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Snippet #1339209

located in Earth, 2020., a part of Holocaust of the World, one of the many universes on RPG.

Earth, 2020.

The world is ruled by vampires. Technology is amazing and the one good thing is that the wildlife and forests are beautiful,but the cities are filthy places. Many vampires prefer to live out in the country.


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Lucas grinned and dragged his new servant along with him straight forward. The hall seemed to be covered by a marble floor, though only a few feet behind the door it was covered by a carpet in black and red, arranged in alluring patterns. Now that their eyes had adjusted to the light, you could see big mirrors covering the area around the chandelier. Only the small corners behind the massive columns provided cover from the brightness. To the right were three large, oak doors, occupying about all of the wall, richly ornamented by patterns of gold, even a few jewels were worked into it. Now as you look around, you see that the builder of this mansion had spared no expansions to show off his or her riches. Streams of gold that appear as they were spiraling down the columns, the rest of those columns covered by a painting, drawn by a master of his art, that seemed to show a historical scene, which has long been forgotten. Deep blue tapestry hung from the ceiling over the walls, fine lines of silver had been weaved into the silken cloth. Aside from the three doors to the right, was a smaller, but as richly decorated as the other, door to the left and one straight ahead. The room's riches were subdued by a big, dried spot of blood sprawled across the door and tapestry to the left. None had bothered to clean it up, as well as most of the other room.

Lucas had taken her to the door opposite to the entrance, opening it, it revealed a small corridor leading to a big stairway upwards. The banister rail in the middle, surrounding the sole column, was made out of gleaming gold. A thick red carpet covered each step upward. The wall to the left was filled with small lights every few feet, though not shining as brightly as the ones behind them. On their way up, they circled the column and stood in front of another door. On the way to the door, you notice an uneven line of blood occasionally on both sides at the base of the wall, as if someone bleeding had been dragged upwards, maybe more than once. Lucas opened the door to another corridor, extending to both sides. Before he switched on the light, you could see light shine through beneath the door in front of you. Lucas waited for her to step into the corridor, before he spoke, placing himself behind her to turn her in the direction he was pointing with his finger, while speaking.

"This room is mine... mine, not yours, no... you may only enter when I invite you. yes? ... These three are for the guests, but not you... you are no guest here, you live here... until you meet your end, little Emily..."

Lucas said those words with a insane giggling until calming down a little again. He had first pointed to the first room to the right, the whole frame of the of the door was covered by the dark red remains of blood, as was the ground beneath. A bloody imprint of a hand could be found at the wall next to the door, but it seemed like it had been blurred towards the room. Than he had pointed at the three other doors in the corridor, from what you could say they were huge for a single room, as was the room of Lucas. The doors were as richly decorated as those on the ground floor. Lucas had turned his servant to the other side by her shoulders, taking a moment to swallow while staring at her neck. As he regained his calm, he continued by pointing to the door next to them on the left, than the one opposite to this and finally the one at this end of the corridor, ignoring the door opposite of them. The sight of the blood was obviously working on him, as it seemed harder for him to keep his instincts under control.

"This... yes, what was this for... mh... oh, yes, you may reach the attic from there. You will need to clean it... lots of unnecessary stuff up there ... oh, this is the lounge... nice room... nice, nice, but boring it is... The last room is full of books, books about everything... I know them all, yes I do... some are interesting, some are not. You have to order them... a little messy it had become there, it has..."

He gave Emily a moment to to memorize each of the rooms, while returning to stare at the pulsing vein at her neck. The thin cut had stopped bleeding already, but there was still this blood remaining, the skin beneath that soft it could tear by the slightest stress. Lucas opened his mouth slightly, his pearl white teeth would come into sight, the sharp fangs of a vampire alongside. His eyes slightly started to gleam red at the thought, hid behind his contacts, it was not that visible yet. Lucas stopped himself, wouldn't it be for the wrath of his uncle he feared, Emily could already have been dead. He, or better his more sane self, knew that he had to be under complete control of himself to not drain her to the last drop. He returned to stand straight up, closing his mouth.

"Mh... let's go downward, you can look around the rooms later."

He would pull her downstairs again, to one of the three large doors. As soon as he pressed the unimposing place on the wall, that seemed to be a switch, the whole room was filled by a soft orange-golden light. It revealed a huge room even larger than the hall before, you would guess it was covering nearly a third of the whole ground floor and even the first floor as you would guess from the high. It was easily 300 feet in length and 250 in width. The entire ceiling was covered by a giant painting, showing some sort of festivity, the gleaming light seemed to come from within the painting, places that would otherwise be not as notable. The gust of wind that the opening of the door had produced swirled above the floor, caring the dust along. A large door made out of black-painted oak would surely lead you to another exit, sadly Lucas stood just in the way. The walls of the room were covered with expansive paintings, though barely recognize able through the layers of dust. Golden Statures, ornamented with various jewels, showing figures of seemingly nobility and glory lined up on the long wall opposite to the doors, like the paintings they looked like they could need some care. The floor itself was obviously made out of marble, aside from the dust it seemed untouched by the time. Only another door that had to lead to another corridor behind the stairway, left the large room. After some time Lucas stepped close to his servant again.

He took her back into the entrance hall and towards the other door. They obviously arrived in the dinning room. The room was dominated by a massive onyx table in the middle. Along the table were thirty-two chairs, but there was enough space to add a few more, if needed. Like the large ball room before, there were a lot of paintings along the walls, mostly showing obviously family members. Two large cupboards stood close to the wall, they were filled with crystalline cups and other expansive dishes. One wall was filled by a lot of windows, that were colored black like any other. On the table stood a silver cup, a few remaining drops of blood were still within. The lights at the wall offered enough illumination for the room, but from the amount of candles on the table you could guess that they usually serve as main source of light. A door to the right led to another corridor as they stepped through. This one didn't look as costly as the other rooms and corridors. At the back of the corridor were five doors, each looking massive, but plain. Lucas opened the first door to the left. The room behind revealed four simple wooden beds, four chests, a small table with stools close to them. Aside from it, it was empty, if you didn't count the amount of blood, that had dried on the floor, in. Lucas looked at her, standing in front of her for a moment, before speaking again. It seemed the sight of the blood didn't bother him to much.

"This is your room... You look hungry... mh... seems so. Will you join me for brunch, yes?... We have everything... Everything? Yes, I think... for your human methods for the intake of food... you have to stay healthy... yes you do. Make yourself something to eat... you do do something to the poor things you eat before doing so... you humans are so evil... Don't worry... I will wait... I will... Come let me show you the kitchen..."

Without waiting for her to adjust to her new room, Lucas pushed her into the door close to the entrance of this corridor. It revealed that this was the kitchen. It was at well equipped as those of the best restaurants, even though it looked a little old and unused. It seemed like there was once food prepared for the most illusive guests of the house, but since the Outbreak, it had only been used for the servants to make their own food. In the past few days the fridge became the only thing used to store blood, conserved to serve as the fast food for the vampires. Now the two large fridges were filled by about anything the human servants would eat, Lucas' uncle made sure for that. Lucas would place himself on a table in the middle of the room and watch Emily preparing her food. He had never seen how human make their meals, but now he had nothing else to do.