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Kit Otari

"Everyone here is a little... Different."

0 · 745 views · located in Teraton, North Carolina

a character in “Return to the Dark Ages”, as played by Andoral


Christopher Otari || "Kit" || 17 || Selkie || Bisexual

Skills & Abilities

Kit has a natural affinity to the water – being a selkie makes him an excellent swimmer, enables him to stay underwater for long periods of time, grants him very minor but useful healing properties when in contact with water, and allows him to swim in the coldest of temperatures without harm. For the most part he is able to shift from both human and seal form at will, but can be triggered when in human form, to shift into a seal when under stress, or fear. Another ability that comes with his selkie blood is the oldest and most common – manipulative, seductive powers. This can be inflicted on non-selkie women and in some occasions, men. Although this is one of the selkie’s most famous and prominent powers, it is uncommonly less effective and even weak to Kit. If inquired, Kit often states that he has had little experience with this skill, and is quite happy to be without it as he believes that when made habit; it becomes a greatly dishonest practice.

Kit has very little experience on land, therefore near to none in non-supernatural abilities. He only has one peculiar skill, and that is an uncanny deftness in lock-picking and breaking into enclosed places.

Most likely due to selkie genetics, Kit becomes nauseous when on land for too long. He will need to return to the sea, or retreat to a bathtub for a short time to regenerate.

Ships || Flames || Being unable to save someone
from drowning || Losing the ability to shift into
a seal / human

Personality & Traits

Water // Beach // Quiet // Summer // Sand
Books // Tea // Home made things // Unnatural coloured hair
Watches // Stories // Candy // Cigarettes // Children
Sushi // Citrus fruits // Watermelons // Small animals
Big dogs // Fables // Fairy tales // Children's stories // Couches

Cars // Alcohol // Television // Scissors // Cats
Coffee // Fire // Microwaves // Snakes // Insects
Cursing // Bigotry // Fishing // Spicy Food // Crowds

Clumsy // Friendly // Curious // Energetic // Observant // Loyal

Most of Kit’s life was spent underwater. As a seal, Kit’s human mind is somewhat “numbed” down into a more animal nature. He is noted for being extremely curious and playful, making him a friendly visitor of the shore for young children. Of course, to most, he appears as simple a frisky seal that frequents the oceanfront. When Kit shifts into human form, it takes him several days to fully settle in his new body. Because of this, Kit may appear shy, timid, and sometimes, overly inquisitive and friendly. He can stare for too long, and become dazed, often making others uncomfortable. To the open-minded, his little habits can appear somewhat endearing.


Kit’s life in the sea is little known, even to himself. After all, he spent most of his years as a seal, and when someone spends most of their time as an animal not much is remembered. Several key events are engraved into his memories, however. And they begin with something in the water. When Kit was quite young, perhaps eight or nine in human years, he made his first contact with a human. It was a boy, a small boy. He was chasing after the waves when he ventured too far into the blue. Soon, his tiny body was tugged and swept further and further away from the shore. His cries and screams were drowned under the might of the waves, disrupting the silence of the sea and bringing Kit to alarm.
They were both at the shore. Kit jerked and shuddered, his new body meeting land for the very first time. He breathed in deeply and too quickly, causing sharp pains in his lungs. The boy who drowned was limp under his arm, almost cold as the sea in the black of the night. Kit’s heart raced in his chest as he pressed his spotted, webbed hands onto the boy’s bare chest, frantically shaking him in fear. Moments after a girl came rushing to where they were, but when she came within eyesight to Kit, she screamed. For what she saw was her brother, limp and cold beneath a whiskered, spotted, half human creature with the tail of a harbour seal. She screamed and cried and threw stones and sticks at the half-human boy, driving him back into the sea and far away from the oceanfront.
Front that moment on, Kit was never seen at the shore, or even at Teraton for quite some time. That is until now, when rumour had it that Teraton was now home to more like his own.

Theme Song

So begins...

Kit Otari's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belinda Santiago Character Portrait: Jaelynn Rose Grey Character Portrait: Lydia Fatebane Character Portrait: Theo Osonia Character Portrait: Tanya Graves Character Portrait: Maysilee Morris
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{ June 21st | 6:00pm | Teraton, North Carolina }

The Summer Solstice Festival has been a staple of the Teraton community far before it became set aside for the relocation process of the supernatural community in the area. Once simply referred to as the Summer Fair, it has now come to be called by a more appropriate name. It is most greatly celebrated by the witch community of the somewhat small town, and many run stalls or have special sales for the event. Lights are strung across buildings and trees to create a magical, picturesque atmosphere. The festival is something that most look forward to, and while it is not incredibly large, it is a dear part of the community.

