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located in Earth Todays Time line, a part of The Patriots, one of the many universes on RPG.

Earth Todays Time line



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Location: MI
Dark Forces: HeadQuarters
Who: Alexa & Emily

Alexa looked down at Emily, more glaring than looking, really. This was the woman that had caused so many problems? This was the one that had evaded them for so long? She had to pause to think straight. She could get herself in trouble if she hurt Emily too much; after all, Annamarie might want to speak with her. Her hands remained fists clenched at her sides the entire time. "What did you think you were doing?" Her voice started dangerously quiet, but soon switched to yelling. "We had peace and safety! And you come along trying to ruin it! Are you trying to make things the way they were before? Are you trying to revive war, famine, crime? Or maybe you just wanted to destroy our peace; something against our leader?" Anything she could find out, she would.

Emily looked up into almost a reflection of herself but was not looking in the mirror she then looked away. She would not answer to this woman, she was not her leader, or superior. Emily took in a deep breath, she knew she would be in for a long trial and probably condemned to death, she only hoped Ori and Michael got out safely and were able to make it to their hideout. Emily's hands hurt like hell from the fire, she had saved Aeron's life only to be caught minutes later. Why the hell wasn't she dead? What did these leaders expect.

Emily looked up at Alexandra "I have nothing against peace, but not at the cost of giving up freedoms we rightfully have by our founding fathers... have you forgot about the rights all men were created equal?" Emily asked now. The Constitution had long been burned and forgotten and Alexander like she had been new school taught.

Alexa looked away for a second, in an attempt to calm herself enough to keep the woman alive. Then she looked back at Emily, with the same glare as before. "Clearly it hadn't worked. Before Annamarie had taken command, who was equal? Some lived in higher fashion; large houses, expensive food; and others lived on the streets, with no food, no home, no safe place to rest. They were not able to create a world where everyone was equal. Is that fair? In their time, they had even allowed is that fair or equal? They were unable to accomplish the peace we have now." Rightfully had by their founding fathers...what was she going on about? Several of them probably had slaves themselves, and even women were unequal at the time. Foolish beliefs. "They could not achieve peace like that."

"Everyone is free to live their life how they chose, and no its not fair that some are to suffer and others not." Emily sighed as she closed her eyes she would not debate this either the woman would feel it in her heart or it would not be there, "Freedom is the one thing no one could mess with." Emily spoke "Annamarie took it all away, too fast."

Alexa paused, walking away from her, but only a couple of steps, before turning back to her. "Freedom does not exist. It never has. If it did, it's what caused this mess. It's what made so many people look down on others; it caused most of the problems. The rest were caused by people that did not know how to make things equal." Her glare had vanished for a moment, but now it returned. "Peace and freedom are incompatible with each other. And peace is more important than freedom." Fewer people died trying to achieve peace than freedom; she knew that already. She knew what she stood by. This one had no clue; deluded by the same thing that had deluded their ancestors; their "founding fathers." Useless.

"IT was freedom which allowed people to come to others aids to bring the homeless into a shelter, to feed the hungry, and freedom to choose whether or not you were going to partake in such actions. Freedom was not the cause of that you yourself, the person who had the freedom to choose became the cause of the bad things going on. Just as you had the freedom to choose the good things you had freedom to choose bad things. And Freedom did exist along time ago." Emily whispered back, it didnt sound like something that will cause someone else to want another person to die.

Alexa shook her head. She was making no sense. She knew what she had been taught, and what she had learned. "People don't know how to use their freedom for others; to make things fair. Your 'cause' is only going to put everything into turmoil. Wars, famine, inequality...they all rise again. But only when you choose to argue against what we stand for, and what we know to be true. And we know enough to stay away from those delusions you have, that freedom was so important." She was already irritated by this conversation; by this argument. She hadn't cause anything but the peace that reigned now, and even then, she had only done what was necessary. She glanced around, then back to her. "People are happy enough here...and you are trying to ruin that, too, with more of your delusions."

Emily looked bewilder for a moment and then sighed "I will give you a bit of the Constitution’s own words if you like." She said now she closed her eyes for she had the entire constitution memorized as her father her adopted father taught her to memorize. "We the people of the United States , in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice , insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States Of America." Emily watched Alexandra and saw confusion... "In English it basically says if we go back to the beginning of the way the Constitution was created things will get set back right again." Emily said "That’s what..I want." Emily said "For things to be set back right. They have not been right since the day my father passed on." Emily sighed softly and looked back down. She hoped to be with her father and that way she wouldn’t have to deal with this screwed up world.

Alexa shook her head. Back to the beginning? "Back to the beginning..would mean back to slavery, hangings, and different social classes. So we're back to inequality." What was she rambling on about now? It didn't make any sense anymore. Couldn't she deal with this later? No...she had to put up with it until she received orders from Annamarie; orders that she wanted to speak with her. Or orders on how she was to die. Surely the others needed to know what happened when one disobeyed the law? "It only goes in circles...your 'constitution.' Telling you to go back to the beginning...especially if you actually take it seriously." Emily blinked and looked at Alexandra.

