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Xoenia has fallen to discrimination and fear, it is facing it's first war. Be apart of it's history and fight for what you believe in. Fight for Xoenia.

856 readers have visited Xoenia since Waste. created it.


'For Xoenia!'

A History.

In the beginning there was just one race living in Xoenia, they had pale skin and brightly coloured hair, they were tribal at first, powerful, golden or silver eyed.
The first race to come over to Xoenia were people who called themselves Cat. They were human like people who could transform fully or partially into large cats. The Xeonian’s fell in love with this species almost instantly and welcomed them.
Next came Maizelish fairy like creatures with astounding beauty, they were tall and thin with sharp ears and slanted faces who brought magic to Xoenia, (Magic comes from certain strange objects, known as Maize pieces) and they too were welcomed.
And then there were the Scaled, reptile people who were covered in scales with thick tails and a pointed face, they had no resemblance to the other races until the sun shone and they had a human form once again. They had a way with fire and they were accepted.
The fifth race to join Xoenia came from Shadow, a land far away that they claimed had fallen into the ocean, no one really trusted the shadow people with they dark grey skin and wicked eyes, they had an ability to contort shadow, darkening a room, making it cold. None the less they were accepted.

For hundreds of years the people of Xoenia have been evolving quickly these races mixing together, peacefully, some parents so infused with different races they never know what their child will look like, and this suited their world just fine as no one was discriminated upon. Government ran smoothly, everything worked and everybody was happy, and at peace.

Until two hundred years ago when a new government came to power, no one is sure of how they weaselled their way in but they stripped the old laws bare and set up new ones, completely new ones. The government claimed to have been an ancient society, they were pure, the only remaining true Xeonian’s. They had been biding their time for years and building up their armies underground, they are a strong race untainted by others, only focusing on perfecting their own people. No one could stop them, the very idea of a soldier had not even been thought of, armies simply did not exist and fighting was a word that was only heard of in stories.

Under the Xoenian’s rule only the pure mattered, races from other countries had come to settle in Xoenia thousands of years ago, the few of these who had remained pure were catapulted into wealth and popularity. If you were part of this minority, or could prove that you had two or less different races in you then you were instantly given the title “Xoenian.” This title brought much discrimination to the people of Xoenia, the ‘Mutts’ as the more mixed were soon called hated Xoenian’s and the Xoenian’s hated the Mutts. Over two hundred years the Mutt’s fell into slums and poverty, a few of them were wealthy but never in the same circle as an Xoenian. The Xoenian Government cared only about themselves; only passing laws that made their lives better or the Mutt’s worse.

Present day.
These are the men and women of Xoenia who are either pure blood or half blood, they can also be people who have come over from other countries and stayed pure.
Pure Blood Xeonian’s have pale skin and brightly coloured hair, their eyes are usually gold or silver. They are tall and powerful wearing only the finest clothes. The males of this race appear feminine, wearing jewels and makeup to show off their wealth. They are stronger and faster than any other race but have no real powers, unless trained in magic which is considered to be a filthy art, however they do have a very good ability to persuade others and get their own way.
Half Blood Xoenian’s can be a mixture of any two different races, their appearance differs greatly depending on the race that they are.
Other pure bloods look exactly like their race did when they first settled in Xoenia.
Xoenian’s are rich and powerful, owning the main business’s in Xoenia and often not having to work at all. Most deal in politics and hate Mutts.
They can: Kill a Mutt if they are being threatened by one.
Skip the line if there are Mutt’s in front of them.
Go anywhere they want, when they want.
Get away with most of the things that are considered crimes if Mutt’s do them.
And much more.
Currently Xoenian’s have become crowded in the centre of the capital city and are pushing out, taking over slums and rebuilding them into large, wealthy homes. They are pushing the Mutt’s further out where decent housing is a rare find. So The government is talking of passing a law that will give cities of more than 10,000 Xoenian citizens the option to outlaw Mutt’s. Obviously the capital city will instantly outlaw these people, as will most other cities. They expect there to be some form of protest but nothing more than a peaceful march.

