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Falling For The Hunt

Falling For The Hunt


This is a private role play between myself and ~Living-Dead Doll~

644 readers have visited Falling For The Hunt since pandalover created it.


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The story line:

A demon has been given an assignment to hunt down and kill an angel that was sent to earth. Before the demon could reach her she was kidnapped by a member of the Vampire race. The demon now has to team up with a witch to get the angle back from the vampire.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Isabelle was nervous about leaving for her mission. She had only ever been to earth once in her life. It was when she was very young and she was on a field trip with her angel's in training class. She knew that eventually all angels have to go to earth at some point or another for their missions. Some are more dangerous than others and some missions you know you aren't going to be coming back. This mission was higher on the dangerous spectrum. She knew her life could be taken. But she was willing to go to keep her family and friends safe. As she said goodbye she took a deep breath in before stepping into the portal. The portal put her in the middle of a forest. She began wondering around wondering where to go first. She pulled out her compass and studied it carefully. "Head north." She said to herself. "Well Isabelle, here we go."

"There she is." He whispered quietly. Jasper was hidden high up in the tree. The vampires have been tracking this mission for months now. It had taken them a while to figure out the exact spot the portal was located but they figured it out. He was with his partner when Isabelle stepped through the portal. "Go tell them we have her spotted. I will follow her. If I kidnap her now the angels will know and send reinforcements. If I wait, they wont figure it out as fast." His partner nodded and took off through the trees. Jasper quietly jumped through the trees following Isabelle as she walked along the ground.


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A small sigh escaped his lips as someone informed him that the portal had been opened. It was time to go. Adem opened his crimson eyes before yawning slightly. He had been waiting for hours for her to arrive and now it was finally time. He jumped up from his seat and cracked his neck. "Not a big deal. Capture one little girl and we are done." he told himself as he made sure he had everything he needed in the summoning circle. Anything inside the circle he would be able to summon any time he needed, however if something he needed was outside the circle, he would not be able to use it.
"Don't go in to quickly. She will have some angels watching her and they will bring others." He thought silently as he stood a good distance away and watched. As soon as he locked eyes on the portal, he pulled his 'glamor' on that disquieted him as a large black wolf. A small smile formed on his face as the wind blew through his long black fur. It was nice being on earth again. The grass under his feet (well...paws at the moment), the wind in his hair, the scent of life. It was something he always enjoyed.


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As Jasper continued to follow the angel he noticed a large black wolf appear. Remember the Demon's are after her as well. He knew that he would have to strike at his first chance. He called for back up first. His partner was back in a flash. Jasper spoke to him softly and smooth without even looking back at him, his eyes never let the wolf, knowing if he did he could loose him. "There is a demon here in the form of a wolf, he will try to take the angel, so we need to get to her first and not let him see us. The plan is you are going to distract him while I grab her. Got it? Oh and never take your eyes off him." His partner was assigned to him because to the vampires he was useless. He knew that sending him after the demon would result in loss of his life, but he would at least give Jasper time to get out of there with the girl. As the got a little deeper into the woods, Jasper looked back at his partner. "Ready?.......Now!." As his partner jumped on the demon, Jasper Jumped down to the ground and grabbed the angel in his arms. "Its okay, look behind you, see that wolf? He was going to hurt you I saved you." A lie of course.
Isabelle was frightened at the sound of someone yelling NOW behind her. Then the next thing she knew she was being held close to someones chest and moving very quickly, like she as if she was flying, but faster. She went to scream in protest but the wind in her face didn't allow it to. Its okay. The man told her. look behind you. She did as she was told. See that wolf? Isabelle shook her head. He was going to hurt you and I saved you. Hurt her like she watched him hurt the other male fighting him. She watched as the wolf ripped the man to shreds. She burred her face into the chest of her......hero?


