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Daniella Voltair

"Were you never told not to poke a sleeping dragon?"

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a character in “Lagshmivar's School For Mystical Beings”, as played by Starlight77



{“Have you never been told not to poke a sleeping dragon?” }

Shake It Off (Neon NiteClub Remix) || Tayor Swift


|Full Name|
Daniella Diana Voltair

“You can call me Danny and nothing else, please.”



October 30


“And if you couldn’t tell by now, well, I recommend you get those eyes of yours checked out.”

50% Greek and 50% French


A Dirty Blonde

Constantly changing color to fit her mood. Its a side effect of her species.

Danny has many, many scars; too many to count, really. Though the most prominent ones are three wide, jagged marks starting from the right side of her neck and going down her chest, over her heart, and stops just at her stomach.

|Normal Attire|
Danny believes in being comfortable. She only really wears things she finds are, well, comfortable. She might wear jeans or sweatpants with a tank top, graphic tee, or a sweatshirt. She likes sneakers and combat boots. She doesn’t really wear much else. That is, except for a dragon tooth necklace. The tooth is actually a magically scaled down version of a foot long fang from a dragon Danny defeated when she was 16.

Ahh, where to start with this one… Well, one of the first things someone would notice about Danny is her body type. She’s rather tall, being 5’11’’. She has a curvy figure with a good sized bust. She has broad, square shoulders, making her look bigger and tougher. She’s also athletic, unsurprisingly, with powerful, lean muscles, including a six pack and a prominent v-line. Nothing uncommon for a Voltair.

Danny is undoubtedly beautiful, but she is also rather intimidating. Her odd eyes and sharp glare can make grown men weep. She has full, pink lips that are generally curled up in a mischievous smile. Her straight, dirty blonde hair stops just after her shoulder blades. There are dozen of scars riddled all over her body. She doesn’t have any piercings, but she does have a tribal dragon tattoo on her left shoulder.


{ | Princely | Bold | Playful | Witty | Perverted | Mischievous | Charming | Intimidating | Loyal | Overprotective | Heroic | Nerdy | Humorous | }
When trying to describe Danny, its impossible to use just a single word.
At first glance, people assume Danny is a just a shallow person with bad character. They see her as a girl who’s just too loud and too rowdy, always causing a commotion and making a mess. However, she’s got this special charm to her. Its a princely sort of charm; she always knows what to say and when to say it to allure someone or get her way. She uses this charm frequently to make friends and get attention. Danny craves attention and will do pretty much anything to seek it. Despite what others think, this isn’t always to stroke her massive ego. She’s the kind of person who has to be around other people, and if she’s not, she goes to a very dark place.

People have used the words “stereotypical jock” as a label for Danny. This may fit to some of an extent, but not fully. She’s definitely got the body type for it. She does love sports, being active and can be rather self-centered sometimes. But this isn’t really a dominating trait. If you were to compliment her, Danny would probably agree, but she doesn’t go around boasting about her strength and powers unless necessary. She’s also quite the “ladies man”; she can be seen constantly trying to pick up girls. If she thinks she can a crush on someone, she will pursue them endless, even if she’s rejected multiple times. It takes quite a bit to dampen her spirits. Teachers call her the rebellious teenager type, but can you blame her? She’s part beast, and beasts don’t like to be caged. Danny doesn’t take well with being ordered around and told what to do, but its easy to trick her by simply suggesting things instead of demanding them. Her temper is short, but what dragon’s isn’t? If she gets super angry, its easy for her to lose control and practically go feral. Some things seem to tick her off faster than others. One thing she cannot stand is bullying. If she sees someone being bullied, Danny will go out of her way to deliver her own slice of justice upon the tormenter. Another thing that angers her greatly is when someone personally attacks those that are close to her.

But after you get through the loud, obnoxious, and scaly exterior, you’ll find a very different, sweet person inside Danny. Danny is a hopeless romantic, and she just loves to make others happy in general. Someone who’s her friend can expected to be smothered with love, affection, and protection from her. She’s kind when she needs to be, and generous to everyone. If there’s someone who needs help, she will go out of her way to help them to the best of her abilities. She’s got quite the sense of humor and loves to make others laugh. She’s constantly telling stories and tall tales to raise spirits. She’s got her nerdy, fan-girl side too. She loves Disney movies and Disney songs and is almost always humming a song from one of the movies. She likes to just kick back, eat an entire pizza, and play video games. Danny’s actually pretty smart, despite what others may think. She’s witty and clever and good at solving hands on problems, but when it comes to math and numbers, she’s pretty hopeless. She’s also very musical. She’s got an amazing singing voice and plays piano and guitar. She can also speak multiple European languages. She can memorize words and tunes, but that’s not exactly enough to get by with in this day and age.

Disney Movies/Music
Telling Jokes
Flying Around
Helping People
Video Games

Loud Sounds
Being Ordered Around
Being Alone


Danny is among the very, very few weredragons left; there are believed to be less than a dozen on earth. A weredragon is exactly what you think its is: a human with two forms, their human form and their dragon form. Along with many other were creatures, weredragons do have a time where they are forced to shift. A specific day is not set, but at least one day a week, at high noon. The weredragon is forced to shift, and its primal urges overcome its human consciousness. For Danny, this day is Sunday. It depends on the dragon, but they may stay in this feral form for a few hours. Danny generally doesn’t shift back until around midnight.
However, besides that, Danny can shift at will, along with being able to alter her size/age once she’s shifted. She can also semi-shift, so if she wants wings and just wings, bam. One of the things that makes Danny different from other weredragons is that her scales change color. If she concentrates, she can change them at will, but they generally just change with her mood. One of the great things about being a weredragon, or just a dragon, dragon’s have hard, tough scales that make them impervious to blades along with most magic. Danny is specifically a fire dragon, so she breathes fire and is weak to immense amounts of water.
Other than these things, Danny has the powers that most weres have. Her physical capabilities are much more advanced than that of humans. She’s amazingly fast, strong, and flexible, and she has heightened senses. She can see in the dark and hear prey from miles away, along with being able to pick up even the faintest of scents. She heals much faster than humans.

|Dragon Appearance|
Body Type
Danny’s dragon form is similar to that of many European dragons. She has four legs and two immense wings. She’s actually rather muscular for a female dragon; they tend to be more lean and slender. She keeps her broad chest and square shoulders. Her eyes gleam brightly and change color along with her scales. Her default dragon size is about 12 feet tall and 18 feet from head to haunches (so not including her tail). The smallest she’s gotten is about two feet long and a foot tall, and the largest she’s gotten is almost ten stories tall and that only happened once, a few years ago. She hasn’t tried since, and doesn’t plan on it. Each of her toes end in sharp, hard claws, and she has large fangs.
Daniella can speak even when in her dragon form. However, in her dragon form, her voice is rather deep and masculine. In her human form, her voice is quite the opposite, being obviously feminine, albeit a little bassy, it does sound female. Her Dragon voice sounds like that of a man’s. Danny is not sure why this is. Her powerful lungs also give her the capacity to roar ear wrenchingly loud, even in her human form.