It serves as many things. For the witch community, it is expected that young witches, coming of age, begin to create some product, or develop some skill for a service, which they will demonstrate here. The faerie community is also known to take special joy in the event, especially the summer fae, as a matter of course given that it is a summer holiday. Many people also take it as a romantic event, and the music [different bands or DJs on various corners] as well as the lights help this concept along. It also happens to line up to be just after the schools get out, so clusters of high schoolers, middle schoolers, and elementary schoolers can often be seen in various places.

Attractions of Note
Ferris Wheel [Provided By The City Council]
The Magical Lane [All-magic Corner of Witch's Wares]
Local Bands [The best of which playing on a platform in Town Square]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari
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#, as written by Andoral

As a creature that has not yet grasped the concept of dreams, any visions or events seen in the state of sleep was perceived as an unhinged reality. One moment, Kit was racing in the cool waters in the furred, spotted body of a harbour seal, and the next, he was staring into the face of a curious human boy. Curious seemed the only world that could trademark Kit, it simply described every piece of his being. His large doe-like inquisitive blue eyes were often rapidly moving in his head, consuming every bit of earth that was not seen in the likes of the sea, or the beach, or the rocks by the water. Everything that met his gaze came to him in small fits of excitement and fear, and since English or any tongue in that matter is unknown to him, the only way to express delight, keenness, and interest was to reach an arm towards the anticipated sight, or object. That and the occasional sigh, mumble, and gush of “ooh” and “aah”.

The sea had swept something unusual on the shore that day. It lay still, lifeless on the wet sand. It appeared to be asleep. Its skin was marbled and spotted from head to toe.

In his dreams, Kit saw the murky waters of the sea on a stormy day. Despite the calamity in the skies, the waters were an empty grey, cold, wretched place. Only one thing swayed in the deep, moving with the currents like seaweed uprooted from the earth. It was a boy, a small boy. His lips, and his skin were white as bone.

After several moments he suddenly began to stir viciously, spewing out spouts of water. He was awake. His thick tail disappeared as he hauled himself across the sand and away from the water. Soon the grey fur fell from his new damp, cold skin. How odd the world looked on two legs, Kit thought as he stared into the sleepy orange sky. The beach was empty save for his peculiar self. The waves came to a lull as the sun sank over the horizon. He sat there for some time, wondering where the light went as the world blackened around him. Kit was often distracted by the simplest of things. Perhaps the sea swallowed it in its wrath. There were plenty of foreign treasures deep below.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belinda Santiago Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari Character Portrait: Rafia Brelyn
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Lost in his own thoughts Ciaran deftly navigated the rocky patch of beach he’d spent the warm, sunny day at. Hopping nimbly from rock to rock he was careful to avoid wet patches and made his way back to the belongings he’d left behind earlier. In his haste to get to the water he’d left his clothes crumpled and his boots flung about. Taking a moment to rest the thin, lanky boy tossed himself to the sandy ground to dry out a bit and reached into the pockets of his jeans to retrieve his phone.

Unsurprisingly Cerry had lost track of time and grinned widely to himself as he thumbed through the messages he’d received while he’d been swimming. Ciaran had meant to spend his day clamming and having decided that the timing wasn’t right instead wasted his day away in the water. In that time he’d heard from Belinda.

To: Ciarran
Message: Hey, I better see you at the festival.

With a light laugh to himself, he shook his head, his damp curls dripping water onto his quickly drying shoulders. There was no other place he’d rather be today. His people were nothing if not festive and for someone who was as much of a busybody as Ciaran to miss the social event of the summer just wouldn’t be heard of. He quickly responded back to her, a lopsided grin overpowering his face.

Message: It wouldn’t be much of a festival if I wasn’t there, now would it? Keep an eye out.

Quickly he flipped down to see that Rafia had also tried to get in touch with him. At the mere sight of her name his heart noticeably quickened pace. The young faerie was extremely attracted to the demon and spent a majority of his time with her, at least when she allowed it. It seemed as if tonight would be one of those times.

From: Rafia
To: Ciaran

Yo babes, you better be comin' to the festival.
Heard there's goin' to be a lot of interesting people. (;

It seemed like he was well in demand this evening, a fact he was quite pleased with. With a practiced, lazy skill he quickly texted Rafia.