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Slowly, Adem stalked the angel. Suddenly, the wind blew just right and he caught a whiff of someone but it was too late. The vampire jumped onto Adem's back but he quickly threw himself to the ground, trapping the vampire's arms. With him somewhat trapped, Adem used his powerful jaws to take a chunk out of the vampires shoulder and chest area. For a second, he looked back and noticed the angel was gone. "Damn!" He yelled before shifting back into his demon form and snapping the neck of the vampire. Since the vampire was a low level and not very powerful, his neck being snapped was enough to kill him. Adem was thankful he wasn't a higher level, or it would have taken more effort to kill him.
With the attacker now dead, he began looking around for the angel. She was nowhere to be found. "Damn it!" He screamed before going back to the underworld. He glared at a lower demon who was simply a messenger boy. "She had someone else there to protect her!" He screamed in anger before taking a deep breath. "I need someone who can find her." He said then opened his eyes to glare at the demon. "Find me someone who can find her. NOW!" The demon was about to scurry off but turned around when someone laughed behind him. Adem looked at the women and shook his head. "Find them."


Echo stood rather uncomfortably in the demon's lair but no one could tell she was a bit nervous. She had dealt with lower level demons before but this would be the first dealings with a higher level one. However, her aura would show nothing but a calm, collected feeling. When she saw the demon appear, obviously mad, she knew he needed her help and couldn't help but to give a small laugh. It was amusing to see someone so powerful so mad over such a small thing. "I will find them but first I need information. Start explaining and tell me anything you know about her."


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Jasper got back to his layer and set Isabelle in a chair. He knew that she had to make her trust him before anything else. They weren't going to kill her, maybe just keep her hostage. But trust had to come first. "Would you like something to drink?" He went to the kitchen and got her some hot tea. He never drank the stuff for obvious reasons but as a part of his mission he needed stuff for her. "So angel tell me about your self."
Isabelle sat in the chair still shaken up and confused. She graciously accepted the tea. As the man she learned was called Jasper started asking about her she couldn't think of what to tell him. "Well my name is Isabelle and I am, as you know an angel." She paused for a moment. "I can't thank you enough for what you did back there. That was.....terrifying." She winced at the vision in her head. "I....What was that all about any way. And how did you guys know.?"
Jasper panicked at the questions she was asking. "Well Isabelle, you my dear have had a rough day. Why don't you just lie down and I will grab you a blanket." He watched her as she dosed off to sleep.


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Adem explained the only thing he could. He was informed the portal was open, he went to the woods, and before he could snag her, someone jumped him, and the next thing he knew the angel was gone. "No demon would dare try to take her, and even if they did, I would know." Adem stated as he sat on a chair and waited for the witch to think of something.


Echo sighed as she listened to all the basically useless information. "You didn't think to ask your attacker?" She asked but already knew the answer. As he started to make excuses, she cut him off. "Never mind. He probably left at least a small trace of what he was on you." She stated before walking over to him. She leaned over and placed her hand gently on his chest. Slowly, she closed her eyes and focused on his aura and anything out of place. It wasn't long before she found the vampire's trace. "It was a vampire." She informed him before opening her eyes. "I'm betting it was two vampires and this one was a decoy."


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Jasper let the angel sleep as he passed back and forth on the floor. He knew eventually they would come looking. Now he had to decide if he wanted to keep running or let them find him. He decided to stay put. He had more of an advantage close to home. So now it was playing the waiting game. He knew once they found out about the attack the demon would be here in a matter of minutes. So he had to plan a strategy. He would have to play it cool not come off to aggressive. Use the possession of the angel as an advantage. She would have to of course stay hidden. She started to awake. "Excellent."


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"Well do you know what group of vampires?" He asked a little irritated that he hadn't been able to tell that it was a vampire himself. Echo smiled slightly before nodding her head. "Yes. If it is who I am thinking, you don't want to try a heads on attack. He is powerful." She stated then walked a little away from him and thought of a plan. "I will go in and see if she is there." She stated with a small smile. With the demon's help, she was sure she would be fine and she was pretty good at undercover missions. If anything, she would go in and pose as a 'pet' for the vampire, or someone for him to feed off of. All she had to do was find the angel before the vampire fed. If he bit her before, no amount of magick could counsel the face she was a witch. However, if he didn't taste her blood, she could glamor herself to seem human. "Fine...." The demon growled before sending a messenger demon off to find the vampire's location.