Although Danny’s powers are rather… impressive, she has a lot of weaknesses as well. Even though the dragon scales on her body protects her from blades and magic, her stomach and the front of her neck are her weakest points. Since one of Danny’s main attacks involve her fire breath, large amounts of water can provide that attack useless. Not to mention, it just makes her lethargic. On Sundays at high noon, she shifts into a feral dragon form. She has to have her older sister use enchanted chains to keep her from wreaking havoc on anyone within a couple of miles of where she is. Her heightened senses can also weaken her. If there’s an extremely loud, high-pitched sound, or a very pungent, foul scent, it can mess with her head and her awareness. Danny’s metabolism is massive in comparison to that of regular humans, even other magical creatures, so she’s constantly hungry. Its very easy to entice her with the promise of food.



|Place of Origin|
A small town in the mountains of southern France.

|Family Tree|
|| Fiona Voltair || Witch || 28 || Sister || Alive ||
|| Jason “Jace” Voltair || Werewolf || 23 || Brother || Alive ||
|| Jenine Voltair || Half-Daemon || 57 || Mother || Alive ||
|| Markus Voltair || Werewolf || 60 || Father || Deceased ||

The first thing that anyone should know about Danny’s past is who the Voltairs are. The Voltairs aren’t exactly celebrities in the supernatural world… They’re just a name that everyone knows and has heard before. They’re known for their immense lineage rooted in the supernatural world, along with their generally large amount of power. They’re also known for their very controversial actions. The Voltairs are a group of supernatural beings that are sent out to capture or kill other rogue or out of control supernatural beings. Every Voltair is raised from birth to be a hunter. They’re seen as a dangerous, deadly, and frightening; definitely a group that shouldn’t be messed with. Hearing the word “Voltair” either strikes fear, interest, or awe into the hearts of those who hear it.

No, or at least very, very few, Voltairs are fully anything. Danny’s brother Jason is about 10% daemon, and Danny’s sister Fiona is about 15% Werewolf. These are not their dominant species though, so they are not classified as so. It was only a matter of time for dozens of different types of creatures’ DNAs to create some sort of mutated or odd other creature. And that odd, mutated creature is Danny. After generation upon generation of hundreds of Voltairs, a very special, magical being was born: A weredragon. Danny was treated as both a blessing and a curse. She was healthy and strong, but such a powerful and rare creature would only bring more unwanted attention to the family.

Danny was born in a small village in the mountains of southern France, so it wasn’t as if she was surrounded by thousands of people to take pictures or reporting on this once-in-a-lifetime finding. But this is a weredragon we’re talking about, and since dragons are a dying species, it didn’t take too long for people to spot the multicolor dragon soaring in the air. At least Danny had around 11 years to develop before she and her family were bombarded by paparazzi. Their quiet village wasn’t so quiet anymore. There were people knocking on their door every day. There came a mixture of reporters who wanted to write stories and articles about the youngest weredragon. There were even scientists who offered big bucks to literally buy Danny and perform tests on her. Of course, the family was appalled by this, and turned every offer down. Stories were made regardless of the family’s wishes and word spread quickly. More and more people came with questions and money and it was all too much for Danny. The family were practically forced to more, and Danny felt responsible.

Heart heavy with guilt, Danny moved with her family to another small town on the shore of Greece. Danny was restricted to being able to shift and fly at night. Things seemed to be going pretty well.
Many things happened in between the time Danny turned 16 and was sent to her first boarding school for mystical beings… things that Danny will most likely explain and boast about herself.

Years passed, and Danny was tossed from school to school. She was labelled a troublemaker; her mood swings and loud demeanor made it very easy for things to go wrong. Despite the fact that she had been rejected by multiple schools, multiple schools wanted to be the school that tamed the wild, teenage weredragon.

A few months from now, Danny’s older sister Fiona got a job as a professor at Lagshmivar’s. She’s a witch who’s well known as a jack of all trades, but spells are her best subject. If there’s a spell for it, the odds are Fiona knows of it and has it mastered. Not too long after she got the job, Danny got kicked out of another school for causing too many fights. Fiona brought her sister’s case to the board of administration; they were reluctant to allow such a dangerous, moody creature into their prestigious school. But Fiona convinced them by saying that since she was there, she would be able to keep her sister in line.

Let’s see how that plays out.

FC || Tabrett Bethell
Dialogue || #ff4d00

So begins...

Daniella Voltair's Story


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Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair
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{“This early..?” }

Mornings were most definitely not Danny’s cup of tea.
It doesn’t even have to be mornings. If Danny is being forced to wake up, then she’s not going to be very happy. This was one of those times.

The weredragon had accompanied her sister to the school the day prior, so Danny had one sleepless night full of tossing and turning. It seemed as if the second she had been able to finally rest her eyes, Fiona had come banging on her door. The older woman told, no demanded, Danny go out and at least try to make some friends. This had lowered Danny’s mood drastically.

So the poor, tired girl dragged her lethargic body out of bed and got dressed reluctantly, quietly muttering curse words under her breath. Well, curse words as in swears, not the magical kind. Which has happened before. The results were not pretty.

Grumbling and growling under her breath, Danny wandered the halls at what seemed to be the break of dawn… although she may be exaggerating just a tad. She was one of the first, if not the first, of the students to be awake. She had eventually made her way to what appeared to be courtyard type area. The sun was just so warm… Somewhere deep in her mind, Danny knew this was probably a bad idea… Fio would find out and get mad at her… it would draw attention… hmm… Ahh, oh well.

