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Clash of Kings: A Tale of Thrones

Clash of Kings: A Tale of Thrones


In the war to decide the thrones true heir, take up arms and pledge your fealty to one of the major houses at war to determine whose claim to the throne is most just(Closed).

1,493 readers have visited Clash of Kings: A Tale of Thrones since ZeroTolerance created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


"When you play the game of thrones, you either win or you die. "


If you're familiar with the literary works of G.R.R martin then your probably well acquainted with the names Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Petyr Baelish, Theon Greyjoy or Cersei Lannister. Even if you haven't read any the books or watched the show , you probably know a bit or two about the series due to its immense online fandom. I'm assuming If you've read this far, it's due to your interest in the Game of Thrones series or medieval high fantasy in general.

In truth, this roleplay isn't about any of the names I mentioned previously, but rather the unsung individuals who've sworn themselves to the efforts of one of the ruling houses of westeros in the battle to decide a rightful heir to the iron throne. These individuals come from many varied paths, some are high born, some are low born, some are bards, scholars and artisans whilst others are sellswords, bannerman, knights and magicians. The one constant that binds their fates is their fealty. So who's side will you ally in the ultimate struggle for the right to claim the realm?


House Lannister

Coat of Arms: ... nister.png
Home: Casterly Rock
Alignment: Evil

House Lannister is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, one of its richest and most powerful families and oldest dynasties. The major characters Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion and the recurring characters Tywin, Kevan and Lancel are members of the house. Tywin is the head of House Lannister and Lord of Casterly Rock.

Lord: Twyin Lannister


House Stark

"Winter is Comming"
Coat of Arms:
Home: Winterfell
Alignment: Good

House Stark of Winterfell is one of the Great Houses of Westeros and the principal noble house of The North; many lesser houses are sworn to them. In days of old they ruled as Kings of Winter. Their seat is Winterfell. Their sigil is a grey direwolf racing across a field of white, and their words are "Winter Is Coming." Members of the family tend to be lean of build and long of face, with black hair and grey eyes. Several of the main point of view characters of the series are members of this house.

Lord: Robb Stark


House Greyjoy

"We Do Not Sow"
Coat of Arms: ... reyjoy.PNG
Home: Iron Islands
Alignment: Chaotic

House Greyjoy is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. It rules over the Iron Islands, a harsh and bleak collection of forbidding islands off the west coast of Westeros, from the castle at Pyke. The head of the house is the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
House Greyjoy's sigil is traditionally a golden kraken on a black field. Their house motto is "We Do Not Sow."
Lord: Balon Greyjoy


House Baratheon(Renly) lol

House Baratheon

"Ours is the Fury"
Coat of Arms: ... atheon.PNG
Home: Storm Lands
Alignment: Lawful?

House Baratheon of Storm's End is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, and is the principal house in the Stormlands. Its seat, Storm's End, is an ancient castle raised by the Storm Kings. The Baratheon sigil is a crowned black stag on a field of gold.Members of the family tend to be large, with black hair and blue eyes. They are known for their mercurial tempers, and their words are Ours is the Fury.

Lord: Stannis Baratheon


House Targaryen

"Blood And Fire"
Coat of Arms: ... garyen.PNG
Home: Nomadic
Alignment: Neutral

House Targaryen is a noble family of Valyrian descent that escaped the Doom. They lived for centuries on the island of Dragonstone until Aegon Targaryen and his sisters rode their dragons to the conquest of the Seven Kingdoms. House Targaryen ruled as the Kings of Westeros for nearly 300 years, until expelled by Robert's Rebellion. Their seats were the capital city of King's Landing and the island castle of Dragonstone. Danerys Targaryen is assumed to be the only living member of the Targaryen clan.

Lady: Daenerys


Night's Watch

"And now his watch is ended."
Coat of Arms:
Home: Castle Black
Alignment: Neutral

The Night's Watch is a military order dedicated to holding the Wall, the immense fortification on the northern border of the Seven Kingdoms, defending the realms of men from what lies beyond. The order's foundation dates back to the Age of Heroes, at the time when the Others were pushed back. The men of Night's Watch wear only black.

