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Aldric Von Hardt

The First Werewolf.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Scorpion01



Name: Aldric

Surname: Von Hardt

Alias/Nickname: Wolf-Man, Mutt, Monster

Place of Birth: Exact Location unknown, Germany.

DOB: Unknown; around the 1st Century AD

Age: At least 2000 years old.

Family: None.

Occupation: Too many to list.

Blood-Type: B+

Criminal History: Most Notably: Numerous War Crimes; killing of innocents, friendly fire, striking superior officers (and killing them), Abuse of underlings, etc. Murder, Man-Slaughter, Hunting without a permit, public indecency, Unlawful possession of weapons, Treason, and Littering. Numerous Escapes from Numerous other prisons.

Subject has been alive for a very long time; it's possible he's committed far more crimes than imaginable; but these are what we have on file.

Mental Diagnostic: Patient suffers from Multiple Disorders, including: PTSD, Depression, Dissociative Identity Disorder. Image

The Main Dominant Personality displayed is that of a meek, tired, shy man who wants nothing more than to be left alone with his thoughts. He does not communicate very much with words, but rather with body language and small, hardly noticeable gestures. He speaks multiple languages fluently, as demonstrated during questioning whilst under hypnosis, these languages include Germanic, Gaelic, English, Latin, and to a lesser extent Ancient Egyptian. However, he chooses instead to communicate through bestial grunts and other assorted noises, such as growls, snarls, huffs, etc.

The Secondary Personality is drastically different; it is cold, angry, and very violent. Interaction with this personality is discouraged. Subject will yell, scream, and attempt to physically harm anything within the vicinity of his person. He is openly vocal in every language stated before hand, and is verbally abusive with almost every statement. Tied to a possible Forth-Personality, which is only verbally abusive and hostile, but not physically violent.

The Tertiary Personality has only been seen when transformed: It is entirely bestial, violent, and semi-sentient.

A Fourth personality is an extension of the second one, but is physically violent, and will engage anything just because it can.

Supernatural Powers: Unnatural Long Life: He has stated that he is unable to age, and is thus physically in his thirties, while also maintaining that he is well over two thousand years of age.

He has a regenerative Healing Factor that makes physical wounds heal much faster; bullets are forced out of his body as it heals itself, broken bones heal in a matter of days rather than weeks, hair and nail growth is constant, however he grooms himself when left to his own devices.

Shape-Shifting: This should go without saying. As the the first werewolf, he has the ability to transform his body into an anthropomorphic beast that his well over double his human size. He expresses extreme distaste for this form, and its personality, and does not like to discuss it. Reports have stated this form is Twelve feet in height, weighs at least half a ton, is covered in thick, shaggy fur from snout to tail-tip, and is almost entirely rippling muscle. Top Strength is unknown, top speed is unknown, average time in form before reverting back to human: Unknown.

Magic-Eye: As the legend of the werewolf goes, he stole a Magic Eye from a witch in order to gain power. When Active, it glows Crimson, but otherwise is Amber permanently This Magic Eye grants Aldric all sorts of abilities, both wanted and un-wanted, and is still being explored. Currently known: Image transmission - it can transmit a perfect image of what it sees to other Magically receptive people. Future-Sight - It presents possibilities for certain events.

Triggers: Blood - The smell of blood makes the Secondary Personality emerge, his eyes become Amber in color, and if not removed from the area or sedated, he will eventually begin to Shift.

-Blades - He has been around long enough to know what they do, and he does not like them. He is openly afraid, and will do whatever he can to avoid them, even kill the person wielding one; even if it is in a non-threatening way.

-Chains and Shackles - He is already imprisoned, he hates to be reminded of the fact. He will mentally break down and attempt to hide himself if he so much as hears the clanking of chains.

-Being called a "Dog, Mutt, Monster, etc." - Openly hostile, possible fourth Personality, more than likely related solely to second personality. Wrathful and verbally abusive.

-Loud, Sudden noises - Having fought in numerous wars throughout the centuries of his life, he has developed a distaste for anything loud, and when confronted with loud, sudden noises such as bangs, alarms, explosions or even gunshots, he will do one of two things: Become a sobbing mess and hide, or revert to his Secondary Personality, becoming visibly and verbally Violent.