Danny gazed up at the sun. It was boring down on the earth, warming its surface. With a deep sigh and few seconds of concentration, she went from a stocky teenage girl to a cerulean colored dragon. She hadn’t bother to shrink in size; she was about the size of an RV. The girl allowed her body to simply flop onto her side on the soft grass. She curled up into a comfortable position. The warm rays of the sun beat down on her heat-absorbing scales… it felt as if she was enveloped in one big, heated blanket. Within a few minutes, Danny was fast asleep again.


Laughter. Talking. Moving. Walking. Noise.
Many, many sounds tore Danny from her amazing nap. While she was sleeping, more people had begun to arrive. Their loud happiness had ruined her nice sleeping place. Not to mention, a purple-blue dragon in a populated area tended to draw attention. Some people would gather and watch the beast slumbering, but they would eventually grow bored and walk off. If someone got close enough, Danny would let out a throaty warning growl to ward them off.

Eventually, Danny grew rather frustrated. She wasn’t going to get any sleep like this. With stiff, weary muscles, she clambered to her feet. People who were nearby were shocked and in awe of this beautiful creature… that honestly couldn’t be bothered. More and more students grew closer as Danny unfurled her wings, stretching them momentarily. One student got too close and stepped on her tail. In one quick jerking motion, Danny whipped her tail away, smacking the student and sending him flying. He tumbled a bit but got to his feet, unharmed. With a snarl, she glared at the others around her. Her scales shimmered in the sunlight for just a moment before they changed from a deep cerulean to a darkened red.

Everyone stumbled back, a few even ran, but before anyone could call for help or react, Danny was off. She beat her mighty wings and took flight, soaring over the trees of the forest. To her surprise, she spotted a clearing rather quickly. Circling around it, she noticed it looked like another garden. Shrinking slightly in size, so she was more around the size of a car, she landed within its boundaries. It was rather beautiful, with butterflies and colorful plants everywhere. Not to mention the calm atmosphere and relentless sun were making Danny tired again. Her scales changed back to their blue and purple color as she lied down. Her tail curled up by her feet, and she rested her head on her paws. It didn’t take very long for her to slip into another comfortable sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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{“Oh hello.” }

There were sounds in the garden, that much was obvious. But they are soft sounds, soothing sounds. They only lulled Danny into a deeper, more serene sleep.

But then Danny heard a much more different noise… It was heavier; it actually carried some weight to it. It was another being. The dragon’s eyes snapped open, her pupil’s slitting to match that of the bright sun’s. Her eyes changed from the cerulean her scales were to a bright yellow; the color of curiosity. She lifted her mighty head and peered around, her gaze immediately drawn to the source of the sound. She could not entirely make out who was standing there. Their scent was unrecognizable, to her anyways, but it was most definitely female.

Danny would have gotten up and to see what the sound was, if not for the fact that a butterfly landed on the tip of her nose. The butterflies had been steering clear of her the entire time, which isn’t a surprise, but this one had been inching closer and closer to her. It’s bright blue wings were the color of the sky, and it was lined with black. Danny crossed her eyes to stare at the curious creature. She debated flicking her snout upwards and snapping her jaws shut around the little butterfly, but this was… an innocent creature.

Danny instead took a deep breath through her mouth and breathed hard out of her nose. Steam shot out of her nostrils, hitting the small butterfly directly. She had expected the butterfly to simply fall off of her nose and flutter away, but the hot steam immediately soaked the tiny creature’s wings. Danny’s eyes widened and she held out her scaly paw and caught it before it could hit the ground. For a moment, she just watched as it flapped its wings uselessly, but they were too heavy with moisture for it to actually get anywhere. She thought about what she should do… she would feel bad simply leaving the creature for itself. Plus, it was her fault it was immobile. She thought to herself for a few seconds before coming up with a solution. She held the little butterfly up to her snout and let out a deep breath. The air that left her lungs was heated by the fire in her body. It was so warm it helped the moisture evaporate quickly from the creature’s wings. It happily fluttered out of Danny’s paw and off to join it’s friends.

Danny sat up, her attention drawn back to the girl who was standing on the outskirts of the garden. Her bright gaze lingered on where she believed the girl was. She had a choice here… She could change back and reveal her identity or… play it up a bit. Danny smiled to herself.

“Do not be afraid.” Her voice was deep and rather masculine. However, it was gentle and kind; it practically radiated serenity. “I am a noble creature. I would never harm an innocent.” She was practically purring her words. She was doing her best to coax the girl from her hiding place. Danny sat like that of a feline, with her tail curling over her front paws.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Eric Breckman Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita Character Portrait: Yuzuki Hino
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Before she knew it, a tree became Nariko’s shield. If she thought about it later, she would either laugh or cry for choosing such a ridiculous hiding place from a fire-breathing dragon…at least…she figured it was fire breathing. Are there dragons that don’t breathe fire? she wondered. N-Nariko-sama… a few of her familiars sweat dropped.

She caught herself and literally shook the thought away with her head. The familiars who followed her in the car ride stayed by her side, but the newer friends were a little bolder. It was as if they gained a new burst of courage and curiosity. The witch watched as one of them was confident enough to land on the dragon’s nose. She gripped the tree tighter. N-Na-Nani- her breaths became shaky for the little creature. Nariko had to bite her lips shut to stop herself when the butterfly found itself coated with more moisture than it ever should have. She focused on the creature to catch its thoughts as it tried to move its wings.

Ewwww-eh? I-I can’t fly! No, no, no!
Nariko gulped, T-Try to stay calm…
Eh? Who’s talking to me?
Don’t be afraid. I want to help you. She took a deep breath. The butterfly’s tension made something akin to its kind flutter in the witch’s stomach.

Unfortunately, after the deep breath nothing followed. The beast’s large claws holding the delicate little creature scared her beyond belief. One little squish and it was a boatload of pain for her to endure-

Weeee! Thank you for not eating me Miss dragon!

Nariko placed a hand over her chest. The other held out a finger and called out to the butterfly to land. Her stomach instantly felt better. Relief rushed through her with the air that finally circulated through her arteries. Her breaths were still rapid though. The creature may have shown a gentle side, but she did not ignore the potential danger involved. She now knew of Nariko’s existence. Extra caution was needed. Nariko wouldn’t have survived this long if she trusted just one example too fully.

Huh? She moved back when the creature finally spoke. I thought you said the dragon was a female? She communicated to the insect.
I-I don’t know…I thought she…he was. The butterfly stirred.

