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Falling Skies-War of the Worlds

Falling Skies-War of the Worlds


When the aliens invade Earth, countries crumble and governments turn into separate militias. The 2nd Massachusetts Militia Regiment are the face of the rebellion against the Overlords. How will you contribute to the war of the worlds?

2,276 readers have visited Falling Skies-War of the Worlds since Arabella13 created it.



After aliens invade earth and threaten to take over and destroy the humans, this roleplay focuses on the resilience of the survivors and their determination to maintain their humanity when all else has been destroyed. It is a tale of endurance, commitment and courage in which everyday people are called upon to become heroes. They may be outmatched, outnumbered and outgunned, but nothing can beat the human spirit. Most of all, something that the alien invasion showed humans was the ties that bind people together in the most difficult of circumstances whether it be death, love, betrayal, war, and conflict.

The ruined state of Massachusetts is where this roleplay takes place. A large group of survivors have band together in many of the states and have established a military within each society to help fight against and protect themselves against the aliens. They have started to try to recreate their home state and banish the alien menace from their planet, yet have had to endour many obstacles in their pathes along the way. This certain group has named themselves the 2nd Mass, standing for the Second Massachusetts Militia Regiment.

Within the 2nd Mass their lies a very important socail status of feudalism, as every civilization has come to need in order to be successful, even in ancient times. The list goes sort of like this:

The President

*The President is the Chief Executive of the whole colony. He controls the military and the economy of the group and helps to maintain the peace and prosperity of things within the colony. it is for these reasons that he is the most important member of the 2nd Mass.*


Vice President

*Even though the VP is, well the Vice President, he or she acts as a president of the non-militia related issues. Some issues that tend to arise in the duties of a Vice President is keeping the agricultural/food distribution going and supplied, helping to supply the doctors and engineers of the coloney with the right/ample supplies, keeping the peace within the coloney by making everyone happy, maintaining the schools/education programs for the young children who live in the 2nd Mass, and acting as a sort of advisor in the meetings of discussing what the Regiments next course of action against the alien invaders will be.*


*Colonels are the seconds in command and when the president is ill/unable to fulfill his or her duties, they must assume command over the military issues of the colony. They are looked upon with great authority, respect, and honor. Even though the VP is technically the next in line as the leader of 2nd Mass, but really the colonel has more authority over the militia and defense against all the aliens of the coloney. Typically in a Militia Regiment there is only one colonel maybe two in a largely populated coloney, however in the 2nd Mass there is only one. Yet if one small coloney was to join another coloney then usually the colonels would become a type of consel and blend both of their teams together and work together.*


*Acting as a sort of second in command to the Colonel, the Generals of the 2nd Mass are also well respected and hard working individuals, who have earned their status as General. During combative and defensive attacks against the aliens, they take commands from the Colonel and fulfill them with their own small squadron of men. They are just as important as any Colonel because without them the Colonel is tasked with having to lead only one large army against the aliens and has only himself and the soldiers.*

Doctors/Medical Personnel

*The most important skill level that a person in the coloney could have at this stage in the war is to have any type of medical background or knowledge that would enable them to help take care of others in the 2nd Mass. There are few people that are doctors, nurses, medical students, etc. that are in the coloney so this makes the job of a person with medical background very important. They are relied upon to help with the injured soldiers, diseases/illnesses, care of the harnessed children and the great responsibility of taking off the harnesses of the children. They are a very important group or status of citizen to have in the coloney, making their knowledge of great value to the welfare of the people and make them a great help/resource to have in the resistence.*


*A mix of both experienced fighters, able bodied men/women, and unexperiened who are willing to contribute. Most of the soldiers that are apart of the 2nd Mass, are able bodied willing workers who have some type of experience from their pre invasion lifes that are useful and contribute to the militia. Anyone between the ages of 15-65 are able to take up arms and help defend the coloney. The militia is made up of war vets, engineers and mechanics, professors and historians, pilots, and anyone else with a basic knowledge of fighting and following commands. In order to join the militia, a citizen must pass a basic test of whether they are of age and can fight, hold, shoot, dismantle/rebuild a gun or weapon, and if they are able to work hard and follow the demands of the generals, colonels, and other high ranking military figures.*


*The class of the citizens is a very general term in the 2nd Mass. When the military leaders are talking about the citizens, they mean all the women, children, sick, elderly, and everyone who isn't in the Regiment's militia. Even a soldier who is not on duty, either on patrol, in combat, or keeping the peace within the coloney are considered a citizen. However a citizen is not a certain type of person, since everyone in the coloney must contribute to the welfare and survival of all. Some people are given jobs like shifts of working in the food distribution, planning events and such, making sure everything is clean and orderly within the homes, teachers working for the education system and teaching the children of the coloney in the school, etc. They are all important and this also includes the delinquents, criminals, and low lifes. Even though these people aren't often trusted with such things as helping in the school or distributing the food to patrons, they are kept in check sometimes if they are willing to join the militia and follow the orders of the colonel, generals, and other high ranking citizens. Even though, usually these sort of people tend to keep to themselves and follow the rules, the background checks on them show whether or not they need to have an eye kept on them to make sure they are not disrupting the peace and order of things within the coloney.*



The aliens are mighty, mysterious, and merciless. They are highly intelligent and use military-like tactics, which makes them an overwhelming force against the 2nd Mass.