-Silver - he is passively afraid of Silver, as it is one of his known weaknesses. He will try to avoid it under most circumstances, and screams in excruciating pain if it touches his bare skin.

Ideal Environment and Stimuli For Them: Subject prefers a dimly lit room with comfortable furniture. Insists he be provided a desk to sit at. Loves to Read anything he can get his hands on, also writes. A lot. Previous cells still have the markings he'd written onto the walls, sometimes with his own blood. Prefers a simple pen and journal.

Most of this is pending approval; found out via hypnosis interview.

Personality: See Diagnosis for DID.

History: He is the first werewolf. It was he who stole the witch's eye, it was he who was cursed to transform into the first thing he killed: A Wolf, under the full moon, and it was he who started the legend. He is the legend. He has lived for Two thousand years at the least, where the first sightings were written down by the Ancient Greeks. Follow the story through time and you follow him. He has fought in numerous wars while in numerous armies. He fought with the Romans in their Legions, he fought with the Britons to throw out Rome, and to conquer the British Isles, he fought with the Irish and Scottish for freedom, with the Americans for independence, in both world-wars, and Vietnam. It is unsure how he managed to enlist so many times without being recognized, one could assume his DID was much more shattered, with numerous personalities, all with different names and histories, rather than the two he mainly displays now. He has been in a slew of troubles since the late 19th century, escaping and being recaptured from and by numerous prison facilities, including Guantanamo Bay, and Alcatraz.

Relationship to Other Inmates: Subject believes he would not get along with any of them; prefers to be left alone.

Progress: Minimal. Hypnosis Interviews are slow, but effective. More needs to be done.

So begins...

Aldric Von Hardt's Story

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Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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The Woods were chilling tonight.

Not in the sense that it was a cold night, nor in the sense that they were naturally just creepy. But tonight, something was off. The wind carried an extra voice. The voice, or voices, of Aldric Von Hardt. The first werewolf. Clutching his face, palm over his Magic Eye, he mumbled incessantly to himself. Three voices fighting for control.

One voice was tired but strong, and wanted nothing more than to curl up and go to sleep. The second voice was angry and feral. It spoke almost entirely in Irish, and spoke of going into the nearby Hayslem city and killing everyone. The third voice was entirely bestial - nothing but snarls and growls, and the occasional howl. His Magic eye Glowed a bright Crimson, his regular eye a dim Amber as he fought off the urge to shift slowly. There was nothing more in this life that Aldric hated more than shifting to his cursed Wolf form.

The Magic Eye called out to a Source of Magic, pulsing and giving away its location. Showing it directly what it saw, which right now was Aldric's palm and the forest floor through the fingers, curled painfully tight against his forehead in protest.

"No! NO! NO!!" He kept repeating to himself. Numerous Languages, each one a different tone and emotion. Aldric's Shattered mind was fighting against itself. He wore tattered but baggy rags that covered most of his body, leaving only his eyes visible, besides his razor sharp teeth as they flashed in the moonlight while he spoke to himself.

"Help me. Someone. You don't need help! You need flesh. Kill everything. Tear it to shreds! N-no. We need to sleep. We'll know where we are then. I know where we are. Hayslem city is across the forest. Go. Kill them all.[i] [i]Feast on their flesh, bitch. You know you want to. Useless, disgusting mutt. You did this to yourself."

Thus the internal and external arguments between Aldric and himself continued, unending as he stumbled through the forest towards Hayslem city.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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#, as written by Awinita
Within the home that Vitas called her own upon Origin within Hayslem City. A holo floated in the air in the center of the throne room like room. Not that many could rthink of it differently as the walls were clockwork, shifting like a kaldeiscope of landscapes and movements. Multiplying upon itself endlessly thanks to her raw magic. the news report was simple, a farm destroyed. The barn and its equipment unharmed, but the owner dead and the farm animals ravaged. A slender hand waved at the holo, forcing it to grow in size and encompass the whole viewing space. To show everything the cameraman had seen.