There was no escaping this. Nariko was at this creature’s mercy. Running would be utterly unintelligent. She nibbled her bottom lip and stared at the ground. She didn’t leave the tree completely, but she did peek out to find the being looking straight at her. She jolted back behind the tree. A few familiars landed on her to coax her out as well. I think it’s all right for now, Nariko-sama.

She clutched her bag with her left arm and slowly pushed herself forward again to be seen. “G-…Gomenasa-I-I me-” she closed her eyes tightly and tried to find English words. When they came forth, they were expressed quickly, “I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you!” One of her familiars landed on her face only to fly off quickly.

Ouchie! Hot! Hot! Hot!


It took Yuzuki more effort than he ever wanted to restrain another yawn. He had nothing against this guy despite the fact that he was talking to him, but it wasn’t enough to brush him off. “Hm…Yama-Right!” His eyes widened all of a sudden, “Urgh,” Yuzuki groaned and rubbed his eyes with a free hand to get a better look at the dude. Sure enough, the name fit perfectly in his memory. “I’m sorry man, the ride here wa-” a giant yawn took the opportunity to act as a blank space in conversation and a fill-in-the-blank. Two birds with one stone.

“A-Anyway, yeah, you could say that,” he took the opportunity to catch a chuckle from the guy and reciprocate. Technically they were inside, so if his wit wished to join him any moment, he would’ve been happy to say so and perhaps banter a little with the man, but the shapeshifter was running on limited fuel. “Nice, uhh…other than wanting to crash, can’t complain, good to be back. I missed the free food,” he tried to fit in at least one joke. He looked about the place when Eric took out his phone. I really just wanna get to this room and sleep…are…we done here? he inwardly griped. “Uh-” he wanted to excuse himself, but a question from the guy brought his attention back.

His purple eyes widened a little. “Oh, uh…sorta. It was more like…shaving it off to let it grow back without the yellow stripes,” He replied. Yuzuki didn’t think anyone but Nariko would notice…and she was at the shrine so she knew when it happened. Having someone else mention it actually felt kinda…


He glanced at his bag and Nariko’s gave a slight nod, “Yea, Yamashita went to check on her garden, you know how she is. I’m gonna stop by her place first,” Yuzuki paused and raised a brow at the guy…Figuring he was more tired than he thought, the shapeshifter decided to start walking. After taking a few steps, he finally registered exactly what the blonde was trying to convey. Yuzuki adjusted the grip on his bag and turned to look at Eric. He couldn’t help but tilt his head.

“You comin’?”


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Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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{“Its a pleasure to meet you.” }

“G-…Gomenasa-I-I me-”

Danny fought the urge to laugh. This girl was absolutely adorable. She stared down at the stuttering female with gentle eyes that had already faded back to a serene blue.

“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to wake you!”

“Ahh, there’s no need to worry.” She lowered her body so she was in an almost crouching position. Danny was trying to make it so they were eye level. “It was about time for me to wake up anyways. I have someone who’s probably looking for me, as a matter of fact.” Of course, she was talking about Fio. The little witch was probably upset that her sister had disappeared. “Thank you for helping wake me up.” She smiled, well, as well as a dragon could smile.

Danny stood up and gazed about the garden, taking a few steps around to observe its entirety. After she was done, she stretched similar to the way a cat would by bowing her chest down and flexing her shoulders. Her powerful muscles rippled with every movement as she sat back up, her eyes resettling on the girl. “This is a very beautiful place… A beautiful place to match a beautiful girl. Did you make it yourself?” She tilted her head to the side curiously. She was serious. It is indeed an amazing place. It would be very impressive if the girl had created it herself.

Suddenly grimacing, Danny looked up at the sky. Her eyes were trained on the sun. “Hmm…” The sound was almost similar to a growl, the way it grumbled deep in her throat. It displayed her sudden irritation. “Its almost time for me to head back to Lagshmivar’s. Once you’ve gone about your business here, would you like a ride back? Its no trouble. It will be much faster than walking.” Danny offered.


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Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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Before she knew it, Nariko had already bowed a couple of times to emphasize her apology. N-Nariko-sama, I don't think this being is Japanese... a monarch commented. She straightened and cleared her throat. Right...I guess I became accustomed to living at home... she thought.

Her eyes widened when the dragon suddenly moved lower. The movement was sure to make her flinch, but her recovery was swift when there was no sign of imminent danger. He sounded noble...or at least what she imagined nobility to be. She paid attention to his words. It was odd that she happened to have such impeccable timing according to the dragon, but...if this meant Nariko was saved from being potentially incinerated, it didn't matter. "Oh, you're...welcome," she backed away a bit to give the beast a little space to stretch.

A couple of compliments reached her from the dragon as a couple of familiars who wished to trade places with the ones on her shoulders. "Thank yo-eh?" M-Me too? Nariko's eyes darted around the vicinity. Nariko-sama, you're blushing, the same monarch flew off and went to find a new perch. "N-No I'm-" she turned and spoke to the laughing familiar, but the others snickered as well. "Mouuu," she wanted to puff out her cheeks, but puffy blushing cheeks wasn't exactly the route to go to convey a calm disposition. Then again, that ship probably already sailed without her...again. "Y-You're very kind..." she ended up muttering.

Her attention shifted to the next question, and that helped her collect herself. She nodded with a bit of pride and made sure to add the importance of her familiars, "they ask the bees to pollinate them for me."

Some of the butterflies near the dragon flew close to Nariko when the being grew unpleasant rather quickly. As nice as the offering to ride back to Lagshmivars was, Nariko didn't wish to further agitate the annoyed creature.

"Oh, th-that's very kind of you...b-but it's quite all right. I am going to be here for a while. I-I shouldn't keep you if you need to go back. P-Perhaps another time if we meet again," she smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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{“Revenge is best served… wet. Hehe..” }

Danny had gotten the exact response she wanted. The poor girl flushed with embarrassment from Danny’s compliment. She grinned inwardly, knowing that if she grinned outwardly she would look rather evil. She shifted her weight from paw to paw, her wings twitching on her back.

"Oh, th-that's very kind of you...b-but it's quite all right. I am going to be here for a while. I-I shouldn't keep you if you need to go back. P-Perhaps another time if we meet again.”

“Ah, alright. It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope to see you again.” Danny sent her a curt nod before she spread her wings. Leaping into the air with a few mighty flaps of her wings, she was off. It only took her a few minutes to reach Lags. She circled the area before quickly spotting the person she was looking for. Fio was standing by the entrance, welcoming some students as they came in. She hoped Fio wouldn’t notice… but, of course, it was too late for that. Danny realized her mistake.

