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Fallen from Grace

Fallen from Grace


How do you know what is really right or wrong?

825 readers have visited Fallen from Grace since Apollymi created it.



She was once a mighty warrior. Feared, and respected. She followed the word of God without questioning the higher powers. That is, until one mission, she was sent to kill a new born demon. She flew down to Earth in full armor, her celestial blades drawn. Quickly, she cut down the grown demons, showing no mercy as she made her way to the infant. Quickly she reached the back room, soaked in the black blood of the demons she killed.

In the small crib in the final room, she approached to kill the tiny creature, but when she looked inside, it was an infant human boy. The tiny boy was sound asleep in his crib, completely unaware of the danger that was looming over him. Unable to kill the tiny creature, she reached in and cradled him to her chest, wrapping the blanket tightly around him to protect him from the blood and hard armor she wore. Staring up towards the heavens, she allowed her mind to wander, to ask why.

Quickly, she fled the bloody scene with the infant, trying to figure out what to do with the child. Flying above the human homes, she looked upon each house, her mind filled with their pasts, personalities and intentions. Finally, after flying for nearly an hour, she found a home that would accept the child. Wrapping him tightly in his blanket she placed him on the door step. As she did the baby opened his bright blue eyes and looked at her. The child smiled and laughed out loud, reaching for her. His tiny fist wrapped around the gold chain around her neck. With a thought, she removed her necklace and laid it on around the boy’s neck. Gently, she ran her fingertips over cheek, then vanished.

Returning back home, two other Archangels met her at the gates, and chained her, stripping her of her weapons, and armor. They asked her why she didn’t obey, and she asked why the child must be destroyed. They said the Lord commands it. Then she asked to speak to the Lord, for she has never seen, nor heard anything from the Lord. They denied her. With her powers, she quickly shielded the child, protecting him from the probing eyes of the Angles and Demons.

For years, they tortured her, trying to find his location and she never gave way. Bringing her inches to death, only to heal her wounds, and cut them open again. For 8 years, this lasted. Until finally, she escaped. Leaping from the heavens her beautiful white wings were ripped from her back, as she fell to Earth, and stripped what powers from her they could.

She lives as a mortal, being hunted by demon and Angle alike because she is the only one who knows where his family lives. Fighting for her life, and the life of an infant she does not even know, and fighting against the Lord, if he truly is even there.

Now in Philadelphia PA 2012, 22 years have passed, and the boy would now be a man, and even she does not know where he would be now. Though she is still hunted, she will never give up and endanger his family, she will never lie down and die for demons or misleading Angles.

Playable Characters

The Fallen Angel:
She was once an Archangel, only a few ranks below the powerful Michael. Though now that she has been cast out, and her faith in their leader is no more, she hides, and fights. Before she fell, they took her wings, taking the ability of flight from her all together. She is still just as physically strong as any Archangel, but is now vulnerable to human weapons. Even wounded though, her body heals faster then that of a humans. As part of her punishment, she now possesses the same senses as a human and then they are heightened from there. She can no longer become invisible or change her matter so that others can pass threw her. She has all but lost her telepathy, but in its replace has honed her telekinesis.
Taken By: Apollymi

Lucifer’s Son:
Oblivious as to what he truly is, his powers shall be locked away until the Fallen Angle either releases his powers, she dies, or he tastes her blood. Any one of these three things will unleash his complete control of illusions, shadows and hell fire. Human weapons cannot harm him, his black wings will be unleashed giving him the power of flight. He will possess telepathy and telekinesis, both of which will be honed and powerful. Few things will be able to slow him down, only celestial weapons, magic and himself.
Taken By:OnComing_Storm

