look his brother's way. "Oh shit, you adulting? Never thought I'd see the day." Derek's explanation probably didn't give Lucas enough credit considering the fact that his brother had two jobs to his own one, but Luke was stingy with his money and that was a fact. Even if it was his part of the phone bill that had possibly stressed their mother out, Luke normally would have bitched right back at their grandfather before storming out and complaining that everyone was against him when he hadn't even done anything, and a host of other things he would have still had lingering under his breath for the next few days. "I'm so used to you being ready to start World War III in here that I wouldn't have even thought you would - "

"Ok, but is you finished or is you done cuz I got places to be, people to see, and bitches to slay?" Luke interrupted with a neck roll of attitude, his annoyance amplified by how lax Derek was being for a guy who had yet to say that he was going to be a good brother for once. Not that Derek wasn't typically a good brother, but Luke honestly didn't have time and his impatience was showing. Derek laughed then and placed a hand in his left sweatpants pocket where his phone was. "And where do you think you're going?" Luke huffed. "I ain't gotta tell you. Who do you think you are? My father?" Derek raised an eyebrow and pulled his phone out. "Nah, just the guy who needs to know the location so that the driver knows where they're taking you." Luke didn't even bother to grant the "oh" his lips had formed for a second an audible sound; he just rolled his eyes, pulled his own phone out, and leaned against the door frame while he explained, "Well, if you must know, Leah invited me to come pre-game with her and let her and whomever else is coming get ready for the party, and then she was gonna be my ride there." And Derek didn't miss the pride in Luke's voice when he spoke. To this day, he wasn't exactly sure why becoming an A-Lister was going to be so great for Lucas in any way. Sure, being friends with Aaliyah could be fun; Derek had proof of that. But still, the fact that his brother was so pressed about it made him wary, but he typed in the essentials before giving Luke a look. "Alright, driver will be here in three minutes. Can you try not to go all out tonight? I do not need to bring you home wasted again.." Luke beamed in triumph. [color=#DEB887]" promises. Love you!" He sing-songed and skipped away, typing out a text to Rhapsody while Derek text Aaliyah.

To: Leah
Don't let him go overboard like last time.

To: Derek
No promises ;D

To: Rhaps
Ur boyfriend's a party pooper


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaliyah Shanks Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Luke Escuyos Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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XXOutfit: TBA
XXHair: Link Here
XXLocation: Vincent household, Bathroom & Her Room
XXDialogue Color ✦ #50A6C2
XXThought Color ✧ #0198E1





XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Vincent household, His Room & Bathroom
XXDialogue Color ✦ #458B00
XXThought Color ✧ #9CBA7F

Malcolm was messing with his watch, tightening so it wouldn't slide off his wrist during the night but was also looking at his reflection in the mirror hanging from the door in his room. "Rhaps. Rhaps." When he wasn't able to hear his little sister respond he rolled her eyes and took a deep breath before trying again. "Rhapsody Iman!" Finally he heard the artist groan. "I said 'what'?!" Their youngest sister could be chuckling as the interaction between the two older siblings. "C'mere, I got something for you to give to Derek." Rhaps rolled her eyes. "I am in the middle of something! You will have to come here." You can clearly see the differences between the jock and the artist as soon as you meet them with just hearing the conversation you can hear the difference in accents while Rhapsody's was a lot thicker and more of what people believed those with French accent spoke with while Malcolm took speech classes just to get rid of his for the most part.

"Stop talking to her and just come over here, for God's sakes. I'm doin' something and she'll end up bald if she moves--... Stop moving!" Rhapsody groaned as her sister tilted her head forward. The oldest rolled his eyes before looking at himself on last time before walking towards the bathroom but stopped the second he saw Angela standing above Rhapsody with his good pair of razors on the back of her neck getting the last small unruly kinks in Rhapsody's hair. "You're seriously getting rid of her kitchen now? That couldn't wait til tomorrow or somethin'?" Angela finished the last small chuck before turning off the razors, setting them down, and turning to her big brother with an eyebrow raised. "No, it could not. What I'm doing with her hair tonight it wouldn't look right." Finally Rhapsody rolled her neck to fix the kink in her neck from keeping her head down for so long. She looked at herself in the mirror, taken back at how she looked for two reasons: one, she wasn't used to having her hair up in space buns seeing that she mostly just let her hair down and let it do whatever it wanted and two, she definitely wasn't used to doing her makeup just because she was going out but her baby sister insisted seeing that Rhapsody wasn't big on partying in the first place. She knew there was a big probability that Luke would be bitter about someone else doing her makeup but, he probably would just like the fact that she was actually using her makeup. She grabbed her phone assuming it was the oldest Escuyos sibling but it was Luke. Speak of the devil. She laughed at the message before texting both of them.

To: Luke
I know. That is what I love most about him. lol

To: Luke
What did he do to you now baby?

To: Mon homme (My man//Derek)
Stop being a party pooper and come get me. You're in for a surpise. ;)

She turned towards the door to see her brother with his arms crossed. "What do you need me to give to your boyfriend?" He lost the smirk on his face. "Nevermind I'll just leave it on the counter," She nodded as he walked out of view and to his room to grab his little surprise for his close friend. "La jalousie n'est pas mignonne pour vous. Vous voudrez peut-Γͺtre regarder cela." (Jealous is not cute on you. You might want to watch that.)

"Oh whatever!" Angela's phone went off on the counter as she handed Rhaps a maroon lip stain that she didn't even know she owned. The younger girl text whoever was on the other side back before looking up at her sister. "I picked like four outfits out from Assata's clothes for you to pick from. I gotta go, my ride's here. Also, put this on right before you get there. " Rhapsody stood up from the chair with a confused look on her face as she grabbed chair she had been sitting it to put it back in their dining area. "Should I not just put it on now?" She set the chair back at their small table. Angela turned around and shook her head. "No, because Derek's picking you up and I doubt it's going stay." Malcolm made a groan of disgust. He knew that Rhapsody and Derek had been together for about a year but that didn't mean he wanted to think about his best friend and his little sister like that. "Well, I'm sorry but it's true. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I'm spending the night at Bethany's. And Rhaps, if you go into that garage of yours and mess up your hair or makeup. I swear to God." Rhapsody just rolled her eyes. "I will not go into my garage." Angela pointed at her with her eyebrows raised before grabbing her overnight bag with her name sewed on the side before walking out the front door. Meanwhile, Malcolm was looking at his phone through the text messages he had with the only one he bothered answering was Leah's for numerous reasons mostly because the other were his teammate already getting drunk for Ace's party. He didn't even notice Rhapsody walking in.

To: Leah
Aquarium for sure. That damn garden just a zoo for plants.

To: Leah
I'll be there soon.

Rhapsody smirked at the appearance of an actual grin on her brother's face as she looked at the bottle of wine on the wooden counter next to him. "Who are you texting?" She tried to lean over to see a name on the phone but seeing that her brother was over a foot taller than her it was close to impossible before he moved away from her with his grin turning into a smirk. "Mind your own but nice try, munchkin." Rhapsody rolled her eyes before grabbing the bottle in front of her. "One of these days I'm gonna get it out of you or D who you're dating."

"Go ahead and try, he doesn't know either." Which wasn't a lie. Sure his friend knew he was... talking to someone or whatever you could call it but he never told him who it was. Seeing that he knew sooner or later Rhapsody's nosey ass would get him to say who it was and he knew what she thought of Aaliyah. She didn't hate the queen bee but she did have her hesitations about her especially with how close she was to Derek and with how she was her primary competition for valedictorian. He didn't need her opinion on it especially because she did take his opinion a year ago even if it did turn out for the best."And we're not dating." Rhapsody turned her smirk into a smile. "So there is a girl." He lifted his eyes up from his phone before sliding it in his back pocket. "I'm not talking about this," He reached in the fridge for a bottle of Grey Goose and put it on the marble counter top next to him."But, here." The look on Rhapsody's face said it all. Her mouth was open with her brows furrowed."What's with the look?" Rhapsody scoffed. "Who the hell is that for?"