“Daniella Diana Voltair!” Fio’s loud voice echoed throughout the air, making Danny flinch. With a deep groan of a sigh, she furled her wings in and swooped downwards. A few people shouted and leapt out of the way from the car-sized dragon that was landing there in front of the angry, 5’2’’ witch. “What the heck are you doing in that form? I told you to make friends! Not scare everyone away!”

“I don’t know about you but… these people don’t appear to mind.” She nodded towards the people who were stopping and staring at the cerulean dragon. However, for many, they simply didn’t care.

“Shift back and go make some friends.” Fio grumbled before walking past the dragon to meet some other people. Her gaze shifted to a blonde and brunette. They were very, very close to each other, and the appearance of her sister had fouled her mood. “Hey, you two. No PDA.” She crossed her arms and glared at them despite the fact that one of the two were much taller than her. With a flick of her finger, the two were moved away from each other by a few inches.

Danny had noticed the two as well. Her nostrils twitched. She could tell the blonde was a wolf… but the brunette, she wasn’t too sure. Their public display of affection obviously wasn’t doing any harm. Not to mention, it made her heart swell with happiness. She wasn’t sure why. It just did. And Fio had practically… bullied them. “Hey Fio-”

“Its Professor Voltair now that you’re the student and I’m the professor.”

“Yeah, well, I was just wondering, have I ever told you how much I love you?” Danny was suddenly staring at her intently. She was leaning forward ever so slowly...

“N-no… What do you mean- no, don’t you da-” She took a step back and was about to run, when Danny darted forward. She grabbed Fio by her waist to hold her in place. In one quick motion, she dragged her bright pink dragon tongue up Fio’s entire body. It left behind a clear trail of thick dragon saliva.

Danny probably would have done it again if not for the fact that she burst out laughing. She bellowed with laughter, releasing the poor witch from her clutches. Danny stumbled back, quickly growing smaller in size until she was back in her human form. Thank goodness she was fully clothed… How she was fully clothed? Fio gave her an enchanted necklace the made everything she wear shift with her. Its odd, how this works, but hey, magic, right?

And now Danny was practically crying with laughter, her sister glaring at her so hard she could have burned holes through her. The witch was so angry she stumbled over her words. “I-I… y.. you little… I just bought these clothes, you son of a-”

“Remember, if you insult my mother, you’re insulting your own.” Danny interjected, wiping tears from her eyes.

“Dannnnnnnnnnny…” Her hands clenched into tight fists, but you could see magical sparks flying off of them like multicolored fireworks.

“Ah-ah-ah, remember, you’re the professor and I’m the student, so you’re not allowed to lay a single finger on me.” Danny grinned.

“You’ve been here for… less than a day, and you’re already facing time in the dungeon!”

“Ohhh… I’m soooo scared.” Danny waved her hands in the air, a smirk still plastered to her face. “Tsk tsk tsk, I recommend you change… wearing white with black underneath, not a good idea.”

Fio blushed brightly and crossed her arms over her chest. She knew she had lost… but she will avenger herself. One day. The witch turned and stormed off.

Suppressing another roar of laughter, Danny jogged over to the two girls. “Sorry ‘bout that. I’m sure you two weren’t exactly expecting a show before you even went ten feet into the premises.” She let a chuckle slip. “Oh, right, introductions. Sorry, not very good at this whole making friends thing. Hello, I’m Danny, if you couldn’t tell.” She smiled widely. Danny hadn’t realized she was interrupting a happy reunion...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Eric Breckman Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Christian Riddle Character Portrait: Yuzuki Hino
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Eric nodded. Finally feeling a bit better after he was recognised. "Right." He mumbled and then shrugged. "You seem down dude, what's up?" He then asked, an eyebrow raised, as Yuzuki claimed the ride was something, he wondered what. "Ah, no worries. I see." He then added and smiled a bit. He needed a bit of fresh air from earlier and this was definitely helping.

Eric couldn't help but nod again, he was somewhat agreeing of course as after that he hadn't much to say and continued chuckling. Then as the young shapeshifter talked about wanting to crash and said it was good to be back, he smiled. "I feel the same way, being here is always like home to me." He added before scratching the back of his head. Then he looked up as Yuzuki made a noise. "Hm?" He asked, then shook his head, dismissing it suddenly as it was in his nature to do so.

The brunette male had raised an eyebrow suddenly however when he found out the Japanese boy actually had a haircut. Well that's awkward. He thought to himself and scratched the back of his head some more. The fact it was a realisation made him feel uncomfortable as he'd never even acknowledged when Christian cut his own hair. He let out a hefty laugh and nodded. "It looks great dude. Speaking of which-" He stopped, then ran his fingers through his own hair and sighed. "I need to cut mine soon, but my family like it longer. The struggle is so real." The male then confessed and rolled his eyes.

"Ah, I see." He then responded. "That girl loves her flowers, doesn't she." He mentioned light heartedly and chuckled a bit more softly this time. Then nodded. "Alright." He added after that, wondering if Luna and Vaz had went to their own room yet, he doubted it. Same with Christian, they never went until they all met up. But he didn't want to, he didn't have to either. He wanted to break tradition and leave it all behind because of the argument, the struggles from a few nights before. Then saw that he started walking and decided to catch up before his phone vibrated again. It was Christian. The vampire was out front alone, Eric felt bad. But decided that if Yuzuki would rest later, Eric might as well leave now, catch up. Then if anything, talk to the male later. "Ah." He started off with. "My plans have changed man, going to meet someone up front. So I'll catch you later." The brunette male added and walked off, doing a salute. "Have a good nap, okay?"

He walked off and chucked his stuff into his room. Christian's was already there, well after all, he lived here. He then departed and jogged a bit until he was out of the door, then speed-walked to his best friend. "Christian man, how have you been doing?"


Vahana took a mental deep breath. In honesty, she was quite excited about being back, save for seeing Eric's face. She hated Eric right now, with all her heart. She didn't want to cause trouble however and decided to keep that to herself, unlike him, she'd rather her problems be dealt with herself. Not with anyone else with all honesty, but she needed someone to lean on, and it was Luna. "My morning was crap, I'm glad I saw you when I did." She then murmured and smiled to herself, resting her head on Luna's shoulder for a while. "How have you been?" She then asked before lifting her head up and watching as Luna turned.