Message: None quite as interesting as yourself. Trust me, I know. I’ll find you, don’t worry.

Rising to his feet Ciaran quickly and efficiently brushed the sand from his legs and slipped into his jeans. Throwing on his shirt he left it unbuttoned as he pulled on his boots. Grabbing the rest of his gear, the young man took a look around and realized that he’d trekked much further than he thought to reach his current destination. With a quick look to the slowly darkening sky, Ciaran sighed and began to the journey back to his truck

Cerry had finally made it back to the place where he’d began and was glad of it. It was dark now and he still had to head home and shower before he could make the festival. It wouldn’t do to show up smelling like fish. It wasn’t quite the mystique he was going for. Head down, his bright green eyes focused on the impressions his boots made in the sand Ciaran almost didn’t notice the boy in the darkness. Stopping in his tracks, he froze as if he’s just caught sight of a wild animal. Knowing that if he made any sudden movies the boy could very well bolt away. To where, Ciaran didn’t know. All he did know was that the boy was stark naked and seemed out of it. Slowly putting his bit of gear down, he held his hands open, his palms facing the sky. Ciaran was still a good distance from the boy and did his best to seem non-threatening.

“Hey there, friend.” Ciaran called, his voice warm and comforting. “Are you okay, do you need anything? Like clothes, perhaps?" The inquisitive faerie asked, unable to suppress his curiosity about the stranger on the beach.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari
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#, as written by Andoral

Kit drew his gaze away from the sea and looked up towards the stranger. He had a mess of dark tangled hair and eyes that reminded him of the murky, green areas of the deep. What did he want from him? The stranger’s mouth moved quickly, producing a sequence of noise Kit could not decipher. He sat there, legs crossed on the wet sand, watching him for several moments. He smelt particularly odd, and had a sarcastic face that made Kit very uncertain. “Kit,” he said then, patting his left hand on his chest. “Kit.” He stretched his legs forwards and giggled as they turned into the tail of a harbour seal’s. Then, as a wave pulled in and touched the rest of his skin, Kit disappeared with the waves.

His head popped out from the water. His hair was wet and clung over his face. Kit made his way to the shore again, where the stranger stood. Drops of water fell from his naked skin, every step he took felt like an added weight to his might. “Kit,” he said again, his lips stretching into a warm smile. Patting himself again, he gazed at the stranger and lightly tapped the tip of his fingers onto his chest. Once he pulled them away, small patches were made where he left him. “Kit,” he said once more, patting his chest, and then lightly tapping the stranger's one last time. Kit watched him with large, curious eyes.

A breeze came over him then, brushing his skin with goose bumps and nipping him with cold.
“Clothes,” Kit muttered through gritted teeth. “Clothes.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari
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Ciaran involuntarily took a step back and a deep breath at the sight of the boy’s seal tail and then laughed softly at himself. He was a selkie! Why of course, had there been any doubt? It seemed as though this was one of his first times, if not the first time on land and it greatly intrigued Ciaran. He knew selkies, was well acquainted with most of them in the town and he knew he’d never seen this boy before. All of the selkies Ciaran had ever met had been land walkers for years by the time he knew them and he wasn’t quite sure what to do to help the strange boy before him.

Setting his face into a warm, welcoming expression he watched silently as the boy who seemed to be called Kit disappeared in the waves and reappeared just as quickly. Cerry’s expressive eyebrows quirked a bit as the boy reached out to him in an attempt to communicate quickly followed by a nod to show he understood.

“Cerry” The faerie answered back as he tapped his own chest. “It’s Ciaran but Cerry will do, and clothes. You definitely need clothes.” Taking a moment to think he pulled of his own thin button up shirt and held it out for kit. He might be a Good Samaritan but he couldn’t very well hand over his pants. Perhaps there was a change of clothes back in his truck, but the question would be if he could get Kit to go with him and even if the young boy did come along what would Ciaran do with him then.

Deciding to cross that bridge when he came to it, he tried to make himself understood when he explained to Kit what he wanted to do. “Pants.” Cerry said slowly, patting his jean clad legs as he said the word. Pointing at Kit’s lack of pants he once again said the word and then pointed in the direction of his vehicle. “Clothes for you. Hopefully.” Cerry finished, hoping his pantomime was enough to get his point across.