"That wine is for you and this is for Derek," Rhapsody grabbed the bottle in shock at how heavy it was. "Why?" Was the only question she could ask while holding the bottle. Tell him it's an early anniversary present for spending one excruciating year with you." She tilted her head to the side as she placed her hands on her hips. "Funny. What is he going to do with it?" Malcolm gestured with his hands. "Drink it. You're uptight and it's rubbing off on him. I wanna have fun with my friend tonight." The artist just smacked her lips before rolling her eyes and putting her hands up in defense as she grabbed the bottle setting both of them behind her. Before she could turn Malcolm was back on his phone probably text some of her teammates about how he was running late but would be there soon. Which exactly what he was doing. He locked his phone and grabbed another bottle of Grey Goose out of the fridge for himself. "I gotta get goin'. I'll see you later."

"Oh, the great listers are calling." Malcolm rolled his eyes before kissing his sister's head. He knew she was kidding even though she didn't have a great taste in her mouth about some of the jocks after what happened between them and Derek but that was between them. The guys had always been cool with him and as long as he didn't need to break up any fights tonight it would be a good time. Before he walked out the door, he turned to Rhapsody just remembering something."Mom and dad will be back at noon tomorrow and I'm probably not going to be here tonight. So in other words, don't be stupid tonight."

"I promise and don't be stupid with your secret little friend either." They both just chuckled before he walked out and Rhapsody made her way to her room to see what outfits she was going to have to choose from. She was pray they weren't all skirts meant to show off that 'cute little butt' as Angela called it seeing that everything Rhapsody was used to wear was loose and flowy not showing off the shape her sisters envied and shirts with slits to show off the little amount of cleavage she had with high ass boots that pretty much went to her thighs since she was so much shorter than everyone else in her family. She knew she meant well but Anglea and her mama always chose outfits out that seemed like she was trying to get a guy, not impress the one she had or make those girls around her jealous. Which was the goal for tonight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Ace Bronson
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_____ T H EXA T H L E T E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: The Escuyos Family Home: His Bedroom
Dialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
Thought Color ✧ #3f0000

The one thing Derek could appreciate about his bedroom was the ceiling fan his parents had scrounged up to get installed about two years ago. Only the master bedroom and their grandparents' bedroom had ceiling fans initially, and considering the fact that he ran a bit hotter than normal on a regular basis and was privy to overheating at times, the addition to his room had come as a welcome reprieve that he hadn't hesitated in showing his gratitude for. Especially now. Though he could definitely say that he needed the shower after the running and stretching he had done, and especially after the day's grime had felt like it lingered even in his pores, a hot shower only served to make him feel warmer than normal, and the fan's high speed was much appreciated. The cool air kissed his fevered skin when he returned to his bedroom with just a towel slung low on his hips along with another one on his shoulders. Derek basked in it, taking the time to check his phone for the notifications and text messages he figured would be there. To no surprise at all, there were a few from classmates he followed on Instagram and Snapchat who were already at Ace's place setting up or just hanging out in their stories, and others pre-gaming for the party. The already drunken tomfoolery caused a deep chuckle to escape before he turned his attention to first texting Ace and then responding to Rhapsody. The latter made his smile just a bit brighter.

To: Ace
Sum1 feelin brand new n shit. Got new friends at ur place n couldnt invite nobody. Dats cool

To: Rhaps
U naked? I like those kinds of surprises ;D

Derek didn't bother asking Luke about where he was yet. He figured he could get on that when he was on his way out of the door. He used the towel around his shoulder to catch the stray droplets of water from his head, belatedly pleased with not having to deal with his longer hair. He really didn't need to walk out of the house after a lecture from his grandmother about going out at night with his hair still slightly wet and how colds can happen in any weather, whether cold or hot. He'd never get anywhere if he had to deal with that. Derek could definitely admit that he wasn't exactly the fashion-forward sibling of the family, but he could at least dress himself, especially if the style was casually. Regardless of whatever smart comment Luke would come up with, there wasn't a moment that Derek had ever walked out of the house looking like a bum. He put in a bit of an effort, though not much, in finding a good attire for the evening, but soon enough he was lacing up his sneakers and pulling on the beanie he had found in his closet. Grabbing his keys and wallet, he shoved those into his pockets and then scooped up his fully charged phone, making sure to text Rhapsody while calling out, "Lola at lolo, ako pagpunta sa para sa gabi. Huwag maghintay para sa amin!" {Grams, Gramps, I'm headed out for the night. Don't wait up for us.}

To: Rhaps
Omw. Getting gas 1rst


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent
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XXHair: Link Here
XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Vincent household, Rhapsody's Room
XXDialogue Color ✦ #9F5F9F
XXThought Color ✧ #0198E1

Rhapsody before even getting to her room to see the outfits. She realized she should probably care for both of her pets seeing that her parents had taken their dog, Coco with them to some fancy gathering of musicians with their animals and seeing that Rhapsody was the only on that appreciated Philip and Raphael. Coco was the obvious choice for them. She made sure to fill Philip's bowl in the kitchen and Raphie's in his huge cage in the corner of their living room so they wouldn't go unfed all night while she was out. And also for the bird not to start screaming in the middle of the night and Philip wouldn't slip into her bed while the couple's sleeping, giving both her and Derek heart attacks. She made her way into her room with the bottle of wine in hand to get ready for the night.

Within seconds music could be heard throughout the house as she looked at the five, not four and a quarter since one of them barely categorized as a whole outfit. She chuckled and rubbed her head. "Jesus. We will never get the house if I wear most of these." Looking down at the shoes she wasn't surprised what she saw, no flats. Every single pair of shoes for the outfits were heels that would at least make her look 5'5, 5'6 which she wasn't sure about. She liked her height, it was one of the things she never had a problem with when it came to her appearance. Before she could continue complaining, she heard her phone go off. She heard it go off before but she was too busy taking care of her pets to answer it. Again it was Luke and Derek. It was as if they has powers to text her at the same time. She chuckled at Luke but quickly lost her smile when she read Derek. The sooner he realized that guessing that didn't mean that was the surprise every time even if she knows he wished it was.

To: Luke
lol you love us and you know it <3

To: Mon Homme
that is not always going to be the surprise. it's no longer a surprise if you guess that.

To: Mon Homme
you'll just have to get here & see.

The more she looked at the message, she got a mischievous smirk on her face. She knew he'd like the makeup and the hair but, he was a guy. He didn't care about that at least not as much as his brother would when he saw her. Instead of picking one of the outfits she decided to wait until her baby got here in order to get his opinion since she couldn't decide since they all were so different from what she was used to wearing out. But she did grab one piece of clothing from her closet along with a headband because just because she was stepping out didn't mean she would go anywhere without her signature no matter how much her sisters hated it. She slid her black robe on over her outfit and just laid on her bed with the wine on her nightstand already almost half way gone. She looked at her phone not bothering to reply to his message of being on the way just to tease him a bit and to leave him on 'read' because she's petty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaliyah Shanks Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: En Route to the Shanks estate
XXDialogue Color ✦ #458B00
XXThought Color ✧ #9CBA7F


It never took long for Malcolm to get to the Shanks' house seeing that the manor was less twenty minutes or so away from the Vincent household but what he always seemed to forget was that if you needed to be anywhere in LA, you needed to add ten minutes to that time with how much traffic that would be at 5. He was honking his horn and groaning when he saw his phone light up. He took a deep breath trying to calm himself down from, reaching for the phone to see Leah's name. He chuckled before swiping it open. While he was answering to her, he didn't notice the light turning green and the cars ahead of him moving forward making the car behind him honk. "Alright, I'm movin'. Damn.". Driving his car, he grabbed his phone and pressed sent before putting it back down so he wouldn't get into an accident or something.

To: Leah
animals are nature. and there'll be time for guy time after I get some time with my girl

He knew Leah wasn't exactly 'his girl' but, he certainly knew that he was more than just some guy she liked to hang around with, even if she didn't want to admit it to him or even to herself. She didn't have to with how the two interacted it was clear there was holding her back. It was infuriating, sure. Annoying, absolutely but it wasn't enough to make him just throw his hands up and walk away from whatever it was Leah and him had going on. Before he knew it he was in front of Leah's house fixing himself up before getting out of the car with his phone in his back pocket and bottle in hand. The butler who answered the door just smiled towards him knowing who Malcolm was. He spent too many days and nights here not to have the staff know who he was or at least know his face. He set the bottle down and decided it was probably best for him to text her instead of just barging upstairs.

To: Leah
come be a good host and come say hi. ;)

While waiting for a response or hearing her come down the stairs Malcolm decided to send a text to Derek to make sure he or Rhapsody didn't do anything too stupid before getting to the party.

