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The Magic Bearers, The Remake

The Magic Bearers, The Remake


Until Vitae Regni was invaded, magic was widely used. Now it's legend. However, every few decades, babies would be born with powers called Magic Bearers. 700 years later, a group of Bearers are being hunted. Will they stop the King and restore magic?

2,657 readers have visited The Magic Bearers, The Remake since SolanaNight created it.



Welcome to the Realm of Vitae Regni. Before the land was conquered, there were eight kingdoms in total. Lunia, the land of Shadows. Solia, the kingdom of Light. Infernia, the land of Flames. Aquaria, the kingdom of Water and Ice. Thunitrum, the land of Storms. Aerisen, the kingdom of Winds. Terranae, the Kingdom of Earth. Then finally, Vinera, the kingdom of Nature. Wars would break out every now and then, but for the most part, they lived in harmony. Then, one day, a man named Damian Furore the 1st, assembled an army and took over all eight of the kingdoms. One by one. Since then, it has been seven hundred years since magic was used. Everyone now relies on technology for everything. Some people doubt that magic existed in the first place. The current king of Vitae Regni is Damian Lucas Leonidos Furore the fourteenth. Just like his ancestors before him, he rules with an iron fist and keeps a tight grip on the people's freedom. The kingdoms are still seperated, but have no control and are called 'districts' rather than kingdoms. Everyone's constantly on their toes due to the ever watching "Royal dogs", the soldiers that answer directly to the king. However, of all the things you had to watch out for, magic was by far the highest offense. If someone even mentions the word magic or anything having to do with the subject, at the very least you'd be whipped and beaten in public.This is how it is, and if you have a problem with the rules, then you are either killed or thrown in prison. Lately over the last four years, a group of magic bearers have been born. One right after the other all over Vitae Regni. Normally, when a Bearer was born, they'd be killed on the spot before they could even open their eyes, but this group of Bearers have managed to avoid detection for over sixteen to twenty years. There powers are at their peak, but they still have a lot to learn. Especially if they are to evade King Damian's wrath. Could they possibly stop the King and maybe even restore magic? They also have another problem though. Around the same time the Bearers were born, monster numbers have been sky-rocketing. The reason, strange omnious portals have been opening and spilling monsters out by the hundreds. Locals have begun to call these strange rips in space, "Fades." Can the Bearers solve the reason behind the fades and close them all up?

OPEN CHARACTER SLOTS: (Please note that the following slots are only guestimates. You're free to make a character of any element you want, but if you see that there are already two or three Fire Bearers for instance, then don't make another fire please... Make a element that has no or only one Bearer.

Dark: (Closed)
1. SolanaNight
2. JustQuit
3. SolanaNight

1. gezzygezzy

1. Asylumoftears
2. Hazezon
3. Horseygirl

1. Fallen
2. Quelights
3. Zetta

Earth(Rocks and minerals)
1. Zetta
2. SolanaNight

Nature(Plants and Animals- this doesn't include the control of monsters)
1. Belynta
2. SolanaNight

1. Fallen
2. Haze

1. Shattered Mind

King Damian: Zetta

Note: Regular humans and other such characters are acceptable, and there is no limit to them. They just can't have Bearer powers.


Code: Select all
[center][size=200][font=monotype corsiva]INSERT FULL CHARACTER NAME HERE[/font][/size]

[img](Insert direct image link here. Must be an anime pic.)[/img]

[font=century gothic](Male or Female?)[/font]

[font=century gothic](16-20 for Bearers. Other characters, any age)[/font]

[b]Element: [/b]
[font=century gothic]( Put either Dark(Shadow), Fire, Nature(plants & Animals), Light, Thunder, Water(Ice), Wind(Air), or Earth(Rocks & Minerals) depending on what you reserved for)[/font]

[font=century gothic](Lunia, Infernia, Vinera, Solia, Thunitrum, Aquaria, Aerisen, Terranae. The kingdom you're born in is usually associated with your element. Example: Dark Bearer born in Lunia. However, that's not always the case. Perhaps your family was on vacation to Aquaria when you were born and you had fire powers? Who knows?)[/font]

[font=century gothic](At least a good sized paragraph. Be specific.)[/font]

[font=century gothic](Anything not in the picture such as height, weight, etc.)[/font]

[font=century gothic](The max number you can have is seven. Also, don't make them extremely powerful. Bearers are humans with magical powers. Not gods.)[/font]

[font=century gothic](For regular humans, guns are alright, but refer to the technology section. As for Bearers, you must use a medieval weapon such as a sword, axe, lance, etc. )[/font]

[font=century gothic](List at least five)[/font]

[font=century gothic](Again, list at least five)[/font]

[font=century gothic](Seven is the most you can have)[/font]

[font=century gothic](At least a paragraph. Be descriptive)[/font]

[font=century gothic](Anything else?)[/font]

[b]Theme song(optional):[/b]
[font=century gothic](Song title Here)[/font]
[url]Direct song link here[/url][/center]


Below is the list of strengths and weaknesses of each element. Use this chart when in battle with other bearers or monster or whatever the case may be.

Weaknesses: Water, Earth
Strengths: Nature, Air

Weaknesses: Thunder, Nature
Strengths: Fire, Earth

Weaknesses: Water, Nature
Strengths: Fire, Thunder

Weaknesses: Earth, Air
Strengths: Water, Air

Weaknesses: Fire, Air
Strengths: Earth, Water

Weaknesses: Fire, Thunder
Strengths: Thunder, Fire

Weakness: Light
Strength: Light

Weakness: Dark
Strength: Dark

The Empire

A Brief Overview
The Furore dynasty, in its seven hundred years of ruling, has created a rather strong hold over the regions of the Empire. Even from its seat in the Imperial capital in Steel Peak City, the kings could control political matters occurring in even the farthest reaches of the kingdom. However, in the past two decades, a force of pirates have taken over the tropical island of Nereid, cutting off any access that Imperial forces would normally have to the island.

The Imperial military is one unified fighting force, and no province of the Empire is allowed to hold its own military, due to revolts in Solar Deity City which occurred over three hundred years ago. Each state, however, has its own colors, placed over the common military uniform. The colors for the individual states are as follows:

Terranae: Black-and-silver uniforms, with the crest of the Furore dynasty on its shoulders.
Aerisen: White-and-grey uniforms, with a golden hammer on the shoulders.
Thunitrum: Black-and-gold uniforms, with a silver lightning bolt on the shoulders.
Aquaria: Blue-and-white uniforms, with a black ship on the shoulders.
Vinera: Green-and-brown uniforms, with a red bird on the shoulders.
Solia: White-and-black uniforms, with a golden sun on the shoulders.
Lunia: Black-and-blue uniforms, with a white moon on the shoulders.
Infernia: Red-and-black uniforms, with a white anvil on the shoulders.

Every soldier is equipped with the standard-issue uniform, which features a suit of either leather armor, chainmail, or plate armor, with a fairly durable cloth tabard - decorated over the soldier's choice of armor - and any necessary gear required for surviving the environments. Any soldiers on guard duty are required to wear either chainmail or leather armor, as plate armor is far too inconvenient for chasing thieves. In addition, each soldier is issued a steel (or oak, in the case of wooden weapons) weapon of their own choice. If a soldier chooses to do so, he can use his own gear, but is required to return his old gear to the nearest Hounds office. In addition, by law, pay for men and women in the guard are equal, and compensation is provided to the families of the deceased as necessary. Any member of the army above the rank of Captain may purchase a firearm, and most high-ranked military officials will issue their personal squad firearms.

The military structure, under the military reforms of King Damian XIII and his grandson Damian XIV, is as follows: There are ten soldiers, of variable composition, within a squad. Nine of these troops are between the ranks of Private and Seargent, and is led by one Officer, of variable rank. To become an Officer, a troop - of any rank - must pass a test that tests both their physical abilities, as well as their knowledge of tactics, laws, and basic politics. A group of ten Officers - which are ranked from Captain to Commander - makes a platoon, which is led by a Lord Commander. The Lord Commander has his own squad, which typically consists of skilled troops recruited from other platoons. A force of five platoons - which consists of five to six hundred men - is known as a battalion, and is led by a Grand Commander. Five battalions are referred to as a regiment, and is led by one of the twenty-four Praetors. The Praetors are the elite troops of the army, hand-picked by the King himself, and act as governers of the state, along with the normal political governers. Each Praetor is a master of his or her own weapon, and is an incredibly dangerous foe to face in combat. Since there are three Praetors for each region of the Empire, each province has a standing army of fifteen to twenty thousand troops, most of which are spread throughout the province. Finally, each Praetor answers only to the King, giving our ruler an army of over one hundred thousand men.

The navy follows a similar structure, and the individual provinces typically devote anywhere from a fifth to a tenth of its forces to defending the coast. Since the waters of Aerisen and Thunitrum are far too difficult to navigate without the most expensive and costly technologies.

