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Kaiogo Ozaki

"Despite what you may think, I'm as far from a damsel in distress as one can get."

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a character in “First Kiss”, as played by Starlight77



{"There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable." }

| Full Name |
Kaiogo Ozaki

| Nickname |
“You can call me Kai.”

| Birthday |
December 12

| Age |

| Nationality |
Japanese, Russian/American

| Sexuality |

| Hometown |
Kyoto, Japan

| Major |
Kai is studying music and, to a lesser extent, literature.

| Transportation |
If Kai can walk there, she will.

| Driver’s License |

| Faceclaim |
Momoyo Kawakami || Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai


| Height |

| Weight |
126 Pounds

| Hair Color |

| Eye Color |

| Tattoos |
On the left side of her pelvis is a tribal tiger tattoo. If she wears loose pants very low on her hips, you can see the upper half of the tiger peeking up over her waistband.

| Scars |
Kai’s knuckles are rough and scarred, and her fingers are calloused. She has a foot long scar the runs down her left shoulder blade.

| Appearance |
Kai has quite the eye catching appearance. She has a curvaceous, girly figure with a large bust. Her raven-black hair reaches her waist and her eyes are a deep auburn color. Her facial features are sharp and attractive. Kai’s skin is soft and pale, with only the occasional scar or tattoo. Her pearly white teeth and thin lips make for the best evil smirks. Lean, powerful muscles can be found everywhere on her body. She has a light six pack and a somewhat prominent v-line.
Kai doesn’t have much of a style. She wears an assortment of different types of clothing, ranging from jeans to t-shirts to mini skirts to dresses. It really depends on her mood. However, she usually only wears boots and sneakers due to her hatred of open-toed shoes.


| Personality |
{ | Bold | Mischievous | Playful | Perverted | Motherly | Dominant | }
When Kai walks into a room, all the attention has to be on her. She carries herself with a sense of pride and power. She has a sharp glare and a sharper tongue, making her both an interesting yet intimidating person to talk to or approach. She always seems to have a devilish smirk on her face, so she always looks to be up to something. Her chest is always puffed out and her back is always straight, with her head held high and her chin up.
Kai is quite the social butterfly. Its rather easy for her to find people to talk to and make friends, as long as they can actually put up with her loud, proud talkativeness. She has a dominate yet motherly figure. She’s extremely over protective of all of her friends, and she hates bullying more than anything else. And although her temper is a bit short, she always means well.
It seems as if “personal space” isn’t in Kai’s dictionary. She’s constantly piercing people’s personal bubbles. She loves giving hugs and wrapping her arms around others, especially if they’re shorter than her. Kai’s also extremely dirty in the sense where she’s constantly making innuendoes and implying things with her words.

Despite the fact that Kai might just seem like a hot-headed, loud brute, she’s actually rather wise. She’s read hundreds upon hundreds of books, many of which contemplating deep topics. She has memorized thousands of quotes that she says to herself when if the appropriate time arises. She’s great at giving advice and is a surprisingly good listener.

| Strengths |
Memory || Kai was born with hyperthymesia, otherwise known as Superior Autobiographical Memory. Kai remembers everything and anything that has or will ever happen to her. This makes it extremely easy for her to breeze through school without ever appearing to try very hard.

Multi-Lingual || With Kai’s heightened memory, she has learned a multitude of European and Asian languages.

Music || Kai is currently majoring in music. She can play the guitar (electric and acoustic), the drums, piano, electric bass, the flute, and she does vocals. Essentially, she is a one woman band.

Mixed Martial Arts || Kai has been practicing Mixed Martial Arts since she was very young, and she has grown rather fond of and good at the sport.

| Weaknesses |
Bluntness || Kai can have a bit of a sharp tongue when it comes to expressing her opinion. She’s utterly clever and witty, not to mention blunt, so getting in an argument with her isn’t the best idea.

Her Fears || Everyone is afraid of something.