To: Derek
make sure Rhaps doesn't do anything stupid. and dont do anything stupid urself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent
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0.00 INK


XXHair: Link Here
XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Vincent household, Front room & her bedroom
XXDialogue Color ✦ #9F5F9F
XXThought Color ✧ #0198E1





XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Vincent household, Front room & Her bedroom
XXDialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
XXThought Color ✧ #3f0000

Within the last twenty minutes the bottle of wine Malcolm had given her was gone and she was on to another one of her bottles that they had in the kitchen. The best part about being in the Vincent house was that their parents had no problem with them drinking things like beer and especially wine seeing that it was a part of their dinner most nights. But everything else, every other hard liquor was something they couldn't have in the house or be caught drinking. That rule was more for Malcolm than it was for Rhapsody. She wasn't big on drinking hard liquors but that didn't stop her older brother from hiding a few bottles from his stash in laundry basket in Rhaps' closet underneath a pile of Derek's clothes, mostly consisting of oversized tee-shirts and sweatpants that she had never gotten around to giving back and had no plan on giving any of them back anytime soon. As far she was concerned they were hers until he took them without her noticing. With her glass in her hand, she peeked out the front window to see if Derek was there yet. No sight of him. She groaned. "Ugh! Why does he have to live 40 minutes away?!"

To the surprise of no one who really knew him, Derek very much preferred to drive fast, especially when he was using his backstreets and directions that GPS would normally not know a thing about. It was one of the reasons why he had been so comfortable with driving Rhapsody to school; despite the distance between their homes, after learning a quicker way the second time he had ever picked her up, the drive was a breeze. The issue, then, was the fact that there had been a number of cars already at the gas station. Which meant a stuck for the meantime and definitely annoyed Derek. Soon enough, though, the gas was pumped and he kicked it up to get to Rhapsody, an easy grin like that of a child living off of the high that came with the knowledge of a soon-to-be acquiescence of sugar on his face as he got closer to her house. Pulling up and putting the SUV in park, Derek quickly sent a text to Rhapsody before hopping out. A few large steps brought him to the front door and Derek leaned against the doorframe, lax and rapping on the door to get her attention if the text did not.

To: Rhaps
Im outside babe

Rhaps heard the door at the same time she heard her phone go off on the counter. She just saw Derek's name and an uncontrollable smile began to spread on her face. She scurried to the door so quick that she almost didn't notice Philip in front of her and almost tripped on the poor guy. She picked her cat up and softly put him in his little bed next to the couch. She scurried to the door, glass in hand as she opened the door to see her boyfriend leaning against the doorframe. The small girl just looked him up and down with a smirk. "Well, who are you trying to impress tonight looking like that?" A smile spreading on her face. If possible, Derek's grin seemed to widen the second the door flung open and his girl came into view...which was a very nice view. Though he felt more inclined to have the semi-sheer material off of her so that he could get a much better look. Nevertheless, there was no denying his visceral attraction to the diminutive artist for Derek didn't preen nor fluster beneath Rhapsody's appraisal. He simply stared back, eyes nearly colorless beneath the high stage lights, hooded and shamelessly hungry. "Well, you see, there's this might know her, she's very gorgeous. Can't miss her," he began, tongue peeking out to run over his lower lip. The artist chuckled as she tried to hide her smirk as she rolled her large brown eyes at the man who towered over her. She returned her gaze to Derek after setting her cup down so she could cross her arms with a smirk still on her face as he talked about this gorgeous girl he was wanting to impress. "Wow, she sounds like a real catch."

"Though...and you can't tell her I said this or she'd have my ass and yours, she's got absolutely nothing on you, syota." {Sweetheart} As he continued, she wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at her boyfriend with her smile only growing when he spoke to her in Tagalog. She may not have been fluent but she knew enough words to know when he was calling her by a pet name. "Aw, nice save. But wait until you see want Angela picked out for me. It will leave my guy declaring his undying love for me, I might even forget your name by the end of the night." She started to pull away with a smirk. "Whoa whoa whoa," Derek exclaimed, hands firmly on her waist to keep her from getting too far away when Rhapsody began to pull away. Before she could turn away she smiled at Derek putting his hands on her small waist. Rhapsody turned back towards him, looking up in the eyes with a mischievous look in her eyes. She laid her hands on his arms. Smirking, Derek questioned, almost disbelievingly, "You mean to tell me your guy doesn't profess his undying love to you every single day?" Derek tsked and shook his head, feigning disappointment despite the playful smirk that never seemed to drop from his face. "Now, what's a girl like you doing with a chump like that? You've gotta drop him cuz he's obviously slipping."

She chuckled, pulling herself closer to him. "I do not know. He has kind of grown on me over time." She went on her tip toes giving him a peck on the lips. She moved her hands from his arms up his sides to pull him even closer to her with her wide smile still on her face. Laughing lightly, Derek didn't resist the kiss, tilting his head slightly to deepen it and wrapped his arms around her waist just a touch tighter to mold their bodies together. While he knew some guys weren't exactly fans of having girls who were that much shorter than them, Derek couldn't lie and say that he felt the same. In fact, he reveled in their height distance. As much as it was an ego trip he didn't like admitting to having, there was something about Rhapsody's slighter stature that made him want to puff his chest more, made him feel more secure in feeling as though he could protect her. Keep her safe. Especially from any other guy who happened to decide that they saw and loved what he saw every day. Breaking away from the kiss with a light gasp that never failed to leave his lips whenever he experienced the rush of pleasure that occurred with each kiss they shared, Derek smiled down at her, dimples fully showing. "Hi," he said, voice far more exuberantly boyish at that moment than he probably would have liked. She put a hand on his jaw and left the other on his side. When he pulled away it took a moment for her to open her eyes to see his dimples which only made her smile more. She chuckled. "Hi."

"I like growing on you, by the way. Apparently, that makes us both less fun according to brothers that shall not be named." She chuckled. "They are both just bitter. But, if it makes you feel better. Malcolm thinks I am the one rubbing off on you. Which is fine, better me than someone else." She found her hands going back and forth on his sides before finally snapping out of it for a second remembering Malcolm's little gift to his little bromance buddy."True," Derek murmured agreeably, humming from deep in his chest at the feel of her hands rubbing his sides. The act never failed to make his frame go lax, and Derek rested his forehead against hers and closed his eyes once more. "That actually reminds me. He left you something." Rhapsody didn't want to let go and it took her a minute to finally bring herself to let go. She walked into the kitchen and twirled around with the bottle of vodka in her small hands. She held it out towards her boyfriend.Then Rhapsody was bounding off and he stepped further into the house, closing the front door behind him when Rhapsody returned with a bottle in hand. "From Malcolm, to you with his congratulations for spending an entire excruciating year with me. His words, not mine." The sight made him laugh. "Leave it to Malc to be a dick." Still chuckling, Derek retrieved the bottle, using his other hand to pull Rhapsody back against him. He could still taste the wine he had first been able to decipher from the seam of her lips, and smirked. "Though I'm starting to feel a little left out since somebody already started the party without me."

She chuckled along with Derek from his comment about Malcolm, which couldn't be truer. "He is always a dick." Rhapsody loved her brother, she did but he was a lot more pessimism than Rhapsody was. While the young artist saw life and love through rose-colored glasses which came along when she began dating Derek. Malcolm had a more bleak outlook on relationships in high school (or at least as far as Rhapsody knew). That most would end after graduation and that long distance relationships rarely worked out, not that he voiced that last part knowing Rhapsody would begin to overthink about it and do something stupid that she would end up regretting. When Derek pulled her towards him, she grinned even though she was caught off guard, putting her hands on his chest as she laid her head down. When he said how he felt left out, she nervously chuckled before looking back up at him with a smile. "I have not the slightest idea what you are talking about." She raised her eyebrows as she leaned into him, laying her chin on his chest with her puppy dog eyes looking up at her man. "The party has not even gotten started." She grabbed the bottle from his hand and set it back down before kissing him again this time with her hands grabbing onto his white tee. Okay, so maybe the bottle and a half of wine she had were starting to hit. "Come on, we have the house to ourselves. I have outfits to try on and I need a judge. Feel like volunteering?" She pouted her lips with the corners of her lips still curving into a smile. When Rhapsody kissed him again, hands gripping his shirt, Derek's own hands slipped down to her hips, gripping them firmly as he didn't hesitate to return her kiss. She could say what she wanted, but he was very much aware of how confident his girl could be with the accompaniment of alcohol. And there was no denying her prior consumption, not when he tasted it on her breath and tongue. However, a mention of outfits to try on and her lips against his were enough incentive for him to life the petite artist, separating their lips long enough to maneuver her into a bridal style position. Laughing at her expression, Derek said, "Now you're talking my language."