These are the people who have three or more different races in them. They live in the slums or ruins of the cities in Xoenia.
Mutt’s can take on many appearances; they can practically look however they want as long as it is a mixture of the appearances of three or more of the five races listed above. However some rule of evolution has reduced them to having just one power or none at all. (There are four powers given by the races: The power to use a Maize piece, the power to contort shadows, the power to change fire and the power to transform fully or partially into a cat)
They can’t: Talk to a Xoenian unless they have been spoken too first.
Go into the centre of their cities where Xoenian’s live, there is a distinct line.
Put a toe out of line without being prosecuted.
And much Less.
Currently they have no say in their future, they haven’t for two hundred years. But rumors are flying about in the slums of Monument, some of the Mutts want to hold a protest against this new law but many of them know that it will not work; some of these want a rebellion rather than a protest. These Mutt’s gather in a single group, plotting. They think that the best time to attack would be during the annual Festival of Souls, a rich gathering of Pure Bloods to send their dead to the next world. At this time the Pure Blood’s are at their weakest so it seems an ideal time to stage an uprising. This will cause the first war Xoenia has ever seen.

Toggle Rules

Here is the important part:
Your character is neither God, pitifully emo, perfect or even Jesus.
I also ask for reasonable detail when posting profiles, your profile will show your IC capability.
Romance is allowed.
Two character per person maximum..
Your character may not be god but in this RP I am, in the sense that what I say goes.

Please state in your history which side you are on and your feelings towards this war. Remembering that the Xoenian’s will have no idea that a war is in the making, they just think it will cause a small stir.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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#, as written by syrafay
At Liliana's words, an icy chill went up Ayanna's spine. Easy to read? Does that mean they found out her secret? Ayanna forced herself to breathe and numbly followed them into the cafe. She was stuck in her musings when she realized that Nina and Liliana were bickering. At first, she thought they were angry and would have moved to stop them, but their banter seemed so friendly and so relaxed. It was more like chatter between friends. She giggled at their little debate and glanced at Rae, giggling again when she caught him blushing. Shaking her head, she sat down beside Nina and adjusted her veil a bit so it was more open, allowing her to cool down, but still covering her ears. The act of fixing her veil caused her to remember Liliana's words again. Cautiously glancing in between the two sisters, she decided they couldn't know the truth, but she needed to be more careful. Just because they hadn't found out yet, doesn't mean they couldn't in the future. Covering up her anxiousness, Ayanna smiled.

"Oh, Rae. I never knew you were so popular," she teased, enjoying his embarrassment, then, she turned to Nina and smiled warmly, "And I'd like to be friends with you as well, both of you." She shot another smile at Liliana and picked up her menu. For some reason, she was craving something sweet.

Rae was blushing furiously, and he knew it, but he couldn't get himself to stop. He knew they were just kidding, but for some reason, he was so embarrassed. He sat down between Ayanna and Liliana and kept quiet, hoping not to draw attention to himself. At Ayanna's comment, he glared in her direction. He didn't get embarrassed often, so she must really be enjoying his discomfort. As they settled, Rae pretended to be glancing over his menu. Liliana had said something earlier, something Rae had been unable to hear, but whatever it was had momentarily brought terror into Ayanna's eyes. She seemed fine now, but he couldn't be sure. He made a note to ask her about it later.

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#, as written by Waste.
Wisty put her hands on her hips as he walked away. He'd given her the option to follow so she did. Instead of marching in a soldier like way she ended up half skipping, half running after him. She ended up sort of bouncing into place beside him. She walked quickly beside him, peering up at him now. She smiled. "So, Sir, you didn't answer my question. Are you new here?" he was trying to get rid of her, and that was arousing her suspicions. At least it was making her day slightly more interesting. "Also, you mentioned being in a hurry, what could you possibly be rushing off to do?"

She matched his pace, walking with her back straight and her head held high. She slit her eyes to him, smiling again. She liked it when something was happening, anything that gave her a chance to prove herself was welcome. Imagine if this man turned out to be some sort of gang leader, that'd be enough to have her rise at least one rank. She hoped.

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“I’m so glad that he is ok, he was so kind to us and I could not bare the idea that he had been harmed because of us.” Pazya sat back in her seat, pocketing the elixir. Her hand reached out and was taken by her brother for a moment, she knew that he had been worried to. Tzar had become more than a contact to them, he had been one of their few friends and they had valued his open reception every time they arrived. She relaxed a little in her seat, more of her glamour dropping to reveal just how slender she was, after all in her height and build she could resemble a Maizelish half breed as easily as cat; now though her features blended perfectly. She sighed, brushing her fingers along the edge of the table, eyes teary with the fact they would not see their friend again.