Hunting, searching, or also questioning where your orders come from. They can appear amongst humans with or without wings at their own discretion. Obviously when trying to blend in they appear without wings though some simply choose to cover their wings with coats. The wings are used for flight but not in the same manner as any earth creature. An angel needs simply to spread their wings out and they can instantly take flight. All angels are stronger than humans, but the archangels are the strongest. Angels can appear and disappear at will. Their bodies cannot be physically harmed by any earth weapon. Magic can hurt them, though very few humans possess enough power to kill them. Angels can be hurt and killed by other angels though. All of their weapons are created in the heavens which are usually swords and other weapons of that matter. Also angels do not feel in the sense that we do. They have no sense of touch, smell, or taste. They hear and see somewhat like we do. Though their sight and hearing can pick up things that a human's cannot. Along with being able to become invisible they can make it so that humans are unable to feel them. Even when visible they can make their bodies matter less and a person will walk through them just like air. Angels are capable of feeling emotions. They are sad, angry, and happy just like a human. But in addition they have the ability to sense these in others. They can also sense when a person is in pain, or is hungry, or even just out of breath though they themselves can't feel these things. This is something they just simply know. Angels cannot make themselves invisible or matter less to other angels though. The best way to hide from an angel if you're one yourself is to appear in human form, without wings. Angels sense things through the spirit of a being, and essentially there is little difference between angel spirits and human spirits. Angels also have some telepathic ability. They can speak to each other telepathically and if they choose can speak to humans telepathically, though most angels prefer appearing to them in disguise. Finally, they are telekinetic and can move smaller object about with nothing more than a thought, but to lift a human would be a challenge.
Characters:BeautifulxDisaster; ViviOrunitiaFF9; Rogueshadow

Just trying to live life, or find the Fallen Angle who knows the location of Lucifer’s son. Demons are black spirits that possess a human host, or beasts from your worst nightmares that take on human form. They range from size and looks but all have the same powers. All possess super strength, super speed, the power to create illusions and control over shadows and hell fire. They’re weapons are forged in the heart of hell, most of which are bullets with symbols to drive the Angel’s back to Heaven, but very few of these weapons can kill an Angel. Like humans, demons do possess emotions. Human weapons can harm demons, but it takes a lot to actually kill one. Holy water, salt and crosses all harm demons and can be used to kill them if used correctly and with the proper Latin words/symbols.
Characters: CortezHorse

Friends with either the Fallen Angle or the boy and become drawn into a battle that the human race should never know about. In other word, they are in way over their heads.

Toggle Rules

I want a minimum of 200 words a post, no if’s and’s or but’s about it. If you can’t do that, don’t join.
Grammar is your friend. I know we all make mistakes, it happens, but do your best please.
Romance in encouraged, as is violence, but just don’t get anything removed please. Keep it to the rules of the site.
If you actually read this put your favorite color at the end of your character sheet under "History".
Try and post regularly please. At least one good post every 2 days would be wonderful. And no spamming please. I don’t want a one on one dialogue going on for an entire page.
Enjoy :)

For your character sheet you’ll hit the “Submit a Character” Button
Put in your “Character Name:” a short “Synopsis” and “Character Avatar:” (Duh)

Now, in “Description:” I want you to set it up as follows:
Code: Select all
[b]Hair:[/b] (Length, color, texture, etc.)
[b]Eyes:[/b] (Shape, color)
[b]Physical Structure:[/b] (Lean, thick, stocky, etc.)
[b]Skin Tone:[/b] (Freckles, moles, birth marks, etc.)

Under “Personality:” don’t hold back. I don’t want a 2 sentence reply here.
Now for “Equipment:” this is what you generally wear, what you carry with you from a pack of gum to the amount of ammo you like to keep on you.
“History:”… be creative and descriptive!Why are you on Earth, who do you follow? Why do you believe? Impress me.

Taking place in...

Philadelphia PA our primary setting

The home to many. Humans, demons and angels a like.

Philadelphia PA

Philadelphia PA by Apollymi

The home to many. Humans, demons and angels a like.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Day number four thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine. That long since I last held my wings Eight thousand and forty-nine days since my last day living a lie. Abigale sighed and stared up at the bright blue skies of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful day out, the sun just rose, everyone moving about going to and from work. For a Tuesday it wasn’t a bad day, all the same people was walking along Market Street, some turning into the Independence National History Park, others heading for the metro on Market and 5th Street. Abigale, she was heading to Café Bravo just down 5th Street.

Swinging a right at the end of Market Street, Abby ran her fingers threw her black hair to settle it into place. Her bright green eyes shifted from face to face, carefully studying each one. She was always careful, no matter what, when, or where, she was always on her toes. As she approached the small café, Abby put her dark sunglasses on the top of her head as she climbed the stone stairs and approached the stone building, smiling widely to the elder woman behind the counter. “Abigale! How are you today sweet-heart?”