Under the rule of our current king, Damian XIV, a series of new laws have been passed. They are as follows:

Core Ruling #538: All Cores sold within the Empire, by law, are now triple their normal price. Sales of Cores must be recorded and submitted to the nearest Imperial official during the week, or the shopkeeper risks losing his business, as well as acquiring a 1500 gold coin fine.
Coastal Reimbursement Act: All fishermen that are unaffiliated with a company, and find themselves terrorized by the pirates from Nereid hereby have a permit that enables them to sell off all of their assets, and purchase other assets - of equivalent or lesser value - in other provinces, so long as sufficient evidence can be provided to one of the province's Praetors. Moving costs will be paid for by the Empire.
Second Military Act: The previous military system is, by law, altered into the current military system, which is outlined in the previous section.

There are also a number of minor laws that affect the internal mechanisms of the Empire, but those laws require a great deal of education in either economics, military tactics, or politics to grasp. In addition to these laws, there are also rumors from the royal palace, which claim that the King plans to repeal the law forbidding the mention of magic.

~Excerpts from The Citizen's Guide to the Empire, Seventy-Second Edition by Ardanis the Wise


In the past, when magic was still widely used, the people relied on specialized minerals that were crystal-like in appearance and called, "Cores." These cores were capable of storing set amounts of magic energy produced by Magic Wielders for various purposes. The amount of magic a core could hold depended on it's size. Just like there were different elements, there were different kinds of Cores as well and could only hold certain elements for each one. Some could hold multiple elements, others could only contain one. The more elements a core could contain, the more valuable it became. A core that could contain all elements was called a "Cure." Cores rarely wore out considering their composition. They simply stored magical energy then expelled it for whatever purposes. This included weapons, ships, utilities, and other such things.

However, ever since the ban on magic became in effect, Cores couldn't really be used the same way anymore. Once a core ran out of magic power, no one could refill it. Scientists tried filling the cores with other sources of energy such as the sun, burning them, etc. Unfortunately, it wasn't nearly as effective. As a result, the world began to start over with technology. Which meant that a lot of the once advanced technologies they had, such as airborne ships, heating and insulation, lighting, and other such conveniences were lost with time. This included weaponry. Medicine, however, wasn't affected too much. Certain procedures couldn't be preformed anymore, such as magical surgeries and other such cases, but the only real problem was that it couldn't advance as fast without some of the once valuable equipment.

Regarding weapons: By this time, guns have been developed. However, they are relatively new and flawed. They can't shoot very far distances, they won't necessarily kill a person unless a fatal wound, and occasionally explode on the user. For these reasons, guns are very rarely used and only high up officials in the Empire, or a hand-full of trained soldiers even carry one.




Lunia, the Land of Shadows. Lunia is made up of a giant valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. The capital city, Lunar Phantom City, is located in the dead center where all the rivers flow into and flow out. The kingdom has very short days and very long nights. However, during the day very little or no sunlight makes it through the thick wall of miasma-like fog that hangs over the kingdom. For some strange reason though, it clears up at night to allow the moonlight to shine through. Weather is usually rainy or overcast. No sunny days.



Solia, the Kingdom of Light. Solia is located in a large open plain of rolling hills adorned with colorful wild flowers. There are mountains on the very edge of the kingdom. That's also where the only Solian forests reside. Unlike Lunia, Solia has very long days and short nights. The capital, Solar Diety City, lies within the center of Solia near a large crystal clear lake. Weather is usually very sunny. They will occasionally have some light rain showers. Winters are very mild.



Infernia, the Land of Flames. Infernia has a very harsh enviroment. The whole country is covered in active volcanoes. In fact, the Capital, Dragon Flare City, is located directly within a volcano. The heat doesn't even phase the locals. However, any vistors have to wear specialized cloaks to protect them from the unbearable temperatures. The only vegetation found in Infernia are either fire flowers, or exploding bomb plants. Just like the rest of the kingdom, the weather is also quite extreme. Instead of rain, it's acid rain. They also occasionally recieve very intense thunderstorms form Thunitrum. Infernia is also known for its vast supply of ores and gemstones.



Aquaria, the Kingdom of Water and Ice. Aquaria can be split into two halves. The tropical island of Nereid where the climate is always warm, and springs, waterfalls, and rivers are abundant. Then there's the rest of the kingdom on the mainland that is a frozen tundra. The icy landscape is where the Capital, Blizzard Maiden City, is located. The city rests on an enormous iceburg that floats in a giant lake. The mainland usually remains completely frozen all year long. They just don't get as much snow in the summer as they do in the winter. Vegetation is rare except for a few tiaga forests and an occasional winter plant.



Thunitrum, the Land of Storms. Thunitrum lies high in the mountains to the north of the continent of Vitae Regni. In fact, the kingdom is so high up, it sits among the clouds. Storms constantly hit Thunitrum on a daily basis. Especially the capital, Storm Flash City. Thunitrum rarely sees a sunny day, but they do happen every now and then. Other then that, the vegetation and landscape is relatively normal.



Aerisen, the Kingdom of the Winds. Like Thunitrum, Aerisen lies in the far north in the tallest mountains. However, unlike Thunitrum, it doesn't rest in the clouds. It lies above them. Long ago, all of Aerisen's cities and towns floated in midair using magic, but since King Damian took over, the kingdom's been grounded to the tops of the mountains. The capital of Aerisen is Sky Gust City. Not a lot of storms hit Aerisen considering it's above the cloud line, but wind is strong and constantly blowing in Aerisen. The only plants are ones that don't root themselves into the ground. Instead, they drift in the wind.



Terranae, the Kingdom of Earth. Terranae is made up of several mountain ranges packed together. In the center of these mountain ranges is the Capital, Steel Peak City. The city itself lies entirely on a small mountain in a valley among the mountains. No unusual weather patterns or vegetation can be seen here, but Terranae does have large mineral and ore deposits much like Infernia does. This is also the location of the King's palace and the center of the Empire.



Vinera, the kingdom of Nature. Vinera has by far the most species of plants and animals of all the kingdoms. The entire country is covered in dense forest that can be divided into layers. The first layer is the swamp. All the tree roots are dug deep here along with many dangerous animals and plants. The next layer is the canopy. This layer is where most of the animal and plant life reside along with all the cities and towns. All the residents are quite protective of the animal and plant life, so they don't really use modern conviences such as electricity except for in the palace. The capital is Ivy Fang City. The capital can be found in the largest, as well as the oldest, tree in Vinera.

Below is a link to a list of monsters that will be used in the roleplay. Use it for references, fights, etc. NOTE: Not ALL of the monster listed will be used in the roleplay. (Just the ridiculous ones such as a T-Rex. Also, don't pay any attention to the descriptions of the monsters. You can make up any backstory or history to any monster.)

Toggle Rules

1. No god-modding.

2. No OOC fighting.

3. No spotlight hogging.

4. Use proper grammar and spelling.

5. Posts need to be at least five lines. Spaces don't count.

6. Before every post, everyone must use this code:
Code: Select all
[center][size=150]INSERT CHARACTER NAME HERE[/size][/center]

7. Post every other day. If you're going to be gone, let me know.


9. Have fun, OR ELSE.

Obey these rules and we'll get along just fine.....

One offense, reminder. Second offense, Warning. Third offense: Kicked.

If you have read all the rules, put RuleBearer at the end of your character sheet.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in


Terranae by RolePlayGateway

Empire's crown jewel


Solia by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Light and the Sun.


Vinera by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Nature


Lunia by RolePlayGateway

Land of Shadows


Aquaria by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Water and Ice

Vitae Regni

Vitae Regni by SolanaNight

The Magical Continent that makes up the world.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Heather silently strolled the woven branches of enormous trees that made up the streets of Ivy Fang. She was taking her midnight walk. She often took a walk when she wanted to think. She glanced up absentmindedly at the street light. To be specific, a tall flower with a seven foot stalk and glowing yellow petals that lit up at night. Vinera was definitely an odd place. What was worse was the dangerous creatures that rested below in the bottomless black swamps.

Heather had been here for over two weeks now with her newly made partner, Andra, killing off monsters in the swamp. They weren't too fond of each other, but there was still a decent amount of respect. At least it was better then hate.

She pulled out the note of her pocket and read over it for the hundredth time. Andra and Heather both had received the same letter from the same person. All it was was a simple note asking for their services. Normally such a thing wouldn't be a very big deal to her. She completed missions by various clients all the time. They'd hire her to either kill a person, group, monsters, etc. Then she'd get paid for her efforts. Such the life of an assassin. This mission was no different. Had a job offer, objective, and reward. Nothing special except for the fact she was being asked to silence the King. Even then, that didn't matter to her. What puzzled her was the fact that her employer had no face. She had no clue who it was. That had never happened to her before. Her employers always gave her her missions in person. Strange.

Narrowing her eyes at the letter, Heather placed it back into her pocket. What else was strange was that she was being asked to work with this local Tracker girl. Why would she need the help of a Tracker to help her eliminate the King? On top of that, they were both Bearers. Was it just a coincidence? Or did this mysterious Employer know they were both Bearers? She sighed. She wasn't getting anywhere. The mystery behind her employer, Mr. Fang, would have to wait. For now, she'd just return to the inn. Couldn't stay out in the open too long without a cloak. She WAS a wanted criminal.