Echo took a deep breath as she stood at the front door of the vampire's lair. The glamor she had one would make her appear human to any creature. Hopefully, the vampire was the type to keep pets like she had heard he did.


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Jasper took Isabelle by the shoulders as she woke up. "They are coming, they will be here soon. Listen to me Isabelle do not trust anyone but me." Jasper let her go and began to look out the windows. "You have to stay hidden or they will take you. I know this is a lot to take in but are you understanding me." Isabelle shook her head but remained silent. "Victoria will take care of you once they arrive, because you will not be able to be with me." Isabelle looked behind her and saw a tall very beautiful creature standing there. She assumed this was Victoria. "But you said not...." Isabelle spoke up quietly. Jasper cut her off. "I know what I said, remember it. Victoria knows the consequences if she crosses me." Isabelle swallowed hard and "Please get me out of this." Isabelle closed her eyes and whispered to her self.


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Echo looked down at her clothes. She wore a pair of black cargo pants and oversized hoodie. "I hope this is his place...." she thought to herself as she walked up the long driveway. As she walked, she tried to stretch her reach of things into the house, however she was finding it hard to even get a sense of things around her, other then what she could see with her eyes. Normally, her magic would have no problem. She sighed as she made it to the door. "Alright, here we go...." She thought to herself before knocking on the door.


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Jasper heard the knock on the door. "Isabelle now is the time. Go." He said not moving his eyes from the door. As Isabelle and Victoria quietly left Jasper cleared his throat and opened the door. Expecting a demon, he was taken back by the beautiful women who stood in front of him. "Well hello there miss. How may I help you this fine evening." He was defiantly playing the charm card on her. 'Fantastic, another pet. The more of them I have watching Isabelle the better.' He thought to him self.


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Echo forced a smile as she stared at him. It took her a second to remember what she was doing. Honestly, she never thought he would be so young and beautiful. "I heard that there was a man here who took donations?" She started in a low tone before leaning closer and adding "blood donations." For a second she simply looked at his face but moved back a little. "I don't have family or friends so no one would come looking for me." She added to further persuade him.


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Jasper looked her up and down. "Well then, why don't you come in and we can discuss the....details." He opened the door wider and motioned her to come in. "Victoria, bring Isabelle back to me please." He yelled. Victoria guided Isabelle back into the main room. "Here you are, Master Jasper, let me know if I can be of further assistance." She said bowing out of the room. "Come to me Isabelle." He said putting out his hand. Isabelle did as she was ordered. She walked over to him and placed her hand into his. "Isn't she beautiful?" He asked Echo as he spun Isabelle. He then turned his attention to Echo. "As are you madame." He said grabbing her hand and pulling it to his lips kissing it ever so lightly. "Isabelle this is our new guest Miss......I didn't get your name?"


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Echo smiled when she was offered to come inside. Stepping around him, she walked in and gazed around the room. It was as beautiful as she imagined. When he ordered for one of his servants to bring in Isabelle, she was sure that must be the angel. When the two women appeared in the room, she knew she had been right. As Jasper called for the girl over to him, Echo couldn't help but to tilt her head sideways a little and wonder what their relationship was. In response to his question, she simply nodded,since she wasn't exactly sure what she was supposed to say. However, when he kissed the top of Echo's hand, a small blush ran across her face. She quickly covered it up but the heat from it was still faint. "My name is Echo." She stated before giving a small curtsy, her smile returning to her face.


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Jasper noticed the slight blushing, which made him smile. "Echo, well your name is as beautiful as you my dear." He stepped back looking at the two of them. "Well why don't I put on some tea, you two get acquainted. And then we can talk business." Jasper said as he exited the room to the kitchen. He quickly found Victoria. "Make sure you keep an eye on our new guest, but don't get to close, give her space." She nodded and walked away.

