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Just Another Dragon

Just Another Dragon


Wanna buy... a... Dragon? (Players needed)

2,783 readers have visited Just Another Dragon since GenericUserName created it.


Just another boring day in the life of a teenager. You go shopping with your mom and then all of a sudden… This happens…

As a normal teenage kid, you haven’t really done much. You’ve watched as the village fighters take out dragons in the rings, show off their finest dragon merchandise, and even fend dragons off from the village. Nothing too serious as far as it goes. Dragons are just one big fashion statement. That or a pest.

When I say dragons are a fashion statement, I mean that they are worn as one. People wear their horns, skins, scales, claws, teeth, anything they can get their greedy hands on. They fetch very high prices, seeing that they are so hard to find. Some people think it is fun to watch dragons be skinned, after all, they’re nothing but a nuisance that needs to be gotten rid of. All they do is steal livestock and local royalty. They’re obnoxious creatures that are no good for anything but they glory you get from killing them… Right?

Dragons are strong beasts. They hide away as best as they can, many of them have taken to murder in order to keep themselves out of trouble. They don't mean any harm, but the humans seem to think they do...

There are those who don’t believe that… There are those who want to help them. But they were all killed long ago. No one seems to care for the dragons anymore. They are left in the wild to die on their own… No one wants to see a dragon… Because they only cause trouble… Yet, there are people who have opened dragon shows, as though they are pets. You bring in a captive dragon to show off. Whoever has the prettiest dragon gets to have it skinned and sold for an extremely high price to the royal family. Then there are battles. The owner with the largest, best, killer dragon gets to have it skinned and sold away for a high price… There are races, where the winner gets to have their dragons wings cut off and sold away… Then there are flying competitions, to see who flies fastest, highest, and best. The winner’s dragon loses its wings too….

There are those who actually award metals for winners, but they live in the village down the road. And by down the road I mean the only way to get there is by jumping mountains, running through a jungle, or digging a tunnel there. It’s not a logical thing for a human to do. Not even elves are that crazed…. It seems that dragons are doomed from this village.

That is, unless…. There is an old man at the market today… He’s mysterious and new. Never has he been spotted at the market place before… Yet… He is beckoning for you. He wants you to look at his merchandise… But only you. No one else. He says that his wares are only for certain people’s eyes… You just happen to be one of them. The tent that holds the old man’s wares is huge… The question is pretty simple… Whether or not to go in?

The old man seems to really want you to look, he’s even beginning to offer special prices. He says that he has something that no other man can find. That his wares are the best… That sounds like a con, but not when he says it. It sounds true. The question is simple…. To go? Or Not to go?

((Okay, here’s the gist of things. Dragon trainers are the teenagers who are at the market place. Inside the tent, is a large amount of cages. These cages hold dragons. These dragons need a dragon trainer, maybe with the help of the dragons; the trainers can get their village to stop selling dragon parts… So trainers, go buy dragons. I need there to be at least one dragon for every trainer, but you can have more if you want. The information on dragons is below. Please note that you do not have to be humans, trainers, you can be just about anything.))

Collars and whips:
When training a dragon, it’s crucial that you have a whip to snap at it, and a collar so people won’t try to skin it. These collars and whips are sold with the dragon. They each stand for something.


Spiked collars mean feisty dragons. They may be smart, but they have attitude problems.
Leather collars are standard. It means the dragon will act good when you’re good to it and bad when you’re bad to it.
Only for the worst dragons. It chokes them to show that you need to keep them on tight leads. They just plain want you dead.
Dog Collar:
Perfect little angels. They make good pets!
Bell on collar:
They steal things and make your life miserable without you knowing

Short and sturdy:
Your dragon likes to keep its distance in a fight.
Long and thin:
Great at flight.
Long and sturdy:
Close ranged fighter.
Short and thin:
Best at shows.
Rope like:
Best at races.


How you lovely little dragon looks. Sorry dragon trainers, you don’t get to read 11 pages worth of information!!! –Eye twitch violently—Sorry. Alright. Just look through these and see what you like. It took me a loooooong time….

Body type:
Gimizuki have large ears and short teeth. Many of them have long manes. They are prone to having fur or feathers.

Wyrms have long necks and wings, but no front arms. They have slender figures normally.

Wyverns are sometimes chunky. They have shorter necks than Wyrms, but look a lot like them.

Lindworms have long, snake like bodies with no back legs. Some have no front arms, and just have wings. Others only have front arms. They appear very snake-like.