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Alena Rose

Alena felt like going out but the sun was just starting to rise. She hated the dark, and everything that had to do with it. The moon gave her nightmares, the stars made her upset, and the darkness itself scared and sometimes angered her. She thought it was just because she lived where she did but nobody else loathed the dark as much as she did. That's why she figured it was her power. She got dressed anyways though. By the time she was fully ready it would be light outside and she could enjoy her day, try to keep her mind off of magic so the event doesn't happen again. Alena put on a black shirt and a white, stringy, cablelike sweater above it. Then she found some shorts and slipped them on. Most wpmen around here wore skirts because they were "lady-like" but truthfully somedays she didn't feel like wearing one. She went inot her bathroom and carefully brushed out her hair until it was completely smooth and braided a strand close to the front. Getting out she peered through her window again and saw the light was creeping up from behind the hills, it made her giddy. Alena half skipped down the stairs and went through the door, passing her mother and breakfast completely. Lately her mom had been talking about her "Baby being all grown up" since she had only one more year until she turned eighteen which had helped Alena's case that she should be able to go into town alone. Her mom had finally agreed and now she could go whenever she pleased as long as she came back before nightfall. Going through the door she could sense the darkness still lingering in the air, still clinging on to it's territory but the light was beating it. Soon all that was left was light and it boosted Alena's energy and mood. She walked into town joyful and cheery, not yet even thinking about the scars on her back or absentmindedly touching them.


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A blinding light sent a sharp migraine through the blackness. Pale eyes opened to the dark world around them, waking the stomach churning dismay that had been there since the night before. The strong stench of liquor filled the smokey air, and although these eyes could not see it, pink lights fluttered a small room. A grogginess wrapped Sven in it's seductive grip, and though it took strength well known to him, his suited arm reached to a pair of black glasses, which were brought to the man's face to conceal his bleached eyes. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Sven sat up with a slothful grunt. After his mind had registered, and realized that this hell... this black void, was nothing more than a wake-up call, Sven reached over the delicate sleeping body of the woman that laid next to him, just barely bumping her naked arm as he snatched a bottle, dumping the unknown content down his throat. Tossing silk sheets off of his body, he stumbled out of the room, pushing open a steal door which revealed dozens like it. The bright sun showed it's strength as a pounding and stinging in the drunken man's forehead. Snatching a black walking stick and jacket from a broken coat rack next to the nearest door, he made his way down a dusty alley. Pushing a wooden door open with the cane, Sven was welcomed by a man in a bartender's vest, cleaning the inside of a mug with a white handkerchief. "Keading!" He cheered, setting the mug down. "I didn't expect to see you so soon. What happened to that doll you took home last night?" Sven replied with a husky groan, leaning on the bar counter. Without question, the bartender set a hang-over remedy in front of the blind man, who immediately chugged the disgusting potion. "So you leave town today, eh? Better shave before you head out." The bartender laughed, satisfied with Sven's reaction as he rubbed the 5 o'clock shadow that blanketed his chin.

Last night was his last stay in the town he had grown up in. A couple buddies of his decided to throw him a "party". In other words, they got him drunk, threw in a few prostitutes, and watched the night fly by. Though a rugged and irresponsible guy, Sven was, nothing more, than a priest. Burdened with a sickness that took his sight as a young boy, Sven grew up an Orphan. He was raised in the town Orphanage, where he later began to work for a place to stay and food to eat. He was, as some described him, the worst priest in the history of Aquaria. Though, once you got past all of the drinking, smoking, gambling, fighting, law breaking, adultery, and of course, arson, he wasn't such a bad guy. It didn't matter to him, though. He had been trapped in the same town for as long as he could remember. It was time to ditch the place. To find out what else was waiting for him.

After chatting for a few more moments, Sven threw his coat on, along with his walking stick and headed towards the center of town. Chatter was restless here, and it gave Sven a good idea of what he was missing. Every now and then, he came to simply sit and listen in on people's conversations, and that's exactly what he planned to do. He took a seat under small tree, which provided nice shade from the sun. Though before he realized, he had drifted off into the darkness that ruled his world, and fallen asleep, ears still open to the voices around him as they spoke of sights he'd never get to see, in a world that was one color. Black.


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Ella Thorn

Ella's heart thudded hard as she weaved her way through people. A boy who seemed just a little older then her was running after her. "G-girl! Come here!" She had been careless. She had woken up in the early morning, long before anyone should be awake, and went to the ocean to bend water. The boy had seen her. If she could just loose him, then maybe he would convince himself it was just be his imagienation. Ella expertly bent around people, and this was the one time her slight build came in handy, she was hard to see. Another plus, this was a rather busy part of Aquaria. She had to be normal. She couldn't have people knowing who she was. To any other person, she should be just some orphan. And that's it.
Spotting someone tall in a dark coat, she quickly stepped behind him. The boy went by them, only glancing her way for a second. "Sven." she breathed, resting her hand on his arm. He was fast asleep, out away from the other people. She sat next to him, catching her breath. That had been way too close. Both of them had been raised in the same orphanage, although she was a few years younger then him. Some looked at her with sympathy, others with disgust. It depended on if you had heard -and belived- her mtoher when she said little Ella had drown her own father. It was ridicules, Ella was barley a third of the size her father was.
Ella glanced over at Sven. The smell of alclohol, but that ws to be expected. She melted a little ice into water, and let the water jump into Sven's hand and curl itself into a ball. The water swirled in his palm like a living animal. His fingers held Ella's darkest secrete- the thing that made her so much different then everyone else. It was a rather isolated feeling. It also made her keep people at arms distence away- just in case they found out and she'd have to pull herself away from them.
Bringing her knees up to her chest, she touched the bells she wore on her small left ankle. her mother had given them to her before she went crazy- so it was the only thing the had left of the woman. Ella figured her mom had given them to her because she was always wondering off. Either way, she never took them off. Which made it impossible to sneak up on someone. Her bells where a very sweet, soft sound. Very similar to her voice.


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#, as written by Zetta
Damian Furore XIV

Damian always preferred to get up early, preferably before the sun rose. In fact, by the time the sun began to rise over the hilly countryside of Terranae, Damian was already fully dressed, and sitting in a chair - which he had placed on the best view of the sunrise - in the rooftop gardens of the Imperial palace. As he watched the orange rays coat the hills and lush mountains, Damian strummed his mandolin, humming a soft little tune as he mused over the events of the past few days.

The situation in the Empire was fairly typical. The Aquarian Praetors - the three soldiers, hand-picked by Damian, that represented him and watched over both the nobles and the military in each province - and officials needed to fill out the paperwork to move former Aquarian fishermen into their new businesses. There were several Core sale reports that came in, but none of them were any people of particular notice. Of course, Damian was looking for out-of-the-ordinary purchases of Cores, and most of these people were either artists, historians, or noblemen looking to expand their collection of particularly shiny objects, so none of the reports that came in caught his eye. Besides all of the boring paperwork, his day seemed fairly standard, aside from the speech that he issued to the public the day before. The Praetors had received scrolls with similar speeches on them, and were set to make the announcement during noon. The speech, naturally, was Damian's explanation to the public about his new law: People were no longer punished for mentioning magic in public.

Naturally, Damian's advisers - the ones that weren't "mysteriously" flung out of the castle's windows - objected to his seemingly-rash decision, and he waved it away, claiming that the people of the Empire should celebrate their history, and not forget about anything that existed prior to the Furore dynasty. Damian, honestly not giving a damn about his advisers' collective thoughts, spent the rest of the day practicing his magic, playing his mandolin, and spending some time with one of the maids. At least there weren't assassination attempts. According to both his grandfather and his father, those days were probably the worst days that he'd live to see.

Once he was done reminiscing over the past few days' events, Damian got back up and went back inside the castle. In a few hours, he'd have to deal with the boredom of the royal court. Sitting in the throne for so many hours at a time was, as far as he knew, a ridiculous ritual for the ruler of the known world.


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Atolia and Lucas

Atolia stealthily sneaked around the palace hallways "This way! I could of sworn the thief went that way!" one of the guards set on kitchen duty yelled. She took a few more turns trying to shake off the guards and keep them from taking her precious treasure. She stopped in one hallway and listened as the guards began to corner her. They were about to enter her little hallway from both sides when she noticed the large door to her left. She slipped inside and quickly closed the door behind her. She stopped for a moment and waited, "Damn it! We lost her. Maybe she went this way instead!" They yelled. The sound of metal clanking on the granite tiles slowly faded as they ran off in different directions. Atolia smirked as she began to unravel her sweets from the small bag she had stored them in. "Suckers-" she began as she took a bite, but stopped when she saw what room she had stumbled into. The king's throne room, and of course it was his sitting hour. Perfect.

