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The Reminiscent » Places

Places in The Reminiscent

This is a list of locations that can be found in The Reminiscent.

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London, England

1 posts · 4 characters present · last post 2015-08-05 02:27:59 »





Listening To Lotus by Secret Garden


    Kinsley fell out of the tree she had just perched herself on, landing on the snow blanketed ground, sending up a puff of snowflakes in her wake.

    She didn’t feel the brunt of it, as the snow was pilled so high it broke her fall, or at least, softened the blow, yet it was enough to pull her out of reality almost in shock. Turning her head when she faintly heard a voice of someone calling her name, her vision ended up being too blurry to quite make out a face from so far away. All she saw was the pure whiteness of the snow stain a vibrant red that smelt of copperβ€” blood. From her best guess, she most likely smacked her head on a branch on her way down, causing a wound to the head. Once she became aware of that fact, she grew conscious of the splitting headache that pounded through her head, all the while still hearing and being aware of the one voice calling her name, and the arms that lifted her off of the cold yet soft ground.

    Someone was shaking her, by the shoulders causing her to snap out of her nostalgic like dream.

    β€œWhat, is the cabin on fire?” Kinsley groggily gasped as she shot up in bed, frantically looking around the surroundings only to notice she was nearly inches away from one of her cabin-mates faces, Elizabeth, looking pissed off and tired. β€œYou have to meet up with a newbie soon. Official Cork Head was just banging on the door, but you sleep like a bloody rock.” Kinsley brought her knees up to her chest, covering her tired face with her hands as she let out a soft groan. Racking her mind, she tried to exactly remember what one Official Cork Head was, obviously named after their cork-headedness. It didn’t take long to remember she was the tall and slender blonde woman who was often found applying excessive amounts of lipstick every fifteen or so minutes and bragging about her life to every other official or camp-slave she came across. Most officials, i.e the ones who ran this place and watched over them, had nicknames all the kids in the camp knew them as.

    Swinging her legs and throwing the itchy grey blanket off herself, she brushed her hair behind her ear, looking around the dark cabin where six bunk beds, made for a twelve person cabin, sat. Currently there were only eight people residing in this current run-down cabin, which means any new people would be sent there way to fill it right back up. It was a usual thing by now, the act of people leaving the cabin for various reasons, only to get their spots filled up as soon as they brought in another round of kids- which only happened maybe every two months with very few. Now, just because people left the cabin didn’t mean it was because they got free of the camp, that hadn’t happened yet. Sometimes it was transfers to other camps, sometimes they had a psychotic break and had to be put in separate quarters and parts of the camp. Sometimes there were deaths. No matter the fact, nothing was for sure here.

    Kinsley mumbled a thanks to Elizabeth who took the chance to just nod and slip back into her bed and fall back asleep. Picking up the issued watches everyone got on her nigh stand, she fastened it on her wrist and noticed it was 6:30 in the morning. It was fairly early, half an hour before wake up time and when all shuffled into the breakfast hall. They always bring new people at this time, so the guides like her could take them through the day as it started and ended. She had given so many β€˜tours’ at this point, but she was fine with it. It was always the cabins leaders job, to show around new cabin mates. And how one got to be cabin leaders exactly? Well, it’s a seniority rank. She had been there the longest, hence, she’s the leader who's only job other then to show newbies around was to make sure everyone was tucked in at night and everyone was fine. She actually had more seniority then most in the camp. Yeah, the camp hasn’t been around for too long, just around two years, but she arrived with the first batch of twenty kids they brought. Only three of them, including her, were still in the camp.

    It was well known what happened to what many call The Firsts, rumours or not. They were the ones who got tortured the most about their Daemons, they were the ones who got the early testings that proved un helpful. A little more then half the kids died within three months time through what many assume was the act of the officials testing on their daemons on another private location, killing them, which they soon realized killed their other halves as well. Five more snapped, their connections becoming lost to their daemons from separation anxiety and maybe other effects. They just became lifeless shells, shuffling along to the routine of things. The other two were transferred, Kinsley having no idea what happened to them in the end.

    Opening up the drawers which held all the clothes, she quickly grabbed whatever and threw it on, running her fingers through her hair like a comb. The clothes they got issued were work clothes, and everyone got two shirts, two pants, and a pair of work books. The girls generally pilled all theres together as each was different, so they got a variety of whatever fit.

    Sneaking out of the cabin quietly, so that the other girls wouldn’t wake before they needed too, Kinsley made her way down to the head office where the new people would probably be finishing up their initially questioning. It was basic, they just make a report on them, ask the few questions of if they know how they got their Daemons, when they came into their lives, about their histories. Then they get told in as much detail as the officials will give about what the camp is, what their goal is. Most people are too numb to listen.

    β€œEnzi, you awake?” Kinsley thought, hoping to get through to her own other half as she made the short stroll. β€˜Yeah, how did you sleep? her jackal quickly questioned back. β€œAs good as expected I suppose, but I’m about to go show around someone. Did any Daemons arrive where you are at?” she hoped. β€˜Yes, there’s a boy named Vulpis, and a girl named Lutra.’ Kinsley nodded. to herself, knowing Enzi wouldn’t be able to see. So there were at least two newbies. β€œAlright, how’s it all going down there? Are you alright?” She questioned, opening up the wooden door and plopping herself down on a chair. β€˜Yes, I’m fine. but Kinsley theres something weird going on. You know how I said Asrai looked familiar and you said Killian did to you as well?’ He admitted. β€œYes, I remember.” She thought back, clearly confused.

    β€œWell it’s the same, Kinsy. Vulpis and Lutra have the same familiarity.”
