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Mass Effect: On the Trail

Mass Effect: On the Trail


The Normandy was a human-turian co-op design. But it had a similar twin, more along the size of the SR-2, for the Turians to use. One for humanity, one for the Turians. ANd this ship, its about to see some adventures of its own...

786 readers have visited Mass Effect: On the Trail since Mr. Baneling Squishy created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



The PFS Havincaw. A Turian Stealth Frigate. Designed much like the SSV Normandy, only quite a bit bigger and crewed by Turian Commander Varien Arcterus. A brilliant Commander, during this war against the Reapers and Cerberus he has been given one simple mission: Find Elite Specialists, Eliminate Key Enemy Assets, and secure Allied Assets.

However, during a raid on a Cerberus Facility located on an asteroid near Pragia, it found something interesting....

///Mission Data File Upload Complete///

Arcterus continued to hold them off. Varien was a well skilled fighter, using his biotic skill as well as his combat skill to even the playing field against multiple attackers. However, the sheer mass of Cerberus forces moving in to attack them was a tad bit annoying. He needed a team, he knew that. He had some dossiers on his desk in his cabin, but he had yet to get to them. Still, he did have one member already.

Elias Quinn, a child by human standards, but the kid had more then proved his own. He lived on one of the first colony worlds hit. His world, when news of the Reapers started popping up with video evidence, and Batarian refugees started pouring in, drafted everyone age ten and up into the military to fight this. As a result, the small Reaper force that had been expecting a largely civilian planet met a mostly military planet, that had been armed with several GUARDIAN Anti Ship defense towers during the Collector Colony abductions. After overclocking the Turrets by siphoning power from all non-essential parts of the colony, before the Reapers had managed to target all the power plants, they took down several troop transports and a destroyer. Of course, this didn't work very well in the long run, as it left them fairly quickly without power, but it managed to delay the Reapers long enough to train their makeshift military a little better.

Elias Quinn was one of the few survivors of the planet. While the Reapers spent more troops then they gained taking the planet, the military was still effectively wiped out, though it managed to cover those incapable of fighting or deemed too young. Varien found Elias holding his own against a Brute, several Cannibals, and many many husks via a combination of his biotic and tech skill, for which he found unique ways to combine the two.

"Have you found the Prothean Data yet?" he asked him.

"I am a genius, not a miracle worker. Well, okay, I am, but still. This facility hasn't seen a hardware upgrade in over two years, the download speed is about as fast as a Turian retreating".

"Turians don't retreat".

"My point exactly".

Suddenly, a wall blew up, and several Cerberus troops began firing. Elias brought up a Combat Drone, only this one was different. At its core was a fairly unstable Biotic singularity, which allowed the drone to fire Biotic as well as Tech attacks. While the troopers turned to fire at the drone, Varien took out his Chakram Launcher and quickly finished them off.

"Hey, umm....we have a...development. You are going to want to see this".

///Mission Log Complete///

THe roleplay will start off with a group of specialists that have been assembled to deal with some recently uncovered data pointing towards a hidden Protehan Ruin Cerberus has uncovered on a moon in the Terminus Systems. That is where it will start anyways, but there will be much more. A mystery, action, adventure, and downtime for the characters to interact. Now, due to the length I anticipate for this roleplay, I need a guaranteed commitment. I also don't want to risk having too many people in this, so its going to be fairly limited. However, there will be a waiting list, so if someone is interested and the roles are all filled, you will be notified if a position opens.

THe following are only EXAMPLE Dossiers, and can be changed at the discrestion of the user Reserving/Taking the character. Any detail about the Dossiers can be changed, they are simply present in case people are low on ideas or for inspiration. I will be playing two characters, plus the ship's VI. The NPC crew can be used by everyone. Keep in mind, all the NPCs are Turian.


Commander Varien Arcterus, The Commander: (Taken by me) A veteran of the First Contact War, Varien was one of the few less aggressive Turians. He actually saw the potential as humans, and believed they would make a good client race like the Volus. However, when their true military might was revealed, he saw them more as a race who might one day equal them. Varien has extensive biotic training, but his natural affinity for command and ability to inspire his troops and be particularly pursuasive showed he was meant for more then just a Cabal group. He was given his own command over a Spec Ops unit, labled "Nightwing".

This lasted for a few decades, before he eventually married and had a child named Callib. Eventually, when the Turians started Co-Designing ships with the Alliance, he was given command over one of the two prototype ships they had developed. The PFS Havincaw. While the details of this ship were largely classified, so most people (like Shuttle Pilot Cortez) did not know is true functionality or interior, it assisted him to preform various ops.