"Y-your highness!" She hid her stash behind her back. "Y-you seem well today! Did you write a new melody on your mandolin?" She continued with her praise, but dropped one of her pieces of cake. "Uh...... I was just holding them for a friend, I swear! Never seen it before in my life!" She denied, but by the look on the King's face, it didn't look like she was going anywhere...

"For God's sake, Atolia, do you have no sense of self-control?" said Lucas as he stepped out of the shadows.

"That's none of your concern, Lucas."

"Well, I think it is if it means the King can't enjoy a nice desert after his meal."

"I didn't take that much! Er, I mean.... umm.."

"So you admit it."

"I admit nothing!"

This argument continued for another five minutes with the King still sitting there.


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#, as written by Zetta
Damian Furore XIV

The morning was particularly boring. From the seventh hour of the day, until the ninth hour, Damian was stuck sitting in the court and listening to nobles bicker amongst themselves, his advisers pestering him about his next move - which, truthfully, he had planned, but he simply didn't like his advisers - and one particularly bothersome land dispute. On the bright side, however, the court jester did put up a particularly good performance today, and Damian even joined in on his mandolin. When all was said and done, and everyone had left the court, Damian sat down upon his throne, watching the halls. However, his silence was soon interrupted by the clamor of the guards' boots against the granite floors, accompanied with an orchestra of shouts. The scene occurring outside the walls of the throne room didn't bother him. After all, they were a somewhat regular occurrence.

Damian sighed when Atolia sneaked into the throne room, and began digging out of her bag of sweets. When Lucas confronted her about it, Damian sighed once more and played a fitting tune on his mandolin. After their argument quieted down, the young Emperor silenced his mandolin. These shenanigans were pretty common, and Damian was probably going to increase the guard outside the kitchen - he might just leave the Praetors there, but they did most of his paperwork, so he guessed that they didn't deserve to put up with Atolia's schemes - after this, but he had known Atolia, Lucas, and the castle's head chef - a rather large man by the name of Eugene - far too long to know what would probably happen.

Damian stood up and walked over to where Atolia and Lucas were arguing, and stood before them. "Atolia, is it really necessary? The two of you have lunch and dinner with me, so you really shouldn't have any need to steal from the kitchens between meals. Besides, it reflects poorly on you. A general stealing from the kitchens like a petty thief. I've told the guards that you do it 'cause you've got a particularly nasty sweet tooth, but what do you think goes on in the back of their minds? Well, mind. Each guard has his or her own mind. Although, now that I think about it, a play about a guard with multiple minds might make for some particularly hilarious comedy...," said Damian, trailing off in his newfound train of thought. "Regardless," he started, interrupting the slight silence, "I honestly hope that you don't steal from the kitchens again. I could always ask Eugene to make more food, but that's really not worth it. Either way, though, we've got to get into our positions. It's time for the court

The setting changes from Vitae Regni to Terranae


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Lucas and Atolia

Lucas smirked at the King's verdict. However, Damian scolded Atolia so often you could set a watch by it. She always bent his orders in some way or another.

Atolia pouted. "Ohhhhhh! When did you get so grown up and serious!? I remember when you were still only a foot tall and following me around calling me, 'Atolley!' No matter.... you're still just as adorable!~" she said fondly.

Lucas sighed, "I'm just happy that he didn't adopt your insane addictions or your eccentricity..."

"I'd disagree, but Damian is right. Court is about to be in session."

Lucas sighed again and took his position beside Damian's throne on the right while Atolia took the left.

"Your highness.... Are you going to try to 'reason' with the Nobles again about your Bearer Plans? You can't throw them all out the window.... It could lead to a rebellion... As you put it, they were just, 'Prejudice Old Farts who don't listen to reason', but you can't blame them for being perplexed about the matter... I mean, you're the first King in your line to have ever even thought of supporting the Bearers... They just arn't comfortable with the possibility of a new era..." Reasoned Lucas.

"Well, I think that we shouldn't make the freelance Bearers feel TOO at home... Although they are a very small percentage, they have huge amounts of raw power. I'd say one trained Bearer has the ability to easily dismiss a squadron of foot Hounds..." said Atolia.

The setting changes from Terranae to Vitae Regni


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Alena walked around the town square, making sure no obnoxious guards were around. She had become infamous in a way to them. They had even punished her about four times because of some things she would rather not think about. She rubbed he side self conciously and went into the bakery. The first words she heard uttered were,
"Did you hear? King Damian revoked the law of speaking about magic!" said one man buying a loaf of bread. The other man he was talking about that looked rather beaten down said,
"There's no point talking about it anyways. Bearers don't exist and fairytales don't need to be discussed."
That infuriated Alena and she walked right up to the two, feeling her side where her "reminders" were. They were probably glowing right now.
"Bearers do to exist. Why else would they have banned the talk of them?" She heard the clunking of boots and cursed. The stupid drunk guard was back.
"Talking about bearers and magic again now are we?" He said, taking a step toward her. She could see his whip holstered in his belt, and he was just itching to use it. She stood her ground though and shot back at him,
"You can't punish me for it. King Damian revoked that rule."
The man scoffed acting like he could care less. Taking a step towards her she knew what he was going to do and tried to run but he grabbed her and brought her to the middle of the square, legs flailing. She couldn't take another whipping. Her first had not yet healed and she didn't need whip scars along with letter brands on her side. She gave one kick back and got a grunt along with loosened arms. She broke free and ran, but felt a whip wrap around one of her arms and held back a cry of pain. He pulled back and left a ring around her wrist. Just as he was about to strike again anther guard ran to the drunk and took away the whip. She was relieved. When they both left without even the slightest apology she thought about wiping her arm on her shirt to get rid of some of the blood but instead looked at her brands under the shirt. A, T, and R. All right next to each other and bulging reminders of her mistakes. Alena suddenly felt like just walking back home when somebody yelled,
"A fade!" she looked where the person yelled and saw a huge slash appear in the middle of the square. She saw something start to emerge and did what she could to protect herself without giving away what she had been hiding all these years, she ran. The one part she despised about running was that her small little home was in the very corner of Solia, right next to Lunia. She heard screams behind her but didn't stop until she was clear out of her home and entered another town. She could run a long time so she didn't even look or feel winded at the moment, but held back a face of disgust as she processed she was now officially in Lunia.


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Conversations turned to a harmonic lullaby, whispering softly to the resting conscience of Sven's mind. But something fought back at the overpowering sleep that took hold of the rotton man. The sweet scent of a young woman. It gnawed at his slothful sleep, urging him to wake and converse with the one that smelled of sweet pear blossoms. Slowly his senses began to snap on, until he felt the luke-warm cooling of water on the very tips of his fingers.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He shouted, sitting up out of his sleep and crushing the sphere of water he held in his palm. "YOU TRYIN' TO TRICK ME, KID?!" He had already registered the fact that Ella sat next to him. Then the smell seemed all the more familiar. "God.." He grunted, rubbing his face with the palm of his hand. "And I was having such a nice dream.." With a sigh, he shrugged Ella off and took to his feet, carrying with him nothing but his cane. He made his way to the nearest stream, hearing the footsteps of Ella following shortly behind him. Sven dug his leather boot into the thick undergrowth of the steep trail that led to the water. Leaning forward, he skidded down the small hill, kicking up a tiny amount of dust in his wake. He had come to the stream often to ignore the voices of the world around him, and to allow the seductive whisper of the running stream to take hold of his mind, and lullaby his world to sleep where dreams would await him. If anything, it was the most important thing to him. He'd close his eyes and visions would take form, playing out like a movie in his disturbed mind. Dreaming was the only way Sven could see. He could remember the blue of water, or the green of grass, or the violett glow of twilight.

But once he awoke, the world was black once more.

He lifted his jacket off and tossed it to the stream, letting the water snatch it and bring it down into the cloudy un-known. He wouldn't be needing it anymore. After setting his glasses asid, he dipped his hands into the cool water and splashed it over his face as a quick wake up call. Reaching into his pocket and taking out a small knife, he raised the blade to his chin and dragged it along his skin, slicing off short hairs that had been neglected for no more than a couple of days. He looked like a mess, his tunic un-button, tie un-tied, and driplets of water hanging onto the tips of his dark brown hair. Of course it didn't matter to him, and the rugged look was a bonus for picking up ladies.

"So what'd you do this time?" His question was directed towards Ella. Whether she was actually there, he didn't know, but he could still smell the sweet scent of pear blossoms blowing his way.

The setting changes from Vitae Regni to Vinera


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Andra stared at the sky in silence as a soft breeze passed through her cloak moving her bangs. She loved to felt the breeze passing as it would brought the smells of the trees, the grass, the flowers and if one had a good nose like Andra, or was to used to VineraΒ΄s lifestyle, the smell of the swamp could be felt too.