Then she felt it. A slight smile on her lips. Spike trundled down the stairs, looking a bit worse for wear, the passport people were going to be all over this in a heartbeat. "Seeing things again ?" Spike asked seeing Vitas staring at the ruined farm on the holo. "That's been on the news all morning already. You'd think by now they'd find who did it"

"They wont have to" Came the oddly calm and surprisingly gentle voice of Vitas as she sat upon the egyptian styled throne staring at the ruined farm on the holo. "He's back. And close. We portal there by my magic, and we can bring him home safely"

"him ? You mean Mark Wolfe ? I thought you and he were through ?" Spike said

"No, not him, Aldric, the one who helped me find you" Vitas replied, "If it were not for him you'd still be dead and I'd still be searching." Vitas smiled. She stood from the throne, the red dress she wore hugged her form nicely and she pointed to the holo as Spike stepped into view of it. "That farm, he was there. Something's wrong...." She went silent, she felt it. "He needs us..." She turned and focused on Spike, "Bring your guns, if I remember rightly, he is scared of blades"

"What ?" Spike was clueless to what Vitas meant, Spike always carried her .45s in their holsters on her stomach area, hidden cleverly so by her dress.

"Trust me." Vitas said, the holo faded away and Vitas flicked her wrist. The wall swirled madly into a smoke ringed portal that lead to a wooded area, thick woods infact.

"I'll also bring a acidic umbrella" Spike mumbled. Thankful for once that Vitas magic even protected their clothing from the acid rain. The two women stepped through the portal into the forest.

The woods were fairly thick, yet only thick enough to allow privacy, and in this case allowed isolation. Vitas spotted a trail she was to apparently follow. Spike spread her wings and took to the sky rather clumsly and somehow manged to safely land on a tree trunk a good dozen meters into the air to look around. Leaving Vitas on the forrest floor alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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"Fresh meat. It has brought itself."

"The eye provides for us."

"N-no! Stay away! They'll kill you!" Aldric's fractured voices were whispering and shouting at each other. The first to speak was in Ancient Egyptian. The second in Latin, the last in heavily accented English, the Germanic accent strongly placing its mark. "They already killed that farmer and his cows.... Leave now!"

"Shut up, mutt. You're still hungry and you know it."

"The eye will see our belly full. Just you wait.

The Rustling of the underbrush gave away his position as he stalked through the forest, trying to head away, and then towards, and then back away from Vitas and Spike. His pace and path were erratic, but once he was close enough, the glow of his eyes likewise gave him away.


A sudden mixture of all of Aldric's personalities came out, all of the different voices and languages spewing out at the same time in an ethereal haze as he stared at Vitas. Slowly his hand lowered from the Magic eye, the ominous Crimson glow encompassing Vitas' form as he became transfixed.

"You of all people.... shouldn't be here..."

"You abandoned us."

"Left us for dead."

"Used us for our purpose and then forgot all about us."

All of his voices were speaking English now, and his body began to lurch towards her as each one fought for control. Each one wanted to kill her, even the meekest and most mild of his personalities was simply along for the ride, unable to control itself. The madness within Aldric's mind needed more than a doctor or simple magic spell to fix.

It'd need a Damned Miracle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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#, as written by Awinita
Vitas didnt even seem to be scared. infact she appeared bored, possibly sad to see how far Aldric had come since they last saw the other. "So this is where you have been hiding" She mused simply. She had forbgotten about him yes, she had things to attend to in Sacremento at the time, and had been beheaded at the time too, but that is another story entirely. She looked at the ragged man before her ,struggling for control of himself as currently three personae dramatis advanced on her. And it wasnt going to be an easy magic spell to calm him down either. Not at this rate.

"Yes" She said at last. She needed his help to finding Spike's body and ressurect her friend, who now hovered in the tree tops scared out of her wits. "But I did not plan to abandon you. I wanted to help you. Aldric. Because none else would." But when she had recovered Spike, they had to flee the area so quickly there hadnt been time to fall back and get him on the way. And then Spike ended up in Nirn of all places, the world of a hologame that Spike liked to play.

Infact for all Vitas knew it was only about two maybe three weeks since she had last seen Aldric. But clearly to him it had been much much longer.

Finally Vitas sighed and looked calmly at the towering wolfman before her. No, not wolf, but man, Aldric was a man. A man in her care. And he wasnt a prisoner either. IOnfact when he was wioth her, he was free to go as he liked within the mirrors. "The farm is all over the holonet and news channels here. Passport officals and hunters will be swarming here soon. And dont say you can handle them. In that state, you can barely handle me. You need food, and medical care, and I can provide both."