"Oh, my God." She covered her mouth as started to laugh. She was completely caught off guard. She hid her face in his shoulder for a second before looking back at him. "Luke is rubbing off on you because that was extra and completely unnecessary." She looked at him for a second before kissing his cheek and working her way to his jaw. She got really touchy-feely when wine got in her system and it only got worst with hard liquors which was the main reason she rarely ever drank anything harder than wine. When they made it to her room, she completely forgot she had music playing. She looked at him for a second as he carried her to her room, just taking in the view of what was hers. "That Escuyos flair," Derek proclaimed on the way to her bedroom, bearing Rhapsody's weight quite easily. He actually could carry Lucas if the idiot didn't stop beating his weight down in the worst way just to spite Derek. It wasn't his fault that Luke's scream of surprise was an even higher pitch that Rhaps'. But of course, Derek always had to be the one to answer for Lucas' misgivings since no one else humored him enough. Soon enough, they were in Rhapsody's room and Derek didn't even have enough time to tease her for pretending like she hadn't already partaken in alcohol consumption with the half empty wine bottle as evidence before his girlfriend was bouncing out of his arms.

When he set her down, it took her a moment to snap out of it and made her way to her closet. Not answering him as she had a guilty smile on her face before turning back around. She looked through the outfits before deciding on the one she counted as a 'quarter of an outfit' that was a flannel dress, that honestly was just a flannel she had 'borrowed' from Derek and never gave back that Angela paired with a pair of thigh high black boots from their eldest sister. She slid off the black robe revealing her matching maroon floral lingerie but before Derek could even think about what had just happened Rhapsody smirked towards him and disappeared behind her tapestry in front of her closet opening. He did, however, raise a playful eyebrow at her when she peered at him at his discovery of the music. "Someone was really trying to get this party started without me." Derek stated, picking up the bottle and sitting at the edge of Rhapsody's bed, taking a swig of it that would have Ben far more graceful had some people not decided then was a great time to strip out of her robe and run behind their tapestry before he could get a better view of the lingerie. "Shit," Derek choked, quick to wipe any wine before it dribbled to his white shirt or her bed. Breathing back to normal, he didn't hesitate to mock whisper, "Tease."

She smirked when she heard him whispering as she buttoned the flannel, keeping the top three unbuttoned. The shirt itself stopped right before her knees. Having a boyfriend who was a foot taller than you did have its advantages. She peeked out from behind the fabric with a smile. "Okay, outfit number one and I think you might like it." She had the boots in hand as she came out from behind. "So, what do you think?" She smirked towards him as she turned around. When Rhapsody came back around for him to view her first option, Derek instantly recognized his shirt, which resulted in another raised eyebrow. Chuckling, he slid back onto the bed until his back touched the wall, comfortably maneuvering himself so that his feet remained off the bed (they were going to anyway with his height) and so that he could peer up at her with a grin. "I's cute or whatever. My outfit would compliment your outfit. We'd be one of those sickeningly cute couples you hear about on Instagram - except we'd be hot cuz I'm hot and by default, since you're with me, you'd be hot too," She just nodded with her arms crossed. "Wow, that is the most romantic thing you have ever said to me." She watched him take a sip from the bottle before he spoke again. "Only one problem though," She raised her eyebrows again with her hands on her small hips. "And what would that be?"

"You said this was the first outfit when clearly there was a whole other outfit you tried to hide before you put this on. If you're gonna put on a fashion show, you should at least show all of the looks for the evening. It's only fair." She acted as if she had no idea what he was talking about for a moment before having an 'ah-ha' moment. "Oh, you mean this outfit?" She started to unbutton the shirt. "Right here?" She looked towards her boyfriend and put her hands on her hips when she undid the last button. "I just thought you wouldn't like it. It is not really your style." She smirked. Derek set the wine bottle aside as he watched, eyes hooded, as Rhapsody began to unbutton the shirt, strip by strip of tantalizing golden brown skin being revealed with each release of a button. He licked his lower lip when she was done as it had gone dry in those few seconds. Not even bothering to pretend to not want to touch, Derek slid back onto his feet and took two large steps towards his little artist, placing his hands just above hers, fingers grazing the soft skin of her sides. Leaning down, Derek pressed his nose to her collarbone, inhaling the sweet warmth of her skin before mouthing his way up her throat, an occasional nip here and there as he pressed her body closer to his. His nose ghosted over that spot just below her ear before his lips pressed against the shell of her ear and whispered in a much lower and rougher register, lips tugging into a Cheshire grin, "Hmmm...I don't know. Looks like my style...maybe I need a need a closer inspection. Just to be sure, of course."

She only smiled as he moved towards her without saying a word. Which in her mind was always a good sign. It meant he really liked what he saw and that he couldn't think of anything to say and the same went for Rhapsody when she liked her view. She tossed the boots out of her hand as he walked towards her. The small girl only wrapped her arms around him, letting her hands find their way to his back with her recently done fingernails lightly trailing up and down his back. She felt chills go through her body as he kissed her only for him to talk in that deep voice that drove her crazy. She giggled like a child until she finally caught herself doing it and looked him the eyes. "Right, just to make sure like what you see. Right, bébé garçon." (Babyboy) She kissed him again on her tip toes with her hands going along his jaw. Derek shuddered, not just at the feel of her fingernails against his back through his shirt, but at her speaking French. Just hearing her speak the language made a spark of lust shoot through his veins and his mouth was back at hers a second later. "Right," he murmured, slid his hands to the back of her thighs, and then hoisted the girl back into his arms. Though this time, her legs were around his waist and Derek was pretty sure they were not going to be on time for Ace's party. He also was pretty sure he didn't really care.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cydnee Black Character Portrait: Aaliyah Shanks Character Portrait: Camila Santos Character Portrait: Juliette Arnault Character Portrait: Poppy A. Rothschild Character Portrait: Catarina Valentine
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Friday, December 9, 2016 | 8:30 PM

_____ T H EXD R A M A T I CXO N E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: The Bronson Family Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #DEB887
Thought Color ✧ #8E6837

At some point, Luke had lost Camila, Cydnee and Juliette - not that it was too much of a surprise. Royals just didn't show up to parties with Wannabes, which was fine. He wasn't salty, not at all. Plus, Aaliyah hadn't even been with them when they arrived, remarking that her niece had not been really asleep when Aaliyah had set her in her room. And considering the fact that Aaliyah never really ever, as far as Luke was concerned, didn't leave the house without checking in on the toddler, it made sense that she didn't want to leave when the girl obviously knew that she was still in the house. So, she was just going to get Malcolm to bring her after she made sure that the young girl had something on her stomach that wasn't a snack and was comfortable in her room. It didn't even occur to Lucas to even question it at the time because the tequila sunrise, combined with a shot or three - who's really counting - of the vodka Malcolm had brought, made him giddy for the night ahead of them. So, so what if the Royals promptly ditched him considering the fact that their queen wasn't present to force them to humor him? He didn't need them.

He totally did. Screw whatever his bitter tipsy side said.

Nevertheless, when it hit eight o'clock, Luke was having a pretty good time grinding against this scrumptious looking Animal. It wasn't his scrumptious, super mysterious for no damn reason but obviously in the best way Animal, sure, but Roman wasn't even his to begin with, let alone to be thinking about when he had hot, semi-sweaty male behind him. Buckley may not have been the about a lot of things, especially sexuality, but house parties like these were where there really weren't no rules. You could do what you wanted with who you wanted. Granted, depending on who you were, you would probably want to keep a bit quiet if you were caught with a person far below you on the hierarchy, but again it was a party. Shit happened at a party. Not many took the time to judge at a party. And Luke was taking advantage, sucking down the contents of the wine cooler bottle like it was nothing but water. To him, it was considering it was pretty much a flavored beer and not at all as biting as something like vodka or tequila, but definitely enough alcohol to make him feel A-ok with everything. Including texting Rhapsody.