Andra move her shoulders trying to make them feel lighter, using a cloak was something she didnΒ΄t like. But there was a good reason… currently she was standing in Ivy Fang a place that she really evaded as if it was the worst of the monsters. Not that she hated the city actually she liked it a lot, the problem was that her story still passed around the citizens… and probably that was the reason she was now with Heather… The girl recited the letter in her mind one more time, she was asked to help a girl with a job, via a letter full of implications that they knew the truth, if that wasnΒ΄t strange enough meeting Heather tingled her senses in warning as she showed the same letter to her.
Now, Heather was… a troubled soul, like her if not worse, after a real awkward meeting full of long minutes of staring at each other in silence Andra decided to help as she used to do it: quietly. Waiting for the other girl to open as she didnΒ΄t like to pry in other lives. Because she didnΒ΄t like people prying in her life… she wouldnΒ΄t do that same thing to others. Besides with the job ended both girls would return to their own lives so maybe opening was unnecessary…
Still for the moment she was prepared to help with all her strength and that brought her to her actual situation, being in Ivy Fang waiting on the roof of a house as she waited to see Heather, as she left in a walk, to know in which part of the inn she would stay and to see if she needed something. In case she didnΒ΄t need her… well she could return to the swamp to pass the night an return later in the day, but for now the first thing was to find the girl.


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#, as written by Fallen
Allura & Analea Mae

"Of all the places we have ever been to, this has to be the worst." Allura complained pushing through the evermoving crowed of people in the Kingdom of Vinera. It was busy, it smelled like an ancient swamp, a smell that would never go away - and it was so green. Had the town never seen another color before? The plants were everywhere, Allura was beginning to get annoyed by everything in this Kingdom. "Are you sure you are going to be okay like that?" Analea asked softly, looking to her sister next to her - bandages over her eyes. "One look at this place several days ago, I know where everything is, if it bothered you so much why the hell did you throw me into berserk earlier!?" she shouted, making many heads turn - or she assumed with all the hushed voices starting beside them. "The fuck are you looking at!? Yeah I know you're looking at me, better look elsewhere unless you want to die this instant!" Analea grabbed Allura's arm in attempt to shut her up, she was guilt ridden that her alter ego through her into a rage. It was something that did happen frequently, and when it did Allura would have to play blind with bandages, her eyes glowed with something that looked like fire along the edges whenever in berserk. The downside of that ability was it had to wear off, and could not just be turned off so to speak.

The two girls though partially related by blood, carried themselves entirely different. Allura, walked around with a sense of pride, almost to the point of cockiness, but her expression dared someone to challenge her while her body language said 'mess with me and I'll kill you.' She didn't ever seen friendly, and if ever smiling, she probably was not laughing with her, she never did anything more than smirk. There was always a darkness about her, and a sense of rebelliousness that she always seemed to embrace within herself. Analea on the other hand, was an innocent soul. She appeared naive, gullible, that person that you just want to screw with for the hell of it. Her expression was sweet and unknown of the real world around her. Her alter ego on the other hand, too twisted for words. In appearance, they had similarities and differences. They both had unusually pale skin, long eyelashes, slim figures, log hair - and were both tiny. Allura the smallest of both of them, five foot one if that. And Analea five foot four. In Allura's hair, large freshly picked flowers of various colors, and just beneath those, small barrettes with two layers of white beads hanging on each side of her head. She wore a white and orange corsett, the top white with am orange band that had a large golden heart in the middle and two small ones on the left and right of it. Beneath that it was light orange, with dark orange criss crossed lace held together by yet more golden hearts. On her left arm an orange ruffled band and on her right an orange sleeve which started just above the elbow and flared out with a pleated pattern and lace at the bottom. Her shorts - if they even looked like shorts, were light orange with golden heart buttons on the sides and lace at the hips. On top of that a white sideways belt with a golden heart on it. Attached to that, a garter belt holding up a white stocking which went to the thigh on her right leg. And a normal stripped orange and white sock which went to the knee on the left. Her shoes were white in color and looked like they had just been bought - or stolen. On her face, bandages which covered her eyes. Analea wore a white flowing dress, with two white stockings and light blue shoes. On her arms, a multitude of beads and arm bracelets.

"You know for once, it's actually boring without dad being around." Allura said bitterly. When their father had been alive, her had sent them on 'jobs', jobs in which they had to steal things, kill people, get information. It wasn't something Allura liked or was proud of, but it at least kept her busy. She was dying of boredom in this place, you couldn't do anything. She preffered to be in a place where the people that knew you were afraid of you, and the people that didn't know you, didn't want to. But she had made the oh so very smart decision to kill him one night - which she was regretting in this moment. "D-don't say that." Analea whined. "Dad was..." and it stopped there. The truth was she really didn't know anything about their father, she had always just done what she had been ordered. It was the only thing she had ever known. Before her half sister came into her life, she wouldn't even have thought that that was something she shouldn't be doing. For a while, they had been living as gypsies, having not made the best of decisions in their own Kingdom. It probably didn't help any that Allura's goodbye to the kingdom was setting a fire to it. Allura stopped and listened to the footsteps around her. "Are you looking for someone...or something?" Analea asked. "Shut up for a second." she said. She had a visual of a paper read earlier in her mind, every word an every letter as if seeing it like it was right in front of her. They had relied on her photographic memory for more things than they could count. Being that they never carried anything around other than maybe weapons or money, pieces of paper and directions were a luxury they did not have. Especially if the person leading them around was supposed to be blind, reading something out of nowhere might look odd.

Allura sighed, there wasn't anything too specific in the letter, and any sort of names didn't matter if you didn't have a face. "This is bullshit, whoever wrote this up is an idiot." Allura yanked the bandage off of her eyes, and turned immediately to her sister, who jumped immediately but before she started to more closer to her stopped - this let her know that she in fact wasn't in berserk anymore. "If you go into another fucking psychotic rage I'm setting your ass on fire." she stated coldy. Analea smiled at her, and the two of them continued to walk towards the nearest building that they could find. Allura hadn't been off at all, they were right in front of an Inn - not where they had been told to go, but definitely a place they could sit at for some time. They had been walking for countless hours now. Allura knew it, this person was a flake and they were not coming, they had traveled all this way for nothing. She had found some letter asking for help from people - and jumped on it in hopes of nothing but a challenge and excitement, of course she had to drag her sister along with her. No amount of magical power or strength could keep her sister alive alone. They walked inside the Inn, Allura then wrapping the bandages around her arm, and sat in on the nearest seating possible. Analea looked at Allura with a confused expression on her face. "Let me explain," Allura sighed. "I was trying to find something to do for us but it's not going to work out." Analea's eyes widened. "Something to do!? But you said we were stopping that!" Analea's eyes welled up in tears. Allura smacked her across the face with a bitter expression in her eyes, "It was for a good amount of money, we can't keep going from kingdom to kingdom eventually we will have to stop." Analea wiped her tears and nodded. "This is just pointless though, to stay here, this place is impossible. And the's like it doesn't exist!" Allura looked around. She thought back to the street lights, the inside of this Inn which she could swear looked like it was the inside of a tree itself. The substitute power types of items. She was expecting people to have to walk around with lanterns at night. It was ridiculous. Poor people in other kingdoms probably had better technology than this.

Currently, they had no money on them, the only thing they carried was their own weapons. Allura with two swords, and her sister with chain whips and a longbow. The reality of it was they needed to do some kind of job, or they needed to think of their own job - and steal something. It was how they had been living recently but all the money they kept stealing kept going towards all their traveling. It was a never ending cycle that was bringing them down. Conversation amongst people in the Inn could be heard over their own conversation, making Allura pissed off. She hated being around large amounts of people, most people annoyed her in general. She sat back and pondered the thought of staying here for a night - somehow, being that it was morning they could probably get their hands on some sort of currency to stay here. Then through the night as her sister slept, she could come up with some sort of idea, wherever they went next it probably was going to be a rough journey - they'd never been in a place where people actually liked or welcomed them.

The setting changes from Vinera to Vitae Regni


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She was surrounded by it. The dark, the people. She called them Lunies because Lunians sounds alot like it. How could they stand this? The buildings were black, the plants, well their didn't seem to be any around. The sky was dark. Everything was just so, dark. She shuddered and walked on. Maybe the new king wasn't so bad. If she went to the castle she could tell him about her town, maybe about herself even. Although she doubted the second one. She would go to the palace and act like a normal citizen that has never done anything wrong. She will pretend to be a perfect little citizen so he will help. The good part about htis was she would be able to visit somewhere out of her own town which she had never done before. Looking around she saw nothing good enough for her to ride on. So she walked. How far was it to the palace on foot? Probably long enough to need food. Her stomach grumbled when she thought of it. Looking at the stores she saw a fruit store and while the owner wasn't looking snatched some pears and apples. R for robber right? She hurried off and went straight ahead, hopefully going the right way. She didn't exactly know which way she was to go except that she wasn't going to ask a Lunian for directions. She didn't need their help.