Sea Serpent:
Sea serpents are long and dangerous. Some have fins. Others just sway side to side in order to swim. They all have gills. These are very rare. ((Only allowing 1))

Long bodied:

Most commonly Chinese, these dragons have extremely long bodies, as their name suggests. They can grow up to the length of three football fields. They commonly have manes and large lower incisors. Moderately rare. ((Only 4))

These dragons have very stubby legs. They are normally very heavy. They have small wings, and many cannot fly.


Much like the T-rex and Veloci raptor of prehistoric ages, these creatures have short front arms and large muscular back legs. They are known to be both small and large, though smaller ones are far more common. Rare. ((Only 3))

These buggers have more than one head.


Standing on two legs and having the same basic structure of a human, these are some of the oddest of all dragons. They are known to only stand at 8 feet, making them small… Extremely rare. ((only one))

These dragons resemble the half man half horse creatures from Greek myth. They have six arms. Rare. ((only 3))

These creatures resemble a cross between a dog and a dragon. They are covered in fur and have very odd appearances. Many stand like centaurs with 6 limbs. Most have manes, all have horns. Fairly common. ((Only 6))


These dragons have taken a liking to appearing like an animal. They take their fur and traits from them.

These things are no bigger than a mouse. They look just like any other dragon though. Hard to catch. ((Only 2))

These creatures get no bigger than a house cat. They can look like any sort of dragon though. Fairly hard to catch. ((Only 4))

This is what everyone sees when they think dragon. The most common of all.

Limb number:
Four armed dragons look normal.

Wyrms, Wyverns, so forth.

Six armed dragons look mighty.

Wing number:

Allows for extra lift.

With this many wings, you are bound to use them both in flight and in battle.

Mostly crawling and water elemented.

Wing type:


Bat wing:

Different sided:

Specialized. ((Only 2))

Horn type:
Curly like a ram.

Like what you would find on a buck.

Forward curve:
Pointing forward.

Backward curve:
Pointing backward.

No curve.

Point forward:
Going in a circle downward and pointing forward from the sides of the face.

One horn:
One long horn. Commonly on the nose.


In a wavy pattern. Also found on nose in some cases.


Eye type/color:











Skin type:
Like a bird.


Like a dog.

Scale/fur types:
This is the kinds of fur/scales/feathers you can have. There is metal, which is strong, and then just color, which is more for show. Please note that you can combine colors and such, but list only base colors.

Metallic/gem Dragons:
Cobalt Dragon:
Pretty to look at. Very tough.

Silver Dragon:
Shiny and makes it hard to sneak. Tough.

Gold Dragon:
Shiny, makes it hard to stay hidden. Tough. Nice in shows.

Bronze Dragon:
Shiny, makes it hard to sneak in daylight. Bendable, but tough.

Iron Dragon:

Not so shiny. Rusts when wet. Tough.

Nickel Dragon:

Bendable, but tough.

Chromium Dragon:
Shiny. Makes it incredibly hard to hide, at all. Scratches. Tough. Very nice in shows.

Copper Dragon:
Bendable, but tough. A little shiny.

Brass Dragon:

Shiny. Very nice in shows.

Amethyst Dragon:
Strong. A little breakable.

Crystal Dragon:
Extremely nice in shows. Shiny. Weak armor.

Emerald Dragon:

Nice in shows. A little shiny in daylight.

Sapphire Dragon:
Nice inn shows. Can shine when taken care of.

Topaz Dragon:
Nice in shows. Doesn’t shine as much as it should.

Colored Dragons:

Black Dragon:
Nice in some shows. Very cruel.

Red Dragon:
Common. Almost standard.

Blue Dragon:
Good in shows. Calm.

White Dragon:
Angelic almost. Worshipped by some.

Green Dragon:

Grey Dragon:
Nice to look at, even tempered. Not very tough.

Yellow Dragon:
Quick to anger. Good in shows.

Purple Dragon:
Extremely loyal. Hate conflict.

Brown Dragon:

Uncommon. Large in size.

Area Related Species: (These come from Temeraire. I used a wiki page.)

This is the species of your dragon. Take into account what it says.

British Dragons:
Grey Widowmaker:
Camouflaged by its grey coloration. Speedy.

Long and spiky. Packs a punch.

Small and normally grey or silver. Speedy.

Long wings. Speedy. Good for riding.

Regal Copper:
Large reddish colored. Rare. High price.

Yellow Reaper:

Best for breeding. Very common.

Chequered Nettle:

Odd markings. Morning star like tail. Fetch high prices for skins.

Small wings. Two colored.

Pascal Blue:
Blue with flexible wings. Wings fetch high prices.

