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Zombieland: Nut up or Shut up

Zombieland: Nut up or Shut up


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Hello America, At least, I wish I could say this is still America, but I have come to know that you can't have a country without people, and there are no people here. Welcome to the United States of Zombieland. Its funny how things can go from bad, to total shit-show... It all started with Mad Cow Disease, which became Mad Person, which became Mad Zombie. About two months into the infection is where this story starts. Your story...

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New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

Zombie Centrel


Fairveiw by RolePlayGateway

A small survivor town in southern Indiana

Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne by RolePlayGateway

Just another city in Zombieland, or is it?

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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Yes! Zombieland role play, finally. :D I love you for making this.

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[OOC: Is it okay if I start? I'm itching to write something :)]

Tori rubbed at her eyes and gazed around at the broken glass beside her. She never thought survival would be this difficult. Sleeping rough. Eating scraps. And all this walking... just to find someplace safe. If I were back home, she thought, I would be safe.. Tori quickly pushed the thought out of her mind, as well as the horiffic images she'd seen whilst on the run. Organs and gore splattered everywhere; you couldn't go ten metres without seeing something else that made your stomach turn. It was enough to mentally scar someone. But Tori was tougher than that. She was a survivor. A winner. She would never let herself forget that.

The alley Tori was currently sleeping in was dimly lit and the streetlight flickered occasionally. None of this mattered to Tori, she never got enough sleep anyway. Sleeping with one eye open, this was her way of life, and it had started even before the Zombie pandemic. But now she had to be even more alert. Let no one in, let no one win. That 's the rule she lived by.

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#, as written by Xclbr1
((Wow, this got pretty popular pretty fast! Yea, itโ€™s ok to start))

Kenton's jeep screeched to a halt, in front of his jeep was a few cars crashed, making it inaccessible. He walked over to the car in the best looking condition and turned the key. It roared to life, followed by the moans of a few zombies close by, two appeared out of an ally. He pressed down on the pedal and ran them over then moved the car out of the way. As he walked back to his car two more zombies showed up, he shot one down with the two shots but the other one kept coming, he turned his shotgun around so he was grabbing it by the barrel and whacked it on the back of the head. Kenton reloaded the gun and shot it to make sure it was dead, then got back in his jeep and drove down a rather large ally, looking for survivors...

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"No! Kaylee, run!"

The sound of a shotgun firing disturbed the silent air and soon after a scream and another shot. A few seconds later a softly crying girl stepped from the Walmart and began jogging down the road. A sniper rifle was strapped to her back and a shotgun was attached to her leg with a make-shift holster. Two pocketknives were clutched in the girl's pale hands as she walked.

"Come on zombie, zombie, zombie! Come to Kaylee!" She smirked and flipped the pocketknives open, sliding a piece of metal in place and locking it so they wouldn't close.

A zombie came running at her from the direction of the Walmart, and she waited patiently until it was within striking distance. She lunged forward and down so that she rammed into it's legs with her left shoulder. As she hit, she lashed out with her right knife, creating a good-sized gash on it's legs. The think squealed and growled, getting back on it's feet. She got to her feet and lashed out at the zombie, striking it's neck. Kaylee grinned and pulled the knife to the side, slashing it's neck open. As it fell, dying slowly, the zombie crawled toward her and Kaylee kicked it in the head.

"'Bout time you died, damn it!" Kaylee grumbled loudly.

Another couple zombies began barreling towards her and Kaylee dropped the pocketknives and pulled out the shotgun. She had never been much of a fan of guns, but she needed to get back to work looking for food.

"Stay there, Zombie. Good Zombie. Good, good," she fired, "dead."

Another couple of shots and the other zombies were on the ground, twitching.

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Elizabeth zipped down the highway in her Lamborghini that she still couldn't believe she found. She dodged around a couple wrecked cars, the car was pretty freaking epic, as it was fast, and did fairly well with everything that had happened. "Holy shit." Lizzie said, looking out the window as she watched a zombie gnaw on a corpse with all it's innards spilled out. Yum. She thought, a bit sarcastically and then smirked. This should be fun... Lizzie pulled a firecracker out of her duffel bag in the passengers seat, and flung it at the zombie which shrieked at her and ran toward the car, "Come to Lizzie now, my little pain in the ass..." She fired off a few shots and the zombie's chest, and it now lay in the highway, dead, dead.