She stared him down as he advanced. When he was nearly at arms reach she spoke anew. Her voice calm and betraying no fear. "I wanted to go back for you, to get you from that place. But things had changed and I had to face...... internal.... difficulties of my own" She said, never backing down or showing fear. Vitas was calm, and the muddy forest floor only made her barefeet quite wet, but she didnt care. "But now you are here, On the same world as I am. And I can help you."

A brief shard of glas floated nearby as a mirror formed from the ground before fading away. Vitas dismissed the magic as quickly as it formed. Vitas held out a hand toewards Aldric as Spike alighted from the treetops to the ground and very briefly Vitas magic lit up the small area into a somewhat properly decerning level of light so one could see clearly yet not be blinded.

A rather evil thought then crossed hner mind, something that could possibly also benefit Aldric, if he wanted to eat, and as threateningly scared out of his wits as he was right then, then perhaps he could be of help while she helped him. And she could still help him. She knew there was conflict within him as Spike stepped into view. Thankfully he could see her wings were feathers, not swords or otherwise. Just beautiful feathers. "Aldric. Let us help you" A brief gaze to Spike saw that she towered over the man by a good four feet. Help this guy, certainly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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"She lies to us."

"She'll just kill you."

"From the heavens descends fresh meat." Aldric's normal eye focused on Spike as she came into view, the Amber Glow intensifying. His Magic Eye kept its focus on Vitas, however, transfixed on her, unblinking, the Crimson glowed harder. He blinked as the mirror shards began to appear, and his Amber eye returned to Vitas, his back beginning to straighten as he drew to his full height. Despite losing his muscle mass, Aldric was still a hefty seven feet tall, and his bone structure was broad and strong. One look at him, and one could tell he was a warrior by nature.

But he was broken and unpredictable.

"Help... me?" his gaze softened, and for the briefest of moments, his more gentle personality took a hold. It was then that Vitas would be able to calm him with her magic, and get him where she needed him to be for the rehabilitation to continue.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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#, as written by Awinita
Vitas nodded. "Yes, You helped me in getting Spike back. If it wasnt for you, she wouldnt be with us now" Vitas said, Spike threw a look at her but said nothing. Spike recalled a boy, Jack Winters, who had disappeared without notice the day before. Both Aldric and Jack were needed to help find and get Spike back in one piece. Vitas stepped closer to thje now much calmer and less freaked out Aldric, her hand still raised to him for him to take. "Come home with us."

Briefly she was tempted to throw some magic at him to calm him, but she knew for a fact, she needed him calmer, she needed him to take her hand, to trust her. they werent in the institute anymore. Infact, Vitas had the montary backing to shut it downentirely!

However, even without the mirrors. Aldric could easily see that, before getting Spike back, her face was corrupted by dark unholy power, But now, her face was once again soft, gentle, unmarred by scars or dark magic. Spike crossed her arms, she thought this was a very bad idea, but she said nothing for the moment.It wasnt that she didnt trust the man before her. But if Vitas did, so did Spike.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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His memories swirled. She indeed no longer looked as evil as she did when he was in the Asylum where she found him. She was a lot nicer to look at, prettier too. Her friend, who apparently he had helped find and save, wasn't half bad looking either. The other Aldric's could at least agree on this much. Still, however, they fought amongst each other for control over the metaphorical control-panel that ran Aldric's body.

And while they did that, an unforeseen personality nudged one of the levers, and Aldric's hand landed in Vitas' hand gently. His hand tightened at first with the static feeling, but then his whole body relaxed, warmth filling him. To Vitas, the world around him would begin to shimmer and warp as the numerous Personalities of Aldric became visible. All of them were well built, strong men. One had a beard, and looked like he wanted nothing more than to sleep, but nevertheless argued over control. One was ragged looking, as if he'd come out of a war, and was shouting the loudest and angriest. Another was half-shifted, and snarled the whole time. One more still was entirely shifted, and looked ready to tear out all of their throats as he towered over the human counterparts.