When the Reapers hit, he was on the comm with his wife and son. He had been skeptical of Command Shepard's claims, but never truly denounced him as a sign of respect to a fellow soldier. It was a vid comm, but the Reapers were invading right as they contacted him, and the transmission ended with an explosion from their side. No reports of them being alive have surfaced yet. Out of anger against the Reapers, he went to one of the first human colonies hit, to try and slow them down for the other families of military officers. It was there he rescued and "adopted" Elias Quinn, who's own parents were already dead. Realizing the kids potential, and the fact one way or another this kid was going to fight the Reapers, he now helps Varien.

Elias Quinn, The Prodigy: (Taken by me) Raised on one of the colony worlds of the Alliance, Elias had a standard Colonial childhood. At a young age he displayed Biotic potential as well as being a tech prodigy, hacking computers and comm lines since he was eight. Elias always looked for ways to combine his tech and biotic powers, to give him an edge against everyone else by being creative.

When the Reapers attacked his colony, the Colonial Government immediately instituted a Draft. Everyone capable of fighting age ten and up was to receive a quick version of Combat training, make sure they knew how to aim well enough to avoid friendly fire, so when the Reapers came they were ready. They evacuated everyone incapable of combat, or had some high priority, but before even those evacuation were done they got hit.

Still, the colony fought back. The Reapers had intended to harvest a mostly civilian world, not a mostly militarized one. Even then, the colonial militia eventally got overrun. Elias's little sister made it on a shuttle to somewhere, but his parents were killed and so was his older brother. His baby brother was blown out out of the sky while being transported with his mother off world. He himself displayed unusually adapt combat skills for his age, further cementing his prodigy status, but nearly died himself until Varien saved him. Now, he fights for Varien, with a burning desire to get revenge on the Reapers who slaughtered his family, and the Cerberus bastards who are interfering. Both his tech and biotic skills, which he has spent time creatively combining to do some very deadly things since the invasion, will be a major asset.

Reyala Arose, The Huntress: (Reserved, will make any needed changes upon completion if any are needed) One of the best Asari Huntresses, she is one of the few Infiltrator Class soldiers with biotic potential. And that is because she is an Asari. Reyala Is still in her Maiden stage, resulting in her never really having much say in the Asari Military. However, she was on the Citadel during the Geth attack, and valiently defended over 200 civilians against the Synthetics as they were trying to take control of the station. She even briefly encountered Saren himself, but was not well enough trained to fight him. She survived the encoutner, but was seriously wounded and eventually passed out once C-SEC and the Military was around to secure things.

Reyala is the daughter of an Asari High Command Officer, and growing up was difficult for her because of this. However, she eventually did reach a place where she was eventually respected for her own deeds. When the Reaper invasion hit, Reyala's mother went oddly silent. Believing Reaper Forces were responsible, she raced towards her last known location to investigate.

SHe soon learned the truth. Cerberus had attacked her ship, grounded it, and then interrogated her for several days before executing her. Since then, she has been hunting a Cerberus Officer by the name of Ellen Granger, as it was she who was responsible for the entire operation, and to learn what secret was worth attacking the Asari for. All she did know was that it involved Prothean Ruins.

Errag, The Behemoth: (Open) A Krogan with a mysterious past and even more mysterious hobbies, Errag does not appear to belong to any Clan, instead acts as a solo Krogan. This is because his clan was destroyed by Clan Urdnot, and he would prefer not to cause issues with the Clan that is currently curing the Genophage and acting as the ruling body for all Krogan under Urdnot Wrex. He himself plans to return to Tushanka eventually if this cure is true, but he has some own issues to settle first.

Errag was sweet on an Asari named Lillia. Lillia was under the command of Matriarch Benezia, and was reportedly killed by the Geth when she tried to report the Matriarch's change and Saren's plans. When he heard the Commander's claims that the Reaper's controlled the Geth, not Saren, he dedicated himself to not only earning credits, but learning everything possible about these "Reapers", finding a new threat a lot more likely then the Geth randomly deciding to show up out of nowhere and give Saren some fancy new ship to lead them into victory.

So when the Reapers started showing up, and rumors that Cerberus was working for them followed, Errag was immediately on board for hunting them down. The reason Errag is different then most Krogan is that Errag spent a good 50 years learning everything there is about Starships and engineering and tech. While most Krogan would yell at a hologram, he would hack it, possibly just speaking in binary code to override its proccessors and give him top access. That is the main reason he is considered in a dossier. He has technical skills that compare to Engineer class soldiers, as well as the Krogan charm of skull smashing skills. Plus, he is more rational then most Krogan, though he still loves a good fight, and acts aggressively to most Turians and Salarians, even if he doesn't plan to act on it.