“Morning Emma. I’m doing well thank you. Yourself?” Abigale had grown fond of the elderly human woman. Emma was a small woman, hardly over five feet. Her hair was a beautiful salt and pepper mix that was always pulled back in a nice tight bun on the back of her head. Her face was covered in wrinkles, but after speaking to her only once, one would know they were from years of laughter. She had beautiful, all knowing steel grey eyes. At times, Abigale questioned if the woman really did know all.

“Heart’s still a goin’ and I’m still workin’. Things couldn’t get much better until I saw your sweet face in the window,” the old woman cooed. Abigale rolled her eyes and walked up to the counter of the small café. She was like a mother Abby never had.

“I come here every morning Em,” Abigale laughed as Emma moved about behind the counter, pulling an order together of a waiting customer just a few feet down the counter. He was looking about the place, clearly never been here before. She watched as his eyes scanned over the rich orangey-red walls of the store, quickly scanning over the colorful floral pictures hanging on the wall. His eyes skipped from table to table, each table a circle with four chairs around each. The wood was painted a rich blue-green color; the chairs had orange cushions on the seat and the back of the chair.

On a little elevated area, Abigale watched as his eyes went over the free Wi-Fi area which held 2 love seats, one a bright yellow, the other green. Bean bags of every color mention thus far, and three deep red book shelves full of books to read. Abigale smiled as his eyes lingered on that area, clearly impressed. Turning her attention from him, Abigale silently sung along to the Goo Goo Dolls, Slide playing over the radio.

“Well then everyday can always get just a little bit better with you showing up like you do Abby dear,” Emma responded as she brought the man his iced cappuccino and chocolate chip muffin. “So what are your plans for the day hun?”

“Oh nothing much Em. No work today since I worked at Leneghan's Tavern until four AM. I had to close the damn place last night since Scotty never showed up,” she growled as her memory went to her job at the bar. She usually got out of there by midnight, but the late night tender never showed up, so she got stuck.


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Jonathan looked around at the busy streets. He was standing at a wall, listening and waiting. His orders were simple: find any evil and stop it. He knew what his superiors meant by 'stop' but he could never bring himself to kill a human, no matter what they had done.
"Please...don't hurt me. I'm begging you!!!!

Jonathan's eyes snapped open. When he did, he was in a completely different place. No longer was he on the bustling, noisy street. Now he was in an empty alley. At least, he thought it was empty. When he looked again, he saw a man with a knife standing over a bloodied woman. Jonathan attempted to link telepathically with her but he couldn't get through to her. The man looked up at Jonathan.
"You've seen too much." He pulled out the knife and started walking up to Jonathan with the knife poised to kill. Jonathan waited until he was a little closer then threw out his wings, which were covered by his brown fabric jacket that went down to his knees.
"Those who kill are not worthy of entering heaven...but I'm not going to send you down to hell."

Jonathan opened his hand and pointed it towards a group of boxes, then threw out his hand towards the killer. The four boxes flew through the air towards the man. They hit him so hard that he flew with too, right into a wall which knocked him unconscious instantly. Jonathan walked up to the woman and knelt down beside her.
"Your free now. Heaven awaits you." Jonathan could feel her spirit go to Heaven. He connected his mind with a close by COP.
"The alley to your left. Go to it. Your assistance is needed." He could feel the COP's confusion, nonetheless the COP walked into the alley to check. Jonathan had disappeared by then however.

"One more soul for Heaven."


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(Sorry but i'm not be on for a few days, maybe more, I'm not sure yet. Try not to involve my character in too much. Sorry.)


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She walked the busy streets with a smooth even pace. Her wings were tucked tight to either side of her spine and covered by a black coat. As she moved she listened to the thoughts of those around her, skimming for anything that she might deem important. Sighing Ruya looked up to the sign above her Cafe Bravo.

"Let's hope its at least warm inside." She muttered angrily to herslef as she pushed open the door. She'd slain countless demons and had taken various attacks and yet she hated the cold.


