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Snippet #1479016

located in Eronnis, a part of Life Anew In Eronnis, one of the many universes on RPG.




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As the bystanders and easedroppers dissipated back to their normal pace, the area around where Flin was standing was fairly open now-- open enough to notice that there were some people that stayed in place, and a few others walking towards him and the woman, and her companion. It was easier to feel the chill in the air as seconds slowed. More details to his surroundings were beginning to register in his mind. The way those in this city moved, communicated, dressed... all out of a movie. His heart thumping under his chest was all Flin needed to know that he was alive, not in some psychedelic coma that almost seemed better at the moment. He followed the woman until she decidedly stopped towards the side of the make-shift road they were on, out of any immediate horse traffic. Again, he reached his hand to the top of his head, this time taking the shades off their place as he ran his fingers through his blackish purple hair. He inspected the glasses further, looking in to his reflection off the lenses-- he was in need of a good wash, dirt staining around his neck and a little under his eye. It would be his luck that out of all places he would wake up here in some barn contraption. The sunglasses made their way back to the top of his hair, not in the mood to cover his eyes.

His comment to the woman seemed to frustrate her, and he watched as she rubbed her face in a slow, give-me-a-break kind of motion. He genuinely thought it might have been a conspiracy, but she was acting pretty convincing that at least she had no part in it. He’d give her the reason of doubt, listen to what she had to say. But his idea still sounded plausible, because in reality, how else would they end up here? Where ever here was.

I wish I could tell ya, Shades... I dunno much more about it than you, but from the looks we've been getting, we'd better keep quiet about it. 'Sides, if this were a conspiracy, we wouldn't want them to know we were onto it, would we?"

Shades, it had a ring to it, he had to admit. Sounded badass compared to Flin to say the least. But her logic on keeping quiet was in his opinion just as rational as his logic of straight-forward asking questions. He had to debate with her on this, it was just in his nature. “On the contrary,” he began, pointing his finger upwards in the direction of the sky, a way of saying hold on a second, “Say we just kept quiet about it, and let them think we weren’t on to their plan, then what would happen? Life here would continue to go on, and we’d never get back home. You can’t just pretend things are normal and stay under the radar unless your fixing on stayin’. And besides, if they knew we knew, at least we’d be getting some answers...” His voice trailed off after his last words, now crossing his arms in a smug manner, perking an eyebrow up at the woman countering him to see what her response would be. Flin had to admit he was enjoying the conversation with her, usually no one bothered trying to be a voice of reason to him.

Despite where the debate was going, she moved the direction along, “All I know is, I went to sleep last night, woke up here. Found Princess over there- And now you lot. Which reminds me, wasn't there another one over there somewhere?"

Flin followed her motions and glanced at where the man in the crowd he had seen earlier on top of the haystack was standing, but didn’t find him standing there anymore... most likely lost in the shuffle of people, or maybe even the culprit himself that took all of them here. It was possible, anything was.

"Whatever. Point is, I think we're more likely to find answers together than separately."

This was a good stopping point to cut her off- “I was in fact sleeping too, well before I ended up here. Right on the beach in sunny California. And seeing how you went through the same thing, and you’ve found others, then hell maybe there is a whole bunch of us spread around this place. It still doesn’t make sense,” he concluded, his face now beginning to show signs of question, of relative pondering. Obviously there wasn’t a full town of people here from the present day. So far he had only seen a few, with some approaching as he spoke, which had to mean it was a select group of people. Were they all connected in some way? Were they all here for some crime they committed? Some divine purpose they were supposed to create? It reminded him of the movie Nine Dead by Chris Shadley, where nine strangers had been kidnapped by a masked gunman and told that one of them would die every ten minutes until they could discover how they are all connected. Flin hoped it wasn’t the same in this case, he didn’t care for the sight of mass carnage. Hell, then again, those in the movie were still in present day Earth. Who was to say what year it was here, or if this was even Earth?

What snapped Flin back from his gaze off in the distance was the sound of the woman speaking up again:
"If I didn't know better, I would say that it was this damn thing that did it. Picked it up just last night, and it's the only thing that came with..."

He watched as she pulled out a little round mirror from her pocket, then shoved it back in as if what she was saying was crazy... but it didn’t sound crazy to Flin.

“You might be on to something... I found these shades yesterday and, besides these clothes, the shades were the only other thing that I’ve found on me. It can’t be a coincidence, I don’t believe in coincidences,” Flin muttered, tapping the plastic frame of the black sunglasses with his index finger before drawing his hand back to his sides, shoving them securely in his pockets.

What followed was the arrival of a man holding some shoes in his arms, and another with a cloak around him accompanied by some odd robot type of woman. Things were getting crazier even for Flin’s comfort. He stood quietly for a moment as he tried to measure what might unfold next, and where the conversation was going to lead.

”My name is Chris, I was sleeping in my flat in Bromley, I fell and... woke up in fairy land without the fairies..” the man continued, but Flin couldn’t help but come off peeved. He was relying the same story... falling asleep and waking up here. Flin’s eyes lit up, turning to face the direction of the woman who coined him the name Shades. Stretching his arms out, he placed both hands on either of her shoulders, not stopping to wonder if the contact would be too intrusive or not. He was strung out on his nerves anyway,

“See!” he said in a stresses whisper, gently rocking her shoulders back and forth, but not enough to cause her to falter in her stance, “Conspiracy, I’m telling ya! All of us were drugged in our sleep, injected with some type of knock-out drug... they moved us here during the middle of the night. Why else wouldn’t we remember what happened during the time since we fell asleep?” He nodded his head adamantly, eyes searching for some form of agreement in her eyes. “Forget the mirror, forget my sunglasses! There are some people behind this,” he muttered, finally releasing the woman from his grip. Admittedly he got a little over excited about the whole thing. He calmed down by introducing himself to the formed crowd around them of others who looked semi-modern day. “Name’s Flin,” he stated blunting with a hardened waved to those around.