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The Activists

The Activists


This is a Pokemon RPG. Pokemon battles are illegal and the world is in tatters, all because some silly Activists got upset. Now all that's left is Rocket and some very crazy government officials.

584 readers have visited The Activists since GenericUserName created it.


Based on pokemon:

Oh come on. It's not that long. If you dislike the giant plot, just skip to the bottom of it and you'll notice a summary.

The Activists
“It was years ago we came here… How long has it been? I can’t remember today… Maybe it’ll come back tomorrow. I should start from the beginning, where it all started. Before that day we even came here…

Many years ago, people and Pokémon lived in harmony. Pokémon would help people work, be their pets, and even fight alongside them. There were these things, called Pokeballs, which people could use to hold the Pokémon. They would then let them out when they needed them. Many children went on journeys to become Pokémon masters. This required them to fight their Pokémon in things called Gyms. After they beat all the gyms and obtained the badges from the Gym leaders, they would move on to the Elite Four. If you could beat them, you became a Pokémon master. But there was a problem with this. Pokémon were being used. People were hurting them. When they would battle them, sometimes, the Pokémon wouldn't just faint, they would die. Soon, it became more popular to fight the battles to the death. Pokémon would follow their master’s orders and then, they would die.

After several years, it had become too violent. Pokémon were dying everywhere. Several species went extinct. We lived in this time period. We saw the violence, how Pokémon were no longer considered worth anything. We watched countless Pokémon die. When we watched the leader of our city catch the legendary Celebi and make it fight in battles until it dropped dead, we decided what to do. A group of us got together, 50 men and women. We prayed to Dialga, the legendary of time, to send us back in time to help us stop the Pokémon slaughter. Dialga heard us, and soon we were all back in time, to when battling was just starting to get too violent. We took up arms and fought against Pokémon battles. We placed our men in the government, held rallies; everything we could possibly do was done. Soon, we got a law passed to make Pokémon battling illegal. They closed the gyms and arena, trainers who revolted were arrested, many even killed. Gym leaders were left on the streets of their towns. We built new towns, leaving the old Gym towns in ruins. They became run down. The only town that still remained was Celadon. Things seemed to be great, but they went wrong.

Our leader became the president, but he lost his mind. He became so wrapped up in protecting the Pokémon he passed more laws. Soon, he was no longer protecting the Pokémon, but doing just the thing we had come to try to prevent, killing them. He made a few laws that were to be followed at all costs.

1. Pokémon can be kept as pets, but only Pokémon that have never evolved but still have the ability to evolve. If the Pokémon evolves while being kept by a human, it must be put to rest.
2. Pokeballs are inhuman and cruel. They should be burnt on sight.
3. Training and battling Pokémon is illegal. Doing either will result in execution of the Pokémon and its trainer.
4. Any wild Pokémon that comes into the city and attacks a human will be killed on sight.
5. Having a Pokémon with the intentions to use it for anything other than a pet is prohibited.
6. Pokémon are wild creatures. Leave it that way.

He became so corrupt he wanted the Pokémon to die. We didn’t want this. We never wanted this. The laws didn’t stop some people though. There was a particular group that became angered at the mere idea of battles becoming illegal, and only became angrier at the idea of being unable to own Pokémon. This team was known as Rocket, a group that used to be criminals. They used to steal Pokémon and technology with many different plans, but with the passing of the new laws, Rocket lost most of their members. Their leader, Giovanni, devised a plan. In Saffron city, he built an underground fighting arena. It allowed his Rocket members to keep battling their Pokémon. Soon, many people had joined his illegal arena, and they expanded it. Saffron became one giant illegal operation for Pokémon fighting. The police would try to stop it, but when they figured something out, Rocket would send out a Headsman to kill them. Rocket was popular for what they did, and many outsiders joined in to fight their Pokémon.

Saffron city’s underground ring had three different competitions. One was the arena, and the first thing built. This was where Pokémon battles took place. The arena had a small wall around it to protect the people who came to watch the fights. It was stained with the blood of Pokémon who fought to the death in it. The second was the Contest ring. It allowed people to show off their Pokémon to a panel of three judges by showing how cool, smart, etc. they were. Of course, the contests also had Pokémon show off their moves. Lastly was the race course. This was a place were Pokémon ran, swam, or flew through the course to see who was the fastest. Of course, it was never just a race; many Pokémon would be killed by other racers who attacked them to get ahead. That wasn’t unfair though. It was never unfair. There was profit if you wanted even just to watch. There was a betting pool in the corner were you could give money to say who you thought would win. If they won, you would get a good bit back, if they lost, you’d get nothing. It was hard to win, but worth it if you did.