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Warm air....this city seemed to be in His precense it seemed. So many souls down below without guidance and so many with it. Many hearts....many souls filled with love, hate and happiness. It brought a tear to the Angel's eye as she stood up on a rooftop near the center of the city. Today her search would begin just like all the others. A swift flight around the city then down to the ground for a patrol around main street. Bele had developed a flair with the residence of a particular neighborhood. especially in the establishment called Cafe Bravo. Though she never got involved, she enjoyed seeing the old woman's face. It was calming and brought with it a sense of security. Her mind closed in as she began to replay memories....a message brought by courier, the meeting of the Archangel Raphael, her task....and the pain of her failure "Find the Demon Abigale failed to slay in the name of Him.........or your consequence will be severe" It was then....she began to feel the seeds of doubt grow in her belly. with a shake of her head and a heavy flap of her wings, she soared high into the morning air to gaze down at the mortals below

After a few hours of flight, she felt sufficiently better and happy for the most part. She enjoyed being in the air and she loved all the memories of it. Before entering the Cafe, she slipped into a nearby alleyway and hid behind a garbage can. There, she slipped out of her lighter chain mail armor and skirt into a tang top and short shorts and quickly stuffed the armor into the back pack she kept hidden behind the can. With a nod, she slowly reached in and took out an ipod touch and her ear buds. Disguise was the best way to gain intell and be covert. She picked a song at random, a Frank Sinatra song, Come fly with me, and headed inside the Cafe, her wings disappearing from sight as she turned out of the alleyway. She spotted the other people inside and smiled brightly, her hair bouncing as she walked to the counter and stopped "Good morning madam....may I have a large coffee black please?" She asked sweetly, a cardinal rule of hers....respect your elders. Before then, she looked at the other woman who seemed lost in thought "Excuse me miss....are you ok? Penny for your thoughts?"


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Abigale turned so that she could see the door out of the corner of her eye but still listen to Emma rattle on about her day. "Anyway Em, can I get an iced cappuccino and a blu-"

"Blue berry muffin, I know hun," Em chimed and was already moving around behind the counter with more spunk then what one would expect a woman of her age was capable of. Moving down to the end of the counter while Em worked on her order the bell chimed and a tall woman with brunette hair walked in. Abigale felt her stomach contract some when she recognized the woman. In today's day and age, it was rare to recognize anyone unless they were a regular. Locking her jaw Abby began to run through the people she knew in her mind trying to place the woman.

"Good morning madam....may I have a large coffee black please?" She asked sweetly. Abby was still trying to place her while she ordered, her brows knitting together in thought. It was rare for her to not remember something. Especially a face. "Excuse me miss....are you ok? Penny for your thoughts?" Looking up at the woman Abby smiled out of habit to be kind then realized that if she couldn't place her from her time spent on Earth then she was from her past. But now the question was, how would she react if she knew who she was.

"Nothing really. You just remind me of someone I used to know." At that time Emma came up with her order and smiled pleasantly at her.

"Here you go Abby dear. Go get some rest now. You must of had a long night." Abby reached into her pocket and pulled out a ten and placed it on the counter.

"Don't worry Em. I will. Now you take care of yourself." Turing back to the woman who walked in Abby smiled and nodded to her. "Have a good one," she said kindly and walked over to the bright green love seat and sat down. Reaching over to the book shelf she grabbed on of Sherlock Holmes' novels and opened it up to a random page and took a sip of her ice cap. While reading she paid very close attention to the woman in the cafe.


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It had taken Elissa nearly an hour to convince Beck to go outside in the rush of the day. She was pushing him to gain more confidence in crowds and the ability to navigate his way around the seas of people but of course she didn’t know the only reason he stayed in during light hours was because being touched by so many humans disgusted him. He always waited until nighttime while Elissa slept before he would sneak out to go on patrol and stay cooped up of his own choice during the day, away from the mobs of mortals. Today however, he had somehow allowed himself into being prodded to make his way to a café to fetch coffee for the both of them and bring it back to the apartment. How, how had he fallen so far that he was now allowing himself to be an errand boy for a human!? This wasn’t a simple errand though but a test for him to get out there, a way for her to help him with his “condition” or the blindness she thought he lived with. Her pity sickened him, left a bad taste in his mouth but for some reason he continued to stay with her and allow her to tread farther on his nerves than he allowed any other.

Tromping down the sidewalk, his cane waving in front of him rhythmically as he “saw” his way around the moving masses of bodies, he rather quickly was navigating his way to his destination. In this form he was blind and helpless, if you could even use that word, but at night he saw perfectly with his echolocation and already knew this route well so now it was just a matter of making his way around the people which he wasn’t use to. The smells, the sounds, the, ugh, the touches all around him made the disguised demon irritated. He hated being here, the ways of these soft, weak creatures were confusing and being among such lowly things made him nauseous. The sooner he found one or both of his targets the better. Either would do for him at this point, he just sorely wanted to return to his own realm so be it the angel, or the son of his master he couldn’t care less.

