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Paradise Falls

Paradise Falls


(A Divergent and X-Men based roleplay, check inside!)

1,503 readers have visited Paradise Falls since Temperance created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



One choice can transform you-.. Or it can destroy you.
But every choice has consequences...

In the year 2005, the Humanity Unification Alliance (H.U.A) has come together in the hopes to try and bring peace and order to the new uprising that has begun to spread through the world causing nothing but pain and chaos. Their new enemy: Mutants. Any and all mutants that are found living or attempting to live within the human society are to be rooted out and to be brought into the government for registration and extermination as soon as possible; though no pleasure is taken in these methods, they are crucial if the human society are ever to lead a peaceful and safe life once again. For years the mutants have peacefully protested trying their best to resolve the issues that have arisen between the two societies, claiming and calling for the rights they know to be theirs; the undesired mutant society wishing for nothing other than equality. Though any insurrection caused in the name of such plights were quickly "dealt with" by the armed forces that are kept under the tight and corrupted watch of the government; claiming that the mutants were too genetically similar to the humans... The key word being "similar". They were not considered to be human; the mutants were nothing but freaks, outcasts, rejects, undesirables... Things.

By the year 2015, the mutants have had enough, having exhausted every peaceful avenue that they could the turmoil built up within until the point of breaking causing them to snap; what used to be organized and peaceful protests now becoming violent and even bloodied rioting within the city streets. The situation has begun to spiral out of control leading to a full blown civil war resting on the H.U.A's hands; words now were nothing but meaningless to all those involved, it was time for actions.

The year now is 2020 and the chaos that has come with the ongoing war is in full swing; entire cities going to waste while laying in crumbling ruin while social tensions began to run at an all time high thanks to the turmoil between the government and the mutant society; though the fighting has only just begun, this battle will continue to rage on as the mutants continue to strive and fight for their right to exist within this world.

Recently, the government has been taking steps and precautions to turn the war in their favor. Working on a project called Xiramanth, which involved the genetics of thousands of mutants fallen from the war, they have created a compound in which can mimic limited magical properties. Although the mutants are not aware of it, they now have an even tougher road ahead of them.

Setting - Information

In a post-apocalyptic dystopian world, the survivors of a grueling and ongoing civil war live within the ever crumbling remains of a once great city, the once united front of people now divided up into three different societies each with it's own issues and hardships, these societies are: the government, the human society, and the mutant society.

In the current year of 2020, the chaos that is raging with the ever-growing war has become too much leaving entire cities to go to waste while social tensions are running at an all time high thanks to the bad blood and turmoil bubbling between both the government and the mutant society; the human society caught in the middle though their hands are rarely clean of the situation either. The fighting however, has only just begun, and this battle will continue to rage on as the mutants continue to strive and fight for their right to exist peacefully within the world.

Government - Information

Once known for their eloquence and devoted value towards the virtues of intelligence and wisdom above all, the members of the government devoted their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and justice for all those in the world; delegating themselves to help better the lives of all those who are shown to need it. Over time however, the government steered away from its original belief, the members greedy for power a likely result from that very yearning desire they held for knowledge; their moral corruption soon becoming so severe that they eventually began turning on those that they had once swore to help, their thirst for power seeming to be unquenchable.

It is because of the governments greed and arrogance that they are so easily susceptible to corruption, their quest for unlimited knowledge leading them to an extreme lust and greed for power. Now, though seen to be a government of great intelligence full of burning curiosity and a keen astuteness, they are shown to always be in a constant pursuit for knowledge that can help to solidify and continue to build the power that they have over the others in the world who look to them for answers; every action made seeming only to benefit them in some way or another and willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that they are not defied or threatened in any way.

Lead by a board of highly intellectual and classest members working for a singular man (whom is never seen), they use their know-how and the blind devotion of the human society to their advantage; abusing their control over any and all means of communication (social media, ect.) to manipulate the thoughts of those around them into believing what it is they wish them to believe. With the armed forces (both police and military) in their pocket so to say, they choose to search out and hunt down any and all mutants that they can get their hands on, experimenting on them to further their already vast amount of knowledge; though fearing the uprising and what the mutants are capable of they have resorted to pushing their fear tactics to the limit by holding public executions of mutants, using them to make a show of what happens when you defy them and go against what they say; though all this is done while maintaining a "we don't want to do what we do, we have to do what we do" kind of attitude for the public's sake and image of them.

