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Outgunned; Star Mercenaries » Places

Places in Outgunned; Star Mercenaries

This is a list of locations that can be found in Outgunned; Star Mercenaries.

All Places

Pardus Sector

14 posts · 7 characters present · last post 2013-08-22 17:06:13 »

         She shook his hand inwardly noting the firmness of the handshake. Deirdre was a bit distracted however by the other pilot’s comments that she wanted to leave. For a person ready to jump into the pilot seat when the shuttle was still loading the woman seemed keen to be as far from the group as possible now. Deirdre wondered if it had to do with the female marine or the armoured man, Sliver that she kept glancing too.

Deirdre stood off a little as the engineer, Martellus completed his handshakes and scrutinized the woman. She winced a little at his comments but knew it was not her place to say anything. If the woman wanted off then there was obviously a reason and Deirdre was content to let others deal with their own shit. She had her own neck to worry about.

She did find herself smiling though as Martellus began talking to the group at large again. Deirdre found herself instantly liking him. There was something about him that just seemed to make her more confident with the whole situation. On the shuttle she had been confused and a bit nervous at what she might find when they landed but Martellus instantly made that all go away.

Her golden eyes flickered to to the Captain as Martellus referred to her as ‘his pilot’. Neither of them knew each other, had never flown together so she wondered how Captain Turner would play this. She was willing to follow his lead providing he didn’t make too many assumptions.

Deirdre’s ears perked up at the talk of a pirate ship. A familiar stirring in her stomach began. It would be a good flight and she longed to get behind the controls. Her foot began to tap lightly in impatience. She wanted to fly and fly now, to chase down the pirate ship and catch them.

Her eyebrow raised as Marcus gestured with his head towards the other female pilot as he spoke of letting his pilot choose the ship.

Deirdre’s back straightened a little. Her tongue ran along her teeth. ”Alright...I think it might be time for cards on the table cause this shit is getting annoying. She held no ill against them but she had no patience for this sort of thing when it wasn't needed. She had a great poker face, could play a great game when needed but right now didn't seem like the time for holding back information. Nothing to be gained by not showing your hand.

The question of surrender was a good one but had nothing to do with her. A pilot’s job was to fly and fly well the rest was the crew’s job.

Clearing her throat Deirdre lowered her arms from her chest. “Not to put too fine a point on things but I don’t know Captain Turner more than being stuck in the shuttle with him. If he has a preference for pilots, either her or I that is fine.” She gestured to Cor. “I just need to know if I am flying now or if you have use for me somewhere else.”

She looked to Marcus and Cor, her hands raising a little in a gesture of small apology before turning her attention back to Martellus. “I am willing to fly for any competent captain on any working ship I am just curious as to this particular flight.”

Deirdre honestly didn’t care if Marcus wanted to fly with the other woman. Maybe they knew each other maybe they didn’t and it didn’t matter she just wanted to know what she was going to be allowed to fly.

The Pardus Sector.

Pardus Belt

25 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-08-06 15:18:09 »

         A small nod came from Marcus head, a nod of understanding to match the face of leadership he now wore. "I won't be so presumptuous to think I know my pilot better than she does," he said with a toss of his head to the side. The wrong side. His head was aimed at Cor, but close enough. It wasn't like they had been formally introduced yet. "Why don't you lead us to ships, Martellus, and the pilot can pick what they know."

"And only one question from me. Is there no chance of negotiation? A peaceful surrender? I'd rather not risk the lives of hostages by being aggressive." he asked calmly, arms now rising to fold in front of his chest as he started to shuffle to the side, as if to allow the rest to offer their own questions.

The Pardus asteroid belt separates Pardus V from Pardus VI. It is highly rich in Iron, making it an ideal mining zone, but also ideal for those not wishing to be found.

Pardus VI; Demelo

57 posts · 2 characters present · last post 2013-07-20 19:42:26 »

         Adion wore an insulting smirk on his face before waving to the two men. They would have only a little bit before he decided what to do. He had not even noticed Calvin or Clarice, likely thinking that they were dead since they had not greeted them.

Pardus VI, or Demelo as it is called, is the second most profitable planet in the system that also happens to be habitable. It has the highest population, as well; and, by chance, happens to be home to the Rebellion. It has three moons.