A clack of his cane on the door and the smell of coffee and pastries signaled to him that he was at the café. With a huff of air, Beck adjusted his green jacket and swallowed down the annoyance that boiled in him to put on his air of calm charm before he pushed the door open and entered. Moving forward, his heavy shoes thumped on the hard floor until once again his cane made contact with a solid object he knew to be the counter and waited until the voice of a woman greeted him. “Yes ma’am can I have two coffees please one with cream and sugar, the other black. Thank you.” Smiling in her direction, he then leaned on the counter to wait for his order and inwardly bemoan the situation of balancing the hot beverages while attempting to avoid people knocking and spilling them on his way back home. A calming breath later and he was focusing now on the others moving about the café. He might not be able to see, but he could smell, hear and sense the individuals. There were some interesting ones here today.


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Abby....Abby......the name rang some bells in her head as she gratefully accepted the coffee and quickly paid for it. She keenly watched the woman leave for the small resting area and a smile went across her face. Though a teenager in appearance, she could appreciate a good book. She spied her grabbing a Sherlock Holmes book and couldn't help but giggle and headed over to her, acting just like any normal teenager "Nice choice in book miss. I didnt know alot of people still read books eh?" She said and moved to grab the Cafe's copy of People Magazine and opened it "If you dont mind me saying so remind me of someone I met long ago? Something to do with Seven Trumpets and a Great Fall right?" She asked her with a coy smile. If she was Abigale, the Abigale she was searching for, she would know about the Seven Trumpets of the Final Judgement as well as her own falling. The answer would lie in her eyes and her response. Even though anyone can lie and fake their way out of the truth, knowing about the Final Judgement would dictate some response and some Angels would have been a part of it. Maybe this woman was Abigale. She certainly hoped so...


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Abby was reading A Study in Scarlet when the woman came over again. This time far too bubbly then she should have been about a book. "Nice choice in book miss. I didn't know a lot of people still read books eh?" Abigale looked up over her book at the girl and watched her as she hopped over to the magazine rack and grabbed a People Magazine. Without looking up she began to speak again. "If you don't mind me saying so miss... you remind me of someone I met long ago? Something to do with Seven Trumpets and a Great Fall right?" Abby rose one long brow at the girl and then looked back at her book again.

So, it is as I thought. She's an Angel. So what do you want. My death, or answers? she thought then closed her book and quoted a line from within its pages. "There's the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it." Abby stared right at her and her eyes narrowed almost dangerously. "There were no trumpets, let alone the seven trumpets. At least while I was occupied. As for the "fall" it was more of a jump and a messy landing." Abigale's words were rather venomous now thinking of the day she fell from the heavens. The day she truly turned her back on the Lord.

"Now, you have a choice," Abby began and sat up in her chair, her eyes locked with the younger Angel right in front of her. "Tell me why you are here. And if you plan on making a scene." When she finished the bell to the little shop rang again and a blind man entered and walked over to the counter. Though limited, Abigale's telepathic powers picked up on his anger. And anger unique to demons. But at the moment she had a much bigger issue. Mainly keeping all the innocent humans around her alive.


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Bele merely giggled softly and smiled a little "I knew are Abigale. I am Bele, only the higher ups call me by my long name. I was tasked to come and kill you but I am not sure if I could. See...when I asked my superiors why you must die, I couldnt find the reason for it. I began to doubt so I came for answers in hopes you could fillin the gaps" She said wit a nod before her eyes slowly moved to the blind man that entered the room "Ohh my....." She said and nodded at Abigale "I have my Rapier outside and my armor in my bag. Want to cover me while I go slip into it? I cant have you dying on me when I need answers cant i?" She said with a serious face, all hint of the bubbly teenager gone as she slowly stood and watched the demon and headed for the rear of the Cafe <Keep him busy.......think you can do that Abigale?> She thought to her, praying she still had the ability to hear other's thoughts

Once inside the bathroom she quickly and quietly tried to put on her battle armor..some protection incase this particular demon was violent


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Oh yes, some very interesting individuals here today. He moved his head so his ear was turned towards a conversation that stuck out among the normal, useless human chatter. Seven trumpets, Great Fall, oh my yes, two angels here? This was a catch he certainly didn’t expect! His excitement over the possibility, no the certainty, of two kills to prove himself among the ranks was so great he almost missed the second half of the conversation. It caused a pause for him, his keen ears trained even more so on their words. One was sent to kill this angel named Abigale? Ha! The fallen one! The angel he had been searching for, this had to be her! She was finally his! Perhaps he should listen to Elissa’s stupid proposals of going out more often if this would be a constant result.