PLEASE NOTE: Wanting nothing more than to maintain complete and utter control over those within the world, the government resort to several ways of showing their dominant power over those who are underneath them; abusing their power by hunting down mutants and both experimenting on and killing them, while doing all they can to convince and manipulate the public into thinking that they are executing them for the safety of all. As the war has continued to get worse some of these executions have become public in hopes to scare both the human and mutant societies by showing them what happens when they defy the government.

Human Society - Information

Once a great people who valued a peaceful and safe society free from both conflict and chaos, the human society is now completely driven by their fear towards that which they consider to be the unknown; above all mutants. Manipulated by the government into believing that what is happening is the right thing for them and that it will lead them into a life that is better for all, they keep the faith that the government is doing what they must to keep the surviving human population safe. Due to the governments constant manipulation, the human society are extremely racist towards the mutant society, willing to (nine times out of ten) give them up to the government and the military if it means that it will get the results that are being promised to them.

PLEASE NOTE: Though most humans within the world fear and despise mutants with a passion, there are the few who do sympathize with their cause and are willing to help them out in any way that they can (supplying them with supplies, weaponry, ect.) while not endangering their own lives or the lives of their families.

Mutant Society - Information

Forced into hiding long ago by the government that is hunting them down one by one, the mutant society are shown to be complete and utter anarchists; extremely rebellious when it comes to fighting for their right to live and their right to have equality within the world that they share with the human society, and though they once tried to fight peacefully, each protest was quickly shut down by the government causing matters to become a lot worse than they originally were. The mutant society has a tendency to diverge from the norm which is, in this case, the mindset and way of thinking of both the government and the human society, it is for this reason that the government are terrified of their abilities, and see them as threats who will always cause trouble for them.

The members of the mutant society are pictured by others in the world as absolutely fearless, unnervingly undaunted, free-spirited and extremely brave individuals; each of them showing courageous resolute and are not easily discouraged, especially in situations when they are in the face of danger or difficulty. Valuing bravery and justice above all, the leaders of the mutant society work as hard as they can to train the other members to become especially skilled in fighting both with their bodies and weapons, helping to prepare them to respond to any and all threats and challenges that get thrown their way, which is a necessity if members wish to survive life as a mutant in the world today.

While the leaders and those who have grown up within the community of the mutant society maintain an emphasis on the idea of "freedom from fear" and test this constantly by attempting what some consider death-defying feats showing that they have great skill both physically and mentally, they also understand that those who have grown up without this luxury or freedom do not and will not necessarily be able to understand their mindset and actions straight from the get go, allowing them the time that they need to settle themselves into life within the compound while helping them out as much as they can; though this doesn't stop the leaders from pushing in order to find the limitations of those members who have chosen to join in the cause.

PLEASE NOTE: Majority of the mutant society is fiercely loyal to one another (whether they choose to show it or not), most willing to put themselves in harms way when it comes to helping out another in a time of need; though with this there are some mutants who wish for nothing to do with the rebellion choosing to look out for themselves rather than joining and living with those in the compound.

The Pit - Information

The Pit is both at the heart of and the name in which the mutant compound is referred to, and consists of a deep pit with a glass roof sheltering it from the sometimes harsh and unforgiving weather of the city. It's a large underground cavern with many places for random activities built into the structure walls (such as tattoo parlors, thriving market places, member apartments, training rooms, meeting rooms, simulation training rooms, infirmary, ect.) causing it to look more like an underground city rather than just a hideout. To connect each of these places, the pit has narrow steps and walkways; there are no railings or barriers lining these paths, however there are blue lanterns that hang from various points along them.

To the far right side of The Pit, lays The Chasm; a deep opening in the compound in which many a member has fallen (or jumped) to their death on occasion. One of the many ways in which to enter The Pit is to jump off one of the tall buildings surrounding the compound into a large hole in the roof of the compound landing in a large net that has been stationed at the bottom of it; this is referred to as "the back entrance" and is a favored method used by the leaders of the compound as an initiation for all new members. Another favored method of transportation into the compound are zip-lines that can be found (by those who know of their exact locations) scattered around the city leading to various entrances into The Pit.

Powers - Information

The mutants, despite their human nature and appearance, feature a range of distinctive aspects in many different areas: biology, physiology, genetics, ect. Each trait, or traits, not only passed down through their evolution predecessors, but also laying dormant within them. The human mutants (homo-superior) possess the mutant gene, which is positioned on the twenty-third chromosome (sexual chromosome).

For most mutants, the mutation occurs either during puberty (caused by sexual hormones such as testosterone and estrogen) or under conditions of extreme stress (caused by things such as adrenaline, cortisol, ect. or stressful situations such as the death of a loved one, constant bullying, ect.). The only exceptions to this being any mutants who are expressing their mutation from birth (this particular group of mutants however would be either born into life within The Pit or were born into life within one of the many research facilities).