That had provided her with great amusement and she new continued on her way to Wal Mart, she had music faintly coming from the speakers of her car as she spun her car into the parking lot, she stepped out, attached the key to her belt-loop, strapped a Sniper Rifle to her back, hung knives from her belt, and pulled her katana out. "Let's start the killing." Lizzie smirked, walking toward the entrance.

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#, as written by Xclbr1
As Kenton exited the ally, he came across a Wal-Mart with a woman entering, katana in hand. He got out of his jeep with his double barrel and a baseball bat, then entered a few meters behind the lady, being sure to keep his distance. He ran to his left to stay out of sight, and came across two zombies, who fell with the blast of both barrels, he quickly reloaded and climbed to the top of a shelf, he took out his bat and hit the zombies trying to climb up, but too many zombies stood on one side, making the shelf tip, he jumped off as the shelf fell over, making five other shelves do a domino effect, he got up and reloaded the shotgun...

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Elizabeth turned abruptly at the sound of a gun firing, she ran over to the shelves as they fell and jumped backwards, cutting down zombies with her katana. Her blond hair fell around her, escaping her ponytail as she slashed at the creatures. She yelped slightly as a zombie came up behind her, with a quick spin she decapitated it and returned to turning Zombies into puppy chow. "Having fun?" Lizzie called to the dude with the baseball bat as she kicked a corpse out of her way as she pulled out her .45 and shot a few new zombies coming from the toys aisle, she would have to remember to check that out, as it would probably provide her with further amusement.

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#, as written by Xclbr1
"Hell ya!" Kenton yelled, knocking the head off a zombie running at him.He ran to the checkouts and grabbed a snickers, eating it with one hand and shoting his double barrel with the other. He was having such a good time, he started laughing, he shoved the rest of the candy in his mouth and reloaded. He saw a zombie running at the woman, he shot it down and said "Your welcome" Before turning to shoot another. He dropped the gun and brought the baseball bat and started whacking a few more....

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#, as written by Laken
Anya wandered down the streets her eyes locked forward as she was intent on not seeing all the blood and gore that littered where she stepped. Her breathing was shallow seeing as she had just ran miles from damn zombies whose goal was obvious to eat her. Whimpering slightly, Anya pulled out the shotgun while devising some sort of plan in her head. It was not safe walking around like this, especially covered in a mixture of her own blood and the dead things. She would not be surprised if the living dead thought she belonged. What if someone tried to shoot her? What if someone-if anyone was alive-decided that she needed to be killed?

Ducking into some bushes she cocked her gun and began to let her watering, red eyes scan the abnormal surroundings. Only a few staggering zombies were around. A store was a few miles up ahead and maybe that would prove to be a good place to stay for a moment or two. Anya would have to be careful but staying here was out of the question. Pushing herself up she began to jog with as much strength as she could muster up to Walmart.

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Kaylee sighed as another Zombie fell to the ground. She picked up her pocketknives and worked her way back to Walmart and was surprised to find two people there killing more Zombies.

"What, Laelei and I didn't kill enough of them for your liking? Or maybe she attracted a few of our little 'friends'," she made air-quotes around the word friends as she flipped open her pocketknives and slid the mechanism into place.
"Come on, you ugly, hungry, cretins, come to Kaylee!"

As a Zombie lunged at her, Kaylee ducked around it, sending it into another zombie as she slashed at a new one. She backed up to a shelf and climbed on top of it, grabbing her shotgun off her back, she set her knives in front of her, still open, and began shooting the Zombies over the other girl's head.

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Trevor's goal was simple obtain Recess Cups, and survive. Recess Cups were almost as important as survival to him, he loved living, and Recess cups were something he had enjoyed since a child. As a child Trevor's family was barely middle class, his parents working two jobs. As a result he never formed a real bond with them, but he grew to appreciate how hard they were working to help him get a better life. His dad who worked in a Candy Shop for his day job, would get him a Recess Cup every Friday.

