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Snippet #1593069

located in Altor, a part of Chronos, one of the many universes on RPG.


A peaceful land thrown into chaos.


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Carloz had taken it upon himself to ditch his beverage, leaving him dry of any poisonous relief for the time being although the sense of curling stiffness he had in his right hand would beg that he still can feel in a illusionary manner, the glass pressed against his skin and thus forcing him to twirl up his wrist slightly before freezing as he realizes that shriveled palm is once again empty and thus making it fall down in a rather disappointed and hovering stance back to the rigged cliffs sides that his bony body produce for his hips. The skeletal figure hit bone against bone, forcing a tiny tremble all over his body as the shock of pain of two hard items smacking together inside something organic even if it was dying was still a most un-pleasant experience, almost like wrapping your nerves around two rocks and them bashing there faces towards once another and of course the fact he bore little muscle and was in all instances a rather frail man he demonstrated he tenderness to pain with a swift clap of his jaws which generated a small "snap" towards everyone nearby ears before continuing with a small drum beat of his teeth hopping up and down onto there kindred as his nerves forced him to vibrate just ounce which produce a slight rattle as if keys were being shaken or metal beads were dropped upon the floor but whatever they sounded like it still was a notification of a dis-comfort, especially when accompanied with the small curl of his upper eye lids which forced the top of his orbs to be shielded by his flesh whilst at the same time the cheeks on his face lifted just and ounce as he felt the effect of his stuttering jaw come into affect and thus pushed just a small amount of skin up to the bottom of his eyes, now being hugged by his face. The black circle of ash he was bold enough to announce as an eye, it sticky tar like iris vomiting itsself into a slightly smaller size as it became victim to his previously mention facial muscles and thus it metamorphed slightly although it was only partially visible in his colorless observer, most eyes had a pool of poison, others an ocean and even a few were lucky enough to float in chocolate but this iris slept in a black and foul oil as it gaze up to everything. Carlozes other eye had apparently lost it glow just a for a moment, just a split moment it dulled out, withered like a flame that had a flame retardant clothe had been thrown over it leaving nothing but a blue sea filled with hardly any details of expression, well maybe one expression still drifted in that orb of water but since now there was no glow it seemed more cold and un-welcoming as if the clouds had blocked out the sun and drafted everything into a more shrouded complexion. Those two sensrys each slowly pushed his eye lids away from there feet and scalps, forcing carloz to gaze at everything with much more aware eyes although the were still locked between a set of canine jaws due to the oriental features he obtained on his face, each of his eyes slowly swirled from the right to gaze at a hallway which was rather ghostly in its emptiness, so ghostly that one could even catch the whispers of the wind dancing forth in the long layers of ground and off the walls, brushing his skin gently as if past with a rather blissful "shhh" before leaving him once in silence.

The hallways on the higher level were ultimately more caring than those below as light was abundance here, the usage of electronic bulbs up ahead and the constant hums of energy flowing within the walls had a habit of looking after with those insides as if the entire complex was merely a concrete womb when combined with the warmth and safety it provides, the building even handed a sense of solid strength to it as the walls were plumb with strength and vigor from careful construction although to be fair one would never see a womb with its innards painted in a shallow pond blue that was bordering on the effect of gray nor would they ever witness a organic incubator that could even come close to the level of sweat and design that the building had with its levels of floors and mass parade of rooms or inner wirings, it seemed even the tiles that lined the floor in a perfect order while bearing nothing as much as a smudge or scratch upon them. The hallways were peaceful, that was the problem, the hallways were peaceful, there was no talking of theories or missions but instead the serenades of hums coming from electricity filling the atmosphere, there was no people crowding about but a perfect eye view of a set of walls leading in a tunnel like action to the exact copy of itself until it was too far to see, the doors did not open up like a jaw dislocating nor did it slam shut like a close with a thud like hammer smashing its face into a nail. There was not even feet hitting the floor like a set of hands lazily smacking a drum, not one-"Clap..." or so it seemed at the time. The claps increased, it was not entirely easy but the sounds were not too light or not too heavy,it seemed balanced for moment although a under tone was hidden within it, a slight tap like the a metal tongue was smacking the floor, each moment that clap and tap got louder eventually forcing the cloaked figure to twist his neck ,revealing atleast a number of five veins running up roughly where his jaguar should be as he poised his melancholy pale shade of skin towards the direction behind, quickly getting a tad more white although this was far more subtle than most people since his skin was already borderline decaying or white anyway, especially since his vein mostly had struggled to keep even the most basic limits of blood flow going but even now he had become not a ghost but almost transparent although to be honest that may be a slight exaggeration.

The sickly man had happen to be just uprising from the depths of the darkness as what most consider to be a un-fortunate time, while others made way out of the angel Carloz simply did not, although a sense of stubborn bravery was the last thing exhibited by dramatic widening of his eyes, each spiraling into a rather fatter version of them selfs, practically turning into dinner plates or carriage wheels as the fact that the being walking towards him was donning a pair of lengthily wings behind his back, each shimmering with shine as the light was quickly rejected from the metallic shards upon his frame, deterred of in a altering reflection, not even allowing the shine of lights give him a warm touch even at his home. A slight tremble took ahold again as he his nerves rattled the bones in his throat like a prisoner at the bars of a cage, forcing him to his take in a rather quick wease of air as he forced his cheeks into a rather large grin, stretching his wrinkled skin like a thoroughly steamed sponge being pulled opposite directions as the angel came closer and closer to the afflicted mans presence. The man let his tongue slide for a brief second to the side of his cheek, forcing a sticky array of saliva to meld in his mouth before falling into the depths of his throat as the taste of metal entered his mind which was suggest at being the soles of his shoes, his mouth somewhat fidgeting as he did this when the vision of his foot being used to a substitute for teeth towards many un-fortunate mouth. It was swift his treads yet the nervous grip that held his body had its thumb heavily pressed upon his heart which seemed to slow it down, leaving only his taps of feet and his vision to get him through the few seconds that the angel occupied when passing through "You don't look well" spoke a tone a few feet away which forced Carloz to quickly flinch all over and send his wavey tails of hair out just a tad before swinging back into place. He barely had enough time to react, his heart had suddenly kick start and was now bashing its head against the inside of his chest so hard you would think it was a mental patient that missed it daily does of tranquilization pills as it continued to bounce around his rip cage like a mad man. Carloz only managed to muster the words "That-" He quickly interrupted, it was hardly any use though, whatever the angel was saying be heard but was only lazily being thoroughly absorbed. Carloz's ears rose up like a set of shields as he finally managed to make his head spin back into reality and calm down for a second upon the words against his Defensive device.

The at was fickle device, you can spend hours, days, years studying it and it will still rarely give you the results that you want, it took far too much practice, it was not like most magics in the sense that it can take months to make even the slightest alteration although luckily Carloz had enough experience with it to make much more cooperative in just a few days or at worst a few weeks and when the nights of work were ahead he simply let his eyes slump together a little and shoulders drop and inch when the final words of his sudden meeting came into play, what fear had been there had left. He was of course wary of the angel but the rattle had escaped his throat, the bumping had clamed down due to being dosed or perhaps just beaten the grip that once had him had shaked and frailly let go as it descending from his being. The sounds of clapping metal soon drifted from existences, only leaving a smirk on that angels face as he shifted his eyes swiftly to peek at the now exiting man before looking from the direction that he came and started to journey forth himself towards the doors of his monarch, his leader and the generally guy to yell at him when the main leader was not around to nag him into oblivion.