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Ella Thorn

Ella didn't seem surprised when Sven. She glanced over at him and raised one thin brow. When he stood up, she followed him to the stream. The bells she wore on her ankle chimed very softly with each step. "Why do you always assume I did something wrong?" He was right, of corse. Sighing, she leaned against a tree. "Someone saw me using water." Sven already knew about her powers- she told him a long time ago. The best person to tell? Eh. She was never the best judge of personality. "He chased me through town. I had to hide behind you. You don't think he couldn've recignized me, could you?" Ella was very careful only to have a few close friends, and try to not be noticed. But she still was kind to strangers.
Kneeling down, she put her hands in the water. The water ran over her palms gentley, caressing her skin. Her long blonde curls covered her face slightly as she leaned forward. She seemed comfortable in the presence of the rugged-looking man. Suddenly a bird flew down and sat next to her and sang obnoxiously loud. "Cute. But do you mind running off now?" The bird sang louder, and Ella splashed water at it. But the bird just shook off the water like he was in a birdbath. It's rare for Ella do get angrey, but she was starting to get pissed off. "Alright, you better stop that or i'll make that big bad man get you!" The bird looked over at Sven then back to Ella. It didnt' seem impressed as it sang. "You stupid bird. . . shut. . . up. . ." She growled, glaring at it. Before the bird had time to react, she quickly scooped it up and held him up, letting him go when he was high in the air so he'd fly. The bird flew upwards, then circled back and sat back down between Ella and Sven. He sung obnoixiously, and Ella seemed exasperated. "Shut up you stupid thing!!"


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"For the love of god.. stop yelling." He growled towards Ella, reaching for the bird that had nestled it's self calmly next to him. His fingertips brushed the baby-soft feathers of the creature, who glorified with the praise, stopped his chirping and nuzzled his smoothed feathers against Sven's palm. Sven was easily reached by animals. He enjoyed their company far more than the company of humans. Lifting the little bird, Sven placed him on his shoulder where he perched, cleaning his feathers and singing a soft tune.

"Well, I'm off then." Sven declared, slinging his cane over his shoulder. The bird seemed reluctant to stay with Sven, who expected the creature to fly off when he started moving. The bird stayed nuzzled into the side of Sven's neck, cleaning the water from it's wings.

"Er.. we're off then." With a sigh, slightly annoyed with the quiet singing of the bird, Sven placed his glasses back over his pale white eyes and looked to Ella. "I won't be coming back to Nereid." After a quick pause, he turned back to the trail and began walking once more. "Come if you want, I don't give a damn. Just know we'll be passing through Blizzard Maiden, and I'm not carrying you when you're bitching that your feet are cold." He said it with a mocking tone, stepping on to the pavement of the main city street. He would leave the godforsaken island and head into the icy terrain. Though first thing first, he would need to stop by a tailor and get some cold-weather gear.


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#, as written by Zetta
Damian Furore XIV

Damian's face turned bright red the moment Atolia brought up his childhood. "Hey, you can't bring that up! That was over twenty five years ago. But I'm still with Lucas, I'm glad I didn't turn out to be a thief that steals from the kitchens," said Damian, sitting on the throne with a grin on his face, which quickly faded away the moment Lucas brought up the subject of the next court meeting: Damian's plans for the Bearers.

"I'm not throwing anyone out of any windows, and neither will I toss any of my plans out, either. These nobles honestly don't realize how troublesome the current situation is. We've got Fades popping up left and right, and our guards are only normal people. We may have more than enough troops, but they can't deal with anything too dangerous. And then, on top of that, we've got renegade Bearers who attack our troops on sight simply because of these old-fashioned laws. We need the Bearers if we're going to deal with the Fades. You've got to keep in mind, though, that I don't plan on forgiving every last Bearer with a bounty. That's their own do-"

Damian was interrupted by the sound of trumpets, and the doors to the throne room soon opened. Nobles from all over the province were assembled in the area, and waited for the King's response. Damian set down his mandolin beside his throne, and leaned forward to speak. "My vassals, I have called you back here today to discuss the terms of my plans regarding the renegade Bearers. You all know why I ask this: I cannot stand idly by while the pirates ravage the coastal villages. I cannot stand idly by while Fades decimate villages and the soldiers that guard them. And now, over the past few years - ever since I took the throne, might I add - there have been increasing reports of Bearers that have evaded the Hounds. Everyone here knows, and understands that we cannot deal with another threat. We may have an economic surplus now, but once fighting intensifies - for example, if the Bearers got together and trained their powers, and used them to fight the Empire - we will be losing troops left and right. There is a reason, after all, that I lifted the ban on mention of magic. I mentioned to you that I wished to produce a play called The Sound of Magic, but that's only secondary to my real purpose. The more information we can get our hands on regarding renegade Bearers, the better. Now, keep in mind that I do not plan on giving all Bearers amnesty. No, I have the opposite in mind. Those Bearers that have committed no crimes against the Empire will not be hunted down, but those that have will gain an extra bounty on their head, a charge of 'irresponsible use of naturally-occurring power,' if you will. So tell me, then, will you agree to my terms?"


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Ella Thorn

Ella stared as Sven coddled the bird, who seemed to just adore the man. It nestled itself against him, crooning softly. There was a short pause before she followed Sven. "Don't worry about me. I'm part penguin." When she was little she lived just outside the Blizzard Maidens, so the cold didn't faze her much. "Planning on taking anyone else?" She asked, sticking close to him as he stepped back into the steady stream of people. Ella wasn't really one for the city, although she did like being in the company of others.
She wasn't a very independent person- she needed company to flourish. Even if it was company like Sven. "So where exactly are we going?" You would think that she would want to know where they where going first, but Ella really didn't care. There was nothing strong trying her here. Her family was dead, and her mother had dragged her name through the dirt. She didn't have many choices, and she was up for anything.

The setting changes from Vitae Regni to Vinera


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Heather arrived back at the inn around the same time the sun came up. The trees and thick foliage blocked out most of the light, but it still put a bad taste in her mouth. She noticed Andra on the roof of a nearby building and gave her a simple nod. The duo probably said no more then a sentence to each other each day. Perhaps it wasn't the best combination, but it worked. Although Heather wasn't going out of her way to get to know the girl, when they started fighting together, their battle strategies and techniques complicated each other quite nicely. Andra would usually take a more head-on melee approach, while Heather supported her and watched her back with ranged attacks.

"The swamp... A fade has appeared. It's spilling out monsters by the dozens every hour." said Heather. There was no need to say more. Andra knew the routine. They've been doing this for over a month now. They started working together when they received the letter, but weren't too sure what their first move should be. They both had their own motives for this mission, but had no idea where to begin. Should they go straight to Terranae? Or, take a more roundabout approach? As a result, they have been stuck in Vinera killing off monsters up to this point.

Hmm.... We can't hang around here forever... We need to get moving, but this Fang person wasn't too specific.. All they said was you'll know when it's time to move... She thought to herself as she made her way to the edge of the city. The swamp lay directly below the city, but in order to get there, one had to travel to the edge of the city to reach Canopy End. She wasn't looking to see if Andra was nearby, but she could sense her Magic Aura close behind. She had spotted a few Dryads and Treants amongst the regular trees during her walk last night. Then later, she spotted the fade spewing monsters among the trees. One thing she had noticed from her travels and dealing with Fades, is that depending on the region is what kind of monsters you get. You don't see any fire monsters coming out of Vinerian Fades.

Heather continued to think more on her Fade hypothesis until she was stopped dead in her tracks. She stared in pure disgust and horror at what lie before her. "What the..... hell?" she said appalled. There, on the swamp floor was an enormous..... cube...

It was about 15 ft tall and was equally as long and wide. If Heather didn't have keen eyesight, she would of probably overlooked it and walk straight in. If you looked even closer, one could see it was slowly moving along the forest floor picking up.... well, everything. She watched as a small tree squirrel scurry near the cube. It picked through decaying leaves for nuts, munching as it went along. It didn't run into the cube, but it didn't matter. Heather watched in horror as the cube lashed out with a tentacle and pulled the squirrel inside its body. The acid must of been very strong because the squirrel was bones in a matter of minutes.

"Disgusting...." Said Heather. She had to work hard not to vomit. How were they going to kill this thing? Perhaps Andra could strike it with lightning, but would it work? Slicing it surely wouldn't work. She was also fairly sure her Shadow magic wouldn't be too much use except for making it explode into smaller chunks.

The setting changes from Vinera to Vitae Regni


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"Don't know." Sven replied to Ellas question. To be honest, he really had no idea where they were going, but what did it matter. Both he and Ella were wasted breath in this hypocritical town on this useless island. He looked to the sun which was gradually pouring down more and more onto him the further he walked to the center of town. "Damn.. Can't wait to get out of this hell." He quickly snatched his damp shirt, nonchalantly un-tucking it from his dress pants in an effort to unbutton the collar, which failed epicly when the three buttons below it also snapped off. Sven cursed under his breath, knowing the only shirt left to his name was now missing the top buttons and he was heading into an icy terrain, of which the temperature would drop to a near 10 below.