“We’ll find you pants and then go from there. Maybe you have people out there, someone looking for you.“Cerry said abruptly, strangely struck uneasy by the language barrier as he turned to walk towards his truck, hoping that the selkie would follow him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari
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#, as written by Andoral

Ciaran. Cerry.

It rang in his ears and bounced inside the walls of his skull, echoing in his mind. A smile stretched from his mouth and revealed two sharp pointy canines, which later shrunk, as did the whiskers on his face and the dilation of his eyes. Kit’s skin was chalky white, icy, clammy from the water. His blue eyes twinkled with the delight of a potential friend. He looked at his feet bashfully and up again at Cerry, unable to stop his lips from curving.

He slowly took the shirt from Cerry and fiddled with it in his hands, looking up at his new friend several times with an excited, curious look. Kit remembered the motion, and after first pulling it over his wet head, he giggled some more and finally fitted both arms through the sleeves and patted Cerry on the shoulder in thanks. The shirt was still warm, and it fitted nicely against his cold skin. Kit watched carefully as Cerry patted himself on the leg and uttered the word “pants”. He frowned slightly and began to feel nervous when Cerry indicated his lacking of “pants”, and pointed toward a large object in the distance. “Clothes for you. Hopefully.”

“Pants-clothes,” Kit said, coming to an understanding. “Pants-clothes
 Kit-” he patted himself on the chest and looked in the direction of the object. “Cerry! Pants-clothes, Kit!” he hurried across the sand and raced towards the object. “Pants-clothes!” Kit’s laughter sang in air as he ran, his new shirt flapping sloppily against his skin, bearing his pale chest.

As his bare feet kicked against the sand, Cerry’s words whispered in his ears again. Maybe you have people out there, someone looking for you. A sudden gloom was cast upon Kit’s face. His enthusiasm was blown out like a match. He turned and walked beside Cerry, all the while looking as his feet as they walked. It was a strange thing – whatever internal struggle, concern, switch that was hidden inside Kit was not hidden at all. He was almost like an open book, unable to disguise thoughts and feelings ambiguously on the cover. Kit was, after all, just taking his first steps into a world above the water.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari
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As Ciaran wrapped his arms around his now naked torso he couldn’t help but smile at Kit’s enthusiasm and excitement. Faeries were prone to revel in such emotions and Ciaran was no exception. He was glad that he’d been able to communicate, at least basically with the younger boy and once he got decent Ciaran sort this all out. Surely he couldn’t just keep him, he’d have to call Mel or Belinda, they’d know better than he would by far.

Snapping back to the situation at hand Ciaran realized that his careless comment about Kit having someone out there looking for him didn’t have the effect he was looking for. In fact it seemed as if it had taken all the wind out of his sails and now the faerie felt a bit like an asshole.

Glancing towards the boy walking beside him he tried on an apologetic smile and reached out in an attempt to pat his shoulder in comfort. Coming to a stop before his rusty dodge he rooted around in his pockets and found his keys. Opening the door with a massive creak he began rummaging around, the overhead light illuminating him against the darkness.

“Just you wait, we’ll get you all fixed up. Warm and fed. Oh hell, are you hungry?” Ciaran asked kindly and a bit absently, holding the pants up for Kit to see. They were a pair of his work khakis and would probably be a bit on the long side but they were clean and they would do for now. “You probably don’t know how to put pants on do you?” He realized, tilting his curly head, a puzzled look crossing his face.

Holding the pants out again he mimed putting them on and knew that he looked a fool but didn’t see a way around it. He had a feeling that before this was all over he would look much more foolish than this. Having relinquished the pants into Kit’s custody he leaned back into the cab of his truck and emerged with a bright green t-shirt that said Benton’s Nursery on the back. Slipping it over his head, he turned back to check on Kit’s progress.

“Mind the zipper, Kit. That’s always the tricky bit.” Ciaran remarked jovially. “Once you get decent, we’ll go
somewhere. Do you like festivals? Probably a lot to take in on your first night. I guess I should make sure you even want to go.” He finished, a look of concern flashing through his green eyes. He’d just assumed Kit needed help, maybe he was just curious about land and now wanted to go back home