"Not that part, we learn from our mishaps, change things around a bit." Emily said gently now. "Good grief." Emily sighed and shook her head "You need to look at what it is being said, equality, justice for all, not some, Annamarie's justices is if you dont agree with her you die? Just like that little set up with Aeron? What was that about? She to strong for you Alexandra?" asked Emily now. "Your afraid she'd kill you to take over your position?" Emily thought about it now "You were trying to kill me and Aeron at the same time. Smart plan too bad it only half succeeded." Emily grinned at this with a mysterious smile.

Alexa paused, looking back at her. "...We didn't plan for that...I only did as I was told. I knew she would kill for a higher position...but that wasn't the point. The orders didn't get to her on time, and she didn't get out. You were the only one we were looking at killing. Aeron was...a strong leader for us, but clearly she couldn't get out in time. No use worrying about what's already gone." She paused, then shook her head, too. "People don't learn from their mishaps; otherwise, we would have figured out long ago what war could do to a country. Killing off rabble that would cause fighting and war is only a precaution to keep the peace we have now." Emily Shrugged at this

"Do you know that for a fact?" asked Emily now she was about to say something when a shadowy figure came in to the room and a man dressed in silky black shirt, black paints and black tie came in a man Alexandrea nor Emily had ever seen before. Suddenly Emily's heart skipped a beat he locked his eyes with Alexandera.

"Enough of your babbling... end it now kill her." snapped the man.

Alexa turned around to look at the man that had walked in...and so rudely interrupted them. She shot him a quick glare, then looked back to Emily. However, she directed her words at him. "You have interrupted my interrogation, and walked into my room without permission. You have no place to be giving me orders, and if this keeps up, I shall report you to Annamarie." Probably one of their citizens angered with how Locke was trying to change things, and prevent things from being as peaceful. She wouldn't doubt it.
The man grinned at Alexandera and laughed

"Oh Annamarie knows me well." The man said now "in fact it was her suggestion that I came to you and to tell you..." The man raised his arm and pulled a triger. "Your no longer needed." Emily saw the gun before it went off and saw it was headed to first Alexandra, Emily threw herself over Alexandra to protect her, as was her duty under her laws she took a weapon she saw on the desk and shot at the man who blinked and dropped his gun and then ran off. Emily stared with the weapon in her hand and looked down at a very frightened Alexandra.

"And that is Freedom." Emily dropped the gun down and fell exhausted from this day. Emily meant she was free to choose who to protect, the man coming into the room to blow Alexandra up. Or Alexandra, Emily figured she had a better chance at survival with Alexandra.

Alexa blinked, looking up at Emily. She waited for a moment, until after she had fallen, then stood up. Freedom...she would have died...but Emily had stood in the way...she shook her head firmly. She had to do as she was matter what had happened. ...Though, after this, she owed the woman a favor...she would only be able to do her best to get Annamarie to allow her to live. Would she accept that fact herself, or would she be ignored, or possibly decided to be insane, and killed, anyway? ...She could only try. "...Whether or not you get me to understand or believe you means'd have to try to talk that into Annamarie." Not that she was getting a chance...or that she was saying that she believed the woman...but she owed her now.

Emily nodded and then collapsed to the ground. She could handle fighting but after excitement she got tired and needed rest which is why she was tired now it took a lot out of her, and Emily wouldn't say it but she didn't wish death on anyone. before she closed her eyes she looked up at Alexandra and shook her head "You don't owe me anything." she whispered "Just promised to read this." Emily slipped a pocket sized book of the Constitution of the United States and then looked her in the eyes "And this, but you'd better be careful with it I understand your leader has banned both." the other was a Bible. Emily would not need either book as both were in her heart and soul and she could recite either and debate either all day long.

Alexa glanced over the two. If that was all she needed to do, that was fine. And, if she got caught with it, she'd only explain that she was looking for a way to trick others, should they follow Locke's path. Find a flaw...or something of the sort...twist the meanings of a few sentences here and there...she'd manage something. And she may actually come up with something after reading both. It shouldn't be too hard to twist meanings. But first, she'd have to understand where they were coming from...right? "I'll read them...but I won't promise anything more than that."

Emily grabbed Alexandras hand and looked her in the eyes "Its all about faith, you know Annamarie would do away with you if she thought you were a threat right? What makes you so sure your safe now?" Emily sighed she was very weak at the moment "If you had lived in my house, with my adopted dad you would see things so much more differently Alexandra." Emily was fighting not closing her eyes but she was so damn tired and sighed "I... I need rest." Emily whispered "please."

Alexa glanced down as Emily grabbed her hand. "...I need to understand how you people think to get a hold of anyone else trying to follow the path you've carved out," she answered, yanking her hand away. She didn't need to have lived with her and her adoptive father; she had had her mother, and that was all she needed to know how things worked. She waved her hand, irritated. "Rest, right; guards! I want a room guarded; she'll need to be more awake when speaking with Annamarie later. If she escapes, it'll be your heads; all of them!"

OOC: Here you go everyone Alexa & I worked hard on this one!!! :) Assume Siegfried that Emily has gone in the Helicopter without a fight. Only because she knows Michael and Ori will rescue her. <hint hint>