Rocket was also the best source for getting a Pokémon. There were breeders out there who you could get baby Pokémon from as pets, sure, but Rocket had much better. Rocket could give you a Pokémon bred to fight, race, or show off. You just had to ask one of their men and they’d suggest a breeder for you. Not only did the breeders breed Pokémon, they also would catch you one if you wanted the challenge. No law abiding citizen would buy from a Rocket breeder though, not if they liked to live. There was a problem with Rocket, only one. If you were linked to Rocket, in any way, you would be executed on sight. That was the police’s way of handling Rocket. To kill anyone who worked for them or even knew them. Rocket backfired though. If you worked for the police and Rocket caught you, you would be killed in a much more painful way. This is why guns were made. So the police could fight Rocket without Pokémon. Guns spread worldwide. They helped a lot, and only aiding in killing Pokémon.

This may not interest you… In fact, it probably doesn’t. After all, you love the ring, you love your Pokémon. Why would you listen to the Activists? Listen because we need your help… Listen because your Pokémon need your help. We screwed up. And now, Pokémon are dying for it. We need you to get rid of the Government… We need you to kill all of them. And Rocket’s the only one who will do it.”

Basically, here’s what’s going on. A group of people called the Activists came from a past where Pokémon were becoming extinct to the present. They got some laws passed that made it illegal to fight Pokémon. After awhile, it got out of control and the people and Pokémon could no longer interact. Rocket decided to go against it and build an underground Pokémon fighting operation. You play an illegal Pokémon trainer. You work for or are somehow related to Rocket. You live in Saffron City, which is run down and dark all the time. The streets are almost always empty, except for the police. One day, you will be contacted by Rocket for the Activists, who want your help, but that day hasn’t come quite yet. It will be your job to take out the government to fix the mess the Activists caused. This means you have to team up with the very people you’ve been fighting with in the ring. Can you stand it?


The arena is the area where Pokémon battles are held. The battles are usually very bloody, and often to the death. There is a small wall around the arena in order to protect the onlookers. Only one on one battles are allowed, in which the master and Pokémon both enter the arena and the master give occasional commands. It is preferred the master let the Pokémon fight by itself more than giving commands though. There are two different arenas, one that allows Pokémon from league 1-3 another which is only for league 4 Pokémon.
Contest Ring:
The Contest Ring is where Pokémon participate in contests. The contest consists of three rounds. The first round is where the judges look at the Pokémon and decide how well kept they are. The next round is where the Pokémon show off their attacks. The last round is where the Pokémon show off by combining moves to create displays. Usually, the master gives commands to the Pokémon the whole contest. There is a cage around the ring to protect the onlookers. As with the arena, there are two different rings, one for leagues 1-3 the other for league 4.
Race Courses:
The Race course is where Pokémon participate in races. The races can get rather violent; with many Pokémon attack each other during the race in order to win. There are seven different courses. One of them is the small water course, where smaller swimming Pokémon race. This course is only a mile long. The next is the large water course, where large swimming Pokémon who are ridden by their masters race. This course is 4 miles long. The next course is the flying course, where flying Pokémon race. It is 5 miles long and open to both small and large Pokémon. Next is the small ground race course, this is a 1 and a half mile long race for small land moving Pokémon. Next is the large ground race course, it is for Pokémon that ridden by their trainers and move on land. It reaches 4 miles long. Next is the multi-terrain course, which allows all Pokémon and their trainers. It has both water and land of several different kinds and is 6 miles long. Lastly is the tiny course. This is for Pokémon of tiny size that move though what looks like 2 foot tall hamster mazes.
Training Ground:
The training course is just an area that works as a gym. It has different equipment that can be used to help you Pokémon get better at what they do. There is also a small sparring ring for practice battles.
Bunny Courses:
Bunny courses are pretty much a playground. They have itty bitty courses for league zero Pokémon, or babies. It has things like a large hamster wheels, tiny punching bags, and baths. This is supposed to get you baby Pokémon ready for the real rings.