He picked up his pace, hands in pockets as he made his way to the market place. Stopping in front of a wooden venue, he leaned over the counter and took a look at the thick furs that hung from the walls, or more so.. he pretended to look to avoid the handicapped judgement that would be pushed towards him. Taking out a bag of coins -origins unknown; Sven always had money laying around, but he'd almost never spend a dime unless it was on cheap drinks and a place to stay- he heaved the leather bag on the counter with a "clunk" and leaned against the wood, turning to Ella and taking out a cigar from the pocket his hand had stayed warm in. "Well whadya want?" He gestured, holding the cigar to a candle until it sizzled, indicating that it was well lit, before he brought the end to his lips and took in the sweet aroma, awaiting Ella's reply.


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#, as written by Belynta
Rowan Sandor

Rowan Sandor walked through the city doing her best to blend in with those around her but only partially succeeding. She walked hunched over and kept her cloaks hood over her head. But the startled looks she cast around her showed, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, that she was unaccustomed to such a large city and was clearly a stranger here. The large grey Wolfhound that padded along beside her was perhaps the main reason she stood out from those around her. Now full grown the beast reached her ribs in height and had a powerful build. She seemed not to notice the surprised people around her as the wolfhound walked past them too busy was she in taking in her surroundings. She was lucky in that she was in Ivy Fang where animals were accepted more freely than anywhere else in the land.

This is dangerous A voice growled in her mind and she had to fight not to glance at the wolfhound beside her. We should not be here, we should be in the woods where it is safe.
Hush Grey She said firmly I need supplies and some plants I can only get in the city, we will not be here long
The Wolfhound grunted but remained silent but Rowan could still feel his concern and his irritation that she would not heed his words. In truth although being in such a large place was dangerous for her it was also exciting. Although she had been born in this very city her parents had moved her to Terranae when she no more than a babe and she had no memories of the place of her birth. The city was wonderful filled with nature in every part of it and she could not help but feel as though she had come home at last.

As she wandered the happy excited voices of the cities animal residents reached her and she winced at the cacophony of sound that assailed her but she did not scold them. They did not understand that their voices caused her pain and she would never explain it to them as she valued their honest and true friendship. She greeted them as she passed trying not to ignore any from the smallest mouse to the large birds that circled overhead. The plants too seemed pleased to see her and seemed to stand taller and grow brighter as she passed. Occasionally she would stroke a leaf as she passed and would feel the plants pleasure at her touch. Distracted by the sights and sounds around her Rowan had no idea where she was going and it took a gentle nudge from Grey to remind her of her purpose.

The city was huge and Rowan realised that wandering aimlessly as she had been would not get her very far and she would have to ask someone and yet the people around her seemed too intent on their own business to stop and help a stranger with theirs. She spotted a bench to one side of the bust street and she sat on it to rest whilst she decided what to do. Grey sat on his haunches but kept his head up eyes and ears alert for any sign of trouble.

The setting changes from Vitae Regni to Terranae


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Lucas watched as the Nobles talked among themselves. Some seemed to consider Damian's proposal while others seemed flat out outraged. He sighed. It was to be expected. Even though the King's proposal was very reasonable, there was still going to be a lot of friction. Magic, after all, wasn't even to be mentioned. Period. Now, in only a couple of years, the young king had begun to turn the whole kingdom upside down.

Finally, after another fifteen minutes, one of the more influential nobles stood up from the Gaia province. He cleared his throat and said, "We have discussed your proposal and we have decided to go along with it. However, on a condition. We understand you will give proper punishment to those who have disobeyed the law. However, if we try to make 'allies' out of the Bearers, we would request that the Bearers not to be allowed to roam wherever they please. We would like a close eye to be placed upon them.... These Bearers are completely unpredictable. Even if they haven't broken a law, they still have raw uncontrollable power. Who's to say that they won't lose control or get ideas? Which is why... we would request Leech Cores be placed on each Bearer."

Lucas nearly fell over. Leech Cores!? Lucas screamed in his head. He turned toward the King, "Your highness... I can understand wanting to keep a close eye on the Bearers, but Leeches? If we do that..."

Leech Cores are a very unique kind of core. Unlike normal cores that store magic, Leeches reject magic. They completely negate all forms of magic completely. No one has been ever able to figure just how it works however. Some have proposed that the Leeches emit their own magical frequency that counteracts magic. Others think that they are more like Cores and absorb magic, but that instead of absorbing released magical energy, they take it directly from the host. In any case, whatever the cause might be, it doesn't change the fact if a Bearer gets too close to a Leech, it will zap them of all their magical energy. If the Bearer escapes the Leech, then their magical power will replenish itself overtime. Unless of course it's a Silencer. A Silencer drains ALL of the host of their magical energy. Leeches are uncommon and Silencers are extremely rare, but they're still out there.

"Sir, should we agree to this? Wouldn't leeches be a bit extreme....?" he asked.

The setting changes from Terranae to Vitae Regni


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#, as written by Zetta
Damian Furore XIV

Damian looked unmistakably angered by the nobleman's comment, which apparently seemed to offend him in some way or form. He passed a quick signal - a brief movement of his index and middle fingers - to the guards that were positioned around the room - "be ready for my orders" - before he stood up from his throne, and stared down towards the nobles.

"You moron. All of your years studying history and politics, and this is the best you come up with? We monitor the Bearers and imprison them like beasts, while our men are out there, being slaughtered as we speak? If you don't want them to get any ideas of revolt, you treat them like proper human beings. Which, as far as I am concerned, has completely eluded you. And, what if one of the children of a prominent noble in another province is a Bearer? I do not intend to offend anyone in the other provinces, and I fully intend on keeping it that way. Plus, your worry about a Bearer losing control is more-or-less unfounded. That only ever happens - with a mildly experienced Bearer - when someone seizes control of a Bearer's body from a long distance, which is already an impossibly difficult task as it is. If someone was able to possess a Bearer's body from a long distance, we'd have far greater problems. So, no, I do not agree to your conditions. I understand that this means that the law shall not be passed for now, and I accept that. We will meet, in, oh, I don't know, six months from now to discuss this," said Damian, eventually calming down and turning around to pick up his mandolin from its resting spot beside his throne. After grabbing his mandolin, Damian turned and left through the door on the side of the throne room, but not before gesturing to Atolia and Lucas to follow him.

The setting changes from Vitae Regni to Vinera


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Andra yawned as she turned her head to the sky, luckily she was used to very strange schedules, if not she would have failed since the very beginning Heather was apparently like a nocturnal… being able to pass most of the night and part of the day awake without showing her tiredness.

The girl shook her head as some rays of light hit her on the face, definitely not the best way to start the day, but thanks to that small action she was finally able to find Heather with the same troubled face as always… when they met, when they fought monsters, when resting… Heather always had the same face, or a small variation of it, Andra was quickly getting worried of her future full of wrinkles…
Andra had to do her best to hide her frustration as she heard HeatherΒ΄s report. More monsters meant more work, that was good… but there were a lot of towns without protection in Vinera specially those near the swamps… The girl cut her thoughts as she saw how Heather took the lead, after some minutes she followed stopping from time to time to check on the trees, the grass, the smell in the air and even to see the clouds through the branches making sure to not lose HeatherΒ΄s signature aura.

After several minutes, Andra was behind Heather watching at her back as she though on how many time they had spent hunting monsters… not that there was a problem with that, but very deep she had the feeling that Heather, a seasoned girl in her own way, was lost and had no idea of what to do…

"What the..... hell?"

Andra stopped two steps behind Heather as she saw the source of her concern and it was a good thing she had. Before them a Cube was… consuming everything at itΒ΄s path, the girl quickly though in all the things she knew about those gross creatures, trying to figure out a safe way to vanish it. Electricity was out of question, a wrong move or more energy released than the necessary would leave them with small pieces of the creature over them… something that would lead to the same fate a small squirrel that was in the way had, trapped with a tentacle to make it worse, just slower… and with more pain, a lot more…


Andra couldnΒ΄t help but to move her sight, luckily with the same uninterested look to avoid some troubles later, to Heather. β€œThis coming from the girl that can kill monsters in ways that someone her age should not know? Who would tell…” Still the girl remained in silence, VineraΒ΄s most β€œexotic” fauna had that effect and Andra had to kept all her cool to not show how sick she felt. After some minutes she walked towards a tree knelt and start scratching itΒ΄s roots after a while she stood and walked to HeatherΒ΄s side extending her arm to show a fist really near her face, staying like that until she was sure that HeatherΒ΄s attention was completely on her.

β€œPoison…” Andra opened her hand slowly and carefully to show some mushrooms, that look very very edible β€œThe one before us is… β€œyoung” if you want to use that word, the lack of skeletons shows it…” Andra congratulate herself in her mind for being able to use the same voice she used to talk about the weather even if she felt really sick β€œYoung as it is will eat whatever it finds… Have you seen it?” AndraΒ΄s tilted her head to a side slowly… β€œHave you seen something poisoned and knowing it is lost as it lacks the organs to nullify it? If not… HereΒ΄s the chance.”