To: Rhaps
Stop sucking mi brotha's face & come dance wit me

To: Rhaps
Plz D: D: D: D:

_____ T H EXP E R F O R M E R _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Glowzone LA
Dialogue Color ✦ #F277A8
Thought Color ✧ #71C9C5

"Ok, but where do you wanna go next?" Genneya asked after stealing a handful from the fry basket on their table. By the time eight o'clock had come, she was starving, but had been in the middle of girls vs. boys skyscraper rope course race that she just had to give her all to because she would be darned if Louis thought for a second that the boys were going to win. Granted, she did love her some Chris, but he ultimately was grouped in with the rest of them and was the enemy at the time. Sadly enough, it was a tie that Genneya swore they were going to broke, but she was a part of their group that had wanted to go back to their tables and get their grub on. Her mom had rented the whole place out for the evening, leaving the lower school division to do as they pleased. So, Gigi hadn't even hesitated or felt the least bit ashamed when she grabbed three slices of the meat lover's pizza, a basket of lightly salted french fries that she totally was going to share with whomever she was sitting with - which happened to be Chris and a few other classmates - and a strawberry crush that had just been refilled.

She dipped a fry into what used to be Chris' large dollop of ketchup, but it was currently more of a puddle of tomato-y goodness that she was going to steal since their table didn't have a ketchup bottle and she didn't feel like calling to someone to bring her one or ask for the direction the one they had been using went. Besides, friends didn't let friends go without ketchup. There was a handbook and everyone needed to read it. After a few chews, she continued, "We could do the laser maze or the arcade...pretty sure I'm gonna kick your butt anyway, but I figured I'd let you decide which one you wanted to lose to me in."Grinning at her own audacity, Genneya playfully captured the straw from her cup between her lips, sucking the sweet carbonated beverage up to chase the salty fried goodness she honestly had an addiction to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Poppy A. Rothschild Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXA T H L E T E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Ace Bronson Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
Thought Color ✧ #3f0000

At some point, though Derek could not recall the actual time, he and Rhapsody had gone their separate ways. She had met up with one of her Artist friends who had something about them going outside, and in all honesty, Derek wanted her to have that time with them. It was one thing for him to always say that she had walked out the house looking good; it was different and maybe even better when friends - people she spent a substantial amount of time with - said it. So, a quick kiss on the mouth and a promise to meet up later, and he had been on his own. A few of the Drifters had apparently decided to chill out in one of the sitting rooms because there was a game console in there and apparently there was some kind of war between going on between the Drifters and the Skaters. Derek couldn't exactly ignore that.

Soon enough, though, Derek was in need of a beer run and quickly got up to go get one, chuckling along with his friend, Gabriel because of the weird ass victory dance one of the girls did. It didn't take him long to get to one of the coolers in one of the more heavily populated rooms of the full house, grabbing a few beer bottles just in case someone else wanted one. He literally turned around only a second too fast and practically collided with Poppy, tightening his grip on the four bottles he was holding while trying to keep them both steady. "Shit, Pops," he hissed, casting her an apologetic glance. Once he was sure that they both were steady and not going to topple over, the realization that she was pretty much in his arms hit him and Derek took a few steps back, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry about that. Either I'm drunker than I thought I was, or I really need to pay attention. You ok?" He was pretty certain that he wasn't drunk because no, he had not really drank the alcohol Malcolm had left for him with Rhapsody considering the fact that he had to drive. And anything too hard would result in him being the last person to be trusted, fast metabolism aside. Nevertheless, now that he found himself alone with Poppy Rothschild - not that they were really alone in a crowded home - Derek was reminded why they never really were in the first place.

Derek could admit that he was wrong when he had slept with a few girls without really trying for anything more. To be fair, they had all come into bed with him with the knowledge that he wasn't leading them on. He wasn't giving false hope. Most of them were either random hook-ups because the mood had struck or drunk. Poppy was one of the latter. Not that he didn't find her to be absolutely gorgeous because she was - but she also wasn't for him. Derek couldn't say type because it wasn't fair, but he definitely knew - just from having hung in the same circle as her for awhile - that it wouldn't have been a fulfilling relationship if he had truly tried. Maybe high school was too early to be looking for fulfilling relationships, but it was hard not to when you literally woke up every day to see two prime examples of what forever was supposed to look like. So, occasionally, despite the fact that she had never really been rude or mean to him, it felt awkward interacting with Poppy. Especially knowing how much she and Rhapsody hated each other. Which was why seeing Malcolm emerging literally out of nowhere was like divine intervention of some sort. "Malcolm, man, what's good," he greeted, a bit more warmly as his friend approached and Derek didn't hesitate to hand him one of the cold brews. He also noticed Malcolm's almost troubled expression and inquired, "Dude, you good?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cydnee Black Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Luke Escuyos
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0.00 INK


XXHair: Link Here
XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Ace Bronson's House//Party
XXDialogue Color ✦ #9F5F9F
XXThought Color ✧ #0198E1

Like the couple assumed both Derek and Rhapsody were late getting ready and as a result, late to Ace's party but neither of them were really complaining about, not after their little... pregame, for lack of a better word. And they were have gotten there sooner if somebody would have stopped giving her those puppy dog eyes about getting out of bed to get ready. But, after twenty minutes of procrastinating, of just lying in bed with her head on his chest while he rubbed her side. She knew she needed to get ready or else they wouldn't have ended up going. She still needed to redo her hair, and somehow salvage what was left of her makeup. But she couldn't bring herself to wear any of the outfits her sister had given her. They just weren't her, her style was indie, eclectic, and overall it was the perfect representation of Rhapsody as a person. It was all her owned and all the dresses either hit right in the middle of her thigh or was so tight that the lines of undergarments were showing through. And despite what Derek said because he would say she "looked beautiful in anything or nothing at all." Which was not what she needed to hear at the moment. When they finally made it to the party, Rhapsody had decided on a skirt, that was Assata's that hug her hips along with one of her own shirts, a pair of surprisingly tall black booties that made her about 5'6 in height, which was complete with an army green jacket that was either Malcolm's or Derek's. Though she was leaning towards the latter seeing that even though she loved her boyfriend's body. Her brother was a lot bigger and she would be swimming in the jacket even more than she already was.

The couple made it to the party with Rhapsody a lot tipsier than she meant to get while Derek was still sober. She doesn't even know how long the couple spent together. They danced, hell just because she didn't like to dance in front of people didn't mean she couldn't dance when she felt either comfortable or had enough liquid courage to help her not care. When they were together she didn’t even feel her phone going off not once, but three times from Luke and Cydnee. Luke was asking her to come and dance with him while Cydnee was wanting her to come and save her. Part of her felt bad that she didn’t realize the message until now when she was walking away from her boyfriend with a kiss and them saying they would meet up later. She knew she would probably end up driving and that was fine. She was always the one who got tipsy first and had to be taken care of. It would be nice to switch roles for a night even if Derek was too proud to admit he needed someone to take care of him. a group of her friends who kept complimenting how she looked tonight which only made her blush more than she already had when Derek commented on how she looked. She loved his opinion, she did but she didn’t feel like if he didn’t like something he would say so. She always went to the younger brother for that because while Luke loved her, he was bluntly honest when he didn’t like what she was wearing or if the small amount of makeup she was wearing didn’t look right. Mostly because as he liked to state she was on the arm of his brother and she needed to look fine as hell. Speaking of the devil, the small artist saw Luke through a few people in the crowd but before she could head over to him. It took her a moment to see that he was… preoccupied with something. Well, more like someone and she wasn’t about to get in the middle of it. Let him have his time, at least it wasn’t Roman. While she had nothing personal against the animal but she knew her boyfriend did. Probably and that was enough reason for her to at least be iffy about the blonde animal.

