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Snippet #1285385

located in Earth, a part of The Rise of a New Legend, one of the many universes on RPG.




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The concrete walls of the square shaped prison were covered with ice. The temperature in the room was beyond freezing. Hades laid sleeping on a frozen concrete slab that was supposed to be his bed. The moisture from the air he exhaled out froze in mid air. The air in the room was so cold it could give a person frostbit after only a few minutes inside. Hades’ heartbeat was slow, his breathing was slow. To most it would seem like he was dying, but he was perfectly fine. The energy within his body kept him alive, his eyes slowly opened when he heard the door to his room open. A group of men wearing heavy winter gear and gas masks walked in. Hades slowly began to move as heat started to come into the room.

The men walked over to him and grabbed his arms, they then pulled him up and dragged him across the icy floor. They stepped out into a hallway that was made entirely of concrete, as Hades’ body began to warm faster. He was able to stand up, he looked at the lights that lighted the hallway. He held his hand out to them and electricity began flowing into his body through the lights. The men all watched and then one of them pulled out a syringe, he stuck it into Hades. Hades pupils became dilated, he then collapsed, the man who stuck him with the syringe grabbed his right leg and another man grabbed his left and they then pulled him.

When Hades woke, he was floating inside a cylinder tube of water. He had an oxygen mask over his face, he looked around and saw men and women in white lab coats watching him. They were the scientist that helped create him, he then watched as a male scientist who looked to be in his forties walked into the room. The man had black and grey hair, his beard was all grey, his eyes were dark green. The man had a scare just under his left eye. He wore a white lab coat like all the others, but his was unbuttoned showing his black shirt with a red tie and his brown pants. The man walked over to the tube and stared at Hades, he then smiled. Hades slightly smiled back. The man was his creator, the man had once told Hades, he should call him “Father” but he could never do such a thing. This man treated him like an object, He was one of the few people Hades often contemplated killing.

The water within the tube started to go down a drain that was at the bottom of the tube. When the tube was finally empty, when the tube opened Hades was handed a towel to cover himself. Hades wrapped the towel around himself and stepped out of the tube. The touch of the cold floor on his feet made him wince a little bit. The man who created him approached him and patted his shoulder and said “you are my greatest creation, and by studying you the things the human race will be capable of doing will be astronomical. You should be proud my boy.” The man gave Hades a happy smile, Hades stared at the man and then gave him a fake smile. The man clapped his hands together and said “ alright, get him some clothes and then start the training.” Two big and muscular men grabbed Hades and then took him off to a small room, in the room was a table and on the table new clothes. On the other side of the room was a second door. He put on the clothes and then looked at himself, he was wearing a black shirt a grey and white hoodie over his shirt, blue jean pants and black and white shoes.

Hades walked over to the other door, he opened it and stepped into the training room. He then heard a voice over an intercom tell him. “Your mission is to make it across this room without falling or being forced to the ground.” Hades looked at the room it was all white, nothing was in the room. Hades began slowly walking across the room, he wondered what was waiting for him. All of a sudden two tiles from the floor shot up and fired bullets at him. Hades created two shields of energy around him forcing the bullets to ricochet off of the shields. He then watched as a pendulum came swinging down toward him. He waited for it to get close, he then stuck out his hand and as soon as the pendulum hit his hand he put energy into it and it exploded it pieces. After the pendulum was destroyed he sprinted off toward the other side of the room, he then jumped into the air and created a sphere of energy around him as four saw blades flew toward him. The blades bounced off and flew into the wall and got stuck. He was close to the end, he released the sphere and then ran off to the finish. He was then forced to stop when he saw the next obstacle. It was vents that blew out icy cold air, he had seen this before, they used this on him before to chill him and stop him from using his energy powers.

Hades began walking backward, he then made a fist and sprinted forward. He jumped into the air. The air from the vents hit his skin and he clenched his teeth together in pain. He then released a powerful explosion of energy and he sent himself flying forward. He landed on the ground and rolled to stop his momentum. He then stopped himself by placing his right foot firmly on the ground and his left knee on the floor. He then looked up at the ceiling and he heard a voice over the intercom say “ you pass.” Hades shook his hand and then stood up, he dusted himself off and then walked toward the door where he would be met by guards to be taken back to his cell.