Chinese Dragons:
Lung Tien (Celestial Dragon):
Large. Used to be worshipped. Horns fetch high prices. Hard to find.

Lung Yu (Jade Dragon):
Good in shows. Scales fetch high prices. Common for a Chinese dragon.

Yung Qin (Imperial Dragon):
Medium sized. Used to be worshipped. Horns and skins fetch nice price. Hard to find.

French Dragons:

Chasseur Vocifere (Ferocious Hunter):
Small but vicious.

Defendeur-Brave (Brave Defender):

Snake like with a scorpion/hooked tail.

Flamme-de-Gloire (Flames of Glory):
Two pairs of horns. Yellow and black.

Fleur-De-Nuit (Night Flower):
Black with blank eyes. Rare. Fetch very nice prices all togtheer.

Grand Chevalier (Great Knight):

Great fighters. Hard to catch.

Pêcheur-Couronné(Crowned angler):
Odd looking with ears. Only eats fish. Teeth fetch high prices.

Pêcheur-Râyé (striped angler):

Horse sized. Kind looking. Only eats fish. Skins fetch high prices.

Roi-de-Vitesse (King of Speed):
Small and fast. Good at gripping things with hands and feet.

Japanese Dragons:
Striped with manes. Fast and usual lightning.

Sui Riu:
Always water elemented. Very large.

Turkish Dragon:
Big and red with tattered wings. Usually old.

Breath type:

This is what your dragon uses in battle other than biting and clawing. You can have two of them.

Spurts of water comes from its mouth. That or it can turn itself into water…


Shooting large rocks and shards of rock.


Lots of electricity coming from the mouth at one time.

Shards of ice or blasts of freezing air.

Large gusts of wind that can cut.

Seeds that grow into large carnivorous plants.

Liquid fire. It burns and it sticks.

Injectable through fangs or shot into eyes, mouth, nose, or on skin. Doesn’t burn like acid.

Burns holes in just about anything.

Such a loud scream you’ll go flying, and then get extremely scared.

A veil of shadow to hide in. That or black flames that don’t burn as much but confuse the enemy.

Long streams of light that work like lasers. Flashes that temporarily blind opponents.

Healing mists.

Reviving corpses….

The ability to throw things around…. Without touching them.

Sign-ups forums:

Name: ((Something silly sounding, like Shadowback or KillJoy.))
Gender: ((Can be unknown))
Body type: ((List above))
Limb number: ((List above.))
Wing number: ((List above.))
Wing type: ((List above.))
Horn type: ((List above.))
Eye color/type: ((List above.))
Skin type: ((List above.))
Scale/fur/feather type: ((List above.))
Species: ((List above.))
Collar: ((List above.))
Whip: ((List above.))
Best in: ((Racing, Flying, Fighting, or Shows.))
Picture: ((I prefer you have one, but you don’t have to.))
Description: ((Very brief. Just explain anything that isn't listed,))
Breath type: ((listed above. Up to three.))
Personality: (( As long as you can make it. Explain how you will react to a trainer.))
Trainer needed: ((what kind of trainer can train you?))

Dragon Trainer-

Name: ((Something silly is preferred. But overall, I don’t care.))
Age: ((You’re a teenager, still in school. Somewhere between 15 and 18))
Gender: ((Do I have to explain?))
Species: ((Hume, elf, gnome, so on….))
Occupation: ((You're an apprentice of something...))
Description: ((I need it written too. Please provide: Hair color, eye color, height, weight, skin tone, hair length, and clothing at LEAST.))
Picture: ((Recommended but not required.))
Personality: ((length. Please add what you think of dragons.))
Equipment: ((Most have weaponry after all))
Collar preferred: ((List above))
Whip preferred: ((List above))
History: ((Include family. Sorry, you have to have a mom. Even if it is just a mom.))
Type of dragon preferred: ((When I say type, I mean temperament. But if you would like to read above all the info and give specifics I would be VERY VERY happy.))

((WHEW! That was a lot to write out! Hope you like it. Note that you can be more than one character, just no more than 3. And you cannot have your dragon trainer character buy your dragon. Be social.))

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Fawn let out a grunt as he picked her up by her shirt collar and place her on his back. Wow, she was on top of a dragon she'd been raised by dragon racers but never actually been on one this was so exciting! She crawled up to his head grabbing onto his horns tightly, a tad terrifying as well, terror and excitement mixed together but she was ready. He mentioned he would take her home, the last place she wanted to be, she made a face at that but wouldn't argue that point right now..especially with the terrified crowds gathering. Hearing the dragon say he wanted out she looked around at the others who were still caged. "What about the other dragons, shouldn't we let them go as well?"