Looking through the crowd, she looked through the doors leading to the backyard just to see who looked like Cydnee, who’s eyes she would know anywhere (she painted them enough to recognize them within moments), Danielle, who while she wasn’t super close to she knew her enough, and someone else. She smiled as she started to scurry towards her artist friend, but before making it to her. The small girl’s arm was grabbed softly. Turning to see who it was, she turned and saw, Dominique. Another artist who specialized in sculpting just like Rhapsody did. So, without having to say, the pair were close. She stopped, being caught completely off guard. Having to catch herself before falling into Dom. β€œWell someone’s been enjoying herself.” Rhapsody chuckled before shaking her head. β€œYea, you could say that. What’s up?” She said louder than she usual spoke to be heard over the music since she had a pretty soft voice. β€œYou heard that fight, right?” She furrowed her brows and nodded her head softly. β€œOh, God.” Her mind immediately went to Malcolm, or Derek, or both of them getting in a fight over something stupid. Or Malcolm almost kicking the crap out of someone for saying something about her (she still had no idea what his teammate said to this day) and Malcolm almost being kicked off the football team for it until he was pulled away. She didn’t need him in a fight, not tonight. Not when he was drunk. That only meant he would be even more protective and easy to piss off. β€œI think Derek’s brother was in that fight.” Her eyebrows shot up. She was not expecting that. She took a deep breath. β€œDoes that jolly giant of yours know?” Her face flattened for a moment before seeing the smirk on Dom’s face. She knew Dom was one of her friends who thought it was weird that a girl so interested in art and never showed an interest in anything sports related was dating an ex-jock. He, along with a few others in her group just didn’t know what the couple could have in common but the different between most relationships and theirs was that she didn’t care what others thought of them. She was the one in his arms, not her friends and he was the one she held on to. Not anyone else. So she didn’t let their opinions of him get to her. β€œI do not know but I will figure it out. Thanks, Dom. You are the best.” She smiled and gave him a quick hug before hurrying off. She wasn’t in the mood to hear Dom kid around about Derek, not in this somewhat drunk mindset of hers. As she walked through the crowd she took out her phone and text Luke. Not wanting to get Derek involved, at least not tonight. She knew the two of them. Both of them were drinking and had a temper. Which was not a good mixture. She saw his text, he was drunk and Derek probably was going to be by the time he would see her text if she sent him one and talk to Luke. Leading to the bickering, Luke texting Rhapsody about it and Derek talking about it when the couple were back home. She didn’t need that tonight especially when she wanted her baby to have a good time with his friends.

To: Luke
I heard about the fight. What happened?! Are you ok?

She sent the message and made her way through the crowd still seeing Cyndee. She waved towards her before bringing her into a hug. She loved hugging the girl, mainly because she was the one friend she had who was shorter than Rhapsody at 5’0 which continued tonight with Rhaps’ 4-inch heels. β€œHello, darling! Sorry, I am so late with seeing you, I got distracted when I first got here.” She let the girl go before taking in her appearance with a smirk. β€œWow, if I was not already taken, I might go for you tonight, mon little petit ami.” (my small friend)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Poppy A. Rothschild Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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0.00 INK


XXHair: Link Here
XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Ace Bronson's House//Party
XXDialogue Color ✦ #CD1076
XXThought Color ✧ #8B668B

Poppy didn’t even make it to Aaliyah’s like she planned. Frankly she had been in her own little world since sending their staff home for the night, saying that she wasn’t a quiet night to herself. Which was somewhat truth. She wanted the house to herself but she wasn’t planning on it being just her and if things went her way and ended up with the β€˜king’ in her bed it would be anything but quiet. That and she didn’t need her staff to have to lie to her parents about her coming home drunk, or high, or both again. Not after last time when they actually had to break up an impromptu party she had thrown for the A-listers and a few special exceptions like Derek, who of course couldn’t leave his little African tagalong at home one night by herself. Her parents made her swear she would tone it down, at least until her grades improved. She promised, of course. And she lied. She did that sometimes. Her parents should have known that by now. The whole time she texting her friends that she was β€˜on her way’ over and over again. Only to finally say she would just see them there. She was way too far gone to even think about pregaming even if she wanted to be with her friends, she kept drinking and with her drinking, she kept wanting to change her outfit, hair, and makeup only to go back to how it was in the beginning. Before she left she actually responded to Casper, after leaving him on read for about an hour and a half.

To: Casper

Good to know, Casp. ;)

When she did finally make it to the party, make it being used for lack of a better word. She was quick to start socializing. Smiling at the compliments for what she was wearing, hey she wasn't the fashionista for nothing. And of course, the compliments from guys who never had a chance with her. She was walking away from some animal she was dancing with, she didn’t get his name. Saying that was getting a drink when in actuality she was just getting bored. She needed a change of atmosphere and definitely a change of company. With Casper nowhere nearby, Poppy decided it was probably time for her to actually spend time with the girlfriends after asking a prep where the Royal girls were. But before she could make it to the kitchen while she was looking away from the direction she was going she ran into someone. She scoffed as she almost dropped her drink as the guy was somewhat holding her from toppling over. Before seeing who it was she bumped into, she rolled her eyes ready to chew out whoever it was. When she heard Derek’s voice ring into her ear she lost her attitude and her look of disdain turned into a smirk. She wasn’t complaining about pretty much being in his arms for a moment before the drifter backed away, giving the two some space between them. β€œHm. No tagalong in sight.” The redhead turned towards him as he spoke, looking him up and down. Not in any way trying to hide the fact that she really liked what she was looking at. Look, she was a home wrecker, okay. Not with most relationships but Rhapsody’s was something different. She would never admit to hating the girl, please. That would her admitting that she cared about the care the tiny, little artist and her lucky catch. But, she would admit to never seeing what Derek saw in her, I mean in her mind. He went from her, whether they were drunk or not, a stunning, rich, popular cheerleader to… Rhapsody, an artist who barely 4’0 off the ground. Hell, just with saying she was an artist was enough reason for Derek to be able to aim higher on the social ladder. But, of course, he had to be one of those guys who didn’t care about popularity. Honestly fighting his teammates, losing his group because of what? Because they were talking about his precious little artist? She thought he was crazy, personally.

But, hey, it was his life. She scoffed before speaking. β€œDamn, D. If you wanted to hold me, all you had to do was ask. But, I would think it’s a mixture of both.” Before he responded to her, she saw him turning to Malcolm who was walking towards the two. Her smirk widened. She loved seeing people squirm and she obviously made Derek squirm with how easily he moved from her to Rhapsody’s brother. She noticed the look on Malc’s face and was trying to figure what was going on. See, Malcolm and Poppy were always just friends, there weren’t even rumors about the two of them unlike other guy friends of hers. She never saw him like that, sure he was sexy, but maybe it was because her sophomore year he stood up to her when she was messing with Rhapsody. That was an easy way to turn her off, standing up to her for any reason. Besides he was a jock, not her type. She had only slept with one jock and that was the one standing right next to her. She chuckled before reaching for one of the beers in Derek’s hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Poppy A. Rothschild Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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0.00 INK


XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Ace Bronson's Party//House
XXDialogue Color ✦ #458B00
XXThought Color ✧ #9CBA7F

XXHair: Link Here
XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Ace Bronson's House//Party
XXDialogue Color ✦ #CD1076
XXThought Color ✧ #8B668B

When Leah left, Malcolm gave her a three minute head start before he left. He didn’t need to raise eyebrows of those around them with the pair leaving a bedroom together. β€œYea what’s the matter, Malc baby?”He rolled his eyes at the redhead as he cracked open the bottle. β€œDon’t--.. Don’t call me that, Pops.” He hated when he was giving nicknames by people, he was just one of those guys that unless he gave you permission to give him pet names. Poppy just rolled her eyes and scoffed.

β€œI’ll call you what I damn well please.” The royal smirked, taking a swig from the bottle before continuing to poke fun at Malcolm. β€œSeriously, what the matter? Haven’t gotten your dick wet in a while? You can join the same club as Derek here since he’s dating the Virgin Mary.” Malcolm held up a hand towards Derek before he could even make a facial expression. β€œI don’t care if it true. Just let me believe Rhaps and you haven’t done anything. I don’t need that image in my head.” Malcolm knew that Rhapsody and Derek were anything but virginal.

The two of them were too crazy about each other to be β€˜waiting until marriage’ like Rhapsody would tell their parents and grandparents. Even if the former didn’t believe that for a second and neither did Malcolm or Assata. He would see the way his best friend and little sister would look at each other before disappearing for long periods of time or the scratches and β€˜bruises for practices’ that would be on Derek’s back and neck when the team would be in the locker room. He wasn’t an idiot, he chose to remain clueless about it because in this situation ignorance was bliss for him. β€œThen what is it?” Malcolm just sipped his beer, shaking his head as if he had no idea what the two were talking about. Like they didn’t see the expression on his face before walking up to the pair.

