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Secrets .... A three way private....

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Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:52 pm

Adelaide looked around for her best friends. She got a look of disgust from the girls that had already arrived. She ever got on with the popular girls, but for some reason, her best friend was one of the most stunning lads around and was the most popular guy in school. All guys wanted to be him and girls wanted to date him, including Addie. But, she knew that their flirting was just playful, nothing serious. She sighed and walked through the gates. Obviously her two friends hadn't arrived yet. This didn't surprise Addie. She was always the early one.

She headed to her locker to get her books sorted. It was the first week back at school after the long summer holidays and she couldn't wait to get it started. She hated her home life and hated to be home. Her father an abusive alcoholic, not even the friends knew it. She sighed, wearing a black hoodie and jeans, nothing special, but it was hiding her bruises. Finally, once she had everything ready for her classes, she sat down, and waited for the others to arrive.
Lectures have started so can't reply as much!!!


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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Idraes on Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:10 pm

"Hey Addie!" Leo called after her friend as she walked to her locker. She ran down the hallway to catch up with her. "Sorry I am late, their was actually traffic today! It as crazy!" Leo flipped her wavy blonde hair back over her shoulders. "It won't stay out of my face today!!" Leo opened her locker and grabbed her chemistry book. "Want to go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast? I am so hungry!!" Leo laughed as she slammed her locker door shut.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:33 pm

Lewis walked into the building, opening up his locker quickly, and tossing in his empty backpack. He hadn't added the weight yet, obviously, since school had just started after the holidays. He glanced around the hallway for a moment until he saw Adelaide. He didn't mind that his other friends didn't think they should be friends. That much he could tolerate. She'd always been a good friend to him, funny and sweet. He wasn't going to give that up for popularity... he had enough of that already.

Lewis walked over to her swiftly and stopped when he got there. She was talking with her best friend at the moment, he noticed. He wasn't sure what about. He hadn't been there for the whole conversation. He decided not to jump in just yet, because he'd found through past situations that it could result in awkwardness and confusion. Especially because if you only hear half the conversation (or in his case none of it) you end up saying something stupid that makes absolutley no sense.

He waited until Leo took a breath to talk. "G'morning Addie." he smiled at her. "Morning Leo." he nodded in her direction. "How are you two?"
Life is my creation; its my best friend. Imagination is my defense. And I'll keep walking when skies are grey. Whatever happens was meant that way.
~Kerli, the Creationist

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle. Life is a maze, and love is a riddle. I don't know where to go, can't do it alone. I've tried. And I don't know why.
~Lenka, the Show

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:38 pm

"Lewis!" Addie grinned, turning and hugging him tightly, even though it had only been a few days since she'd last seen him. "I'm so glad to be back at school you know?" She grinned, her geekish qualities coming through as she moved her long blonde hair out of her face to reveal her ice blue eyes.

She looked at Leo again. "Yea sure. We can head to the cafeteria. Are you hungry Lewis?" She asked, looking at him and smiling. There was something about him that always made her heart skip a beat and she was always happy to see him. She started walking towards the cafeteria with Leo.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:49 pm

Lewis grinned back at her warmly, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. "Of course I know. I feel the same way." He smiled, pulling back so he could see her. He loves being with her. Always. It didn't matter what happened before, or when or where or anything. SHe could always make him smile.

Sometimes that scared him a bit, as much as he loved it. He worried someday he wouldn't be able to stop himself from hurting her. He knew he was capable of it. Of course he was. He just had to resist and be strong because he cared, hard as that was.

"Mmm not really. But I'll come with if you want." He smiled crookedly and followed them.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Idraes on Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:37 pm

"How was yalls christmas break? Got anything good?" Leo sat down on the opposite side of the table from Addie and Lewis. Leo watched as the two smiled at each other endlessly. It was painful for her to watch these two, who were obviously in love, to not do anything about it!! Jace walked in the cafeteria door and Leo's heart skipped a beat. A smile stretched across her lips as she he walked to his normal morning table. The smile quickly faded as he reached down and kissed his new girlfriend, Ashley, lips. Leo turned back to the painful situation that was Lewis and Addie. She just realized she had been staring at someone obviously, crap. She smiled blankly hoping the two of them wouldn't mention it.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:47 pm

[font=century gothic]Addie looked at Leo, trying not to let the sad look on her face show. They didn't have christmas any more at her house. No christmas tree and no presents. She didn't tell anyone that though. Her dad wouldn't buy her anything and he'd just get alcohol. Each year though, Addie would hand him a card and present. Each year he'd destroy it and most likely attack her to. "Nothing much." She answered simply. "Just money." She added, trying to hide the emotion in her voice. "What about yours?"