Niftu Cal, The Biotic God: (Reserved. Any further changes will be made upon completion) Once a simple trading Volus, after his run in with Commander Shepard who saved him, he became obsessed with learning everything possible about his savior with his wits restored. He learned about Shepard's claim of an imminent Reaper invasion, and therefor outfitted himself with the best Biotic Amps possible and trained himself intensively in his biotics so that when the time came, he could return the favor for the Commander.

He is now a powerful Biotic, though secretly this is because his suit distrubutes minor doses of Red Sand to him. He only has to resupply around every 200 galactic days though, due to the minor size of the doses and the fat his suit does it automatically. And he refilled two days ago. The small doses also allow him to avoid any annoying side affects. Niftu Cal, now more refined and sane, is ready to do battle against the Reapers. His powerful Biotic fields lets him take quite a bit of damage, and when focused, he can jump higher and farther then any Turian or Krogan.

Arlian Veso, The Specialist: (Open) A Salarian who is quick on his feet and likes to be prepared for any situation, Arlian is a soldier with multiple weapon proficiencies and a love for explosives. He knows the ins and out of all explosive devices, and can both disarm and make them. He has a variety of grenades, various different weapons, and even an Arc Cannon stolen from Cerberus.

Arlian was a member of the STG until 2184, when he was discharged after choosing to save several human transport ships instead of following orders and saving a high ranking Salarian Politician. He went Mercenary for awhile, being hired by people who wanted justice done but the police were not able to carry out. This went on until he stopped a Batarian bomb from detonated inside the Citadel.

After that, he was made a Spectre. Originally, he was assigned to investigate the human colony abductions. Once it was revealed to be the Collectors, and he saw video logs of what they had done, he managed to subdue one and gather samples. Once he learned they were Prothean, he immediately went to the Council with this. After that, he was assigned to look into this until Batarians started swarming the Citadel by force, and he was assigned to investigate that for a possible connection. When he learned what the Reapers were up to, and saw the video logs of husks with the Collectors, he put two and two together. Now, he is trying to find some way to protect the Salarian Union and the rest of Council space from the Reaper menace, and he believes this Prothean Data Cerberus had might be just that.

Like I said, any detail about the Dossiers can change as the Reservee's request. I do have to request that you DO IN FACT RESERVE, so that people don't create two characters for the same spot. :)

And for those who are wondering, yes I legitimately put Niftu Cal up there. Its too novel too ignore.

Anyways, here is a character Sheet you mgiht enjoy unless you have a better one of your own.

I wont ask for a detailed description for anyone playing an alien. Just some identifying markers, and maybe a picture of a Turian he resembles the most.

Character Sheet:




Description/Identifying Marks:

Armor Details:

Weapons: (Include Modifications/Specialized ammo. Two each, and yes Specialized Ammo counts for one)


Other Skills:

Combat Class:

Specialized Equipment:


Powers/Abilities: (Choose five, and be reasonable about it. No Soldiers with Combat drones, or Engineers with biotic abilities. Unless that Engineer is an Asari).


Dossier: (If History is too long. Try to hit around three full paragraphs)

Family Members:



Standard RPG and Common sense rules apply.

Have Fun.

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Varien Arcterus
Character Portrait: Elias Quinn


Character Portrait: Elias Quinn
Elias Quinn

"If you want something done right, make sure your a genius",

Character Portrait: Varien Arcterus
Varien Arcterus

"We have to see where the leads take us. This might just give us something that will give us a fighting chance versus the Reapers".


Character Portrait: Elias Quinn
Elias Quinn

"If you want something done right, make sure your a genius",

Character Portrait: Varien Arcterus
Varien Arcterus

"We have to see where the leads take us. This might just give us something that will give us a fighting chance versus the Reapers".

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elias Quinn
Elias Quinn

"If you want something done right, make sure your a genius",

Character Portrait: Varien Arcterus
Varien Arcterus

"We have to see where the leads take us. This might just give us something that will give us a fighting chance versus the Reapers".

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Re: Mass Effect: On the Trail

I'm sorry. I can't join this. A lot of stuff is happening in real life.

Re: Mass Effect: On the Trail

Whee, I love Mass Effect! Niftu Cal may be one of my favorite characters. He's hilarious! But I'm rather interested in the Asari. If it isn't too much trouble, may I please reserve her?

Re: Mass Effect: On the Trail

Thats fine. I created them knowing people would likely want to change it (though to be honest I was kind of hoping someone would take that one as is because of how hillarious Niftu Cal is. :3

Anyways, sure! Reserved. And if you know anyone else who might be interested, feel free to ask them!

Re: Mass Effect: On the Trail

I'm interested in the Biotic character, only with Aresh Aghdashloo instead of the Volus:

I hope that's okay. I'm thinking he joined out of a desperate search for purpose with the Reaper invasion providing a perfect opportunity to do something with his powers.

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