He was practically bouncing on his heels in anticipation of capturing his long time prey but once again this hunter angel’s words, Bele it seemed, caused him to freeze. Denying orders to kill the fallen angel Abigale? My, it seemed as if the lord was losing control over his ranks if all of them were questioning his judgment these days. Splendid news for his kind of such chaos in the opposing army but bad news for these disgusting mortals, he thought happily. However, Bele told the fallen angel where her armor and weapon were, something about giving her cover. Why would she…oh shit he must have been spotted! Why else would she need cover to fetch her weapons!? He couldn’t just reveal himself in a fight in front of so many of these weak humans! Would the angel truly fight him in front of so many eyes? Grabbing his order of coffee quickly as it was finally brought to him, he all but threw the money at the woman before turning on his heels and actually began “seeing” his way toward their table. Oh, he’d be damned before he let the angel get to her weapons if she was indeed going to confront him. He had his gun under his coat, ammo inside an inner pocket but of course he had his far superior demon form. These two would be no match for him! However, he’d rather not this form be known as a monster from the witnesses around, he was quite fond of it and didn’t wish to change his appearance or bring any trouble to Elissa. So, instead of attacking right away as he dearly wished to, he sat his coffee down on their table after his cane clacked into the legs of it and smiled at them. “Hello ladies, how are you today?” He then began making an odd clicking noise that sounded as if it were from his throat. Quiet enough so others wouldn’t hear but they most certainly would, he used his echolocation to see their faces and remember them before he picked up his sickly sweet smile once more. “Pardon my eavesdropping but I couldn’t help but be extremely interested in your conversation. Mind if I join you?”


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The young angel giggled at her response much like a child would and Abigale only sat with her hands folded over her book, her emotionless eyes locked on the girls face. "I knew are Abigale. I am Bele, only the higher ups call me by my long name. I was tasked to come and kill you but I am not sure if I could. See...when I asked my superiors why you must die, I couldnt find the reason for it. I began to doubt so I came for answers in hopes you could fillin the gaps." Abigale fought down the urge to burst out laughing at the girl, or Bele. She was able to resist laughing at her but a tiny smug smile pulled across her lips as she watching the girl continue. "Ohh my....." She said and nodded at Abigale "I have my Rapier outside and my armor in my bag. Want to cover me while I go slip into it? I cant have you dying on me when I need answers cant i?" She said with a serious face, all hint of the bubbly teenager gone as she slowly stood and watched the demon and headed for the rear of the Cafe Keep him busy.......think you can do that Abigale?

Does she seriously think that she can take me on? Wow. Abby watching her and raised an eyebrow at the girl when she bounced to her feet and put on a stern face as she spoke of the demon. As she was about to run off, the demon Beletheria was talking about came over with a smile. Using a long stick to make it way over, it was clear the sun was not his friend. A clear advantage she would have.

"Hello ladies, how are you today?" he started and Abigale rolled her eyes so hard she thought they might get stuck. "Pardon my eavesdropping but I couldn't help but be extremely interested in your conversation. Mind if I join you?"

"Well, in truth I don't want to be a part of any of this in reality. Especially here being that I am quite fond of the cafe." Looking up to the other Angel, Abby continued. "Beletheria, I used to be one of the highers who sent you out deary. And you, mister I can't see, I don't feel like dealing with. Now when either of you wish to actually talk to me like the demon and angel you are come and find me in a place where there are no innocents around otherwise you'll start something you two will really wish you didn't." Standing up Abigale put her book back on the shelf and began to walk away with her order in hand. Pausing Abby made eye contact with Bele again, "And you may really want to think about the choice you are making. The answers I give you will not help you."

Without another word to them Abigale walked out but not before waving bye to Emma. Leaving the cafe, Abby took a right and headed towards her apartment knowing full well one or both will be close behind her.