Overlords (Espheni): They use harnesses to command humans and skitters-their enslaved subjects- and appear to have designed the Mechs and Crawlies. OVerlords are tall humanoid bipeds with smooth gray skin, standing roughly twice as tall as a human and three times as tall as a skitter, though compared to a human the body is skinny and elongated. Their graceful gait indicates that they are able to move about easily in Earth gravity. Overlords are deaf and mute without the use of a harnessed helper, or at the very least incapable of understanding and emulating human speech without assistance. It is also revealed that their intelligence and mental capacity are incredibly advanced, meaning they do not rely on computers for data storage or processing, they store it all in their heads. Despite their frail appearance and perference in not to fight, they are physically very strong and can hold their own in a fight easily.


Skitters: The Skitters have spider-like bodies and incredible strength and agility. Skitters are functionally nocturnal and communicate using radio waves. They are able to use harnessed children to communicate with humans. A skitter can not fight with a gun or knife, but can wound a human with a blow from one of its legs. Skitters have vaguely reptile-like but also several insect-like features. Skitters walk on six legs, but have a roughly humanoid torso with two clawed arms (for a total of eight limbs).


Harnesses: The aliens control captured children, through bio-mechanical harnesses but have yet to reveal their ultimate plan for them. The harnesses are actually a type of parasitic mechansim that are placed onto the spinal cords on the backs of the children. The Harness or as they are really named chemlocks, begin to embed and grow roots into the child's skin and connect to it nervous system. The harnesses will gradually transform kids into skitters, a process that can continue even if the harnesses are removed. They are extremely hard to remove and if removed they often give the child long term side affects such as imporved and increase in vitality and health. For example a harnessed child with scoliosis would be completely healed off it, and in additiion they have the odd ability to say do 102 pushups or jump-rope continously for three hours.


Mechs: The deadly, robotic Mechs stand upright and can shoot bullets from their arms. Destroyed Mechs are entirely mechanical inside, so theres is no "pilot", implying that they are unmanned drones. Ones who control mechs can put them into guard/patrol mode, give special orders violating their usual protocol and assign priority targets. These commands are followed even it the commander is dead, implying that they have a primitive A.I that allows them to some extent think on their own. Mechs produce a distict mechanical moan evry now and then for unknown reasons. They can shoot bullets and rockets from their arms and have a multi-laser targeting system they use to triangulate their enemies. The lasers are orange while targeting but once locked on their target, they turn blue. Additionally they can fire an energy beam to stun humans, especially children in order to harness them.



Crawlies: They are deployed when the Overlords need to infiltrate a position to take it by surprise instead of their more typical frontal assaults. Crawlies have vaguely arachnid-like features (with six insect-like limbs instead of eight). They are about the size of a human hand and are a dull grey color with blue strips along their torso. They have two small eyes and a flat head with a broad mouth structure similar to that of a skitter. These jaws are strong enough to eat through metal. Crawlies appear to be natural burrowers, small enough to slip into enemy structures unnoticed through vents and air ducts, and with time they can boer their way through barriers they may encounter such as doors. While durabe against melee-weapons, they can be killed by gunfire without too much trouble. However, they appear to be pack hunters, deploying in large numbers and using swarm tactics to overwhelm oppostion similar to Army Ants. When attacking they can rear up on their four hindlegs and use their pair of forelegs like a Preying Mantis. They are very durable and can withstand about 10-13 hits with the butt of a rifle before dieing.


Airships: Airships or as the 2nd Mass call them "beamers", are used and controlled by skitters for deadly aerial assaults, designed for close and long-ranged combat to help support their ground troops. These ships are almost always found where the skitters roam and if not present then they can be called and summoned within a matter of seconds. They are armed with two laser cannons and neutron bombs that are capable of killing at least seven armed men and even whole cities. However the beamers are seen as bio-mechanical unmanned drones and have no significant weaknesses but can be taken down with machine guns.



We will start off by all the characters getting to know each other and then we will start the real fun by the colonel announcing that the militia will be going on a special mission and has the need of accquiring some civilians and citizens of special skills (this is optional for the characters who aren't neccessarily part of the actual military group). Upon returning there will be a surprise that will start to change the story line.




Vice President

--(Not required, but still apply please!)--



--(Depends on how many users apply for positions)--











*Includes doctors, harnessed kids, etc.







Aliens (Espheni/Overlords)

*They are NPC's that need to be played by someone. This someone is able to play another real character as well.*




[b]Please be descriptive in your submissions. I like to see lots of detail and depth in the characters please! Be original! :D

Code: Select all
[font=georgia][center][size=220][b]Name here – use the one that would be on your character’s birth certificate[/b]
[i]The (Insert what ranking/role you play) [/i][/size][/center]

[size=160][u]At A Glance[/u][/size]
[b]Full Name[/b]:

[b]Likes[/b]: List at least four, but feel free to add more!
[b]Dislikes[/b]: List at least four, but feel free to add more!
[b]Fears[/b]: At least two

[b]Personality:[/b](Here type up at least two good sized paragraphs describing your character’s personality. Give us an idea of how they view themselves, others in general, and their feelings on their place in the story-line. Things like typical moods and temperaments are also good, and feel free to add whatever you like!)

[b]Appearance Notes:[/b] If you do [b]not[/b] have anything that really sticks out about your character you are welcomed to take this part out. Example of something worth putting here: My character has a tattoo of whatever . Stuff like that.

[b]Normal Clothing:[/b] Put a picture or description of what your character usually wears

[b]Favorite Weapon(s):[/b] Why? you dont have to have one
[b]Skills:[/b] anything
[b]Other:[/b] Anything that you seem fit to put here. Or at least if I missed anything else.

[size=160][u]Biography[/u][/size]This is where you detail your character’s history, up to the point of being drawn into the story-line. Childhood, family life, education, etc. Please also make sure to cover any abnormalities you might choose to inflict on your character. how are they, when, why are they so skilled? This section should be about 2-3 solid paragraphs.[/font]

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