Trade Order Station 'Foundations'

116 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-07-11 18:37:16 »

         In response to Deirdre's sarcasm, Shard laughs for a moment before putting on a more serious tone of voice. "I hate to break it to you, but you're not sticking with us-" he gestures around the ship. "We're just couriers, bringing you to Teryn's fleet, where I assure you, there'll be plenty of work."

He places a reassuring, if gloved hand on her shoulder. "Don't sweat it, though. Teryn's looking for the best, and that's what I'm bringing him. The jokers Sliver grabbed will have their own messes to deal with," he says. While his face was covered completely, one could imagine the charming grin placed thereon.

Marcus would find that there was no dedicated cafeteria on the ship; it was, after all, a very small vessel, and seemed to be used primarily for short-range transport. Nevertheless, he would see a number of crates in the main hold that he had come from, many of which would likely contain supplies for the short-range journey they were on.

Sliver floats his way down from the ceiling, shaking his head. "Only when I'm ordered by my Captain," he says, with a mild shrug. He tries to help her stand, but the lack of gravity made that a bit of a moot point. "I'm sure it'll please you to know," he says, following her to the curtain, "You won't be staying on this ship long." He sounded a bit disappointed about that, himself. "We're dropping you all off with Teryn's fleet. And... don't mind the Captain. She just doesn't like your kind."

Stubs walks over and smacks Sliver. "Meaning pilots," he says, glaring at Sliver. Sliver glares back. "Meaning other women," he counters, causing Stubs to throw his hands up and walk back to his device.

There was one other man, still standing in the main hold with Alex, Jacob, and the rest of the Marines. He had been standing more or less completely still since he had locked himself to the hull a while back. Unfortunately for him, he had completely locked his armor- including his vocal unit. Unnoticed and locked down, he had to stand uncomfortably on guard.

[Post continues]

The representative outpost of the Trade Order in this section of space, the Foundations has access to just about anything an aspiring Commander needs; for a price.

Pardus VII; Ghuul

2 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-06-14 00:12:50 »

         As Grace and her two commanders went through the halls, one of the lower ranking officers rushes up from behind. "Captain," he shouts, holding a data tablet. "They followed us through," he goes on breathlessly. "Five Frigates and two Destroyers escorting a Cruiser, Blackjack class, standard Assault ship."

Her own ship had flown to Ghuuleer, where it might have been hoped the allied rebel fleet was; Ghuuleer had no station or moon base, and unfortunately, the posted fleet was off at the refueling station some ways away Spinward. Once they had pulled clear of the asteroid belt, making a transmission about the battle lost with the Hegemony forces might be made easier, but only if there was anyone around to receive it.

"What are your orders," he asks, hopelessly.

Ghuul, a planet covered in ice and snow with a few more temperate zones, it was the only planet to have contained human life before the Hegemony arrival.

Demelo Moon Delta

Demelo Delta is the smallest satellite, furthest from the planet, but by far the fastest. The Ghuuleer have a listening outpost on it, and a Trade Order refueling outpost is located on it as well.

Demelo Moon Beta

The second moon of Demelo, and slightly smaller than the first, Satellite Beta has a Ghuuleer supply base, a Hadron Corporation outpost, and a Trade Order trade hub, guarded by Militia forces.

Pardus VIII Moon Alpha

Unlike Pardus VIII's other satellite, Moon Alpha (as it is now called) is the only genuine moon around the planet. It's comparatively small to the planet itself, but it houses a decent sized Ghuuleer base, and an Ordakke Mining base.

Demelo Moon Alpha

The largest moon of Demelo; it has a thin atmosphere, but it is toxic to humans. Home to the largest Ghuuleer base that is not planet-side, as well as a Sons of Veilheim outpost, and a Militia guarded outpost belonging to Ordakke Mining.

Sria Station 'Gatekeeper'

Gatekeeper is the Sria Corporation's primary force of power in the system; a massive station with an array of top-notch weapons systems, the latest in cargo compression software, and all manner of other Sria-made technologies.

Warmart Station '#359'

The Warmart Corporation was allowed to build a station in orbit of Pardus Prime, where it promptly set up an arms depot.