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Bele looked bewildered at the gaul of the Fallen and practically scratched her head and looked at the blind demon "I suggest a little stealth next time. If there werent mortals in our sights, Id have beheaded you by now" She said and practically scowled at the demon before quickly moved after the Fallen with a sigh till she was side by side sie with the angel "Look Abigale, If i wanted to try and attack you, why havent I done it? I just want answers to help me. Smething about killing you and a man seems awfully backwards. Can you please help?" SHe asked her plainly while moving ahead to stop her, her arms moving out from side to side " may not like it, but I want the answers and I want to at least be a help to you" She said, now looking extremely serious, all hint of any giggliness gone from her features, her eyes emotionless and hollow while her body and movements were extremely rigid "SOmething doesnt make sense and I wish to know if my doubts are valid of they are nothing but lies and clouds of deciet by our "Lord". Abigale I trust you and I know the answers are nothing but bad but please let me help. Afterwards if you wish me gone from your sights, I will not object"

She now put herself in the position to block the Fallen from leaving as well as kept a watch to her back. SHe knew she was almost defenseless without her armor but her wings were still but a call away and could be asily summoned to protect Abigale in case the demon came after them, she would protect Abigale and either get her answers or leave her if she gave the order "Will you aid me?"

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Philadelphia PA

Philadelphia PA by Apollymi

The home to many. Humans, demons and angels a like.

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Character Portrait: Jonathan Garland
0 sightings Jonathan Garland played by ViviOrunitiaFF9
"I'm not sure if God watches over us anymore...I think that...he has abandoned the Angels."
Character Portrait: Beck Walsh
0 sightings Beck Walsh played by CortezHorse

Character Portrait: Beletheria
0 sightings Beletheria played by Rougeshadow
"Death is not the question. But it is a meaning of understanding"

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Character Portrait: Ruya Epsuit
Character Portrait: Adam Smith


Character Portrait: Adam Smith
Adam Smith

You'll always miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take.

Character Portrait: Ruya Epsuit
Ruya Epsuit

Why must they die?


Character Portrait: Adam Smith
Adam Smith

You'll always miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take.

Character Portrait: Ruya Epsuit
Ruya Epsuit

Why must they die?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ruya Epsuit
Ruya Epsuit

Why must they die?

Character Portrait: Adam Smith
Adam Smith

You'll always miss one hundred percent of the shots you don't take.

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Philadelphia PA

Philadelphia PA by Apollymi

The home to many. Humans, demons and angels a like.

Philadelphia PA

The home to many. Humans, demons and angels a like.

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Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Lol no rush. f you wanna post in the interum, please id love to keep it goin along :)

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Nice post. I'm just waiting for Oncoming_Storm to post. I know her so I'm pestering her to get online >.<

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Mmk. I made the profile. Please tell me anything that i should fix up or change. I would greatly welcome the feedback

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Oncoming, you are accepted. :)

Rougeshadow, you can join as an Angel. We have two others so make sure you read up on who they are and what they do and such so you know your brethren. :)

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Heya guys. Love the rp

I have a question however. Is it still possible to have an Angel role still? That would be awesome if one was free

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Hey. Apollymi, not sure if you accepted my character yet. At any rate, I'll be Lucifer's son - Adam. See you guys in character.

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Ok guys, we are going to start. Lucifer's son should be joining us soon. And if not he will be a NPC until someone takes him or I will control him. So prepare yourself! Let this begin!

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Just so everyone knows, our current only demon is going to be away until the 4th but as soon as the character sheet I am waiting on is posted we will start. I have the first post all written up and everything just need to post.

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

It's all good. Thanks for letting me know though. If you would like to join later feel free. :)

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Sorry I guess I lied to you, I really would have liked to get into this rp but I just have to much going on already to keep up with another rp. Sorry again =(

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Sounds good Guru.

Alright, and I have someone working on the main guy so once that is in and I approve it I will begin! If you could please let me know if you are still with me that would be great. :)

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

I will have an angel in sometime tomorrow.

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Fantastic. We have 3! Still need the main male though >.< come on guys! Once I get him we can start this thing!!

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Just need one more. Come on guys, it's all I need!

Re: [OOC] Fallen from Grace

Awesome, we have 2 :) I just need Lucifer's Son and one demon would be nice but not needed to start. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask. :)

[OOC] Fallen from Grace

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Fallen from Grace"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.