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St Augustine.

St Augustine.


In the Scottish highlands there lies a quaint little town called, St Augustine. But be aware this is no ordinary town, but rather a town which harbours a very dark secret. {Now Open! Male and Female Roles Available!}

1,833 readers have visited St Augustine. since scarletpimpernel created it.



"Stars are beautiful, but they must not take an active
part in anything, they must just look on forever. It is
a punishment put on them for something they did, so
long ago that no star now knows what is was. "
- J.M.Barrie

Long ago, in a land you may know named Scotland there lay a town, now about this town there was nothing extraordinary, they lived, traded and worshipped just like any other and for many years they lived in peace. The towns original name is long since lost in history, as is it's origins but there has rumoured to have been a settlement there since the earliest years of civilisation and for as long as anyone could fathom the gods of old had been worshipped, the pagan gods. That was until he came, a man whom dared to step past the untamed boarders and try to bring a new religion to the clans of Scotland, a man named Augustine. The locals were intrigued by this stranger, they listened to him, trusted him and before long the religious icons of old were torn down, thousands of years of tradition cast into the winds and in it's stead Christianity was placed, spelling the beginning of the end for this small Scottish town.

At first their lives seemed lighter, enriched even but this would not last, soon there came word of invaders from the East and the town, now named St Augustine after it's founding saint, was directly in their path and by all accounts none were being spared. They turned to their new god, prayed for help, prayed for salvation but it never came and soon the invaders were on the doorstep; the elders cursed their new god, but little did they know that the curse was yet to come.

In desperation they returned to the gods of old, the villagers gathered just outside the town where the last icon remained, unscathed by the reformation and they prayed to the gods...the gods listened. The town was protected, but it came at a price; not only where they spared, but the villagers whom prayed were also protected from time itself and this was their curse. Now every solstice there must be a human sacrifice otherwise their town will crumble and they themselves will turn to ashes.

For hundreds of years these sacrifices were carried out, but not all were at ease with this practise and still today their conscience is not clear, it haunts them daily and they are the ones whom believe it is time to end this cause - alas their are darker forces at work in this town, darker than anyone can imagine and now the winter solstice is looming near and another sacrifice must be chosen. But there is a problem, usually the sacrifices were chosen carefully, strangers whom had no family or anyone who would miss them, although at the Summer solstice a mistake had been made. Tiffany Cooke had been her name, an American backpacker whom was exploring the Scottish Highlands, unfortunately she had managed to get a message to her family letting them know of her stop in St Augustine and when she was never heard from again, the parents gave the FBI her last known location.

Now they have attracted the attention of two FBI agents, sent from Washington to conduct their own investigation; the locals are welcoming enough, but hold a deep apprehension, will all be lost? Only time will tell.

The Douglas Family:


Stuart Douglas || 38 || Pub Landlord || FC: Richard Armitage || OPEN
Stuart has always been a good man and for hundreds of years he has been an ample part of the community, he comes from humble beginnings and that is something he does not easily forget. A family man, his wife and children (even the one his wife does not know about) are his world and he says all that he does is to protect them, but some may argue that he has his own selfish reasons for continuing with sacrifices, a deep fear of mortality. As the pub Landlord Stuart plays an active part in gathering the sacrifices, he quite often charms them with his charismatic nature and welcoming atmosphere, little do they know just how dangerous he can be.


Gwen Douglas || 35 || Pub Landlady || FC: Lotte Verbeek || CLOSED
Like her husband, Gwen is considered to be a good woman with a gentle heart and unlike her husband she is one who wishes to break this curse once and for all. Though it would pain her too see her children wither to ash, she also knows that they have lived their fair share of lives - no more should have to die for their immortality. For her part, she does what she can to warn strangers, tries to get them to move on but for the most part they ignore her warnings and that usually leads to their deaths.


Eliza Douglas || 17 || Student || FC: Holland Roden || RESERVED
Eliza is a young woman whom has been trapped within the pre-adolescence for centuries and her frustration is only growing; she is intelligent but under the strict rules of her parents, she feels suffocated. So much so that she has begun her own worship to the gods, a practise that is usually only done as a group to keep the evil deities at bay, alas Eliza has been contacted by a dark one, one whom is promising her things beyond comprehension.


Lydia Douglas || 15 || Student || FC: Jodelle Ferland || RESERVED
Poor unfortunate Lydia, she is one of the curses youngest victims and the years have been extremely tiring. She is extremely intelligent, beyond her years some may say and it would be true to say so. The truth is Lydia wants more than anything than to grow up and have a family of her own, but she knows this will never come to pass and so she can't help but think that the second best thing is to die; so tired she is of living a life she cannot really live.