Andra threw the mushrooms to the cube watching them disappear even faster than the squirrel, but as she hoped a black substance, which looked a lot like ink, remained floating within the monster. Andra just stared at Heather.
β€œIt will take some time… as I said it lacks the organs so it will attack the monster without any prejudice. What do we do? Want to wait or we leave it alone to itΒ΄s inevitable fate?”


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((Ahem, attention everyone. We're all a bit scattered at the moment. So, I would like everyone who is not currently in Vinera, to meet there. That doesn't include the characters with the Empire. If you haven't posted your first post yet, then I recommend you do it in Vinera. After Shatter and I finish our little filler here, I will do a time lapse. If you haven't gotten your character(s) to Vinera by that time, then I suggest you to come up with some sort of flashback looking back on how you arrived in Vinera and how you joined the group.))


Heather scowled when Andra shoved her fist dangerously close to her face. If someone else had done that, then it would of resulted in them getting blasted across the swamp. She took a look at what lay within her hand. Some sort of mushroom native to this kingdom. It looked very similar in appearance to a mushroom that was well-known for its exotic taste and was used quite frequently in rather refined, and expensive, meals.

She watched as her partner tossed the mushrooms into the... thing... after giving her little lecture. She watched as the general shape of the mushrooms faded upon contact, but a black liquid remained inside. Heather watched for a moment as the liquid slowly began to spread throughout the cube. It would certainly take some time, but eventually it would dissolve the beast. She turned her attention back to Andra.

"No need. We'll come back later to check the progress of the poison after we've taken care of the other monstrosities." she said rather blandly. Without another word, Heather continued on through the swamp.

While retracing her steps, she hacked through any monsters that had the misfortune to come within eyesight of her and relied on Andra to finish off any stragglers. This continued for awhile until she found it.

"There...." Heather pointed up towards the bottom branches of the canopy. The Fade was cleverly hidden among a tangle of branches, but not too tangled to not be able to drop monsters onto the ground below. In fact, it was releasing a few carrion carriers when they arrived. She glanced around. There was a small clearing beneath the Fade where a small swarm of monsters were wandering about. The Fade must not of been open for very long considering a minimal number of monsters were wandering the area. She sighed. Time to get to work. She glanced back up at the Fade. It was nearly impossible to give a good description of a Fade. The best way to get a proper understanding of a Fade was to see one for yourself. However, if Heather were to put such an abnormality into words, it'd simply be a rip. Like someone had slashed a hole in space. If you also had the misfortune to peer inside this rip, it could only be described as window leading into a distorted hell. Short and simple. There was no known way on how to close these rips. Whenever Andra and Heather had finished off the monsters, the Fade would just simply close up. As if it hadn't even been there in the first place. Why this happened wasn't certain.

Heather shook her head. She was getting lost in her thoughts again. It was better to kill off these things as fast as possible. She dashed forward.

The setting changes from Vinera to Vitae Regni


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Lucas and Atolia

Lucas glanced back at the group of flustered nobles one last time before running after Damian. Atolia followed after a bit more slowly. SHe'd been rather quiet up to this point.

"Sir... what are you going to do? Leeches? The very idea... it doesn't seem the Nobles are going to compromise either unless some sort of restraint is put on their powers... What a mess..." Lucas sighed. He looked back at Atolia, "Hey, you've been awfully quiet."

Atolia looked up from her train of though. "Hmmm? Oh, I was just thinking of possible solutions while keeping both parties satisfied. It seems as though the Nobles see the Bearers at the same level as the monsters spewing out of Fades. Perhaps it would satisfy the Nobles if we assigned an attendant, or two, to the Bearers. People that would follow the Bearers everywhere, and if necessary, detain them if they get out of hand. This way the Bearers would be kept under control while still retaining their freedom."

"Who would we assign as attendants?" asked Lucas.

"I know of a few capable individuals."

"Sir, what do you think?" Lucas asked.

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Terranae by RolePlayGateway

Empire's crown jewel


Solia by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Light and the Sun.


Vinera by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Nature


Lunia by RolePlayGateway

Land of Shadows


Aquaria by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Water and Ice

Vitae Regni

Vitae Regni by SolanaNight

The Magical Continent that makes up the world.

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Character Portrait: Alena Rose
0 sightings Alena Rose played by gezzygezzy
"I don't care about risking my life for the districts, but work with a dark bearer?"

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Serene Arisco
Character Portrait: Heather "Phantom" Shadeas
Character Portrait: Nagato Saenz
Character Portrait: Allura Anne Mae
Character Portrait: Lavindar (Lavi) Belladonna
Character Portrait: Sven Joseph Keading
Character Portrait: Ella Thorn
Character Portrait: Analea Samina Mae
Character Portrait: Andra Donar
Character Portrait: Atolia Silvervine
Character Portrait: Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis


Character Portrait: Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis
Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis

"Hmmph, you have a lot of nerve if you think you can fool me..."

Character Portrait: Atolia Silvervine
Atolia Silvervine

"What? Someone has eaten all the cake in the royal kitchen?! We must find the culprit! Oh wait... It was me..."

Character Portrait: Andra Donar
Andra Donar

"Fear? Yes I feel it. But I don??t let my feelings affect me."

Character Portrait: Analea Samina Mae
Analea Samina Mae

"So much pain and anguish, but it is neccessary."

Character Portrait: Ella Thorn
Ella Thorn

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine."

Character Portrait: Sven Joseph Keading
Sven Joseph Keading

"It's one big gamble. Everyone wear your poker face."

Character Portrait: Lavindar (Lavi) Belladonna
Lavindar (Lavi) Belladonna

"Do I know you?"

Character Portrait: Allura Anne Mae
Allura Anne Mae

"Well that wasn't much of a challenge, how boring."

Character Portrait: Nagato Saenz
Nagato Saenz

"What the f**k, did you just f**cking giggle!"

Character Portrait: Heather "Phantom" Shadeas
Heather "Phantom" Shadeas

"Well, what an.... intriguing outcome..."


Character Portrait: Ella Thorn
Ella Thorn

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine."

Character Portrait: Analea Samina Mae
Analea Samina Mae

"So much pain and anguish, but it is neccessary."

Character Portrait: Andra Donar
Andra Donar

"Fear? Yes I feel it. But I don??t let my feelings affect me."

Character Portrait: Lavindar (Lavi) Belladonna
Lavindar (Lavi) Belladonna

"Do I know you?"

Character Portrait: Allura Anne Mae
Allura Anne Mae

"Well that wasn't much of a challenge, how boring."

Character Portrait: Sven Joseph Keading
Sven Joseph Keading

"It's one big gamble. Everyone wear your poker face."

Character Portrait: Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis
Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis

"Hmmph, you have a lot of nerve if you think you can fool me..."

Character Portrait: Serene Arisco
Serene Arisco

'I hate war..'

Character Portrait: Atolia Silvervine
Atolia Silvervine

"What? Someone has eaten all the cake in the royal kitchen?! We must find the culprit! Oh wait... It was me..."

Character Portrait: Nagato Saenz
Nagato Saenz

"What the f**k, did you just f**cking giggle!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Serene Arisco
Serene Arisco

'I hate war..'

Character Portrait: Heather "Phantom" Shadeas
Heather "Phantom" Shadeas

"Well, what an.... intriguing outcome..."

Character Portrait: Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis
Seth-Lucas(Lucas) Noxis

"Hmmph, you have a lot of nerve if you think you can fool me..."

Character Portrait: Atolia Silvervine
Atolia Silvervine

"What? Someone has eaten all the cake in the royal kitchen?! We must find the culprit! Oh wait... It was me..."

Character Portrait: Andra Donar
Andra Donar

"Fear? Yes I feel it. But I don??t let my feelings affect me."

Character Portrait: Ella Thorn
Ella Thorn

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine."

Character Portrait: Nagato Saenz
Nagato Saenz

"What the f**k, did you just f**cking giggle!"

Character Portrait: Sven Joseph Keading
Sven Joseph Keading

"It's one big gamble. Everyone wear your poker face."

Character Portrait: Analea Samina Mae
Analea Samina Mae

"So much pain and anguish, but it is neccessary."

Character Portrait: Allura Anne Mae
Allura Anne Mae

"Well that wasn't much of a challenge, how boring."

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Terranae by RolePlayGateway

Empire's crown jewel


Solia by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Light and the Sun.


Vinera by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Nature


Lunia by RolePlayGateway

Land of Shadows


Aquaria by RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Water and Ice

Vitae Regni

Vitae Regni by SolanaNight

The Magical Continent that makes up the world.

Vitae Regni

The Magical Continent that makes up the world.


Vitae Regni Vinera Owner: RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Nature


Vitae Regni Terranae Owner: RolePlayGateway

Empire's crown jewel


Vitae Regni Aquaria Owner: RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Water and Ice


Vitae Regni Solia Owner: RolePlayGateway

Kingdom of Light and the Sun.


Vitae Regni Lunia Owner: RolePlayGateway

Land of Shadows

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