Isabelle sat down in the chair. She was quiet for a moment but then decided to speak up. "So...what brings you here?"


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Echo gave another smile at Jasper's complement before watching him walk off. Honestly, she was a bit nervous still, however, she kept her composure. When Isabelle walked over to the chairs and spoke, Echo decided to join her, and engage in conversation as much as she could. As she sat in the chair, opposite to Isabelle, she mentally took notes of the angel. Her skin tone, her eyes, anything she could that would help give the demon a better way of knowing it was her.
"So...what brings you here?"
Echo tilted her head to the side slightly before replying. "I wanted to be a doner. I had heard from a few people about it, and since I have no family or a place to live anymore, I thought it would be a nice opportunity." She replied then gave a small laugh. "Does that sound dumb?" She asked, wondering what an angel would think of such an idea.


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"A doner? What does that mean?" Isabelle was confused. "What is going on here." Isabelle started to get freaked out. In her head she remembered another angel talking about vampires down on earth. Her eyes widened. "Jasper is a..... " She looked at Echo in horror. "Yes that's a stupid idea. We need to get out of here come on." Isabelle stood up and ran for the door. She opened it and took off running occasionally looking behind her.

Jasper heard the door open and dropped the glasses. He ran into the living room letting out a yell seeing both girls gone. "Victoria!" He yelled. "I told you to watch them" She began to speak but her grabbed her and bit her throat out. As her body fell to the floor he ran out the door after Isabelle and Echo with the blood still on his face.


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Echo's eyes widened when she realized Isabelle didn't know Jasper was a vampire. "Did they teach her anything before sending her here?" She wondered but was suddenly jerked out of her seat. As she was pulled out the front door with the angel, she thought of a master plan. As they got halfway across the lawn, Echo grabbed the girl, making both of them fall to the ground. "He wont hurt you and neither will I." She whispered as she used her arms and magic to hold her still.

Adem had been watching the whole time, though Echo was not aware of it. He watched as the angel panicked and jumped out of her seat, grabbing Echo and running out the door with her. This was his chance. He appeared just outside of the gates of the manor, posing as an innocent bystander. When they made it halfway and Echo nearly tackled the girl, Adem's eyes grew wide. What was she thinking? He shook his head then played the part he planned for. "Hey!" He yelled before taking off and running to them. "Let go of her!" As he reached the two girls, he kicked Echo hard, making her lose concentration. Her magic faded away and easily, Adem snatched the angel out of her arms. "Come on." He whispered, holding the girl close to her before fading away.
Adem and Isabelle appeared in a large room that could pass as a living room, however there were no doors. "You will be safe here."


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Isabelle's breath was knocked out of her when Echo tackled her. "Who wont hurt me? And you kinda just did." Just then another man appeared and kicked the girl off of her turning her appearance as she fell to the ground. He scooped her up and carried her away. This was the second time this had happened to her, but this time when she looked back she saw the vampire standing over the body of the girl with a bloody mouth. Had he killed her? She began to cry for fear of her life. Once they got to their destination she was still frightened. "Are you sure, because that's what the lat guy said before I found out his plan to suck my blood."

Jasper ran swiftly through the trees before reaching Echo, she was bent over on her side. He looked up and saw the demon running off with the angel. He let out a scream and punched a hole in the trunk of a tree before picking up Echo and returning back to his house. He laid her on the couch and put a cook rag over her head. While she was still out he disposed of Victoria's body and cleaned himself up.


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Adem took a deep breath then sat in a chair was sat across from a couch. "Well I assure you, I am no blood sucker." He stated rather bluntly, still wondering why the witch was in the process of betraying him. "Now, the question is, why would a leech want you?" He asked, his glamored his eyes to be a soft blue, however there was something there that also showed his anger. Not towards her of coarse, but the witch.