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victor Samil Character Portrait: Ciaran Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kit Otari
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Victor opened his eyes and yawned, stretching lazily on the branch he had fallen asleep on. God. Where’s all this noise coming from. He sighed and turned on his side, feeling the ocean breeze caressing his face as the waves crashed in the distance. The sun shone through the leaves of the tree he was perched on, providing Victor with the optimal amount of sunlight he was happy with. Crossing his arms behind his head, the man sighed with content as the sounds of the carnival came from a bit far away, with noises of laughter, bantering and yells coming from Teraton. Couldn’t be bothered to deal with that at the moment. Victor rubbed his eyes and yawned widely, showing a row of sharp canines in place of normal, human-like teeth, and sat up on the branch. Counting days off with his fingers, Victor tried to remember exactly what event the town was celebrating now. It didn't help much. Living the solitary life that Victor did, it was hard to really be in-the-go about what was happening around Teraton. A faint memory from when he was at the Teraton pub did hand him his answer, though, as he had over heard other residents talking about the summer solstice and how the witches were planning to hold a large festival.

Fun. Victor had thought at the time, sipping on his fifth large mug of beer. Boredom filled Victor to his every pore, and the demon had yawned widely the precise second he thought the singular word. Ever since then, Victor had avoided the town, as he really didn't like the hustle and bustle of people.

Enjoying the serenity around him for a while longer, Victor couldn’t take lying on the branch any longer. Getting up and standing on the branch, Victor cracked his neck and stretched much like a cat when they stretch and jumped down from the branch. For a normal person, the jump would have been painful, especially since the branch Victor had chosen for his slumber wasn’t exactly ‘low’ and stood around three stories high. Gracefully landing on his feet, he stood back up again and slowly walked towards the sea in front of him, though something held him back. Water. Rather’d stay away from that
 It was as if his taste for life essences had not only affected how Victor acted, but also with his fears and tastes. He now adored midday naps and hated the thought of soaking himself in water, just like a common house cat.

The salty scent of the water filled his nose as the sand moved under his bare feet. Closing his eyes once more Victor held out his hands as if drawing in the peace and tranquility that surrounded him into his very being. Until he heard voices further away. Turning while grumbling slightly, Victor eyed the two figures that stood some while away, his ears picking up their conversation now that he focused on them. “Mind the zipper, Kit. That’s always the tricky bit. Once you get decent, we’ll go
somewhere. Do you like festivals? Probably a lot to take in on your first night. I guess I should make sure you even want to go.” Victor’s eyebrows rose, their voices riding the wind to his ears as his heightened senses allowed him to hear much better than any human or supernatural. I’ll
probably leave them be. Victor thought, though his curiosity- and the smell of one of the boys, he smelled like fish (probably a selkie)- drove Victor towards the hut.

Slinking around on the beach, Victor sat down and decided to pry on their conversation. Won’t hurt anyone, right? Anyways, he didn’t feel the urge to join the festival at the moment- but boy, was he hungry. Victor’s stomach growled. But this didn’t need he needed food- rather, Victor needed life essences. “God damn it, when was the last time I fed again?” Casting one last glance at the shabby house, Victor shrugged and slinked off, his poise just like a cat getting ready for a hunt, a wide smirk on his face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maysilee Morris Character Portrait: Nadia Young Character Portrait: Kit Otari Character Portrait: Somerald Morris
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#, as written by spayce


The wind blew through Nadia's long brown hair, making knots and tangles. She pushed it out of her face and squinted up at the boy who started to help her clean up the bits of clay and crystals scattered on the ground. In the distance a blonde girl was watching. They both had the same mocking twinkle in their eyes. Nadia smiled “I’m Nadia” she said. She picked up clumps of moss and sage and brushed off the soil from her hands. She looked down and realized that she cut her palm on a shard of broken crystal. She pressed her hand to the hem of her dress and watched the dusty white turn to red. “Thank you for helping me” she said. “And your name is?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Belinda Santiago Character Portrait: Jaelynn Rose Grey Character Portrait: Lydia Fatebane Character Portrait: Theo Osonia Character Portrait: Tanya Graves Character Portrait: Maysilee Morris
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Time Skip
After enjoying the festival, some danced all night, some went home [alone or with another], etc. A few witches stayed behind to make quick work of clean help, though they did receive help from some volunteers. Now, it is afternoon of the next day, 12pm. As it is summertime, few people have classes, unless they are taking summer courses of course, but some do have jobs, appointments, etc. Some are dealing with hangovers, headaches, and morning afters, while for others it is simply just another morning to wake up to. All of this depends, of course, on the individual character.

Common Places to Find People At This Time:
The Beach [Surfing, Tanning, Swimming, Beach Volleyball]
Downtown [Shops, Cafes, The Public Library]
The Park [Picnics, Frisbee, etc.]