“Paz, didn’t you say one of the majors was coming back for a few days?” Zemar asked, ignoring the questioning look Talan gave him, thinking their family affairs if unknown to them, should say that way. He switched his careful gaze form one brother to the other, taking in Leo’s obvious brooding over the drink his sister had offered. He wondered to what extent the brothers were hindered by the illness, but supposed it was none of his business. Forced to meet with people they didn’t know, he couldn’t help but feel curious as to how they fit into the puzzle, the war was still at the beginning, but where it would go next he could not foretell. His fingers slipped into his pocket, brining out an old clock, even by modern standards and watched the seconds tick for a moment, they had not been here for long.

“I understand, you can not go to war ill. I will keep an ear out for what they might have planned, but I can do little more.” She shuddered “Sometimes I don’t feel I can do enough to help. It’s so hard to keep below and play dumb to all they say, boasting of wealth and purity..” She held herself back, not wanting to let her rage out in front of new people. Her bright blue eye burned with anger, but as she had said, there was so little information she could pass on, little more than whispers on the wind; if they were helpful, brilliant, if not there was nothing to be done. She rubbed her head against her shoulder, yellow ears pirked and fearful. They lived with the worry that every time they came into the mixed zone someone would recognize them, would sell them out for money or food; it led them to be suspicious.

Zemar moved to stand, walking around the room with his large ears pirked, he did not really wan to get into conversation with these people, they had no need of him. Long delicate fingers touched over each piercing he had, lying thick in his pointed ears, they were status marks to the rest of the world, stating that he was born of an Xoenian mother and that he was a half blood, each one ticking off his rank in the pecking order. He hated how easily he could be read by just a few holes in his ears, the class system so ingrained in his thoughts. These people did not need to show what they were, mutts had the luxury of being many things, of living with out such restrictions as to make him useless. He looked out one of the windows, a sigh held in his chest.

“Both Zemar and I need to take a swig of this each, otherwise they will know we are giving it away; you may have the rest of the bottle.” She smiled taking out the bottle once more and uncapping it. “It will give your body what it needs to fight. I hate to say this, but I do not think it will help your condition, but maybe I am wrong….” She sighed, taking back a gulp “It will make you feel healthier for at least a bit though. My patrons give them me; I used to give them to Tzar when they were given to me. If you like I will pass them to you if and when I get them.” She smiled passing it to her brother, the tast sending shivers down her spine.

“Thanks.” He spoke in hushed tones, his slick ears going back, he hated taking it because the sleazy men who fawned on her gave it as gifts. He took a small swig, letting the over sweet taste roll down his throat. He stepped across the space, letting the bottle rest on the table, a sharp clink coming from the meeting. The fur on the back of his neck stood up, feeling the small rush of energy fill him, he knew it would help keep him in appearance, but it made him feel little better.
“Thank you for your time, I’m so grateful for you to have told us about Tzar. I know we must be in your way, so we will make a move. If you need to get in contact with us, this is our house.” She slid the address over the table. “We have a few loyal men working under us, they pose as our slaves and they will let you in.” She gave them nod, letting them know she was once more ready to leave.

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Murkulk was making good time when she bobbed up along side him.
She seems far too happy about this. He thought. she was almost skipping.
“No, I’ve been here a while. You must not be as observant as you’d like to think.” He replied to her persistent interrogation. “And what I have to do is none of your business, I think you’ll find.” His tone was level despite the words seeming somewhat aggressive.

He looked at her out the corner of his eye, she looked far too confident. Well, two could play at that game. He led her on a merry dance of ‘shortcuts’ of which were made up of alleyways. He knew most of them off by heart, as to be never without a route of escape. All the while he kept up his extreme pace, still in hope that she would drop out of place.

By now he had a concealed hand over the hilt of one of his daggers. Maybe he could kill her off in one of the labyrinth like passageways. He liked that idea more than taking her back to his hideout.

