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Snippet #1495126

located in Eronnis, a part of Life Anew In Eronnis, one of the many universes on RPG.




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((Thanks for getting me back into this for a bit MercyKilling :D))
Vic was pacing back in the Holding cell. He could hear the life from outside through a barred window a few feet above him.
Nice going Vic... not even 5 minutes here and you go get yourself thrown into Jail... Idiota! He thought. He was not made to be kept in small enclosed spaces for long periods of time. Usually he would sleep, but he just woke up! He would occasionally walk up to the door and look around, but he did not rattle it. He was desperate to get out, but he wasn't stupid. Any misbehavior would probably land him some more time in the cell.
He tried to figure out his current situation. He had just gotten back from the park, and arrived at his apartment. Okay, that was normal. He went to his room and fell asleep. Hey, why not, he had just come back from 3 hours at the dojo and a run back home, Totally normal. Then everything stopped making sense. He had a weird dream, as if he was being pulled somewhere by the arms to some where. Not normal... After the dream he woke up, though instead of being in bed, he woke up in some freaky renaissance fair, getting mugged...
It was too real to be a fair. There would be at least some people who would be speaking in normal English... Also the guards through him into Jail... No one could be kept against their will like that, especially for so long. He was in some sort of medieval city. Whisked off by... by what? He backtracked, what could he have been whisked off by, what was different about the day before he was brought here...
The Vambraces!
He shrugged off his parkour bag, which the guard had neglected to remove, probably because he had never seen a backpack, and didn't know what it was used for. Vic unzipped it and pulled out the only thing within, The Highly detailed vambraces. They looked exactly the same as the last time he examined it, so nothing was different... He snapped them both on. They were the same...
Suddenly the sound of a door opening and closing made it's way to Vic's ears. He pulled his sleeves up, covering the vambraces, zipped his backpack and tossed it back on.

After a few hours since his arrival, he got his first "visitor", that is, besides the rats. He had to bite his tongue hard so as to not lash out at whoever it was. The person was very light on his feet, he noted so by the sound and flow of her footsteps. As soon as the person walked into his field of vision, Vic was surprised to see it was a woman, Not that he was unused to seeing that, as New York had plenty of female officers, (A few of them scarier than the males). What surprised him was that it was in this time period. He remember in school how woman's rights were something that was recently won not to long from his time, but even then, their was some inequality troubles.

He watched as the woman made her way in. She had ash grey skin, though after everything he had seen so far, not much was going to surprise him. She was wearing some sort of armor that looked like a hybrid between battle armor and push up lingerie. All in all she was not bad looking, in fact she was beautiful, but he did not let his opinion be known. She walked silently over to a pot that had a significantly less than appealing aroma to it aroma to it. She poured some of it into a bowl and walked over to him. It was now that Vic remembered he had not eaten since the morning, but he ignored the hunger pangs for now. He just watched as the woman walked over to his cell.
β€œHey there, I hear you caused some trouble for someone. Want to tell me what happened while you eat?” She said, apparently trying to sound caring.
So that was their trick, send a beautiful maiden over to extort information from him. Well he would fall for it. Besides, even if he told the truth, they either would believe him, and extend his sentence, or, throw him in a loony bin. Either or, if he didn't lie, he would not be leaving at evening like he was promised.

He tentatively pulled the bowl back, and walked over to his bench and sat. He wasn't planning on eating it, It may have been drugged or poisoned. He opened his mouth to speak, and he noticed that he must have bit down on his tongue to hard, for he he could taste copper. He was bleeding. He spit off to the side, then realized that it may have been taken offensively, he tried to fix it.

"Sorry bout that, my tongue is bleeding.. Um... yea... I'm Victor Ortiz, you can call me Vic... or Victor, whatever you want, I don't mind either way... " He said. He noticed he must have sounded like a damned fool. He inhaled deeply, and started again this time devising a quick lie to make himself fit.
"Ok, So I came here from a small farm house down south,(He severely hoped that this place had farmland in the south.) It's an independent farm, we don't live in any of the cities. My mother is a tailor and me and my dad farm. Anyway, Me and my father got into an argument over the fact that i wanted my inheritance then and there, And so he did. I came here, hoping to get a few drinks and make a few friends. I went to a tavern, the name of which I forget, since i just went to the first one i could find, And I had too many drinks. I got drunk, and everything is a blur from there. I then woke up in an alley way, with some guy picking my pockets. I get up and demand my money back, and he points a knife at me. So i back away, i bump into some guy, he shoves me into the horse, on my way down, i grab onto something, which turns out to be the guards foot, and he throws me in Jail for supposedly 'Trying to pull him off his horse.' He says he'll let me out at the evening, so now I'm waiting until evening time." He finishes. Looking her dead in the eyes. He made the story pretty well, his tailor mother would explain his weird clothes, He took a bit from the biblical story, the prodigal son, from his grandmother, who was a "Catholic", And the rest was true. it was a completely probable story.

He kept his eyes on the woman the whole time, so that she couldn't say he wasn't looking her in the eyes. So he waited, maybe he would get out early for good behavior.

"Speaking of which, I never asked your name, pretty rude of me, sorry... What's your name?" He said, trying to be polite.