William Douglas || 32 || Barman || FC: Colin O'Donoghue|| OPEN
William has always been somewhat of a mysterious man, living in his brothers ideal shadow for many years, though he doesn't exactly do himself any favours. He is quite often called rude and for a man whom claims he doesn't like people he has a very sociable job. Like his sister-in-law he too believes that the sacrifices need to end and the pair have recently bonded over such thoughts.

The Quaid Family:


Fiona Quaid || 35 || Store owner || FC: Kate Beckinsale || OPEN
Sweet and forgiving Fiona, it's always been the same, some find her too soft and others can't think of another person as kind and generous as her, but one thing that is for certain, she has had more than her fair share of heartache. Ever since she was a little girl none has shined as brightly in her eyes than Richard Brodie, her dear friend Gwen's brother and at one time they were even betrothed. Sadly at the tender age of 16 she was charmed by none other than Stuart Douglas and nine months later her daughter was born; still to this day nobody knows the truth, asides from herself and Stuart and both are quite keen to keep it that way.


Lucy Quaid || 19 || Bar Maid || FC: Kaya Scodelario || RESERVED
Somewhat of a resentful woman, Lucy both loves and despises her mother, she hates her mothers weaknesses which essentially ostracised them from the community for a long time, due to her being born out of wedlock. But she too also believes there is not a more caring person out there than her mother. For some time now she has known that her father still lives in St Augustine and she has a few suspicions, despite her mother having refused to tell her anything about him. Recently she has been given a job at the local pub by Stuart Douglas and his wife, little does she know that this is his attempt to get to know her; if only people would open their eyes and see the resemblance.

The Brodie Family:


Richard Brodie || 37 || Teacher || FC: Tom Hiddleston || OPEN
Richard can be described as a sort of arrogant man, he is intelligent and he knows it too. The older brother to Gwen, he is almost a permanent fixture within the pub which she owns and runs with her husband, a man whom he doesn't exactly see eye to eye with, but as many will tell you, there are more important things to worry of late. For many years Richard has regretted what transpired between him and Fiona Quaid, especially calling off their engagement when he learnt of her pregnancy, perhaps its his pride, but to this day he still refuses to forgive her completely.


Kathryn Brodie || 16 || Student || FC: Sophie Turner || OPEN
The only child to Richard, Kathryn Brodie is somewhat a neglected child, not physically but rather emotionally. Her father is a distant man, but luckily she is close to her aunt and cousin and so she has some emotional support through them, but it is the love of her father which she craves. Although somewhat shy, there is a hidden side to Kathryn, a darker side, she encourages the sacrifices and the thought of killing a few souls a year is nothing compared to eventually gaining her fathers love and support.

The MacDonald Family:


Giles MacDonald || 21 || Farmhand || FC: Max Irons || OPEN
Giles has had a great deal of responsibility for a very long time, with both his parents dying shortly before the curse was put upon them, it fell to him to care for his families farm and his younger brother. He has always been a noble man, defended those who needed defended and even voiced his grievances over the sacrifices, something which he now even fails to take part in, despite the danger that puts him in. He has few friends any more, but still ventures to the pub now and again, mainly to sneak a glimpse and Lucy Quaid.


Rowen MacDonald || 18 || Farmhand || FC: Sam Claflin || OPEN
Unlike his brother, Rowen still holds some credibility within the community, mostly down to his willingness to participate within the sacrificial ceremonies, but his main motive behind doing so is to upset his brother, not because he believes he is actually doing the right thing. In fact it haunts him deeply, the things that he has done over the centuries, but it is all he knows and the idea of loosing all of that is far more frightening than the thought of murdering people .

The FBI Agents:


Lucas Hampton || 32 || FBI Agent || FC: Chris Pine || OPEN
Cocky and rude, Lucas has not made the best first impression with the locals of this town, he asks too many questions and is far too rude in doing so. The truth is he is somewhat of a scared man, having served in Iraq, he returned to the states a changed man, less trusting and open and it shows. He and his partner are here for a routine check up only, but a few of the locals have begun to rouse his suspicion.


Olivia Lyle || 30 || FBI Agent || FC: Jennifer Morrison || RESERVED
Olivia is a hard woman, someone who does't take much crap from anyone and from the moment she arrived in St Augustine she has sensed that people have been lying about what they know about the missing back packer. That coupled with the silent eeriness of the town has lead her to believe that there is something else going on here, something that the locals want kept quiet.