Short, Cute Girls || Enough said.

| Fears |
Doctors and Needles || Kai really doesn’t know why she fears the doctor so much, but the mere smell of rubbing alcohol makes her anxious.

Dying || Well, who isn’t afraid of dying?

| Likes |
+Cute, Short Girls
+Playing Music
+Being the Center of Attention
+Playing Video Games

| Dislikes |
-Spicy Food
-Doctors and Needles
-The Dark
-Unnecessary Fighting and Violence


| Home Situation |
Kai currently lives in a good sized apartment with her good friend Iku Asuki. The apartment has two rooms, one for each of the girls, one bathroom, a living room with a tv, and a small kitchen. The apartment is about a ten minute walk from the University.

| Family |
Darya Volkov || Mother || 47 || Alive
Makoto Ozaki || Father || 49 || Alive
Saburo Ozaki || Sister || 16 || Alive

| History |
Kai was born to a famous Russian chef for a mother and a rich, businessman father. Money was never a problem growing up for her, and her family got along well. When she was six, her mother had another daughter.

Kai’s advanced memory capacity carried her through school. It was so easy sometimes that Kai found herself rather bored. She spent years exploring different hobbies. She excelled at everything she tried, drawing, painting, cooking, etc. She tried sports and found most of them boring and useless. But for her twelfth birthday, her parents bought her an acoustic guitar, and she fell in love. Music helped her express herself, and she found that it didn’t require as much intense commitment as many of the other hobbies. She she decided that she wanted to become a musician, perhaps join a band. Her parents decided to send her to Tokyo University since it was well known for its successful music program.

Kai had always known her feelings towards other girls was different. Despite this, she has never been ashamed. She’s loud and proud, and makes that very obvious. She’s been on plenty of dates with other girls, has kissed a few, but is yet to have sex. Although she may act as if she’s very experienced, she isn’t at all, and no one knows except for Iku.

So begins...

Kaiogo Ozaki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaiogo Ozaki Character Portrait: Yamamoto, Chi Character Portrait: Satomi Okada
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Chi sighed when Kai and Iku started arguing, but her thoughts on their talk was interrupted when Satomi leaned in to speak to her. "Nice to meet you as well but...if you'd like us to leave just say so, I know how it is to have your peace disrupted like this." She said thoughtfully. Chi gave a curt nod. "Don't worry about it, I dare say I need the company anyways." She returned to her food, trying not to eat fast so she wouldn't have a reason to get up and leave. Perhaps she could befriend these girls. They all seemed pretty nice, Iku most of all. Kai seemed to be more ignorant but not any less nice. And Satomi had put Chi's comfort before her own, which had never been shown to Chi, not by her parents or anyone else. It was quite kind.

Chi observed Kai and Iku's conversation in an attempt to learn a bit about them. The two seemed to be arguing about music and waking up, and by listening to them Chi established that they must have a very strong bond. She also suspected that they were either childhood friends, roommates, or both since they got along well but argued as if they spent all their time together. Chi used to argue in that way with her mother before the divorce. But not anymore. Chi admired their relationship, she herself had never been that close with anyone, not even her own parents. It seemed like fun, having someone around that you know you can trust.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaiogo Ozaki Character Portrait: Yamamoto, Chi Character Portrait: Satomi Okada
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{"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone." }

"Well, it's dyed... So no, I suppose technically it's not my natural hair color, though it is pretty close. I've had it like this... Since high school, so personally it feels pretty natural."

Kai watched with increasing interest as Satomi pulled her ponytail in front of her. She was practically transfixed by those light purple locks. As Satomi ran her fingers through it, Kai fought the urge to reach out and touch it herself. Iku seemed to notice this, and jabbed her friend in the ribs again. Kai let out a sharp yelp, like that of a wounded puppy. Her auburn gaze was fixed on the blonde as she sipped on her iced tea innocently.

"My name is Chi, it's pleased to meet you all."

Kai smiled and nodded, giving a quiet, “And you as well.” Soon after, she returned her sharp glare to Iku.