He was driving around in his truck, life had changed. However his objective was simple in the United States of Zombieland, find his parents. He'd been searching for them for three weeks, so far no leads had turned up. He was headed down to New York City, New York. Well first he was heading to a Wal Mart to continue his search for Recess Cups. He strapped a Machete to his back, and took out his Mini Uzie. Trevor's dad was a redneck, and one thing he gained from his father was his large amount of guns.

The Son of a Red Neck, emerged from his truck, and headed towards the entry to the number 1 shopping center. He heard Zombie's, taking out his guns he ran towards the noise. Got to kill the Zombie's! He spotted Kenton, and Elizabeth, and instantly he began firing at the Zombies." DIE YOU UNDEAD SOB"s!

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Elizabeth laughed, continuing to slash at the zombies. After a minute she snatched up her rifle and shot off a few zombies and ran toward the Fishtanks of the walmart, shooting a few empty ones and watched as water poured out, along with broken glass as a few zombies followed they stopped and then recieved headshots from Lizzie. She paused as Trevor entered and started firing and the zombies, she threw a peace sign at him and ran around the store, jumping onto the top of a toys shelf and shot the zombies as they began trying to reach her. "Nice to see people who aren't tryin' to eat me!" She called, kicking a nearly succesful zombie in the face and nailed it with a shot to the chest.

"This is more fun than video games!" She snickered, shooting a few more.

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(OOC: Erm... Kaylee was on the shelf behind Lizzy. You would think they might notice a twelve year old in neon clothes not covered in the gore like the zombies.)

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#, as written by Xclbr1
Kenton ran to the entrance of the store, he shot two more zombies and looked down the street, at the very end was a crowd of zombies slowly moving torwards them.

"Way too many for us" He said to himself, then ran back into the store and yelled, "Everybody! We gotta get out of here! Get in my jeep!"

He ran back to the jeep and started it up, he looked at the zombies and noticed they would be there in just a few minuets...


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#, as written by Laken
Anyaโ€™s eyes widened as she saw a huge group of zombies in front of the store slowly walking towards the opening. Whimpering she began to slowly back up, trying to be as quiet as she could but failed as a twig snapped from underneath her. One zombieโ€™s head snapped towards her. Then another. And another. Bottom lip trembling she began to fumble her gun as they changed destination and aimed at her. Calming down a bit she raised the gun and blast it. The ammo went wide.

One more shot before she had to reload and that would take time. Time she didnโ€™t have. Raising it again she aimed andโ€ฆBoom. The slug hit the zombieโ€™s head. One of the creatureโ€™s grasped her arm causing a scream to slip from Anyaโ€™s mouth. โ€œLet go!โ€ Kicking hard at the zombieโ€™s kneecap it went down dragging her to the ground. Blood from the wounds on her arm slid down onto Anyaโ€™s body resulting in a shiver to go through her. โ€œLet go!โ€ She screamed again before imitating a ground kick from a fighting game she played before this all happened.

The zombie let out what sounded to be a scream and Anya took off down the street.

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(Yeah everyone loooooves Wal-mart)

Trevor was more concerned with getting his Recess cups, then helping out a bunch of strangers. However..he didn't want to loose allies, there two things he enjoyed. Killing Zombies, and getting Recess cups. He laughed" ALL DESE ZOMBIES GONNA DIE! He quickly ran inside, more Zombies were coming. He was running out of ammo rapidly, but then he spotted it to the Candy section at the front desk. He ran smacking Zombies with his gun. RECESS! however the zombies were tearing up the area, as he fired off more shots.

"No NOT THE RECESS!" He took out his Machete, slashing through legion's of Zombies. Getting to the candy wrack, he grabbed some of the delicious chocolate candy Bars. He ran for his life as he heard someone screaming about a jeep. GOTTA GO! He burst out the entrance, pursued by zombies. He spotted Kenton. "RECEESS! I GOT EM! He leaped forward getting into the back of the jeep. "DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#, as written by Xclbr1
"We cant leave these people to die!, hold up!" Kenton said, climbing in the back, one of the modifications he put on this thing was a humvee MG turret. He climbed into the gunner seat and plowed down on the zombies, he had to get the rest of the people to the jeep before they were overrun. "Everyone on NOW!" He yelled, the zombies started running down the street, he hammered them, but the sound attracted more zombies... As soon as everyone was in, he floored it, driving off in the oppisite direction of the zombies

"Well that was close! Whats your guy's names, Im......Wayne"...