1: OOC drama is an absolute no, I will not tolerate it, if you have a problem about another character please don't out it for everyone to see. Either speak privately to the person it is concerning, or speak to me about it and we will deal with it like adults.

2: Reservations for characters last for 24 hours, unless you come to me directly and ask for an extension on that. The maximum I will reserve a character for is three days.

3: Just because you reserve a character does not mean others are not allowed to apply for said character, I will choose who I think Is more suited to that character, but you are more than welcome to apply for others.

4: The maximum characters I will allow people to play is 2.

5: This is a literate roleplay, which means no text talk, decent grammar and spelling and please, please give people something to work with in your replies. Don't be afraid to go into detail and make them lengthy, we love that!

6: Face Claims are flexible, although please speak to me first and I reserve the right to decline a request.

7: The character will be yours to expand and mould as you see fit, but please take into consideration the small bio's I have produced.

8: All significant plot twists such as marriages, divorces, pregnancies and deaths are to be run by me. Chances are I'll to it, but please speak with me first as it may affect plans that I have for this RP.

9: This is an adult RP and so the following may be included, swearing, violence, smut and gore, although please take explicit scenes of a sexual nature to PM or fade to black.

10: Activity wise, I would like people to post at least twice a week, more if possible. However if for some reason this can't be done, please speak with me and I will understand!

11: After 2 weeks of non-activity and no explanation, I shall send you a PM, If I do not hear back from you within two days, your character will be opened up once more or killed off.

CHARACTER SKELETON: Please be as inventive as you wish with this template, just make sure all the fields are filled in.

Code: Select all


[center][i][font= Georgia][size=150] QUOTE OR POEM WHICH COULD RELATE TOY YOUR CHARACTER [/size][/font][/i][/center]









[font=Georgia][size=150]Hair Colour:[/size][/font]

[font=Georgia][size=150]Eye Colour:[/size][/font]


[font=Georgia][size=150]Brief written description:[/size][/font]







[font=Georgia][size=150]Written description:[/size][/font]

[font=Georgia][size=150]Feelings on the sacrifices:[/size][/font] (If your character bio on the main page has nothing mention, then be inventive with this. Do you support them or not? Give your reasons.)


[font=Georgia][size=150]History:[/size][/font] (This is optional, you don't have to write anything, but if you do, write about what they did and who they were before the curse. But remember these people are close to a millennia, keep it appropriate!}

[font=Georgia][size=150]Theme Song :[/size][/font]
[font=Georgia][size=150][url=YOUTUBE URL HERE]SONG TITLE || ARTIST[/url][/size][/font]
[font=Georgia][size=150]LYRICS HERE[/size][/font]


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Most recent OOC posts in St Augustine.

Re: St Augustine

I'm going to have to quit since this has been abandoned. Sorry. After waiting so long for it to begin, I have no more inspiration for it anyway. :P

Re: St Augustine

When are we going to start...

Re: St Augustine

I'd really like to reserve Katherine Brodie! Unfortunately, there will be construction going on next door from July 5th to July 18th that will somehow knock out our internet, which I'm not sure how that is possible... If you'll allow me to join that much later, you would be awesome! I am usually very active once an RP gets up and running, though I have no concrete proof of this because I just joined this specific RP site recently. I promise I will be if you'll let me join later, though!

Re: St Augustine

@Horseygirl: That is fine, yes :)
Note to everyone else who has characters on reserve, they will be for another 24 hours, since I've not been able to get on here much these past few day :)

Re: St Augustine

Expect Lucy to be in quite soon! (As in probably an hour or two give or take however long it takes to get my phone to cooperate.)

Re: St Augustine

Thanks! Would it be alright if I changed her name to Penny?

Re: St Augustine

She is reserved for you!

Re: St Augustine

May I take Eliza, please? :)

Re: St Augustine

Of course you may!

Re: St Augustine

May I reserve Jennifer Morrison (Olivia Lyle) please?~

Re: St Augustine

Yes of course!! And the character skeleton is now up, can't wait to see your characters!

Re: St Augustine

May I reserve Lucy Quaid? :D

EDIT: oops had a little typo there :)

Re: St Augustine

Hi there love! Of course you may, thank you for the interest in this RP :) The Character Skeleton shall be up very shortly!

Re: St Augustine

May I reserve Lydia Douglas, please~?

St Augustine

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