It pretty much evolved into what Iku calls “a sass fest”. They exchanged snide, sarcastic comments, their eyes locked. Kai eventually broke off to look back at Satomi.
“Well, I like it. It contrasts well with your eyes.”

“She likes blue eyes.” Iku added.

“Yeah, and you like big d- Ow!” Kai jumped as Iku stamped on her foot. “If you break my foot…” Iku shrugged leisurely.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaiogo Ozaki Character Portrait: Yamamoto, Chi Character Portrait: Satomi Okada
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#, as written by Keen
Satomi Okada

"Don't worry about it, I dare say I need the company anyways."

Satomi wasn't entirely convinced by her answer but she gave a nod anyways and let the girl be for the moment. She followed suit and moved her attention back to her own food, finishing up her sandwich and beginning on her salad. As she quietly and casually ate she looked up to the duo across the table, finding herself a bit amused by their banter and 'friendly' fighting. A meal and a show, not bad.

Their relationship was one Satomi had never had. Sure she had a few friends here and there, but nothing like what she saw before her, she found it enviable really. Eventually their little battle was called off and Kai refocused herself upon Satomi.

“Well, I like it. It contrasts well with your eyes.”

“She likes blue eyes.”

Her head tilted to the side slightly as an eyebrow arched curiously, further amused by their brief spurt of shouts and what she could only assume to be stomped feet. More curious thoughts about this Kai girl began to pop up in to her mind, much like they had earlier this morning. The way she had been acting here during lunch and the things she, and perhaps more importantly Iku, had said, began to give her an idea about Kai.

Her lips curled into a small smile as she leaned back in her seat, "Well, I appreciate the compliment... I rather like them as well, suppose I have my mother to thank for them." She began to collect her trash up, and with that finished she moved up to her feet. "It was fun chatting with you all but I think it's about time I head on to my next class... Perhaps I'll check in at the music department in the morning more often... Oh! And I work at a cafe not far from here called Blue Flower, you should stop by some time if you get the chance."

With a small wave she turned away from the group, "See ya." and headed out for her next class of the day feeling much better than she did earlier on that morning. Perhaps nothing would come of this chance little meeting, but the trio of girls had garnered her interest for the moment at least. With a brief stretch and a deep breath Satomi's headphones once again found themselves over her ears as she began her trek across the campus, eager to be done with the day already.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaiogo Ozaki Character Portrait: Yamamoto, Chi Character Portrait: Satomi Okada
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0.00 INK

Chi watched as Kai and Iku argued. It was quite amusing, but Chi was a bit disheartened when Satomi rose, claiming that she needed to head off to her class. She watched a the violet head disappeared into the crowd of students. "I think I'd better leave as well." Chi had finished her food despite her efforts to eat slowly, so she no longer had any reason to stay, and she stood to toss out her paper dishes. "It was nice meeting you. Perhaps I'll stop by tomorrow to watch you play again, you two were quite impressive this morning. Have a nice day."She slung her bag over her shoulder and picked up her violin, leaving the two friends to their bickering.

Chi looked around for another sign, spotting one and following it to the History Department of the immense University. She found the Archeology room quite easily. Walking in, she was surprised to find that the room was almost all bookshelves, with no windows and only a few desks to seat the three or four other students who sat there, reading or discussing things. Chi took a seat and quietly followed their example, pulling out books and studying the subject on the board. Apparently they were currently studying the Egyptian Pyramids, and Chi joined in on the discussions whole-heartedly.

She was in the middle of class, and two of the other students had left to go to the Library for more references, leaving the remaining three to continue researching with the books they had in the room. The other two students were discussing possibilites on who could have made the Pyramids, but Chi wasn't quite interested. Thoughts of what happened at lunch kept flowing through her mind. There was something about how Kai and Iku argued that made Chi jealous, as if she wanted to be in their shoes instead of her own. She kept thinking about how she'd noticed Kai glancing at Satomi, and a very rare blush came to her face as she thought of her beautiful schoolmates.