The feeling was most definitely pleasant. The blonde's lips against her own. She found herself to suddenly be in a world of her own because of it. But then something happened.

Their moment was ruined as they were separated by a force that pushed them apart. Vahana turned her head to look at where that was coming from. She followed the voice to a woman who was shorter than herself. Her eyebrow raised. "No PDA my ass." She muttered to herself and rolled her eyes. This was nothing new to her. People always spoiling the fun. She hadn't even seen this woman before in her year and a bit at lags(Maybe it was a bit longer, she wasn't sure.) But someone else, no- something else came along. It was a dragon. Honestly, that was amazing. She had never met or seen a dragon before. This was strange. It was beautiful however, she couldn't take her eyes off it for a second. They seemed to be talking, but she didn't truly listen to what they were saying as she focused on going back to her partner.

But once she got to Luna and held her hand, she looked to the dragon and the teacher again, watching as the dragon licked her. Vahana couldn't help but laugh. In all honesty, it was hilarious. "Luna, look!" She brushed one hand with Luna's own as she pointed at the incident, which caused the new teacher to storm off. Her blue eyes glimmered with a sense of relief as the teacher stormed off after, she would hate it if this day got worse. Then the other girl, formed back from her dragon form had jogged to them. Vahana couldn't help but laugh again. "That was brilliant." She expressed and sighed contently. Then nodded as she apologised to the two. "No worries, thanks for what you did though." The brunette then added. "That was a bit odd though." And again. Vahana watched the girl chuckle and let slip one herself before the girl decided to introduce herself to them.

As the blonde apologised again, Vahana sheepishly smiled. "No worries, I was like that when I started too. Danny, hm? I heard Diana from your sister, but both names are pretty." She then said politely before smiling properly now, not knowing that she didn't hear the girls full name. "I'm Vahana, and this is Luna." She then said, introducing the both of them in one go. Then one thought came to her mind. "Did you both come here together? I couldn't help but realise you were both fresh faces, yet you seemed to already know each other. It's just curiosity." She then added and shrugged, her fingers continued to brush against Luna's softly yet her eyes stayed looking at Daniella for a bit. She seems nice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James
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{“Ohhhh! So you’re… Oh. Rad.” }

"No worries, I was like that when I started too. Diana hm? What a pretty name."

“Actually, its technically Daniella. Diana is my middle name. But everyone calls me Danny.” Danny’s smile was friendly. Perhaps this making friends thing isn’t too bad! Thanks for annoying them Fio. Danny told herself quietly.

"I'm Vahana, and this is Luna."

Danny’s eyes lit up. She knew that name. She opened her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by Vahana’s question.

"Did you both come here together? I couldn't help but realise you were both fresh faces, yet you seemed to already know each other. It's just curiosity."

“Oh, Fio and I? Yeah. We’re sisters actually. She’s the older one, despite her stature.” Danny paused, suddenly realizing that Luna was about Fio’s height. “No offense, Luna.” She flashed a sheepish smile at the other blonde before looking back at Vahana. “Fio, technically Professor Voltair, is the newest teacher at this establishment. She’s the only reason I’m here right now. They think that since she’s here, they’ll be able to… control me? If that’s the word I’m looking for? Not gonna happen.” Danny shrugged her shoulders, putting her hands in the air momentarily.

Danny had an ‘aha!’ moment as she remembered what she was going to say earlier. “Oh yeah! You’re Luna James, right? I think you’re my roommate! Unless there are other Luna James’ you know of.” Suddenly, her grin grew much more mischievous. “Hehe… So… you’re a werewolf… named Luna… pffftt…” Danny couldn’t help but giggle as she fought down the urge to burst out laughing. “I’m sorry… I just… Its a beautiful name, don’t get me wrong, I just think its like one whole… situational pun, you being a werewolf and all.” Danny tried to explain, a grin still on her face.


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Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James
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{“Ack, I’ve fucked up already.” }

"Roommate?" Luna said. She sounded displeased. Danny looked down, feeling ashamed for some reason. She doesn’t like me already…?

“Y-yeah… They put us together. Is there… something wrong with that?” Danny shuffled her feet, staring at the ground intently. She glanced up, only to see Luna rolling her eyes in regards to the little joke she had made. .. It was kinda mean, Danny…

"Yeah, my parent's thought they were a riot. My brother's are named Yue, Chander, and Badru."

Danny couldn’t stop herself from chuckling. “Oh, wow… Your parents aren’t very creative when it comes to names. I mean, I know you’re a werewolf and your life is influenced by the moon but… really? Wow. My life is influenced by the sun, but you don’t see my name being… Yang. Or Liane.” She laughed softly, her mood growing brighter once more. Her smile quickly returned.

“Also… Vahana… It is an interesting name. Its sanskrit, right? It has something do with animals that carry gods or something… Hm.” She scratched her chin curiously…

“Oh, right! You guys just got here. I forgot. I’ve been here since yesterday. Wanna head to the dorms? Luna, I can show you where our room is. I’m pretty sure Vahana’s room is nearby ours… The name is vaguely familiar…” Danny paused once more to think. She shook her head to break out of her trance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Eric Breckman Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Christian Riddle
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She looked at the two girls, Luna first than Danny after. She cocked her head as Danny sounded a bit, she wasn't sure what the word was, anxious about Luna having a problem with her as a room mate. She sighed to herself. The brunette wondered who she was rooming with this year, well part of her did. The other part wish that she could just sleep alone, because that way she could keep out of their thoughts throughout the night out of boredom. She liked doing that, though she knew it was wrong. She could never help herself.

When she heard the names of Luna's brothers, she remembers the various times she has heard the names, even she didn't know what they meant until now. "I find that cute." She mentioned and chuckled a little. All their names were influenced by the moon, that was adorable. Uncreative, yes. Danny was right. But adorable nonetheless.

But after being distracted by talking about the names of Luna and her brothers, her blue orbs flickered to look at Danny when asked about her own name. She smiled sheepishly and gently shrugged. "Yeah, it's difficult to find other girls with that name." She mentioned and looked to the floor, she hated talking about her name, but no one would ask her about it until today. "My mother just picked names that sounded intriguingly nice to her." She added softly, feeling a tad bit awkward about this. "But yes, it means 'that who carries', an animal who carries their deity." The brunette then confirmed to Danny and then took a deep breath. "So you're right there."