She then looked at Leo and saw that she was staring off towards Jace. Addie frowned a little as he kissed Ashley. "He'll come to his senses soon and pick you Leo...." She told her..."

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Idraes on Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:26 pm

"Nah, he is happy with her and I am glad about that." Leo turned to Addie and smiled the fakest smile she could muster. Leo then remembered about her christmas and a real smile crossed her lips. "My christmas was pretty good. My dad got me a new car, VW Jetta its really nice we will have to hit the highway and head over to St. Louis, sound good?" Another smile spread across Leo's face. She didn't understand why Jace had this hold on her but he did. "Lewis, you could come to St. Louis too! We will all spend the day together it will be awesome."

((Sorry I tried to think of a city up north and I didn't really want to say Seattle too twilight. Did you ever say what state we were in, if so I can change it :) ))

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:38 pm

Lewis listened to them for awhile. He didn't neccasarily know about Addie's Christmas, but he did know it wasn't good. That much was obvious. You could just tell by the look in her eyes. Even when she tried to fake a smile. It wasn't hard to see, for him at least, knowing her as well as he did.

He briefly noted Leo's stares at Jace and his girlfriend Ashley, but he decided that was girl talk. He shouldn't interfere. So he kept his mouth shut and pretended to ignore it - like he hadn't noticed at all. Dissmissing those thoughts from his mind, he turned himself back to the conversation about Christmas.

"Lewis, you could come to St. Louis too! We will all spend the day together it will be awesome."

"Sure, If you two want me there at least. I don't want to intrude..." he glanced back and forth between them a few times and stopped on Addie after a moment.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:06 pm

Addie didn't even realise that her look had betrayed her answer for Lewis. Over the years, she'd actually become a decent liar to people and hand always managed to hide her briuses. Though, moving her hoodie up her wrist an inch or an inch from her neck, the bruising would be visible. She didn't realise that Lewis knew her that well, and if they'd been on their own, and he'd pushed at it, he'd probably have found out to.

She thought about a trip to St. Louis. It sounded good, but she was debating the idea in her mind, looking like she was thining whether to go or not, but in fact, she was debating whether it was worth going and then getting a beating from her father.

"Er, yea. Sure. We can have a trip out." She smiled finally. "I'd like that."

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Idraes on Thu Dec 25, 2008 10:40 pm

"Awesome!" She turned to Lewis, "You won't be intruding. Plus, more people, more money right?" Leo gave a little wink to the two of them when the bell rang. "I'll see you too in history, kay?" Leo stood up and waved to the two of them as she joined her friend Jenny for chemistry. She needed some academics to get her mind off Jace even if he was in all her classes. Leo let out a sigh, it was going to be a long day.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:32 am

Lewis watched Addie as she thought, trying to guess her answer. He hoped she'd say yes... he wanted to go. If she was going especially. He liked Leo of course, but there was something different about Addie that made him always want to be where she was.

Turning to Leo as she spoke, he answered, laughing "Right. So we'll figure out details later I guess."

He stood up too and glanced at Addie again giving her a smile. "See you later." He hugged her again for a minute before he started to go to class.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:40 am

Addie stood up, watching Leo walk off before hugging Lewis again. She didn't want to let go. He always made her feel good, despite her home life.

"Yea, I'll see you later." She smiled as she picked up her books and headed off to her own class.

SHe got there early and sat herself down, the rest of the class coming in slightly later and then the teacher last of all. She took notes and wrote down everything the teacher said and before long it was the end of the class and time for History. She got there before Leo and Lewis and sat herself down waiting in her usual seat.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Fri Dec 26, 2008 10:56 am

Lewis grabbed his stuff and hurried off to his first hour, sitting downto listen to the Physics teacher drawl on and on about everything he already knew. He'd always been very smart. Straight A student and everything, he jsut didn't like to flaunt it so only people who cared to pay enough attention knew.