Once, serving on the Wall was honor and a sign of selfless devotion to duty, with many knights, honorable men, and nobles taking the black voluntarily. Today, the Night’s Watch is beginning to be seen as only a way to avoid punishment; suitable less for knights now than for the dregs of Westeros, salvaged from dungeons by traveling recruiters. Disgraced nobles, bastards, and even the unwanted legitimate offspring of nobles are “encouraged” to take the black, making many of today’s Watch a surly and dissatisfied lot.


The Night's Watch consists of three orders: Rangers, Builders, and Stewards. All of them are subject to the Lord Commander and each of the three orders is led by its own officer, called First Ranger, First Builder, and First Steward, respectively. These officers are appointed by the Lord Commander.

Rangers: Although all brothers of the Watch stand watch on the Wall, the rangers are the main fighting force, adept at surviving in the wilderness and tasked with scouting and patrolling the Haunted Forest beyond the Wall. They are actively defending the Wall and riding out to face the Watch's enemies, including the lawless wildlings as well as the mysterious, inhuman Others.
Builders: The builders are responsible for maintaining the Wall, the castles, and the equipment. They provide masons, carpenters, miners, and woodsmen. [3]
Stewards: The stewards are the largest of the three orders. The stewards are responsible for an assortment of critical functions, providing vital day-to-day services. They hunt and farm, tend horses, gather firewood, cook meals, make clothing, maintain weapons, and conduct trade with the south, bringing back to the Wall all of the supplies needed by the Night’s Watch. Like other members of the Watch, the stewards must be ready to fight at a moment’s notice, and all have received at least basic combat training.

Lord Commander: Jeor Mormont


King's Council

The King's Council is a body which advises the King of the Seven Kingdoms and institutes policy at his command. The small council is effectively the government and parliament of the Seven Kingdoms, although it is a fairly small body made up of the King's appointees rather than elected by democratic means. Either the King or his Hand chairs the council and takes note of its recommendations. Only the King can make the council's decisions into law.

The positions and members of the King's small council under his/her province are:
The Hand of the King:
Master of War:
Master of Commerce & Coin:
Master of Stealth:
Master of Diplomacy & Technology:
Master of Arts:
Master of Laws:


Non-Warfare Classes


A class somewhat inspired by Tyrion Lannister Note: This is not a fighting class, Lords have the ability to recruit other classes into their ranks or "entourage" where they will serve under them. All lords are responsible for creating a personal army, a coat of arms in which to identify themselves with, land to inhabit for their people and of course establishing a noble lineage or house. No one said being a boss would be easy.

The Noble lords of the great houses of Westeros control the fate of the Seven Kingdoms, affecting all those beneath them with every decision and action made. Nobles may be fat merchants sitting behind the thick walls of a granted keep or men born of noble blood, whose lineage spans thousands of years. Nobles rule over the smallfolk within their territory through a system of fealty and sworn oaths that further divides their kingdoms. Not all Nobles rule over great kingdoms, though; there are minor lords scattered in keeps and holdfasts in every region of the Seven Kingdoms. Also, being highborn does not give one a noble heart, as Nobles are responsible for some of the most heinous acts in the history of the realm, corrupted by the power intrinsic to their station.



Craftsmen, performers, diplomats, heralds, and stewards are all Artisans. They each use their specialised skills to make their way in the world. Artisans live by the skills they have learned throughout their lives, whether it be the art of crafting a suit of armor, learning to run a household, or amusing the ladies at court with jests, dancing, and foolery. Their combat ability is limited, but the best know how to defend themselves with words rather than steel. They can talk their way out of many disagreements, calling upon noble defenders in more dire situations. Over the course of a long career, an Artisan ideally becomes an established master of his craft, and may even attract a noble patron for whom the Artisan can work the rest of his or her days.

Speech craft:


Rogue live in the shadows, whether in the back alleys of King’s Landing or deeply hidden within a lord’s retinue. They steal what they can to survive, be it gold, horses, or information. Some use stealth to their advantage, while others use strength and intimidation to take what they want from the weak and cowardly. Knaves are resourceful and adaptable, always seeming to have the skills necessary to get them out of any situation.