Headsmen: (Only three playable)
The Headsmen are the bounty hunters for Rocket. When someone doesn’t pay their bills, or tries to tell authorities where secret Rocket bases are, Headsmen are sent out to “take care” of them. Headsmen are rocket officials, grunts, who normally spend their time in battles. They only get called for a job every now and then, so they need to find ways to entertain themselves. The difference between a headsman and a fighter is simple; Headsmen have less Pokémon and more power. Where a Fighter has a group of 4-6 Pokémon that they commonly sell and trade, Headsmen have a group of 1-4 Pokémon that they don’t lose. Most Pokémon a headsman owns are at least on 2nd league.
The Breeders do as their names suggest. They breed Pokémon to sell to Fighters and Headsman. Of course, they also get the pick of the litter when they want to participate in the rings themselves. They have some of the stronger Pokémon, because they get what they want. Most Breeders work under Rocket, seeing that it’s hard to not get caught when you work individually. This sometimes leads the Breeders to get hunted down by Headsmen, but it is much safer to work under Rocket none the less. Breeders have 2-6 Pokémon and are the only trainers allowed to have League 0 Pokémon. Breeders are usually very close to one or two of their Pokémon.
The Fighters are the most individual Rockets. Many of them don’t even work for Rocket. They come to the ring daily and fight their Pokémon. Sometimes they lose, sometimes they win, but it doesn’t really matter to them. They want to train their Pokémon to be strong enough to get a higher level job, or maybe they like the sport. They sometimes care nothing for their Pokémon and use them as tools; but many are like the old trainers, who care greatly for their Pokémon. They have 1-6 Pokémon, though having very few is unlikely, since they could die in the ring.

League 0:
League zero Pokémon are just children. They are babies that cannot fight in the ring. Fighters and Headsman are not allowed to have these Pokémon because of their young age. They are usually trained, though only with small leveled courses called “bunny courses”.
League 1:
League one Pokémon are the freshman of the arena. They aren’t the best fighters out there, in fact, they brand new. Some of them aren’t brand new, but just have trouble with becoming strong enough to go to the next league. League one Pokémon are usually incapable of using more than just physical attacks.
League 2:
League two Pokémon are the sophomores of the arena. They aren’t exactly powerful, but they are pretty strong. Many prodigy Pokémon skip the first League and come straight to League two. Most are experienced fighters that learned what to do from when they were first leaguers. They can use both physical attacks and weaker elemental attacks.
League 3:
League three Pokémon are the juniors of the arena. They are considered rather powerful forces. These are usually used by Headsmen with greater numbers of Pokémon. They are considered the most experienced fighters allowed in the usual ring. They can use any kind of attack.
League 4: (None of your Pokémon can come from this League.)
League four Pokémon are the seniors of the arena. These are only the most powerful Pokémon. They are not allowed in the usual arena, because it would be consider unfair to use one of them against any other league. Legendaries fall under this category. They can use any kind of attack.


Name: (Simple right?)
Age: (Older than 16)
Gender: (Also simple, right?)
Job: (Breeder, Headsman, or Fighter)
Specialty: (What you’re particularly good at. For example, a breeder may be best at breeding water type eggs.)
Description: (longer is better, just don’t go on and on.)
Personality: (Try to describe it best you can.)
History: (How did you get into your situation with Rocket? What was your childhood like?)
Equipment: (If you want to make it with Rocket, you need to have something to protect yourself from the police, other than your Pokémon. Guns, knives, just make sure you can carry it.)
Pet: (A pet is a Pokémon that remains outside of its pokeball at all times. It appears to be the trainers pet. It has to be one of the permitted Pokémon to keep in the house. You can only have one. Please list its name and species, then put the actual sign up for it in the Pokémon section.)
Other: (This is where you put anything you wanted to mention above. Such as fears, quirks, so on.)

Name: (I prefer your Pokémon has a name, but it’s not required.)
Gender: (Simple enough)
Age: (Age it acts, not literally.)
Species: (Simple)
League: (1, 2, or 3)
Description: (The Pokémon of this time are likely to look darker. It also will have qualities bred into it to make it better in the ring. Note, I said bred in. That means no wings on an Eevee. Lastly, Shiny Pokémon are more likely than they used to be. So you may have one or two if you want them.)
Personality: (How does it act?)
History: (How did you get it? Has anything interesting happened while you had it?)
Other: (Anything else you want to say?)

Headsman no. 1: Reserved.
Headsman no. 2: Open
Headsman no. 3: Open

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Re: [OOC] The Activists

This looks interesting. I might submit a Headsman character. I hope more people join, else it won't get off the ground.

Re: [OOC] The Activists

Alright, anyone interested in this RPG? Please join.

Re: [OOC] The Activists

Ah, thanks! I worked hard on the plot, though most don't seem to want to read it...

Re: [OOC] The Activists

^_^ I'm not terribly interested in roleplaying it, but I'd like to support you by saying that I'd always imagined something like this to occur in Pokemon. It always seemed to make sense to me, that someone would speak up and say it was cruel. I just wanted to compliment the very witty spin you've put on it. :D

[OOC] The Activists

This is the not-so-auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Activists"

I suppose I may edit this first post as I see fit.

Which I have done, as you can tell from the general amount of silliness. Alright everyone! Questions and answers. If you have a character to submit, please place it in the RPG and not here.