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#, as written by Valor
Talan couldn't help but smile a little again as Pazya sounded so pleased to hear that Tzar was well. At least from that comment, he could tell how nice these people were. Some of the rebellion had cold hearts, turned to stone from years of hatred. It made him glad to see that not all were that way. His moment of happiness didn't last long though, as she also mentioned how he couldn't fight in a war while ill, sadness filling his eyes.
“So it is obvious how worn I am then...” He mumbled, having tried to make himself believe that his illness was not so noticeable by others.

Leo noted his brother sudden wave of depression and stepped in to make sure no fuss was made. Talan hated it even more when fuss was made. He glanced at Zemar as the boy mentioned something about a major returning for a few days, his expression changing from concern to seriousness as he looked to Pazya,
“You must get in touch with that major, Pazya. They might have some kind of news we can use.” He said, a pleading tone being heard in amongst the seriousness of his voice.

Leo too began to frown as Pazya continued to talk about the health elixir and how it might not have an effect on Talan, glancing down at his brother finding the scarlet haired boy holding his head in his hands again. He did not like his condition being talked about and fussed over. He just wanted to get on with life as much as he could, Leo knew that.
He looked back to their visitors as Zemar placed the bottle back onto the table, the smile returning to his face as Pazya said she could bring them any others that she got a hold of.
“Thank you, so much...” He said to them, their sudden kind gift to them having brought out the softness in the supposedly tougher looking twin. “I don't know how we'll ever repay you for this, even if it just prolongs life.”

“We can start by making sure that they get home without being followed, Leo.” Talan said, a slight quiver to his voice as he spoke, sniffling a little before rising to his feet, turning away so he could wipe his eyes from the tears that threatened to stream down his face. He didn't like the fuss, but he never thought that strangers they barely knew would even think of giving him something that might help to extend his life. “And then we get this information to the rest of the rebellion, and try and give Pazya something useful, so that she knows who to keep an eye out for.” He continued, his voice a little stronger now he'd gotten over his little drama moment.

Leo glanced at his brother, nodding once in reply before moving towards the door.
“Don't forget about your glamour...” He reminded Pazya, just incase. He then opened the door for both of them, offering them the most reassuring smile as he could muster. If Tzar was able to be friends with these people, he was sure they could too.

Talan followed after them,
“I'll walk you to your house. Leo will be recognised too easily as a mutt,” He explained, able to put a small smile back on his face.

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#, as written by Waste.
"There's no need to be rude." she pouted a little. Feeling quite put out, she wanted to give him a piece of her mind. Just because he thought he was so pure. "If I see that you're in trouble I just might not help if you carry on." He was walking at a ridiculous pace and she had to hurry to keep up with him, although she noticed that he'd taken her down a maze of narrow alleys. She rested a hand on the hilt of her sword as a bad feeling settled over her. He certainly seemed to know where he was going which suggested that he had been here for a while, or just that he had frequented these passages and not lived in her area. A sudden thought struck her and she put on a burst of speed when they entered a narrow alley, jumping in front of him to stop him from walking.

"Why are you being like this? Are you so pure that you can't talk to me? I'm a soldier." she reminded him, wondering what his excuse would be. She half expected him to lash out at her. More fool him, she was tougher than she looked.

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Suddenly she was baring his path, Murkulk nearly walked into her but stopped a couple of steps away. Behind his mask he allowed a humourless smile to cross his lips.
“Why am I being like this? Being like what, I am merely showing you the way to my house as you instructed.” He was not far from his hideout, but now she had blocked his path and become suspicious he doubted she would let him walk any further.

He took his hand off his dagger and spread his arms out in indifference, almost a shrug.
“What do you want me to do then? We can stand in this alleyway all day if you like but it won’t get us any closer.” He dropped his arms by his sides and stared at her, awaiting her answer.
She looked ready for a fight. Well if it’s a fight she wants, just let her try.

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#, as written by Waste.
She pressed her lips into a thin line, feeling more and more annoyed. His stare was working its way into her and she began to wonder what he was all about, it wasn't something that she had to ask him but she wanted to know what he did for a living. What his name was. Why he'd come here. She wanted to let the questions fall from her mouth in quick succession but held them back. He'd lie or just talk around them anyway. He moved his hands away from any weapons he had then let them hang by his sides. She liked that, he was making himself vulnerable but she knew he wasn't. Even weaponless this man wouldn't be vulnerable. She shifted her gaze over him. What did she want him to do?