Pardus VIII Satellite Beta

Satellite Beta is in actuality a comet that miraculously managed to get trapped in Pardus VIII's gravitational pull.

Ghuuleer Station 'Listen-To-This-You-Heg-Bas'

The colorfully named 'Listen to this you Heg Bas-' is a former Hegemony listening outpost situated in the Spinward Quardrant.

Debris Field

You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.


You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.


You have entered the void - an black expanse with absolutely nothing in it.

Commander Teryn's Station 'Grayhome'

Commander Teryn's hidden station in a debris field out in the Trailing Quadrant.

Hegemony Station 'Listening Outpost Rimward'

The only listening post remaining to the Hegemony forces, situated in the Rimward Quadrant.

Veilheim Station 'Shield of Veilheim'

Built recently, the Shield of Veilheim is a mixed combat-trade station.

Sria Corporation Station 'Eyes and Ears'

The former Hegemony station, bought out by the Sria corporation and currently under refit.

Hadron Corporation Station 'Infringement'

The only ones with the technical know-how, and the gall, to even attempt building a station near the mystical Pardus IX, Hadron Corp's research base is the farthest flung station in the sector.

Hegemony Station 'Fairway'

The Civilian station over Pardus Prime, connected to the planet via a space elevator.

Pardus V; Pardus Prime

Pardus Prime, the seat of Hegemony authority in the system, is a tropical world with several large landmasses, covered in rainstorms most of the time. It has one large moon.

Pardus VIII

Pardus VIII is a massive, frozen ball of ice, trailing on the edge of the system. Nothing survives there, despite the breathable atmosphere. There are several outposts from various factions. Has two moons.

Pardus IX

Pardus IX is a dead dwarf planet, made fascinating by its staggering array of eight moons, arrayed in a perfect formation around the planet itself. Many suspect the planet to have been engineered, rather than formed naturally.

Pardus IV; Gerisburg

Pardus IV, called Gerisburg, is another arid world, with two moons. Gerisburg was the last planet colonized in-system, due to its atmosphere of methane. As a result, all habitable zones on the planet are domes.

Pardus III; New Rovur

Pardus III, known as New Rovur, is a planet colonized by the sovereign faction, the Sons of Veilheim. It is a desert, arid world, with more bearable living conditions and water located closer to the poles.

Pardus I

The planet closest to Pardus Star is a burned husk of a world, with nothing of value left on the surface. Most shielded starships cannot stay long here, and unshielded ships will be radiated husks falling planet-side within minutes.

Pardus II

Pardus II is a barren waste that was never deemed fit for colonization, and bears little to no useful minerals. The atmosphere, what little there is, happens to be toxic to mankind. It is home to a multitude of training facilities and military bases.

Out-system Asteroid Belt

This belt of asteroids provides a curious barrier around the Pardus system as a whole- meaning that ships can't simply jump anywhere into the system from outside.

Spinward Quadrant

The Spinward Quadrant is what, in most cases, would be considered 'Galactic West', meaning it is the quadrant of space in the Pardus sector that is at the front of the Spin.

Hegemony Station 'Guardian I'

The first Hegemony station built in the Pardus Sector, over Pardus Prime. It houses a massive array of defensive weaponry, as well as repair yards and a contingent of Marines.

Pardus V Moon

Pardus V's moon is home to a modest Hegemony research base and a Trade Order outpost.

Hegemony Station 'Guardian II'

The Hegemony space station, Guardian II, is a defensive satellite, home to a moderate sized fleet and a token marine presence.

Rimward Quadrant

The Rimward Quadrant is what, in most cases, would be considered 'Galactic South', being the section of space that faces towards the Galactic Rim.

Trailing Quadrant

The Trailing Quadrant is what, in most cases, would be considered 'Galactic East', meaning it is the section of space in the Pardus Sector that is on the trailing end of the solar system's movements.

Coreward Quadrant

The Coreward Quadrant is what, in most cases, would be considered 'Galactic North', meaning the section of space that faces towards the Galactic Core.

Ghuuleer Station 'Bring-it-Back'

The 'Bring-it-Back' is a formerly Hegemony station that the Ghuuleer captured and refit as a defensive station, that also operates as the planet's Space Elevator.