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Sin let out a snort and stretched his wings.

"Let him rot." He the flapped his wings once and took off. He flew up higher and higher, moving extremely fast. He let out a roar and laughed a little. His wings felt much better when there were no chains on them. He smiled and turned so that he was no longer facing almost directly upward.

"Where do you want to go kid?"


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Fawn pressed as far as she could against Sin as he took off, she closed her eyes tightly and gripped his horns. She'd never been in the air this was terrifying! When he evened out in the sky she finally opened her eyes peeking over the edge and quickly skittering back onto the middle of his head. "Wow Ive..I've never been in the sky before it..its amazing." She smiled widely looking down once more at the houses and people..they looked like tiny bugs. Where do I want to go? "I'm..not sure where I want to go mentioned home before but i'd rather not if it's all the same to you really."


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Olive smiled nervously and ran her hand gingerly over Cynder's scales. "Y-yes...that is a good idea, I believe...we will be brave someday..." She stood, looking for a way to free Cynder from her cage. "Wait, I will find the elderly one...and purchase your freedom." Her smile was starting to grow, as if she sensed a bright future.


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Sin smiled just a little. So she didn't want to go home after all. he laughed a little.

"All the same to me. Feel free to come with me. I don't know where I'm going. So you say the place and I can go there." He snorted a little.

JackKnife let out a roar of frustration at Sinister as he flew off. How dare that rotten dragon. He stood and let the acid boil in his throat again. He let it fall onto the chains around his feet. He winced a little as the chains burned, but so did his feet. He finally managed to escape and hissed at the bar of the cage, taking them out with a ram. He wobbled just a little and glared at Spawn, then Flex. He walked over to Cynder's cage and dropped a little acid on it a hole being eaten into it.

"Come on little one." He spoke looking into the hole. He nudged it some, attempting to tilt the cage some. Her neck was chained. He made a face and glanced to Olive, who he had just noticed. He stood up and swatted his tail some.

"Good day miss."


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Olive looked at him, terrified. "B-b-b-b-bonjour," she stammered, taking several steps back. She knew Cynder was not out to harm her now but that was all. As for the other dragons, they might as well be different beings for all she knew.


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She slid out of the cage and whimpered a little. She looked at the chain "The chain...please release the chain..." She walked as close to Olive as the chain would allow and whimper, still scared of the old man and wanting to be near Olive "Olive...please come here please? I cant move...please"


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Fawn smiled widely "Anywhere?...Wow um...The mountains I've only seen them from far away..could we go see them..up close?"...she sat up now on his head feeling more at home as they glided through the clouds with ease. He was absolutely magnificent she couldn't believe she was traveling with a dragon, oh she could do this forever! Away from people and their labeling! She couldn't help but think back to the two kids at the tent..the other was climbing on a dragon..and then that man..with the red eyes. Were they all suppose to be there, oh what a silly thought she should just enjoy this.


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Sinister let out a snort. The mountains. He loved it there.

"Good choice. Hm? You're thinking about that cloaked man aren't you? I can answer that question. His name is Fane, he's the youngest prince." He let out a rough growl.

"The royal family is the one to blame for all of this crap. I don't know what their planning but I know that they've been catching dragons." He snarls. "Beasts..." He flapped his wings and did a small turn. The others... He would have to speak with them.

JackKnife looked down at Cynder with shocked eyes. He snorted and laid next to her. Then looked to Olive.

"I won't hurt you. At least not right now." A man came running up with a sword. JackKnife let out a terrible roar and he fled in the other direction.

"I suggest you two get out."


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She struggled against the chain that binded her to the bottom of the cage "I cant...i cant break the me break it" She roared loudly, but weak, scared out of her mind


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Fawn furrowed her brow as Sinister explained the mysterious man, a royal? "Maybe they're gathering them for some huge tournament or something of the sort..but either way why would Fane set you free if they're suppose to be capturing dragons?" why would the royals bother themselves with something like rustling up a bunch of dragons it didn't make sense. Fane had set Sinister free which just confused her further, was there something more to this? She wondered of the two other children and the other dragons if they would be set free and escape.


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"Hope you don't mind if I do something before we go." Spawn said as he walked towards the chained dragon. "Don't move or you'll be down one limb." he warned as his four wings slashed at the chain "Name's Spawn, what is yours, lovely lady?". <Was that just humor? I'm getting soft...>


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Sinister snorted.

"Better not be. And I don't know. I was hoping you would human. After all, I've spent my life on the move, not living with humans in a village..." He snorted even louder and looked down. He suddenly bolted downward. He landed on a mountain side with a slight roar. It was cold... Snowing. The mountain must have been high up...