Speech craft:

Warfare Classes


Barbarians and wild folk from the fringes of settled lands, Raiders are unruly and loyal only to their own. They may call themselves lords, tribesmen, or simply “free.”

HP: 130
Strength: 10
Stamina: 6
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 7
Intellect: 5
Spirit: 6


The embodiment of chivalry and valour, Knights are martial men, sworn in the Faith of the Seven. While rare in the North, they are what southron boys dream of becoming, and southron girls dream of marrying

HP: 120
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 8
Speed: 5
Intellect: 6
Spirit: 5


A Sellsword is a mercenary who hires out his services to the highest bidder. Inevitably, this sort of lifestyle involves a great deal of violence and physical exertion. Many sellswords are organized into companies. Some of the sellsword companies are very disciplined, and some are nothing but rabble joined together in search of loot. At one end there would be the Golden Company, at the other the Brave Companions.



Men and women of the wilderness, Hunters learn to bring down their prey through stealth and lore. Rangers tend to be wise, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled in stealth, wilderness survival, herbalism, and tracking. Archery swordplay are common to rangers, though there are many instances where rangers use a variety of weapons, skills, and sometimes magic or have a resistance to magic.

HP: 100
Strength: 7
Stamina: 6
Dexterity: 8
Intellect: 6


The best of the Bravos — perhaps one in a hundred, perhaps less — learn the water dance, a style of fighting that relies on speed, finesse, and perception. They are artists as much as soldiers, and hone their craft as an art.

As a Water Dancer learns, he or she takes cues from the natural world. By embracing the traits of the wild, he or she beings to react instantly; the abilities become second nature to the Water Dancer. Although they are some of the deadliest fighters across the realm, their true talent is perception. If they use all their sense to see true, nothing can surprise them, and no enemy can take them off-guard.

Once a person has embraced learning the craft of the water dance, there are few in Westeros who could defeat them one-on-one. Their commitment often deepens, and many spend their entire lives devoted to the study of their chosen combat style. A master of the form is one of the most formidable opponents in the world, while their ability to strike with deadly accuracy makes them highly prized allies.

HP: 95
Strength: 6
Stamina: 5
Dexterity: 9
Speed: 9
Intellect: 7
Spirit: 5

Mystic Classes


A skinchanger or warg is a person with the ability to enter the mind of an animal and control its actions. It is much easier for a skinchanger to do so if a bond exists between the two parties. The interaction between the skinchanger’s and animal’s mind will influence both personalities. A skinchanger has the ability to tame his very own pet to aid them in combat.

HP: 80
Dexterity: 6
Speed: 6
Intellect: 5
Spirit: 9


Men and women dedicated to the Faith and the worship of the Seven, the septons, septas, brothers, and sisters bear witness to the births, deaths, and marriages of all who follow their teachings. Known collectively as the Godsworn, these dedicated men and women are the mortal representatives of the Seven, overseeing ceremonies that praise the gods and blessing their followers with their good graces.

HP: 90
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 5
Speed: 5
Intellect: 8
Spirit: 9

Blood Priest
The "Red Priests" are members of the clergy. They are called this due to the loose, crimson robes they wear. Red priests may be male or female. In the east, they are a common sight, where the faith of R'hllor's influence is more widespread. Children are sometimes given to temples of R'hllor to be raised into the priesthood. The temples also buy children as slaves who are known as Slaves of R'hllor and raise them as priest, temple prostitutes, or warriors. The warriors that protect the greater temples are called the Fiery Hand.

We known of temples in Braavos, Lys, Pentos, Volantis and small temple in Oldtown for the sailors who visit there.

HP: 90
Strength: 5
Stamina: 6
Dexterity: 7
Speed: 6
Intellect: 8
Spirit: 8

Character Sheet

Code: Select all

Physical Description: I will accept either a picture or a detailed description.
Reputation: (Drunkard, Philander, Family man, Prostitute, Criminal, Hero, Town idiot would all be considered reputations. What you are known to others as basically)
Backstory: (optional)

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Character Portrait: Lord DeLeón Luther
0 sightings Lord DeLeón Luther played by ZeroTolerance
"An exiled prince from the summer isles looking to reclaim what has been taken from him"(WIP)

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