Mutants are ranked based on ability and can progress through the years. Rankings are as follows (and orders of the government):

Tier 1: Not a threat or not developed - Useless, kill or take hostage
Tier 2: Fairly new and underdeveloped, may also lack in control of abilities - Useless, kill or take hostage
Tier 3: Comfortable with their abilities, however lack in power - Useless, kill or take hostage
Tier 4: May possess strong abilities and are a threat - Bring in for testing unless told otherwise
Tier 5: Possess large scale or altering abilities which would be catastrophic if not controlled, large threat - kill on sight or subdue and bring in for testing
Tier 6: Very strong, most destructive and fully developed - kill on sight

PLEASE NOTE: The government would want to keep all those considered mutants under their control, using their corrupt and manipulative influence over the armed forces (both police and military) and the human society to their advantage, so that none could threaten their power or control over the people. Those who posed such abilities would be considered mutants among men, and would be hunted down and experimented on, or killed off in a public execution as a display of what would happen to any who tried to defy the governments rule.

Mutant Character Sheet

Code: Select all


[font=Iskoola Pota][center][img]You can go [url=]here[/url] or [url=]here[/url] tp make a name header for your character, when you find the font you want, right click the image and open it in a new tab to take the url, and paste it here.[/img]

[img]Put large non-moving image of character here[/img]
[size=85]|| [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] || [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] || [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] || [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] ||[/size][/center]



[img]gif [/img]

[center][b]||FULL NAME||[/b]


(Accepting a wide range of ages here)





[SIZE=120][I]"ADD QUOTE HERE"[/I][/SIZE][/center]
[RIGHT][IMG]Large (500x500 at least) non moving image here, if it's not big enough throw a gif under it)[/img][/right]

(How does your character act? what are their morals, outlook on life, what inspires them, and why do they act the way they do? This should be pretty self explanatory. This section is required and should be at least one paragraph.)


[left][img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img][/left] [right][img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img][/right]

[color=#00FF00]▲[/color]Have at least 5

[color=#FF0000]▼[/color]Have At least 5

[color=#00FF00]✔[/color]Have at least 5

[color=#FF0000]✘[/color]Have at least 5

☠Have at least 5


[SIZE=120][I]"ADD QUOTE HERE"[/I][/SIZE][/center]

[RIGHT][IMG]Large (500x500 at least) non moving image here, if it's not big enough throw a gif under it)[/img][img]gif[/img][/right]


[b]||C L A N||[/b]
(Some mutants have formed small clans with other mutants or even some humans in order to survive, while others have more of a specific agenda, are you part of a clan?)

(Please be as detailed as possible)

[b]||T I E R  L E V E L||[/b]
(All mutants are eventually are either marked by the government, assessed on sight, or unranked.)

[b]||W E A P O N S  &  E Q U I P M E N T||[/b]
(Not mandatory, not all mutants are going to have weapons. Also list any kind of other equipment they use in battle or carry around with them.)

(Where do you live)

(Do you have a job? Though there are not many typical jobs now, some mutants still have jobs they maintain when necessary or have jobs such as trainer, lookout, scout, etc.)

(Who is your character, why are they here, who are their parents, and where are they from? This is completely optional, and you do not need to add it to this CS, although if you decide to, it should be at least one paragraph)

(Anything else you want to add? Special items, pets, accents etc??)


[b]||FACE CLAIM ||[/b]

[b]||PORTRAYED BY||[/b]


Government and associated

Code: Select all

[font=Iskoola Pota][center][img]You can go [url=]here[/url] or [url=]here[/url] tp make a name header for your character, when you find the font you want, right click the image and open it in a new tab to take the url, and paste it here.[/img]

[img]Put large non-moving image of character here[/img]
[size=85]|| [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] || [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] || [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] || [url=SONGURL]Song title[/url] ||[/size][/center]



[img]gif [/img]

[center][b]||FULL NAME||[/b]


(Accepting a wide range of ages here)

(Human or mutant?)




[SIZE=120][I]"ADD QUOTE HERE"[/I][/SIZE][/center]
[RIGHT][IMG]Large (500x500 at least) non moving image here, if it's not big enough throw a gif under it)[/img][/right]

(How does your character act? what are their morals, outlook on life, what inspires them, and why do they act the way they do? This should be pretty self explanatory. This section is required and should be at least one paragraph.)