Then as Danny remembered they were just standing here. She found out that Danny was here since yesterday. Probably because of her sister working here now. She thought to herself. Then shrugged. "I'm not fussed really." She answered and moved some of hair to the side before hearing that Danny may know where hers is too. She turned to Luna. "Shall we go?" She then asked, deciding this would be a great opportunity to keep herself at distance from Eric. This would be perfect actually.


There was a time and a place. He knew she was around somewhere, he didn't even want to know. He didn't even care as of now, he looked around. When he was sure she was not focusing on him, he'd spill the beans. Eric was most definitely paranoid and wasn't sure on how to deal with this. He just nodded to himself. Everything will be alright. He tried to tell himself, over and over and over again.

An ugly cackle arose somewhat. Turning into small 'heh' sounds of awkwardness. "Honestly Christian, do not fret." He added and smirked. He tried to recompose himself and be back to his normal, erratic confidence but some of it was still missing. It would all come to the demon eventually, just not yet.

His eyebrow then rose for a moment as Christian started to answer his question. He waited and heard the male wine, chuckling a bit before they walked towards the building together. He was hungry, that was for sure and knew where they were going. Christian always knew how to make Eric feel better. Then he heard Christian speak, saying that life sucked without the brunette demon. He then smirked. "Of course I knew. Don't need to tell me twice." He added afterwards.

He didn't get a response yet but they are good friends, they'll figure things out eventually. He got a gist of the life of the Riddle's. So if Christian had something he wanted to talk about, they will end up most definitely talking about it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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{“Off we go!” }

"Shall we go?"

“Of course! C’mon.” Danny turned on her heel, her stance displaying her suddenly even brighter mood. Not to be creepy, but Danny could hear the little kiss they shared, y’know, superhuman hearing and all. In all honesty, it made her happy, but there was also a pang of loneliness in her heart as she remembered someone from her hometown.
Stop that. That was a long time ago, not to mention we’re in a new place now. I’m sure we’ll find someone eventually… Right? She sighed as she kept walking with a shake of her head.

The walk to the dorms wasn’t length, but it wasn’t exactly short either. By the time they made it there, the silence between them had become awkward. Making friends is hard… She looked down at her boots as she walked.

“Here’s our room, Luna!” She managed to plaster a smile on her face, but it was quite a bit forced. She opened to door to her room, gesturing them inside. “I kind of already claimed the bed near the window… In my 12 AM sleepy-stupor last night, I didn’t really think about what my roommate would have wanted.. Sorry about that.” Danny rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Danny got a sudden whiff of something… well, someone familiar, which is saying much considering she now knew, what, four people in the school? She furrowed her brow and turned around, walking towards the door. “One sec, you guys. Don’t do anything while I’m gone.” Danny cast them a glance, a teasing smirk on her face.

Danny walked out the door and glanced at the nameplate of the room beside her and Luna’s. The two names on the plate were two familiar ones. She hopped back into her room soon after, a smile on her face. “Hey, Vaha, you’re room is right next to ours! You two don’t get to room together but you’re about as close to it as possible! Not to mention, I don’t think the school regulated sleepovers or anything.” Danny laughed quietly. “Well, make yourself at home, Luna.” She hopped onto her bed, which she hadn’t bothered to make when she woke up this morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James
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{“... awkward.” }

Danny gave the slightest wave as Vahana left the room; presumably to check out her own room. She glanced back over to Luna, who appeared to be very nervous about the whole situation. Danny couldn’t help but crack a tiny grin. The quiet, stone-cold, little bad wolf felt awkward in social situations, eh? It was just the calculating dragon within her making her memorize everyone’s weaknesses. Her eyes glimmered a bright, sea green. "Uh… So..."

“How long have you been coming to Lagshmivar’s? As you may know, this is my first year here. I came here with my older sister. She’s a new professor; she’s teaching a sort of combat slash magic class. She’s going to be teaching people how to fight powerful creatures. I’m taking the class. It does seem interesting.” Danny could help but ramble. Although she might treat her sister rather informally, Danny did look up to her. She’s a strong, powerful individual who has prevented Danny from killing a lot of people. “Hey, do we get the weekends off? More specifically, Sundays?” She asked Luna, tilting her head to the side quizzically. This was... rather important information to Danny. If not, she was going to have to bring it up with her sister to get her schedule changed. She tended to be busy on Sundays.

{{OOC: Sorry the post is rather short. X3 Not too much to do considering the two of them just met.}}


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Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James
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{“... awkward.” }

"Uh...I started here when I was fourteen so..."

“Oh, that’s cool. I’ve been in and out of schools for my entire life. I’m hoping this one will go better than the others.” Danny let out a nervous chuckle.

"Yeah, we get weekends off. Depending on your classes you might have half a day Friday, and some special subjects are always on Saturdays. But we always get Sundays off -- religion, and whatnot."

Danny nodded and suddenly lay back, flopping onto her pillow. “I figure I might as well tell you instead of keeping it to myself and this ends up as some melodramatic sitcom. I’m not a shape-shifter. I’m a weredragon. Not to different from you, hmm? So you should understand this a bit more. Instead of being forced to change once a month, I’m forced to do it once a week. Sundays at the warmest part of the day, noon. I usually don’t change back until around midnight…” She sighed, her chest rising and falling with the deep breath. “So when I disappear on Sundays, you’ll know why.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James
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{“Interesting..” }

"Huh. Uh, sorry. It's just...they're rare, ya know? Obviously you know, because you are one."

Danny chuckled. “I’m aware.”

That's cool. So you'll know where I am every full moon. And… stuff."

Danny had to fight the urge to laugh. Not because she thought the way Luna acted was bad in any way, she just found it… Interesting. In her own way, Luna was… cute. She was so awkward, even moreso than Danny could most likely ever be. It was rather endearing.

"Sorry, I'm...not very good at this...talking thing?"

That time Danny did let a soft laugh out. “Join the club, sister.” Danny flashed that million dollar smile. “So, I figured I should get this outta the way too… I’m a lesbian. I’d assume that you also happen to be LGBT because you have a girlfriend but you never know. However, since you do have a girlfriend, I will do my best to refrain from hitting on you and her, but the occasional flirty innuendo may slip through because I have a rather shitty filter.” Danny sat up, ran her fingers through her hair, and swung her legs off of the bed. “So… Got any cute girls around here that need some chatting up? I know this may come as a bit of a shock, but I happen to be single.” Danny smirked, her voice laced with mock arrogance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James
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{“Hard to imagine, right?” }

"Yeah, lesbian." Danny laughed once more as Luna tossed up a peace sign.