β€œNothin’, just some dumb shit.” Poppy raised her brows. β€œAw, going through a rough patch with the boyfriend?” He expression didn’t even change as he tipped her bottle up as Pop’s took a sip, making her choke and cough. The smaller girl pushed him after wiping off her chin before getting any on her outfit. Her clothes were too expensive to smell like beer. β€œIt was a joke! Jeez.” She rolled her eyes. β€œProblems with the girlfriend?” Malc shook his head.

β€œNot possible, don’t have one. No need to be tied down.” Poppy scoffed. β€œFine, fuck buddy, baby mama, whatever,” Malcolm chuckled. He knew why Rhapsody didn’t like the Royal girl but, he had nothing against her. The girl was funny and blunt, at least with people she wanted to be. He knew her reputation for being able to change at the drop of a hat, hell he’s seen it happen towards people.

β€œC’mon, Malc. You’re too cute not to have one. Who is she? Do I know her? Does he know her?” She pointed one of her fingers up towards Derek. She gasped with an idea. β€œDoes that Rhaps know?” Malcolm scoffed. β€œShe doesn’t even know and since when do you call her β€˜Rhaps’? You guys hate each other. Why would she tell you if she did know?”

β€œPlease, she doesn’t hate anyone and I like her.” That was it. Malcolm started to chuckle looking towards Derek, trying to stop his laughter as Poppy tried to act shocked at him. β€œHear that?” Poppy smirked and pushed the two. β€œFine, believe what you want. But, let me give you this piece of advice since you want to be a bitch and not tell me: β€˜Best way to get under someone’s skin is to get in someone else’s.” Malcolm rolled his eyes. β€œThat is terrible advice.” Poppy shot her eyebrows up with a shrug before taking the last sip of her beer. β€œIt works for me. But, hey take the love guru’s advice over mine since his must be is sooo much better than mine. Seeing what I care.” She looked up towards Derek with a smirk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Poppy A. Rothschild Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXA T H L E T E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Ace Bronson Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
Thought Color ✧ #3f0000

Derek breathed out a laugh at Poppy's retort, chuckling to himself now that he was a bit more relaxed with Malcolm's presence. He wasn't about to argue with Poppy's flirtations; the last thing, he decided, that he needed was her getting into one of her moods. She could be worse than Aaliyah with that. If someone stood up to Poppy, it was like the end of the world or something; she wasn't a fan of it. Leah wasn't either, but her discontent was less obvious, a touch scarier. Poppy's was just more annoying and Derek had been having a good time. Keeping the peace seemed a lot better of a plan than disturbing it, especially when Malcolm put a hand up to stop Derek from the immediate defense he had for Rhapsody. Malcolm's words, though, did make him grin sheepishly. "Sure thing, man," he replied agreeably, opening his own beer and taking a drink. He had to pull away to not spill any on himself when Malc tipped Poppy's bottle.

Derek and Poppy weren't exactly friends, which was the only reason why Derek decided to be a bit quiet about the subject of Malcolm's involvement with someone. Rhapsody had brought up several times that her brother was seeing someone and Derek had a suspicion over it as well, but he wasn't exactly about to call Malcolm on it with Poppy present. She was good company when she wanted to be and not that bad, but still. He also wasn't going to call Malcolm on the fact that he had said that even Rhapsody didn't know as opposed to stating that there was no one for Rhapsody to know about. Which meant that there was someone; he just couldn't say whom. All he could say was that there was a situation that was providing some kind of stress to his friend, even if he wanted to deny it to their faces. Derek figured, while laughing a little at Poppy's declaration that she even remotely liked Rhapsody with Malcolm, that he could ask when they were much more alone and could hang out without there being too stifling of curiosity from unwanted visitors. Derek put his hands up defensively at the look Poppy gave, retorting, "Hey, it's not my fault I'm the only one in a relationship here. You literally have the pick of the lot at your disposal, Miss Rothschild." He sipped from his beer again before speaking again. "But I'm not in the love guru business tonight, too much beer and not as many fucks to give right now. We were, uh, playing video games in the other room. You coming, man?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasmine Kim Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Malcolm R. Vincent
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXA T H L E T E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: Ace Bronson Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
Thought Color ✧ #3f0000

Any other time Malcolm excused himself from a round of video games and Derek would've been able to just let it go. It wouldn't be the first time, after all, and it usually was no big deal. However, the puzzled and almost concerned expression on his friend's face remained at the back of Derek's head. It disallowed him to fully lose himself in the current rehash of a friendly rivalry over old school video games like Donkey Kong nor in the beer that had gotten passed around. He had even refused the next drink, puzzling over whether or not to send Malcolm a text. It also, in his bout of worry, occurred to him that he hadn't checked with or heard from Luke yet. Although the fight that had occurred earlier had gotten to them in their room, the specifics had been lost in translation. And Derek couldn't always jump up at the mere mention of a gay guy being involved in a fight at Buckley. Though there weren't nearly as many openly gay guys with such a 'traditional' private school, they still existed and his brother was not the only one. Yet and still, even though he and Luke tended to not hang out together with their peers, at the end of the day, it wasn't uncommon for his brother to at least send a text of some sort. Inform him of not coming home or coming late. Hell, they've run into each other at parties. None of those things happened, so before long, Derek was on his feet and slipping out of the room, shooting a text his brother's way and also one towards Malcolm, deciding to go look for the latter. If Luke needed him, he knew how to reach Derek and most of the time - a common remark from his brother's own mouth - Luke didn't need Derek at all. So, there was that.

To: Malc
Yo u ok? U kinda dipped lookin bothered

It wouldn't have occurred to Derek to immediately go to the backyard, even though Danielle and Malcolm would have already slipped out by then, and by the time he had made it to the main portion of the house, Malcolm had already carried Aaliyah through with hardly any detection from the other party-goers. What he didn't miss, and perhaps that had more to do with his Rhapsody-senses as opposed to actual observational skills, was his girlfriend and Jasmine talking. It also probably had something to do with height being in his favor. Nevertheless, Derek moved his way through the partially drunk teens easily before slipping behind his girlfriend, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. "Hey, you," he muttered and kissed the back of her head. "You seen Malc? He was with me earlier and then something must've happened cuz he looked at his phone and dipped." Not to be rude, and also because she could probably help him with the second person he wanted to check on, Derek raised his gaze to Jasmine, giving her a small smile. "Hey, Jasmine. Sorry to interrupt, but you seen Luke? Haven't seen him since he left the house earlier and I usually at least get a drunk text about how much he's gonna disown me for whatever I wore for the day. Haven't got it yet."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jasmine Kim Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas W. Van Veenen Character Portrait: Jeanette R. Abategiovanni
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0.00 INK

Samuel Kim
Outfit: Here
Location: Bronson Residence
Dialogue Color: #e6e600

Jasmine Kim
Outfit:[b] Here
Bronson Residence
Dialogue Color: #008080

Jasmine's smile morphed into a quirked brow at Rhapsody's response to her compliment. No one in their right mind could deny that Rhaps was a beautiful girl, though she seemed to have the same complex as Sam. Not realizing how genuinely attractive they are, both inside and out. She let a soft sigh escape her lips as she accepted the compliment boomeranged towards her with a soft "Thank you". but made sue to quickly ass "But you look even better and don't even try to fight me on that!" a sassy finger is lifted towards her to reaffirm her point.

Her question about Sam brings Jasmine to take in her surroundings, realizing he had stayed a few steps behind with Nick and Jenna. She nods in response and gestures towards an incoming Samuel with a proud smile. "How can he not have fun when he's looking like that?" she knows it's a bit of a stretch to say that considering how obvious its been that Sam is feeling overwhelmed by all the attention he's been getting all afternoon, but she also knows him well enough to know that after all its said and done, a very microscopic part of him enjoys it. "Guys and gals have been swarming like bees to honey." It may be one of the very rare occasions in which Jazz is able to do something like this for her brother, so might as well milk it as much as possibility allows.

The familiar baritone voice brings Jasmine from her thoughts and her line of vision lands on a mildly worried Derek. Her first instinct is to assume that he's heard about what happened with Luke, but second guessing brings her to think that he is acting much too calm for that. Surely enough, he asks about Rhapsody's brother instead, only pausing a moment before turning his attention on the petite blonde. Jasmine is well aware she is below average height, but standing so close a tower-height couple makes her feel a bit dwarf-like. Her smile in response to his greeting immediately deflates when he questions her on Luke's whereabouts. She listens attentively, all the while desperately wracking her brain for a descent response. Clearly no one has informed him on what happened, and Jasmine has no right to do so. Even if he is asking her directly, she's not one to be the bearer of bad news.