[left][img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img][/left] [right][img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img]
[img]small gif[/img][/right]

[color=#00FF00]▲[/color]Have at least 5

[color=#FF0000]▼[/color]Have At least 5

[color=#00FF00]✔[/color]Have at least 5

[color=#FF0000]✘[/color]Have at least 5

☠Have at least 5


[SIZE=120][I]"ADD QUOTE HERE"[/I][/SIZE][/center]

[RIGHT][IMG]Large (500x500 at least) non moving image here, if it's not big enough throw a gif under it)[/img][img]gif[/img][/right]


[b]||W E A P O N S  &  E Q U I P M E N T||[/b]
(The government has created many advance weapons to use against the mutants, as well as some of the higher ranked positions are now wielding the compound that lets them temporary harness mutant like abilities. But this new compound requires much sacrifice. NOTE: I only want about two people in possession of the compound, speak to me first and tell me what your plans are for it.)

(Where do you live)

(Position within the government, and details about said role)

(Who is your character, why are they here, who are their parents, and where are they from? This is completely optional, and you do not need to add it to this CS, although if you decide to, it should be at least one paragraph)

(Anything else you want to add? Special items, pets, accents etc??)


[b]||FACE CLAIM ||[/b]

[b]||PORTRAYED BY||[/b]


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Re: Paradise Falls

Alright I am working on my own character currently.
Those of you who are making characters, I would like everyone to make sure they have an avatar up for their character.
Also, there may be some of you that I'll ask to expand upon your personality or bio.
Lastly, I will be making an OOC with mutant and government organizations as well as clans. If you plan to make one or have an idea for one I need you to pm me so I can add the description. I'm slightly busy at the moment so I will explain more about the groups later tonight.

Re: Paradise Falls

Martime, to be honest i was thinking more like a huge network of half-extremist. Like a tee-bit nicer mutant version of the early days PLO or something. Like a MLA (mutant liberation army. best best I got so far)

But a smaller collective could be awesome as well :D

Re: Paradise Falls

Just submitted my character. If anyone has any interest in joining a clan with my character shoot me a pm.

Re: Paradise Falls

BFB, let's start a small mutant collective?

Re: Paradise Falls

@ Blueshadow: You are more than welcome to join us!
@ Monster: I have been debating whether or not to make a current group in which is fighting against the goverment, several groups with different skill sets and agendas, or whether to leave it completely open and see what the roleplayers have in mind for their own characters and then go from there. Personally, I like to see what people collectively come up with rather than me forcing people into an already created group and pre created direction for the roleplay. I am thinking there could be a group or two that are fairly new that we can establish, and it would make things more interesting than something that already existed.
@ Byte: I've accepted your character, even though lacking in history I trust you to get that done.

Re: Paradise Falls

I think that's entirely up to people, unless I've read over the bit that mentions a collective group of freaky motherfuckers taking over the world. I suppose there's strength in numbers, though.

On a different note, I've got my character up. Sorta. Might need some work depending. Got to write history anyway so...

Re: Paradise Falls

This looks completey awesome :D but I was wondering about one thin. Are the mutants ororganized in sort of a "mutant-rights" army or is it just independet attacks on government property without any real organization?

Re: Paradise Falls

Oh this looks fun! I've been waiting for a roleplay like this. I'll probably start working on a character for this later today if you don't mind.

Re: Paradise Falls

Hello Byte C:
Well, the gifs are not necessary, I wont even be using them myself - but a lot of people seem to like plastering their character sheet with them. You are welcome to leave them out. And I am looking for anime face claims - but if you have an anime like or semi realistic art which you cannot put a name to, if you can find more than one picture I will accept it. If you by chance have some original art work you yourself created - I will accept it for sure as long as its the right style.

Re: Paradise Falls

Seems fair if I make a character for this, right? Looks pretty interesting and I've kinda been waiting for a super-powered/mutant oriented, x-men-ish (although this seems only tangentially borrowing from that franchise) roleplay. Kinda curious about the extent of the character sheet and how closely you're required to follow the guidelines. Not big on gifs, and I'm also a bit iffy about face claims. Mainly because most seem to cater to celebrities, anime/cartoon/game characters, etc. (hence the gifs, I suppose). So my question would be what kind of "face claims" you expect people to use, or if we're free to use... whatever, including original works.

Re: Paradise Falls

SOOOOO many Fallout 3 jokes! I can't decide which one to say, BUT I NEED TO STATE THIS.

OH OH I got one!


No that's too mean, anyway just wanted to wish you luck after reading the tabs I realize this has nothing to do with Fallout 3, but wanted to wish you luck.

Paradise Falls

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Paradise Falls"

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