Echo watched with blurry vision as Adem took Isabelle away. "Damn it..." she groaned before she her vision faded a little more. When she fell to the ground, her eyes were barely opened and for a second she thought she saw Jasper. She cringed at the thought, since she was sure he would be furious, however she quickly faded and became unconscious.


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Isabelle watched as the man spoke to her. "I don't know whats going on, I just know I came here and then I almost got attacked by a wolf that I was told was going to kill me. Then it turned out that my so called hero was also going to kill me. So why should I trust you?" She said standing her guard. She may be small but she wasn't going to put her life at risk for a handsome guy again.

Jasper was getting impatient waiting for Echo to wake up so he decided to shake her awake. Once her eyes started to flutter he loaded her with questions. "What happened? What did you say to her? Were you working for the demon? If so why did he injure you? Answer me!" He began to get angry again reminding himself that he needed her for answers he forced himself to calm down.


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Adem sighed and nodded as she spoke. "I understand how you feel and honestly, I guess I don't have a very good reason why you should trust me...but I did save you from the vampire, if that counts for anything." He replied then motioned for her to sit on the couch in front of him. "Now, I'm not going to lie, I know what you are." He began then with his eyes on the floor but they slowly moved onto her before he continued. "However, I do not know why you are here. Please, could you do me the honor of informing me?"

Echo slowly opened her eyes before it dawned on her what was going on. As she listened to his questions she realized she was probably trapped. She pushed her body up and pushed herself past him before casting a small spell that would serve as a barrier. Though it wouldn't last very long, it might keep her safe long enough to answer his questions and time for him to cool down. "I thought she knew." She started out then shook her head a little bit. "I came here to find her, yes, but I wasn't going to help him capture her, which is probably why he attacked me."


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Isabelle looked at him. "Well he saved me from that wolf as well. But anyway I figured everyone knows what I am its not difficult to notice. As for why I am here, I was given very strict instructions to not leak any information at any cost.....even my life. So I am sorry but I can not tell you." She was stating to gain more confidence. "Now I want to know what everyone here wants from me, and what exactly are you?"

Jasper felt the spell come between them. "Well then that has confirmed that you my dear are a witch." He put his hands up to his mouth for a moment, thinking. "So if you weren't going to help the demon, then what purpose did you have coming here and taking my angel? And put that ridiculous force field thing down, if I wanted to hurt you, you would already be dead."


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Adem gazed at her as she spoke but silently cursed as she stated she couldn't tell him her mission. "Thats fine....." He thought to himself before hearing the questions she had. For a moment, he thought about telling her the truth, however he decided to be very vague with his answers. "I am just a concerned person. I am not sure what the vampires want with you, though I would love to find out..." He replied then gave a small sigh. Even though he had her, it seemed he wasn't going to be getting any information.

Echo stared at Jasper for a moment before slowly lowering the force field. "I was hired to do a job. He said for me to go in and find out if the angel was here. He said NOTHING about me helping to get her out of her. I personally don't like dealing with demons." She stated however continued the sentence in her mind. "or vampires..." . "I didn't know she didn't know what you were. I thought she would be more informed since she is indeed and angel." Echo explained before giving a small sigh. "I was never supposed to help him get her, thats why I tried to keep her in the gates."


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Isabelle let out a yawn. "Well if you are willing to help me would you allow me to get some rest. the last few days have been very exhausting." She was struggling to keep her eyes open when her stomach let out a growl. "But maybe some food first, people don't realize that angel's have to eat too." She smiled at his sweetly. She hadn't decided if she would fully trust him, but he was all she had at the moment.

Jasper let out a sigh. "This angel is more dangerous that she seems. Her mission will fore all of our races into a war. Now we all clearly don't get along very well but we tolerate each other enough to survive, but they think that if this war breaks out in the end we will have peace. There logic is completely ridiculous and we are not 100% on this mission, but there is one thing that we are sure of. Nothing good will come of this angels presents on earth."

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