But there was another, far in the back of Aldric's consciousness, that said and did nothing. He merely sat in what appeared to be the throne of a Gaulic War Chief. He was adorned in beautiful but intimidating Leather Armor, and wore the pelt of a Wolf over his head, the eyes staring endlessly into her soul while the pelt draped over his body warmly. This personality's eyes, however, were closed, and crying tears of blood.

Looking back to the other personalities would reveal that many of them only had one eye. Either his own, or the Magic Eye, each one glowing its own color. The Magic Eye Crimson, and his own a bright Amber. But even that wasn't right. Aldric's real eye was Emerald. The personality's chest rose and fell with a breath, and he faded away. The fighting became louder, and Aldric's hand gripped tighter around Vitas' slender hand.

"Please... make them stop." He whispered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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#, as written by Awinita
He wanted her to make the voices stop, to leave him in control. the seemingly weak one, the one who simoply wanted peace. But it was the Eye that was the problem. Her raw magic was strong, she was after all, a Source of Magic. But the Eye was different, something she had only heard about in legends and folklore. Within the Minds Eye, so t pspeak, Aldrics Heart was surrounded by darkness. and everything had a price. He wanted her to silence the other voices, make them stop fighting, and leave him in control.

For a fleeting second ortwo she saw a personality, Aldrics true persona, with the emerald eye.


Magic flowed, and briefly clashed violently with the Eye, and yet it calmed just as quickly as it started. From her vantage point Spike could only see the fine hairs of Aldrics skin stick out like he'd been shocked, and around the two energies swirled briefly from their feet. like the impact zone of a crater.

Within the Mind's Eye, Vitas followed the trail left by the truye personality of Aldric. Finding the poor creature scared out of his wits. But with her presence, and the calm that she left in her wake. Aldric could soon indeed have control over himself the way he was meant to.

Upon 'waking up' and letting go of Aldrics hand when the magic had done its work, she asked him simply. "How do you feel ?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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The true personality on his throne opened its eyes, and revealed empty sockets as Vitas approached. Howver she didnt stop, and as she grew closer. The Magic Eye appeared once more, presenting one last push against her. Still she persisted, and finally, as she awoke the personality, the Emerald Eye in the remaining socket opened.

And the world fell away.

"I feel... lost. I've been sleeping for far too long... ever since the eye took hold." He answered. His voice had a thick Germanic accent, and was gruff and deep. The type of voice many women fantasize about in their teenage years.

"But you have woken me up... and put the children to sleep... at least for now." He added. "I am Aldric as he was before The Eye split my emotions into individual personalities. I am the Gaulic War Chief who stole the Eye from the witch, and whi slaughtered the Wolf Pack she sent after me. I am Aldric Von Hardt of Gaul. The War Chief that the Romans couldnt bring to heel." He introduced himself, fully and finally.

"I am the Aldric you seek at the end of your games with the children." His eye twitched, and Amber swirled in the Emerald Iris. "I do not have much time. The Eye is already waking them up, and they are fighting for control again."

The Magic Eye glowed Crimson, the Iris shifting and becoming a pentagram, and then a hexagram, and so on and so forth. An intricate magic circle formed, flashed twice, and returned to a regular Crimson Iris.

"Bring this body with you while i am still in control. You'll find less resistance before the meek one takes control again."

Finally, Aldric looked to Spike, blinking slowly. "The Vulgar Child likes you. He likes you a lot." He said with a smirk. He looked back to Vitas. "The Meek one trusts you, and harbors... oh my. Lets say he likes you as well. Perhaps you can use it to your advantage before putting him and the other children to sleep."

His eyes twitched again, and he grunted. "Not much time left. Take me home." He held out a hand, the other going to cover the magic eye in plain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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The true personality on his throne opened its eyes, and revealed empty sockets as Vitas approached. Howver she didnt stop, and as she grew closer. The Magic Eye appeared once more, presenting one last push against her. Still she persisted, and finally, as she awoke the personality, the Emerald Eye in the remaining socket opened.

And the world fell away.

"I feel... lost. I've been sleeping for far too long... ever since the eye took hold." He answered. His voice had a thick Germanic accent, and was gruff and deep. The type of voice many women fantasize about in their teenage years.