"I actually haven't seen him all night." Technically, it isn't a lie. She hasn't seen or talked to the little fireball at all during the course of the day. "I'm sure he's doing fine." that too was not a lie, though maybe a bending of truth. Jasmine can't be one hundred percent certain that he is okay, but she can sure as hell hope so.

Her eyes immediately land on Sammy as he walks up to the small trio, gaze pleading for him not to say a word about Luke. Though Sam has never been the one to spill any kind of beans either. The dark haired boy offers a genuine smile towards Rhapsody and Derek shifting slightly on his heels to prevent the thin fabric of his jeans from tugging at uncharted territory. "Hey" his voice is as soft as usual, though loud enough to be heard over the music. Albeit a bit delayed, but he does take note of the atmosphere, as well as Jasmine's silent warning, and keeps his mouth shut. He won't be the one to ruin the party for Derek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Kim Character Portrait: Jasmine Kim Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent
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XXOutfit: Link Here
XXLocation: Ace Bronson's Party//House
XXDialogue Color ✦ #9F5F9F
XXThought Color ✧ #0198E1

Rhapsody wanted to object to Jas saying that she looked better the smaller blonde girl but before she could say a word Jasmine lifted a finger. She just took the compliment with a bashful smile. "Thanks, girl." Rhapsody was never good at taking compliments, especially from friends because she felt that they were only saying these things because they were her friend. It was even worst with Derek, sometimes she believed him like when he would lick his lips and look at her with those hooded eyes of his but other than that she always objected even if she only did in her mind. When they began talking about Samuel who wasn't far away from the pair, Rhapsody looked towards him to see how good he looked. She had to smirk towards Sammy. He did look really good which wasn't surprising. He was a cute guy, just not her type. He was quiet and shy and she liked guys with a little more confidence to them since she liked to joke around saying it was her job to be too humble in her relationship. "You weren't kidding, he looks really good, Jas! Looking like that he will have to shoo his admirers away with a stick." She chuckled, returning her gaze back to Jasmine for a moment before getting the feeling that someone was walking up behind her.

She didn't really react until she felt a chill crawl its way up her spine. Partially because it caught her by surprise but mostly because she knew exactly who it was. No one else really had the balls to flirt with Rhapsody let alone touch her, not with someone like Derek constantly with her. And when she felt the arms tighten and saw the small feather tattoo on his hand, she knew exactly who it was, allowing herself to finally drop the surprised look off of her face and turn it into a smile as he greeted and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his. "Hey baby." When he asked if she had seen Malcolm her smile flattened a bit as she sighed sharply. She turned towards the drifter slightly before speaking. "I saw him pass through but he didn't come say anything to me. He looked at me and left," She tried not to look like it annoyed her, but she wasn't doing a good job. Anyone who wasn't close to her wouldn't be able to tell that she was... less than pleased with her brother but with the pair around her. She just didn't get it. He's been acting weird for a while now. Spending the night at friends' houses, keeping things from both her and Derek, it just didn't make any sense! And now, what? He was too busy to say anything to his own sister. He could talk to Poppy but, not to her? Malc never just ignored her even in public around his jock friends who already made it clear what they thought of Rhaps. An artist pain who just so happened to have a great ass, their words. She took a deep breath before smile towards the two and tightening her grip slightly on Derek's arm, feeling the few small scratches she had left on his arm. "But, it is fine. We can call him on the way home or when we get there. It will be... fine." If he actually went home tonight. Which was doubtful.

She couldn't be happier when Derek changed the attention from her to Jasmine. That is until she heard what he asked. She slyly slid back how she was moments ago with her back against him, trying to plead Jasmine with her big eyes not to say anything about the whole Luke thing. It wasn't like she wanted to hide it from him, she just wanted him to have a great night. And besides, it wasn't like he wasn't keeping something from her (not that Rhapsody knew that). She chuckled at Derek saying that Luke hadn't texted him about disowning him. Which he couldn't say tonight because Derek looked good. Not that Rhapsody ever saw him any other way other than fine as hell. And she let that be known. Thankfully she said that she hadn't seen him all night but assured Derek that the sophomore was fine. "If he was in trouble he would have texted me." She knew if he was in real trouble Luke would have talked to Rhaps probably before Derek since the younger brother didn't feel like she was just trying to act like the boss of him or whatever he would say to Derek when the older brother tried to help him. Rhapsody smiled towards Samuel, waving towards him when he greeted the couple. "Hey Sammy! A little birdy told me you have not been able to keep the suitors away." She smirked with a small wink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Kim Character Portrait: Jasmine Kim Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Rhapsody I. Vincent Character Portrait: Nicholas W. Van Veenen Character Portrait: Jeanette R. Abategiovanni
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jenna ruth abategiovanni
Sophomore | Artisan | #549FAB | Bronson Residence | [x]

nicholas van veenen
Senior | Jock | #862138 | Bronson Residence | [x]
Jenna and Nick watched as Jasmine conversed with Rhapsody and Derek. Jenna liked Rhaps; she was nice. The two girls had many similarities, despite their age difference - for one, they were both artists. Both of them were also quite intelligent. They shared some personality traits, although Jenna thought that Rhaps was too humble for her own good. And Nick was and is - somewhat - bros with Derek. Even though Derek was technically no longer a jock, Nick saw no reason in not being friends with him.

Although his sister was quite openly talking to Derek and Rhapsody, Sam had stayed back with Nick and Jenna. "Come on, Sammy," Jenna chided, swinging an arm around Nick's shoulders. "Go chat with them. They're probably gossiping about you already anyways.

"No need to stick around with loners like us," Nick joked, flashing the younger boy a genuine smile.

As if on cue, Jasmine gestured towards Sam as he started walking towards the group. "Guys and gals have been swarming like bees to honey," Jazz stated mischievously.

While Sam, Jazz, Rhapsody, and Derek talked, Nick felt his phone ring. He frowned slightly as he noticed the number. His uncle never called him unless it was Sunday morning or afternoon. He turned to Jenna.

"Gotta take this," he explained. Jenna gestured for him to do so.

"I'm a big girl," she said, "I can take care of myself." Nick flashed her a thumbs-up, before heading outside to answer his call.

Jenna approached the group of four as Nick left to answer his phone call. She approached just as Derek had asked, "Hey, Jasmine. Sorry to interrupt, but you seen Luke? Haven't seen him since he left the house earlier and I usually at least get a drunk text about how much he's gonna disown me for whatever I wore for the day. Haven't got it yet."

Jenna and Jazz were thinking the same thing; clearly, Derek hadn't heard about the Luke and Roman scandal. Jasmine formulated a decent response.

"I actually haven't seen him all night," Jazz replied smoothly. Technically, Jenn figured, the statement wasn't a lie. "I'm sure he's doing fine."

Jasmine might do things for the faint of heart, but Jenna didn't. She was blunt by nature. She opened her mouth to tell Derek about what Luke was up to - she had no problem being the bearer of bad news, at least she was being honest and giving him the information he wanted - but at the sight of Sam's pleading eyes, the blue-eyed brunette veered off-course. Like Jasmine, Jenna quickly formulated a response to send Derek's way.

"Sorry for crashing your group talk," she apologized almost lamely, biding her time to come up with something, "but to answer your question, Derek - I know it wasn't directed towards me - I haven't seen Luke very recently. But I agree with Jazz, he's probably fine."

Unlike Jasmine's response, there was a direct lie in Jenna's, but then again, "dishonest" was one of her personality traits.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaliyah Shanks Character Portrait: Camila Santos Character Portrait: Catarina Valentine Character Portrait: Bea Prinsloo Character Portrait: Samuel Kim Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos
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B E H A T I . P R I N S L O O

"Life is short and unpredictable,
don't waste another minute on the people,
places, and the things that don't
make you happy."
~ Anonymous

Bea Prinsloo stumbled into the party. She was looking bomb asf. She had red lipstick and a skirt that was so flowy and long. She scanned her eyes through the throng of drunk kids until her eyes met with Samuel Kim. She confidently strode in his direction, sashaying her hips from left to right. She grabbed his face in hers and planted a smooch on his lips. She pulled away, smiling, "Happy fourth anniversary, bitch."