"What if I don't want to get closer?" she asked, "What if I want to take you back with me instead?" She was very interested in how he'd react to that, she also let her hands hang at her sides rather than resting them by her weapon.

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Murkulk raised an eyebrow at the statement.
"If you did not want to get closer why did you follow me in the first place? And what would make you think going with you would be a favourable option?" He said flatly. She was becoming tiresome. He contemplated scaling the wall next to him, he would easily scramble up the steep surface with his specialist equipment. He could see no ranged weaponry on her and Murkulk doubted she would be foolish enough to throw her sword at him.

He decided it was the best option.
"I'm in a hurry, so if you don't mind, I'm going to take a shortcut." He distorted the shadows around him as he spoke and launched himself at the wall, daggers in hand.
His toothed boots allowed him to climb at an alarming rate, even if she had been able to climb the wall, even with her armour on, he would have been far away by the time she could made it to the roof.

Clambering onto the tiles, he looked back into the alleyway to check her progress but he wasn't paying much at tention to it and forgot what he saw by the time he turned around again. Making his way along the roof tops he was heading for his out of city hideout, only he knew where that was. He could lay low there for a while until things simmered down. He kept in the shaded side of the roofs to make the best use of the shadows, concealing himself from anyone wandering around on the streets.

Part of him would miss the quaint guard, she was obviously looking for a big break otherwise should would not have become the inquisition against Murkulk, but the grilling she had given him had allowed him to sharpen his mind, like her questions were thoughts whetting stone. Oh well, all things must come to an end sooner or later, preferably the latter.

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Leo and Talan Valentine
Character Portrait: Wisteria Mason
Character Portrait: Esther
Character Portrait: Liliana and Nina  Violette


Character Portrait: Liliana and Nina  Violette
Liliana and Nina Violette

the sisters who just want to be free

Character Portrait: Esther

A practiced thief.

Character Portrait: Wisteria Mason
Wisteria Mason

A young soldier, pushed by the need to be better.

Character Portrait: Leo and Talan Valentine
Leo and Talan Valentine

Mutt twins that are part of the rebellion, one with more of a motive than the other.


Character Portrait: Wisteria Mason
Wisteria Mason

A young soldier, pushed by the need to be better.

Character Portrait: Esther

A practiced thief.

Character Portrait: Liliana and Nina  Violette
Liliana and Nina Violette

the sisters who just want to be free

Character Portrait: Leo and Talan Valentine
Leo and Talan Valentine

Mutt twins that are part of the rebellion, one with more of a motive than the other.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Liliana and Nina  Violette
Liliana and Nina Violette

the sisters who just want to be free

Character Portrait: Wisteria Mason
Wisteria Mason

A young soldier, pushed by the need to be better.

Character Portrait: Leo and Talan Valentine
Leo and Talan Valentine

Mutt twins that are part of the rebellion, one with more of a motive than the other.

Character Portrait: Esther

A practiced thief.

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Re: [OOC] Xoenia. A History.

Hey, I'm really sorry but I'm going back to uni really soon and I'm having to cut back on the amount of RPs I'm in. I really have loved Rping with you all and I shall look to you in the future, when I hope to have more time. I wish you the best of luck and please feel free to use my characters and either have them as your own subs or get them out of the way for the moment.
Many thanks Rae Rae x

Re: [OOC] Xoenia. A History.

sorry guys i cant post till sat at the earliest.. more like sunday, soooo much family down at the moment!

Re: [OOC] Xoenia. A History.

Quick heads up.

I will going away on the 21st Aug. It claims to have internet connection at the place so I will attempt to post if I can.

This is more of a warning that if it doesn't have connection, that will be why I'm not posting. But hopefully it WILL have connection.

Re: [OOC] Xoenia. A History.

Thank you for the invite! I'm happy to be joining, I only hope that what I'v done is the kind of thing you want!

Re: [OOC] Xoenia. A History.

Ok guys I'm waiting on one more person, he's PMed me so he shouldnt be long in posting up a character. Then we can start.

[OOC] Xoenia. A History.

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