"But you have woken me up... and put the children to sleep... at least for now." He added. "I am Aldric as he was before The Eye split my emotions into individual personalities. I am the Gaulic War Chief who stole the Eye from the witch, and whi slaughtered the Wolf Pack she sent after me. I am Aldric Von Hardt of Gaul. The War Chief that the Romans couldnt bring to heel." He introduced himself, fully and finally.

"I am the Aldric you seek at the end of your games with the children." His eye twitched, and Amber swirled in the Emerald Iris. "I do not have much time. The Eye is already waking them up, and they are fighting for control again."

The Magic Eye glowed Crimson, the Iris shifting and becoming a pentagram, and then a hexagram, and so on and so forth. An intricate magic circle formed, flashed twice, and returned to a regular Crimson Iris.

"Bring this body with you while i am still in control. You'll find less resistance before the meek one takes control again."

Finally, Aldric looked to Spike, blinking slowly. "The Vulgar Child likes you. He likes you a lot." He said with a smirk. He looked back to Vitas. "The Meek one trusts you, and harbors... oh my. Lets say he likes you as well. Perhaps you can use it to your advantage before putting him and the other children to sleep."

His eyes twitched again, and he grunted. "Not much time left. Take me home." He held out a hand, the other going to cover the magic eye in plain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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The true personality on his throne opened its eyes, and revealed empty sockets as Vitas approached. Howver she didnt stop, and as she grew closer. The Magic Eye appeared once more, presenting one last push against her. Still she persisted, and finally, as she awoke the personality, the Emerald Eye in the remaining socket opened.

And the world fell away.

"I feel... lost. I've been sleeping for far too long... ever since the eye took hold." He answered. His voice had a thick Germanic accent, and was gruff and deep. The type of voice many women fantasize about in their teenage years.

"But you have woken me up... and put the children to sleep... at least for now." He added. "I am Aldric as he was before The Eye split my emotions into individual personalities. I am the Gaulic War Chief who stole the Eye from the witch, and whi slaughtered the Wolf Pack she sent after me. I am Aldric Von Hardt of Gaul. The War Chief that the Romans couldnt bring to heel." He introduced himself, fully and finally.

"I am the Aldric you seek at the end of your games with the children." His eye twitched, and Amber swirled in the Emerald Iris. "I do not have much time. The Eye is already waking them up, and they are fighting for control again."

The Magic Eye glowed Crimson, the Iris shifting and becoming a pentagram, and then a hexagram, and so on and so forth. An intricate magic circle formed, flashed twice, and returned to a regular Crimson Iris.

"Bring this body with you while i am still in control. You'll find less resistance before the meek one takes control again."

Finally, Aldric looked to Spike, blinking slowly. "The Vulgar Child likes you. He likes you a lot." He said with a smirk. He looked back to Vitas. "The Meek one trusts you, and harbors... oh my. Lets say he likes you as well. Perhaps you can use it to your advantage before putting him and the other children to sleep."

His eyes twitched again, and he grunted. "Not much time left. Take me home." He held out a hand, the other going to cover the magic eye in plain.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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#, as written by Awinita
Spike did not like where things were headed, and yet Vitas was a calm woman and her magic spread from her and around her. Making things incredibly easy to keep track of. But her magic was strong too. but was it strong enough to properly calm the Old Wolf ? She hoped so. So naturally Spike kept watch.

As she did so, Vitas and Aldric both entered a brief trance as Vitas magic spread up his arm where she touched it. The magic dancved upon his skin and formed a natural skin coloration. A calming feeling entered his heart and beat back the raw energy that formed his inner demons. calming them all, but it took a bit of doing, and a lot of powerful magic to overcome the strange Eye. the last time Vitas had seen him, the eye was not present.

With Spike keeping watch, Vitas slowly brought Aldic back to the land of the sensible

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Spike Character Portrait: Lady Vitas Warmoon Character Portrait: Aldric Von Hardt
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The land of the Sensible had an air of calmness now that the true Aldric was in control. "Hurry. The eye will wake the children soon." He said. That deep, rumbling voice soothing the surrounding area. The kind of voice that many girls fantasized about in their most private moments. He lowered his hand from the magic Eye, a simple crimson glow to the iris.

After a moment, the iris colapsed into a single line. Then a cross. A triangle. Back to normal. The world shook.

"Open the portal, Vitas." He urged.