“That’s rad, man. We’ve already got some stuff in common.”

"I think Vaz is does Christian. Oh, you'll meet Christian eventually. It's okay if you hate him, he's an asshole. Eric too...he's basically Vahana's boyfriend, and very gay. I don't think I've ever realized we could make up Lag's entire LGBT club..."

Danny nodded, taking in all of the information she had just been given. She had to make sure she met these Eric and Christian characters later. She did want to get as close to her roommate as possible, after all.

"You? Single? No way."

“I know right!? Its crazy! I mean, who wouldn’t want all this?” Danny’s voice oozed sarcasm as she gestured to her body.

"Honestly, I don't know. I keep to my group of friends. I'd still be single too if Vaz didn't see my tongue hanging out every time she walked into a room and decided to take pity on me."

“Nah. I don’t think she’s taking pity on you. You’re rather pretty and you do seem to be a nice person, albeit a bit protective. Its cute, honestly.” Danny added with a playful smile. Her eyes glimmered, shifting between blue and yellow before settling on a combo of both. “She seems to like you a lot, Luna. And I know you can tell. You’re a wolf, right? You’ve got the senses to detect hormones related to emotions. She’s happy with you.” She hummed.

“I guess I’m going to have to scout around for some pretty girls to pick up.” Danny let out a mock sigh, as if it was some form of work she would have to do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Eric Breckman Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita Character Portrait: Christian Riddle
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Christian shrugged a little as he lifted his feet and propped them carelessly on the edge of the table now that Eric had cleared his plate. Contrary to popular belief, he did actually have some manners. "Dunno, actually. Couple of days probably..." Truthfully, Christian had lost track of time somewhere. The summer always put him back on a nocturnal vampire schedual, so between getting his internal schedual reset and dealing with the knowledge that he was on his last year...he couldn't say what day of the week it was to save his life.

He shrugged at Eric's question, moving to drop his feet again so they could go to their room, but when he looked up he caught Luna's brown eyed gaze just inside of the doors. She had Nariko with her, and some blonde chick Christian didn't know. Which was odd, he knew almost everyone. He gave a lazy wave before looking back at Eric.

"Luna's headed this way," he mentioned. "No Vaz in sight though."



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Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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"Vo-" Nariko-samaaaaaa! The witch promptly stood erect. She nodded with a bewildered face at the impatient butterflies. A nervous chuckle followed. "Hai, hai," Nariko nodded and took a breath...or two....or five-Nariko-sama, what's wrong? One of the pale yellow butterflies landed on her shoulder and asked. She bit her lip, I...m-maybe I should have joined Vahana-san in unpacking! She said she would only be a minute or so anywa-

No, no, NO! The familiars stopped the witch from making a 180 degree turn. She winced like a child receiving a scolding. We wanna meet'em! They nearly chanted in unison. While the pale butterfly agreed with its peers, its words were a bit more gentle. Nariko-sama, are you nervous? it inched closer to her cheek. The teen gave a small nod. Her lips remained sealed. I suppose...I am...a little. It's been so long, and this Voltair-san...

Ganbatte! We're here with you! It cheered. A few of the others joined in as well.
You can do it!
It will be okay!
Yeah, let's do it together!

Nariko's eyes nearly welled up. "You guys..." she smiled. She turned back to face the door head on, took one last breath, and finally knocked on her neighbors' door. "Luna-san?" she softly called out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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{“Hard to imagine, right?” }

Danny smiled at Luna’s adorable reaction when the subject of Vahana came up. "Yeah, I can sense them… but Vaz is a little hard to read sometimes. I like that though… keeps me on my toes."

The weredragon shrugged her broad shoulders, tilting her head this way and that. “True, true. There’s no fun with a girl who’s super boring and predictable, right? The unexpected can be nice.” She hummed that last line, when suddenly her attention was turned elsewhere. Somebody approached her and Luna’s door, and they were just… standing there. As if debating whether or not that should come inside. “Hey Luna, I think we have a visitor…”

A soft knock at the door cut her off. "Luna-san?"

“I got it.” Danny hopped off of the bed and opened the door. Her jaw practically dropped when she saw who it was. It’s the girl from the garden! I knew I recognized her scent!

“Uhh, Hey!” She suddenly paused in her speaking when she realized she was being way to enthusiastic in greeting the person she had supposedly never met before. “Hello, person-I’ve-never-met-before. Come on in.” Danny took a step back and held the door open for the girl.


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Character Portrait: Vahana Kane Character Portrait: Daniella Voltair Character Portrait: Luna James Character Portrait: Nariko Yamashita
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The exuberance of this one was a sight to see. Nariko's ever-so-slightly widened eyes scanned the blonde female before her. Had she not taken a deep breath before, Nariko's face might have turned blue. There were no signs of recollection presenting themselves to the witch. The female seemed either really extroverted, or...maybe they had met before. It made Nariko feel all the more guilty for not remembering exuberant person like this would not escape her memory that easily...

Nariko-sama, breathe and listen to the girl!

She did as her familiars advised. The witch nodded to the person and entered, "Pardon the intrusion." However, her tense muscles relaxed with one look at her...friend. That was right! She really...did become her friend. It would have to take some accommodation

"B-Be-" Nariko blushed once again. "Y-You are too kind, as always," she smiled. Even if Luna-san claimed she wasn't, her actions were always nice to her.

Her attention returned to the other blonde female with a bit of surprise. Danny...-san? The name surely felt foreign to her. She wondered if perhaps she simply jumped to the wrong conclusion. "N-Nice to meet you," she remembered to say that in the proper language and lightly bowed to the new acquaintance.

Luna-san's question sparked a haze of activity among Nariko's familiars.
Oh please can we go?!
Yes, please can we, Nariko-sama!

I wanna see more of the castle!
It's a school. r.r
It still looks like a castle though! >.<

All right, all right, settle down, she looked at the insects and calmly advised. She nodded and replied to Luna-san's offer, "I...would like that...very much."

Could some of you tell Vahana-san, please? she looked at her familiars. A few of the hungry ones agreed and flew outside to find some flowers to feed from and come around and nestle near their window.

Vahana-san! Nariko-sama and the others are going to the cafeteria!
I think Nariko-sama meant it to nicer.
Well I dunno if she can hear through glass. Species here are weird. Some can do things and some have the oddest of flaws.
Oh you....