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Fawn held tight as he bolted downward opening her eyes she looked was stark white..she wondered how far up they were. She looked down it was a far drop..she climbed on his wing sliding down it then plopped into a snow drift that was taller than her. Popping her head up out of the snow she shoved out of it shivering "I had no idea it was so cold on top of mountains..but its beautiful up here." She turned her head looking up at Sin. "And as for knowing what the royals are doing..thats just it they're royals not commoners like me. You could consider us two different species if you wish, we dont know what goes on with them. I also have a name and it happens to not be's Fawn if you wouldn't mind calling me that instead..I'm not calling you dragon am I?" She walked around, the snow weighing down her steps as she explored.


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Olive looked panicked as she had been unsure how to get the chains off and was none too strong. "Merci...thank you so much, S-Spawn!" she managed to gasp, helping Cynder kick the chain away completely. "I am...Olive. And..." she looked at Cynder. "I am unaware of your name as of yet..."

(Not sure who he was speaking to, so;.)


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After slashing the chains Spawn looked at the kid on his back "Point the way to your house, I want to get you back where you belong so your people bear me no Ill will." <I'll make sure he's safe, get back to my den and seal the exit.. that'll keep the humans from bothering me.> then, turning to the 'Olive' girl Spawn said "You're a cute one, for a human."


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Sin smiled just a little. This one had some spunk.

"Climb back on. Those others might just know something, Fawn." Stressed her name, " We will find them, and ask them if they know what is going on."

JackKnife let out a large growl toward Spawn. Then smiled some. He lowered his head for a moment and then looked at him with bright eyes.


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Fawn smirked when he stressed her name and came over as fast as she could in the deep snow. Waiting for him to bend down she pulled herself up with his spikes and placed herself back on his head grabbing his horns. "Alright, wherever you think we'll need to go I'll follow you." It might have seemed silly to him so she didn't say it outloud..but it almost appeared like they were suppose to meet..all of them were...why else would the prince have told Sin to come with her? Then again it could have just been a silly thought that tied back to the books of adventure and fate she'd always read.


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Mystystone looked around anxiously, slinking back in her cage at all the action. She wanted to be left alone.


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"A-ahh, merci..." Olive said to Spawn, looking a little embarrassed, far unused to compliments from dragons.


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Spawn returns the child to his house and proceeded to run to his cave <I hope they leave me alone. Damn, just cursed myself, didn't I?>.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Wrenual
Character Portrait: Olive Desmairais
Character Portrait: Alexandrea
Character Portrait: Sinister
Character Portrait: Jack Knife


Character Portrait: Jack Knife
Jack Knife

"Just don't"

Character Portrait: Sinister

Black dragon with an attitude

Character Portrait: Alexandrea

a new baby Lindworm

Character Portrait: Olive Desmairais
Olive Desmairais

Perky young French girl.

Character Portrait: Wrenual

sea serpent


Character Portrait: Olive Desmairais
Olive Desmairais

Perky young French girl.

Character Portrait: Wrenual

sea serpent

Character Portrait: Sinister

Black dragon with an attitude

Character Portrait: Jack Knife
Jack Knife

"Just don't"

Character Portrait: Alexandrea

a new baby Lindworm

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sinister

Black dragon with an attitude

Character Portrait: Alexandrea

a new baby Lindworm

Character Portrait: Jack Knife
Jack Knife

"Just don't"

Character Portrait: Olive Desmairais
Olive Desmairais

Perky young French girl.

Character Portrait: Wrenual

sea serpent

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Just Another Dragon: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Just Another Dragon

Re: [OOC] Just another dragon.

I'm losing faith in this RP, could you post? If there are no new posts by Thursday then I'm out... sorry.

Re: [OOC] Just another dragon.

Draaaaaagggh! They always leave as soon as it gets rolling with me in it!

Re: [OOC] Just another dragon.

sorry guys, I'm out. I just don't have enough time to roleplay anymore >.>

Re: [OOC] Just another dragon.

If I ever get out of line, just tell me. I'll continue the "Escape with the trainer" idea if you think it's wise.

Re: [OOC] Just another dragon.

i'm interested :D
i'll submit a character as soon as i can, hope u can wait a little longer.. :)

Re: [OOC] Just another dragon.

ooh I'm interested :D I'm in.
Question. So we're not allowed to roleplay as a dragon AND its dragon trainer??

[OOC] Just another dragon.

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Just another dragon."

You may edit this first post as you see fit.