The teacher passed out the homework and he finished it quickly waiting for the bell to ring, impatiently. He wanted to see Addie again. Badly. After what seemed like forever it finally did and quickly gathered his stuff, stood up and left the classroom and thre his books in his locker, getting his things for history and dashing off to class.

He pulled open to door of the clasroom and went to sit by Addie. "Hey" he smiled.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Idraes on Sat Dec 27, 2008 3:03 am

Nadia took the notes for chemisty. She was already familiar with material so she basically doodled the entire time. When the bell rang Nadia already had her history stuff so she went straight to class. She saw Addie and Lewis were already there but instead of socializing she hung her head, trying not to draw attention to herself and walked to her desk in teh back of the room. She organized her stuff and started reading the book she had started over the weekend, Sunshine by Robin McKinley, waiting for class to start and also half listening to Addie's conversation.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Sat Dec 27, 2008 8:40 am

"Hey..." Addie smiled at Lewis, trying hard to contain a grin.

She looked up as Leo came in and frowned. She wasn't all bubbly and everything. Sighing she turned towards her.

"You ok Leo?" She questioned.

She noticed all the girls were looking at Lewis and even one girl was approaching him again to get his attention from Addie.

"Whatcha up to later Lewis?" Jessica smiled.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:02 am

"Hey" he smiled back. "Good first hour?" He asked. He sort of doubted it. School was school, but still. He wanted to ask to be polite.

He watched Addie, following her gaze to where Leo was walking in. He frowned a bit, in confusion, when he passed them. He was sure she'd want to sit by Addie. SHe always did. He didn't have much time to consider this though before he started etting pestered by girls.

One of them, Jessica approached him rather eaerly, smiling and everything. She obviously didn't care about hiding anything.

"I'm not sure..." he hedged. "I think my mom said I have to go somewhere with her after school..." Actually he knew he wasn't doing anything but he wanted to be safe just in case she tried to get him to go somewhere with her. He didn't really want to, but he didn't want to be rude either.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Idraes on Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:47 am

Leo heard Addie but waited a couple seconds before answering, seemingly 'finishing' the page. "Yah I'm fine." Flashing her biggest perky grin she could muster she giggled and leaned over to Addie, "You better keep your man tight before that Jessica girls makes plans with him." Leo paused, the constant perky charade she normally put on was tiresome. "And no excuses you will know he will go with you if you ask him." With a wink and a small kiss on the forehead Leo went back to her desk, and picked up the book. We had a sub today which meant free time, 'yippee', Leo said sarcastically under her breath. She stop in the middle of a page for a second trying to figure out where all this bitterness was coming from, it couldn't all be Jace could it? She would have to talk to Addie later. Looking up again at Addie and then to Lewis, Leo decided that that wouldn't be a good idea those two had enough going on.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xImxLostxWithoutxYou on Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:33 am

Addie looked over at Leo. "He's not my man..." She started, embarassed at the comment.

She looked back over at Lewis, Jessica still attempting to flirt with him and get his attention.

"Hey, Lewis. What are you up to this weekend?" Addie asked him.

Jessica frowned, glaring at Addie as she tried again to get Lewis' attention.

"You can come hang out with us down at the park on Saturday Lewis..." She grinned.

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Re: Secrets .... A three way private....

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ballerina134 on Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:28 pm

Lewis tried desperatley to get Jessica away from him, but everything he said seemed to draw her in more. He didn't understand it. He couldn't be that amazing, that no matter what she wouldn't leave him alone. And of course, oh so typically, there was a sub, so not even the start of class was reason enough for her to leave. He started to brainstorm ways that might make her leave but nothing he thought of seemed even slightly plausible.

He heard Addie speak and greatfully turned his head to look at her, but he'd barely opened his mouth to answer when Jessica turned him back to her with another question. "I have to babysit my little sister." he lied, holding his breath in hopes that she'd believe him. He planned on telling Addie he wasn't doing anything later, but at the moment, being truthful was going to end him up in bad situations, most likely including a girlfriend who was obsessed with him that he didn't like, but couldn't say no too because he didn't want to hurt her. Sadly he was a little weak around girls, unless he had a good reason not to be. Now was a good reason.

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