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Snippet #1288945

located in Albakove, a part of Taking her hand, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Alexis walked behind the dog sled as it bumped its way up the icy cobblestones. For his introduction, he wore a faux Sierrian Army officer’s uniform beneath his heavy greatcoat, complete with medals and ribbons. A pearl handled revolver and a stainless steel saber with a silver and white gold handle hung about his waist. His servant, Melissa, followed just behind him. Much to her continued embarrassment, she wore a full Sierrian infantry uniform, complete with men’s trousers and a steel helmet. She displayed her infantry pistol and bayonet around the waist of her greatcoat; while a rifle and her skis were lashed to her back beneath her pack.
Alexis was greatly relieved his journey was almost at an end. The two had traveled many miles for this meeting, foolish, though it was. Alexis couldn't understand why a marriage to a spoiled little princess of a distant, underdeveloped land was necessary. To support its mighty industrial economy, Sierria needed coal and oil for fuel to power its foundries, vehicles, heavy machinery and generators. Marinia grudgingly provided these fuels, along with a market for Sierria’s cheap export products and excess precious metals and precious stones; all in exchange for Sierrian iron, copper, and other industrial metals for their industry. Both countries were constantly searching for new markets and suppliers.
Sierrian explorers had been infiltrating Albakove for many years, even as far back as the days of the Sunlit Realm. They had found huge beds of coal, swamps bubbling with crude oil, and a kingdom, centuries behind the Sunlit Realm in development and civilization, with a voracious appetite for gold and silver trinkets, and myriads trade networks. Unfortunately, every trade mission had returned empty handed. Finally, it seemed the gods had smiled down on Sierria at last. As diplomatic relations with Marinia slowly deteriorated over thier latest dispute, news came that the King and Queen of Albakove were offering their only daughter in marriage, and their prospective son-in-law would share in the kingdom. While the whole premise was alien to them (marriage was a mutual choice for a couple in love to decide alone without interference), both the Foreign Minister and the High Chancellor agreed this was a stroke of luck. If Alexis could marry the princess of Albakove, he could use his influence on the royal family to forge a trade alliance with the country.
So, as the first snows of winter crept down from the mountains and high plateaus, Alexis and Melissa set off for Albakove. All was well as they rode from the capital to the end of track in the snowy White Mountains, then by dog sled through the woods into the wilderness. The day before they crossed the border of Sierria into the wild country of the Albakove frontier, things got a little weird. Alexis and Melissa stopped in an elf village for the night. That evening, the elven queen asked for a private audience with Alexis. When it was granted, the queen threw herself at Alexis’ feet and begged him not to go.
A great evil lurks in Albakove, she said. It is ruled by a race of blood-drinking demons – vampires – they are called. This princess whose hand you seek is a vampire. Please, you must turn back! She is a monster! The people of Albakove live in fear of their lives because of her ilk. She will no sooner choose you as her husband, and then she will drain you of blood and kill you.
Alexis had to laugh at the elf’s irrational outburst, and assured her “vampires” were no more than a silly bedtime story. That had not stopped the queen nor the rest of the elves from accompanying Alexis and Melissa to the frontier in a long funeral procession that unnerved even the Sierrian Border Guards manning the last checkpoint. Alexis tried not to think too much about it on the long sled ride through the forest to the castle.
It was somewhat gratifying when he finally reached the castle gatehouse. He and Melissa could finally get into someplace warm, after five days of sleeping out in the snow. It also meant the easy part was over. Now to get the girl and the prize that came with her.
"This had better be worth the long trip," Alexis remarked to Melissa. "I didn't come all the way out here in the dead of winter just to woo some picky little bitch."
"You mustn't take that attitude," Melissa admonished him. "Your mother is counting on you to finalize trade relations with Albakove. You don't want to offend the princess before you even meet her." Melissa was loathe to speak the princess' name, as it was the same name as the Goddess of War; Melissa's patron deity.
"More like the oil execs and the coal mining firms," Alexis snorted. "You know as well as I do the only reason my Mom has agreed to this is because the coal and oil lobbies have been pestering the Legislature to open a trade alliance with Albakove - by any means necessary.
"Now, time to look sharp. I think I can see some guards up by the gate. You're my honor guard."
"Oh joy. Now I finally have an excuse to wear this silly costume. I fucking hate trousers." Melissa wrestled her rifle from behind her back, clipped the bayonet to it, and adjusted her helmet. She hurried in front of Alexis. They marched straight up to the gate, where Melissa called the dogs to halt.
"Presenting his Royal Majesty, the Crown Prince of the Sunlit Throne, Alexis Soliarous," Melissa announced, standing stiffly at attention, with her rifle slung across her shoulder. She looked like a new recruit on the parade ground. The guards looked at Melissa, taking in the sight of her strange uniform and the weapon she was holding, then turned thier attention to Alexis. Alexis removed his right glove to reveal the golden signet ring on his middle finger.
"Greetings," he said. "I have come to seek the Princess Isabella's hand in marriage. I have traveled many a mile, and my servant and I wish to retire to someplace warm. I trust you have kennel facilities for my dogs, as they too have traveled far." The guard nodded, and shouted for a servant to see to the dogs and the sled. He then directed Alexis to the entry door. Alexis and Melissa headed off towards thier rooms, eager to get warm and cast off thier heavy great coats.
"Nice intro," Melissa commented.
"Thanks," Alexis replied. "We're here, and thank the gods, we're safe. Here goes everything."