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Snippet #1165607

located in Modern Japan-2023, a part of Blades Among Chaos, one of the many universes on RPG.

Modern Japan-2023

Modern Japan, ravaged by years of war and violence. Though from some spots, the country known for its breathtaking landscapes still manages to retain its beauty.


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Ryuu nodded upon receiving Sakura's orders. All seemed to be back to normal, with the exception of the fact that neither of them could seem to use the other's surname upon first effort. It was most odd, really; though he personally had yet to slip out loud, he was finding it difficult to avoid the error in his mind.

For her, though, it was not so grave an error. Surely she knew that her father had called him Ryuu-kun? Then again, perhaps this was not the case. In front of the men, composure and status awareness had been maintained at all times, but no so when the two were speaking alone. Aloud, he expressed only a fraction of this. "You might call me Ryuu if it is your wish, Shintate-dono. Shintate-sama was likewise inclined."

The Edo... Ryuu fell into contemplative silence, passive mask of neutrality not faltering for even a moment as he considered the likelihood of a visit from the house that had been the downfall of his own. Such was not something that would be revealed, of course, given that to do so might mean a negative tally in whatever count this Lady Edo might keep of the chances they were traitors to the Chrysanthemum Throne.

If he was a traitor for holding the views and ideals that he did, than he had never been more sure of his honor in his life. To be counted in the ranks of those who stood against such a tyrant as Takahiro was to be an ally of the people of Japan, and a higher cause he could not conceive. Still, they were not barbarians, and they would not engage in such dishonorable behavior as the taking of hostages or cruel interrogations. If they could not hold themselves to better conduct than the very corruption they fought against, then they would be doing nothing but replacing one despot with another.

No, they would be above that. In fact, their behavior would be impeccable, down to the last man. He would see to this personally. "I will see to it... but I do believe we have a guest," he continued, and sure enough, the knock on the door followed their silence. "Enter," he entreated, raising his volume enough that Yukimura-san would know the request was meant for him.


Shizuka's gaze drifted first to Edo-san. It was good to have her initial impression of the woman reaffirmed: she would not be the sort to order any sort of purge. Still, the fact that she had been ordered to by the emperor himself had her concerned. Was he really so cruel a man as to order such a thing without investigation or trial? Surely this was unjust beyond common measure, and it sickened her heart to think of it as possible. Nobody should have that kind of authority, especially not one who might use it for such purposes. Whether the Shintate were treasonous or not mattered little when she thought of it that way. At least she knew that Edo-san would not allow anything to happen without a proper investigation. So why did she still dislike even the notion of it?

Turning back to Nishimura-san as he responded, she was slightly puzzled by the fact that he seemed to be directing the story to her. Perhaps he was hoping for corroboration? She would have no trouble giving it; he was telling no falsehood, after all, though she had not known he'd thought her to be one of the Kan. She did not fail to pick up on the slight hitch in his speech, but she did not know what it meant, and assumed he simply misspoke.

The recounting of the state of the mansion brought all the sensations back to her mind as surely as she was once again standing there, and she swore the smell was still in her nose. When she blinked, the images of the bodies flashed across her mind, and her stomach turned uncomfortably. Was this why Nishimura-san did not eat, even now? Was it possible he was tormented by the deed? She could not be sure, lacking any similar experience, but she hoped he would not starve himself for it. Such things would do no good now.

He was smiling, which she took to be unusual. Certainly, it was not an expression she had seen, though there was something in it that she found contagious, though her own was tempered by uncertainty, if no less genuine for it. Shizuka was a person of simple pleasures: reading under the shade, practicing her bladework, seeing people she knew expressing happiness. These were the things she treasured.

At his compliment, she wished to protest. Surely it had only been circumstance that had made his existence apparent to her; a lucky shadow, perhaps. But the words died before they could form on her tongue, and her eyes dropped to the table, a slight tinge of pink making itself apparent. What was it with people and saying such kind things today? It wasn't a particularly common occurrence for her, which made it all the stranger. She wondered how people like Edo-san could stand to be at the center of attention all the time. Did compliments grow wearisome, perhaps? It was hard to imagine.

His last comments were to her ears naturally translated as a request, and she raised her head, nodding once in response. She had been uncertain whether or not to reveal anything even to Edo-san, but since he had decided to, she would keep her peace about it, save to ensure the woman that Nishimura-san did not deceive. "Nishimura-san gives the account better than I could have," she offered kindly. "I had come upon the estate in my travels, searched for any who might remain, and left. As you know, there were none."

A moment of silence passed, and she pursed her lips before returning her attention to her erstwhile acquaintance. "Will you not eat anything, Nishimura-san?" Shizuka did not wish to be pushy, but he did not seem in overly good health, and a little sustenance would probably do him good.