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((Sorry, Twin!))

Lizzie stared at Kaylee for a minute, "What are you talking about?" She asked before firing off a few more shots at the zombies and then heard one of the guys yell that there was too many, she almost laughed as one got his Recess and then ran out. "Shit!" Lizzie made a waving motion at the young girl for her to follow as she bolted toward the exit, knocking zombies away, clearing a path with her Katana and the flew toward the Jeep, "I'm pissed that I didn't get my Lamborghini..." She muttered, darkly and then raised an eyebrow at the name question.

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"My sister," Kaylee growled, her voice no longer cheerful.

As the guy yelled that there were too many and the girl began clearing a path, Kaylee slid the shotgun back onto her back and grabbed her knives. She jumped off the shelf and followed the girl, cutting down Zombies cheerfully. She sighed as one of the other survivors grabbed a package of Reese's Cups and she paused by the candy aisle, grabbing a few packages of sour Skittles, which Kaylee shoved in the pockets of her cargo pants. She paused for breath for a minute before heading back toward the Jeep. When she arrived at it, she climbed in swiftly and slammed the door shut. Kaylee pushed her bangs out of her face and dug her inhaler out of her pocket, taking two deep breaths of the Albuterol, she shoved the inhaler back in her pocket and pulled out a package of Skittles. She tore open the bag and quickly began munching on the sour candy.

When the guy in front asked her name, she raised an eyebrow, "If I tell you my name you'll get attached. Your loss, I guess. Kaywinnit. Call me Kaylee or I'll shoot your foot and feed it to the Zombies. I'm headed to California." The twelve year old's voice was completely serious as she spoke, and she held up a bag of sour Skittles, "Anyone want any? Alright. Didn't think so." Kaylee shoved the package back into her pocket while still munching on the open one.

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Penelope broke out of Kum 'n' Go and waved frantically at the jeep speeding past. She hoped she wasn't crazy but as she was waving her arms around and screaming she thought "Well hey, Zombies can't drive...right?"

Suddenly aware of the onslaught close behind her she decided to remve one of the pumps and set it running gasoline all over the place, the zombies had just started coming out of nearby buildings with all the noise she was making she she quickly rifled through her bag and pulled out a flare gun she ran halfway throught the street forcing the jeep to stop and also giving her enough space to fire the flare gun into the parking lot lighting the gasoline and blowing up a large amount of zombies.

"I didn't like that gas station much anyway" She grins and climbs onto the back of the jeep. "Anyway...Wal-Mart?? Seems like a kind of stupid place to pick..."

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#, as written by Eggo
(ooc:hi people you dont have too but since there are a lot of people coming in i suggest you write your namebefore you say something like i do)


Ace began running towards the large flame bout three blocks away hoping he could get some warmth for once. he soon realized there was a girl who had ignited it standing in front of it and in the path of a jeep that seemed to be on and working. things were but a silhouette to him due to the light of the fire. scanning around for straggling zombies he was thiking that the car belonged to the girl who had ignited the gas station. Ace tiptoed to the passengers side of the seat and reached to see if keys were in the ignition. instead his hand bumped into a wall of cloth it seemed...
"no! no! no! too many of you bastards!" Ace screamed as he waved his bokken like a madman hitting the jeep repeatedly

The setting changes from Zombieland (A.K.A- USA to Fairveiw


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#, as written by Eggo

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New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

Zombie Centrel


Fairveiw by RolePlayGateway

A small survivor town in southern Indiana

Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne by RolePlayGateway

Just another city in Zombieland, or is it?

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Character Portrait: Penelope Smith
0 sightings Penelope Smith played by InjectedSweetly
Yo what you lookin' at? Keep starin at me like that imma blow yo' head off!!

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Character Portrait: Anya Enigma Dawn
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Trevor "Trev" Kinvo, an immigrant who simply wants to reunite with his family. A man ready to live in Zombie land.

Character Portrait: Anya Enigma Dawn
Anya Enigma Dawn

Just trying to survive


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New York

New York by RolePlayGateway

Zombie Centrel


Fairveiw by RolePlayGateway

A small survivor town in southern Indiana

Fort Wayne

Fort Wayne by RolePlayGateway

Just another city in Zombieland, or is it?

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